aigle-suisse · 9 months
UIPM 2021 Biathle-Triathle World Championships
UIPM 2021 Biathle-Triathle World Championships par UIPM World Pentathlon Via Flickr : 2021. Fair use with credit to owner and photographer (Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne / Filip Komorous).
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Modern Pentathlon Individual at Olympic Games in Paris 2024 🇫🇷
Emotions and high performances, what a day in Versailles!
Emotions et performances, quelle journée à Versailles !
The modern pentathlon, from military tradition, has its last ride at the 2024 Summer Olympics Games in Paris. A sad moment for modern Pentathlon, Horses make their final Olympic appearance at the Paris Games 🐎
The modern pentathlon is the successor to the ancient pentathlon, which comprised running, jumping, javelin, discus and wrestling. The modern pentathlon is an Olympic multisport that has been a core part of the Olympic Games for more than 100 years, that currently consists of fencing (one-touch épée), freestyle swimming, equestrian show jumping, laser pistol shooting, and cross-country running.
Just as running and javelin throwing and wrestling would serve a warrior of old, the command of a horse and accuracy of a sidearm would serve a modern, turn-of-the-20th-century soldier. A clear reason why, after 18 years of Baron Pierre de Coubertin’s activism, it was the 1912 Games where the modern pentathlon was first contested.
It was believed that this event, above all others, "tested a man's moral qualities as much as his physical resources and skills, producing there by the ideal, complete athlete". The growing popularity of this sport resulted in the foundation of an international federation, the Union Internationale de Pentathlon Moderne (UIPM), in 1848. It currently has over 120 member nations.
Baron Pierre de Coubertin, founder of the modern Olympic Games, highly appreciated the pentathlon of the ancient Games. Coubertin created the contest of the modern pentathlon to simulate the experience of a 19th-century cavalry soldier behind enemy lines: to ride an unfamiliar horse, fight enemies with pistol and sword, swim, and run to return to his own soldiers. He proposed a similar competition that would test the strengths of a “complete” athlete, but involve more modern disciplines, and he introduced the modern pentathlon in the 5th Olympiad in Stockholm in 1912.
Those disciplines appeared attractive to a large part of influential sportsmen, as they were in preparation for a possible war. They were supporting skills and competencies in men that might support the duties of war. Two years later, the Great War began. And during the interwar years, still-simmering tensions kept the sport on the map.
It wasn’t until the 1952 Helsinki Olympics that a civilian, a Swedish carpenter named Lars Hall, won gold, which was a huge deal. Up to that point, the sport was mainly practised — and dominated by — military personnel. (General George Patton - United States Army who commanded the Seventh Army in the Mediterranean Theatre of World War II competed in the 1912, Summer Olympics in Stockholm, Sweden finished 20th in a field of 32 athletes)
Modern pentathlon is made up of four events combining five sports:
Riding, with a show jumping course on an unfamiliar horse that the athlete is allocated in a draw just 20 minutes before they compete.
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Fencing, which is split into two rounds: a ranking round where each athlete competes against each other athlete in a bout lasting one minute or until the first hit, and a second round based on the results of the first round. The format of the second round is single elimination, with each bout lasting 45 seconds. Points are scored for winning each bout.
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Swimming, with a 200m freestyle event.
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Running and Shooting, with a laser-run where athletes alternate between running and shooting at five targets from a distance of 10m.
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The women’s event was introduced at the 2000 Olympic Games in Sydney. Modern pentathlon, was plunged into a scandal at the Tokyo Games in 2021 when a German coach struck a horse that refused to jump a fence.
The International Olympic Committee (IOC) dropped the sport from its initial list for the 2028 Los Angeles Games but approved its inclusion after the global governing body, of the (UIPM) replaced horse riding with obstacle racing.
However, the sport has changed quite a bit in its long Olympic history. For starters, laser guns eventually replaced handguns. Show jumping replaced cross-country riding in 1988, and 2000 saw the first women’s event. In 2012, organisers combined the foot race and shooting portions, and in 2016 introduced the concept of a bonus fencing round. Still, this recent change is the first time a discipline will be dropped completely.
