#umemiya seiichi x reader
norimiya · 3 years
i love ur writing sm!!! can i please get seiichi umemiya relationship hcs <33
Dating Umemiya Headcanons!
these took an embarrassing amount of time, apologies :))
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With dating umemiya you get a best friend and a boyfriend. 
I can’t necessarily explain why but i just think that he’d be the kind of guy that would forget you two are dating for the first couple of months and ask you out as if you haven’t been dating already…
He looks rather intimidating but we all know he’s got a personality that rivals a golden retriever in a way. 
I’d figure he wouldn’t have much experience with dating much (he’d 100% ask nao for help, but then again- he doesn’t know much himself) but he’d really try his best especially if it’s for you. 
I’m quite repetitive with the whole ‘won’t do anything affectionate in public unless you’re comfortable with it’ because they’re all respectable okay!! 
Now, umemiya is kind of a loophole (?) only because he gets way cautious when people point and look. 
His first instinct is to make sure you’re safe and then he feels embarrassed because it’s only a baseball fan that recognized him and wanted his autograph.
His teammates would help him a lot with your guys’ relationship because they know ume is a wreck sometimes. 
But anyways,
His lips are never chapped, im telling you he applies chapstick every ten minutes because he doesn’t know when (or if) you’re going to sneak up on him and kiss him. 
His kisses are extremely soft, he never pulls away until he’s either out of breath or if you pull away first.
Apparently, he ranks fourth in fighting strength so i feel like he would bring you to a gym and show off his fighting skills to you, i dunno.
If you’re ever stressed, he’ll play the piano for you. He’s either got a keyboard in his room or a separate room that has a piano in it. 
For this, we’ll say he has a keyboard in his room. He’ll tuck you into his bed and pull the keyboard as close as he could to the bed and just play whatever you want him to, even if it’s a dumb meme song or something. 
He has a pompadour folks. You’re going to get hair rights. He’s going to literally beg you to style and mess with his hair. You get free rein on it. He loves it. 
He has a habit of taking care of you like some parent, a habit adopted from nao, which is kind of like acts of service? He just wants to help in any way possible but also doesn’t want to be too overbearing.
It’s a serious joyride being with someone like him. Honestly, he would give you the feeling of being on top of the world. 
The kind of guy to pick you up and spin you when you hug :)
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kaaytea · 4 years
Omg ur pinned says ur taking requests so could I ask for Yuki and Umemiya relationship hcs? (Idk if you’ve gotten to Umemiya yet but I can’t wait for you to meet him if you havent!)
I have met Umemiya! I thought he was really funny and I loved his friendship with Nao! He was a really cool character and I hope to see more of him. Thank you for requesting my dear and I hope you enjoy 💖
Dating hcs
⤷Includes: Yuki and Umemiya
Tetsu has a lot on his plate being a 3rd year student and captain of the Seidou team, so if he ever started developing a crush he'd kinda push it to the back corners of his mind so he can focus on baseball and school
He's a pretty stoic, reserved guy so he probably wouldn't tell anyone about it either
One of the other third years definitely start to notice the little glances and soft smiles he sends your way probably Ryo or Jun
Depending on who notices first, they would push him to confess but in very different ways
Jun would be very cut and dry with Tetsu, urging him to just confess already and Ryo would take a more.....sadistic(?) Route. He'd make comments about how nice you look and make it seem like he's interested in you
This would come off as a challenge to Yuki and he'd hurry up and confess to you
His confession is very direct
He makes eye contact, there's no blushing tho his ears are bright red, and he states firmly that he's interested in dating you
Tetsuya is very....traditional in a sense? He always holds doors open for you and carries your bag and always walks you back to your dorm or house if you live off campus
His parents taught him to be a gentleman so that's exactly what he does
It takes him a bit to warm up to the idea of giving affection
It's not that he doesn't like showing you affection, he just never gave it much thought
Eventually he realizes how much he loves having you in his arms and kissing your cheek so giving affection becomes second nature for him after some time
You better learn how to play Shogi because you just became his new favorite person to play with
It's not uncommon for people to spot the both of you sitting outside during lunch break playing Shogi
Tetsuya doesn't mind if you sit with him while he practices his swing but it's not exactly his favorite thing
It's not that he hates your presence, he just likes to have no distractions and give all his attention to improving and fine tuning his craft
He always takes you for a walk after tho
Usually it's just around the baseball fields so you can talk and look at the stars but sometimes he takes you to a little convenience store near Seidou to buy you a snack
Yuki is usually a very strong, intimidating person but he's significantly more gentle with you
He starts to develop a habit of greeting you with a kiss on the cheek and gives you the softest smile :’)) 
You've honestly just melted this boys heart
Cuddling can be very hit or miss with him
Sometimes he's in a fluffy mood and just wants to hold you all day
but he also has a tendency to overheat really easily resulting in him not being able to cuddle you any longer than 10 minutes
Spooning isn't his thing
He's much more comfortable when you lie your head on his chest
He's not the most talkative person but you share very deep, intellectual conversations
Doesn't tell you he loves you very often but when he does he says it with a lot of intent and meaning looks you right in the eyes and says it in a really soft voice 
I don't really know what else to say, Tetsu is just a sweet guy who wants to be a pillar of support and comfort for you
wOw is he a mess when he has a crush holy heck!
