#um something something about how i am not immune to the human nature to crave community and i really love this little one we're building
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whorejolras · 10 months ago
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hey 18+ fanartist's and fanfic writers in the les mis fandom! want an adults only space to fuck around and play barbies with your favourite french blorbos?
i made les mis if fantine had a gun (18+ only) because i wanted an adults only discord server, and knew some other adults wanted that. i also made it because i've been wanting a server for fanartists and fanfic writers to share their art and writing WIP's, promote their stuff, and bounce ideas with each other.
if you want weekly fanart and fanfic prompts, coworking seshes, writing sprints, and to talk les mis with some of the funniest motherfuckers around, join les mis if fantine had a gun (18+ only) 🫶🏻
thank you @whoretaire for making the flyer 😍
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atc74 · 5 years ago
Heartbeat - Chapter Two
Warnings: COVID-19, Croatoan, Fluff, quarantine, Mentions of fever, coughing, (Each chapter will have additional warnings).
Summary: Sam, Dean, and Y/N are sheltering in place at the Bunker, researching this new virus that has created a world pandemic. But what happens when one of your own is immune compromised?
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 1850
Beta’d by: @amanda-teaches​ because she’s the best
A/N: I’M BAAAAACCKKKK, well, mostly :) I know I’m not the only one struggling with life right now, and writing has been hard. Thank you all for sticking it out until I was able to get something together for you guys. This is only temporary and will pass. Keep your chin up and try on your jeans every few days.
Heartbeat Masterlist
Like Dean’s scent? Buy it here from @scentsfromthebunker!
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“Sam, I’m sure you both took the necessary precautions. Dean’s a germaphobe by nature so I’m sure he is out there now, sanitizing his Baby already. He wore a mask, didn’t he? And gloves?” 
“He sure did. Got some strange looks and things got a little dicey at the liquor store, and the drugstore. I don’t know why people are still hoarding toilet paper and feminine hygiene products,” Sam said, a look of disbelief on his face. 
“It’s actually a psychological response to minimize risk. It’s an emotional contagion as well, so when it starts happening in one part of the country, that news spreads and it drives people, either by fear, anxiety, or panic, into doing the same thing. I get the toilet paper, since that is a need everyone has, but tampons, really? I don’t know why I’m surprised by anything at this point,” Y/N chuckled a bit as she reached for one of the bags to help Sam. 
“No!” Sam pulled the bags back from her. “Sorry. It’s just, um, can you please go wait in the library until I get all of this unpacked and sanitized? Please?”
“Yes, I can. Thank you, Sam. I appreciate you and am thankful for your concern,” Y/N smiled as she rose to her feet and made her way down the hall. She loved Sam as more than just a brother and her best friend. He had become her physical therapist of sorts, designing different workouts for her to keep her body strong when the MS wanted to take it from her. Sam had also done extensive research on different dietary and nutrition plans that people with MS have had success with combating their symptoms. Dean was her emotional rock, while Sam became the physical one. She lowered herself into one of the recliners and picked up a book. She’d had enough research for the day and some Harry Potter was what she needed to take her mind off things.
“Hey, honey, wake up,” Dean whispered, his breath fanning across her face as she stirred. 
“Hi,” she smiled, stretching. “Did I fall asleep again? What time is it?” 
“Yeah, you did,” Dean affirmed. “It’s just before six and dinner is almost ready. You hungry?” 
“Starving!” Y/N said, getting to her feet and wrapping her husband in her arms. “You okay?” 
“Yeah, yeah. Just, it’s crazy out there and I’ve never seen anything like this before. Not even with the Croatoan virus back in oh six. That was small beans compared to the shit that is going on out there. We need to be even more careful than ever before. You can’t afford to get sick, honey. And I can’t afford to lose you,” Dean admitted. 
“You and Sam are taking all the necessary precautions to make sure that doesn’t happen. I trust you both with my life,” Y/N leaned up, sliding her lips gently over Dean’s. 
“I talked to your dad today. He is on his way to Rufus’ old cabin in Whitefish. He wanted to come home, but,” Dean paused, not sure how to tell his wife that her dad can’t be there right now. 
“I know, baby. And, he knows, too. I’ll call him later, let him know I’m okay,” Y/N nodded. “Let’s eat.” 
Over the next several days, the news reports were filled with more cases, more bodies. The National Guard was being mobilized in New York and Milwaukee, among other cities. Hotels, motels, and college dormitories were being converted into quarantine facilities as the virus continued to spread, despite the recommendations of federal and local government. Social distancing, shelter in place, and flatten the curve were terms used so many times in too many reports. 