It's a sad moment to witness, especially for those who have grown up riding horses. The feeling after Sunday's final was not so much one of sadness, but more of being part of something unique. This certainly won't be the last time they will be riding horses, as the athletes are looking forward to the challenge of obstacles. They cherish what will soon become a memory, recognising the elegant nature of the sport. It will be sad to see horses, your teammates with whom you must get to develop a quick relationship go into history in the Modern Pentathlon.
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#Paris2024 #olympicsgames #pentathlonday #athlete # sports #history #olympics #soldier #army #cavalry #modernpentathlon #pentathlon #athletics #running #swimming #horseriding #shooting #fencing #escrime #riding #laser #pistol #equestrian #Phryge
Posted 11th August 2024
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postsofbabel · 11 months
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gpnkoreanews1g · 5 months
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04-28 11:09성승민, 근대5종 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달(서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 한국 여자 근대5종의 기대주 성승민(한국체대)이 국제근대5종연맹(UIPM) 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달을 목에 걸었다. 성승...
04-28 11:08[게시판] 서울우정청, 남산 둘레길서 플로깅 봉사▲ 과학기술정보통신부 우정사업본부 서울지방우정청은 지난 27일 서울 남산 둘레길에서 플로깅(조깅·산책하며 쓰레기 줍기) 봉사 활동을 벌였다. 신대섭 서울지방우정청장은 "우리 ...
04-28 11:05'2024 베리베리 빵빵데이', 천안 빵 맛 전국에 알렸다(천안=연합뉴스) 유의주 기자 = 충남 천안시는 27∼28일 천안시청과 지역 동네빵집 68곳에서 열린 '2024 베리베리 빵빵데이'가 성황을 이뤘다고 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:03KT, 외국인 전용 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종 출시(서울=연합뉴스) 김현수 기자 = KT는 국내 거주 외국인의 통신 이용 편의성을 높이고 비용 부담을 낮춘 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종을 오는 29일 출시한다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:02"이스라엘군, 국제법 위반 가능성…美국무부 내부서 문제 제기"로이터, 국무부 내부 메모 보도 "무기지원 중단시 이란 위협 대응 제한 의견도" 블링컨, 내달 초 이스라엘 국제법 위반 여부 의회 보고 (서울=연합뉴스) 노재현 기자 = ...
04-28 11:02인니 자바섬 남부 바다서 규모 6.1 강진…자카르타도 흔들(종합)주택·병원 등 파손돼…한밤중 지진에 "침대가 흔들려 깼다" 주민들 대피 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 자바섬 남부 앞바다에서 강한 지진이 발생하면서...
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gpnkoreanewsg · 5 months
04-28 11:45발리서 관광비자로 예능 찍다 효연 등 한국 출연진 한때 억류"정식 촬영 허가 안받아"…모두 풀려나 출연진은 모두 출국 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 유명 관광지 발리에서 한국의 한 제작사가 관광 비자로 예능...
04-28 11:4216년만에 우승 도전 전창진 KCC 감독, 결승 1차전부터 능력 발휘kt 송영진 감독은 "정규리그보다 120%로"…2차전 총력전 예고 (서울=연합뉴스) 김동찬 기자 = 프로농구 부산 KCC 전창진(60) 감독이 챔피언결정전 1차전부터 베...
04-28 11:41'순백과 연녹색의 하모니' 인제 자작나무숲 내달 4일 개방(인제=연합뉴스) 박영서 기자 = 봄철 산불 조심 기간, 출입이 통제됐던 강원 인제군 원대리 자작나무숲이 내달 4일부터 개방된다. 28일 인제군에 따르면 자작나무숲 입산...
04-28 11:31"해외에 韓 매력 알린다"…문체부, 동남아·아프리카 언론 초청(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 문화체육관광부가 해외 언론인을 초청해 한국의 경제, 문화, 외교 등 다양한 분야에 대한 취재를 지원한다. 문체부는 동남아시아와 아프...
04-28 11:30'4대그룹 유일 공채' 삼성, 이틀간 '삼성고시' GSAT 시행삼성전자 등 19개 관계사 신입 채용…PC·스마트폰 활용해 온라인으로 (서울=연합뉴스) 김아람 기자 = 삼성은 지난 27일부터 이틀간 상반기 대졸 신입사원 공채 필기시험인 삼...
