#um it took some effort to get it running on windows 10 but hey so far it doesn't crash during gameplay only during launch lol
alistairian · 5 months
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So Roller Coaster Tycoon 1 and 2 are on sale on Steam right now, got both for $3
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wildingrose · 3 years
spilt tea
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dark alley help part 10
part 9: care
word count: 2.8k
》 ignored kink, cunnilingus, oral sex in office
- ✿ -
You sat on the desk in your office cabin while Cindy watched you hold the pile of documents. Your eyes scanned over the lengths of the legal sized papers that contained detailed information on the clients and their wishful properties. Flipping through them and resting the reviewed next to you, your heart froze when coming across the name of one particular client.
Facing the paper her way, you asked, "Him? He's our client?"
Cindy squinted her eyes to read the inked name and nodded. "Yes, it's your fiancé. He's been our loyal client for a long time."
You groaned at the unofficial title. "He's not my fiancé. Never was." That made sense as to how your mother found him and why she really liked him. "Doesn't he have a gazillion properties? Why does he need more?"
"He mentioned that this one was for... a reunion, I believe. It's a new property under construction and will be underway for closing soon."
Your head pounded painfully and your fingers went up to relieve it in circles. Raymond was purchasing a property just for a reunion instead of holding the event at one of his currently owned hotels. That guy was just flexing his money through property ownerships. "Whatever," you mumbled and took a quick glance at the company name that was responsible for the construction. Then, your eyes immediately fixed on where it was located.
It was the block where Taeyong mentioned that he was working at. You hadn't seen the structure yet, and now you were overjoyed to.
"Oh my God," you muttered and hopped off the table, your hand flying to your mouth in utter shock before your shoulders shook and a loud sinister laugh escaped from you.
Cindy watched you in concern as you jumped gleefully in your spot. "Um, Y/N, are you okay?"
While you weren't hundred percent positive for what his reaction was going to be, you couldn't wait to rub it in Raymond's face that he had purchased something where Taeyong had contributed to building. You waved Cindy off with an ecstatic smile. "Yeah, don't worry. I was just thinking about something."
She stared at you for a moment longer before letting it go.
Shortly, a knock on the door was heard, followed by a head popping in. "Can I come in? I have your tea," Chris smiled, shaking an acrylic tumbler with iced tea. "This should help with your headache and slight nausea."
"Thanks a lot. Of course, come in," you waved him in.
He nodded and strode over to you. You retrieved the drink and took a long sip of the tea, humming happily. "Perfect."
"Hope it helps. Also, there's someone waiting for you outside."
"Really? Who?" Your lips connected with the straw and sucked in another long sip.
His brows furrowed as he tried to recall the name. "I think his name is... Taeyong?"
You spurted out your tea in surprise that he came to your workplace in the middle of the day and set the tumbler down on the desk. "It's Taeyong? Bring him in!"
Chris nodded and went to fetch for your man while Cindy eyed you curiously.
Chris stepped into the main area where Taeyong stood by the desks, more specifically by Shannon's desk who wordlessly stared at him. "Hey man, come on in!"
Taeyong straightened his back and cleared his throat, avoiding the gaze of the young woman drilling a hole in his head. Her gaze remained on his retreating figure with a slight frown creasing her forehead.
Your colleague reappeared with the man that you were looking forward to trailing behind. Taeyong smiled subtly as you jogged over to him with a bright smile.
"Baby," you chirped and wrapped your arms around him. He faintly chuckled and held you close, pecking your forehead. You turned around in his arms and found Cindy's jaw hanging low and Chris whistling in amusement. "He's Taeyong, my fiancé-to-be," you introduced him, mainly for Cindy. Taeyong was stunned by the unexpected title but happily accepted it, wanting nothing more than to be bonded with you in the utmost ways possible.
Chris quirked an intrigued brow. "Now that's some real tea right there. Have fun now," he said and with a salute, he walked out the cabin.
Cindy closed her mouth and reminded you of an important task. "Mr. Riley is expecting a call in..." She glanced at her watch. "... about a few minutes. Should I stay here to help you?"
You shook your head. "It's pretty straight forward so I'll be fine. Thanks though."
She nodded and headed to exit the cabin, closing the door behind her to give you privacy.
You pulled away from Taeyong and asked, "I love seeing you here, but how? Don't you have work?"
He pointed to the window in your office. As if on cue, the light droplets shifted to pouring rain outside. "It started onsite, so we had to stop working. Thought I'd come here and see how you're doing."
You hummed. "Good thinking. But I have work to do, so no funny business," you warned with narrowed eyes.
He exhaled out of his nose and nodded, seeming disinterested by your words as he shuffled his feet towards your desk and hopped on. His eyes landed on your tea and picked it up, taking a huge sip and frowned at the bitter taste before setting it back down. Taeyong then scanned his eyes around the cabin, making observations of how clean and polished the walls were with modern design.
You arched an eyebrow at him to which he didn't catch. Was he really going to sit there and not do anything? Good for you. You strolled over to pick up your client's portfolio and cell phone from the desk. "I have an important call to make. Do not make a sound, and no distractions. Understood?"
Taeyong merely shrugged in response, and you began dialing your client's number. While you waited for the call to be answered, you glanced at Taeyong and noticed that he wasn't doing anything except for swinging his leg.
"Hello, this is Riley speaking."
Startled, you fumbled with your greeting. "Oh hi! Good afternoon, Mr. Riley. I'm Y/N L/N and am calling on behalf of my father regarding your interested properties. I'll be taking his place so it will be a pleasure to work with you," you spoke with politeness.
Taeyong huffed and mumbled, "Only I give you pleasure." You smacked his arm.
"I'm sorry? I didn't hear the last part well."
Your eyes widened. "Nothing!" You gave Taeyong a glare and moved away from him, balancing the folder on one hand. "So, I see your investments and interests..."
Taeyong watched you as the call droned on, getting immensely bored without your attention on him, and so he decided to make himself comfortable.
You took a sneak peak to see what Taeyong was up to and did a double take. "I'm sorry but could you please hold on for a moment, sir?" Pressing the mute button, you gritted your teeth. "Taeyong, why are you unbuttoning your shirt?"
He kept moving his fingers downward, undoing the buttons slowly and pushed the flaps to the side for his handsome torso to be on full display. "I'm feeling hot," he said with his voice laced in pure boredom.
You gave him a pointed look. The air conditioner was blasting in your cabin, therefore having no reason for him to feel uncomfortable. You ignored him, turning your back on him and resumed your call, but now you were partly distracted by replaying his beautiful skin in your head.
Taeyong sighed when seeing you ignore him again and hopped off. He rounded the desk and plopped down into the massive leather chair, putting his feet up on the table and rummaged through the drawers to look for anything that could entertain him.
Your ears picked up on the soft sounds of drawers sliding open and shut. There was a brief moment of silence followed by a container lid clicking open. The faint chewing sounds made you turn around and your heartbeat stilled before kicking into full racing mode. You were paying almost zero attention to your client as you watched Taeyong bite into a cherry, the juice spilling out of its flesh and past his lips, traveling down his chin. He made no efforts to wipe it off as he finished the fruit off, spitting out the seed and discarding the stem onto the lid. Picking up another one, he repeated the action, making more of the sweet red juice coat his chin.
You wanted nothing more than to lick his skin clean, and then straddle yourself on his lap to have a heated make out session with him. But you held yourself back and blinked a few times, shaking your head and focused on the reason why you were doing all of this.
When the cherries were all done, Taeyong huffed out in frustration from having nothing else to do, your phone call seeming to run way longer than anticipated.
Just then, his lips curled into a smirk as an idea hit him.
He stalked over to you with a mischievous glint in his eyes and you didn't notice his approaching presence from behind until he swiftly bent down to grab your waist from the front and hoisted you over his shoulder, holding you effortlessly by your legs. Your hand lost balance of the folder and it crashed to the floor, and your eyes bulged out as he carried you over to the desk.
He put you down on the table and shoved everything aside with his arm, not giving a glance as to what was being knocked over. Taeyong positioned you until you were laid flat on the sturdy desk and crawled on top of you, bringing his gaze to meet yours. With your mouth agape, you stared at his dark eyes as you were no longer processing a single word that your client spoke.
"Ignore me," he mouthed without a single sound and then he began.
He unbuttoned your shirt enough to expose your bra. Your heart crashed in your chest, fearing for what he had in mind when being in the office with a client on the phone and the door to your cabin left unlocked. But you were thrilled to see what Taeyong was going to do while you 'ignored' him.
His tongue poke out to coat saliva over his cherry-dried lips and dipped his head in between the valley of your breasts, sucking on the skin there with his soft lips sending excitement down to your core as you began producing your own sweet juice. Your hand came up to cover your mouth, stopping your sighs from reaching the speaker. You could have muted your voice and took full advantage of the situation, but this was 'ignore Taeyong' game and you were going through with it to see its end.
"Miss Y/N, are you still there?" Your client's voice snapped you back to your main responsibility.
"Oh sorry. Yes, I am." And with that, he resumed talking.
Taeyong pulled back and observed the faint colour of the fruit transferred onto your skin, and you nearly sighed aloud when he took long strides of his hot wet tongue to lick it clean, your grip on the phone tightening. When done, he pulled back with a smirk, and your eyes blew up when one of the most insane things happened next. Taeyong leveled his face with the zipper of your pants and grasped onto the small sliding piece with his teeth, pulling it down undone with such ease that you thought was not possible with the difficult task.
His hands yanked your pants down along with panties to midway. To prevent the hassle of taking your shoes and pants off completely, he crossed your legs, keeping enough space to dive his head into the opening from underneath. His hands firmly held your legs in place to stop you from squeezing around his head. His face leveled with your glistened core till you felt his hot breath fanning over it. Taeyong was amused to see you turned on and took a deep breath in with his nose touching your sweet flesh. "Smells nice, doll," he whispered ever so softly that you wouldn't have heard it if you weren't completely focused on him. Your legs quivered around his head as you spilled more juice out.
At last, his tongue strode over the length of your heat and your jaw hung open without a single sound parting from your lips. He repeated the action and after dipped his wet muscle in between your slick folds. You used every muscle in you to keep your hips grounded to the smooth surface of the table while your free hand clenched into a tight fist beside you. It would have been at his head gripping his hair, but you weren't sure if that counted as ignoring him.
Your walls hugged him as he began rolling his tongue. A small hum was felt against your flesh, causing your belly to tighten and spill more of your delicious juice onto his tongue. He hungrily lapped up every drop, his moist muscle flicking against your clit that resulted you to slip a mixture of moan and whine past your deep breathings.
"Is everything all right?"
Your blood ran cold when you had momentarily forgotten all about the phone call. Your ears had completely droned out your client's voice to focus on the squelching sounds that your man made in your cunt. Your brain quickly tried to come up with a sound excuse. "Oh um, I spilled something on my desk. I'm sorry about that. Please continue."
Taeyong snickered, sending sinful vibrations throughout your body and further tightened your belly for the incoming orgasm. Unfortunately, another desperate whine escaped from your mouth. Mr. Riley was silent for a moment before speaking up. "I do have another matter to attend. We can end our discussion here for now. I look forward to working with you, Y/N."
Finally! "I see. I will too. Have a great day-" and you quickly ended the call before a pathetic moan could travel through the speaker as Taeyong began having a make out session with your cunt, sucking your throbbing clit in between his lips. Chucking your phone aside, your hands lightly played with the wisps of his dark hair. "Oh Tae," you choked out a quiet sob. Your legs ached and trembled the longer it was forcefully kept open.
"Look at me, doll," he whispered.
You looked down at the sinful view of his head in between your legs. His gaze heavily burned into yours and gave a few harsh sucks, resulting in the final snap of the coil in your stomach. Your vision blurred as your back arched off the surface to generously cum into his mouth. He hummed as he sucked up every drop of your essence, still lapping over your heat even after it was over, and the sensitivity caused you to push his head away. "No more," you weakly whispered.
He kissed your cunt two times before completely pulling his head out, helping you put your pants back on. "You taste so good, doll," he drawled seductively he licked his lips clean.
You smacked his chest, feigning anger as you buttoned up your top. "We would have lost one of our biggest clients if he figured out what I was up to."
"But he didn't. You did a good job ignoring me... for the most part anyways," he snickered.
A series of knocks was heard and the door flew open, revealing an unsuspecting Cindy. Her eyes went on a tour as it scanned over the dropped portfolio on the floor, your shocked eyes on her, Taeyong's disheveled state and open shirt, and the mess on the desk.
She huffed out at the sight of drenched documents. "If you were going to have fun, couldn't you have done it without getting anything spilt on the documents?"
Your brows scrunched, confused with what she meant until you spotted the acrylic tumbler tipped onto its side with the tea no longer in its container as the papers soaked the liquid up. "Oh shit," you muttered and shot a look at Taeyong who simply shrugged and feigned innocence as if not his fault.
Cindy sighed. "We'll just have to prepare all those again."
"I'll prepare them myself. It's my fault anyway."
She shook her head. "It's fine. I'll help too. You owe me a drink for overtime," she cracked a smile and winked.
You breathed out in relief that she wasn't too mad at you. "Of course."
Taeyong turned to you with bright eyes. "I'll help too." Not only would he be able to spend more time with you, but also receive a free drink, your drink, while at it.
Your jaw slacked, aware of his underlying intention, and pushed him out the cabin with all your strength. "No! You're leaving, mister!"
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tag list: @cosmiclatte28 @mel-yjh @johnnysuhisnotmyproblem @kttyongie @chantellsievert
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fandomtookoverlife · 4 years
Hotch x reader 
Summary: you go out to brunch with the girls but your late, (as always) and they have a peak at your sex life before you leave.  
Note: italics are readers thoughts 
Warning: talk of sex, swearing
Words: 1.8k
Category: fluff  
A/N: ok this took me way too long to write but that's ok because I like the way it turned out and I hope you do too. Also this totally isn’t based off of the dumb bitch I am and how I act when I’m late. 😂😂
also again with me not being able to come up with a name worth a shit 
Interact with me if you like, anything you want,😘😘, not sure what I’ll write next we’ll see. Also not me getting this out instead of doing hw, not me, wrong bitch. 
Other blog: @mac99martin
Shitshitshitshit I’m so fucking late UGH SHIT! You are so late. You’re running around your bedroom trying to get ready. You were going for brunch with the girls; Penelope’s idea, which was fine except that you were getting picked up at 11, you woke up at 10:40. For the last 10 minutes, you have been rushing around your room trying to get ready, preying that the girls would be running late as well. You’re dressed, which is good, you threw on a bit of makeup in an effort to look the least bit presentable and now you were desperately trying to manage the mess that is your hair. You had… fun last night. Aaron had come over and well like you said you had fun. Jack was at a sleepover so Aaron came to your apartment, you stayed up half the night, relishing in the time you’ve missed together in the past week. It came to an end when Aaron received a call saying that he needed to pick up Jack. At that point you decided you should get some sleep seeing as you had to get up in the morning, unfortunately for you, your own personal alarm clock left last night and you forgot to set an alarm, yep, you’re late. You’ve been checking the clock every two minutes, you were probably wasting time checking the time and now you're wasting time thinking about how you're wasting time, UGHH, but you were frazzled and freaking out so you can’t be relied upon for anything right now. 
All you have to do in the next 7 minutes is clean up the rat’s nest that is left of your hair after last night’s activities, find shoes, find your wallet, purse, find wherever the hell you put your phone down and pray that you look presentable.
Unfortunately, there’s one flaw that always manages to escape you, most people don’t show up at the exact minute agreed upon.  
It was now 10:56 your hair was mostly put together,  4 minutes ok I can do that. As if you weren’t already having the worst morning, it gets worse. Ya, that phone you can’t find, It has been blowing up with messages for the last few minutes. 
“She’s not answering.” JJ had had none been calling you from the parking lot for a couple of minutes with no answer. Em and Pen had been checking in for the last 15 with no answer and continued to send unseen texts to you. 
Em finally snapped, “alright, I’m going up.” not giving the other ladies time to respond she opened that car door and got out. 
Pen rushed out after her, “Wait I wanna come!” 
JJ watched the two women walk toward the entrance to your complex, looking at the empty car around her, got up as well, “ok I’m coming too.”
Emily, completely giving up on you, took out her keys and opened your door, JJ, ever the reasonable one, had protested, saying that they should knock. She got a nasty glare as Em pushed your door open.
As you said before, Aaron left in a rush last night, and you had been running around your room all morning, actually, you haven’t left your room all morning, making you completely unaware of the state of your apartment. 
The women stood in your doorway in shock. You and Aaron didn’t just have fun in the bedroom last night, you had fun everywhere, the kitchen, the floor, the table, your desk, the couch, you name it you were there. In conclusion? Your apartment was a mess, for starters there were clothes everywhere, your shirt, Aaron’s jacket, your bra, Aaron’s tie, your pants and last but definitely not least your-ripped-panties right in the open directly in the eye line of the women at the door. And you were completely unaware. 
The stunned women stepped in closing the door behind them, the world did not need to see this. They took in the sight, the clothing, the underwear that pen had pointed out, making sure to specify their ripped state. The next thing they noticed was your desk, what was usually a very precise desk was, quite the spectacle. Papers and folders scattered, pencil cups on their sides, pens just everywhere, photos knocked over. The tables and couch were pushed out slightly into the middle of the room, it was very clear what had happened here last night. The ladies looked at each other, their faces blank unsure how to react. A part of them was horrified, the other part really wanted to laugh. That was until they heard a noise coming from behind your door. They all became alarmed, “wait you don’t think Hotch is still in there do you?!” with your normal, horrible timing, that’s when you decided to open your door 
Everyone looked stunned. You tried to start asking how they got into your apartment but you were by a frantic Emily, “Is hotch still here?” 
“What? No, how did u…” the women looked relieved at your answer, when you started to ask how they knew he was here last night they gestured around the room. And that’s when you remembered the state in which you and Aaron left your apartment last night, “ohhh shit” 
Emily started “Ya oh shit, look at this place” 
“You guys had fun last night” JJ, always so passive-aggressive. When Pen went to pick up your panties, you sprang into action.
“Alright I’ll be out in a minute you guy can wait in the car” you practically slammed the door behind them, you look back at the mess that in your apartment, “shit” 
You get your shit and get out of your apartment as fast as you can, JJ, Pen and Em are in the car waiting as ordered to but when you get in they are all smiling, “soooo, if you guys could just forget what you saw in there…” 
“Absolutely not! That image will be engraved in my mind for the rest of my life!” 
“JJ, come on”
“Don’t give me that did you see that place, good god Y/N what did you do in there!” 
Before you could even think of an answer Pen jumped in with, “did you see all her clothes on the ground?”
“Did you see Hotch’s clothes still on the ground?”
“Did you see her desk?!” 
“Alright, that’s enough” doing your best to put your foot down while also hiding how absolutely mortified you are. 
“I think you’ve had enough.”
“No wonder she was late.”
Despite your protests, it went on and on,
“Do you think she has hickey?”
“Hmm, not that I can see” at this point they weren’t listening to you anyway, so you just sat there, trying very hard not to listen, at some point you had started to think about last night. It was so perfect, not only the incredible sex but just being with him, allowing your selves to let loose, show each other affection, which you don’t do around the team. And then there was the literal mind-blowing sex, his hand all over you, his mouth across your body leaving the hickeys that you actually had but skillfully covered. The many orgasms you had that your legs hurt now, your slightly sore throat… 
“Do you think that HE has hickeys?” 
“Should we find out?” 
That was it “NO”
“Well that woke her up, you were kind of out of it there for a second.”
“Ya something up,? Maybe something on your mind, thinking about something, dreaming about it, imagining it, reliving it?” Emily was nudging your shoulder and your face was turning bright red, “oh my god she was!” 
Once you had actually started eating they let the conversation move on. It was one of the best times you’ve had in a while, you laughed and joked, you really don’t remember the last time you all smiled so much. It was nice to be with them so relaxed and happy, you almost forgot what it was like. 
When your phone rang you knew their fun from earlier wasn’t over, they all turn to you, smirks growing on their faces, “hey”
“hey Y/N, I’m sorry about last night,”
“Don’t worry about it, really”
“Jack doing fine now but- it was messy” he said with a tired chuckle 
“No no, I get it.” 
“Hey hotch” Emily had pulled you phone slightly away from your ear and spoke into it “quite a number you did on her apartment last night” you snatched your arm back from her and shot her a glare 
“You're still at lunch…”
“Yes. I am.” with a laugh that was more of a sigh,
“Sorry I totally forgot, Jack just wanted to talk to you, but he can wait-”
“No no, I want to talk to him,” you blushed and everyone smiled, you said you were stepping outside and would be back, they didn’t catch much of your conversation as you walked away, but what they did catch, was way too fucking sweet. 
“Wow, they are just-”
“She looks so happy” watching you talk through the window
“Her? Have you seen him?” they thought about the changes in the two of you recently, you both were smiling so much more, you seemed so energetic, he seemed softer. Both so much more selves, a weight coming off both your shoulders, you brought the light out in each other and just being in the same room as you lift the spirits of the team. Watching their fierce leader's stoic exterior melt away and your calm and loving nature amplified out of proportion.
You came back to the table still smiling while they all looked at you, “don’t start-”
JJ cut you off, grabbed your hand and looked in your eyes, “hey,” squeezing your hand, “we are so happy that you're happy.” you blushed and smiled at JJ’s soft, kind words, her motherly exterior and your friends smiling faces showing the sentiment. 
After a lovely lunch, filled with smiles, laughter and best friends you pulled up to your apartment JJ had a grin on her face, “so, you want help cleaning up?” the ladies trying very hard not to start laughing.
You clear your throat composing yourself and your face heats up, again, “um no I’m good thanks” getting out of the car as fast as you could.
“Are you sure?” they call after you. 
“I’m sure!” running to your door while the ladies kill themselves in the car. 
They may be annoying but who would you be to complain about your life right now, how could you, you have everything you could ever want. 
@spencers-renaissance @averyhotchner
(lmk if you want to be tagged) 
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Karma, Kayano, Nagisa and Sugino were excited. Well. Kayano, Nagisa and Sugino were exited.
“Are we really going to spend our Friday night looking at bones?” Wines Karma.
“Come on, they got a new exhibit! It’s the fourth largest bone found ever!” Said Sugino.
“”I heard it’s a dinosaur hip.” Chimed in Kayano.
“Plus,” said Nagisa “Koro-sesei said it would be a learning experience”
“Fine whatever”
Kayano leapt to her feet “Forget the bones!”
Exclamations of dismay ensued. Karma had just gotten on bored.
“No, no! Apples releasing a new iPad! And giving away free ones as a promotion! All we have to do is make a video about apples to win!”
“Come on, I want to see the museum.” Said Nagisa.
“I’ll help” said Sugino. “We’ll get Okajima to film.”
“Yes! Get ready. I feel a brainstorm coming on”
They grabbed a napkin and started drawing their heart stopping Apple based videos. This would be epic. Tales of Apple drama, costumes, lighting. This would be bigger than the Titanic!
“Didn’t that sink?”
“Shut up Karma!”
Karma laughed at their antics. Nagisa on the other hand frowned. “I wanted to go to the museum. It’s closed for repairs for a week starting Saturday.”
“We can still go”
“Um....” Nagisa mumbled vaguely. Things had been a tad... awkward since Karma had come back. They hadn’t really hung out together for long since the whole.... friendship break up. He didn’t want to be stressed all evening.
“Look, it’s fine. It’s not like... a big deal.” Pointed out Karma.
“It’s just hanging out.”
“”I guess. Sure”
Kayano popped up smiling. “Aww, like a date?”
Nagisa nearly fell off his chair. Oh God. Mortified.
“No, not a date” hissed Karma. “Just. Hanging out.”
“Have fun on your .not. date.” She cooed before running for dear life. Sugino looked at Karmas face and made a swift exit. Nagisa’s was trying to fight his blush. Oh God he was all red. Idiot!
“It’s not a date.” Karma said again, rather forcefully.
“Just. Hanging. Out”
“Got it.”
“See you at 7”
Karma casually walked away praying his face didn’t rival the colour of his hair. He was not going on a date with Nagisa. And his heart certainly wasn’t beating any harder than normal. Nagisa buried his head in his school bag. It wasn’t a date. Stop panicking! What should he wear?
It took Kayano took zero seconds to convince Okajima to film their video. The thought of an IPad with high zoom camera filled him with glee. Disturbing glee but glee all the same. Nakamura’s blackmail sences were tingling. A date? Between the two most oblivious boys in the class? She new what she was doing this evening. She grabbed Hinano. Now her sights were set on the boys she needed a new accomplice. The girl was easy to convince.
“Finally!! My OTP!!”
“Whatever, bring your binoculars.”
“Trust me. We won’t miss a single second of this legendary meet up”
After school Kayano, Sugino and Okajima asked/begged/bribed Koro-Sensei to fetch them costumes. Their grand idea? An interpretation of apples through ballet. The competition would never see it coming. Kayano wore a green tutu, Sugino a red ballet jacket and shorts. Okajima stood by with the camera. The only problem? None of them knew anything about ballet.
