#un:lee jieun
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           THE SHRIEKING HARPY HAS THE SCOOP ON                                    the infamous choi sua !
Here’s what our columnist found out about this 24 year old...
blood status: muggle born lineage: n/a occupation: student & photographer  residence: gwishin-dong wand: willow & unicorn hair ( 10 ½" and slightly yielding flexibility ) faction: neutral alignment: muggle support organization: photographer for the augury silhak speciality: potions sejong major: arts
Inside resources have said Sua...
smells petrichor, fresh laundry, and lemons upon taking amortentia sees random people coming out and surrounding her (attention) when facing a boggart conjures a white mare when performing expecto patronus.
      There was a hunch in a six year old Sua‘s mind that she was a different pea in a pot full of muggles the second she wished for the classroom windows to shatter and distract the boy who kept kicking her seat while the rest of her classmates giggled. If only she had a voice loud enough and stance big enough to tell them off instead of shrinking three times her already small size. Sua could only ever wish for them to stop, wish for a distractions or proper adult supervision. Though, hadn‘t she blocked her voice off and fought, the classroom windows would have never shattered. She only remembered the panic in the room once the glass gracefully split in multiple pieces and fell with a deafening thud, as she stayed in her seat, staring while a phrase kept appearing in her mind „I did this“.
      Joining a new school, a school full of her own, as some say, should have been her gateway to becoming a whole person. Though, not having close to any social skills only thickened her shy exterior and she walked the hallways of Silhak school on her own, swaying away from any possible contact or interactions and quickly earning the title of a loner, which even got a certain spice to it as soon as snarkier peers figured out that she was no more but a muggle born student.
      Born into a borderline middle-class muggle family, they never had a lot. And a sudden reveal of the magic that laid within the daughter of the Choi household had her parents struggling to cope emotionally and financially. The only thing Sua ever received on her birthday was money that she could use to buy books for school. Therefore, when in her sixth year of Shilak she received a small box instead of an envelope, curiosity and surprise burned her from within. A white, simple digital camera lied in it and Sua‘s own thoughts muted out the sound of her parents explaining that they wanted to get her something she could make memories with. Though, all that crossed Sua‘s mind was whether there would be any use of the camera in the magic world.
      By year seven the loner became a loner with a camera. Honestly, Sua was not that sure whether the rules even allowed her to carry around an apparatus from the muggle world in school and the magic districts, but hiding behind it, looking at the world around her through the viewfinder had her straighten her frame and gain confidence. It was like her shield, as long as Sua stood behind it, she had a voice. A barely audible one, but it was a voice. That’s why to this day she looks at people through the viewfinder of the camera that she purchased in Gwishin-dong after saving money for five years and buying fifth-hand books instead of new ones.
      The ways people reacted to a shadow presence like Sua herself seemed to range from mundane like curiosity to resenting remarks. Those she captured it the form of frowning faces and open mouths. Looking back at the pictures of muted screaming people made the fear of those who pushed her around, especially those who lived by the rules of the Cult grow in her with every frame she took. There was always something in their eyes that made her feel weak and vigorously hide who she was. As she moved on to the Sejong Institute to study art, her forceful ignorance of the overpowering feeling consuming her from within had played her like a puppet, as Sua became borderline irrational towards most pure bloods as their presence fettered her limbs. That’s how Sua started searching for places of safety, one of which just happened to become the Muggle Support. It was a place of solace where Sua finally managed to put her camera down and look the other people in the eye. Words did not leave her mouth for a moment or two, but as the people of similar mindset spoke, a sense of familiarity lulled her into speaking as she went trough each picture she took on her camera and the emotions the frames had her feeling, as in between every other shot of whatever was happening in the wizarding world that week lied peaces of the mundane life - pictured taken in the secrecy of the house she grew up in or in the parks of muggle Seoul.
      The foreign feeling of speaking what she felt caught her off guard and swayed with her lightly, the sounds of the resistance becoming the music. It was then that she cracked, desperately grasping onto the hands of the fellow Muggle Support to implement a spur-of-the-moment act. Something that did not require a loud voice. It took the group three hours of constant moving to decorate the halls of Sejong Institute as well a part of Gwishin-dong streets in her own, two-set pictures. Ones showed the disarray that was the every day life of a wizard - moments of the protests, riots, some of the images visiting the hierarchy and implied supremacy of the pure blood wizards - something she had first hand knowledge of. Next to those pictures lied visually similar ones the student took in the sacredness of the mundane life from which she came from, ones of the highly resented muggle world. It was her own, silent form of protest against the spite, anger, hierarchy and everything else that came along with the organized chaos different ideologies caused. The on the spot exposition caused an uproar and the revolutionists whispered asking for a name. After two more similar occurrences she managed to pull off near the Institute and the Museum while keeping her stuttering presence in the darkness of the shadows, Sua ended up swearing to take the secret of The Augury to her grave, becoming a photographer for the famous resistance paper, as the show she put on drew their attention. Another chance to continue her small, barely verbal protest against the current world was handed to her in the form of the job along with a way to tame her paranoia and forget of the healing potions she kept in the pockets of her coat.
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