04-28 11:30제2중부고속도로 상번천 부근서 차량 추돌사고…1명 사망(경기 광주=연합뉴스) 권준우 기자 = 28일 오전 2시 50분께 경기도 광주시 제2중부고속도로 서울방면 상번천 졸음쉼터 부근에서 30대 A씨가 운전하는 아우디 승용차가 2차로에...
04-28 11:28양주 자원 순환시설서 불…7시간만에 진화(양주=연합뉴스) 노승혁 기자 = 27일 오후 5시 15분께 경기 양주시 광적면 가납리에 있는 한 자원 순환시설에서 원인을 알 수 없는 불이 났다. 이 불로 폐기물처리...
04-28 11:15서울 시내 편의점 900곳, 배달·퀵 이동노동자에 쉼터 제공5월부터 동행쉼터 지정…서울노동권익센터·이마트24·우아한청년들 협약 (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 = 배달·퀵서비스 기사 등 야외에서 일하는 이동노동자가 서울 시내 이마트24...
04-28 11:15서울시 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상 39세까지로 확대5만원대로 무제한 이용…시범사업 기간 이용액 소급 적용 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울 대중교통 무제한 이용권인 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상을 기존 19∼34세에서 39세...
04-28 11:15실내정원·미디어월·로봇카페…힐링공간 변신 서울시청 로비사계절 꽃자리·카페형 열린민원실에 글로벌 도시·서울 뷰 다양한 콘텐츠 "볼거리·휴식 가능한 문화의 장…시민·관광객 감탄 공간으로 업그레이드" (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 =...
04-28 11:15구로·은평·금천 모아주택 심의 통과…총 402세대(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 구로구 궁동, 은평구 갈현동, 금천구 시흥동에 모아주택 총 402세대가 공급된다. 서울시는 지난 26일 열린 제6차 소규모주택...
04-28 11:15주거비 부담에 안 떠나도록…서울 자녀출산 무주택가구 지원'탄생응원' 1명당 월 30만원씩 2년간 총 720만원…전국 최초 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 결혼·출산 후 서울을 떠나야 할지 고민하는 무주택 가구를 위해 서울시가 주거비...
04-28 11:15서울 고립·은둔 청년 지원 더 촘촘하게…전담기관 개관중장기 통합관리·온라인 플랫폼 도입…참여자 연중 모집 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 고립·은둔 청년을 위한 촘촘한 지원을 위해 전담 기구를 만드는 등 올해는 한층 더...
04-28 11:15서울시, 고기술·고혁신 '딥테크' 스타트업 집중 지원(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 일반 스타트업에 비해 초기 비용이 많이 들지만 혁신성이 높은 기술로 산업적 파급효과가 큰 딥테크(Deep tech) 스타트업을 전폭적으...
04-28 11:15[게시판] 서울시민대학, 인생디자인학교 참가자 모집▲ 서울시평생교육진흥원은 서울시민대학에서 생애주기별 과정으로 운영하는 '인생디자인학교'에 참가할 중장년 시민을 모집한다고 28일 밝혔다. 40∼64세 서울시민이면 서울시 평생학습...
04-28 11:15서울시, 대형 공사장 비산먼지 실태조사…12곳 적발(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 민생사법경찰단(민사단)은 대형 공사장 등을 대상으로 비산먼지 실태조사를 벌인 결과 12곳을 적발하고 형사입건했다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:15서울시, 신종·복합재난 대응방안 만든다…실제 훈련 활용내년 2월까지 학술용역 진행…'서울 시민행동요령'도 개발 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 최근 재난이 복잡·대형화됨에 따라 서울시가 다양한 재난 상황을 시뮬레이션(모의실험)...
04-28 11:09中日, 센카쿠서 신경전…日의원 동반 조사활동에 中해경선 견제日지자체, 섬 상공 드론 촬영도…정치인·언론인 동행 조사에 中이 압박 (도쿄=연합뉴스) 박상현 특파원 = 중국과 일본이 영유권 분쟁을 벌이고 있는 센카쿠(중국명 댜오위다오) ...