“Don’t you like.... stand on your toes? And sort of spin?”
“I think I can do an arabesque.”
“Jumping is involved?”
The bone museum was just as eventful as one could expect. By which it wasn’t eventful at all and Karma was going insane.
“Are we done yet? It’s a rock! It’s not like it can move”
“It’s a fossil and I want to look at it a little longer”
“It’s a grey rock. I’ll find you 20 outside, can we go now?”
“Don’t you think it’s lovely?”
“It’s almost as picturesque as you my darling little bon...”
“I will hit you with the bone if you finish that sentence”
The Apple ballet plot line was fabulous. Stupendous. Electronic. But the skills? Less so.
“Just twirl. Twirl. Kayano for the love of God TWIRL!”
“I’m basically standing on my big toe do you think this is easy!”
“Sugino, you twirl then!”
No response came from the pile of body that used to be Sugino. Arabesque’s were harder than you’d imagine. Okajima dumped the camera and leapt onto the podium they were using as a stage.
“Just go on one leg and spin like this!”
Kayano didn’t know exactly what happened. After blacking out for a moment she came to under a desk, Sugino’s knee on her head and Okajima stuck in a broken floor board. Time for the good old YouTube tutorial.
Karma kicked himself internally. What was he doing? Why did he say that? This was supposed to be a causal meet up between friends and he was ... flirting? Could you even call that flirting? What ever it was it certainly wasn’t casual. Nagisa was staring straight ahead at the bone. Stop blushing stop blushing stop blushing. Karma was just teasing. This was not. A. Date. He didn’t really mean it. Blushing harder under Karma’s grin, he fought off any unacceptable emotion. But.
He had called him lovely.
Hinano and Nakamura lurked behind a display of elderly bow ties. They came armed with a romance magazine including a stage by stage guide to love. Stage one. The Compliments. Already a solid start. Hinano screamed internally.
“Lovely?” Thought Nakumura. Interesting choice. He’d have to up the anti if he wanted to get anywhere with Nagisa. The boy was completely oblivious. Get down on one knee and he’d ask if your shoelaces were untied.
“I’m hungry.” Announced Karma, formally ending their bone viewing.
Since it wasn’t a date they didn’t plan on getting dinner anywhere fancy. What they were getting was barbaque food. From a literal hole in a brick wall. The smell alone was enough to throw romance out the window.
“It smells like..”
“Best not to think about it.”
“My leg is broken”
“Your leg is not broken”
“It’s broken!”
“Sugino your fine! Do the jump!”
“I swear to God Kayano I quit!”
“If you quit I’ll make you wish you’d never been born!”
All in all, thought Okajima to himself, letting the camera roll through out the afternoon showed scenes more entertaining than traditional ballet ever could.
“That is the most disgusting food I’ve ever seen” hissed Hinano.
This couldn’t be right. Even Karma couldn’t be idiotic enough to bring a date to this mess of a restaurant. They were sitting on the side walk for goodness sake. And the guy running the place looked like he was considering a murder. Come to think of it that’s probably where the meat came from.
“This tastes terrible Karma. Amazing job!”
“Karma laughed and took another bite of the thing that resembled a burger. See? They could hangout. No feelings. Just good friends. Nagisa was just a good friend who was illuminated by the white street light like an angel. Who’s eyes almost glowed and who was sitting close enough to Kiss...”
“OTP for life!!!” Hissed Hinano as Nakamura punched the air. 10 more inches. 5! 4, 3, 2
Nagisa’s phone made all 4 of them jump.
He answered to hear Kayano’s frantic whispers.
“We need help. Susan needs a hospital!”
“Hospital? Who’s Susan?”
“We were pirouetteing” explained Kayano as she dodged a thrown plate, “and Sugino accidentally threw me into a tree, the branch broke and I fell on a deer. Her antler broke! Her names Susan and she’s trying to kill us!”
“I don’t think girl deers have antlers”
“Alright I’m on my way. Karma, we need to go save Kayano and Sugino from a distressed deer.”
“Sure” he muttered. “Why not”
Nakamura comforted Hinano. She would kill that deer with her own bare hands. Or maybe with a baseball bat.
It took a long time to get the deer into an animal hospital. He (or she) was a biter. The nurses criticised Karma’s method of transportation. In fairness it did look pretty odd when they arrived dragging a basket full of deer tied up with fairylights. But, as Karma argued, they did arrive at their destination. All they had to do now what wait as the nurses got the animal painkillers and possibly anger management therapy. Now Nagisa, Kayano, Sugino and Karma were in the waiting room recovering.
Exhausted Nagisa rested his head on Karma’s shoulder. Not in a romantic way or anything.
“Awww” cooed one lady.”Your such a cute couple”
“Oh! No.” Said Nagisa quickly lifting his head.
“We’re just friends.”
“You’d be great together” man joined in.
Karma shook his head “no, all the dating stuff wouldn’t work out”
“If I may chime in,” Said another guy in a hat.
“Are you avoiding romance because of your fear of separation?”
“My what?” Karma looked personally insulted. “I don’t have a fear of separation”
“Listen young man” said a women behind Nagisa.
“You need to reassure that red headed fellow you will always be there for him.”
“I don’t want to talk about this” said Nagisa, mortification flooding through him.
“Perhaps that’s what’s driving you apart” said hat guy. “Your worried he won’t appreciate and except your efforts”
Sugino and Kayano took turns holding vending machine popcorn.
“No, I just don’t want to date him. Karma’s my friend”
“Is he. Or is he just putting up with you” asked some girl to the left.
“Excuse me?”
“Hey, I’m just telling you what you tell yourself buddy”
Karma stood up angrily. “Let’s stop this right there, our love life is none of your business”
“So you do have a love life?”
Two nurses restrainted Karma from attacking the hat guy.
Nakumura crashed through the door with Hinano at her heels.
“Everyone shut up! It’s time for your moment! Stage 3 happens 4 hours into the date! You have 86 seconds!”
“The hell are you talking about?” Yelled Karma as Nagisa buried his head in his hands.
“Oh God!” Screamed one women, “It’s about to get real!”
“Lady you need to chill” hissed Sugino through his popcorn. “Karma! This is your time! Tell him how you feel!” Wailed Hinata.
“What is going on?” Whispers Nagisa.
“It might be too late soon!” Called hat guy.
“Am I dead?” Whispered Nagisa.
“Do it! We support you!” Yelled the nurse.
“Am I in hell?” Nagisa asked himself.
“Take the initiative Karma! Kiss him!”
Kamra threw himself at Nakamura with the sole intent to kill.Nagisa tackled him.
“No killing Nakumura. Or me after this”
The audience gasped. Hinata cheered. Kayano clapped. Nagisa kissed. And kissed. And kissed.Silence. Staring down at Karma Nagisa waited for his fist. It never came.
“I can’t believe this was our first date. Do-over?”
The whole room cheered.
The next day Karma and Nagisa headed out for first date round two. Nakumura and Hinata spread the news. Kayano and Sugino met to discuss their aid to the Karmagisa cause. It was worth it, even though they never got an iPad.
Then Sugino frowned
“Hey, what happened to Okajima?”
Okajima bowed as he received his prize. His short film “What two mental ballerinas would do for an iPad” won him first place. Life was good.
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Nathan Prescott x Female!reader (The Sketchbook incident)
Request: I had this idea for a Nathan Prescott and female reader imagine where he’s secretly her muse and she drawing him every day in her sketchbook but one day he sees and destroys her sketchbook and she gets so upset she stops drawing and he feels bad and realizes how special it was to her and buys her a new one Sorry if that long, it’s my first time Also love your writing <3
Fandom: Life is strange
Genre: Mix of Angst and fluff (Happy ending)
Rough sketches, pencil marks, pen and an assortment of colors rubbed onto her fingers and arms as she shaded in a certain area of the model, of her picture of Nathan. As an artist, (y/n) needed a muse and without his knowledge, she had chosen Nathan Prescott to be it. She didn’t know how he’d react if he even found out. Would he be embarrassed? Angry?
Who knew?
(y/n) grunted in an effort as she finally finished shading the base of Nathan’s neck in her beloved sketchbook. The book itself had been used and filled up to the brim with photographs and sketches of the school, her friends but most importantly, of Nathan.
The two didn’t talk very often, but she saw how soft he could actually be; in the little moments, he let his facade vanish. She wanted to be closer to him, but… How do you approach a person like that? Not to mention, that he had a reputation for going too far.
(y/n) pulled herself away from the sketch, glancing around at the yard to admire everyone enjoying life peacefully.
Max was talking to a few people as always, being a bit nosy, but nice. Evan was taking pictures, Warren was probably watching another weird movie of his in his dorm. Everything was pretty normal except for Nathan Prescott storming up to (y/n) with rage-filled eyes and clenched fists. He was angry, anybody within 50 feet of his could see that. He was too obvious with his anger, didn’t even try to hide it.
(Y/n) gave a polite smile to the obviously Pissed off Prescott, nervous about what he might say or do. He could be a bit unpredictable. He stopped in front of her, glaring at the large sketchbook in her hands.
“Good morning Nathan. Lovely day, isn’t it?” (y/n) asked. 
Nathan only continued to glare harshly, the students in the surrounding area began to stare In curiosity.
No one dared to say a word, they didn’t want the wrath of Nathan directed toward them.
He dug a hand into his pocket to fish out his phone, he found the photo that could be the cause of his anger of the day and shoved it into (y/n’s) face. It took her a moment to realize that the photograph was of one of her drawings of Nathan.
And she knew exactly how it got onto the web. Victoria Chase.
“What the fuck is this?” He asked, anger seethed into his words.
(y/n) nervously laughed but soon stared up at his eyes. Those gorgeous blue eyes and that pretty dirty blonde hair wasn’t helping. It was the perfect combination. There didn’t need to be a reason as to why she liked to draw him so much, the pretty face and different expressions he used in day-to-day life were amazing. So was he. (y/n) wanted to find a way to tell him that she actually liked him but knowing Nathan, she wasn’t sure if he would recuperate her feelings.
“Um, a drawing of you that I made… Nathan, I’m sorry. I showed it to Victoria, I didn’t know that she took a picture and posted it online,” She confessed. 
The taller boy slowly pocketed his phone before he grabbed the sketchbook out of (y/n)’s nimble fingers. 
“Wait, what are you doing?” (y/n) asked, panic seeped into her chest.
Nathan tossed the sketchbook into the trash can before lighting a match, (y/n) stood up quickly knowing what he was going to do. (y/n) rushed to him, trying to grab the match out of his hand but failing in the end as he dropped it into the trash can watching the sketchbook go up in flames.
The students surrounding (y/n), stared at her with empathy but didn’t say a word. Nathan slowly turned to (y/n), crossing his arms over his chest. He still looked angry, even after destroying the one thing that (y/n) held precious.
“I’m not your subject to use,” Nathan growled.
Nathan glanced into (y/n)’s eyes just in time to see her tears building up and drip from the pools in her eyes. Nathan felt a strike go through his heart, guilt. An ugly emotion that he felt all too often, but now toward (y/n)? Someone who was actually nice to him no matter what other people told her?
He clenched his jaw in anger, this time toward himself. He watched as (y/n) slowly turned around and walked into the dormitory building, needing to be alone for a while. He made her cry. Nathan Prescott made (y/n) cry. He messed up, big time. Was there even a way to fix what he broke?
The group surrounding Nathan slowly disbanded, not wanting his anger to blow up again in such a short period of time. 
Nathan was left alone with his thoughts, he ran a hand over his face and picked up his phone as it rang. Victoria. Fuck, what was he supposed to say?
“Hey,” Nathan whispered, his voice hoarse. 
Nathan slowly trudged back to his own dorm, he had thinking to do indeed. How was he going to make this up?
“Nathan, what the hell happened? Did you burn her sketchbook? I told you to go talk to her. There are videos all over social media… The comments are brutal,” Victoria said. 
Nathan barreled into his room and sat on his bed, running a hand through his hair to tangle it lightly. He didn’t know what he was thinking. If he was thinking at all during that moment. The sketchbook that he burned… sketchbook, maybe he could try to make it up by buying her another one? It was a start…
Nathan and Victoria conversed over his previous actions and how he could fix them while (y/n) on the other side of the dormitory building, stared out the window, wanting to fly away to get away from these gross feelings. Even after what happened, she still liked him. Anybody that found out about her feelings would call her insane. She had no will to draw anymore, what was the point if her own muse didn’t want to be drawn? Right?
She fumbled with her fingers lightly before glancing at her watch, great. She had physics in 10 minutes, at least she wouldn’t have to worry about art for a while now. She slowly grabbed the bag she threw onto the ground and slowly left the dormitory building, hesitantly. If it were her choice, she’d stay in her dorm all day, but she didn’t.
She slowly trudged into the academic building and into her class, wait. No. Nathan was in this class as well, how did she not realize that sooner? (y/n) ignored Nathan’s pleading stare and sat next to Victoria, hoping for some peace and quiet before class started.
“He feels awful you know. I know what he did was terrible but–” (y/n) shrugged her shoulders, cutting off Victoria’s plea.
“It doesn’t matter anymore. I’m done,” (y/n) whispered. 
Victoria glanced to Nathan, giving him a pity look before turning her attention to the front of the class as it finally began. Maybe she and Nathan could try again later.
The class was boring and dull. All Nathan could think about was how to make it up to (y/n). For over a year now he had been trying to get closer to her but each time he talked, everything just blew up in his face. 
The bell for the end of class finally rung, Nathan quickly shoved all of his things into his bag before trying to talk to (y/n). She was almost out the door now. So close. Nathan maneuvered to be right in front of her, using his arms to block her from leaving before talking to her.
“Wait, just stop for a second. Look, I feel real–” Nathan spoke, regret spilled from his lips. 
(y/n) glanced around the room for a moment before ducking under one of his arms and leaving, using his height to her advantage. Nathan blinked for a few moments before leaving the classroom and trying to find a sight of her but (y/n) had quickly disappeared into the crowd of rowdy teenagers. 
“Fuck,” Nathan whispered to himself. 
The crowd slowly began to disperse as teenagers found their next class or left the building but there was still no sign of (y/n) anywhere. Nathan groaned and slowly walked back to his dorm to try to figure a way to talk to (y/n).
(y/n) on the other hand, was holding her breath as she watched Nathan walk past her hiding spot and to the dormitory building. She stood out of the spot and started to walk to her own dorm when she bumped into Kate Marsh, she was an absolute sweetheart.
“Hey, (y/n). I heard about what happened. Are you alright?” Kate asked.
(y/n) brushed her hair back stressfully, she didn’t even know where to begin in what was wrong at the moment. So many things. Too little time.
“Yeah, I just… I didn’t expect him to do that. I’m kind of thinking of giving up drawing,” (y/n) mentioned. 
Kate’s eyes widened slightly but that didn’t stop her from pulling a brand new sketchbook from behind her back. (y/n) was slow to grab the item, she had been thinking about not going to Blackwell anymore because of what happened.
“Well, in case you want to pick it up again. You can use that. Okay? Maybe things will turn out alright?” Kate offered.
(y/n) gave Kate a genuine smile before gesturing to the dorms, “I’m gonna head to my room for the night. I’ll see you later.” 
Kate stepped out of the way and watched as (Y/n) carried the sketchbook naturally and quickly walked to her dormitory. But what she didn’t know was that all of the girls in the dormitory building had a little surprise in store for her.
(y/n) rubbed her eyes tiredly and walked through the main door of the dormitory to see all of the girls crowding the hallway bearing gifts of the art variety; sketchbooks, pencils, markers, etc. She jumped back lightly at the picture in front of her.
“Um, hey?” (y/n) asked akwardly.
Max was the first to walk out and grab one of (y/n)’s hands, guiding her to the center of the hallway to talk to everyone. (y/n) wasn’t normally very social but with the girls that live in the same building as her? Quite close.
“The video of Nathan burning your sketchbook is everywhere… we just wanted to do something nice for you,” Max said. 
(y/n) smiled gratefully and took more sketchbooks from her neighbors. She knew that they were only trying to help but how could someone draw if their muse didn’t want to be a muse? It was difficult to find someone else.
Max grabbed half of the gifts from all of the girls and followed (y/n) into her dorm to put all of the gifts on her desk. She didn’t know if she’d even fill these out at all considering that her will to draw was drained because of what Nathan did…
“Oh, I get it… Nathan was your muse…” Max set everything down, taking a seat on (y/n)’s bed before continuing with her thought, “That’s why you’re not drawing… he gave you the will to draw…” Max gave her friend one last smile before approaching the exit of the dorm. “Oh, before I forget, Warren had something to talk to you about. He’s In his dorm.”
(Y/n) stared at all of the art supplies given to her a few short minutes ago. It was stacked high on the desk, about to topple over. She was happy that her friends cared so much.
Without much thought, (y/n) walked to the boys’ dormitory building to visit a friend. Hopefully, she wouldn’t run into Nathan. She just needed to be careful.
(y/n) walked through the main door to the dormitory building and made a beeline for Warren’s room, she didn’t even bother with knocking on the sophomore’s door and just let herself in. She didn’t want to be caught by Nathan again. She was not ready to face him.
“Warren? Max, said you wanted to see me?” (y/n) called out.
The younger student quickly popped out of his desk chair and strolled up to (y/n), arms spread out for a bear hug. He was the most touchy of the group of friends she had, which was perfectly fine. (y/n) gave him a soft smile before slowly closing the gap and letting him hold her fragile form.
“Everyone said you were having a hard time and then Nathan… I’m sorry. Maybe everything will be better soon?” Warren apologized sympathetically.
(y/n) could only shrug lightly before slowly pulling away, letting herself become comfortable in the small room. But the thought of being in the boy’s dormitory, where Nathan lived, was peaking from the back of her mind. Warren stepped out of her space for a moment before grabbing a pack of oil paints from his desk and slowly handing them to (y/n); cautious to not scare her. 
“I got you something, you said that you’ve been wanting to try oil paint for a while now, right?” Warren said.
Though, she wasn’t sure when or if she’d be able to draw again, she appreciates the kind gesture. (y/n) slowly slipped the paints into her bag for safekeeping as she slowly gave Warren a small smile.
“Thanks, Warren… I think I’m gonna head back to my dorm… Sleep everything off. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
The younger classmate only nodded lightly and watched as (y/n) slowly walked out of the room to hide away for the rest of the evening. The events of the day were hectic and cruel, all she wanted to do was sleep it off and hope that the morning would be better.
(y/n) peaked around the hallway for a few moments before deciding that it was safe and leaving Warren’s room before heading toward the main entrance of the Dorm building, wanting to find her own dorm before Nathan caught onto the fact that she was even in the same building as him. 
She breathed a small sigh of relief as she slowly started to pass the last dorm room and reached a hand out for the door when a pair of hands reached out from the last dorm and grabbed (y/n) to pull her inside.
(y/n) started thrashing in the arms of her unknown attacker as they placed a hand over her mouth so she couldn’t scream out for help. (y/n) stiffened as an exhale slowly reached her ear, causing her to shiver and listen closely.
“Stop squirming, It’s just me.” 
(y/n) roughly shoved Nathan away and faced him, her back pressed against the door. She stared up at him with a confused stare, why did he basically kidnap her? What for? He was fidgeting with his fingers nervously, he was scared to what will come next.
Her eyes were red and puffy from crying all day. The last thing she wanted to do was face the cause of her sorrow. Nathan Prescott, prestigious figure of Blackwell Academy… he was flustered by her mere appearance. He felt guilty about what happened this morning, he felt lower than low. To make it up to (y/n), Nathan wanted to get something for her… all she needed to do was open it.
“What do you want, Nathan? I should get back to my dorm, it’s late,” (y/n) said resentfully.  
It was not late, but everyone knew that (y/n) usually liked to return to her dorm after school and relax instead of partying like all of the other kids on campus.
Nathan took a step back to grab a wrapped box before presenting it to (y/n), a red hue was covering his features. He had never really apologized to someone, this was a first for him. Luckily, it was in the comfort of his own room and not the courtyard for everyone to see… again.
“Open it, please. This is my way of saying sorry… I… wasn’t thinking… I can be reckless and irritable…” He apologized.
(y/n) stared up at Nathan with an unknown look, she was not sure if she should take the gift. It could be anything, right? But Nathan didn’t go around giving just anybody random gifts… Maybe he really just wanted to try to redeem himself?
(y/n) ran a quick hand through her hair before making the mistake of glancing into Nathan’s eyes for a split second. His gaze was soft and pleading as he held the gift in his hands, his breath shaking only in the slightest from the nervousness of being near (y/n) once again; so soon.
“Fine… But if this is a joke–” (y/n) started to threaten but Nathan cut her off by carefully handing the recklessly wrapped gift into (y/n)’s paint-covered hands, their fingers brushed together lightly. The action quickly sent jolts of electricity through her and Nathan’s veins but neither person said a word about what they felt, too scared.
“It’s not. Promise. Open it,” Nathan said. 
(y/n) sighed lightly but gave him a half-smile before slowly opening the present before her hands run over the cover of a brand new sketchbook. Did he buy her a new sketchbook? She slowly let the wrapping paper fall to the floor so she could look at the sketchbook as whole, quickly glancing through the paper and the little accessories attached to it. (y/n) didn’t say a word as she discovered the feeling of the new gift. 
“I was angry and scared… Not about you or anything you did or said… I didn’t mean to take it out on you. I would never dream of doing that,” Nathan apologized.
(y/n)’s smile brightened as she realized that this was the sketchbook that she had been eyeballing for months now. She wasn’t able to buy it because it was far out of her price range for a sketchbook, but this one was special. It even came with pockets and sketching pencils. She glanced up and slowly placed the sketchbook onto his desk to grab both of his hands in her gentle grip.
“Nathan… I-” He was quick to cut her off, paranoid that she was going to yell at him like just about everyone in his life did. He was too used to it by now.
“I know that this will never replace what I did to your last sketchbook and I didn’t realize that I was your… Your muse. But I’m hoping that this will be a star–” 
(y/n) reached her hands up to grab Nathan’s face to slam her lips onto his, surprising him surely. Nathan flailed his arms for a few moments before deciding to rest his hands; one on the door next to (y/n)’s head and the other tangled in her hair. Nathan slowly relaxed into the motions, pressing his body closer to (y/n)’s.
Nathan tugged on (y/n)’s hair as he deepened the kiss, eliciting a soft moan from (y/n)’s lips. Before Nathan could ponder on the small action further, she bit down on his bottom lip. She wanted him to know how long she had been wanting this kiss to happen.
Nathan felt the same way, but before things could escalate, (y/n) softly slid her hands from Nathan’s face down to his chest to lightly push him away. She didn’t want things to go too far tonight.
“I forgive you… I was never angry at you for what you did, just sad. It hurt to see my muse destroy my work but maybe you can help me?” (y/n) asked.
Nathan didn’t say a word as he launched himself to his bed, propping his head up with one of his hands as he brought one of his knees up; turning to the side to face (Y/n). a small smirk ignited his face as he says the simple line that made (y/n) burst out laughing.
“Draw me like one of your french girls.”
(y/n) ignored her phone as it lit up with a few texts from Warren and Max, both worried. But she couldn’t be bothered with the sweet scene in front of her.
Maybe everything would be okay?
(y/n) glanced up from her sketchbook to get a quick glance, the growing confidence in him caused Nathan to send a small smile her way.
Yep, everything was going to turn out okay. Her muse was still hers, this time with his knowledge.
Nathan liked the idea of being a muse, it felt foreign but fitting.
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marshmallow-phd · 5 years
Midnight Hours
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Part of The Untamed - EXO Wolf Universe
Genre: Wolf!AU
Pairing: Sehun x Reader
Summary: For you, being a good witch was easier said than done. Something dark was lurking inside of you and the others knew it. When you’re forced to tag along with Soomi and help a local wolfpack face a coming evil, you’re sent on a path that breaks into a crossroads. While you struggle with your inner demons, could the wolf Sehun be the key to your ultimate fate?
Part: 1 I 2 I 3 I 4 I 5 I 6 I 7 I 8 I 9 I 10 I 11 I 12 I 13 I 14 I 15 I 16 I 17 I Final
You weren’t so much as “packing” as you were throwing clothes into the suitcase that was currently lying open on your bed. Sure, everything would be wrinkled and disorganized, but your annoyance and frustration refused to let you care. You weren’t even paying much attention to what you were grabbing from the closet and dresser drawers. All you were told was to pack enough clothes for a long stay.
A long stay. What did that entail? A few weeks? A month? Until the blood moon? And what if the blood moon arrived and nothing happened? Would you have to stay until the next one after that or would be allowed to come home until the next vision hit?
After throwing the pair of jeans in your hands towards the mountain forming in your suitcase, you landed hard on your back on top of the messy covers, whining the whole way. Hands folded on your stomach, you stared up at the ceiling, contemplating your life.