“So get this. You know how Chuck’s been throwing this temper tantrum? Destroying all the other worlds he created? What if, and this is going to sound a little out there, even for us, but what if, this is Chuck’s plan for our world? He knows he’ll never get the ending he wants, Dean and I killing each other. So, he’s decided to spread this virus, create a pandemic and kill off humanity?” Sam proposed. He leaned back in his chair looking between Dean and Y/N. 
“Why wouldn’t he just snap his fingers and Earth go boom?” Dean asked. 
“Because it’s too easy and frankly, it lacks the drama he’s looking for. If he snaps his fingers, who is going to be here to care? If this is his plan, killing off humanity slowly, then it’s all over the news. People are fascinated by tragedy, driven by it, and he gets the audience he craves,” Sam shrugged. 
“So how do we stop him?” Dean pondered. 
Y/N shook her head, ridding it of the current conversation. She was going stir crazy. In the last week, Dean had cleaned every weapon in the armory and Baby. Sam had inventoried three storage rooms, even one he didn’t remember they had. She couldn’t look at another news report. 
“Dean, baby. I need to get out of the Bunker. Please,” Y/N begged him over coffee during the fourth week. “I’ve been cooped up here for weeks. I need to see the sunshine, feel the wind on my face.” 
“Y/N, honey, it’s not safe out there,” Dean shook his head. “I can’t let anything happen to you. You’re my world.” 
“Dean, I know. And I’m not asking you to take me to the store, or anything crazy. What if we just take a drive? I can see the sun, feel the wind. Just you, me, and the open road?” Y/N was practically purring in his ear. 
“No more than an hour, and I mean it, Missy,” Dean stood, pointing his finger in her direction. 
In less than ten minutes, they were in the car and headed down the dirt road leading from the Bunker. It was a beautiful, warm spring day and Y/N could already see the fields blooming with wild flowers as Dean sped past them. Placing her hand in his as he drove, she slid across the bench seat and smiled. This was exactly what she needed. Y/N was happy for the first time in weeks. 
If anything, Dean was a man of his word and just over an hour later, he pulled Baby back into the garage. As he helped her out of the car, handing over her cane, he pecked her on the lips. “Feel better?”
“My cup runneth over, my love. Now, it’s naptime,” she announced, climbing the small set of steps with some difficulty as tremors overtook her lower extremities, and she lost her footing. 
“Hey, hey, I got you, honey,” Dean said, scooping her up in his arms and carrying her down the hall to their room. He laid her gently on the bed before he sat beside her. “Are they getting worse?”
“Not worse, not better, just…there.” She closed her eyes, fatigued from the fresh air. “Would you get me some water please?” 
“Of course, you need to take your meds anyway. I’ll be right back, don’t run away on me now,” Dean joked as he rose. He rushed down to the kitchen for a bottle of water. By the time he returned to the bedroom, Y/N was asleep. He hated to wake her, but he knew how bad things could get if she missed a dose. With water and pills in hand, Dean roused her gently. “Honey, I need you to take these, ‘kay?”
“Right, okay. I fell asleep, didn’t I?” Y/N said sheepishly, pulling herself up enough to accept the water and pills from her husband. 
“Yeah, must’ve been all that fresh air,” Dean waited until she swallowed her meds, then put the cover back on the water, placing it on the nightstand for her. “Get some rest, I’ll start dinner.” He kissed her softly, pulling the blankets over her. 
Dean closed the door softly behind him, and headed for the kitchen, trying to decide what was on the menu. “What’s for dinner, Sammy?” He asked his brother seated at the table. 
“It’s a nice day, maybe we could grill up some chicken breasts. Chicken pesto linguine?” Sam suggested, raising his eyebrows. 
“Yeah, that sounds good,” Dean agreed, pulling out the ingredients for the pesto. “Y/N seem off to you?” 
“I think we’re all a little off right now, man. This thing, it has lower mortality rates than the seasonal flu, from all the reports that I’ve read, but it spreads like wildfire. The world hasn’t seen anything like this since the Spanish flu, in like 1919. But, exactly what do you mean, ‘a little off’?” Sam rambled. 
“We went for a drive today, just an hour, to get her out of the house, but she was asleep by the time I got her pills, and it seems like the tremors in her legs are getting worse. When I asked her about them, she just brushed it off.” Dean shook his head. “We’ve got to be more careful, man. I can’t lose her, Sammy.” 