Stares a LOT
Tries to tell you jokes but gets flustered from your undivided attention and messes up the punch line
He's usually a pretty confident person but when you're around he becomes a walking disaster
Nao knocks some sense into him
He threatened to make Umemiya run at practice for an entire day if he didn't confess before school ended
Rip Umemiya Seiichi ✌️ he got peer pressured and then floundered his way through asking you on a date
Once he got through the first date and started spending more time with you he starts to relax and act more like himself
Honestly he's such a fun person to date, never a dull moment with him
He's a pretty high energy person so be ready for that
Finds a way to slip you little notes during class and they're all some sort of variation of: "Hi :))" or "u r cute <3"
He's a dork
Anyways 👀
Always, and I mean ALWAYS sits with you during lunch
Beware he will steal some of your food
Ok so I was looking at his page on the wiki and apparently one of his hobbies is piano??
Am I implying that he would serenade you?? Perhaps 👀 I don't know if he actually plays tho it didn't specify
Loves when you visit him at practice, 100% uses it as a time to show off
You go to the teams practices so often you have your own special spot in the dugout next to Nao
When he gives you hugs he almost always ends up swaying back and forth while holding you
Umemiya is a pretty intense guy so his kisses are very intense as well 😶
Will not let you touch his hair once it's styled, it takes a lot of work to get it fluffed up
But at the end of the day playing with his hair is fair game......take advantage of that
Surprisingly Seiichi is pretty snuggly
He loves to lay his head in your lap and take naps
Also loves when you lay on top of him. He wraps his arms around you and just hUgs you 
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alitaimagines · 5 years
“we’ve gotten boyfriend turned ex boyfriend angst with bnha, aot, and hetalia, but do it now with daiya no ace or you a coward.” 
ex! miyuki kazuya, umemiya seiichi x fem! reader
fandom: ace of diamond / daiya no ace
note / song recommendation: what I will not be called is a coward bc I AM NOT A COWARD. also i am so sorry Haruno, I love you but I had to use you. please remember that requests open on Monday! / division - aly and aj
“do it again, I dare you to do it again in front of me.” you whispered as you looked at Haruno and Miyuki with disgust. “You know what? Nevermind, please continue your little affair and I’ll make sure to return after your done.” 
Miyuki stayed silent as Haruno already had tears spilling from her eyes. “You know you could’ve done the right thing and just broken up with me instead of cheating on me with one of your managers.” You had no tears falling from your face. You were more angry than upset. 
Mikyuki climbed off his bed and tried to follow you. “Listen, that meant nothing, it was a heat of the moment thing, I promise.” You chuckled sadly as you turned around to look at him again. 
“Really? Because from the looks of it, you were clearly cheating with the intention of not getting caught! You had her in your dorm, Kazuya!” You screamed, not intending to be loud. “So if that wasn’t the case, explain it to me.” 
Miyuki stayed silent as you gave him a look. If they could kill, he would be dead where he stood. “Exactly, now let me ask you a question.” You said trying not to scream again. “If I hadn’t walked in, would you have gone all the way? Is it because I’m not on the team and you spend more time with her or what?” 
“No but I hardly see you! We could’ve spent more time together if you signed up to be a manager!” Miyuki tried to say but it came off more as a questionable answer than a statement. 
You gave him another deadly look. “I want to repeat your words, “don’t sign up for a managerial position because I don’t want my girlfriend to be caught up in my mess”, or did I make that up?” He felt his throat drying as he swallowed thickly. 
