#um there wasnt really anything going on when i searched this movie on tumblr so i just made my own scrapbook post
carco5a · 4 months
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the killer (1989) dir. john woo
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earthtoalexaa · 8 years
all odd numbers
Alright here we go lol
1. selfieThis is me 
3. do you miss anyone?yes, quite a few people. 
5. is there anyone who can always make you smile?my best friend, my niece, and my boyfriend i suppose
7. what was your life like last year?i wasnt as stressed lol i hadn’t discovered twenty one pilots yet, I had a lot more friends, I weighed a bit more than i do now, among other things
9. who did you last see in person?My niece. We just finished singing Can’t Help Falling in Love and now she’s napping on me lol 
11. are you listening to music right now?Yes, ^^the twenty one pilots cover of that because it’s my nieces favorite song to sing
13. how do you feel right now?exhausted.
15. personality descriptiona sad fat dragon with no friends. no but really i’m pretty introverted, and i try to be positive. I’ve been told that i’m funny, but i don’t see it. I’m witty, sarcastic and apparently bubbly. 
17. opinion on insecurities.I mean we all have them. I have many (my weight, my experiences, my knowledge, my ability to do anything really)19. have you ever been to New York?No, I have not. 
21. age and birthday?21, september 6th
23. fear(s)thunderstorms, heights, bugs, deep water/open water, rollercoasters. 25. role modelMy mom, My dad, Josh Dun, Daenarys Targareon. (i probably spelled that wrong.) Arya Stark. 
27. things i hateCustomers that come into my store and ask stupid questions, people in general, the summertime, bugs, people in costumes that walk around in them for no reason, the green bay packers, aaron rodgers, people doubting me, people telling me that my major is unnecessary because they don’t understand it. 
29. favourite film(s)The Outsiders, Super Troopers, Any Disney movie, really.
31. 3 random factsI have a metal arm. My major and My minor are completely unrelated (occupational therapy and english but im passionate about them ok)My Bestfriend is my 3rd cousin and we didn’t find this out until we were at her grandmas and i saw that her grandparents had the same last name as I do. Her grandpa and my grandpa were first cousins. 
33. something you want to learnDrums, how to ride a dirtbike
35. favourite subjectI love all of my OT classes, if you consider that a subject? Like I learn how to treat people for various conditions. One of the classes im in, I learn about therapeutic occupations, which are basically tasks that people deem meaningful to them, and we take those and make activities out of them so that we can help the person regain function or improve their life. (also, we learn and teach crafts to each other lol) I also love english. Reading, Writing, all of it. 
37. favourite actor/actressRyan Reynolds, by far. 39. favourite sport(s)To watch: Football, Hockey, MotocrossTo play: Soccer, Football
41. relationship statusIn a relationship. 
43. favourite song everplease don’t do this to me lmao I’m forcing myself to only pick a few from each because i cant.Missing you, stay awake, jasey rae, somewhere in neverland, backseat serenade, therapy, shameless, dancing with a wolf- all time lowBe concerned, Lovely, Fake You Out, Anathema, Isle of Flightless Birds, Car Radio, Holding onto you, doubt, forest-twenty one pilots
45. how you found out about your idolJosh Dun- Because i googled twenty one pilots, and then put it into a search on pinterest and found a bunch of pictures and it honestly went down hill from there 
47. turn onsARMS I JUST REALLY LIKE MUSCULAR ARMS OK. and also tattoos, and longer hair.
49. where i want to be right nowDisney, getting tattooed, a concert lol
51. starsignVirgo53. 5 things that make me happymy family/friends, music, dogs, coffee, lipstick55. tumblr friendsI don’t have many, actually.my friend @alonetogether-forever went to highschool with me tho and we reblog a lot from each other so i’m considering her a tumblr friend too lmaoI do have some pretty awesome mutuals though but i don’t ever talk to people so if you need a friend hmu lol
57. favourite animal(s)Wolves. They’re my number one. But i love giraffes and dogs too59. why i joined tumblrum...I needed somewhere where i could be myself, if i remember correctly. I actually made my tumblr back in 2009, and had the url @earthtoalexa which I forgot the password to when i got out of highschool (about 3-4 years ago lol) so ive had this one ever since.  :)
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