#undershade dub
nullifiedva · 7 years
So it begins...
Comic by @betraeyal
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reflexicon · 7 years
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Just thought i’d let y’all know what’s been going on in my life as of late, since i’ve been pretty silent for the past couple months.
Well, to start with I had become a full time employee at Home Depot, working the closing shift, which is the biggest reason I’ve been absent from tumblr. My drawing hours are late at night, but if I’m too tired at night because I just finished working 3:30 to midnight, I can’t exactly muster up a lot of energy to do more than a doodle in my sketchbook to meet my daily quota. But I’m making decent money, though I’m admittedly still struggling.
The REASON I’m struggling now is actually kind of a satisfying one, though. Guys, I’m living in my own apartment now. It hasn’t even been a month yet, but I’m super happy with the location and the complex itself. Could definitely do with a cheaper rent, but considering the part of town I’m in I’d be hard pressed to find much better.
Let’s see, what else…
Well, I’m sure y’all saw the dub of my undershade comic? If not here’s the link
It definitely inspired me to continue the comic again despite my lack of time, but before I could work on the next page I had to go back and fix the last one I drew—I hated the colors I’d chosen for The Ruins, so it’s better now! It’s still gonna be slow going, definitely not sure I can keep a weekly schedule, but we’ll see what happens.
I’m also gonna open up sketch commissions soon, since sketches I can at least do, and I’ll do that on a separate post, detailing more on my money woes, haha.
Last little thing is that I dyed my hair purple, which is why Lil’ Blu is purple here! Dunno if I’ll keep it but I think it’s a neat lil drawing haha!
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undershade-comic · 8 years
How would you feel if some semi popular Undertale Comic Dubbers dubbed this Comic series? Such as ChromaDust, TwoAllNighters, Starbot Dubs, Pshattuck Productions, and several others?
Wow sorry I only just saw this!! But yeah, I think it’d be pretty cool if something like that happened– tho ngl I don’t rly listen to any comic dubs myself. But anything created out of love for undershade is wonderful and makes me rly happy hahaha
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