“You know what?” You said as you grabbed a sweater that was stuffed into your book bag. “Take this, give it to Haruno.” You handed him the Seido sweater he gave you on each others first date and walked away without giving him a second look. 
“You’re leaving Seido because of Kazuya!” Kuramochi screamed before you clamped a hand over his mouth and whispered to shut the hell up before anyone heard. “You’re lying to me and what you’re telling me is a joke.” 
You shook your head no as you slid him the papers that confirmed your enrollment at Ugumori High School. “It’s not all because of that idiot you call a best friend. My mother got a better job in East Tokyo so why not take the opportunity? I start after summer break if you’re wondering.” 
“Are you dorming at Ugumori?” Kuramochi asked as the two of you sat down on the bench. “Who else knows? I’m assuming just me?” You nodded in response to both questions. 
“You better be telling the truth. If I find out that you left because of that idiot catcher, you’ll be wrestling me on sight every time I see you.” Kuramochi threatened. 
“If I did move schools because of that, it’s no ones business anyway so be lucky I even told you.” You exclaimed. “What makes you think I want to go to a school with my lying cheating ex boyfriend? I can’t even stand to see the sight of him without getting the feeling of jumping him on sight.” 
Kuramochi let out a laugh before realization dawned on his face. “Wait, today is the last day before summer break.” You gave him a saddened smile as you hugged him. “When’s the next time we’ll see you?” 
“Maybe if you guys play Ugumori?” You said questionably. “I know it’s super sudden but might as well take the advantage of starting fresh, you know?” He nodded understandingly. 
“Just promise me you won’t say anything!” You told him as you got up from the bench. “Especially to Miyuki because I don’t want that idiot thinking that I moved schools just because of him.” 
Kuramochi knew the minute you left him, he would be going to Miyuki’s dorm and catching him in some wrestling move but all he did was give you a nod before hugging you again and watching you leave. 
“You idiot!” Kuramochi screamed as you slammed the door open. Sawamura, Kominato, and Nori jumped from fear as they watched their shortstop march up to Miyuki and give him a swift punch to the face. “All because you decided to cheat!” 
Miyuki had never once seen this anger accumulate into Kuramochi before. “What the hell are you talking about?” He screamed as he pushed Kuramochi off him. 
“( your name )! Yeah, your ex girlfriend, she moved schools!” He screamed as the entire dorm fell silent. Miyuki tried to move but Kuramochi caught him again but this time by the collar of his t-shirt. “Congratulations, your ex girlfriend moved schools because of your cheating ass!” 
Miyuki looked up at Kuramochi and tried to determine if he was lying or not. “How do you know? She could be lying!” He mentioned as he pushed Kuramochi off him again. 
“She showed me the official papers you imbecile!” Kuramochi screamed as he pointed his finger at Miyuki. “Had she not caught you cheating, she would still be here!” 
“No one asked her to move! She decided that on her own.” Miyuki screamed back as he moved Kuramochi’s finger out of the way. Kuramochi gave Miyuki a surprised expression. “I can’t believe after you cheated on your own girlfriend, the one who actually kept you from acting like an ass most of the time, you’re sitting here playing the victim. Maybe not today or tomorrow but you’ll realize what you lost by cheating on the one consistent person in your life.”  
Miyuki growled. “Why are you so riled up about this? Did you like her or something?” Kuramochi noticed Sawamura starting to stand in the middle of the both of them, maybe out of fear that this would actually turn physical. 
Kuramochi couldn’t help but laugh offendedly. “No but I actually learned the emotion called sympathy. You wouldn’t know that, would you? Next time you decide to get into a relationship, make sure it’s someone you actually like and not someone you’ll throw to the side when you start getting bored of them.”
With a slam of the door, Nori, Sawamura, and Kominato watched the green haired boy leave as Miyuki stood looking at the ground. He knew Kuramochi held several good points but if it was one thing, Miyuki knew his pride was his biggest flaw. 
During your winter break, your heart started to heal itself from the heart broken feeling. You knew with starting at Ugumori, it would give you a breath of fresh air and the ability to start all over again. You weren’t exactly looking to get into a relationship while you attended Ugumori but if it presented itself, you wouldn’t mind it. 
You looked up at your classroom as you knocked on the door softly. The door slammed open and the teacher immediately started scolding the student who opened it so harshly. 
“Ah, ( your name )!” She said as she gave you a smile. “Welcome to Ugumori!” 