The only thing you wanted was to be left alone. You wanted the visions to leave you alone. You wanted the elder witches to leave you alone. Hell, sometimes you even wanted Soomi to leave you alone. You wanted to be allowed to be who you were without someone trying to channel the path you were supposed to take.
It wasn’t fair. It was like you weren’t allowed to make any mistakes. Markl could accidentally make Mother Adansonia lose her eyebrows and Martha could mix up the potions and cause the whole coven to fall asleep for an entire weekend, but you weren’t allowed to even spill a cup of water. You had to keep all toes in line. You had to basically do the impossible and be perfect. Or else you would be considered a danger to the world and the mothers could take drastic action.
Now you were being forced to leave and… do what, exactly? What were you supposed to do once you reached the wolves? Say “hey there’s this weird blonde woman who’s going to do… something on the blood moon? We don’t know yet but we thought you mutts might have an idea?”
You snorted to yourself. Yeah. You couldn’t wait for that conversation.
A soft knock came from your door and Soomi poked her head inside the room. “Are you almost ready?”
You sat up, folding your hands in your lap. “Um, yeah. Almost.”
But your answer couldn’t hide the monstrous pile beside you. Shaking her head, Soomi stepped in and started folding your clothes for you, arranging them in a somewhat organized manner that would allow the luggage to close when the time came.
“This might not be all bad,” Soomi insisted. You gave her a side eyed glance that let her know how much you believed her, but stayed quiet. “Their farmhouse is surrounded by woods, a little less than an hour outside the city.”
“More total isolation,” you murmured. “Joy.”
Mother Willow’s cottage wasn’t completely all alone out here. The other mothers’ homes were scattered around in a randomized fashion, their only connection being a gravel road that most ordinary humans could never find. Every once in a while, a stray hiker would stumble across the coven, but Mother Sumire had a talent in memory potions disguised as lemonade.
It was a rare treat for you to be able to venture into town. Mother Willow would sometimes send you to get groceries or allow you to buy new clothes at the tiny boutiques, but you were never alone. You felt like a parolee under strict observation. If they turned their backs, you’d be on the run. And maybe they were on to something. The thought had never really crossed your mind until now, running away. Really the only thing stopping you was the fact that you had nowhere to go. You didn’t know how to truly function in non-magic society. The coven had been your entire world and the idea of not having it to fall back on was terrifying.
Besides, you couldn’t break Soomi’s already fragile heart.
“I was implying that you could have quite a bit of alone time,” Soomi hinted at with a side glance of her own. “To practice….”
You scoffed. “You wouldn’t rat me out?”
Soomi pursed her lips, keeping her focus on folding the shirt in her hands. “I am saying nothing of the kind. There are all different kinds of plants for you to study there. That’s all I meant.”
Of course. “I’m sure I can find sort of leaf that I haven’t seen before.”
With your suitcase properly packed now, Soomi zipped it closed and turned to you. Sadness and worry glistened in her eyes. Cupping the back of your head in her hand, she kissed the top of your head. “I’ll be out at the car when you’re ready.”
Alone once again, you took a few last mental pictures of your room. Would it be covered in dust by the time you got back? Would you be coming back? An ominous feeling was settling in the pit of your stomach. Things would be different after this trip, there was no doubt about that. You couldn’t verbalize what it was that would change or be altered, but you had a feeling that you were starting down a path that would take you to a place you couldn’t come back from.
Sliding your suitcase off the bed and pulling up on the collapsible handle, you rolled the bits of your life that you were taking with you out of that room and down the hall to whatever unknown future awaited you.
Sehun sat at the table of the coffee shop, staring blankly out the window. People - ordinary people with ordinary lives - passed on by in groups of twos and threes. They laughed and chatted amongst themselves as they gripped their shopping bags or pushed their strollers down the sidewalk to their next destination. Leaning forward, he took a long sip of the bubble tea in front of him.
Luhan was late, but that was nothing new. He was always antsy leaving his mate, terrified that even after all these months, her old organization would hunt her down and take her away. Not that he could be blamed, but Harper insisted that she’d covered her tracks and made it seem like she’d perished in the explosion that destroyed several buildings on their compound. Her sister – the only one in her family to know the truth - was sworn to secrecy and no one had even come sniffing around their town as far as they knew.
Sehun snorted. Sniffing around. His jokes were getting about as bad Junmyeon’s.
“Do you want another one?”
Straightening up, Sehun turned to see who’d offered him another drink. It was Jinyoung’s coworker – Mia or Mandy or… something that started with “M”. He looked down to find that his drink was, in fact, empty save for a few surviving boba. When did that happen?
“No, thank you,” Sehun answered flatly. “I’ll be fine.”
“Are you sure?” she smiled coyly at him. “It’d be on the house.”
As tempting as a free drink was, he didn’t care to accept the implications behind it. “No, thank you,” he repeated. “I don’t need another one.”
Unfortunately, she wasn’t deterred in the slightest. “Well, if you change your mind, you know where to find me.” She winked at him before turning away, nearly colliding with the body that was running towards the table. “Oh, hey, Luhan.”
Sehun perked up. Finally.
“Hey, Marcie!” Luhan waved as he collapsed in the chair across from Sehun. He gave an apologetic look. “Sorry, I’m late.”
Sehun shrugged, holding back the pout that was pushing on his lips. “It’s fine. I get it.”
“But we rarely get to hang out anymore,” Luhan went on.
And whose fault is that, Sehun really wanted to ask. But the true answer was no one. It wasn’t anyone’s fault. Luhan had found his mate and then nearly lost her. He couldn’t blame the wolf for wanting to make up for lost time. The only trade off was Sehun being left in the dust.
Luhan glanced over his shoulder and smirked. “Marcie’s really got a thing for you.”
Not really caring for the direction of the conversation, Sehun kept his focus on the straw that was housed in his cup, “So?”
Realizing the fruitless effort, Luhan sighed. “Never mind.”
Sehun held back the sigh of relief. When will the others realize that he simply wasn’t interested?
As if she heard her name from all the way on the other side of the café, Marcie came back over, a cup of water in one hand and a napkin in the other.
“In case you get thirsty,” she practically purred as she put both objects down and walked away.
Sehun took one look at the napkin and groaned. “Okay, let’s go.”
Luhan tilted his head. “Why? I just got here.”
“Too bad.” Sehun stood up, the legs of the chair scraping against the fake wooden floor. “You should have been on time.”
“At least let me- ah!” Luhan snickered when his eyes finally landed on the napkin. Marcie’s number was written carefully across the paper in blue ink. The older wolf started to reach for it, but Sehun’s reflexes were faster and he slammed the plastic cup down on top before it could be snatched away.
“Leave it,” Sehun demanded through gritted teeth. Luhan rolled his eyes and stood up, obeying the request. Both of them left the café without a single glance towards the cash register. Sehun didn’t care if her feelings were hurt. She should have gotten the message the first time around.
Quickly forgetting the encounter, the two of them hurried down the sidewalk towards the hair supply store. That was the real reason Sehun had called Luhan out. He needed one last opinion to see if he should really do this or not. Or to tell him no so he could solidify his resolve to do it.
Some might say it was an attention thing. And maybe it was. Maybe it was a test to see who noticed or how even cared. Either way, he needed a drastic change. Something that would shift his world even in the slightest of ways. His life had become too routine, too mundane. And that was saying a lot for a supernatural creature.
“I thought you had plenty of dye at home?” Luhan asked once they reached the hair color section.
Sehun shrugged as he roamed over the different selections available in front of him. “It’s all the same. I want to try something else.”
“Sure,” Luhan nodded. “Everyone wants a change. And too many of us are blon- whoa, what are you doing?”
Picking up one of the more radical colors, Sehun simply raised an eyebrow before moving on to the sheers. “Do you think Hae In could help me with this part?”
Luhan stared at the youngest wolf in disbelief. “When you said different… you really meant it, didn’t you?”
“Kind of the point, Luhan,” Sehun replied dryly.
Knowing that he wouldn’t be able to talk him out of it, Luhan sighed. “Actually, I think Kimberly will be the one to ask. I’d be a little terrified of the idea of Hae In with scissors near my face.”
Sehun thought it over before nodding in agreement. “You’re right. Let’s go.”
He headed towards the front before he could even think about changing his mind.
The sun was completely gone by the time you arrived at the farmhouse. Soomi put the car in park near the front porch and gently shook you awake. High pitched groans and whines vibrated in your throat as you sat up and rubbed your eyes.
“Hey, sleepyhead,” Soomi giggled at you.
You frowned at her through squinty eyes before yawning and stretching out your limbs. The only light to see by came from the front porch and from the heavy duty spotlight on top of the giant detached garage. The long, two-story house was planted near the edge of the giant circular field. Soomi was right, they really were in the middle of the woods. Nothing but trees filled your vision no matter which direction you looked.
“Come on.” Soomi cut off the engine and popped the trunk before hopping out of her seat. You followed behind at a slower pace, still partially asleep from your less than satisfactory nap.
Suitcase in hand, you shut the trunk lid and struggled up the stairs of the porch. Maybe you’d packed a little too much.
With her dainty little fist, Soomi knocked on the door. At first, you thought she’d done it a little too softly as the two of you stood there, nothing happening. With how late it was, you were sure most – if not all – the habitants were asleep. You really didn’t feel like waiting out here all night. Rolling your eyes, you lifted your own knuckles to hit it harder when the door suddenly swung open.
Junmyeon, leader of the pack and Soomi’s once-upon-a-crush, stood the doorway, his eyelids flickering from being up so late.
Soomi chewed on her bottom lip guilty. “I’m sorry, Junmyeon, we meant to come earlier.”
“No, don’t apologize,” the alpha motioned at the two of you. “Come on in.” He opened the door wider and took ahold both of suitcases, lifting them and taking them inside the house with barely any effort on his part.
“Thank you, again, for doing this, Junmyeon,” Soomi sighed as she shut the door behind you.
Junmyeon shook his head as put the suitcases down next to the couch. “No, Soomi, you’re the one who should be thanked. You’ve been keeping us informed about what could be coming since the beginning and you didn’t have to. You have your own family to worry about. I’m sure once the boys hear about what else (y/n)’s seen, they’ll start taking it a little more seriously.”
You fought the urge to make some sort of snide comment. It wasn’t surprising that the wolves weren’t concerned in the slightest over your little visions. If they weren’t coming to you in the first place, you wouldn’t think much of them either.
But you could feel the dark cloud that came with each scene. The fear, the evil. Each one came with a presence, a lingering darkness that you couldn’t see but absolutely terrified you. Whenever you relayed the episodes to Soomi, you’d downplayed your worry. But you couldn’t stop figuratively glancing over your shoulder as if that presence would personify at any moment.
Had it already in the shape of that woman?
“Are they all asleep already?” Soomi asked.
Junmyeon nodded. “I told them that you were coming, but not when. I thought it best that the two of you rest before meeting them. They can be… rambunctious at the best of times. I didn’t want to overwhelm (y/n).”
“I remember how they can be,” Soomi chuckled softly. Glancing at you, she sighed. “I guess we can just crash here for now.”
“Actually, one of the guys is in town with his mate. You can take his room for the night. We’ll figure out your long term place in the morning.”
Soomi pursed her lips. “If you’re sure that won’t be a problem….”
“Not at all,” Junmyeon insisted. “Jongin would volunteer anyway if he were here. Let me show you to the room. You must be exhausted.”
As if on cue, you yawned, earning a chuckle out of the elders in the room.
Careful not to make too much noise, you followed the alpha up the stairs towards one of the rooms in the middle of the long hallway. He opened the door and ushered you inside before turning on the light.
“The bathroom is across the way in case you need it,” he told the two of you softly. “In the morning just come down whenever you’re ready. We’ll have breakfast for you.”
“Thank you,” Soomi nodded.
At your silence, she elbowed you in the stomach. You scowled at her before muttering, “Thanks.”
Junmyeon didn’t seem to take offense, laughing to himself. “Good night.”
As soon as the two of you were alone, you dived into your suitcase, pulling out the large t-shirt and comfortable shorts you’d packed away to sleep in. When you were changed, you hopped in between the covers and settled in. Soomi moved at a slightly slower pace, taking her time before shutting off the light and climbing in beside you.
“Soomi?” you whispered after a few minutes of silence.
“Hm?” Great. She was already drifting off to sleep.
“How long do you think we’ll be here?” Not exactly what you wanted to ask, but you decided against the more emotional road while she was only partially awake.
“Until the blood moon, probably,” she murmured. You didn’t ask anything else and soon she was fast asleep beside you.
You lied there, staring up at the ceiling for what seemed like ages. While you were completely drained, your mind refused to shut off and let you get some rest. Your eyes fought to stay closed, but that wasn’t the same as being off in dreamland.
While your mind was churning over how the morning’s events would play out, your ears picked up on the squeak of floorboards outside. Never the one to turn down your curiosity, you carefully slid out of bed and tiptoed over to the door. Praying that the hinges didn’t squeak, you pulled the door open at a snail’s pace. Right in front of you, there was nothing. Then, you risked peeking your head out farther.
Your eyes took a second to adjust to the dimly lit area. Just as they were able to interpret what they were seeing, you found the source of the noise. Down at the other end of the hallway, a door was opened. One of the wolves must have come home late. You didn’t see much of him, just the broad shoulders hidden under a plain t-shirt before he disappeared into the bedroom. Shrugging at the anticlimactic discovery, you closed your own door and headed back to the bed to, hopefully, finally get some rest before the next big adventure that waited for you in the morning.
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brooklyn2006 · 4 years
The cafe
After three failed serious relationships, love just seemed silly and meaningless. You were almost certain you’d never find true love. It was you that was the problem, the reason the relationships never worked out. You were too clingy, fell in love too fast, spoke too much and never did enough for your supposably other half. At least that was the last thing said in arguments before the men you loved walked out of your life. All those things were true and you had come to terms with it, taking it on board with every relationship you got into, but it still always ended and was still because of you. You decided to prioritize work over love after Hunter left, he broke it off because you’re ‘a lazy ass who doesn’t make any money and relies on the people you sleep with to pay the bills’. With a stable job and a good income, this was the one sentence you didn’t believe said about you, but it still made you work even harder. You had two jobs to keep you busy. A primary school teacher three days a week and a café manager, but inly worked on sight for two days.
-May 23rd 2019-
It was Thursday today which meant working at the café. You got there around 4:30AM to prepare all the sweets, but you didn’t officially open until 6AM. You were in the middle of making a cinnamon scroll when you heard the bells jingle at the front door indicating someone had walked in. You looked over your shoulder at the clock that read 5:17AM and sighed. You finished off putting the second round of scrolls in the oven and walked to the counter with the first freshly cooked ones. There was a tall man standing near the end of the café looking over some of the books, then picking one up and flipping through the pages after reading the blurb.
“Good morning sir, can I help you?” You asked softly, not to startle him.
“Oh sorry, good morning” He smiled turning around to face you, his pupils dilating at the sight of you standing there in your apron with icing sugar all over your face. “Um-“He starts but then cutting himself off with his thoughts, suddenly forgetting why he walked in.
“We aren’t open yet, but if you’re on the go I can make you a quick something?” You offered, kindly letting him know you’re not open.
“Oh I’m sorry I didn’t realise you weren’t open, I just saw the lights on and assumed” He put the book back on the shelf and walked towards you.
“That’s alright, can I get you something?”
“Um, if it’s not out of your way, could I just have a black coffee?”
You smiled up at him and put it into the cash register then walked to the side to make the coffee.
“What brings you walking around at 5 in the morning?”
You make conversation with this man for what feels like hours, but was really half an hour until opening time and you had to get busy.
“Oh before you leave sir-“
“Harry” He puts his hand out for you to shake
“Harry, would you like a freshly made cinnamon scroll for your travels? Made by me of course” You say already getting it ready without giving him time to say no.
“Would love one” He says getting out his wallet
“On the house Harry, for keeping me company this morning”
“Then keep this as a tip, for the friendly service” He says sliding the 10 dollar tip over the counter towards you.
“Oh, no Harry, take it back please”
“Come on, I insist” You hesitate but take the money and exchange a small smile, before he leaves the café. When you hear the bells ring to indicate his left, you bring the money out of your apron pocket and put it in the tip jar.
It was a pretty normal day at the café. You’ve been working at the café pretty much since you started university 6 years ago, you were a trusted employee, which lead to the owner resigning and asking you to become manager. It was around 7PM when you peeked outside the window to see the pouring rain hitting the side walk. You lived a short distance from the café, so you walked. Now regretting your decision to leave your rain coat at home. You grabbed the last two scrolls and jelly slices to take with you on your wet walk home. As you closed the doors, you saw a familiar figure standing at the window of your café, but looking at the book section.
“Hey- uh… I didn’t get your name earlier, sorry”
“Y/N” you smile. The majority of the day, this man standing in front of you consumed your thoughts. Something about him was so chronic. By the way he looked, he should be a dick, a heart breaker, but he wasn’t. Well he didn’t seem like it.
“y/n” he repeated smiling at himself. “Closing up?”
“Yup” you say holding up the bag to show that you were packed up.
You spoke back and forth for a while until your phone buzzed which reminded you of the time. “I should get going now, before the rain gets even worse”
You both looked around at the weather. “You’re walking home?”
“I didn’t realise this morning when I left it would be raining and I like to walk before a long day at work”
“Let me give you a lift” He stated more than asked.
“Thank you Harry, but I couldn’t ask you to do that, not after your tip this morning”
“The tip you put into the tip jar and didn’t keep for yourself?”
You looked at the ground not being able to hold in the smile. He was watching you, even after he left. You let out a small laugh, making Harry chuckle, something so small that you did was contagious to him.
“Let me take you home” He say once again stepping closer to you so you can be shielded underneath his umbrella as the wind picked up and pushed the rain in your direction.
You gave him a look saying ‘are you sure’, to which he replied with a smile and a nod. Moments later you were getting into his car, giving him your address, then last minute inviting him in to say thank you and for another sweet you made this morning.
 May 24th 2019
It was a late night of small conversation over desert and wine between you and Harry. The late night an alcohol opened you both up about your lives. Not too much, but enough to lose sleep over thinking about him. He left just after midnight, promising he’d come bright and early the next morning for his black coffee and cinnamon scroll.
He held up to his promise, coming nearly at the exact same time, 5:31AM.
“Good morning y/n, how’d you sleep?” He asked walking through the doors, pulling of his grey beanie.
“Good thanks” You replied already getting his black coffee ready.
Much to Harry’s dismay, he didn’t get much sleep last night. He could blame it on the alcohol and say that’s why you were on his mind for hours until his useless alarm went off. But, the alcohol wasn’t to blame because it’s not the first time his mind only held you. He wanted to ask you out. To show you a good time. A good time with him.
“What are your plans for tonight?” he asks shaky at first, but finishing strong
You thought for a moment. “Uh- no plans tonight”
“Would you like to make plans with me tonight? I could use the company” he asks hopefully
As soon as the words hit your ears, butterflies explored your stomach, almost making your legs weak. You cursed yourself for feeling this way, even after promising yourself you wouldn’t fall again. Oh, how you wanted to say no, how you wished he wasn’t so damn resistible to make you say “Sure”.
“How does the bar sound? The one down the street?”
Your floor was a mess after throwing unapproved dresses on the floor. Again scolding yourself for putting this much effort into looking good for someone, who you don’t want to look good for. Finally you came upon the perfect dress in your closet. It was a basic, tight black dress that reached your mid-thigh with sleeves that wrapped around your forearm. You tied up the string covering your exposed breast. You grabbed your clutch, put on your black heals and sat on the couch waiting for Harry to knock on your door.
Just as you were getting lost in your thoughts, you heard the knock you’ve been waiting for. Checked your appearance in the mirror once more before unlocking the door to the gorgeous Harry Styles. He looked unlike you’ve ever seen him before. You wanted to stare, to run your fingertips over his partly exposed chest and trace over his butterfly tattoo. It took more than mental and physical strength to stop yourself from doing just that. You brought your eyes to the floor, too embarrassed by your vibrant red cheeks to meet his eyes. Harry using your lack of eye contact to his advantage to look at you. He didn’t want to take his eyes off you.
“You look really nice Harry”
“Y/N- you- uh, you look gorgeous!”
You internally roll your eyes, just as your blush was disappearing, he makes it come back up.
You meet with his eyes as he holds out his hand for you to hold.
It was a comfortable silence on the way there. Both of you stealing unknown glances at each other’s complexion.
You arrived at the club and headed straight to the bar, to buy your first drinks. It two shots and 15 minutes until you let your hair down and had fun. You danced the night away with Harry. Swaying chest on chest to the beat and singing to your favourite songs. You felt happy with Harry, dancing with him here, right now, you’ve never felt safer with anyone before. It scared you, but the alcohol in your system plucked the emotion from your mind for your sober mind to deal with. The drinks were catching up with your bladder, so you left Harry’s side for the first time tonight so you could relieve the throbbing feeling. You fix yourself up and go to head back to Harry when you felt someone’s eyes on you that had a different vibe to Harry’s. You mindfully twist your head over your shoulder, only to see your most recent ex- boyfriend, Hunter. You agreed that Hunter was your worst boyfriend. Taking your self- doubt and insecurities to his own advantages. Cheating on you, then making you the victim. Said the most disheartening comments on your appearance and personality. You sucked in a breath when you met his gaze, thinking back to the physical and mental abuse he caused you the last time you met. You quickly turned your gaze back to where harry was. He was sitting in the booth at the back waiting for you to come back. You quicken your pace before a hand grasped your elbow pulling you to a halt. You didn’t need to turn around to know who it was. You were praying Harry would look over and see what was happening. You knew what Hunter was like when he had a few drinks in him too well.
“Hunter, let go of me” You state sternly. In your relationship, you’ve never spoken to him in that tone or even defended yourself like you are now.
“Well, hi to you to honey” ‘Honey’ a name he called you, in which only brought back graphic images into your head. You looked around back at Harry frantically trying to see if he noticed, to your concern, his still invested In his beer.
“Hunter, let me go” You almost yell, looking him dead in the eye.
“What makes you think you can talk like that to me” He pulls you in closer, close enough you can smell every drink that’s gone past his Tounge. “HUH” he yells. You flinch, trying to pull away your arm as well as covering the fear your eyes hold. Come on Harry. You think.
Hunter starts pulling you towards the front of the bar. His grip so tight on your wrist you can ear your bones clicking, like when you crack your knuckles.
You yell repeatedly, for him to release you. Given up on trying to hide your fear. You look back over your shoulder, no longer in view of Harry.
Hunter pushes your body up against a wall, were intoxicated people are In a heavy make-out session. He starts to untie the strings around your breast, the only thing other than your too tight bra keeping them from spilling. His other hand slowly rising up your leg from your knee to your crouch. He push at his chest, screaming for help, but it’s the silent part of the club. For all the terrible things Hunter has done to you, you’ve always gotten away from him before his threatened to go this far. You unfortunately knew how his routine worked. He’d hurt you, sometimes mentally, sometimes physically. You’d get away after cleaning up the shattered glass from his beer bottles or thrown objects that missed you by inches. You’d ‘fall asleep’ shortly after him making sure he can’t hurt you when his passed out. The next morning, it’s like nothing ever happened. This was how he fooled you: claimed “I don’t remember doing that shit, sorry Honey, it won’t happen again” kissing your cheek, then isolating himself in the garage where his beer cans were stored.
His now kneading your breast he got free from your bra, still pushing and playing with the bottom material of your dress. You’ve given up on yelling, its no use. You felt this was the end of your life. as dramatic as that sounds, you didn’t think any therapy could fix the damage he would cause to you, if he slides his dick in.
Just as he was sliding your panties to the left you felt he suddenly, forcefully being pushed away to the right. You opened your eyes for the first time since being shoved up that wall. Its Harry. You almost didn’t recognise at first, but you met with his eyes. You felt yourself let out a breath as he held you. You slid yourself off the wall onto the floor where Harry was now kneeling to comfort you.
Two security guards where handling Hunter, but you didn’t care, you didn’t want to have one last look at him for his last time of freedom. He yelled words of hate as he was getting pushed out of the club and into a police car. That’s when you let it out. All the tears you forcefully held in, came pooling out onto Harry’s exposed chest. Everything felt dark around you, like finally after all the torture, you broke. Harry rubbed reassuring circles on your back, whispering sweet words of comfort in your ears. That safe feeling that Harry had brought to you had vanished.
After continuously apologising for what this night could have gone to, harry finally offered to take you home. The whole way home, Harry held you. Wheatear it was your hand or your body, he never let you out of his touch. He held your hand and put his arm around your waist as he led you up to the front door of your apartment. He grabbed the keys out of your clutch he was holding and unlocked the door to a chilly breeze. For the first time in almost 2 hours (what felt like longer), his touch had left your skin. Usually his warmness would linger on your skin, this time it felt it wasn’t even there. It could be the cool in your home or the processing, but it wasn’t warm anymore.
