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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
First week of June = June Horoscopes?
[whispers] my goal is to have them posted on the first of the month but don’t quote me on that
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watercvlours · 7 years ago
Gemini + Ravenclaw for the sun sign & hogwarts house thing. Also, my moon is libra & my rising is cancer!
you’re so POWERFUL. ur so incredibly versatile- every gemini and ravenclaw i’ve ever met is adaptable and genius in ways that constantly catch me off guard but ur constantly discrediting yourself like!! stop apologizing and doubting yourself. u could also probably do yourself some good if you’d stop procrastinating but i mean hey how’s anyone supposed to get anything done if ur not under an insane amount of pressure right!!! 
reminder for u: keep in touch with your softness. it’s not always the easiest to show to everyone else, but try not to run from it. u are good and you will do good things with your life. 
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heartmagician · 8 years ago
Cancer, Virgo, Scorpio, moon, mercury, Jupiter, 5th house, & 9th house!!
CANCER: if you could choose your child's zodiac sign, what would it be?
i honestly don’t know enough about astrological stuff to answer this confidently, but i’m inclined to answer Pisces. 
VIRGO: what's your #1 pet peeve?
being late!! i am painfully punctual always so i get sort of miffed when people are at least 20 minutes late and they don’t contact me to tell me they’re not gonna be there on time. 
SCORPIO: do you trust easily?
i think it sort of depends on the person for me. i’m not trusting of most men when i first meet them, but other than that, i sort of just set the precedent of trust in other relationships?? idk
MOON: what's your favorite song?
i have so many!! but i’ve been listening to New Friends by Pinegrove a lot lately, and that’s definitely one of my all time favs. 🌲
MERCURY: what color do you talk in?
this is such an interesting question! hopefully i’m not interpreting it wrong, but i definitely feel like i talk in a warmer color--like a golden yellow, or a soft orange.
JUPITER: what moral do you live by?
be nice unless they give you a reason not to be; love like it’s going out of style; it’s ok to be loud. 
 5TH HOUSE: name your favorite movie or show.
my favorite movie is Little Miss Sunshine!! i feel like i don’t have an all time favorite show, but i just got to season 5 of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia and i’m definitely starting to understand the hype now. 
9TH HOUSE: what's your favorite quote?
really been loving this quote by D.M. Aderibigbe as of late.
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whisperinyourdream · 5 years ago
hi adri!
21.) is there a song you can’t handle listening to, even though you like it?
obscure asks
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taygives0fucks · 7 years ago
plum, vanilla, coconut!
plum - a song that reminds me of you / your blog
pray by Sam Smith
vanilla - what I like most about you
your poetry is beautiful & also your kind spirit
coconut - a blog that reminds me of yours
@undersleptadri bc she always reblogs you
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wantinwasenough · 8 years ago
hi @taylorswift can you please follow these people:
fathma: @taylorsburnttoast
ramsey: @justmissingswift
liv: @cupoftswift
joy: @sweeterthanfction
natasha: @finallly-clean
allie: @winestainedtay
leanna: @beentheretooafewtimes
lexie: @reputeation
marilena: @taking-its-sweet-time
adri: @undersleptadri
jack: @tswiftpr
maddie: @maketheveryfirstscar
emily: @wildestdreams94
lauren: @sunsetswift89
ky: @hairundone
dani: @stitcheswift
madi: @builttofallapar
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
did u know that starfish like. don’t have blood & they don’t have brains either?? they just. eat & reproduce when their limbs fall off. is that not TERRIFYING
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
It’s that time where I remind everyone to ~probably~ expect horoscopes within the first week of the month but pose it as a question.
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
May horoscopes hopefully within the first week, correct? (I just do this to try & get ahead of all the anons who ask right as the month begins)
JHSHDKJSDKJKSJDK I LOVE U yes first week!! I’m going to put it out there that it probably won’t be may first just because i’m going to be so exhausted from this poem a day stuff that i will: want to nap (also i have lots of final papers & such but!! i will try to have them up yes within the first week)
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
Any advice for ur Gemini girl? (u know my chart so you can take that into consideration as well if you would like) just like. General advice but also about a particular Scorpio. (I say that as if you haven’t been doing so for this past year lol)
I’m going to try & not be, how you say, Biased when it comes to your advice considering I know Everything about you adri HFSHOISHLKWOIWS I’m going to make this chart based ok
a big thing that the gemini generally dislikes is the mundane, and routine. they love meeting new people and interacting on their own terms & I think that it’s easy to get yourself down when you don’t act on those desires. so my advice is to change things up, even in a small way. start reading more, or start exploring your other interests. go somewhere new if you feel comfortable. listen to a new album. start small, & I think that’ll help make things easier for you. 
as for scorpio advice: both signs are generally pretty moody which causes issues because when the other is moody they become moody and it’s just this vicious ugly cycle. I think that, even though it isn’t what you want at all, getting space is a good thing. I think you two need to learn to breathe without one another, whatever that means for each partner individually, and then you can work out the various kinks in your relationship/figure out how to move forward with your life if necessary.
sending u love, always.
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
I have been forgetting to ask but, when can we expect our first monthly horoscope of 2018 from you?
answering this now because other people are: also probably wondering
I’m writing them right now!! so either late tonight or tomorrow at some point, depending on how long it takes me :)
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
Hey guess what Cavity has been out for 2 months now :)
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
So @ the person who asked if it was weird that they’re already looking forward to January Horoscopes: my entire month is thrown off if the horoscopes are posted more than like… a week after the month begins. (I was deadass like a week behind in? October? I think?) It’s probably a problem tbh but 🤷🏻‍♀️
UHDUISDSHKDS I will: make sure that I don’t ever post them late again. blame Harry Styles for that month’s delay. 
