#undertale deltarune newsletter spoilers
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iceespizza · 10 months ago
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orbital-inclination · 2 months ago
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🎄☃️❄️ My favorite gifs from the news letter… which is most of them.
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the-irreverend · 1 year ago
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The latest utdr newsletter got me like:
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wolftroll2 · 7 months ago
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the-meme-monarch · 1 year ago
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friskyb1tz · 6 months ago
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littlenighttales · 1 year ago
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Who is this? Frisk?! Asriel?! Chara, even?! DAMN IT, INTERNET VIRUS AD MAN. TALK! *cocks shotgun* SP E A K!
I need to remind y’all, Flowey disappears post pacifist. Loading the game after going to the surface results in Flowey being GONE.
Even though he SHOULD be Asriel, he’s GONE. Not at the flowers anymore.
But this could also be Frisk or Chara! They were the ones exploring the underground. While Flowey did, too, we’re most familiar with them.
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c4rl1g · 10 months ago
Undertale deltarune new newsletter chapter 3 and 4 its done!!!!!!!!!
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Spoiler alert
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idiotic-b-gilson · 1 year ago
The Prank Theory: Or, Why Toby won't make an explicit announcement that Kris' pronouns are they/them despite that obviously being canon.
Disclaimer: people who use they/them for Kris are NOT the butt of the joke here. Although calling it a prank might be a little misleading to begin with, you'll see why.
I know for a fact, judging from my dashboard, that I am not alone in being mad at people misgendering the humans of Undertale and Deltarune (although, I will admit I used to be part of the problem up until quite recently). And we all wish for Toby to just go out and publicly announce that Kris, Frisk, and Chara use they/them only, that Mad Mew Mew is canonically transfem, etc., just to stop all the misgendering. It would certainly be nice and very helpful for the LGBTQ community. However, after giving it some thought, I've come to the conclusion that it most likely cannot happen, and the reason why is the Prank Theory. Treat it as an explanation, but not an excuse.
I came up with Prank Theory over something that's completely unrelated to the above, funnily enough. You see, I have this headcanon that Asriel Dreemurr is not cisgender. I'm not entirely sure what his gender is, but he's not cis male for sure. And I've seen a variety of different takes on this concept. For example, AUs like (Ask) Fallen Royalty by @starlightshore present Asriel as having transitioned in a more feminine direction ((A)FR specifically describes her gender as feminine nonbinary). Others still write Asriel (chiefly the Deltarune one) as transgender male (I've mostly seen that take in NSFW fanfics on AO3, which is a shame cuz it has great potential beyond that. Please tell me where I can find more). Other others still, like my beloved mutual @sukifoof, have proposed that Asriel might be agender. And, let me be clear about something: those are all great ideas, and I love them. But I started to wonder, which of these ideas is the closest to canon? Like, if we also factor in authorial intent, which of these options would fit under it, and which ones wouldn't? That was when I came up with Prank Theory, as a way to kind of imagine at least one aspect of said authorial intent.
Spoiler alert, according to Prank Theory any kind of transfeminine Asriel is incompatible with canon, but again I want to make it clear that that doesn't mean I think they're "wrong" or "bad" or anything like that, and I want to reiterate my endorsement of writing Asriel this way. Besides, my theory could be completely wrong, so...
So, after all that stuff, what does the Prank Theory actually say? Well, in summary: Undertale and Deltarune are some of the most "woke" video games ever made, but conservatives and reactionaries don't seem to have realized that yet, funnily enough. Now, calling it a prank is a wee bit misleading, since it implies that tricking right-wingers into loving a video game with a very progressive setting and message was at least part of what Toby intended. And I don't believe that's the case. He simply makes video games he wants to make, and they just happen to reflect his views on the world, and these views just happen to fly over the heads of some people.
This in and of itself would probably not make it a huge problem for Toby to put in one of his newsletters, or even in an X (as in, former Twitter) post, a correction regarding the genders of his characters. However it does start to become a problem when you factor in that the UTDR community has hundreds of thousands of people in it (although as of the March 2024 it might be a rather liberal estimate), and many of them would be quite pissed off if the video game they like had "suddenly" "gone woke" (ignorant of the fact that both it, and its main creator have been openly "woke" the whole time). And that is a problem in the current environment, because it means that Toby, as well as other people on the UTDR dev team, would be at a significant risk of hate and harassment, which in the Year of Our Lord 2024 could lead to Angel knows what.