Harry knew when he looked at your emotionless face that this wasn’t a rare thing for you that the man who hurt you tonight, has hurt you before. Harry was known for his heart healing, but he wasn’t sure if he could heal this heart. He gently rushed back to your side on the couch and you instantly rested your head on his lap. You were exhausted from all the crying and mental convincing that you deserved this. You fell asleep almost as soon as his fingers raked through your hair. Harry wasn’t going to be leaving your side for as long as you needed him to.
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miafic · 4 years
Fall AU (Part 3)
Part 1
Part 2
Zakk spent a lot of his time in the hospital feeling like he was visiting someone else’s life, like this couldn’t have possibly been happening to him. Or to Lucas. But it was.
He looked at Instagram a lot when the pain got overwhelming. Seeing happy people hurt, but it helped, too. He texted his sister because she avoided emotions like the plague and wouldn’t dare bring up what was going on with Lucas or ask any questions about him. Zakk was grateful; everyone else wanted an update on Lucas and asked Zakk how he was holding up. All that accomplished was pulling more tears out of Zakk, and from his perspective, crying had become a waste of time.
He started wearing a name tag when he went to see Lucas. Not always, but sometimes. When he did, Lucas always looked at it a few times. When he didn’t, Lucas still seemed a little bit happy to see him. It made Zakk feel good that he not only recognized him but had a positive association with him, although the doctor who’d been working with Lucas the most thought that Lucas was basing the association on new memories, not old ones. That was okay with Zakk, at least for the time being.
As far as Lucas knew, Zakk was his friend. It was heartbreaking, but it was a good place to be, relatively. He’d come across some horror stories online from people whose spouses didn’t want anything to do with them when they woke up with amnesia, so all of a sudden, being Lucas’ friend didn’t seem so bad. He reminded himself again that Lucas was alive. He was confused, and he was having a tough time, but he was alive.
It was almost kind of funny when, after three days, everything sort of slowed to a stop, and Zakk was instructed to take Lucas home.
The hospital had run all the scans and blood tests that they could, and Lucas had met with a slew of neurologists and psychologists, but no one had been able to give Zakk any predictions of when - or if - Lucas might improve. Zakk felt fully unqualified to be caring for Lucas on his own, but he didn’t have much of a choice. He wouldn’t ever dream of giving anyone else the task, though. He wondered briefly if this was what bringing a new baby home was like.
“Did you bring me here?” Lucas wondered. Zakk was driving out of the hospital’s parking lot, and Lucas kept touching the line where the cold window met the plastic of the car door.
“Yeah,” Zakk nodded. “Do you remember?”
“I don’t think so.”
Zakk hummed quietly, just relieved when Lucas didn’t ask why Zakk had taken him to the hospital in the first place. “We need to get you a nice, hot shower.”
“You said that already.”
It was the fourth time he’d said it over the previous day and a half, but that was the first time that Lucas seemed to have noticed. Zakk grinned. “Yeah, I did.” Tears flooded his vision, and he shifted all of his effort into keeping them in his eyes. It upset Lucas when he cried. “Are you gonna stay in the big bedroom with me, or do you want me to set up the guest room for you?”
“We’re going to your house?”
“What about my house?”
Zakk knew that he had to be careful with what he said. Slowly, he stated, “It’s… the same house.”
“We live together?”
“You’re my best friend?”
“Yeah.” It was true; they may have been married, but they were best friends, too.
“Do we usually sleep in the same room?”
“Mmhmm. Do you want to tonight, or no? You don’t have to decide right now, but-”
“I wanna sleep by myself.”
Zakk felt a little pang of sadness, but he wasn’t surprised. Lucas still hadn’t wanted him to stay overnight at the hospital, and besides, in Lucas’ eyes, they’d only known each other for a few days. “Okay. I’ll get the guest room ready for you while you take a shower.”
“What are you gonna do to it?”
“Um, put your pillow in there, bring you some clothes, make sure the air’s set how you like it...” Take the pictures out...
“How do I like the air?”
There had been a lot of questions like that over the last day. An offhand comment about Lucas’ hair prompted him to ask how he usually wore it. Then, as more things came up, he wanted to know what sports he followed, what his favorite color was, what music he listened to, what he typically ate for breakfast, what kind of clothes he liked… Zakk felt so lucky to be able to give him all of the answers.
“Well, usually you like it a little warm. But if you want it cooler, we can do that, too.” He gave Lucas a smile.
Lucas nodded. 
Zakk held his breath as they pulled into the driveway, praying that Lucas would recognize the house, but he didn’t. They parked and got out, and Lucas seemed so unsteady on his feet as he walked inside that Zakk was relieved that he’d thought to ask Big T to come pick Baby up before they left the hospital.
“I’ll leave the door open a little, okay?” Zakk directed as he walked Lucas across the master bathroom. “You just call for me if you need me, and I’ll come help you.”
Discomfort flickered across Lucas’ face again, and Zakk sighed a little before explaining, “I don’t want you to fall. Sit down if you need to. If you get dizzy. And if you’re just tired, too.” Even a mild head injury could potentially kill him. The chances of that were slim, but slim wasn’t zero, and Zakk wasn’t willing to risk it.
“Do you remember how to turn it on?”
Lucas stared at the handle before hesitantly reaching in and turning it. A stream of water began to fall. 
“Good. A little more to the left.”
Lucas turned it farther.
“Yep. Left for hotter, right for colder.”
Zakk started to walk away.
“What’s up?”
“I…” He licked his lips, staring at the carpet. “I think my brother died.”
It only took a second for Zakk to figure out that he was talking about Chance. He nodded.
“He did?”
“Someone really, really close to you died.”
“Can I see a picture of him?”
Zakk smiled sadly. “Take your shower, and then we can look at some pictures.”
“Not of me. Just him.”
Zakk nodded. He kept refusing to look at himself, even in the mirror, and Zakk didn’t understand why. The doctor didn’t seem too surprised, though. “I’ll find some.” He pointed at Lucas. “Hey, I’m serious - you sit down if you need to. And call for me.”
“I will.”
“This is him?” Lucas murmured, touching the image of Chance’s face on the phone. The picture immediately enlarged, and then all they were looking at was half of a tan neck.
“Here.” Zakk took the phone and reset the photo. It happened again.
Lucas frowned deeply.
“Let me print them really quick,” Zakk suggested.
Lucas waited patiently, but Zakk noticed that he seemed more attentive than he’d been since this whole amnesia thing started. Usually, he gazed carelessly around the room or just zoned out, but Lucas was actually… interested. This seemed really good.
“Do I have pictures of him here?” he asked.
“Yeah, but I didn’t know where yours are, so I had his m- uh. I had someone send them to me.” 
“You don’t know where they are?”
“You hide stuff that’s important to you. Well - you don’t hide it, really, but you put it places and you don’t tell me. I don’t feel comfortable looking.” 
Across the room, the printer started making noise. Lucas got up and walked over to it. He watched as the paper inched out of the machine, and then he picked up the first photo. “This is my little brother?” he asked.
“That was your high school best friend.”
“And you’re my now-best friend?”
“Uh-huh.” Zakk got up and went over to him. He tried not to look at Lucas’ long, wet hair.
“How old are we?”
Zakk hesitated and then wondered, “How old do you think you are?” 
Frustration crossed Lucas’ face. 
“You’re in your thirties.” 
The frustration turned to surprise, but it disappeared quickly as Lucas stared at the paper in his hands. 
Do you remember his name? Zakk wanted to inquire, but he didn’t, because the doctor had told him to stop asking that.
“He’s young,” Lucas stated, pointing at Chance.
“We were the same age?”
“And he died?”
“What happened to him?”
“That’s… tricky. He decided to end his life, but you and I don’t know exactly how he passed away.”
That got Lucas to look at him. (Zakk wanted so badly to touch his hair.) “Why?”
“Your mom didn’t want anyone to tell you. If it helps, you told me a couple years ago that you’re glad you don’t know.”
Lucas didn’t respond to that. There was a long silence, and then he said curiously, “I think he likes turtles.”
Zakk smiled again, laughing a little in relief. “Yeah, sea turtles! He loved sea turtles.”
“I remembered something!” Lucas exclaimed, and it hit Zakk for the first time how distressing this whole experience must have been for Lucas.
“You sure did. You’re doing great, Lucas,” he replied sincerely. “I’m proud of you.” I love you so much. I’m so glad that it’s me taking care of you right now instead of you taking care of me.
The printer finished another photo, and Lucas reached down to pick it up. As he studied it, Zakk decided to ask a question he’d ask Lucas if Lucas were a kid at Peace and Purpose.
“What do you think about when you look at that picture?”
“I… don’t know his name,” Lucas murmured, “but I know how he makes me feel.”
“And how is that?”
Carrying the new piece of paper with both hands and not looking up from it, he went over to take a seat. “Sad. Happy.”
“But I know the turtles. Where’s his necklace?” Lucas asked, pushing at the image of Chance’s collar.
“You remember the necklace?!”
Lucas blinked, looking confused again. “No.”
“You just said…” Zakk said, his excitement fading as quickly as it had come. 
Lucas’ eyebrows knitted together, and the frown settled back onto his lips. He put the photo down. 
“That’s alright. Do you want to look at more pictures?”
“Oh. Well, what do you feel like doing?”
He shrugged one shoulder. “I could sleep, I guess.”
Zakk glanced at the clock. It was almost 10. Sleep didn’t sound so bad, although he knew he’d ache all night to have Lucas lying with him just as he had every night for the last several days. He wondered whether it would be better or worse knowing that Lucas was just down the hall. 
Zakk decided not to restrain himself any longer; he reached out and brushed some of Lucas’ hair back over his shoulder. Moon of my life, he whispered inside his mind. “Okay. Let me grab your toothbrush.” He went into the bathroom and returned with it and an unopened tube of toothpaste. “If you need anything else, come get me. I don’t care what time it is.”
“Okay. Um, goodnight. Thanks for showing me the pictures of my friend.”
“Of course. Goodnight.”
Lucas closed the door, and Zakk felt his face crumble as he started to quietly cry. He envied Chance, the dead teenager, because Lucas had remembered him. He envied the fucking sea turtles. He felt weird for partially wishing that Lucas would have said that he wanted to have sex. Most of all, he missed combing Lucas’ hair out and then lying in his arms.
“Please, God,” Zakk whispered into the room as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Please, please, bring him back to me. Please bring him all the way back.”
Part 4
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choupichoups · 5 years
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Press F (Instagram/College AU) Ch.10
Lucas swears he’s the absolute master of undetected stalking. Or: Eliott is instagram famous and Lucas is the disaster gay who accidentally likes his post.
"You’re sure you're okay with this?”
Lucas pauses, croissant halfway shoved in his mouth as he regards Eliott with an inquisitive brow. “With what?” 
“Me announcing to… uh… all my followers who I’m dating.”
Lucas resumes eating, rolling his eyes as he brushes the crumbs off his fingers. “I already told you it’s okay,” he says, partly muffled due to the food in his mouth. “What can they do anyway?” 
Eliott chokes on a laugh, “What can they do? Lucas, have you seen the shit people do on social media?” He runs a fork over the leftover avocado on his plate. “You know what, I should probably delete that story, it’s only been half an hour anyway—”
“There’s no point, someone’s already saved that by now. It’ll just be up somewhere else.” He shrugs, feeling not an ounce of worry on this subject. “You posted about me before and if you haven’t noticed, some of your fans already found my account too.” He takes a sip of his coffee, smiling as he nibbles on the straw. “And your face is all over that one.” 
Eliott reaches over the table for Lucas’ hand, entangling their fingers together before bringing their hands up to his lips. He brushes a light kiss over the back of Lucas’ hand before pressing a smile into the same spot. “I just don’t want you feeling bad over any of this.” 
“No stranger on the internet can get to me, Eliott,” Lucas says, rolling his eyes again despite the fact that his voice might sound a tad too fond for eight in the morning. “Here.” He detaches their hands to get to his phone, pulling up that adorable photo he took of his boyfriend before leaving the apartment earlier. Tagging Eliott on the post is barely an afterthought and he cackles over the caption before placing his phone back down. “There, now if your admirers attack me it’s gonna be equally my fault.” 
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Lucas hands Eliott’s phone over, laughing to himself when his boyfriend’s expression morphs into outright affront after seeing the comments. 
He goes back to eating his food, noticing that his own phone is now buzzing with a phone call. He’s been getting calls from an unknown number for the past week but no voicemails are ever left. Lucas makes a point not to answer until an actual human voice leaves a message, convinced that it’s some marketing company trying to sell him their life insurance or some shit. The buzzing stops eventually but it goes straight to into ringing again immediately after. 
Lucas wipes his hands down and turns the phone over, almost choking in his haste to swallow down the food in his mouth when he sees the caller. 
“Hi, I’m looking for Lucas Lallemant?” 
“Yeah, that’s me,” he responds in a rush. “Is something wrong?”
“I’m so sorry for calling in so early, but Mrs. Lallemant has been asking for you all morning and we’re having trouble having her cooperate--”
Lucas doesn't let the nurse finish. “I’ll be there, I’ll be there soon. Can you let her know that?”
“Of course, we will, thank you--”
He’s already digging around his wallet before he ends the call, looking up to his boyfriend’s worried eyes when Lucas leaves money on the table that is very likely much more than what they owe. 
“I need to go,” he says, stumbling out of his chair in his hurry.
“Whoa, hey, slow down, what’s going on?” Eliott follows after him, catching his arm in a strong grip before Lucas can dash out to the streets without him. 
“My mom--” Shit, he doesn’t have the time nor the brain power to give Eliott the entire tragic backstory so he settles for an agitated, “It’s complicated. I have to go see her.” 
“Can I take you there?” Eliott asks carefully, holding Lucas’ face in between his hands so that the latter’s eyes would quit darting around and just focus on him. “I won’t go in with you, I’ll just drop you off. Is that okay?”
And Lucas does focus on him, worry increasing as he thinks of what Eliott’s reaction would be. But explaining to his boyfriend why he can’t accompany Lucas to a task as menial as dropping one’s significant other off to their parent’s house sounds more taxing than simply agreeing, so he nods. If Eliott notices the reluctance in the act, he doesn’t question it. 
But the closer their bus gets to the clinic, the more Lucas is starting to regret that decision. 
He can feel Eliott’s confused glances when Lucas gets off at a stop nowhere near the residential areas. The clinic is a lengthy building that takes up the entire acre beside the road— there are no other buildings beside it and the giant sign by the gated entrance gives it away without Lucas needing to explain where they are. 
Chancing a glance up at his boyfriend, Lucas can’t tell what’s going through his mind. Eliott’s face is blank, the confusion and worry from earlier have disappeared. It makes Lucas nervous.
However, that’s something he’ll have to deal with later. 
“Hey, I’m Lucas Lallemant, I got a call earlier for…”
“Ah, yes. I’ll get the nurse for you right away.” The receptionist busies herself with the phone and Lucas turns to Eliott, fiddling with the sleeves of his shirt. 
“Um, you don’t… have to stay if you don’t want to.”
Eliott’s eyes are trained on something over Lucas’ shoulder. “I’ll wait for you out here.” 
“Lucas?” A frazzled looking nurse addresses him and Lucas follows after her, trying not to think too much about Eliott being present for this. “Thank you so much for coming so quickly, we had notes on her file to call you if something like this happens but with Marie gone, we weren’t quite sure how to proceed.” 
“That’s fine, thanks.” To be fair, his mother hasn’t had any terrible meltdowns since moving into this clinic. 
“She’s in her room, not acknowledging anyone, just keeps saying your name.” 
Lucas thanks her again with a small, apologetic smile. The nurse looks young— she’s probably new, judging from the many emotions flitting across her features for every word she speaks. Lucas hasn’t seen a professional in this field who feels so much. Not even Marie. 
“Mama?” No response, but he’s figured that would happen. “I’m here now,” he continues, sitting by the bed and fixing the sheets around her shoulders. She’s situated to face the window, back towards him. “Did you need me for something?”
Still nothing. He sees the untouched glass of water placed beside her pills and Lucas runs a finger over the condensation forming on the side as he thinks of what to say next. 
She’s told him once before that hearing his voice helps her a lot. Especially on days like this, when she’s unresponsive and away from the reality she doesn’t quite want to face. 
“Do you hear it?”
Or maybe not as unresponsive as he’d thought.
Lucas straightens up, leaning on the edge of the bed to hear her soft voice better. “Hear what?”
“The trumpet.” 
There’s only silence around them. “No, mama, where is it?” 
“It’s been playing since this morning.” She turns on the bed, facing towards the ceiling. Lucas can see the pooling tears in her eyes. “The rapture’s here and I’ve been left behind. It’s because I’m such a bad mother is it? A terrible wife?”
“No—” He shuffles forward to take one of her hands in both of his. 
“Ephesians 5:22; wives, submit to your husbands,” she quotes absently, hand limp inside Lucas’ hold. “Is it because of the fight?”
A frown etches its way onto Lucas’ features. “What fight?” 
Tears escape from their fragile perch in her eyes. “He’s right.” She turns her head, looking at him this time. “Your life would be so much better if I just go.” 
Lucas doesn’t know where all of this is coming from but there’s dread forming in his chest, his mind picking up on everything that goes unsaid. “Where are you going, mama?” He shakes his head, the sight of her delicate tears triggering his own. “That’s not true, I don’t want you to go.” 
“So much better without me,” she whispers, head shifting back to resume gazing out the window. Her hand remains small and slack in his grip. It’s evident that she’s not listening to a word he says. 
Lucas gets up, scrubbing at his face as he closes the door to her room. He needs to tell Eliott to leave without him as he’s probably going to take a while— he doesn’t feel right, leaving his mama right away when she’s in this terrible of a state. 
Eliott’s standing by the walls only a few steps from the room and he gently takes Lucas’ face in his hands, wiping at the tears that stubbornly make their way down his cheeks despite his best efforts to stop fucking crying already. 
“Sorry, sorry I’m— this is so sudden I—” He tries to speak through the hitches in his breath. 
“Shh, don’t apologize,” Eliott says, pulling Lucas closer to place a sweet kiss on his forehead. 
This only serves to make him cry harder for whatever reason and Lucas has to take a deep breath, fists balled at his sides as he tries to reign over his emotions. “I’m gonna stay here for a bit, you should go.” His hands raise to hold onto Eliott’s forearms, thumbs tracing soft lines from back of the palm to wrist. “I don’t know how long I’ll be.” 
Eliott nods but doesn’t make a move to pull away. 
They only do so when a pair of footsteps echo in the hallway and Lucas does a double take when he sees the man walking beside his mama’s temporary nurse. “What the hell are you doing here?” 
Both his father and the nurse pause and Lucas is starting to really feel bad for the poor nurse, getting caught up in their family drama all in less than a day’s worth. 
“Please excuse us,” his dad says to her and she takes the golden opportunity to scramble the hell away from them. Eliott doesn’t take the same cue, moving back to give them space but staying within Lucas’ reach. “Hello, Lucas.”
“Why are you here?” Lucas brushes off the niceties. If there’s one thing he can’t stand it’s his father pretending to be a decent human being in front of others. “Have you been talking to her?”
“Who says you can do that?”
“She’s my wife, I can talk to her.”
“She’s not!” Lucas steps closer, raising his voice as if he’d done the opposite. This man has lost the right to call them his family. “You don’t get to talk to her whenever it’s convenient for you! Did you see what you’ve done? She was doing so fucking well without you!” 
“Mind your language, Lucas,” his father grits out. The sound of crumpling papers makes Lucas look down to where the man’s hands are clenched around a file folder. “I’m still your father and I won’t tolerate—”
“Oh shut the fuck up,” Lucas scoffs, shaking his head at the audacity. “You’re so full of it.” 
Lucas sees the man’s fisted hand move— he sees it, but he does nothing to stop it. Maybe if the hospital cameras catch the bastard acting with violence then Lucas would have a real reason to want to throw him into jail. Or at least to have him stop stirring shit in their lives. Legally. 
But no pain reaches him even as he braces for it and when he tunes back in, it’s to Eliott’s back in front of him, one hand gripping Lucas’ father’s wrist in a firm hold. 
“That’s enough, sir,” Eliott says, mock polite. 
All hands drop back down to their respective sides but the tension remains high up in the air. 
His father’s eyes switch from Eliott to Lucas, face impassive. The thick silence only lasts a for few moments, however, because Lucas’ father is as shameless as one can get. He thrusts the file folder under Lucas’ nose, sidestepping the entire wall that is Eliott standing in between the two of them.
“Sign these and mail them back to me, pronto,” the man says, pocketing his hands once Lucas has taken the papers. “Don’t give me a hard time about this, it’s for your own good.” 
Lucas spares him the coldest glance he can manage as he reads through the file. Insurance claims? Transfer permission? To Marseille? Taking a sharp breath through his nose, Lucas simmers in silent rage. So this sad excuse of a man finds a new job that provides extra allowance to employees caring for disabled family members and suddenly he’s husband of the year? Fuck that, fuck him. 
Fuck everything and his fucked up life. 
“Fuck you,” he says, throwing the papers back at his father. He doesn’t give a shit that they land scattered on the ground— maybe the man would pick up some of his dignity along with those papers that way. 
Lucas turns around before his father gets over the shock of his reaction, gazes at his mama’s door but he can’t. He can’t deal right now, not after this. There’s a chance that he’d actually lose whatever’s left of his sanity if he goes in and is faced with the hopeless look in her eyes. His mother, who’s supposed to take care of him, hasn’t been able to care for herself for years and years. His father, who’s supposed to provide for him, has abandoned him for longer. Now, he’s stuck dealing with their escalating issues again, an unwilling tether to a breakable thread. He doesn’t know why his mother’s holding on so tight to the delusion of a complete family, he doesn’t know why his father’s holding on so tight to the farce of being a good man. 
And Lucas is so tired of this bullshit. 
His phone rings with the same unknown number and Lucas wants to throw it to the fucking floor.
He runs for the back exit, not wanting to run into his father when the man leaves the clinic as well. There’s a dire need inside him to breathe in some air, one that doesn’t linger with antiseptic, that clean, fabricated hospital smell that drives him up the wall. 
Eliott’s there to hold him when his knees threaten to buckle under him. Lucas turns into his arms immediately, clinging onto the hood of his sweater as he takes in unsteady breaths.
“I’m so sorry you had to see that,” he says into Eliott’s shoulder, tears making their unwelcome comeback in his tired eyes. 
“Don’t be sorry,” Eliott assures him, hands running back and forth over Lucas’ back. “It’s okay.”
“It’s not okay,” Lucas retorts. “It’s not.”
“Hey.” Eliott tilts his chin up with a thumb and smiles fondly when Lucas sniffs miserably up at him. Eliott brushes a hand through his hair and kisses him on the forehead again. Lucas’ heart melts, settling calmer with the knowledge that even if his world feels like it’s going for another ride in hell, at least Eliott’s here with him this time, the angel that brings light to his life. “Don’t worry, I get it.”
More tears spill over the corners of his eyes. Eliott deserves happiness all the time, not Saturdays with strange clinics and witnessing shouting matches with horrid fathers. 
“I’m so tired,” Lucas whispers, closing his eyes when Eliott’s thumbs come up to brush away his tears. He doesn’t know what he’ll do without them now-- doesn’t ever want to go back to a time without Eliott’s warm, gentle touches. “I just wish that everything’s normal for once.” 
“Normal how?” 
Lucas gestures to the clinic where he and his father held that unpleasant confrontation. The clinic has started to become his mama’s safe space but now that man’s just gone and ruined it. “I’m tired of that bullshit. Why can’t I just have a normal family?” He shakes his head, feels his phone ringing in his pocket for the thousandth fucking time and he doesn’t even want to think about what’s brewing on that front. Telemarketers aren’t that persistent. “Why can’t I just have normal people around me? A normal life? Fuck, I hate this. I don’t wanna deal with any more of this.” 
Eliott’s quiet above him but he holds Lucas tight in his arms, very tight. Lucas buries his face in Eliott’s neck and locks his own arms around Eliott’s torso, deflating after finally getting those thoughts out in the open. 
“You don’t have to.” Eliott whispers into Lucas’ temple, cheek nuzzling into his hair. 
“You won’t have to deal with it.” 
“Let’s get you home, okay?” 
Yann is still there when Eliott drops him off at the apartment. Lucas must look as shitty as he feels because Yann doesn’t tease when he opens the door for them, Lucas being too out of it to bring out his keys. He can feel his best friend and his boyfriend exchange glances above his head and in a better state, he’d probably coo at how they’re able to hold silent conversations already. 
But as it is, Lucas just wants to take a goddamn nap.
Lucas turns to ask if Eliott would like to stay with them but his boyfriend brings him in for a rather abrupt embrace, so quick and inexplicably strong that Lucas loses his breath for a moment. His hands fly up to Eliott’s shoulders, fingers digging into the fabric of his hoodie as he presses his nose to Eliott’s chest. Eliott has his face buried in his neck and Lucas feels him take a deep, lingering inhale before pulling away with a soft touch to Lucas’ hair. 