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
american oxygen // x ambassadors 
honestly I don’t think that I have a favorite line from this one bc none of them stand out to me hdhfsksdkds but it’s: a bop nonetheless
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
5, 6, 7, 10, 12, 14, 17, 19, 21, 22, 23, 25, 27, 29, 30
5. writers you love on tumblr? oh no, SO MANY. THIS IS IN NO WAY ALL OF THEM BUT @tristamateer @alonesomes @heartmagician @heavenfay @wildfairy @freethepoets @yvesolade @writtenbysc @watercvlours @natalieweepoetry @exit152 @backshelfpoet @sometimestuesday @gayred5 @stolenwine @allthesinkingships @charlotte–ford @vagabondly @featherumbrellas
6. form poetry or free verse? personally, free verse. but I really admire people that can write well within form-related boundaries. 
7. already answered!
10. favorite opening line in a novel? GOD…..I have no idea. I know the Pride & Prejudice opener by heart but I don’t know if it’s my favorite. I’m reading Comfort Woman by Nora Okja Keller right now & that has a killer one: “On the fifth anniversary of my father’s death, my mother confessed to his murder.” I just LOVE GOOD OPENING LINES.
12. what would you like to see more of literature in the future? representation, for everyone except white cis straight men. we have: enough of them.
14. if you could have only three books, what would they be? house of leaves by mark z danielewski, looking for alaska by john green, & the great gatsby by f scott fitzgerald.
17. already answered!
19. what are some pieces you’ve written that you’re most proud of? hm, “the richter scale of emotional intensity” from my chapbook is one that I really like. I’m not sure if I have a favorite piece though, I have a lot of favorite lines but identifying favorite pieces is a lot more difficult for me.
21. what are five pieces of writing advice you’d give to a new/insecure writer? 1) make friends with other writers. 2) be honest, and genuine. 3) don’t get discouraged by a lack of notes/likes or rejections from magazines; literally everybody gets rejected. I know you get told that a lot but really remember it. 4) whenever you get ideas, wherever you are, write them down. you will definitely forget them if you don’t. 5) read as much as possible.
22. what’s your writing process? (do you brainstorm, outline etc.) so, generally when I get an idea for a poem or a short story it starts with one line, or one key metaphor. so basically I write down that line & if I know how I want to arrive at this line or how I want to follow this line or what I want the concept of the poem to be, I start trying to flesh it out. I try not to edit too much as I go, but I’m guilty of doing that (especially when using my laptop). & then when I feel I’ve given a full body to whatever I’m working on, I do some heavy editing, & then it’s all set! I really should put some more space in between editing & posting but: I love validation so that’s that. // if I DON’T know how I want to add to a line, then I just leave it & come back to it later on. I’ve found that there’s no use trying to force a poem (unless it’s napowrimo).
23. what’s the most valuable writing tip you’ve encountered? keep writing, you’ll get better. because you will. & you do.
25. how much effort do you spend on establishing a certain aesthetic in your work? generally, none whatsoever. my chapbook has an “aesthetic” I guess you could say, but that’s because all of the poems are about the same thing. I try not to fit a certain theme with my writing in general, I find that restricting.
27. how do you deal with writer’s block? I just try to use that time to read. unfortunately there’s not much I’ve found that’s been effective in automatically taking away my writer’s block, which I do get.
29. have you ever considered your demographic, and if so, what is it? not really, honestly. I’ve had people of all kinds tell me that they enjoy my writing. I don’t try to specifically appeal to any /one/ audience.
30. do you have any (possibly unpopular/controversial) opinions on writing? uhhhhh lol I don’t want to #fight but the rise of quote on quote “instagram poetry” is really discouraging to me because a lot of it is just, a really simple statement or line with heavy space bar usage. it makes me sad.
adri, queen of questions. thank you angel
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cgcpoems · 7 years ago
2, 10, 11, 12, 15, 18, 29, 30
2. have you ever found a writer who thinks just like you? if so, who? uhhhhhh trista & I are generally on the same bullshit lmao
10. do you have a creed? I do not!
11. describe your ideal day. I wake up feeling well rested. it is raining. I alternate between reading & writing & watching netflix all day in comfy pajamas. I’m fully clean. I’m either comfortably alone or next to somebody that I care deeply about. wow now I’m upset okay anyways.
12. already answered!
15. five most influential books over your lifetime. oh god. this is hard. alright so this isn’t genre specific at all this is kinda everywhere but: autobiography of red by anne carson. how to read literature like a professor by thomas c. foster. house of leaves by mark z danielewski. crush by richard siken. the picture of dorian gray by oscar wilde. I FEEL LIKE I AM MISSING CRUCIAL TEXTS HERE
18. what’s your patronus? python, fitting for your local slytherin.
29. three songs that you connect with right now. still hurting from the last five years. fake happy by paramore. is there somewhere by halsey.
30. pick one of your favorite quotes. been thinking about this one lately, from “my darling sara” by shane koyczan - “we lie there like a pile of dirty laundry and how we’ll ever come clean is beyond me, so we don’t. she says ‘it’s supposed to be dirty. and if by the end you haven’t hurt me, then you didn’t try.’”
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