#unaffiliated with kpop
krillmorrissey · 3 months
will never not make me giggle that this used to be a relatively large kpop blog and is now just my platform on which i try to get whatever kpoppies are left to care about my completely unaffiliate interests like a free cuba and red dead redemption 2
anyway go follow my sideblogs @ethicalgoth or @deepwoodmotte2 if you want to watch me bitch about ongoing media
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99-nct · 5 years
𝐢𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐝 ⟡ yandere!
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-pairing: yandere! ? x reader
-word count: what are numbers?
-warnings: gore, violence, mentions of blood, mentions of torture, use of drugs, bondage, and death
-notes: based of off patema inverted
-lowercase intended
a catastrophe arose from a harmless experiment, throwing the world and millions of lives, into the sky. the blue abyss showed no mercy in what it devoured.
those who survived hid deep below the surface fearing calamity and destruction once more, and as time passed, the incident was falsely recorded. the people who were not affected by the shift in gravity began to refer to the other as the inverted, 倒さ, or perhaps, sinners.
the specks of light mingled with the rising dust, showering the passage in beaming specks. the flashlight hardly illuminated the dark tunnel from which she had arrived from, paling in comparison to the illumination from this cavern.
it’s so stuffy in here
removing her mask, she looked around more, walking further down the elevated platform. a darkness enveloped the empty air below her, the distance from the ground immeasurable at first glance.
i better head back
starting with a slow trot, she began to reenter the tunnel, breaking into a sprint once she reached the restricted barrier. carefully crawling below the safety tape, she leaped through her window, maybe they haven’t noticed that i-
“(l/n) (y/n)! what did i say about entering the restricted section?” a reprimanding voice exclaimed, “this is why-”
“now now gramps, we don’t talk about him here, take a chill pill bro,” ryoga said, feigning disinterest by looking at his hands, “besides, we found another food ration box in that section thanks to her. following your old rules doesn't necessarily equal success or survival, stop being such a,” drawing a box in the air, “square.”
“your father would disapprove of your sentiment, i’m disappointed in both of you. we’ve survived this long because of our laws, to change that would upset the balance-”
“yeah well you and your balance can suck it, lets go (y/n)” he said, offering her his hand. she cautiously took it, glancing back and forth at gramps and the floor. the two rushed out while the old man sighed.
“ i’m sorry (f/n), but it appears your daughter takes after you too much. i’m scared. what if i can’t-” he shook his head, “i must protect her..it’s the least i could do for you, (f/n).”
“sir, we’ve found one of them,” a masked individual reported back, “shall we commence with the procedure as planned?”
“yes, bring them to me at once,” he replied, smirking into his microphone, “all as planned...”
against the well wishes of her grandfather, (y/n) found herself once again at the cavern, the luminescence beckoning her forward. a loud bang reverberated around the cavern, awakening her from her reverie.
what was that?
evidently spooked, she turned back to the passage, only to see a masked figure, feet firmly planted on the ceiling in the distance.
a bat humanoid?! no, i’m probably daydreaming...
the being charged forward, a strange black box pointed in her direction. upon closer inspection, it appeared as if electricity coursed around the container. sweat slowly trickled down her face as she panted profusely. grabbing a metal pipe, she brandished it, puffing out her chest. the silhouette lunged forward, sending the sparks down the iron tube, shocking her hands.
shrieking, she dropped her weapon, scrambling back to the platform. they did not follow her, seemingly providing an idea of safety, for now. sinking to her knees, she rested her head on a side-rail. she took of her mask, allowing her hot skin to cool off.
i wonder in gramps or ryoga will find me...?
the rail buckled under her weight, throwing her body into the abyss, her screams unheard by anyone.
her eyelids felt extremely heavy as if they weighted several pounds, her headache not boding well with the rest of her aching body.
yikes that ticklish
what’s ticklish? her eyes sprung open, to find herself tangled in a tree..? it looked exactly like that of which was in her storybooks, asides from the fact it was growing upside down! staring downward, she blinked to make sure she was awake.
an endless sea of blue with specks of white, which according to (f/n) stories,  where “clouds.” it was beautiful, vast, and-
her bag slipped off her shoulder, bouncing off the branches before falling into the open “sky.” shivering, (y/n) realized this vast nothingness would swallow her whole. there would be no coming back.
it’s terrifying. (f/n), i’m scared.
tears started forming in the corner of her eyes as she began to fall through the tree. scrapes, bruises, and pain all paled in comparison to the idea of her death.
“help me please! anybody! just please-” she cried out as her body plummeted down.
an outstretched hand grabbed her trembling arm, anchoring her down. she silently sobbed, pulling her self closer to the appendage. blinking through her tears, she vaguely saw a boy, perhaps her age, standing on grass, staring at her.
he was upside down.