On a more cynical capitalist (and much more speculative) level, attracting political controversy this way could sour Toby's relationship with big video game companies which have (as far as I know) played an important part in why Toby's got basically unlimited resources to work on the game of his fever dreams. They saw the widespread, universal acclaim that UT, DR1 and DR2 received, and drew the conclusion that DR3-4 (and the future chapters) will also get a similar reception, and they will get great returns no matter how much money they pour into it. This belief could be shaken if Toby attracted the ire of his transphobic fans by correcting their misgendering of his characters, and thus limiting the reach Chapters 3 and 4 would otherwise have (but again, this is pure speculation, I'm not an economist, nor do I know how much companies like Nintendo have actually invested in Deltarune. So I could be, like, way off).
And that is, in the end, why I believe Toby Fox will not make a statement regarding the canon gender of any UTDR character, at least not while Deltarune is still in development. After it's finished I think he might feel free enough to take that step. But we'll have to see.
Now, I don't know if I'm right. I feel pretty confident in my own theory, but there's a good chance I missed something. So, if I did, please lemme know. In the meantime, let's hope Toby will disprove my theory soon and set things right. And I'll see you around.
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zombvibes · 2 years ago
undertale-deltarune summer newsletter spoiler (kinda)
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the-irreverend · 5 months ago
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I've come to love this scene much more after reading the latest newsletter because it demonstrates how Asriel's relationship/understanding towards Chara changed for the better after the Pacifist ending.
It shows that even after saying that Chara "wasn't the greatest person", Asriel doesn't completely hate or resent Chara despite their failures and shortcomings as siblings, and he still wants to see them happy and content.
When Asriel said Chara "wasn't the greatest person," it meant that he let go of his unhealthy view/relationship with them; NOT THAT HE LET GO OF THE LOVE AND CARE HE STILL FEELS FOR THEM AS HE STILL WANTS TO HAVE A RELATIONSHIP WITH THEM!
Another way this scene greatly demonstrates Asriel's growth as a character is that it also shows that despite everything, Asriel/Flowey still recognizes Chara's CAPACITY FOR GOOD DESPITE THEIR MANY FLAWS.
The line "nothing can hurt anyone anymore" PROVES that he isn't saying that because of wishful thinking, but that he KNOWS FOR A FACT that Chara had good intentions (even if they paved the road to hell with them).
So when Flowey tells Chara there's nothing to worry about, he's reassuring/comforting Chara by telling them that they finally got what they wanted and that the people they care about have got the freedom and prosperity that Chara wanted for them all along, even if it didn't happen the way they intended!
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minunwithacannon · 10 months ago
This is really reinforcing my belief in Reverse Boss Order Theory
Spoilers for Spring 2024 Newsletter
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Like, that has to be a reference to Jevil, right? I feel like the connections between the other Deltarune bosses and their reverse counterparts in Undertale are stronger than Jevil and Sans. But that has to be intentional on Toby's part right?
(For those unaware, Reverse Boss Theory is the belief that each Deltarune Boss will have a counterpart in Undertale. With normal bosses having a counterpart in the Neutral route bosses. While the secret bosses having a counterpart in the Genocide bosses.
King -> Asgore; Jevil -> Sans
Q5U4EX7YY2E9N -> Mettaton EX; Spamton NEO -> Mettaton NEO
Tenna -> Mettaton)
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bullet3ater · 2 months ago
My Deltarune chapters 3, 4, and 5 theories!!!!!