“Take care of yourself, hm?” 
Lucas nods dumbly, watching Eliott walk away. 
lucallemant thank you for coming with me earlier do you have any plans tomorrow?
srodulv me and idris actually have to start another project so I'm gonna be busy for a while
lucallemant oh ok airplane mode type of busy?
srodulv yeah
lucallemant okay, take care of yourself this time lol don’t forget to eat and sleep  good night eliott ♥️
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rosesisupposes · 5 years
Pray for the Wicked
Part 10 of Another Goddamn Hero Story
read on ao3
Chapter Relationships: Romantic LAMP (Roman-centric); References to Familial Patmas
Chapter Warnings: anGST; hospitals; comas; discussion of murder; graphic violence; hallucination; induced hallucination; questioning reality; swearing in multiple languages;
Word Count: 3,397
Taglist: @residentanchor @royally-anxious@bewarethegrammarpolice   @jemthebookworm@arandompasserby  @sparkly-rainbow-salt @astral-eclipse@thelowlysatsuma @monsterinatophat @turtally-pawsome @um-yes-hi-hello @idkaurl @potestessemagishomosexualitatis@hawthornshadow
Patton woke from a thankfully dreamless sleep two days later. He blinked into filtered sunlight and the perpetual background noise of soft beeps. Rolling over, he just barely managed to not fall out of the makeshift bed, but was able to see Roman.
Just the sight of him and the light rise and fall of his chest made something in Patton’s own chest loosen. He was still alive, still breathing, still there. It was the first thing he checked each morning. As long as there was Roman, there was hope.
He sat up and grabbed his glasses from where he’d left them on the side table. Even in this terrible, sterilized light, Roman was still the most beautiful man he’d ever seen.
Or, one of them, at least.
Patton sat carefully on the edge of the hospital bed and laced his fingers through his unconscious boyfriend’s. He wasn’t sure when the heroes would be back today. Or even if they would be back at all. Did it matter, though? Patton had no intention of being anywhere other than Roman’s side.
He was still groggy and half-dozing when his ears picked up a slight change. The machines’ sounds were altering, just the slightest bit, the beeps coming just a tad faster. He looked up in time to see Roman’s eyelashes flutter gently.
Patton didn’t make a noise, frozen as he watched - what if speaking aloud or moving suddenly somehow broke the spell? He tentatively squeezed Roman’s hand in his, holding his breath. It seemed like an age had passed, but a slow, weak pressure squeezed his hand back.
“Sunshine?” he asked softly, throat thick with hope.
Another eyelid flutter, and then those wonderful hazel eyes opened just a crack. “Dearheart?” Roman croaked, his voice rough with disuse.
Patton clasped Roman’s hand in both of his, resting his forehead against their joined hands as tears rolled down his cheeks. “Ro, you’re awake!”
“Did I oversleep?” he asked, then stopped as he took in his surroundings. His muscles tensed as his eyes widened. “Where are we? What happened? Why are you crying? Pat, what’s going on?”
Tears continued to fall as Patton struggled to speak. “You’re safe, Roro. We’re in a hospital. You were in a coma, love. The heroes helped find you and get you here.”
Roman relaxed, slightly. “That… I thought was looking for you, sweet one. I knew you were close but I couldn’t see you.”
Patton freed one hand to wipe his streaming eyes. “Could you hear me, love? I didn’t leave your side. I was here.”
Roman smiled. “I knew you were, puffball, somehow.”
“Do you remember what happened to you? You were hurt, but you left us a hint...” Patton said slowly, not wanting to shock him with memory.
Roman frowned, forehead crinkling with effort. “I… no, I don’t recall anymore. I remember being really, really tired, then surrounded by dark, then bright white, and then… you.”
Patton reached out to hold Roman’s cheek, relieved to see color slowly seeping back into his dark tan skin. “How are you feeling now? Are you in pain?”
“I don’t know that I can sit up alone,” Roman admitted. “Everything feels so heavy, like there are weights covering me.”
“Holy FUCK!” a voice suddenly rang out. Patton turned to see the heroes standing in the doorway. Virgil was wearing yesterday’s clothes still, but Logan was in a fresh polo. Virgil was frozen, clinging to the door frame, unable to react more than his exclamation.
Logan was less impaired. He immediately hit the call button for the doctors, and strode quickly over to the bed. “Welcome back,” he said softly, smiling down at the bed-bound villain.
Patton impulsively reached out and grabbed the shorter man’s hand and squeezed. “He’s awake,” he said, grinning hugely. Everything seemed brighter, a rosy glow spreading across a world where Roman was conscious and alive and here.
Virgil was moving slowly towards the bed in stiff, stilted movements. He almost tripped from distraction, his eyes locked on Roman and ignoring all the obstacles in the way.
“Hey there, Princey,” he said softly.
Roman smiled, tilting back to make eye contact with the tall hero. “Hey there, ‘Flex. Miss me?”
“Not in the least. I reveled in the peace and quiet,” Virgil replied, grinning. He reached out slowly, carefully, to brush a stray piece of wavy hair out of Roman’s face. His hand lingered, holding the side of Roman’s face as the two men smiled at each other for all they were worth.
Patton looked at the pair, then down at himself, where he realized he was still holding Logan’s hand. He blinked, confused but still smiling, and reached out for Roman once more.
Just then, two alarms started to blare, one from each of the heroes’ wrists.
“Fuck, no, not now!” Virgil cried. “Joan and Talyn know we can’t-”
“If they sent it to us anyone, it must be for a very good reason,” Logan said grimly.
Roman struggled his way into sitting up. “Patton darling, you think you can give me some air support on our way? I’ll make myself a chair to float in-”
Three pairs of hands pushed him back down. “Don’t you dare,” Patton said, eyes flashing. “I did not spend three days straight worrying over you for you to hurt yourself again at the first possible opportunity.”
Logan nodded emphatically. “You need to rest and recover. It would be beyond foolish to attempt the sort of exertion we’re about to undertake now.”
Virgil said nothing to Roman, already on his phone. “Hey, Joan? Yeah, we’ll be on our way. But we need you or Tal’ to come make sure Roman doesn’t ruin his brand-new recovery. Yeah, he’s awake. Both of you? ...probably a good call. Thanks, bud, we owe you.”
He put his phone down and made pointed eye contact with Roman. “If you’re anywhere but sitting in this bed when they get here, I will personally come back from this HATCH call and beat your ass, got it? This is not the time for some fucking heroics.”
Roman sighed. “Okay. I’m trusting you guys to do the heroics for me, then. Pat?”
Patton immediately sat down on the edge of the bed. “Yes, sunlight?”
“Be safe.”
“For you, I will,” the villain responded, kissing his boyfriend’s forehead softly.
The heroes and Patton all changed in a flash, donning costumes and preparing to go.
“One more thing!” Roman called as they opened the window.
They turned to see Roman give them a hard stare. “If it’s who I think it is - make the bastard pay.”
Patton and Virgil responded with matching smiles, mirthless and threatening as wolves baring their fangs. Logan gave a last salute as the smaller team took off from the window, streaking towards the latest attack site.
“It’s quite rude, really,” Logan muttered as they arrived at the center of the city. The familiar amorphous cloud surrounded the founders’ statue and spread, encapsulating the grand courthouse located there too. “They’ve never cared about symbolism before, but now they go for the city landmarks?”
Virgil shrugged. “We can build new ones once we’ve taken this piece of shit out of the equation. You ready, Pat?”
Patton’s eyes were narrowed as he removed his glasses for safekeeping. “Let’s go.”
About to fly, Virgil grabbed Logan’s arm. “Hey - I’ll be there for you, L. Remember our signal?”
“I do. I love you, Virge.”
“Love you too.”
The small team sped into the fog into another confrontation with Agent Whisper. This time, Logan knew to expect the visions and was prepared for them. He held his knowledge of reality close as he zoomed into the fog, trying to find the villain. He was running too fast - no, this was his normal speed. He started to run in circles, creating a wind funnel to push the cloud away. He couldn’t see Patton doing the same - had the wind-manipulator abandoned them? Had he run too far and missed them? No, no, he was in the right place. Logan could feel dueling breezes - that was Patton, he just couldn’t see him.
It had to be.
Was it?
“V? Uh, frappe?”
Less than a full second passed before he felt a comforting pressure squeezing his shoulder. He took a deep breath and the illusions flickered, letting Virgil’s smiling face show through.
“We’re both here, L. I got you.”
Lips brushed Logan’s cheek in a quick kiss, and then both heroes dove back into their efforts to make the Agent Whisper reveal himself.
Virgil continued to push through the visions, trying to fly towards the epicenter of the foggy mass. He only saw flashes of the humanoid figure somewhere ahead of them, just bits and pieces through breaks in the fog. Moving forward took so much effort, ignoring all the images his brain conjured for him. He was so tired.  
He drifted lower, struggling to stay aloft, but fell to the ground. Growling in frustration, he risked a glance back. Patton and Logan were both on their knees, looking equally frustrated and exhausted all at once.
“Really? More manipulation? Come fight us like a real person, stop hiding behind your tricks!” Virgil tried to shout, but his threats lacked vigor. His words came out gasping as he struggled to stay on his feet. “I can do this all day, fucker!”
But he couldn’t, and he knew it. Worse, he knew the villain knew it, too. He braced himself into a fighting stance, trying to be ready for the attack he knew must be coming. He heard a terrible chuckle from the mist as his knees buckled and the last of his energy was sapped away.
“Oh hell no,” a new voice rang out. “You’re not getting away with this again!”
Virgil blearily looked up in time to see an enormous glowing red hammer come flying through the fog. It crashed to the ground with a thud and a cry. Suddenly, he could stand once more, and he immediately leapt into the air and flew towards the impact zone. There was Roman - still pale and sweating, looking ready to collapse, but floating determinedly aloft, held up by his powers.
“You absolute fucking dumbass,” Virgil growled, scooping him up in his arms and kissing him directly on the mouth. It was too forceful, too desperate, but neither hero nor villain could be bothered to care at that moment.
“Reflex, I swear to god, if you lose the advantage for us just to be gay-!” Logan shouted from behind them. Virgil grinned, shifted so that he held Roman with one arm, and sped down to where the red hammer was glowing even brighter than before. With his free hand, Virgil punched the hammer down into the ground, maximizing his own impact and channeling his strength through the weapon.
A roar rang out at the impact as Virgil leapt free again, flying back to Logan and Patton with Roman secure in his arms. The clouds around them grew dense and dark, completely blocking out the sun until Virgil was unable to see even the hand in front of his face. He held Roman tightly as he landed near where he thought the others were, scared to keep flying blind.
A voice dripped out of the dark, burning with venomous hate. “You fuckers think you’re winning? You really think you’re doing something good, don’t you. Taking me down for the ‘good of the city’? Newsflash, you muscle-bound bastards. The good of the city is not the good of the people in it. It just takes and takes, and gives nothing back.”
“Oh, and you’re so much better, killing innocent civilians and supers alike? Don’t act like you have the high ground here,” Virgil growled as he groped through the fog for his other companions. Once he could find them, he could protect them.
“No, you idiot,” the voice snapped back. It suddenly sounded more human, possibly male. “I don’t pretend I’m a hero. I don’t have some self-important cause. It’s why I’m the only goddamn honest super in this miserable fucking city.”
Another voice came up - Logan’s, crisp and accusing. “At least we do the best we can. We don’t ignore wrongdoing, or purposely cause harm, not while there’s something we can do to stop it. We protect the citizens as much as we can, and we protect our loved ones-”
“Don’t fucking talk to me about love,” the voice screeched. It was entirely inhuman now, distorted and echoing, with tones as high and grating as scratched slate and as low and rumbling as a tiger ready to pounce. "You entitled assholes. You think they care about you? They only care about what you can do for them. They will let you die in a heartbeat if it means they get something in return. They’ve done it before and they’ll do it again, and you dumbasses will let them. I’m the only one who sees the truth.”
“Roro, did you hear that?” Patton asked lightly, finally finding his partner’s wrist in the fog. He held on tight, holding him up as much as holding him close. “Isn’t that cute? He thinks he’s the only one who knows pain.”
“Pinche pendejo,” Roman hissed darkly. “Va te faire enculer.”
“How many languages does he speak again?” Logan whispered to Virgil, who’d found him in the mist too.
“The real question is, why are they all swears?” Virgil muttered back.
“Listen, Agent Whizz or whatever you call yourself,” Patton said. “I honestly couldn’t give two shits if all you wanted to do was attack the supers. They’ve failed me too. But you’re attacking civilians. They can’t defend themselves, and they don’t deserve this. Pissed at the city? Get in fucking line. You could have attacked the ones in charge, the ones who hurt you. But you think your pain is just so much worse that you get to kill anyone you want?”
“Don’t kid yourself, Fail Force. No one actually cares if the civilians die. They let it happen, over and over. They took my only family from me, and look what’s fucking changed,” the voice sounded, echoing from every side. “Nothing. Not a goddamn thing. They let them die because the supers couldn’t keep each other the fuck in line.”
A harsh laugh burst out of Roman’s throat. “Collateral damage. Yeah, can’t imagine what that’s like. Definitely didn’t lose my mom to that. Twice.”
“At least you had moms. All I had was a brother,” the Agent spat out, voice cracking. “A pair of orphans in home of orphans, and they let every one of us die.”
Roman couldn’t see Patton in the inky darkness, but he could feel his love stiffen in his hand. “Orphans,” the grey-clad man said, his voice tight. “A whole house of them, and the adults who ran it, too. A fight between heroes and a villain killed everyone in that building. But that wasn’t the worst part. No, the worst part was that one survived. Just one. When the only blood family he’d ever known and the only chosen family he’d made were gone, and he arrived just too late to save them.”
The fog quivered, growing a little less dark. “...yes. Just one survivor. But… far too late. Years too late. He only woke up in that infernal lab. He… everything molecule was burning, and he felt the building falling over and over, until he realized he was the only one seeing it…”
“Not… not far too late,” Patton said. His voice was still harsh, but less certain as Roman gripped his hand tightly. “Right after the collapse. As the building fell. I saw the bodies. They were all dead. All my kiddos. Even- even my brother. And the heroes and the villain were still there, still fighting, barely noticing what they’d done. I sometimes wish I hadn’t killed them so quickly. I should have made it last, made sure they felt remorse before I gave them the mercy of ending it.”
“Kiddos? No. Nonono. I’m- it’s happening again. They’re doing it again. Please, stop, I’ll be good, I’ll be better, just stop!” the voice begged, words spilling out in a jumbled flood. It was thick with distress even as the fog slowly started to thin and the world became visible again. For the first time, they could hear that the Agent was definitely male, and he suddenly sounded much younger than ever before. The darkness dissipated, and for the first time they saw their foe without illusions. A man, younger than any of them, in black jeans and a black shirt decorated with a white skull. He was huddled on the ground, arms over his eyes.
“Please no,” he whispered, rocking in place. “I’d been doing so well. I haven’t heard him in months. Don’t make me, please.”
Virgil held Roman upright still and looked down, a question in his eyes. Roman frowned and jerked a head at Patton, who’d released his hand. The air manipulator was moving ever so slowly towards their foe, approaching as he might a cornered wild animal.
“I’m not a hallucination,” Patton said softly. “I… I lost the foster home three years ago, and my little brother with it. I was at my job when the attack came, and couldn’t get back fast enough to help. But… I saw him dead.”
“You torturers, please stop!” the man cried, a sob crawling out of his throat. “You sound… you sound just like him. I’ll do anything, please just stop! Stop making me think that Patton is still alive!”
The trio watching the drama unfold stiffened. Logan gasped. Roman’s eyes stung. Virgil found himself unable to breathe.
Patton knelt at the boy’s side, and hesitantly reached out a hand, looking ready to snatch it back at any time. “I’m fairly sure I’m alive. But I might be wrong to think that my brother is dead. Maybe you’ve heard of him? His name…” Patton swallowed a lump in his throat, and placed his hand on the man’s shoulder. “His name was Thomas.”
The arm fell, revealing a tear-stained face etched in shock. “Pat?” he whispered, meeting the kneeling man’s eyes. “You’re… you’re real?”
“Tommy,” Patton said, tears leaking out of the corners of his eyes. “You’re alive!”
He tackled the younger man, hugging him frantically. Both brothers were crying and holding onto each other for all they were worth.
Suddenly Thomas was pushing Patton away, thrusting him back. “No! No, you can’t be real, the illusions are getting stronger! I can’t- I won’t be fooled again! They don’t get to hurt me again!”
“I’m real, Tommy, I swear,” Patton insisted. “Ask me anything. I remember it all.”
“Of course you do, the illusions are mine! Everything I know, you know!” The young man stood, backing away slowly. Tears continued to fall down his cheeks as he forced himself to put distance between them.
Patton’s face sagged in despair. Then, suddenly, his head snapped up. “Thomas - let me prove it. With something you don’t know.”
The boy stopped. He didn’t draw closer, but he watched, warily.
Patton slipped a hand through his tunic flap and pulled something out of his pocket. “I took this from you on the day- on the day of the explosion. It was in your hand and I couldn’t bear to leave it.”
Thomas inched closer, peering at the small object. “Is that…?”
“Teddy the Turtle,” Patton replied. “I told you I just found him, but I lied. I bought him, with my first paycheck. I had to… wash him, after, and glue him together, but I couldn’t just leave him there lying with you and… everyone.”
Agent Whisper stepped forward, only an arms length away from Patton. The watching heroes tensed, ready for a trick or a sneak attack. Instead, the young man reached out and took the tiny turtle figurine with a shaking hand. His fingers closed around it, and the tears began to flow in earnest. “It’s… it’s really him. It’s you. Oh god, Patty!”
He threw his arms around his brother’s shoulders, and they both started to laugh and hiccup through their continuing tears.
“His brother?” Logan asked softly. “This whole time, we’ve been fighting his brother?”
“But they’re together now,” Virgil replied, squeezing Logan’s hand while keeping a hold on Roman. “They found each other. We’re… oh my god, Lo. Agent Whisper is no longer a threat. We’re all safe."
a/n: the reveal is HERE holy shit i’m so excited. Did you suspect it? What was the best hint/foreshadowing? Are you ready for the last chapter to wrap this up?
((Fun fact: ‘Thomas is the Big Bad’ was the first plot point I came up with after the original concept of ‘royality but villains.’ I wrote the reveal scene before finishing chapter 1))
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spn-ficfanatic · 5 years
F*ck Cancer- Ch 1: The Discovery
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Summary: You’ve been hiding a crushing secret from your best friends (Well, one best friend and one sometimes-lover if you want to get technical about it). How will they react when they find out that the woman they grew up and hunted with for most of their lives, may only have a few months left to live?
Genre: Angst
Characters: Sam x Reader, Dean x Platonic!Reader* *For my Dean ladies: it may not be romantic between him and the reader, but it’s a very close brotherly/sisterly relationship and I still think y’all will really enjoy it :)
Words: 3277
Warnings: Cancer/chemo talk, swearing
A/N: I’ve only written one series prior to this. It was also a Sam x Reader, was 8 parts long just like this, and just like this it marked a huge milestone on my blog. The first chapter of “The One Moment” marked the 100th post I’d made... this marks the 300th :)
Your phone rang as you stared lazily out of the window. You knew you were lucky, not many of the other patients had this view; it certainly made the whole process seem a little less intimidating. Your heart nearly skipped a beat when you saw it was Sam who was calling, for good or bad you weren't sure. You and he had been together in the past, it was never anything serious because the life of a hunter would never allow that, but to say you didn’t have some semblance of feelings for him would be a big fat lie. You took a deep breath and accepted the call, holding your hand over the microphone in an attempt to shield the hospital sounds surrounding you.
“Hey Sam, been a while,” you told him, trying to sound casual. Thankfully you had only just started treatment 10 minutes prior so the vomiting hadn’t started yet, and your voice would definitely have betrayed you in that instance.
“Hey yourself Y/N, been good?” he replied; you could hear the smile in his voice which in turn had you grinning. You really had missed him.
“Can’t complain,” you lied. “How are you and bonehead going?”
“Hey, I resent that,” Dean’s voice protested in the background and you and Sam shared a laugh.
“He’s good, we both are.”
“So, what are you boys up to at the moment? Gimme all the goss,” you begged, reclining in your chair.
“Actually we’ve just finished a case and will be driving through Austin pretty soon to the next one, thought maybe we could stop by and say hi.”
You nearly dropped the phone as you bolted upright. Holding onto it tightly you quickly debated on the best way to handle this. No way were he and Dean going to find out about this, especially not in the middle of treatment.
“Y/N? You there?” he asked, concern filling his voice.
“Shit yer, sorry, I sat back and nearly dropped my phone. Um, now’s not really a good time,” you told him, scrambling to come up with a good excuse.
“Is everything ok? Are you in trouble?” he asked, jumping straight into protective mode. You forced out a laugh.
“It’s all good, I’m just not at home. Hitting a salt and burn a few states over unfortunately.”
“I thought you were having a break from hunting?” Dean asked you skeptically. Curse his big brother senses.
“Yer but this came up and, I dunno, I felt like scratching that itch or something,” you scrambled, picking at a loose thread on your jumper sleeve nervously. “Anyway I think I’ll be here another couple of days so we might have to try for next time. Sorry.”
“No no, it’s fine. Sorry to miss you, was looking forward to it,” Sam replied, sounding pretty beat up. God damn it Winchester!
A nurse started to approach and you realised you had to get off the call before they overheard her talking about your IV line.
“Anyway guys I better get going, it was really great talking to you. I’ll call you tomorrow perhaps?” you rushed.
“Oh, uh, yer sure. That’d be great. Talk soo-”
You had to cut him off, the nurse got too close and was about to open her mouth and blow your cover. You berated yourself for it, he probably thought you didn’t want to see them anymore, and you face palmed yourself and groaned in annoyance.
“Oh hun, is the nausea starting already?” the nurse asked you kindly.
“Yer, only it’s not the chemo this time.”
“Did she just hang up on you?” Dean asked incredulously. Sam was looking at his phone, the call disconnected before he’d even managed to get his sentence out.
“Uh, yer, it would appear so.”
“What the hell did you do to her man?”
Sam held his hands up defensively. “I didn’t do anything! At least I don’t think I did. Things were good last time, we email and message while we’re on the road. I don’t understand what’s going on.”
An awkward silence filled the cabin while the boys each contemplated the exchange.
“Did she sound a little flat to you?” Dean asked, starting to grow concerned.
“I dunno, a little I guess. Maybe this hunt’s taken a lot out of her, it’s been a while.”
“Do you… Nah.”
“Well, do you think she was on a hunt? Really? Maybe she’s just avoiding us.”
Sam gave Dean a look, before leaning over and grabbing his laptop from the back seat. Dean kept his eyes on the road while Sam brought up the GPS tracker and put your number in.
“Dude, really? We’re stalking her now? She’s gonna kill you if she finds out you did this, you know that right?”
Sam didn’t answer as he watched the program track your phone, his heart dropping when it landed on the one place he never expected it would.
“Dean, how far away are we from Austin?” he asked as he stared at the screen, his voice sounding a little dangerous.
“Uhhh, a couple of hours. Give or take. Why, is she there?”
“Yer she’s, uh, she’s at Cornerstone Hospital.”
3 hours later and you were finally done with your chemotherapy treatment for the day. You’d had a bout of nausea a little while ago but generally were starting to come good again. Knowing what happened last time though, you had about 45 minutes to get home before you could barely stand through the pain.
Waiting for the nurse to see you, you drummed your hands on the armrest while you looked around the room. A few people had come and gone in the time you’d been there, some having just a half-hour treatment. You were the youngest there you noticed, and you always got the pity-stare from the older patients when they walked in and saw you. So you kept to yourself… making friends with people at this stage in your life seemed relatively moot.
You were too busy reading a new poster on the wall to hear the heavy footsteps coming down the hall. You may have recognised them if you have been paying attention, you’d heard them on enough hunts in the past. A deep voice broke through your thoughts and turned your blood cold; if you hadn't still been connected to all the wires you might have tried to make a run for it. Instead you took a deep breath and turned to face the brothers. Neither had noticed you yet, their backs to you as they spoke to the nurse at the desk opposite. They were in their FBI gear which surprised you.
“Hello, we're looking for Y/N Y/L/N?” Dean asked in his professional voice.
Sam started looking around the room and before the nurse could point them in your direction, his eyes landed on yours. His jaw dropped as he took your frail form in, and before Dean could even turn around he was headed to you.
“Y/N, what the hell?” he cried, trying not to be too loud but he was obviously upset. Dean too came toward you, you don’t think you’d ever seen him look so worried before.
“Is everything ok here?” the nurse asked as she approached your chair, eyeing the men cautiously.
“Yer it’s all fine Tess, thanks for checking. Could we have a sec before you unhook me?” you asked her quietly. “I need to talk with my friends.”