The entire class waved as she pointed to your seat and decided to save you the embarrassment of having to introduce yourself. 
You knew exactly who was sitting next to you. Being that you were Miyuki’s ex girlfriend, you had heard of the infamous Umemiya Seiichi. The monster pitcher with a wicked curveball. 
He gave you a wink, making you blush as you set your bag next to you. She immediately started talking about how all students who weren’t signed up to a club should do it before they got reprimanded for it. 
A sheet with all the vacant club positions was passed to each student. It was on a first come first serve basis and considering the sheet was given to you first, you got the first chance at any club. 
“Girls soccer.” No. “Body Improvement Club.” Absolutely not. “Ceramics.” No. “Boy’s Baseball Manager.” You thought for a moment before checking yes and handing it off to the person behind you. 
“Welcome to the team, I’m Umemiya but you can call me Seiichi.” You jokingly rolled your eyes as he turned his desk to look at you. “You transferred from Seidou, right?” 
You nodded as a light flared up in his eyes. “So why did you move?” You realized that you had to be honest instead of lying to the poor boy. “My parents got relocated to East Tokyo and I figured I might as well just transfer schools instead of traveling to Seidou everyday.” 
“Wow, so since you are our new manager, we meet everyday after school until seven. After that, we usually all catch dinner together before we head to our dorms.” Umemiya exclaimed excitedly. “I can introduce you to our other manager, Matsubara!” 
You couldn’t help but laugh at his excitable attitude. It reminded you a lot of Sawamura, if you wanted to be honest. If you remembered correctly, Umemiya was the one who asked Sawamura if he was God after he ran out of toilet paper once. 
“Let me see if we have the same schedule, I could show you around instead of having some awkward interaction with a student leader.” Umemiya mentioned as you fished your schedule out of your book bag and handed it to him. “We do! That’s awesome! I get to hang out with the cute new girl all day today!” 
You could tell that Umemiya was very much the kind of person who didn’t hold his words back, even if that included making himself flustered because of it. 
“Well, I’m glad that you’re aren’t bothered with having to show me around the school.” You mentioned as you gave him a small smile. You could tell that you made Umemiya’s heart start beating faster as his face turned a bright red. “So, want to head to Modern Lit?” 
Umemiya nodded as he helped you gather your things before telling the student leader that he didn’t have any problem showing you around. 
As the weeks kept rolling, so did your time with Umemiya. Being their manager did come with a lot of responsibilities. Not only did you manage the team but you also did have to help the student section with their cheers from time to time. 
You also gained a strong friendship with Matsubara. Umemiya had told you the story about the accident he was involved in. As he told you the story, you couldn’t help but tear up at how passionate Umemiya got about giving Matsubara his last three years of high school to play baseball. 
You had sent the entire team, including Matsubara, to dinner a few minutes early. You knew that they were starting to overwork themselves with the fall preliminary games starting up and you didn’t want any of them catch a cold before they started. 
They were playing a few scratch games with any surrounding teams in Tokyo before the actual prelims started. You had the unfortunate luck to find out first that Seidou was going to be one of the scratch games Ugumori had to play. 
“Hey, what are you doing out here? It’s dark and it isn’t safe for a girl to be walking to her dorms by herself at night.” You heard Umemiya said. You rolled your eyes knowing he meant nothing malicious by what he said but you knew how to take care of yourself. “I’m not a child, Seiichi. I can walk back by myself just fine.” 
He could tell that something was bothering you. “Hey, what’s wrong? Did something happen?” You sighed as you sat down in the dugout. You handed him the folder with all information on the scratch games.
“Read out the team you guys are playing first.” You mentioned as you watched him scan the paper. “Oh hey, we’re playing Seidou! That’s great but why are you upset about it?” 
You sighed as you watched him sit down next to you. “Well, I never got around to mentioning this to you because I figured that it wasn’t important. Another reason why I left Seidou was because I dated their catcher for quiet a long time.” You explained. “Miyuki and I dated right before I transferred and right before I caught him cheating with one of the managers. I mean, I’m over him now but I really don’t feel like seeing his face.” 
Umemiya laughed as he rubbed your back soothingly. “Well for what it’s worth, you deserve a lot better. Your a cute girl with a lot of potential and if he wasn’t able to see that, I know a lot of people who do.” You couldn’t help but laugh as you jokingly asked who did. “Well for starters, me.” 