“w-what do you want from me?” she stuttered, lips trembling, “i don’t have anything.”
the male sympathetically smiled at her, “where you attacked by someone?”
“you! you’re an inverted!” she exclaimed struggling to free her hand.
“the same could be said for you,” he replied nonchalantly, “and i’m sure you don’t want to fall into the sky, given your desperate display, so don’t let go.”
her face flushed pink at this, “who do you think you are?”
he smiled sadly staring up into the sky, “i don’t know. i’m supposed to be 00127, but my father used to call me hiro. how do you want me to answer your question?” shocked by his response, she did not reply.
he started taking long strides, testing out his weight with the girl in tow. it felt as though he weighed nothing, like he was flying-
“hey! i’m falling again!” she exclaimed, 00127 realizing his feet where no longer planted on the ground.
“my bad, lets get you inside, miss..” he asked looking up, waiting for a response.
“(y/n). remember it,” she said, averting her face from his gaze. the male smiled, noting the hint of red on her ears.
“what do you mean, you lost her? are you fucking around with me?” he barked at the bat-like person, who flinched, “gosh, you lot are all useless. check every surveillance camera in the area. if you lose her, i will kill you myself.”
pulling out his gun, he pointed it at the trembling figure below him, “let this man serve as an example of the consequences for failure.”
“clean up this mess at once. blood stains aren’t very pleasant now are they?”
“so you love the sky?” she pondered, munching on a dorayaki, “and your dad did too?”
“maybe it’s an obsession that’s eating me alive,” he sighed, staring up once again, “who knows?”
“you talk like my gramps, act like your age for a day,” she whined, laying on the ceiling of the storage unit. peering out the door, she gazed at the airspace.
“yeah okay then,” he exclaimed half hardheartedly, “let’s get it.”
“i guess that’s good enough,” she drawled, “(f/n) is way better anyway.”
“who is that?” he asked inquisitively, slightly bothered by the fact another man’s name was being thrown around so casually.
“no one in particular,” she said, folding her arms, “so how did your father build a flying device? how does it work?”
“i don’t actually know, it floated up many years ago,” he sighed, tousling his dark hair.
“well you could just ask him-”
“he’s dead,” 00127 interjected, “he fell out of his own contraption.”
“oh- i’m sorry to hear that,” she said looking down, or rather up.
“everyone claimed it was divine action, only sinners travel up the sky,” he groaned, “such bullshit, all of it.”
“do you think that?” she asked, staring into his eyes intensely.
“no. i don’t think i would have helped you otherwise.”
“hey, what’s that sound?” (y/n) inquired, listening to a loud rumble in the distance.
00127 peered out from behind the shed, “oh shit.”
“what’s wrong? is it the bat-like man?” she frantically questioned.
“more like men, we gotta run,” he said, “come on.” he reached his arms up, “what are you waiting for?”
she tentatively grasped them, boots placed right on the door frame. the two sprung out, dashing across the great field. the sprint turned into large leaps as the duo floating forward.
“if we can get to the hole where we meet, i’m sure we can get you home!” he exclaimed, “i promise, i will take you home back to your family.”
an unknown feeling filled (y/n)’s chest, why did she feel so giddy?
a large net flew towards her, knocking her out of 00127′s grasp. the sticky material enveloped her body, rendering her immobile. he fell, tumbling back down to earth, the heavy weights attached to the mesh work, pulling her down with him.
“and success! the sinner has been captured. be sure to discipline the defect, we wouldn’t want another accident to happen to that family,” he exclaimed, a coy smile forming on his face as he ordered his men.
“wakey wakey! eggs and bakey?” a singsong voice crooned, “my sweet sinner, it’s about time you woke up.”
she opened her eyes, only to face another boy her age. his outfit greatly contrasted 00127′s, rather than a suit, it was more of a robe.
speaking of which, where is-
“tch, he’s not here,” the boy scoffed, “i wouldn’t go looking for trouble anyway.”
she tried to rush backward, only to realize her movement had been restricted, the grates in the ceiling kept her feet in place. a chain fastened her hands together, paired with a strange cylinder attached to her leg.
“now now, we don’t want this to hurt more than it should. we promised (f/n) that we would be gentle with the next sinner.” caressing her face lightly, he stared into her eyes, “or that we’d try at least.”
“what did you do to (f/n)?!” she exclaimed, smacking away his hand, “answer me you bastard!”
shaking his head, the boy sighed, “i suppose you two do look very similar, but i think i should see for myself.” switching a lever, a large curtain in the back parted.
the familiar figure was suspended in a jar, unmoving.
shaking, the (h/c) girl could hardly contain her rage, “you fucking monster! i hope you get swallowed by the sky”
“i see you still don’t understand your position. well then, allow me to remind you,” he said, the tone sending shivers down her spine. grabbing the chain, he pulled her protesting form out to the balcony, her feet no longer rooted to anything.
the cylinder appeared to pull her even further up, she would fall
“your life in in my hands sweetheart, step out of line again, and i won’t hesitate to destroy that pretty face of yours.” he chuckled, reveling in her terrified expression.
tears began to well up again as she instinctively grasped his arm. she didn’t want this, especially clinging to a scoundrel for her life. sacrificing her dignity to stay alive is by all means demeaning.
she swallowed her pride as she wrapped her arms around his torso, resigning her self to him.