She nodded with a warm smile and patted your knee gently before walking off to help another patient. You watched her leave, and sighed as you turned back to face the guys. Both were staring at you with mouths agape, and you rolled your eyes and gave a little huff of amusement.
“You guys wanna close your mouths? There’s a few flies buzzing around in here.”
“Don't joke Y/N, this isn't funny,” Dean scolded.
You hung your head. “You're right, I’m sorry. I don’t really know how to talk about this stuff.”
“How long has is been going on?” Sam asked, nearly in a whisper. The guy looked heartbroken, and you felt like dirt.
You rubbed your neck awkwardly, you knew they weren’t going to like the answer you had for them. “Umm, this is my second cycle of chemo.”
Sam tried to stay composed but your admission took him by surprise. “Wha- SECOND? You didn’t think to call me after the first? Why the hell haven't you said anything?” he whispered angrily, trying not to draw attention from the other patients. It was a futile effort though, there wasn’t much entertainment in the treatment room so all eyes were locked on the display.
“Sam please, not here,” you begged, tears starting to form in your eyes as you looked around.
“She's right Sammy,” Dean replied calmly, noticing the attention as well. “Let’s just get her home and we'll figure it all out then.” You let out a breath, thankful to Dean for taking control.
“Thank you. I have my car so I’ll just m-”
“Wait, you drove here?” Dean scolded loudly. Well, so much for having calm big brother on your side.
“Is there a problem with that?” you asked defensively.
“You barely look like you can walk Y/N, let alone drive. What are you thinking?” Dean chided, and your ears grew hot with anger.
“Excuse me?” you asked, your voice low and dangerous. He’d only heard you speak to one other person like that before and it was Crowley when he dared to called you “sweetcheeks”.
He sighed, realising he was out of line, and tried to back-pedal. “I just mean…”
“No, I know what you meant Dean. You know, just because I’m going through this doesn’t make me a damn invalid. And sure I’ve lost a little weight and my hair’s a bit thinner but hey, that’s what’s gonna happen when my body is being pumped with poisoned to kill the asshole tumour growing in my noggin. But none of that really matters because I’ll probably be dead in a few months time anyway.”
As the conversation had become more and more heated the nurse was quietly and graciously removing your IV, she could clearly see this conversation was uncomfortable for you and wanted you to have the option to remove yourself from it if need be. It was all you needed to get up off your chair and start walking out the door, leaving the brothers behind you.
“Go after her and I’ll call security,” you heard Tess warn, and if you hadn’t been pissed as fuck you would have smiled. You’d developed a good repore with her in the time you’d been in the hospital, and considered her your closest friend at this point in your life. No-one else knew about what you were going through, you had quit your job ages ago and were supporting yourself with your safely stored away inheritance. You were thankful to not hear heavy footsteps following after you, and headed quickly to your car to head home. You didn’t know if you’d have enough of a head start to beat them.
You were panting by the time you reached your front door. The headache had started on the way home and the stress of what had just transpired with the brothers was becoming too much in your state. You grabbed your keys out of your bag but your eyes became blurry, and you leaned your forehead against the door frame as you rubbed the bridge of your nose. Staying where you were you looked down as you found the key you needed, and gently leaned over to put it into the door. The roar of the Impala came around the corner and you groaned… why couldn’t they just give you a little time to process? Bloody men!
To your annoyance the key wasn’t fitting in the lock and you threw your hands up in the air in frustration, your head still resting on the door frame. You heard them pull up to your sidewalk and quickly tried to find the key you needed, only to drop them on the ground.
“What the fuckity fuck!” you cried out loud, stomping your foot in frustration like a 5 year old. You gave up and slumped on the sun chair by your front door, holding your head in your hands with your elbows on your knees. The car doors slammed and you could hear them walking up the path to your front porch.
“Y/N?” Sam called out when he saw you, and when you made no move to greet them he and Dean quickly raced to your side. “Hey, Y/N, you OK?” he asked, brushing the hair behind your ear.
“Stupid fucking key wouldn’t go in the stupid fucking lock,” you told him bitterly, and you heard Dean pick them up.
“I see the brain tumour hasn’t dampened your potty mouth,” Dean told you wryly, and you lifted your head gently to look at him.
“Did you just joke about my cancer?” you asked him with a smirk. He cleared his throat, obviously uncomfortable with the mention of the C word, but he pushed through it and gave a tight smile.
“Do you need Sam’s help to get inside?”
“Um, I don’t think so. I think I’ll be ok, thanks,” you responded, giving Sam a smile as you stood. You screamed at yourself internally when your left knee buckled, and quick as a flash Sam’s arms were around you.
“Y/N?” he asked, sounding more scared than you liked to hear from him. You closed your eyes and nodded, swallowing thickly.
“I’m ok, just tired. Maybe I could use the help after all,” you admitted, not daring to meet his gaze. You were grateful when he didn’t swoop you into his arms, instead wrapping your arm over his shoulder and supporting you as you walked into your living room together. Dean grabbed your bag and put it on the floor by the door as he closed it, following you both.
Once Sam had you seated on the couch he took the spot next to you, Dean opting to lean against the wall instead.
“Do you need anything?” Sam asked, watching you carefully.
You shook your head. “I’m ok. You guys help yourself though, there’s some beer in the fridge I think.” When Dean’s jaw clenched you gave a small smile. “I keep it there for you guys, I’m not drinking I swear.”
He relaxed and nodded, crossing his arms over his chest letting the room fall into an uncomfortable silence. You found yourself picking at your sweater sleeve as you considered your next move.
“Thank you,” you told them quietly. “For not making me feel completely useless right now. I’m sorry I blew up at the hospital, that wasn’t fair.”
“No, you’re under a lot of stress, we get it,” Sam told you kindly, and you shook your head.
“You didn’t deserve that. What you did deserve to know was that I’m sick, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t know how, I tried so many times but it just wouldn’t come out.”
“It’s a, uh, brain tumour?” Dean asked, rubbing the back of his neck.
“Yer, found out about a couple of months ago I think. I dunno, the days are starting to run together a little bit.”
“What do the doctors say?” Sam asked, and you could hear the reluctance as he did. He didn’t want to know this anymore than you didn’t want to tell him. You sighed, and looked up to meet their gaze.
“It’s aggressive, growing fast and they can’t operate right now. They’re trying to slow it down and hopefully shrink it with chemo before looking at surgery as an option, but because of where it’s located and the speed that it’s growing they think there’s only a 5% chance they’ll be able to remove it before it… before it, ah…” you stumbled, clearing your throat as your eyes started to fill with tears. Shaking your head slightly, you swallowed down the massive lump in your throat before continuing. “I probably won’t make it, is basically what I’m trying to say.”
Silence filled the room, and you let it this time. You were beyond exhausted, the treatment and this conversation were draining the very last of your energy. Despite your best efforts your eyelids began to droop, you barely noticed when you started to slide toward the cushions. Gentle murmurs barely broke through your haze, and you couldn’t find the energy even to acknowledge the one of them who lifted you up bridal style and carried you up the stairs to your bedroom. The fluffy pillows and quilt enveloped you, and without ever opening your eyes you drifted off to sleep.
Sam stood at your bedside, watching you sleep. He'd never seen you looking so vulnerable, and it was scaring the crap out of him. This wasn't a monster he could fight for you, not a battle he could try and win on your behalf. This was the one thing no hunter ever expected to die from, knowing it would simply be too cruel an irony to befall them. And yet here you were: half the size you used to be, pale as a ghost and so frail you could barely stand. He stayed watching you for a while, making an easy decision in the process. Regardless of what Dean thought, he wouldn't be leaving this house without you again.
“Hey, did she stay asleep?” Dean asked as Sam came down the stairs and through to the kitchen. He had cracked a couple of beers and was currently whipping up some pancakes, their first home cooked meal since the last time they were in your house 3 months ago.
“Yer. Um, Dean, we need to talk-”
“So I was thinking that Y/N might be better off in the downstairs bedroom,” Dean started, cutting Sam off. “If she wants to that is. Just makes sense with the chemo kicking her in the ass so bad. You could take the study next to her so one of us is nearby, and I could take her room. Or vice versa, I don’t mind. Oh, and I had a quick look and there's a job going at a garage a few blocks from here, figured I could go out after we ate something and see if they'll take me on. Thought you’d rather be home for Y/N to take her to appointments and such, so no need to find you a job. We can figure out the rest when she wakes up. Now, do you want strawberries or blueberries with your pancakes?”
As Dean turned around holding two plates of stacks he found Sam staring at him like he was possessed. Dean rolled his eyes and took the plates to the dining table, heading back to the fridge for the toppings leaving Sam to catch up.
“So… you want to stay?” Sam asked incredulously.
“Why is that so hard to believe?” Dean asked defensively as he sat down, quickly shoving a large bite of pancake into his mouth.
“I dunno,” Sam shrugged. “I guess I just wasn’t expecting you to go all apple pie life on me.”
“This is for Y/N. She's saved our lives more times than I can count, now it's our turn to save hers. She's family,” he said with finality, gently pushing Sam’s plate toward him and gesturing for him to sit down. Sam smiled broadly and did as requested, mentally planning out the new life they were making for themselves.
Tag Lists (Open)
Series Taglist: @deghostyboi , @dreaminemz
“Dean/Jensen” taglist:  @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk, @perpetualabsurdity, @mlovesstories
“Everything” taglist: @angelsandwinchesters, @grace-for-sale, @growningupgeek, @iamnotsaneatall, @nanie5, @waywardasfudge, @im-dead-inside05, @julzdec, @adoptdontshoppets, @meghanbeinghappy, @sleepylunarwolf , @sammysgirl1997, @imaginationisgrowth, @screechingartisancashbailiff
People who requested tags, that I cannot tag (but will still mention because I feel bad :( ): @ronja-uebrick, @lilydarcy
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sigritandtheelves · 6 years
Complete, with Epilogue
Mature | 5.3k wds | MSR, canon divergent
26 snippets from 26 years of an epic love story with a little bit of everything: UST, developing relationship, family, holiday fluff, post-colonization, hanky panky, casefile, and lots of luuuuuve.
A/N: I’m sorry the original format of this story was a bit strange, but here’s everything, all together, with a New Year’s epilogue. I hope you like it, and happy holidays! ☃️
1. Christmas Cards (1993)
She’d mailed all the others, with their succinct and personalized notes—a quick update on her new job, best wishes for families and work and life and love. The last card sat on her coffee table, addressed to him, but she couldn’t think how to fill it out.  Dear Mulder… Did he even celebrate Christmas? Was he Jewish? Would her card make him feel bad? She only knew that the holidays seemed painful for him.
But they’d been through a lot in their short time together, and she wanted to give him a card. She… liked him. Maybe more than she would admit. She picked up the card again and looked at the white space, then began writing.
Dear Mulder,
You’re a good partner and a good friend. I’m glad you have my back, and I promise I’ll never let anyone put a worm in your ear. Have a great holiday.
- S
She sealed the card and put it in the stack with the others.
2. Hot cocoa (1994)
He told himself it was because the heat wasn’t working well, but the truth is that he suspected she just wasn’t fully well yet. He’d had her back for so short a time and already nearly lost her again to a volcanic spore, of all things. She wore these heavy sweaters now, big coats. It was getting cold. He worried.
She kept taking breaks from her writing to stick her hands in her pockets, to pull them into her sleeves, and he had a thought. “Hey,” he said. “Be right back.” She looked up at him and nodded.
He returned some minutes later with a steaming travel cup, and set it before her. “Oh, Mulder, thank you. I’ve had so much coffee today, though.”
“It’s cocoa” he said, and couldn’t help his smile at her surprise. She reached out and took the cup in her hands, and the look on her face was so grateful, he felt his heart melting a little.
“Thank you,” she said. He shrugged it off, but that look on her face—he thought he’d keep that with him for a long time.
3. Snowman (1995)
It almost never snowed in D.C. before Christmas, but today, a drab Tuesday in the middle of the month, it did. She’d been feeling low since they returned from Ohio, since the stigmatic boy named Kevin. What if no one is listening? She kept thinking. But Mulder. Mulder was always listening. He popped his head into her line of vision, where she’d been staring at nothing. “Hey,” he said. “It’s snowing.”
“Hmm?” She looked up, distracted.
“Come with me.”
He helped her with her coat and brought her outside, where a half-inch of powdery white stuff had settled on the grass beside the cement walkway. It was four o’clock and nearly dark already. They smiled at each other in the white pre-holiday gloaming. “It’s nice,” she said.
Mulder stepped onto the grass and pulled at the fallen snow, sculpting it into the tiniest snowman she’d ever seen. He reached into his pocket for an assortment of useless things—a pointed pen cap for the nose, two nuggets of unidentifiable pocket lint for the eyes. He tore a blade of grass to make three buttons.
“There,” he said, and they laughed.
4. Snowglobe (1996)
It was a small thing, but for him it marked something important. An effort to move on maybe. After Roche. Scully lifted the tiny globe again in her hand and turned it to watch the plastic flakes float down around a miniature evergreen tree. A night sky scene was painted behind it. She looked at him, a question dimpling her forehead.
“When we were little, we used to stand in the falling snow at night, hold a flashlight pointed straight up. When the flakes fall, they look like stars. It feels like flying through space.”
She was watching him with such tenderness, her bottom lip held out in sympathy. She reached a hand to lay it on his forearm.
“I dunno. I guess it’s a memory I wanted to pass on.”
Scully leaned against him in a half hug, let her head fall to his shoulder while she turned the snow globe again and watched. “Thank you,” she said. “For sharing it.”
5. Fireplace (1997)
When he’d brought her wine the first time, he’d really been a serial rapist in disguise. When she’d brought him wine several months later, he’d run away in blind panic. So when he knocked on her door on a frigid December evening carrying a bottle of wine and a bag of takeout, she was understandably suspicious.
“Mulder.” She said, eyebrow up. “What’s all this?”
He shrugged. “Nothing.”
“Are you Eddie Van Blundht?”
She sighed. “Okay. Come in.”
She poured their wine while he added another log to her fireplace. “I was thinking,” he said, poking at the log as if he knew what he was doing.
“Uh huh.” She was waiting for it, whatever this faux seduction would bring—a Bigfoot hunt, a late-night autopsy, revisions on a report he’s been putting off.
“I’m sorry about the Florida thing. I should have had some wine with you.” He sat on the other end of the couch and picked at the throw-pillow that sat between them. “I know you’re headed out of town soon, and I just…” he shrugged reached for the food. “Merry Christmas.”
“Oh,” she said, taken aback. “Merry Christmas, Mulder.”
6. Family Outing (1998)
“Fox, I’m coming to town on the ninth. I want to go out for dinner.”
His mother had been firm, but not unkind. He could think of no excuse to say no—they hadn’t been out of town since their sneaky trip to Nevada. “Okay,” he’d said.
“And I want your partner to come.”
“Oh, um, okay. I’ll ask her.”
“Please do. I’ll call you when I get in.”
And that had been that.
Now he bounced his nervous knee at the world’s strangest dinner with his partner, who’d barely looked him in the eye since June, and his mother who’d barely looked him in the eye since he was twelve.
He was polite. He didn’t slurp his soup. Scully asked friendly questions and tried to calm him with a hand on his knee, at which he nearly jumped out of his seat. She eyed him hard—gave him That look.
When it was all over, Teena kissed them both once on the cheek and then whispered, stealthy into his ear, “I like her, Fox. You should marry her,” before hopping into a cab. He almost choked.
“What was that?” Scully asked.
He shook his head. “I have no idea.”
7. X-Mas Movie (1999)
“Oof.” Scully dropped her fork onto the plate and sat back on the couch. “Done,” she said. “Thanks for dinner.”
“Thanks for checking over the report.” Mulder clicked on the TV and sat back beside her. “Movie?”
She eyed him suspiciously.
“A Christmas movie.”
“They make Christmas movies like that?”
He choked out a laugh. “Well, yeah. But that’s not what I meant.” He flipped around the channels while Scully slumped closer to him, letting her head fall against his shoulder. His free hand found its way to her knee, and she nuzzled her nose against his bicep. He smelled good. He found Rudolph and looked at her, eyebrows up.
“Uh uh,” she said. “Animation in that one freaks me out.”
He gave her a look and began clicking again. She nuzzled closer, so he lifted his arm and brought it around her shoulders, fingers falling at the curve of her waist. “I’m sorry you have to leave town tomorrow.”
Her cheek was over his heart, which beat a rhythm into her ear, into her bones, into her own heart. “Mmm. Me too.”
She closed her eyes and felt his lips touch the top of her head.
8. Snowstorm (2000)
Mulder was at the window, looking out at the snow that was piled to the tire line of their parked cars. “Scully, I really hope you’re kidding.”
She was eight months pregnant and uncomfortable on the couch, hands over her tensing belly. “Well,” she said, taking a deep breath. “No. But it’s not consistent. Probably Braxton-Hicks?”
He chewed his bottom lip and watched her. “What can I do?” He asked, nerves pulled tight like a drum.
“Half a glass of wine,” she said. “Well, maybe a full glass for you. But half for me. Then come sit.” She patted the sofa beside her.
When he came back, her face was already more relaxed. He handed her the glass and sat beside her, hand coming to her middle. “Okay?” He asked.
She took a sip, laid her hand over his. He felt a bump under his palm. “Yeah,” she said. “We’re okay.”
He rubbed her rounded abdomen as if he could massage the contractions away, leaned down to speak into her belly button. “Stay in there, kiddo. Wait ’til the snow melts.”
The snow kept falling, and the kid waited. Mulder kept his hand on her belly all night.
9. Skiing (2001)
It was after ten when he finally came home. He brought the blustery cold of the evening through the front door with him and into the quiet of their little house. The sound of the door seemed loud, and Scully waved to him, then held a finger to her lips from where she sat on the couch. Mulder winced and mouthed sorry as he set his bag down and came to see her. William was asleep, his chubby face smushed up against the crook of her arm.
“He fell asleep nursing and I was too tired to take him up. How was your trip?”
Mulder kissed her soundly on the lips. He smelled like snow and woodsmoke and the outdoors. She’d missed him.
“Good,” he said. “Turns out I suck at skiing, but I’m not as bad as Frohike. Here, let me take him.” He scooped the baby from her arms and gave her a hand as she stood. “I missed you,” he murmured.
Sleepy, she slumped against him and kissed his bicep. “Me too,” she said. “Let’s go to bed.”
10. Ice Skating (2002)
Mostly, he was too young to appreciate all the things a trip to New York at Christmas time had to offer, but William was fascinated by the skaters in the park. He ogled the enormous tree, clapped at the moving displays in shop windows, but begged over and over to return to the skaters.
“I feel like such a tourist,” Scully said.
“You are a tourist.” Mulder smiled at her, and she elbowed him in the side. They’d ducked into an out-of-the-way pizza joint in Midtown where they occupied one of a handful of crumb-covered tables. William had torn through almost an entire colossal slice of plain, and was now looking cheese-drugged and happy.
“Skates,” he said.
“I know, bud. We’ll try to get back and see ‘em again.” That seemed enough—the toddler launched his head into Mulder’s chest and soon became dead weight on his lap.
“You have to admit, we’re pretty good camouflage. You think your guy will show?” She took a sip of her watered-down root beer.
Mulder shrugged. “If he doesn’t, it was still a good trip.”
11. Snow Fort (2003)
Maggie Scully brought popcorn, hot cocoa, and a bag of crafting supplies for her Saturday with William, but they’d gotten an unexpected snowfall that kept his parents home. Their stakeout-cum-date didn’t look like it would happen this time. Instead, Scully and her mother sat at the kitchen table drinking the cocoa, while Mulder and the boy constructed an army of snowmen outside.
“I just think it would make things easier,” Maggie was saying. “In the long run.”
Scully nodded, chewing on her bottom lip, foot bouncing.
“I mean, don’t you want to get married?”
She took a breath. “Mom, I—“
But at that moment, the door burst open and William clomped in, trailing his scarf behind him, covered in snow. His cheeks were like apples, his brown hair damp from romping in the cold wet stuff.
“Mama, a fort!” He called to her. “Issa big one!”
Scully grinned. “You made a fort? Let me see.” She offered a shrug and a smile to her mother, not so secretly glad to avoid the rest of that conversation, and let the almost-three-year-old drag her outside to see his creation. “Be right back,” she said.
12. Family Dinner (2004)
It was amazing, Mulder thought, what the appearance of normalcy could do for some people. Nevermind that he had a vial of what was probably alien DNA in the trunk of his car. Nevermind that he was secretly building a network of resistance to colonization and the complete extinction of human life. Nevermind that he wasn’t even technically married to the guy’s sister. Slap him into a cute three-bedroom, throw in their adorable miracle spawn, and top it off with a “safe” nine-to-five for the little woman, and Mulder was A-okay by Bill Scully.
Well. Maybe not A-okay. But he’d been offered a handshake and a beer rather than a flat-out insult, so that had to count for something, right?
Matt had played beautifully with William (dinosaurs and little people on the living room floor), Tara and Dana had chatted pre-schools and little league, and now they were all sitting down for their chicken and broccoli.
Under the table, Mulder squeezed Scully’s knee and she gave him a grateful, knowing smile.
Completely normal. Nothing to see here.
13. Gingerbread Cookies (2005)
“Who’s this little guy?”
“That one’s you.”
“Oh, I like the red hots. And this one?”
William smiled. “That’s mommy. She’s not feeling good.”
“Yeah, she’s taking a little rest. Where’s you?”
The boy pointed to a smaller gingerbread figure, covered in sprinkles.
“Oh wow, you worked hard on that one. Should we take one to mommy? Maybe a plain one. Her tummy isn’t feeling so good.”
William found a cookie with only a few decorations and held it up. Mulder nodded.
In the bedroom, Scully was curled on her side, pack of saltines on the nightstand beside her. “You asleep?”
She smiled and sat up, “No, just resting.”
“We brought you a cookie.” Mulder bent and kissed her forehead, placed his palm on her lower abdomen. “Okay?”
She nodded, laying her hand over his for a moment. Then she held her arms out to William, who climbed into the bed and presented her with the sparse gingerbread girl. “It’s not too many sprinkles,” he said. “So they won’t hurt your tummy.”
She kissed his hair. “Thanks, kiddo.”
14. Mistletoe (2006)
The living room was dark but for the lights of the tree, which glowed every color. Mulder held the baby so she faced the light, ten fat toes peeking out of her flannel onesie toward the ornaments. Her eyes, already drowsy, were fixed on the gleam. Mulder bobbed and hummed, waiting.
The door opened, quiet, and Scully came in.
He smiled at her, still bobbing. “How’d it go?” A whisper.
“Good,” she said. “We’re really close, I think.”
“You gonna save the world by New Year’s?”
“Not quite.” She smiled sadly and took the baby, who snuggled against her with a soft sigh. Scully tugged Mulder’s hand toward the stairs. “Come on,” she said. “Bed time.”
But he stopped her in the doorway and pointed up. She looked, then rolled her eyes at him. Mulder just waggled his eyebrows and bent to kiss her, passionate, open mouthed, the kiss of a man who was so proud of his partner, this woman who had borne two of his children and would fix the world for them.
He pulled back and cupped her cheek in his palm.
“Wow,” she said.
“I love you,” he said.
15. Horse Sleigh (2007)
The world had changed, was changing. Subtly. Small doses of the vaccine rolled out every few months as supplements to the flu shot, always as an option: a precautionary inoculation. Children and reproductive adults were most important—the immunity was passed down. This they learned from testing their own children, both of whom carried the antibodies without the vaccine. They’d administered it to over a million so far. It was, maybe, a fighting chance.
Scully sat in her warm kitchen, sipping tea on a rainy December Saturday. The smell of toast and eggs hung in the air. She watched her children play, still in their pajamas. William, almost seven, held two plastic people and danced them in front of his sister, singing.
“Dashing through the snow… In a one-horse open sleigh…”
Rowan, almost eighteen months, couldn’t wait for the chorus, and bashed her jingle bells against her chubby knee. William steadied her hand, tried to get her to smash on the beat, and then they were both giggling and shaking the bells to the rhythm of the song.
A fighting chance, Scully thought. It would have to be enough.
16. Christmas Tree (2008)
He was no Clark Griswold, but goddamnit, Mulder was going to get this tree with his family, and then they were going to decorate it, and it was going to be a good day together, and that was that. William had dropped and smashed his mug of hot chocolate and spent the morning in tears (in pain at the hot liquid on his feet, in shame over the broken mug, in despair over the lost treat—he was his father’s son). Rowan had missed her nap and was now in the back seat screaming that she wanted ice cream (unaware, he supposed, that it was 35 degrees outside). Scully had complained of nausea and a headache, and after their rough morning, said to him, “Damnit, Mulder, this better be the flu. If I’m pregnant again, I swear to God…” And now, to top it all off, it had started raining on their way to the tree farm.
“Who wants Christmas music?” He asked.
Scully, still a bit green, looked at William (sulking), Rowan (in hysterics) and then to him with a look of such pity that they both started laughing.
“Merry fucking Christmas,” she murmured.