You whipped your head up at him. “What are you getting at?” He took your hand softly. “I don’t mean to insert myself into this narrative but I’ve been having Nao give me the courage to ask you out. I was thinking that we could go trick or treating this weekend together? Ugumori has a tradition of trick or treating around the dorms every year so we could coordinate costumes if you’d like?” 
“Of course!” You said giving him a bright smile. “We can talk about our costumes tomorrow. I actually have rights to leave campus considering I live on this side of town so we could sneak out and get dinner if you’d like.” 
Umemiya nodded as he gave you a kiss on top of your head. “That sounds perfect.” 
The day that the trick or treating around the dorms landed, the both of you decided to go as baseball player. How cliche. You bought a cheap random girl baseball costume from the nearest halloween store and added the Ugumori patches on them. 
Umemiya even gave you the option to wear his first year sweater as the two of you walked around the dorms. His number was slapped on the back and his last name was engraved onto the front. 
The skirt that came with the costume was too short for your liking so you paired the skirt with baseball legging that went up to your knees. To say that Umemiya had to hold himself back from kissing you was an understatement. 
The two of you even convinced Matsubara to join in and he dressed up as a catcher as Umemiya intentionally made himself the pitcher. By the time the trick or treating event was finished, the school faculty invited the students to have a halloween party in the gym.
Both you and Umemiya decided to go as Matsubara excused himself to find the rest of the team, claiming he didn’t want to continue third wheeling the date. 
“Today was fun, wasn’t it?” You asked Umemiya as he nodded. Your hand had already made its way to holding his so you weren’t too subtle on the compliment. “I wish Seidou had done this.” 
Umemiya gave you a smug look. “They might be one of the greatest baseball schools in Tokyo but Ugumori has a great party reputation as well as a great baseball devision.” 
You laughed as the both of you took a turn to make the walk to the dorms last a bit longer. “Yeah, and there’s more where that came from if want to go out again.” You let out a mixture of another laugh but this time you couldn’t contain your squeal. “How would I look denying my boyfriend another date?” 
This time, Umemiya was surprised at your sudden surge of confidence. “Well if that’s the case, my girlfriend now has to agree to every date I take her on.” You gave him a half sarcastic look. “Yeah unless they’re to places I dislike.” You countered as the both of you started laughing. 
The both of you sat down on one of the benches as you cuddled up to Umemiya’s side. His hair was flowing in the wind as you jokingly tried to push it down. “You know that the 1950s are over, right?” He gave you a sharp look. “I like my hair. It’s what attracted the ladies before you came.” 
“Yeah and your hair does not attract me but I’ll let you wear it because you’re so cute.” You said as you looked up to him. He gave you a smug look that made you want to melt in his arms. 
Umemiya leaned in and gave you a kiss but all he was expecting it was to be a quick one. Once you deepened it, he was surprised to say the least. You slowly transitioned yourself to sit on top of his lap as he wrapped his arms around your waist as your legs wrapped around his waist. 
The kiss continued on before you heard a scream from the dorm. “PUBLIC DISPLAYS OF AFFECTION ARE BANNED FROM THE DORMS STARTING RIGHT NOW.” You heard Matsubara say with an undertone of disgust. “NO ONE WANTS TO SEE BOTH OF YOU MAKING OUT IN PUBLIC!” You heard Kondou yell back.  
The two of you started laughing as Umemiya screamed back, “DON’T BE JEALOUS BECAUSE I GOT THE HOTTEST GIRL IN SCHOOL!” They all yelled some form of profanities at him before you got off his lap. 
“Let’s go to sleep before your teammates kill you.” You whispered as you gave him one quick kiss before walking towards the side of the school where the girls stayed. “Goodnight, Seiichi, have fun not getting made fun of tonight.” 
The day of the prelim game with Seidou came. You were in the locker room with the boys after the coach gave you the clear that they were all dressed and waiting your instructions. 
“So, this game is just a scratch off game but make sure you try your best because you know Seidou always does.” You mentioned as you let Matsubara continue take over. 
He gave a few instructions to the team before all of you stood up and walked to through the doors of the stadium. Umemiya making sure he held your hand as the team walked into stadium. The cheers from the Ugumori stands were as loud as ever as all of you waved at them. They had cameras towards all of you as you were being broadcasted on the digital board. 
“Hey, it’s ( your name )!” Sawamura exclaimed as they all whipped their head up at the board. “Oh look, she’s holding hands with Umemiya! Good for her!” Kuramochi mentioned as he gave the side eye to Miyuki. 