“And, you’re not going to, Dean. She’s strong, stronger than the MS, stronger than this virus, whatever it is. I’ll figure it out. It screams demons, just like Croatoan back in 2006,” Sam tried his best to reassure his brother. 
“Yeah, but no one is going batshit crazy this time, with the exception of the hoarding.” 
“I’m still looking into it. I’ve got several other hunters on it, too. We’ll figure it out. In the meantime, I’ll do the supply runs on my own. You don’t need to be exposing yourself or Y/N,” Sam decided. 
“Thanks, Sammy. We appreciate that,” Dean said, returning to the sauce. 
“Hey, honey. It’s time to wake up,” Dean whispered, peppering her face with soft kisses, making her squirm. “Dinner’s ready.” 
“Five more minutes,” she mumbled, snuggling deeper into her pillow, but the pillow was not as soft as she remembered. She lifted her head, opening one eye to discover she was sleeping on top of him. “You were not here when I fell asleep. Oh crap! How long have I been sleeping?” 
“Just a few hours, but dinner is ready, then I’ll fix you a bath, and tonight is your turn to pick the movie.” Dean slowly sat up, bringing her with him. “How does that sound?” 
“Relaxing,” she yawned. 
Dean helped Y/N to her feet, grabbing her cane for her, since she hated being carried as a general rule. “Let’s eat.” 
“I didn’t realize how hungry I was,” Y/N said as she sat down. Dean took his seat next to her as the three of them dished up their plates. “This smells amazing.” 
“Sammy’s idea, honey. I’m just the cook,” Dean chuckled, passing the pasta. 
They ate in comfortable silence for a few minutes, everyone enjoying their meal. “Dean, baby, this is phenomenal. It’s nice to know if we rid the world of all the monsters, you have a fall back career as a chef,” Y/N teased her husband, Sam laughing along with her. She started coughing and reached out for her water. 
“Hey, you okay?” Dean watched with concern. 
“Yes, just a little coughing fit, triggered by the giggles,” Y/N said. 
“Yeah, yeah, chuckle heads. Now eat up,” Dean groaned, but his worries didn’t fade. 
“Honey, you’re warm. You feeling okay?” Dean voiced his concern as they settled into bed a few hours later. 
“Yes, babe. I’m just tired,” Y/N yawned, almost as if to prove her point. 
“We’re taking your temperature,” Dean said, getting out of bed to get the thermometer. 
“Dean, I think you’re overreacting a bit. I’m probably just still warm from our bath,” Y/N reasoned, but he wasn’t having any of it. 
“It’s just a precaution, honey. I’m sure it’s nothing, but this virus is not like others. It moves quickly and it’s lethal.” He took a seat next to her and shoved the thermometer in her mouth before she could protest again. When the beep sounded, he removed it and checked the digital readout. “It’s 99.5, low grade. But I’m still keeping an eye on it, and you.” 
“I’d expect nothing less,” Y/N yawned once more and rolled over, her eyes closing instantly. “Love you.” 
“I love you, too, Y/N,” Dean echoed, crawling in beside her and pulling the blanket up to cover them both. He pulled her small frame into him, wanting, needing to keep her closer than usual. 
Sleep did not come easily for Dean that night; he was worried about Y/N. Since she returned to his life, his nightmares and insomnia were few and far between, but as he lay next to her, his mind played out a thousand different scenarios where he couldn’t save her. He was hyper aware every time she moved, coughed, or even breathed heavily. He finally fell under, out of pure exhaustion, just before five in the morning, only to be plagued with nightmares of the same. 
Did you like it? The nicest thing you can do for a writer is reblog their work and tell them, and others, how much you like it!
The Whole Enchilada: @iwantthedean​​ @dolphincliffs​​ @mrswhozeewhatsis​​ @meganwinchester1999​​ @cherrycokegirls1​​ @closetspngirl​​  @roxyspearing​​ @flamencodiva​​ @blacktithe7​​ @sis-tafics​​ @just-another-busyfangirl @evansrogerskitten​​ @amanda-teaches​​ @hannahindie​​ @wotinspntarnation​​ @winchesterprincessbride​​ @winecatsandpizza​​ @kickingitwithkirk​​  @wi-deangirl77​​ @hobby27​​ @mogaruke​​ @gh0stgurl​​ @alleiradayne​​ @idreamofplaid​​ @seenashwrite​​ @manawhaat​​ @crashdevlin​​ @thoughtslikeaminefield​​ @emoryhemsworth​​ 
The Dean’s List: @jerkbitchidjitassbutt​​ @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ @maddiepants​​  @adoptdontshoppets​​ @supernatural-jackles​​ @fandom-princess-forevermore​​ @akshi8278​​ @thing-you-do-with-that-thing​​
Heartbeat: @idksupernatural​ @imaginationisgrowth​ @gabrielslittleangel​
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misssophiachase · 6 years ago
Yess lemme help a fellow procrastinator procrastinate. AU/AH. I did this but I wanna read your version of it. Klaus is a well known porn star and caroline is his biggest fan and she meets him for the first time!