“it would appear you’ve understood your place,” he said smirking into her stomach, his own arms snaking around her, “never forget who is in charge, (y/n).”
“you appear to be in a better mood recently sir,” a security officer remarked to the young man, “what could it be?”
“the sinner is mine,” he sneered, “i love that expression of hers when she realizes she is utterly at my mercy. she has no right to refuse me, i am the only reason she is alive,” he trailed off, shivering with excitement, “i’m going to exterminate all the sinners for simply being in her presence. she needs to thoroughly understand she is mine and mine alone.”
the officer masked his surprise at the sir’s strange behavior. not to long ago he only sought to exterminate anything that threatens him be it sinner or civilian, but now...
how unusual.
00011 or as he preferred, master, had constructed a bed at the highest point in the city, the only thing separating the void and her was a thin mattress. the stars and sky she cherished so much invoked a deep fear, it was suffocating.
“yes (y/n)?”
“i must be hearing things now,” she frowned, looking up, right into familiar red orbs, “i’m even seeing things now.”
“what if i said i was here, or that i wasn’t? what would you believe?” he questioned, cocking his head to the right.
“old man?” she jokingly inquired.
he smiled, “the one and only.”
she quickly embraced him, she wasn’t letting go of her hope now, or ever. he reciprocated the gesture. tired of being able to do nothing, he had to change to reach what he wanted.
“i’d have to be insane to ever let go of you again,” he whispered in her ear, “ryoga even came here to help, lets get you out of here.”
“i don’t think so,” a voice laced with disdain echoed throughout the glass dome. 00011 crept out of the shadows, looking absolutely livid. 00127 snarled as he clung to the girl, eyeing the figure at the bottom of the stairs, wary of the shinning gun.
clenching the grip, the seething boy fastened his finger on the trigger, “it’s pointless to cling to hope like that, my dear sinner, whose hand is your life in?”
“shut up you little bitch,” ryoga exclaimed, leaping from underneath baluster pouncing the man. the two grappled for control midair, both seemed equally matched. (y/n) took advantage of the commotion to fling the chair above her down, shattering the glass dome.
grasping hands, they prepared to jump,
blood floated up past the destroyed ceiling, the crimson liquid seeping from ryoga’s wound. his body slowly ascended but came to an abrupt stop, as his top caught on the metal framework.
“ryoga! how dare you? you sick motherfucker i hop-” she roared, fiercely glaring at the boy below her. rage coarsed through her body, her entire frame was shaking.
00127 leapt, the two quickly rose up, falling into the endless sky, “i’m sorry,” he lamented, tears trickling down his face, “but perhaps this isn’t that bad after all. you’re all that i have left.”
they soared up, both unsure what would arrive next as they grasped each other. perhaps they had both accepted death as they passed the clouds.
a ceiling. a multitude of buildings protruded from the sky, a vast abandoned city came into focus. the duo gasped as (y/n)’s feet met cool metal.
this situation had completely flipped.
00127′s eyes shook with fear. below him layed an expanse of nothing, threatening to devour him alive.
she held on reassuringly, knowing he would overcome his fears, murmuring sweet nothings into his ear, “it’s okay. i won't let go, you know.”
he possessively latched to her, burrowing his face into her chest. she moved forward, slowly absorbing their surroundings.
“hey, what that?” she exclaimed, pointing at a familiar gold contraption. 00127 gasped.
“it’s my fathers-”
she sprinted as fast as she could, allowing him to climb down into the belly of the vehicle. he picked up a photograph of two men, standing in front of the device. his father and a familiar looking (h/c) male.
“(f/n)-” she sobbed. he held out his hand, and she gladly took it.
“let’s get you back to your family (y/n),” he said as their tears mingled.
“yeah,” she replied staring at his face. grabbing his cheeks, she brought her face close to his. placing a chaste kiss on his forehead, she smiled, “let’s get out of here.”
they slowly descended, and despite having solid footing, intertwined hands. 00011 gawked in disbelief at two familiar figures entered the sphere of cameras. the crazy bastard actually followed through. he barked orders at his men, it was time to set the rest of the plan in action.
“can we head straight down from where i came from?” (y/n) inquired, resting her head on his shoulder. she grinned, looking down into his eyes only to flinch back. 00127’s eyes where cold and unfeeling, an unmoving glacier. deeper and darker than the sky that once threatened to swallow her, it evoked so much fear.
without warning, he forced her body down, his thighs strategically placed on both sided. 
