The Snake Pit
A boy on a hike discovers a very unusual species of snake that seems to find his insides very inviting~
CW: Snakes, body invasion, unbirth, oviposition
Tom was an avid hiker, taking every opportunity to go out to the hills and explore the trails. He'd come across wildlife many times, deer, rabbits, and even the occasional snake. It was on this brisk Saturday morning that he was exploring a new trail, and up ahead of him was a sharp bend in the trail. He turned the corner, expecting more trail, but was met with a steep hill. His foot slipped forward before he could stop, and he yelled as he tumbled down the hill and into a pit at the bottom.
Once everything stopped spinning, he checked himself over for injuries. A few scratches and bruises, but no broken bones or serious cuts. Tom breathed a sigh of relief and surveyed his surroundings. He'd fallen into a pit about eight feet deep. He tried to get up to see if he could reach the rim and find something to grab onto, but was surprised to feel the floor of the pit shift under his feet, knocking him back onto his butt. That was when he noticed that this wasn't any normal pit.
It was a pit full of snakes.
They didn't resemble any he'd seen before, or read about in local wildlife guides. They had red skin with a golden iridescent sheen, and a big black stripe running down their backs. He began to panic, unsure if these snakes could be poisonous. He stood as still as possible, hoping he wouldn't provoke them, but they seemed to have already noticed him. He panicked even more when several began slithering up his legs. He continued to sit frozen and clenched his eyes shut as one passed under the hem of his shorts. His fear shifted more to confusion, and he opened his eyes as a snake pressed underneath his underwear. Why would it want to go down there?
He gasped sharply as the snake's smooth head pressed against his vulva. He could feel it's tongue flicking around, sniffing for his opening, and as soon as it found it, it plunged in headfirst.
Tom let out a little yelp and immediately covered his mouth so he didn't provoke any of the other snakes. But it was too late. dozens of snakes were crawling towards him, and several were worming their way into his pants along with the first. Suddenly, he felt a warmth wash over him, starting deep in his pussy and radiating outward, making his head feel fuzzy. His panic began to dissipate, and his hole loosened to welcome a second snake into it. The first snake reached his cervix and began to press into it, and it took only a moment for it to give in and open for the invaders as his muscles relaxed further. The snakes must have released some sort of sedative to keep him docile as the snakes entered him.
The first snake pulled the end of its tail all the way into his womb, and the second quickly followed. Tom's belly began to bulge as the snakes nestled within him, slithering inside his uterus. Three snakes fought for the entrance to his womb as a fourth joined them inside his already gaping hole. The squirming inside of his pussy and womb drove him to climax, and his back arched as waves of pleasure rocketed through him. It was the best orgasm he'd ever had, and he almost passed out, but was brought back to reality as two snakes entered his uterus at once, stretching his cervix even further.
He would have looked pregnant now, maybe about five months, if not for the violent writing of his belly. The snakes were fighting for space inside his taut stomach, and the feeling of them squirming made him flush even redder than he had before. No! Tom told himself. I can't enjoy this! I need to- I need. . . His mind grew fuzzier as the more snakes wriggled into him. I need . . . more. . .
He spread his legs further as more snakes forced themselves into his sopping wet hole. Fluid was dripping into the dirt below him as he put a hand on his stretched belly. He pressed a little, and a snake's head pushed back against his hand, making a massive bulge. Tom gave a little moan of pleasure as more snakes entered his belly, now the size of a full term pregnancy. But still more came, and the snakes inside got even more agitated as they got more and more cramped inside him.
As Tom whimpered and came again, a massive snake approached his hole. It must have been three times the size of the others. He guessed this must be the female, and the rest inside of him were males. The female nuzzled against his shorts, then ripped a hole in them as the snake that had been sticking out came all the way in. She slowly pushed herself in, and he moaned even louder as she stretched his pussy further than it had ever been stretched before. His moans turned into whimpers of pleasure as she pressed past his cervix, and slithered her way into his womb. He could identify her, even inside his belly with all the other snakes, by how large her bulge was.
