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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months ago
i love you red rangers with catchphrases. i love you happy-go-lucky red rangers. i love you red rangers that won't talk about themselves. i love you red rangers that introduce a new point of view to the team. i love you red rangers that are loud. i love you red rangers that are angry. i love you red rangers that rush into battle. i love you red rangers that have your own way of doing things. i love you red rangers that isolate. i love you red rangers that need to be reminded that they're cared for. i love you red rangers who always have hope. i love you red rangers that falter. i love you red rangers that mess up. i love you red rangers that need connection but can't communicate. i love you red rangers that are overpowered. i love you arrogant red rangers. i love you silly red rangers. i love you serious red rangers. i love you red rangers <3
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 month ago
it's been 3 years since i started watching super sentai ❤️
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years ago
me: the naked go-onger suits aren't real they can't hurt you
the naked go-onger suits:
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t-u-i-t-c · 3 months ago
stats for "holy moly" and "talk about lucky" in kyuranger (main series only)
"holy moly" - tsurugi (mainly)
"holy moly" is said about 81 times from episode 21 to 48. of those times, don armage says it once while tsurugi says it 80 times. shou does say a variation of the phrase, however that is not included in this count. tsurugi says it the most in episodes 24 and 32, in which he says it 8 times in each episode.
"talk about lucky" - lucky (mainly)
"talk about lucky" is said about 172 times from episode 1 to episode 48. of those times, 3 are flashbacks (1 in episode 27 and 2 in episode 43). kotaro says it 2 times, once in episode 45 and again in episode 46. garu says it one time in episode 48. shou says it 1 time in episode 38. aslan says it 2 times in episode 43. a member of jark matter says it 1 time in episode 36. lucky's guardian says it 2 times in episode 36. lucky says it approximately 160 times (excluding flashbacks). others may have said it with lucky at times or separately, however this is just what i have in my notes right now, so be aware that this may not be completely accurate.
note: flashbacks refer to scenes shown originally within the show that are shown as flashbacks. also note that the time in which multiple copies of lucky says "talk about lucky" it is counted as 1.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
me when a guy who's flirty is reduced to just a flirt and literally every other piece of his characterization is ignored by viewers
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t-u-i-t-c · 11 months ago
*shaking you*
the swordsmen turning on touma quickly is not abnormal or strange. they have all experienced a betrayal in the past that came out of nowhere from someone they considered a friend and fellow swordsman, a person they knew for years. the experience was traumatizing and people died when it occurred. it's not as simple as they just turn their backs on touma, it's the fact that they've seen that things unknown to them have caused loss in the past. they aren't turning on touma just because, they're turning on him because he gained access to power beyond their imaginations and they're scared something will happen. their fears are only fueled by their recent loss of kento and touma choosing to believe calibur after all he's put the guild through. that's already a betrayal in and of itself, so it makes the possibility of touma fully turning on the guild to be a very real possibility in their eyes, especially when this idea is brought by someone close to logos whose family has been dedicated to the guild for generations. most of them have been with the guild for a long time and consider it their home. it's easier to believe something told to you by someone who has roots in the guild, as opposed to someone you met not that long ago who has no roots.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
would never make you endure the psychic damage that a super sentai tier list by me would have on you ❤️
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t-u-i-t-c · 9 months ago
kamen rider characters i care for deeply even though i haven't seen the series they're from:
kenzaki (blade)
takumi (555)
tendou (kabuto)
momotaros (den-o)
michinaga (geats)
spanner (gotchard)
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t-u-i-t-c · 8 months ago
i really feel like kouta's loss of taste/appetite has such an impact. i know that multiple other riders have lost taste/the ability to eat, but for kouta it feels so heavy to me. it's just one thing after another after another. he's harbored so much grief that it's eating him alive but he has to remain hopeful and act on his hopes for the future for the sake of the survival of others. but he's still so young. he's only 20 and he's never experienced the world and he doesn't really know what it means to be an adult fully, and yet he sits in a cafe in an evacuated city mulling over a bowl of food he can't even bear to eat. the only thing he can rely on to keep him from becoming malnourished is the lockseeds. he's slowly losing his humanity and his connections to the people around him and the world he grew up in. becoming a god only makes it all the more heart-wrenching as he's given power beyond the imagination but also heavy responsibilities. he's not the person he thought he'd be. he's not working a normal job and helping out his sister. he's not going to his friends' dance competitions. he's not hanging out with his friends and eating parfait. he's not human and it's so isolating and scary. a scene that i often think about is in the drive x gaim crossover, where kouta immediately wants to return to helheim planet without seeing any of his friends, and it's not because he does not care for them but it's just hard. it's hard to know that you'll outlive them and you'll always have to say goodbye and one day there will be a last goodbye. even though mai is there to support him, kouta's feelings still manifest and eat at him as he accepts his reality. it's all just tragic.
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t-u-i-t-c · 11 months ago
i've been thinking about isaac a lot lately, mostly about his identity and personal conflicts. i feel as though there's a lot to be said about how he views himself and the way he feels both trapped by his lineage, but also feels superior to those around him. he hates that he has to live a long life locked into playing a specific role because of his lineage and he hates having access to only a piece of the power of the almighty book. he's bored and annoyed with only being known under the name of master logos and to have to witness conflict after conflict. he has his own name his own identity, but at the same time he likes the power he has over people and strives for more, so he can rid the world of conflict by wiping out humanity and creating a new order. i think it's telling that he demands to not be called master logos when he obtains the power he seeks and that he desperately holds onto having authority over others and his wish to play god, even though he has obviously reached his end. i think he is a very interesting antagonist, who craves power and authority under his own name, but is incapable of holding onto that power as he surpasses his limits.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
love car & animal themed sentai bc they'll just drop the most wild lore, and then act like that information won't change the trajectory of my entire life.
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
i've literally never mentioned this anywhere before, but i think when i get to boukenger bouken black will be a favorite. idk his name but he caught my eye in the gekiranger vs boukenger movie and i still think i'll like him.
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t-u-i-t-c · 9 months ago
touma & kento 🤝 koh & canalo
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years ago
me explaining how every blue in sentai is bi:
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t-u-i-t-c · 2 years ago
i need you to know the ending of dairanger haunts me to this day
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t-u-i-t-c · 1 year ago
ryusoulger anniversary this month
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