I got the images provided from the Undertale/Deltarune Newsletter + idk if people have already theorized stuff I’m talking about or not but I’d just like to share my thoughts anyway
Chapter 3:
So, this gif:
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“Obviously it’s just Susie”, how foolish and unrealistic! It’s obviously DARK WORLD Susie. Now, those who are behind the times and HAVEN’T played Deltarune would be confused. “Why is this important? She’s just sleeping.” While, yes she’s sleeping, the important factor is that she’s apparently sleeping in the dark world, which would mean if no time has passed since the end of chapter 2 ending, this dark world would be KRIS’ HOUSE and that while Susie was asleep, Kris had successfully made a new dark fountain in their house. This also highly suggests, if no time really has passed, that Toriel MIGHT show up as a lightner in chapter 3, due to the fact that she was in the house as well. Now while it’s hard to tell if this might all end up being true the purple-ish background would line up with the purple-ish couch in the Kris’ living room.
I feel like it’s obligatory to talk about this as well but due to chapter 1’s secret boss, Jevil, mentioned the Queen when mercilessly killed and said Queen was the main antagonist for chapter 2, it might be safe to believe that Mike, as mentioned by Spamton (regular) AND Spamton Neo, will be in chapter 3 and maybe as the main antagonist(?)
Chapter 4:
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In relation to chapter 4, this translated dialogue pieces provide enough evidence for me to theorize for chapter 4. There’s obviously the more obvious pieces of dialogue being a Susie and Lancer interaction, but then there’s also a Berdly interaction which can potentially be directed at three people (in my opinion), those being:
Susie, as Berdly had gained some feelings for her in chapter 2.
Noelle, as Berdly seems to think she likes him
or Kris, due to them being the player character and there also doesn’t seem to be any dialogue from different characters in between (though Berdly does talk a lot)
This Berdly dialogue also mentions the Festival, meaning chapter 4 could potentially take place at the Festival/while it’s happening or it’s just the Festival being mentioned for lore purposes.
There also seems to be dialogue for some unknown characters (and a character I don’t personally recognize by name), though one of these does seem to potentially an interaction between Susie and Temmie(?) or a new character.
Chapter 5:
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In the section of the newsletter talking about chapter 5…there was this. A line about ice melting and a gif of Bugerpants in what looks like a suit. So, if ANYTHING, chapter 5 might take place in ICE-E’s P”e”zza.
I’ll say this as well even if it’s sort of a stretch, we may or may not be able to finally hangout with Papyrus in this chapter, due to the fact that one of Papyrus’s puzzles in Undertale was the ICE-E word Jumble/Search.
Anyway chat that’s the end of my super cool theory don’t forget to like and subscribe or I’ll be hit by a truck in 5 hours 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
Me and my friend conversed about this as well, they seem convinced by my silly theories
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gonermaker-ocpicrew · 3 months ago
INFO (always subject to change)
General about/Tag info
While I started this blog with archival and elaborate tag systems in mind, it doubles as a general UTDR fanblog.
I do not tag spoilers for Undertale, the 2 currently released chapters of Deltarune, or pre-release promotional material (e.g. Ch3 screenshots from the newsletters). My exact policy for proper Chapter 3 / 4 spoilers will be decided when we get serious promo (like a trailer and/or release date), but I will tag temporarily.
"Mad Mew Mew" is her default form. Fanart of her pre-transition self is tagged additionally tagged as "Mad Dummy" the same way the "God of Hyperdeath" is also tagged as "Asriel". A similar policy applies to Mettaton (except his pre-transition form is simply tagged as "ghost" due to my naming scheme for his different looks).
In the first few months of this sideblog's existence, I had a different main blog. While I tried to copy-reblog everything I'd archived here, it seems to have fucked up this blog's search system and it only focuses on what I freshly reblogged here (the #tag system is fine). For the best experience in hunting for specific overlapping tags (e.g. "papyrus 2015" for Papyrus fanart from Undertale's release year), you may want to look through this blog as well as @gonermaker-goner . If you don't know how the sitewide tag system works, jump to the very bottom of this post.
I do not use apostrophes in my organizational tags. This is to lower the risk of them breaking. Instead of "#snowdrake's mother" it's "#snowdrakes mother".
No reblog tagged as "au:" or "oc:" is my creation in any way unless specified otherwise. On that note, I tag all fanfic-y UTDR media as an "au" even if it's meant to be a canon-compliant addition to the franchise for organization.