Tom rubbed his belly with both hands as he felt the snakes calm down a bit. Then he felt something different. A new bulge appeared in his massive belly, round and about the size of a softball. He pressed on it, and it had some give, but didn't feel scaly like the other snakes. Another appeared beside it, and Tom sat bewildered until he realized what was going on. It's laying eggs!
Fourteen eggs were laid before the female finally stopped. Tom's belly was massive, so much so that he looked well overdue with triplets. He felt the female inside him press against his cervix from the inside, and slowly exit his pussy, leaving him shivering with pleasure as he came again. He'd lost count of how many times now the snakes had made him come, but every orgasm seemed to be better than the last. The males inside him became agitated once again, and he felt something new inside his belly. It was getting even bigger, but this time it wasn't eggs. The males were coming inside him, fertilizing the eggs the female had laid deep in his womb.
The bulges under his skin became less pronounced as his belly rounded out with fluid, and after a moment, the first of the males exited his hole. More followed as he threw his head back in yet another orgasm, his belly shrinking with every snake that left his belly. By the time the last one came out, the ground around him, and what was left of his shorts, was soaked in his discharge and the snakes' cum. He looked about eight months pregnant, his t-shirt sitting at the top of his huge stomach. He stroked it, pressing in to feel the eggs inside. He loved the feeling of them stretching him, shifting when he moved and pressing against his walls.
Suddenly his mind became clear again as the snakes' venom wore off, and he frantically pulled off his backpack and dug around for his phone. When he finally found it, he checked the time. It had been two hours since he started his hike. Would he be able to make it back to his car like this? He weighed his options.
He had no service, so he couldn't call for help, and it was about a thirty minute walk to the car. He stood to test his balance and found it was surprisingly easy after a moment of adjustment. He saw some roots sticking out of the side of the pit he was in, and managed to climb up and out of the hole. On his walk back to the car, he thought about what to do once he got down the mountain. Would he go to the emergency room? No, his insurance had been flaky recently, and he didn't know how expensive removing the eggs would be.
He was beginning to warm up to the feeling of them inside him as he hiked. Once he got back to his car, he decided to look up wildlife matching the description of the snakes currently incubating inside his belly. Nothing came up but a few blog posts sharing stories similar to his, many of which just ended with birth a few weeks after the eggs were laid and the snakes hatching and slithering off to who knows where. Tom thought about it more as he put his phone away, rubbing his belly as he started the car for the drive home. These snakes must be rare, so he could probably sell them for some extra cash, or . . . maybe he could just keep them for himself . . .
Thanks for reading! I'm new to writing short fics like this, so I'm open to any constructive criticisms as well as suggestions for future works! I'm currently playing with the idea of commissions/patreon so if anyone would be interested in that give me a follow and I'll let you guys know when that's happening!
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bump-bun-bump · 7 months
Me, a nonbinary person, who usually roleplays as men/nonbinary people: ...
Cishet men: omggggg can you be my giantess domme pred mommy?
Me: what
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secretblogofdog · 1 year
you sound so very interested in being unbirthed my dear. am i lead to believe that all of those hypothetical questions you sent were about you all along? if you wish i can make you my baby right now. my womb is plush and cozy, waiting for the opportunity to shrink you down to a tiny little thing. you'll get all the nourishment you desire without having to fear any adult responsibility. all you will do every day for the next ten months is eat, sleep, grow, and wiggle to your heart's content.
so what do you say? am i to be your new papa?
I...would love that. Please...let me spread your legs and climb inside you. I want to feel you around me, slowly compressing and bringing me back to just a little baby. Let me be your little one and come back out ready to start anew.
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vampvore · 2 years
Tumblr media
Vore Month Day 04
Unbirth, anyone?
Personally. I think this would be a very nice last thing to see before I die
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