He stayed quiet as they all went to the field to shake Ugumori’s hand. You sat next to Matsubara, talking quietly as players from both teams shook hands with each other. 
“Hey, have a great game today!” Umemiya said to Miyuki as he got close to his ear. “Because you know ( your name ) is here and she isn’t cheering for you.” He whispered before pulling away and giving him a shit eating grin. 
Umemiya knew this was his chance to give Miyuki his small piece of revenge and every time it was his turn to pitch, he made sure hit his hardest in order to give Miyuki a sore hand tomorrow morning. 
You had no idea of his evil scheme but once the game finished and he told you, you couldn’t help but laugh. You had promised Kuramochi that you would tell him hello before he left so as you scanned the crowd for Kuramochi, Umemiya stood next to you. 
“Hey Yoichi! How have you been?” You exclaimed as you gave him a smile. “You know Umemiya!” Kuramochi nodded as he gave a quick ‘bro’ hug to Umemiya. 
“So are the two of you dating now?” Kuramochi asked. You nodded enthusiastically as you gave Umemiya quick peck, making the cheetah gag. “Yeah, I didn’t need to see that.” You and Umemiya laughed as the three of you chatted amongst each other. 
“Yo, we need to head back to the dugout!” Matsubara screamed to you and Umemiya. 
You gave Kuramochi a quick hug before telling him to text you when he got back to Seidou. 
As the team was loading up the bus to head back, he couldn’t help but notice Miyuki’s dejected look. He knew that Miyuki seen the kiss you gave Umemiya and he knew you had every right to rub it in his face. 
Kuramochi didn’t feel a bit sorry for him and knew that this would be the way Miyuki would learn his lesson. 
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kaaytea · 4 years
Can I request “you’re staring again” with umemiya? 🤧
Umemiya is so fun to write for, I love this fool. Also had a blast writing Nao 🥰
#4 - “you’re staring again.”
Spur of the moment 
Why were you so pretty?
The way the light illuminated your skin, or how sparkly your eyes were, or when your nose scrunched up when you laughed, or when y-
"You're staring again"
Umemiya turned to his right being pulled from his daydreams. The pitcher's cheeks burned as he gawked at his friend —Nao seemed completely unfazed as he continued to pick at the rice in his bento.
"I was no-"
"I don't see why you can't confess already. It's painfully obvious they like you back." Nao looked over at Umemiya —whose cheeks were quickly turning a deeper shade of red by the minute— the both of you had been dancing around the elephant in the room for weeks and Nao was getting a bit tired of watching his friends failed attempts at flirting.
"I can't just ask them!" Umemiya slumped back in his chair with a frustrated sigh, "It has to...it has to be special!"
"Since when? I'm sure they'd just be happy you actually confessed -oh look, they're coming over here, you can ask them now."
Umemiya was panicking.
Yes, he's tempted to just ask you out but the romantic in him is screaming to wait, but Nao was giving him that look he has when he threatens to take him off the mound, except it's worse because he was smiling in attempts to look friendly in front of you.
Why was life so complicated?! No matter what he chose to do he was gonna die!
Except death by an annoyed Mastsubara Nao is far more painful than death by embarrassment.
"Umemiya-kun, I think you took my textbook by mistake during class. I have yours-"
You had never seen Umemiya so flustered. Usually, he was so confident and carefree around you, but now he's been reduced to something reminiscent of a fish, his mouth opening and closing in attempts to find something to say.
"Would you go on....a date...with me?" Despite his unsure voice, Umemiya kept eye contact with you waiting for your response. 
This was such a bad idea. why did he say that? Why did he let Nao sway him like that? Better yet, why weren’t you responding? Sure he was a bit forward but you looked so pretty and he wasn’t thinking straight and you had that glimmer in your eyes you get when-
"Sure Umemiya-kun! I have a club meeting today so maybe we can meet up after?"
Umemiya sat staring at you for a few seconds, his brain still processing that you had accepted his offer until Nao slapped his arm causing him to return to reality.
"OH! Yeah that sounds good!"
The both of you had bright smiles and shaky hands as you exchanged textbooks and with a final smile, Umemiya watched you walk back over to your friends —who had seen the whole interaction and were already starting to pester you about what had happened.
Umemiya leaned back in his chair again staring up at the ceiling, "I can't believe I just did that."
"Yeah, you're lucky you have me as a wingman otherwise you would have spent the rest of the year staring at them."
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