#uncomplicated makeouts are actually very complicated indeed
AnS (and I know I'm going to hurt you with this) uncomplicated makeouts
An unparalleled sensation, Hisame quickly learns, is the moment that Kiki believes she’s won. She must never know that this alone leaves him defenseless.
Tell me, she likes to whisper. Just one thing. Actors who know the game, each pretending the other does not. To what end? It’s hard to care. Not when he smiles toothlessly and spins her three-quarters of a lie. One portion of truth is inoculant enough- for his reward, she sinks her teeth into his throat. He arches under her, gasping answers to her gentle questions through his bursting heart. She laughs into his hungry kiss then, usually. He’s burning, twenty years a Northern loyalist, undiscovered, and he learns from her little indulgent boasts: that she doesn’t hate his wit. Likes that they’ve crossed swords and he has not quite lost.
That her partner has never had anyone. Not even her.
So stubborn, sheathed in sheer power and agility, and Mitsuhide’s back still hits his mattress with the slightest shove. Tell me, Hisame likes to whisper, swinging a leg over him. Just one thing. Usually he’s too busy crushing Hisame to him, too starved for an enemy’s praise, for the shreds of terrible understanding that only another soldier can give him. When he does talk, Hisame forgets-
No matter. Loose lips are a fine prize. But two knights’ yearning is weapon and armor both.
Prepare for a long winter, he writes eventually. Regret has no place where he is the victor. I’m ready to begin.
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