I usually don't tag URLs since it's impossible to keep up if someone changes theirs, but I sometimes tag them for long-deleted blogs like truereset, sweetberrylover, and petscoboba.
I’ve shared like 5 posts that apply, but I tag criticism of the fangame Undertale Yellow as “utyeller neg” for blacklist.
If a Deltarune fanart references the specific events or one-off locations of a certain chapter (fanmade take or official), it gets tagged as that chapter. Characters on their own are not considered to reference any particular chapter (except in the context of content that predates the chapter it relates to). While alternate styles usually count as chapter references (e.g. the Fun Gang's doctor/nurse outfits), Ralsei's black Ch1 form does not due to its widespread use.
I used to tag darkners on their own as “#dw”, but this changed to make the tag more useful. It now moreso applies to locations and dark world variants of lightners.
My logic for distinguishing between Undertale and Deltarune in character tagging can be inconsistent, but I'll try to explain my general thought processes. If the post predates Deltarune and isn't official, it's automatically tagged as "#ut" only. If it's a character that had a role in UT that wasn't practically teasing their DR one, it's also tagged as that unless indicated to be their DR self.
I usually use the queue to publish 16 reblogs throughout each day (24 hours), but this is subject to change. Exceptions include emptying my queue so seasonal posts can publish at a certain time or when I add commentary other than short compliments.
I block people from my main blog very liberally for filtering purposes, especially if they post Sans AU content in the main Undertale tag. You can only block someone from your sideblog by entering their username into your individual blog settings on the web version of Tumblr. Blocking someone from your main only makes it so you don’t see their activity; they’ll still be fully able to interact with the sideblog. If you reply to my posts or send me asks and I don’t respond or acknowledge it, it’s possible this is the case.
Among other ships, I casually enjoy Chara/Frisk content as they only become family in one ending (I do not ship it in the context of said ending). I tag it for organizational purposes, so feel free to blacklist #charisk. I do not support Chara/Asriel nor any other pedophilic/incestuous pairing.
While I very much doubt anyone who does this is going to read the BYF on my tiny est. 2024 UT/DR blog, please block me if you “headcanon” Frisk, Kris, or Chara as boys/girls or refer to them with gendered pronouns.
On Reposts
Tumblr is pretty much the only popular social media site that lets you reliably archive others' posts. Twitter has been a dumpster fire of extreme bigotry, unfixed sitebreaking bugs, and spam for years, yet so many incredible UT/DR artists have used and continue to use it. For this reason, I sometimes repost art from there with the creator's handle captioned and a hyperlink to the art piece. As you may have noticed, reblogs are off for these reposts as they're purely on my blog for archival.
I will take down any art piece if an artist asks me to or if they have an active tumblr of a similar nature. If the latter is the case and an onsite version of the art piece exists, please show me that as well.
Many of these posts are tagged with "tag later". This is so I can go back and add tags that are used by the general fandom (ex: "#flowey") weeks after posting so they don't clog anything up.
If you're new here and don't understand how Tumblr's archive/tag systems work, let me explain. (This all pertains to the browser version of Tumblr, the mobile stuff is limited and self-explanatory.)
Unless someone has certain opt-in privacy features enabled, their archive should be accessible by going to their blog and clicking the "Archive" button in the meatball/3 dots menu. This will let you simultaneously filter their posts by month-year of publishing, post type, and one tag used. For a non-archive variant of this, search that except without the "archive" part; blogexample.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. While certain tags will automatically show up in the list, you can search for anything by searching blogexample.tumblr.com/archive/tagged/tagexample (without the italicization). If the tag has spaces, put a %20 instead (blogexample.tumblr.com/tagged/chapter%201).
For plain searching, you can use blogexample.tumblr.com/search/example. However, like I implied above search result accuracy on Tumblr is pure ass and varies from blog to blog (I've noticed a way to make it more effective is to post frequently within the first few days of using the blog).
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kaliawai512-v2 · 2 years ago
I put this in my drafts ages ago because I wasn't sure if I wanted to bring my favorite Undertale theory into this blog. But after the latest newsletter, well ... XD
I could only ever find clear evidence for Sans being from Deltarune (marvelous job compiling said evidence, OP!), but it just didn't feel right for Papyrus not to be from the same world, especially with how mysterious he's been in Deltarune.
