#umbra trylle
c0rvidbones · 10 months
Out of all your OCs, who's your favorite and why?
GAH okay okay its a HUGE tossup between two of them and it doesn't help they are Brothers but I think I will have to say it's Umbra! Infodump that's super long and also art by my sick ass friend under the cut.
This is him! My feral bastard man, the one with the blue hair and pronouns! I realised while selecting these I literally do not own a single piece of art that is him by himself, he's basically glued to the hip of his husband, Penchant (written by my friend over at @/cherryfull, who also does draw all of this GORGEOUS art. The other person in the very last picture is his little brother, Axel)
Please know Umbra isn't small, Pen is just a fucking Giant of a man at a hearty 6'7"
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[Quick info; he is a like 5'8-5'10 ish polynesian-french transman and a [very, Very fallen] angel of knowledge, and he struck a deal with the primordial Chaos to share and gain all the knowledge he possibly could in order to bolster his magic to an unreasonable level when he calls on it.]
He's a weird little man who I have been writing for like, 11?? Years now? He started out SO different, all warm and bright, passive and pastel/cottagecore, but through all of his batshit insane Events he's ended up this goth mildly aggressive edgelord (affectionate) who is mean for fun but is also still secretly helpful.
I think a huge part of him being my favourite, aside from him literally being my oldest, is that he has always been how I processed a lot of stressful things and got through unhappy times. I love calling his current era his "villain era" but it literally kicked off with him deciding to stop being a doormat of a boy and stand up for himself. Most of what he does is direct response to his own boundaries as he is STILL learning how to set them.
That said, he did once break someone's leg and dispose of them on said someone's ex boyfriend's doorstep with a boxed homemade cheesecake that said Happy Birthday on it; it was because those two were Yet Again pining for each other but were not doing Anything about it, and it was driving him nuts. He's still the village bastard because of this, and, even if it was a really convoluted plan to get those two back together, it wasn't exactly something a Normal and Sane man would do.
He also has a BLATANT disrespect for personal space with others most of the time, at least in terms of their homes. He has often and frequently, Uninvited, portalled into other people's homes. It has caused more than one fight, and once he agrees to not coming over unless he has asked permission or invited, he usually stops coming altogether because to him, it's no longer "fun."
I know, I know, you may be asking, why do you love this objectively terrible man, Observatory. Well, you see. I find him very funny. YES I know I write him but my very small rp group all agree sometimes the muse writes themselves and in the case of Umbra, he does so often and with wild abandon. He got jealous of a set of weights his husband put on his back and frisbee'd them into the wall so he could perch there like he usually does instead. He nearly threw a vampire off a yacht into a river because they were eyeing him a little too much. He regularly makes Nyquil Chicken and gives it to unsuspecting fools who, for some reason, keep forgetting he loves giving people Nyquil Chicken. Do you see why he's hilarious to me.
ALSO, while yes he is a terrible person with zero (well, One, but he's his sister-in-law's husband's brother so. Distant-ish family?) friends outside of direct family by marriage, if you DO manage to earn his loyalty, he is actually not just a Better person to you, but he is a Kind and Caring and VICIOUSLY protective person. He seeks out bountiful physical contact and often offers food and company, he will help you with everything in his power (which is a lot, because yeah, he has kinda ended up overwhelmingly overpowered because of RP events) when you need it. He doesn't like to use his healing magic anymore, it feels too much like an echo of the doormat boy he used to be, but if he cares, Actually cares about you, he will offer it, and it will mean the World.
Unfortunately because of how complex he's become over the years, he's nearly impossible to RP with new people because he has such Thick history and I, an autistic person and his creator, can't help myself and will talk about him nonstop whenever possible.
tl;dr He's an awful person but he makes me laugh and that's the most important thing.
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oc-smashorpass · 4 months
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Umbra is a fallen angel trans man whose motives are questionable in every direction. He lives in a fictional city at the southern border of the american state of Oregon, but was born in the very real island nation of Wallis & Futuna. Umbra is a bastard to his core, because he used to be a doormat and got so violently sick of it that he fell. He's unironically a villain but he's too lazy to be considered a supervillain. He's mean, he's the cattiest man you'll ever know, but he also is secretly nice and his bizarre moral code makes you always question how you feel about him as a person.
He'll beat you up and leave you on the doorstep of the ex that (unknown to you) still has as many (good, yearning) feelings abort you as you have about them.
Just so they can nurse you back to health and you two can bond again. He'll also unquestionably help you figure out your personal clothing likes and dislikes if you were a repressed gay unallowed to explore that as a kid. He has a son that he adores So much, he's the most embarrassing dad ever. But he also would without hesitation harm a child if it would further his bizarre plans of who-knows-what. He has a bookshop and enjoys gardening, and his favourite book is Jane Eyre. He has a husband that he is disgustingly obsessed with.
oc by @c0rvidbones !
art by @cherryfull !
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c0rvidbones · 3 months
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Jay Trylle
Child of Chaos and Night
Behold: the sunshine boy! Jay is my sweet son and also the child of one of my ocs, Umbra. He's the result of a chaos demon and an angel of Nyx, so he has some interesting qualities including way more birdlike things than necessary but I think he's a silly and deservs all the love in the world.
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