17. Shopping for Gifts (2009)
They were blessedly alone for the first time in what felt like weeks, though they were in the mall of all cursed places. Maggie had both ragamuffins for the day, and Mulder kept trying to steal bites of chicken from her Panda Express plate.
“Stop!” She said, but she was laughing.
He gave her lecherous eyebrows, and Scully kicked him under the table.
“Some hot date,” he said.
“Here,” she said, handing him an index card containing a careful list. “If we split up in the next store, we can finish faster, maybe have time to make out in the parking garage before we pick up the kids.”
Mulder grabbed at his heart. “Oh! Such a romantic, my sexy doctor lady.”
Scully tried not to smile, but she couldn’t help it. She loved him so much, this handsome brooding man who turned out to be such a goofy, wonderful dad. He was experimenting with a beard, and she reached out to pet his scruff.
“What?” He asked.
“Nothing,” she said, shaking her head. “You’re just… I just love you.”
18. Mittens (2010)
His little girl was feisty as hell, determined, with a fire-breathing temper that… well, he knew exactly where she got it. Today she was fully four and fuming about her inferior winter hand-warmers. “I want gloves!” She shouted, but it sounded more like glubs because of her stuffy nose. What she needed was a nap.
“I hear you, Ro. I do.” The problem was that her hands were too little for all but the tiny stretchy ones, and those made her mad because they weren’t waterproof.
She threw her mittens to the floor and looked up at him with those tiny blue eyes, now wet, her bottom lip wobbly. “When’s mommy coming back?” She asked, and his heart broke for her.
Mulder sat down on an armchair and pulled her into his lap. “Soon, baby. A few more days. Her work trip is very important.”
Scully was in Europe, meeting with several government health officials about the vaccine. Still saving the world, his Scully. Rowan let her head clunk against his chest. “I miss her.”
Mulder kissed the top of her hair. “Me too, sweetheart.”
19. Woolen Socks (2011)
He came back to her late: the clock read 2:07. He slid into the bed and they curled together like parentheses around their clasped hands. Already he was touching her: face, hip, the skin of her back. He smelled wild, like gunpowder and night air and danger.
“Tell me?” She asked.
Mostly he stayed: profiled, consulted, took a case now and then. But sometimes he was caught by the old need, and in black leather he would disappear into the shadows for a time. He was more careful these days, hadn’t needed her to rescue him since long before Rowan was born. Still. She worried.
Scully was bundled in layers that he slowly removed. “I was cold without you,” she explained into his mouth, which burned hot and needy. He slid down flannel and cotton, held her breasts in his hands, kissed her neck, and she whimpered with the need of him. He curled over her, stripped raw and naked, and she guided him into her, wool-socked feet pressed over his lower back.
“Dana,” he murmured into her neck, a plea and an apology.
“You’re home,” she told him.
20. Nutcracker (2012)
Whatever was happening, it had begun. Maggie came to stay with them, the office converted into a temporary guest room, basement stocked with enough canned goods and water for a year. Two armed agents in the house. They hoped it would be enough.
Skinner had called at the first signs, and Mulder went on full alert, wanted to fight on the front lines.
“No,” Skinner said. “Keep your family safe.”
So they all sat in the living room now, Rowan on his lap, Scully curled against his side, William on the floor, explaining the plot of the novel he was reading to Maggie. The news offered only vague reports—illness, violent deaths that followed, hot climates faring worse than cold. They’d switched it off. Tchaikovsky’s Nutcrackerplayed on the stereo instead, and their tree glowed colorful while the electricity held. It was a false serenity.
Outside, the world was burning.
“We couldn’t save them all,” Scully whispered.
Mulder squeezed her tight. “You did so much. The world will still be here because of you.”
“And you,” she said.
The family held tight to each other through the long, cold winter.
21. Playing Board Games with Family (2013)
The power flickered off and on these days, so the wood stove was lit and candles were always at the ready. But for now, the dining room lights were on and the whole house was warm.
“Your turn, Rowan.”
“Dad, can we get a dog?”
“I got a seven.”
“Okay, sweetheart, which rooms can you get to? Count how many spaces.”
“I don’t mind cleaning up the poop.”
“You going to get up at six every day for a walk? Even Saturdays?”
“This one? Or this one? The… Ballroom or the … Louge? Mommy, what does this say?”
“The Lounge. Which one do you want?”
“Mmm… the Ballroom.”
“Okay, move your guy.”
“This one’s a girl.”
This time last year, there was fear and uncertainty. Cold nights. Barred windows. Loaded weapons always at hand. This year they had no tree and few presents, but at least there was certainty: they were winning. Too many had been lost, but not all.
“I’d name him Exley, like that baseball guy.”
Scully raised an eyebrow, and Mulder made a motion like he’d been stabbed in the heart.
“You’re too clever for your own good, kid.”
Now, there was hope.
22. Reindeer (2014)
He came up behind her in the kitchen and wrapped his arms around her waist. Long fingers slid under the hem of her pants to circle her hipbones. His lips came down on her neck.
“Mulder,” she said, a hint of exasperation.
“Mm hmm.”
“I’m chopping potatoes.”
“It’s not very sexy.”
“Is when you do it.”
She gave him a look over her shoulder, but he could tell she was happy. He kissed her neck again and this time she leaned back against him. When he slipped a hand under her sweater, she set down the knife. “You’ll make me lose a finger.”
“Smart move. You’ll need those.”
She turned around in the circle of his arms and leaned up to kiss him. “Not as much as you’ll need yours.”
He grinned. More than twenty years, and she still kept him guessing. His fingers were working at the bottom button of her cardigan when the door flew open and the dog came bounding through the kitchen, a pair of antlers on his head. Rowan followed after, giggling, carrying a harness.
She glanced up at them on her way past. “He’s Rudolph!” She laughed.
23. Santa (2015)
It was late. The kids were in their rooms and quiet, if not sleeping. Mulder was on the couch, chewing his bottom lip, pained expression on his face. Scully, wrapping presents at the coffee table, leaned back and lay a sympathetic hand on his knee.
“We knew it would happen,” she said. “It’s time.”
He sighed. “I know. I know. She’s older now than… than Samantha was, and Sam never stopped… I mean she still believed when…” He rubbed a hand over his face. “It’s good that she’s growing up.”
Scully hoisted herself up from the floor and settled herself onto his lap. She reached up to cup his face in her hands, kissed him on the nose. “Christmas will still be fun. William still loves it, and it’s been years for him.” She leaned back to look at him—wry, angling to cheer him up. “Is it the cookies? Mulder, you can still play Santa if you just want the cookies.”
He smiled at her, despite himself, and pinched her on the ass. She jumped and laughed, smacked him on the arm. He kissed her and murmured into her mouth, “I just want your cookies.”
24. Christmas Carols (2016)
It was not where either of them wanted to be at ten p.m. on Christmas Eve, but when the lives of innocents were on the line, and the clock was ticking to save them, it was hard to say, “Sorry, I have to wrap my kid’s video games and watch Elf for the fifty-seventh time.” Instead of egg nog and cookies, they had cold pizza and donuts in greasy boxes on the conference table. Scully had just given her report on the last victim’s autopsy. Mulder was folded over in his chair, fingers at his temples, absorbing himself in the mind of another murderer—this time, one who promised a Christmas massacre.
“Talk me through where you are,” Scully said.
Before he could answer, Skinner approached them. “I’m sorry you two have to be out here tonight. Are the kids okay?”
“They’re with my mom.”
Skinner sighed. “This thing got to the press,” he said. “They’re calling it the Christmas Carol murders.”
Mulder lifted his head for the first time in several minutes, eyes red. “Give me a couple hours,” he said. “I think I have something.”
Scully squeezed his shoulder. “I’ll get you some coffee.”
25. Christmas Day! (2017)
Rowan and the dog were up first, a few minutes after seven. She was a good sister to her late-sleeping teen brother and often took Exley (a galumphing shepherd mix) for his morning walk. She set the coffee going for her parents, plugged in the tree, and turned the stereo on low to the all-day Christmas station. At the top of the stairs, she knocked gently at the second door.
“William,” she said. “It’s Christmas.”
A muffled groan: “Gimme a minute.”
Her parents’ door was next: a soft knock, some rustling, her mother’s voice, “Come in.”
Rowan padded toward the bed, and her mom scooted back, lifted the edge of the blanket. “Hi, sweet girl. Merry Christmas.”
Rowan tucked under the blanket, head under her mother’s chin.
“Hi, daddy. Merry Christmas.”
His hand reached over, arm wrapping around the both of them, and patted her back. “Hmm, you too, kiddo.”
“William’s still sleeping. I made you coffee.”
A squeeze from her mom, a happy sound from her dad. “Oh, you blessed child.”
“You want me to wrangle him up?”
A nod.
“Okay, let’s go get your brother. I think there are some presents down there for you.”
Epilogue: New Year’s Eve (2018)
They sit on the couch under a blanket with the TV muted, feet up on the coffee table. In the corner armchair, under the soft light of a floor lamp, Rowan reads (Rowan is always reading) a novel she got for Christmas, dog at her feet. William is at a party but has promised to be home by two. Scully’s cheek rests over Mulder’s heart. She is almost dozing, watching the silent celebration, enjoying the quiet and the warm and the smell of woodsmoke.
“What are you thinking?” Mulder asks her.
She breathes in and draws small circles over his shirt with her left hand, noting how solid he still feels, how strong, how ready to fight, should he need to. “I was thinking about my dad,” she says. “He always made us take the tree down so quickly… and how it’s been so long.”
A log in the fireplace pops. Mulder tightens both arms around her under the knit blanket, kisses the top of her head.
“I’ve known you for a quarter century,” she says. “Longer even, by a little.”
“You tired of me yet?”
She smiles and kisses the place under her cheek. “Not even close.”
The world is different now, after so much has been lost. It moves a little slower, takes for granted a little less. It is still a dangerous place—because fear is catching and learning that things are not as they seem can make some go mad with denial and rage and terror at the loss of their footing. But it is also more peaceful, in some ways—because loss reminds us to hold love close. Because all the hearts that stopped beating are still felt in their absence. Because people, in the end, come together in crisis. They don’t only tear each other apart.
“I think we did okay,” he murmurs. “With our quarter century.”
Scully leans her head back to look at him. “Just okay?”
“Mm hmm.” Under the blanket, she feels his hand slide under her t-shirt, smoothing over her ribs, creeping toward the bottom of her breast. “We avenged our ghosts. Fell in love. Took out a global conspiracy. Made a couple cute babies who turned into pretty awesome kids. Saved the world a few times. Decent, I’d say.”
“Not too shabby,” she agrees.
He leans down until the tip of his nose touches hers. His fingers have found the soft cotton edge of her bra and with little probing motions, they sneak beneath its border. She curls closer to him, raises her left knee to rest on his thigh.
“Mom, the thing! Turn on the sound.” Rowan’s voice from the armchair brings Scully back into the room. Her daughter is gesturing toward the TV with moderate interest. Two minutes left on the little clock. Mulder bites her gently on the shoulder, kisses the spot, and fishes for the remote in their pile of blankets. Five years ago, New York was a screaming disaster of blood and death. Now it is full of drunk revelers, noisemakers, party hats and neon lights.
Mulder’s voice is husky in her ear. “Hopes for the next twenty-five?”
On the screen, the count-down begins: Ten, nine, eight…
Scully tilts her head toward his, their noses brushing. “A little less eventful, maybe. Fewer monsters. Fewer guns… More of you.”
The countdown gets to one and there is an explosion of sound: Happy New Year! on the TV. Mulder’s mouth has found its way to hers, and they kiss like it is a promise. “I think we can do that,” he tells her. “Happy New Year, Scully.”
She brings her arms around his neck and rests her forehead on his. “Happy New Year, Mulder.”
(for real this time)
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leelee10898 · 6 years
Born to Love you: Spell bound (1/?)
Leo & Alicia, what really happened....
This is from the CGW(Cordonians gone wild)universe. A collaborative effort by @ao719 @speedyoperarascalparty @cocomaxley @riseandshinelittleblossom and myself.
If you have not yet read the original when Leo met Alicia, you should do so. References will be made from that, and events will coincide with it. You can do so HERE
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Leo opened his eyes and looked around the unfamiliar room. The sound of ringing coming from across the room. He jumped up digging through his pants. “Hello? Liam is that you?”
“Yes its me, where the hell are you?”
“I'm not really sure at the moment?” He held the phone between his face and shoulder,  tugging his jeans on.
“What do you mean you don't know where you are? I thought you were in Santorini.” Liam sighed, Leo could picture him pinching the bridge of his nose, which made him chuckle at the thought.  “I am, I just don't know exactly where or who's house i'm at, right now.”
“Jesus Leo. Look, i'll be there April 9th to come get you. That gives you a month to get your shit on order.” Leo looked at the phone confused. “for what? Ooooh, the wedding,  right. How long you need me for again?”
“yes the wedding. Your the best man Leo. Look if you don't want to do it, I can always ask-”
“NO! I told you, I want to do it Liam. I'll be ready.” Leo heard shuffling outside the door. “Hey, I gotta go Li, I'll talk to you later. And i'll be ready for the wedding, don't worry.” Leo hung up the phone, he slipped his shoes on and pulled his shirt over his head.
“oooo a wedding, I love weddings. I could be your date.” The woman spoke as she walked in the room. “yeah, you're not going.” Leo snorted as he grabbed his leather jacket. “Where are you going?” she asked. “This had been great and all monica, but it's time for me to move on.”
“But my names Beth.”
“Monica, beth, susan… all the same.” He shrugged and walked out of the room, Beth following him out. “But I thought we had something special, that maybe we would end up together.” Leo spun around, one hand on the door knob “Look. Beth. Its Beth right? I don't do relationships. Never have never will.”
“But what if the right girl came along, what if i'm her and you just walked out on true love.” she pouted.
“I have been around, trust me if she's out there, I haven't met her yet.”  He opened the door and left.
Bronx, New York
“Hey Nitah, How's the wedding planning coming along?” Alicia walked down the dimly lit street, she had just closed up the bakery for the night and was headed home with dinner and desert for Mark.
“It’s going! It’s so hectic! I can’t wait for you to get here!”
"I know, I can't wait either. I need a vacation, like stat! Seriously like now would be great."
“I need a vacation too, from all of this planning. Do you have any idea what goes into a royal wedding?” Anitah dropped her voice to a whisper, “some of this shit is so ridiculous.”
"No, but I will find out whenever I get there." She giggled.
“Speaking of when you get here, I’m going to be coming to get you on the 7th.”
"The 7th? The wedding isn't until June, so i'll be staying for 2 months?"
“Please! I need you here,” Anitah whined.
"Um Fuck YES! Absolutely! I will be there. I will need to take care of some stuff for the bakery but, it's not a problem. Oooh I can't wait." Alicia couldnt help but grin.
“I’m so excited!” Anitah squealed. “I already told Liam you were coming. He’s very thankful,” she laughed. “Um...are you bringing the dick head with you?”
"I will have to ask,  you know he doesn't want me to go without him. But, I could use a vacation from him too.”
“Well I purposely sent your invite without a plus 1 option,” Anitah snorted.
"You're such a dick. Hey, I just got to Marks apartment, im gonna get off here. But Anitah, Thank you. Love you. "
“Love you too!”
Alicia ended the call, pulling out her key to marks apartment she walked inside and flicked on the lights. “What the fuck?” she screamed dropping the bags on the floor.
“Alicia, shit. This isn't what it looks like.” mark put a throw pillow over himself.
“Then what the fuck is it Mark? Because it looks alot like you fucking someone else. And fucking Tessa? Seriously dude, you're supposed to upgrade,  not fuck clown school rejects.”
“Hey! You can't talk to me like that.” Tessa yelled.
“Shut the fuck up Tessa before I punch the dicks off your brows.”
“Alicia. I'm sorry I don't know how this happened. I thought you weren't getting off until 10.”
“Yeah well got off early. I brought you dinner.” she opened the container of ziti and tossed it all over tessa.
“What the fuck Alicia. You're crazy.” Mark screamed.
“Oh you haven't seen crazy. Here enjoy desert.” She smashed the whole cake in his face. She cocked her arm back and extended it. Fist connecting with his face.
“Fuck, I think you broke my nose.” Mark held his face.
“oh. And you have a little dick. Enjoy it tessa. Were through.” She slammed the door and took off for home.
Liam walked in from the veranda as Anitah ended her call. “So Leos in.”
“Alicia too.” Liam sat down giving her a kiss.
“you think they'll get along?” Anitah asked as she leaned into him. “well, Leo's a sexed crazed playboy, who cant stay put in one place for long.  Is Alicia anything like that?” Liam chuckled.
“Definitely not. She's been with her current thing for about 2 years now.” Anitah putting extra emphasis on the word thing. Liam chuckled. “it'll be fine love, don't worry.”
One month later…
“Seriously Alicia, you've been sleeping for days, let's get a move on.” Anitah sighed sitting on the bed. “i'm done in the shower, just let me grab my bra and shit.” Alicia yelled as she ran out of the bathroom wrapped in a towel. Anita's phone rang, facetime from Liam.
“Hey you. I thought you had meetings today?”
“we wrapped it up early. Im at Leo's hotel room, or dump, which every you want to call it.” Liam scrunched his face. “Haha.” Leo shouted from the background.  
“So what I was calling you for, was to let you know I'm coming home today. Well, that is if Leo ever gets his shit together.”
“Really? Yay! I'm so excited. Don't get me started about not being ready.  Were supposed to go shopping if ALICIA STOPS RUNNING AROUND IN A TOWEL.” she turned behind her yelling. “im working on it, shit.” Alicia called out.
“Who's running around in a towel?” Leo rushed to Liams side.
“Anita's friend is getting ready, they are going shopping. Will you get away.” Liam slapped Leos hands “Just, let me see,  I want to say Hi.”
Leo wrestled with Liam trying to get the phone,  he put him in a headlock, grabbing the phone and running to the other side of the room. “Heeey, there's my favorite soon to be sister.” Leo said out of breath.
“Ah hey Leo, um is everything ok? Where's Liam?”
“Oh yeah everything's great. Liam's um, over there. So your friend-” Liam darted across the room tackling Leo to the ground.  
“Liam!” Anitah shouted
“I'm trying here.” He called out as they scrambled for the phone.
“What the fuck is going on?” Alicia pulled a pair of jeans on looking at Anitah.
“oh, Liam and his brother are fighting over the phone. That's all.”
Liam grabs the phone.  “Sorry, i'm pretty much dealing with a horny teenager.” Liam chuckled as Leo snatches the phone. “So as I was saying before.” Alicia stood next to Anitah. They couldn't see her face, just her front half.
“Ooh they sound like fun,  Hi Liam's brother.”
Leo stood there stunned
“Shirt. Shirt!” Anitah hollered.
“Oh fuck.” Alicia ran off grabbing her shirt, pulling it on.
Finally Liam tackled Leo to the ground, knocking the phone out of his hand and through the open window.
“You broke my phone Leo.” Liam snapped.
“No, you broke your phone when you tackled me. That's on you.” liam rolled his eyes.
“So, you've seen this friend? What's she look like, she had nice tits.” Leo smirked as he continued putting clothes in the suitcase.
Liam pinched the bridge of his nose. “For fucks sakes Leo, NO. You're forbidden.”
Bastien entered the room, sir Anitah is on the phone. Liam gave Leo a pointed look, leo stood there and smirked. “Hello?”
A couple hours later Leo kicked his feet up on the coffee table in Liam and Anita's quarters. “So, what's on the agenda for the lead up to the engagement? Since you guys aren't doing a tour that is?”
“well a few dinners, balls, galas, charity events.  A garden party or two.” Liam folded his hands on his lap, an amused grin in his face as he watched his brothers face fall. “ugh Liam, this is the shit I ran away from, can we do something fun?” Leo groaned.
“Well, Anitah is planning a bachelorette party, we may be able to fit a few trips in before the wedding.”
“Alright, now we're talking.” Leo perked up rubbing his hands together. Bastien entered the room “Sir, we got a call. Anitah is at the bar, the guard assigned to ger can't get her to leave.” Leo snorted,  Liam gave him a pointed look.
They walked into the bar immediately finding Anitah. Leo noticing the woman sitting with her.  It was like time slowed, he felt immediately drawn to her. “Who's that sitting with Anitah?”
“Thats Alicia her bestfriend…” thats all Leo heard, he blocked Liam out almost instantly as they walked over to where the women were.
Alicia turned, her eyes locking with the brightest set of blues she had ever seen. She mumbled some stupidity she instantly regretted. God, He was sexy. His lips, his eyes, that cocky grin that sent a tingle through her body. There was something about him, a feeling she couldn't shake. Nothing bad, all good.
Leos breath caught in his throat,  she was beautiful from a distance but up close, she was breathtaking. The way her long brown hair flowed over her shoulder, those deep chocolate eyes that he could see himself getting lost in. Her full lips and that Gorgeous smile that met her eyes. She said he was hot, god he wanted to tell her she was hot to but the sight of her rendered her momentarily speechless,  a feat no woman had ever accomplished.
He took her hand placing a soft kiss on it. Both of them feeling a jolt pass through them as their eyes locked.
“I'm Leo.”
“I'm Alicia. Nice to meet you, Leo.” ........
I was a wild child between lost and found. Then you spoke my name, it was a sweet sound. - Lanco
Tag: @annekebbphotography @carabeth @moneyfordiamonds @give-me-ernest-sinclaire @3pawandme @indiacater @ooo-barff-ooo @ownworldresident @tornbetween2loves @perfectprofessorherokid @stopforamoment @editboutique @wannabemc2 @zaffrenotes @enmchoices @lauradowning29 @lodberg @smalltalk88 @gibbles82 @heatherfilliez @drakesensworld @nikkis1983 @sweetest-marbear @classylady1234 @daniv2278 @jlouise88 @jared72612 @liamxs-world @notoriouscs @blubutterflyy @captain-kingliamsqueen @whenyourheartskipsabeat @lynne1993 @coldcollectornight08 @be-still-my-aching-heart @dcbbw
@explorer-of-gems @itsstillnotwhatyouthink @hopefulmoonobject
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chubbyooo · 5 years
Blurred Lines chapter 15 - Bad Omens
hey it’s the 15th chapter moving back to Kyradia \o/
Kyradia and Ashara arrive at the temple and aren’t exactly welcome
They had been chopping through the jungle for a while now. It was a lot thicker the further out you got meaning the element of surprise was completely out the window. Still the temple was in sight and they had taken a position to assess their next move.
“do you see anything” Kyradia asked, Ashara was looking through the macrobinoculars while they crouched in the underbrush
“10 people in total, look like mercenaries, vibroblades and blasters pretty standard, take a look” Ashara passed over the binoculars to Kyradia. As she looked through she could see the temple, it wasn’t a large structure, Kavaraa wasn’t really about that. It looked a little run down she really needed to take better care of this place, well at least that probably means she isn’t here. Kyradia took note of the mercenaries Ashara had mentioned 6 on the edge of the clearing and 5 on the top of the temple entrance. One stood out unlike the rest, she wasn’t wearing a helmet which usually indicated some form of status, she had olive green skin and completley white hair, probably a Milirian but surprisingly young looking. 
“Ashara you see the one in the middle, she looks different right, kinda out of place?” Kyradia gestured towards the Milirian 
“kinda yeah can you sense anything from her?” Oh yeah if course force sensing why hadn’t she been doing that? Kyradia took a second to channel her anger and pain and began to focus on the Milirian. As she did though she sensed something else, something much stronger, dark and somehow familiar it hit her hard causing her to reel back as the feeling hit her.
“Kyradia are you alright” Ashara grabbed Kyradias shoulder as she began to breathe heavily
“I uh dunno I sensed something else and uh I think i’ve sensed it before” Ashara looked worried but stoic how was she always so calm
“we probably shouldn’t waste any time then, how should we approach?” Ashara was right no time to waste 
“uh um take out the ones on the ground one by one then move in sound good?” Kyradia was a little flustered, she couldn’t put her finger on what just happened and that angered her
“yeah ok i’ll go left you go right” Ashara seemed very focussed, Kyradia hoped that meant this would go off without a hitch. They split off and Kyradia headed for the first target turning invisible as she moved, as she approached the first target she tapped into the force using her new found anger to stride to the first mercenary stabbing the through the back. She quickly slinked back into the shadows and headed for the next guy, she followed the same strategy as it was tried and true to work but as she moved up she heard a volley of blaster bolts fire in her direction. She quickly pivoted to deflect the bolts sending them back towards the mercenaries on the temple in an array of purple light.