Thanks, lovely lady, sorry for the delay. Yes! I’m pretty sure I’ve seen this prompt before somewhere, not sure my version will compare at all. I did change the premise quite a bit to suit me but I hope you still like it. Title and lyrics by U2.
Even Better than the Real Thing
Las Vegas, NV
Give me one more chance…
The crowded, front stage was heaving and it seemed to swell more every time he blinked. It shouldn’t have been a surprise given his successful career, popularity and the fact it was the annual Adult Entertainment Convention in Las Vegas. 
He’d attended it for years, Klaus actually losing count how many times, but it seemed as if the whole experience had somehow become increasingly tedious and manufactured. 
Klaus hated to admit he’d retired from the industry because it made him feel so damn old and not because he missed the attention.
He still craved attention. 
But only from one person. 
As he combed the crowd, madly hoping a set of expressive, blue eyes he knew as well as his own would materialize.
But they didn’t. 
She wasn’t there.
He felt his chest constrict at the prospect. Most guys would die to have women screaming his name and throwing their best underwear on stage but Klaus was immune to such things by now. 
Today, all he felt was numb. He had been ever since she told him it was over. 
For good.
Well, my heart is where it’s always been…
His publicist nudged him in the ribs, gesturing to the nearby signing table. Klaus slightly relieved the part where they ogled every part of his body (well, mostly his famous, oversized appendage) was over and now purely about talking with the fans securely behind a wooden desk. 
Klaus could never begrudge them or their intense enthusiasm. They were the reason for his popularity and high earnings. 
He’d arrived from England orphaned, poor and desperate at first but the world of adult entertainment had captured his attention. Mainly for the money to support his siblings at first but then it had become an addictive drug he’d learned to embrace. And the best part?
He could have fun and turn off his emotions at the same time. Win-win. 
Well, that was until he met her.
Feisty. Articulate. Gorgeous.
She’d interrupted one of his first signings in Los Angeles, an anthropology major at UCLA suggesting ways he could make his acting more believable to represent human nature. It was a clear protest given everything about her screamed girl-next-door.
But he could see there was much more.
Caroline Forbes was both stunning and intelligent. Blonde, blue eyes and a steely resolve Klaus knew he could never break, nor did he want to. This brilliant woman was going to be the death of him, not that he minded.  
If Klaus wasn’t so smitten he would have told her where she could shove her acting suggestions but he didn’t. 
In fact, he’d let her show him exactly what she meant over multiple dates and outings. And he couldn’t argue with her suggestions at all, told her she could be his consultant. Caroline Forbes being Caroline Forbes had told him she liked to boss him around for free.
He hadn’t kept the smile off his lips for days. 
Well, until she decided their arrangement was purely professional, even unpaid. It killed Klaus that he could look but not touch. 
His casual flings dried up completely as he tried everything he could to convince Caroline Forbes he wasn’t the player the media portrayed him as. Fast forward two years and Elvis married them in Vegas. The convention each year had served as their anniversary celebrations. 
Until now.
This year was the first they wouldn’t celebrate because she wanted to dissolve their marriage. 
My head is somewhere in between…
It hurt.
So much so that he’d struggled to attend at first. Sure they’d had their issues but Klaus hoped they weren’t too far gone. He shuffled his way to the signing table, not bothering to look upwards at first. Until someone spoke.
“You’re even hotter in real life,” she purred, Klaus looked up probably against his better judgment given his current x-rated view of her left breast. “Can you please sign…”
“Woah, no need to flash the flesh, dear,” another voice intervened. “Trust me, he’s the kind of guy that will forget birthdays, kill your goldfish ‘chips’, forget to put the toilet seat down then…”
He knew her melodic voice all too well and while Klaus was glad she’d appeared, even at a completely inopportune time, he hated lies and needed to set them straight.
“I forgot your cousin Hayley’s birthday mainly because she hates me and our other goldfish ‘fish’ actually ate ‘chips’, I was trying to spare you the grief, love. As for the toilet seat, I am a male, we just can’t help ourselves.”