“what was that for asshole?” she yelled, grabbing his collar. a sticky net whizzed over their heads as he forced her head down.
breathing heavily, he frowns, “i’m trying to help you.” he peered over the side of the vehicle, “it’s those bastards again. persistent, i’ll hand it to them, tenacious fuckers.”
“have you taken up my offer, boy?” 00011 sneered into his megaphone, “or should i shoot you after all?”
“i already did what you requested of me,” 00127 snarled, “i don’t recall any other requirements.”
“well, you see, i’ve changed my mind. it appears i was ensnared by my own trap, as i cannot allow you to leave with the sinner,” he replied tauntingly, his pervasive gaze didn’t go unnoticed by the shivering girl, “she is quite tempting, it’s as if i’m being enticed. ah! this feeling, i can’t get enough.”
“you promised,” 00127 exclaimed, his grip on her head tightening, “you said, if i did it, you’d leave me and her alone!”
“share her then?” he replied, glancing at his watch, and back at the descending vehicle, “time is ticking make it fast.”
“am i some sort of foreign object you intend to monopolize? am i not capable of thinking and doing for myself, because you are certainly seeing it that way,” she screamed indignantly. shoving 00127 off her waist, she locked her feet on the top of the contraption, “fuck off you pompous brat. and you,” (y/n) scowled at 00127, “me and her? don’t mess me with that shit, we aren’t lovers for gods sake! f-”
a stinging sensation stopped her from continuing, tingles ran down her spine as a dart lodged itself in her neck. the netted roof caught her limp body as the golden machine came thudding down on the grassy plain. 
she couldn’t move, not even a finger. the numbing feeling coated her figure
“it appears someones wings need to be trimmed once more,” 00011 sighed approaching the apparatus, “my beautiful bird, who do you think you can trust? the boy beneath you? the same youth who released poisonous gas on your community, upon my orders? you foolishness is quite endearing, but i have neglected educating you. i should protect you more.”
“we,” 00127 stood up while dropping the tranquilizer gun, gazing into her (e/c) eyes, “we are going to protect you. you’re all i have left and i’d be damned to let you leave me.”
pulling her down into a suffocating embrace, the two boys donned matching smirks, everything had fallen into place, exactly as planned.
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1eos · 3 years
did you see hyuna and jessi’s dance performance from yesterday? ngl i was a little disappointed, i didn’t expect much bc jessi but i thought at least hyuna would deliver. i wouldn’t even really call it a performance but it’s the title 🤷🏽‍♀️ it was just a lot of ass shaking from girls who can’t really twerk and hyuna wore a tutu.
..............................................................why would u think i hate myself enough to watch anything jessi's in? i'm not joking when i say i can't stand the sight of her 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭actually back up. why do y'all think im watching anything unaffiliated to leo anymore jgakgjkajgaj when was the last time i talked abt watching any kind of kpop performance? i keep telling y'all i do not care abt kpop like that. anyways i can say im not really surprised. hyuna performs her songs well ofc nd she's an icon ofc but when its like..........a freeform dance performance it's just not........it 😭 most of those kpop dance stages aren't much of anything bc most of them aren't dancers nd when u remove the set choreo of a song its just whatever
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1eos · 4 years
I acknowledge Mamamoo are racist. I do enjoy their music though, and I would like to hear your opinion on whether the music can be separated from the artist?
imo nope. it can't. ofc you can't make yourself hate a song nd we all have at least one artist we despise with a good song but there's no real separation btwn art nd artist. art is a product from the self nd if the self is bigoted then the art is tainted too. it's the same as harry potter being offensive to it's core bc the author is a bigot. even if mamamoo aren't saying 'we hate blacks' in their songs separating them from their music nd supporting them nd spreading their songs around is still being complacent abt racism bc they're not facing consequences from their actions. when you stream their shit on spotify or use their music in kpop vids you're normalizing them nd allowing more ppl to get into them..... but again ik you cant make yourself dislike a song bc the artist is unlikable nd im not gonna pretend that i don't EVER listen to musicians that have fucked up but i DO refuse to financially support and/or defend them. i illegally download their music nd i don't promo them either bc they don't deserve it. like you'll never see me reblogging a k*nye audio post or defending him on here even tho gold digger has been illegally downloaded on my phone nd comes on shuffle. i just ask that ppl NOT make excuses for fucked up musicians bc they like their music nd i ask that they DON'T promote them 😭😭😭😭😭 that's really the bare minimum. don't watch their mvs or their lives just watch those unaffiliated lyric videos bc shitty ppl don't deserve to thrive just bc they have a good song or two. even tho i don't think mamamoos music is good at all i would have more respect for someone who acknowledges their fuck ups nd pirates their music than someone who just says 'seperate the art from the artist' nd streams their music on spotify
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