Of course, I know this isn't 100% confirmation and everyone is welcome to their own interpretation! But yeah, I love this theory even more now.
The Sans we meet in Undertale is actually originally from Deltarune Theory post.
This post is archiving evidence for this theory pls feel free to add onto it 💕 I plan on updating this post as future chapters are released
What we know:
In Undertale, Sans has a word puzzle from Ice-E's p"e"zza a place that doesn't exist in the underground.
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Interestingly one of the words also appears as a puzzle in the darkword in Deltarune
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The door you use to fast travel in the Darkworld in Deltarune also looks remarkably similar to Sans Bedroom door:
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In Undertale if you speak to Clamgirl, and then visit Sans lab, the flavor text changes when inspecting the photo album from: "it's a bunch of people you don't recognize" to:
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The line "Don't forget, I'm with you in the dark" is a liet motif that appears all over the place in Deltarune's sound track.
In Sans fight he talks about how he "can never go back" and then specifies that he's not talking about the surface:
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And in his conversation with Frisk he talks about a feeling of wanting to go home:
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girlwiththegreenhat · 2 years ago
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I posted 28,856 times in 2022
230 posts created (1%)
28,626 posts reblogged (99%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 12,472 of my posts in 2022
#deltarune - 4,221 posts
#toh - 1,485 posts
#tiktok - 604 posts
#undertale - 587 posts
#toh spoilers - 586 posts
#cats - 555 posts
#video - 507 posts
#dogs - 430 posts
#lancer - 385 posts
#rouxls kaard - 369 posts
Longest Tag: 124 characters
My Top Posts in 2022:
“why does darius look so sad in this one” and darius being immediately worried when he hears hunter is also in trouble... is doing things to my brain
1,702 notes - Posted April 23, 2022
i totally missed it until my second watch but the cut on Phillip's nose starts to widen after he broke open that palisman, and you can see it further extending over his face (diagonally) in the shot where he's talking about the collector - not only did lilith break his nose, she's also responsible for that huge rotten gash across his face. go girl go
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1,735 notes - Posted March 26, 2022
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you literally don't understand how long i am going to be thinking about this
if this birds name is waffle or something i am going to scream
2,568 notes - Posted March 25, 2022
Owen Dennis, creator of Infinity Train, posted a newsletter explaining what he currently knows about Infinity Train's removal from HBOMax. Key notes:
He was assured Infinity Train is NOT part of the tax writeoffs, and as it stands, will not be removed from the pay-per-view/per-season websites like iTunes and YouTube
These shows were supposed to be removed next week so the companies could have time to talk to the show crews, this did not happen.
The cuts were a direct order from Discovery
Discovery was warned not to do this because it was unprofessional and would hurt relationships with their talents, and did it anyway because “they clearly do not care what any of this looks like publicly, much less about how we [the crews] feel about it. “
What little residuals they make on these shows go to the unions to pay for their healthcare.
Nobody has been able to contact any of the “higher ups” at any of the merging companies for days due to, well, the merger. Everybody��s contacts are gone or scrambled around.
Owen thinks this is, ironically, the best bit of advertising the show has gotten, because it’s drawn up so much attention towards the show and how much people love it. It’s been trending on twitter for three straight days and is topping the charts on Amazon and iTunes with how many people are buying dvds and virtual copies of the seasons.
And most most importantly...
“Is the Show Gone Forever?“
I don’t believe so. As I said, it’s apparently still available on those sources listed above, though I do not know for how long. The problem is that I can’t be entirely sure if the information I’m getting is truthful or if it’s just to placate us so we’ll stop pestering them with so many questions. They certainly haven’t earned anyone’s trust with the way they’ve handled all this, so obviously take all of this with a grain or two or a million of salt (though I’m sure you’re feeling plenty salty already). In the meantime, I’ll be working with my management team on figuring out some other kind of fate for the show
There is more, but these are the most important points concerning the most distressing parts of all of this. It’s a must-read for everybody concerned about this situation.
3,416 notes - Posted August 20, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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19,884 notes - Posted October 15, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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