“shit, so much for stealth” 
how had they seen her had they seen Ashara? no time now she quickly sprinted to her intended target spearing him through the chest with her lightsaber before he could react, where was the third? She spotted him as he turned around ready to shoot, with a powerful throw her saber glided through the air slicing him in half. As it did she heard another volley of blaster shots damn no lightsaber, she quickly rolled out the way as they scorched the grass, seconds later she felt the lightsaber return to her open hand. Just the people on the temple now, she hoped Ashara was doing better on her side, Kyradia channeled her seething rage as she crouched down and then suddenly springing up onto the temple with a single jump. As she landed she saw two mercenaries focussed on her, the Milirian was looking around frantically and the other two were seemingly focussed on Ashara, perfect. With a sudden burst of force lightning she shocked the mercenary on the left incapacitating him when she felt a searing pain hit her shoulder suddenly. The other bastard mercenary had managed to shoot between her armour plates the lucky bastard, she shook off the pain channeling it into a devastating force push which sent him flying off behind the temple. Kyradia took a second to make sure her arm was ok when she noticed a sudden vroom sound, Lightsabers? had Ashara already dropped the other 5 mecernaries? She turned to see the Milirian staring at her holding a yellow lightsaber “so this is more than just a mercenary raid then” Kyradia said with confidence, this kid didn’t know what she was in for. 
“why are y-you attacking we’re not hurting anyone” she looked like she was trembling a bit, to be fair Kyradia did have a reputation
“lets see you’re trespassing on someone else's property with hired guns and what feels like a pretty dark presence in this Jedi temple” this kid probably didn’t know half of what she was doing “I mean I could go on” defiantly seemed like a patsy
“you’re one to talk about dark presences you’re sith” well she was right there but it was different
“technically yes but I saved the galaxy I think that gives me a free pass” can’t argue with that she was good sith
“n-no you didn’t you’re just another tyrant I can’t let you stop us” she lunged at Kyradia with her lightsaber which Kyradia blocked easily. Damn it Ashara I tried to diplomatic I promise
“you don’t wanna do this kid” Kyradia kneed her in the side before going for a slash along the midsection but to her surprise she managed to dodge it ducking and going for another swing which Kyradia blocked with the force. Kyradia went for another incapacitating slash this time opting for the legs but again the milirian managed to dodge it this time with a jump, damn this kid was acrobatic. As she landed she went for her own slash to Kyradias legs which despite her best efforts worked causing an uncomfortable laceration to her right leg. Damn it my robe is ruined Kyradia thought as she reeled from the strike, she was surprised the milirian was so adept for her age but this was more of a fight than she had had with a jedi or sith in months. But nonetheless it shouldn't go any further Kyradia channeled the pain of her leg and shoulder and tapped into the force to sweep her legs dropping her to the ground with a thud. Kyradia put her lightsaber to her throat hopefully indicating to stop fighting as she had won.
“y-you cheated” the Milirians face was scrunched up in anger but Kyradia could sense the fear in her eyes
“there’s no cheating in a battle kid if you had that control over the force you would’ve used it too” Kyradia wasn’t planning on killing her, not only could she have information but she was a pretty accomplished fighter which was very curious. As she stood over the Milirian she heard the sound of a lightsaber as Ashara made her way up the side of the temple, thank god she’s ok. She was in battle with the last two mercenaries and was opting to knock them out instead of killing them, oh maybe Kyradia shouldn’t have killed them, well this would be difficult to explain. Ashara clocked the first guy in the head and he dropped like a ton of bricks to the floor but the mercenary behind her threw down a flashbang blinding her. Shit Ashara is in danger but the prisoner but Ash- Kyradia quickly sprung into action throwing her lightsaber straight through the guy as he approached Ashara. As she turned back around though she felt the the sudden movement of the Milirian as she scurried to the temple edge before jumping down. Kyradia tried to stop her with the force but couldn’t act in time “DAMN IT SHIT FUCK ARSE” Kyradia continued to curse as Ashara moved up to her at which point she composed herself.
“uh thanks for saving me”Ashara was still squinting so the flash bang probably hadn’t worn off “sorry the Milirian got away”
“nah it’s ok we can get after her i’d rather you’re ok” Ashara weakly smiled, Kyradia was hoping Ashara didn’t see all the dead bodies “cmon we should go follow her no time to waste” she grabbed Asharas hand and quickly headed away from the dead bodies....
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beccaraecarter · 6 years
In Your Arms
“When someone truly cares about you, they make an effort. Not an Excuse..”
He knew he was a cocky arrogant asshole. And he embraced it too.
With rich parents, everybody knew who he was. You didn’t have to be relatively new in order to run into name like Kim.
He could have anything done for him in the snap of a finger. He went out to the biggest parties, dated the most beautiful women, and didn’t care about the world he lived in.
He knew he had nailed it tonight when he got up from the bed. He rose up from the position he was in. He looked at his current girlfriend that layed in the bed next to him. He smirked to himself as he looked at her resting body. He looked at his watch and saw that it was 10:03. He got up from the bed and walked around the hotel room to pick up his clothes.
He was about to pick up his pants when he heard shuffling outside the window. He looked up to the window with mixed feelings. Either someone was trying to break into the hotel room, or it was just some animal.
He quickly got himself dressed and semi-decent. He walked with caution towards the window. He wanted nothing more than to go to bed, but he needed to figure out what the noise was.
He opened the sliding door and walked outside. He took in his surroundings, and saw that nothing was out on the porch. He feels a bit relieved, thinking it was just nothing.
“Good night?” He heard a soft but rough voice speak out.
He turned his head to find a girl sitting on the ledge. She was leaning back against the wall, in the most relaxed state. He found himself choking a little.
“What are you doing here?” He asked calmly.
“I’m just enjoying the view… Taking a rest…. Trying to figure out who was fucking pretty loudly while I was trying to sleep…” She spoke out loud. Her eyes sent daggers towards his own, as if looks could kill at any second.
“I- um, I apologize for that… I didn’t realize we would be so loud.” He smirked more to himself.
“Figures… Wouldn’t want to intrude on such a occasion…..” She trailed off.
She hopped off the ledge and walked more towards where he was standing. She stood opposite of him. Under the light from the porch, he got a good look at the mysterious girl.
Her hair was a brown color, which reminded him of the autumn season. She wore dark clothes, except for the white choker she was wearing. Her skin was light pale, like the full moon on summer nights. Her eyes were a dark brown, making him think of chocolate and how even that color doesn’t compare to her beautiful eyes.
Ok, he admits it to himself, she was a piece of art.
He can’t believe that he is standing in front of such a beauty. He felt weak in the knees by just looking at her. And in those small bitter moments, he forgot who he was.
He just felt like it was just the two of them alone in the world.
“Are you going to continue staring? Because I think the skyline is prettier.” She commented. Quickly, he snapped out of his trance. Her voice was a mixture of sour and sweet, to him it sounded like music that he would never get over.
“This has been an interesting night..” He finds himself whispering out loud.
“It’s an interesting world. And it’s with people like you that make it interesting… “ She said out loud.
“What is that supposed to mean?” He asked.
“You are like the others I see around this town. If only you got your head out of the clouds to see that… Well have fun with your girl… she seems to be a real catch.” She said. She hopped onto the wall and climbed over it, disappearing from his line of vision.  
It has been four months since his very strange encounter with the girl.
And  with each passing day, he finds himself getting lost in his own thoughts; memories of that night on the patio come crashing into his brain, as if a storm came in all of a sudden.
Ever since that encounter, he changed. He stopped seeing countless women, cleaned up his act. He knew if he needed to meet that girl again, he needed to change in order to for her to take a chance on him. He feels incredibly stupid for some reason. Changing….
And all for what?
Just because some girl made him question things he was doing recklessly?
He truly hadn’t been himself during those four months. He figured he might be overthinking this whole thing. It’s not like he’ll ever see her again.      
All of these thoughts that were swarming around his head gave him a small headache. He figured he should take the rest of his day off and talk a walk in the park to clear his head.
And that’s where he found himself 30 minutes later. Strolling on the sidewalk of the open park. He looked at his watch to see it was only 5:09. The sun was setting in the horizon. He sees families getting ready to go home for the day, couples walking hand in hand. He finds these small actions that he witnesses distracted him peacefully.
He didn’t know why, but he felt the need to look up towards the sky. It was a mixture of colors; red, orange, pink colors decorated the sky.
It wasn’t until he noticed a figure sitting in one of the trees he was standing near.
He really couldn’t tell what they were up to, until he walked a bit closer and realized the person is not moving. He began to panic a little bit so he had to figure out what to do. Who knows, that person could be dead.
His heart filled with dread. He couldn’t handle seeing a dead body, even if he was the one who spotted the figure in the tree. He decided he might as well man up and see if said person is actually dead.
Bad decision… on his part.
He grabbed a small, but sizeable rock and threw it at the person. Which resulted in a very pissed off yell.
“What the hell? Who the fuck do you think you are?” The voice that belonged to the stranger yelled out.
And instantly, he recognized the smooth and familiar voice of the girl he had met months ago.
“I- I’m sorry! I thought you were dead!” He yelled back. The girl moved around, and the she proceeded to climb down from the tree. He began to move towards the front of the tree, where he saw she was climbing down towards. “Hey! Do you need any help?” He asked.
The moment he asked, was the moment the girl landed on her own two feet.
“I can get myself down thank you-” The girl began to speak as she turned around to face him, and her eyes widen a little. “Very much..” She concluded.
“I thought I’d never come across you again.” He breathed out finally. He really couldn’t believe she was standing in front of him again.
She tilted her head at him, with a wary look in her eyes. “Didn’t think I’d come across you again… “ She spoke lowly, a small smirk was hanging off the corner of her lips. “Well thanks for… assaulting me with a rock and waking me up.” She said.
“You were asleep up there?” He asked. “Umm… yes, I was until you had to interrupt oh so gracefully.” She added the twist of sarcasm into her words. “I don’t understand, how is it that I see you again after four months?” He asked her. By this time of the evening, it was dark, and he couldn’t stop running his hands through his hair.
The girl gave him a weird look. Her eyes trailed up and down his body, and she had a look of concern (it looked like concern in his eyes.)
“Listen… I’m sure you are not a stalker, but what you just said to me, made me think otherwise.” She said, tone dropping into a serious voice.
“I don’t mean to across as a stalker, but I haven’t been the same since I met you on the patio of that hotel room… “ He stopped speaking for a moment, as a random thought came into his head. “Why were you there that night?”
She looked at him, her dark eyes caught his and he felt the world stop for a split second. He felt almost insecure in her presence; She had a power over him, and he was trapped under her spell.
“Same thing as you…” she responded, before starting to walk away. He grabbed her hand before she could go any further. “Wait, wait, I would like to get to know you. Please let me take you somewhere for a cup of coffee.” He offered to her.
Her body was tense from his touch. It might have been the autumn season, but his hand had a fiery touch to her cool skin.
“Ok, Kim. I’m only going to say this once: Please leave me alone. I know exactly what your all about. The Kim name is notorious for screwing around and making lives a living hell. So no, I won’t be going with you to get a cup of coffee with you.” She said.
She yanked her hand away from his hand and she walked briskly away from him.
What the hell was he going to do?
“Namjoon… you are overthinking this…” He heard his friend speak lowly. “How am I overthinking this? I meet this girl twice, and twice she’s blown me off. Like what kind of person just blows of somebody for… nothing!” Namjoon exasperated.
“Not all girls are into you man. Stop acting like everyone wants you.” His friend deadpanned Namjoon. “Yoongi Hyung, you are not helping my case.” Namjoon retorted.
“Look try getting rid of your player look. Girls like her don’t like that kind of mentality.” Yoongi suggests, but Namjoon already waved him off. “I haven’t been doing the player thing for a long time. I stopped seeing women after I met her. I haven’t been going out as much as I used to, I’m working constantly, not drinking as much as I used to. Trust me, whatever image that I have is pretty much gone.” Namjoon said.
Yoongi tilted his head at the brown-haired man. “Well maybe she still sees that side of you. Who knows?” Yoongi shrugged. He is trying to help his friend, but nothing seems to help him get his head out of his ass.
“Can you describe her again to me. Maybe I can pull some detective strings and get you some information on your little crush.” Yoongi suggested.
“Can you Yoongi Hyung?” Namjoon gasped at the idea. The idea of tracking her down sounded very stalker-like (Pretty much sums up her idea of him.)
“I can try. No promises I can get you exactly what you want, but for your sake, I will try.” Yoongi simply answered. He got up from his sitting position on the couch and walked towards the door.
“Yoongi Hyung, you are a lifesaver. I owe you dinner.” Namjoon smiled. Yoongi turned to face his friend, who was finally sitting down, after pacing around in his office for more than an hour. “No problem Namjoon. At least you can finally think clearly and get some rest.” Yoongi spoke lowly. He finally exited the office, leaving Namjoon alone with his thoughts.
One weird thought popped into his head.
‘Why is she consuming my thoughts so much? I’ve only met her twice. I never get this anxious about one woman.’        
He decided he was going to look up the question. Of course, over a thousand results came back from google, and he went searching for his answer.
Only one website caught his eye.
“The hell?” He asked out loud. He clicked into the link and it took him to a website that made him cringe slightly.
Sure, he knew hybrids existed, he practically knew about their history, where they come from, and why they came out of hiding. Or rather forced out of hiding. It was only a few short years ago when activist for hybrids rights came rolling around on the streets is when hybrids were known to the public. Hell, even he thought it was wrong for people to force hybrids into this cruel world humans live in.
He scanned over the website reading about how hybrids often mates because they are monogamous creatures. Sometimes when there are not enough male hybrids to mate the female ones, the females often go to humans. Cross breeding was very common between hybrids and humans now, but for only purebred hybrids. Purebred hybrids are very rare nowadays, and there are more ‘mut’ hybrids that are not purebred. Purebreds are also quite popular to have around. In most cases the ‘mut’s’ are captured if seen on the streets and taken to a ‘shelter’ where they are treated like animals.
Namjoon couldn’t believe his own eyes. He continued reading about how hybrids are most commonly beautiful creatures, and that humans have a deep fascination with them. Especially when it comes to doing illegal things with hybrids, such as experimentation, trafficking, slavery, etc. Which is why agencies are sworn to protect hybrids so that they don’t end up living that life.
But the world is cruel anyways.
Namjoon continued reading through the article until one sections caught his eye. Hybrids have ‘soulmate’ tendencies when it comes to mating. If one hybrid comes across you a couple of times then that means they are destined in their eyes to be with you. Hybrids live monogamously towards mostly humans.
Namjoon had no idea about any of this information on hybrids. It makes sense in his head now. The unusual meetings, the girl’s beauty, her tendency to be in weird places.
Namjoon couldn’t be happier. Tomorrow, he was going to go to the park again, and find her.
So that his suspicions could finally rest.
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~By: Becca<3 
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sugah-stixx · 6 years
Amy Meets the Egos Chapter 3
Things finally start to wind down for the night, but when Amy comes back from using the restroom, she meets the one Ego she didn’t want to meet alone, especially at night.
(Chapter 1) (Chapter 2)
Dark took a minute, and exhaled into a weak grin, “So you must be Amy, then.”
Amyplier Fluff, Dark being sp00py..
The sun was setting beautifully and could be seen perfectly through every window in the manor. The oranges and pinks glistened off the pool, and shone through the glass chandelier to make a rainbow colored light show appear in the front hallway. Amy stood out on the balcony enjoying the beautiful scene as Mark stayed in to talk business with the Egos. Amy got lost in her own thoughts before she realized it was already dark outside, the night sky twinkling with more stars then she’d ever seen. Amy walked back into the manor to see Mark working on his laptop.
“Hey, how’s the work going?” Amy stepped beside Mark carefully.
“Oh, hey. Not bad, almost done here. I thought you were going to be out there all night, wouldn’t blame you though. It’s a beautiful sunset to see.” Mark said barely looking up from his laptop.
“I know, it’s absolutely gorgeous. How are the Egos doing?” Amy asked leaning over Marks shoulder.
“Uhh, Bing tried to do a kickflip into the bathtub, the Doctor told me I was dying, twice. And… I think Google might have short-circuited or something, but Wil’s taking care of it. So pretty good, considering.” Mark closed his laptop.  
“Not bad, not bad.” Amy looked at Mark with a smile.
“Want to watch something on Netflix? I just need to relax, it’s been a stressful first day.” Mark huffed out, taking off his glasses to rub his eyes.
“Did you just insinuate that we, as the kids call it, ‘Netflix and Chill?’” Amy tapped her chin.
“Except that I actually just want to watch Netflix and actually just chill because I refuse to use that term for anything besides just actually watching Netflix and actually chilling.”  Mark started to feel passion for ranting about the phrase, “Netflix and Chill”.
“Okay man, chill.” Amy laughed as she bumped Marks shoulder and walked passed him to the living room.
Everything started to calm down as each of the Egos started to slowly disappear into their designated rooms for the night. Wilford came up to see Mark and Amy enjoying some lazy cuddles on the couch as some random anime played on the TV in the background. Wil slowly walked passed them, and exhaled as he sat down in the recliner next to the couch.
“Busy day?” Mark asked.
“Everyone is just so… fucking energetic. Sometimes ol’ Warfy needs to take a breather.” Wilford leaned forward in his chair.
“Awh, man. That sucks.” Mark looked back at the TV.
Amy nudged Mark, clearly asking him to pay more attention to Wil. Amy huffed.
“If there’s anything we can help you with tomorrow, Wil, we’re here!” Amy sat up and looked at the exhausted pink haired man.
Wil looked back up at Amy through tired eyes, “I couldn’t ask such a beautiful young lady, like yourself, to take care of these rapscallions.” Wil patted Amy’s head softly.
Mark grimaced, wanting to pick Amy up and run away. He then remembered he’s been treating her like a little kid this whole trip, and that she deserved more credit. Amy is strong; she knows how to handle him when he gets out of control, why shouldn’t she be able to handle his Egos?
Mark cleared his throat, “Well, I mean, Amy’s a good problem solver. I think she could help you a lot tomorrow, considering I might have to go into the city for a few hours to attend a meeting.”
Amy turned to smile at Mark as she realized the effort he was making, and squeezed his hand. Wilford’s tired expression slightly lightened up.
“Well now, if the big man is okay with it, then why shouldn’t I be? It would be my pleasure to have you by my side, pumpkin.” Wilford’s eyes were seductive as ever.
Mark was groaning in anger only loud enough for Amy to hear, she then lightly nudged him in the stomach to quiet him.
“Perfect! Alright, we better get heading to bed then, it’s going to be a busy day for all of us!” Amy clapped, and quickly stood up.
“Yea, I guess so…” Mark slowly stood up after her, turning off the TV.
“I still have to close up the Manor for tonight, but have a wonderful sleep you two!” Wilford stood up and waved, putting one hand in his pocket.
“Goodnight Wilford!” Amy happily walked out of the living room with Mark close behind.
“’Night, Wil…” Mark muttered out.
Mark and Amy said their goodnights to each other and quickly fell asleep in their beds. 
It was about 3am when Amy couldn’t ignore the fact that her bladder was going to explode if she didn’t get up that instant. The battle had been going on for about half an hour until she finally decided to give in.
Amy quickly ripped off her sheets and shuffled out of her room. It wasn’t long until she realized that she had no idea where the bathroom was. This mansion had so many rooms, she never even bothered to look in any other ones besides her own and Marks. Her bladder was going to have to wait a little longer.
After about 10 minutes of looking down the excessive amount of hallways to find only ONE of the many bathrooms in this place, Amy managed to find one. To her surprise, the only bathroom on the main floor was right beside the stairwell to the upstairs office. The blonde was so tired, and now slightly irritated about the whole bathroom situation, she just wanted to go back to bed. Slowly opening the bathroom door to start heading back to her room, Amy let out a big yawn as she turned the corner. Suddenly, she felt her head bump softly into what felt like a smooth satin fabric, she opened her eyes to see a red tie directly in front of her face. Surprised from the sudden impact, Amy gasped and tried to jump back from the figure so close in front of her, only to feel hands wrap around the backs of her arms firmly. Amy was so disoriented by what was happening, she started to breathe in to let out a scream, but once again the figure was too quick, silencing Amy by covering her mouth with their large hand. Amy was blinded of the figure by the dimly light hallway, the person in front of her was almost like a shadow, not attracting any of the light illuminating in the hall. Her eyes tried hard to adjust to see what exactly was holding her in place, but all she could see was some sort of blue and red energy radiating off of them, she felt she needed 3D glasses to see what exactly this person looked like. Confused as all hell, all Amy could do was inhale through her nose. She was terrified; it felt like an eternity of being held by this—whatever it was. Thoughts raced in her head, until she finally realised who this had to be. Amy relaxed her body, trying to signal him that she won’t scream.
“My apologizes for startling you...” The figure slowly released Amy from their grasp.
“I-It’s okay. I’m sorry for, um, running into you like that, Dark.” Amy exhaled, looking up as Dark’s image started to slowly appear in front of her.
The man looked exactly like her boyfriend, which was quite unnerving. He was slightly taller, had his hair flipped onto the opposite side, and wore a black suit with a red tie. He was the farthest thing from Mark, though. Amy knew this, and she knew it well. Dark’s presence was cold, and unfamiliar. Amy never felt more uncomfortable around someone in her entire life. It was hard to see a man with the exact same face and voice as the one she loved, but couldn’t feel his loving personality or exciting aura. It was hard to even look him in his eyes, as they were as black as charcoal and lacked any kind of emotion. His skin was grey, but slightly flickered to his normal skin color every now and again. Amy didn’t quite know how to look at this man, because of the glitching hues and constant changes in contrast in his eyes. The reds and blues made it so hard to look directly at him without Amy’s eyes going crossed. Even the touch of his hands left a cold feeling on the back of her arms.
Dark took a minute, and exhaled into a weak grin, “So you must be Amy, then.”
His voice was deep, deep like when Mark tries to be serious. It was followed by echoes that made Amy shutter, and there was a high pitched ringing behind his voice that felt like she was quickly developing a bad headache.
“Y-Yes. Sorry, I was,… just going back to my room, actually, so…” Amy sputtered out, avoiding making eye contact. She knew what this man was capable of, and no matter how many times she claimed she wasn’t scared of him, she never expected to be this intimidated. “He’s a manipulator, he doesn’t actually care about you.” Mark’s words rang in her ears.
Dark cocked his head, and looked Amy up and down. He never moved a step backwards from when he was holding her; they were still basically chest-to-chest.
“You seem afraid of me… I’m not sure what you’ve heard the others say, but I can assure you, you’re not in any danger.” Amy could feel Dark’s eyes burning into her as she looked at the floor.
“Oh, y-yeah I know… I’m just tired, and it’s late so,…” Amy continued to avoid making eye contact, and even tried backing away, but Dark just stepped closer.
Dark let out a small chuckle, “Hmm… You know, Mark sure is a lucky guy…” Amy barely noticed Dark had slowly moved his hand to cup the side of her face.
Amy blushed hard, feeling this mans touch was odd. It didn’t feel like Marks, but something was changing. It was cold, but almost seemed like it was slowly becoming warmer, and more familiar the longer she felt him. Amy was confused, and didn’t know what to do. It was hard to get her thoughts in order, she knew this wasn’t her boyfriend, she knew all the things said about him were true, she knew he couldn’t be trusted. Then why did she feel so mesmerized by him? Why was still she standing there? Why couldn’t she move?
Amy was so enthralled by this man’s touch, she felt like she was almost being controlled. Amy reached up to put her hand over Dark’s, and smiled. It was such a nice, warm feeling. She could stay there forever. This was her boyfriend, it had to be. She knew this familiar, loving hand. Her mind was flooded with happy thoughts, and she felt she had fallen in love with him all over again. Amy exhaled a sigh of relief, and basked in the feeling of everything being perfect. 
She then looked up, and slowly everything came flooding back. The man she was staring at, his eyes. They weren’t Marks. This isn’t her boyfriend, what’s happening? There was no color in the black holes she was staring into, and there was a menacing grin on his face. Amy could feel the happiness painfully drain out of her as she fell back to the reality of the situation.  
This man…this is Dark. This is what he does, whether he’s doing this on purpose she wasn’t sure, but Amy knew she had to get out of there as soon as she could. Amy felt like she was paralyzed as the flood of emotions still ran through her, but managed to slowly let go of Dark’s hand on her face. She carefully pulled away from him, which caused Dark to raise an eyebrow in response.
“M-Mark…” Amy coughed out, trying to get her voice back. “Mark… is a great guy, a-and I’m… Lucky to be with him,… too.”
Dark looked shocked for a split second. He quickly changed to his usual devious expression, and put his hands behind his back.
“I’m happy for you both.” Dark softly replied, while nodding his head.
“Goodnight, Dark.” Amy’s voice cracked as she looked back up at him one more time, slowly gaining more and more courage.
“Goodnight, Amy. I hope you enjoy your stay.” Dark looked slightly confused, as if almost feeling like he underestimated her. He watched carefully as Amy turned around and walked strongly back to her room.
Amy closed the door to her bedroom behind her, and immediately collapsed onto her bed. God damn, she’s not going to be able to fall back asleep after that endeavour. She could still feel her heart pounding in her chest, as it was practically lifting her off of her bed as she lay on her stomach. Amy didn’t quite understand why she was so worked up, though. What the hell just happened?
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