“Um, all I wanted was an autograph,” the confused girl stammered. Klaus immediately felt bad she’d been caught in the crossfire.
“Of course you do, would you mind lending me a pen to sign the divorce papers when you’re finished?” Caroline asked. 
Klaus was struggling not to react, his wife was testing his resolve. But that wasn’t unexpected. The fireworks between them had only intensified in recent months. If only they could settle their disputes in a more private and civilized way, his king-sized bed would be the perfect venue.
“I only have this…” the girl offered feebly, looking between the couple in complete confusion. 
“Lipstick?” She murmured, before inspecting it closely. “Mmmm, I don’t think the law looks too favorably on Malibu Pink, right Klaus?”
“I don’t think the law discriminates by lipstick shade,” he growled. 
“Wait, are you two married?” Someone a few people down in the line shrieked. 
“Apparently,” he conceded. “Until the lipstick dries, right love?”
“Oh my god,” she murmured, the crowd seemed to erupt, surrounding the ‘happy’ couple all at once. 
“Is he really that skilled with his cock?”
“And his mouth? Those crimson lips are to die for, I know where I want them on my body.”
“How does he do that thing exactly with his tongue during ‘69?”
Klaus could see his publicist furiously shouting on her mobile, but for some reason, the feeling of her body slammed against him in the resulting chaos calmed him.
She always had that effect on him. 
Klaus was waiting for her to pull away as usual but she clung onto him before offering an answer to the multitude of questions hurled her way. “A lady never talks.”
The crowd, obviously upset by her non-response, decided to revolt. He grabbed her securely, signaling to his publicist to send the limo to the underground carpark of the Bellagio and an extra couple of reinforcements to get them through the increasingly hostile crowd.
“What’s the matter with these people?”
“They like a lot of details,” he offered, his lips brushing her earlobe. “We are at an Adult Exhibition Convention after all.” She gave him an uncertain look before stepping away. He was worried about her safety at first until she yelled out for the benefit of the crazed crowd. 
“Klaus Mikaelson is everything he purports to be on film.  His cock is really that huge, a little crooked but he uses that particular trait to his and my benefit. His mouth and tongue meanwhile are equally legendary.” 
Klaus had every intention to intervene but hearing her talk about his prowess this way had rendered him briefly useless. So too the crazy hordes who decided they loved Caroline and all the details she had to offer.
“So, why exactly are you divorcing him?” She’d been unable to respond to that, which piqued his interest, but it helped her that the reinforcements arrived in a timely manner.
Oh my god,” Caroline hissed, pacing back and forward in his hotel room ninety minutes later. “What will the Sheriff think?”
“That you have a healthy, sex life?��
“Not helping, Mikaelson,” she groaned. “I came here to get a divorce, not embroil myself in some scandal.”
“So, why say those things? Why even show up here? Were you trying to embarrass me because you obviously got your wish.” 
“I’ll admit my intentions weren’t so pure at the outset, but I gave your cock the best damn review you’ll ever get.”
“You said he’s crooked.”
“And he is, which is the best way to reach those places most guys can’t,” she purred, her left eyebrow cocked mischievously.
“Oh really?”
“I didn’t come here to stroke your oversized ego, blame the huge, crazy, unrelenting female contingent,” Caroline shot back. 
“I know why you came,” Klaus murmured, gruffly. “Just give me the papers if you hate me so much.” 
“I don’t hate you,” she whispered, only loud enough to be heard. “I’m just so scared.”
“I would never hurt you, sweetheart. You know that.” 
“Scared that I’m not enough and that there will always be something better around the corner on your next road trip.”
“I’m basically retired by choice and last time I got feisty on a road trip was when you stowed away with the luggage in Nashville.” 
“That was fun,” she shared before switching back to reality. “I’m sorry, I’ve been dishonest with you and a little crazy because of all these foreign hormones. I mean I totally meant to crash your signing in LA all those years ago but not today because..”
“You’re pregnant?” He asked huskily, his eyes dropping to her toned belly thinking of what could be. 
“I am,” she conceded sheepishly. “I meant to share this in a much more private and controlled setting not tell the world all about your appendage.”
“You are amazing and, not just because you told everyone how well endowed I am, love.”  
“Have I ever told you how much of a conceited ass you are?”
“Not enough obviously,” he shared. “I love you, Caroline Forbes. I’ve seen plenty of fake in my industry but you truly are even better than the real thing.”
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