04-28 11:09성승민, 근대5종 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달(서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 한국 여자 근대5종의 기대주 성승민(한국체대)이 국제근대5종연맹(UIPM) 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달을 목에 걸었다. 성승...
04-28 11:08[게시판] 서울우정청, 남산 둘레길서 플로깅 봉사▲ 과학기술정보통신부 우정사업본부 서울지방우정청은 지난 27일 서울 남산 둘레길에서 플로깅(조깅·산책하며 쓰레기 줍기) 봉사 활동을 벌였다. 신대섭 서울지방우정청장은 "우리 ...
04-28 11:05'2024 베리베리 빵빵데이', 천안 빵 맛 전국에 알렸다(천안=연합뉴스) 유의주 기자 = 충남 천안시는 27∼28일 천안시청과 지역 동네빵집 68곳에서 열린 '2024 베리베리 빵빵데이'가 성황을 이뤘다고 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:03KT, 외국인 전용 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종 출시(서울=연합뉴스) 김현수 기자 = KT는 국내 거주 외국인의 통신 이용 편의성을 높이고 비용 부담을 낮춘 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종을 오는 29일 출시한다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:02"이스라엘군, 국제법 위반 가능성…美국무부 내부서 문제 제기"로이터, 국무부 내부 메모 보도 "무기지원 중단시 이란 위협 대응 제한 의견도" 블링컨, 내달 초 이스라엘 국제법 위반 여부 의회 보고 (서울=연합뉴스) 노재현 기자 = ...
04-28 11:02인니 자바섬 남부 바다서 규모 6.1 강진…자카르타도 흔들(종합)주택·병원 등 파손돼…한밤중 지진에 "침대가 흔들려 깼다" 주민들 대피 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 자바섬 남부 앞바다에서 강한 지진이 발생하면서...
04-28 11:02오동운 공수처장 후보자, 채상병 사건에 "법과 원칙 따라 수사"청문회 준비단 첫 출근…특검 추진엔 "정치권 일 생각해보지 않아" "조직에 기운 불어넣고 바꾸겠다…수사경험 있는 차장 찾을 것" (서울=연합뉴스) 이도흔 기자 = 오동운 고위공...
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qaheaccreditation · 7 months
Universal Institute of Professional Management Renews QAHE Accreditation
#uipmuniversity #QAHE #QualityAssurance #EducationExcellence #AccreditationMatters #GlobalStandards #ISOcertifications #HigherEducation #PreTertiaryEducation #AcademicExcellence #InstitutionalAccreditation #ProgrammaticAccreditation #InternationalAccreditation #TrainingAccreditation #eLearningSolutions #HonoraryDoctorate #DistinguishedProfessorship #EducationQuality #ContinuousImprovement #ExcellenceInEducation #QualityManagement #ProfessionalDevelopment #DigitalLearning #RecognizingExcellence
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sporseverlertv · 10 months
UIPM Dünya Kupası yarışları - 00
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sivasgazetesi · 11 months
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baliportalnews · 11 months
Triwulan III 2023, Okupansi Rata-Rata The Nusa Dua 83,16 Persen
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BALIPORTALNEWS.COM, NUSA DUA - Selama Triwulan III tahun 2023, occupancy rate atau tingkat hunian rata-rata Kawasan The Nusa Dua, kawasan pariwisata yang dikelola oleh PT Pengembangan Pariwisata Indonesia (Persero)/Indonesia Tourism Development Corporation (ITDC), perusahaan member Injourney Group yang mengembangkan kawasan pariwisata di Indonesia, terjaga di angka rata-rata 80%. Tingkat hunian kawasan The Nusa Dua selama Juli–September 2023 tercatat secara berturut-turut sebesar 84,05%, 83,37% dan 82,06% atau rata-rata mencapai 83,16% selama triwulan III dengan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mencapai 287.181 orang. Angka ini meningkat dibanding tingkat hunian periode yang sama tahun lalu berturut-turut sebesar 65,37%, 66,59% dan 65,44% atau rata-rata mencapai 65,80%, dengan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan sebesar 190.906 orang. Angka ini juga menunjukkan mulai stabilnya tingkat hunian jika dibandingkan dengan pencapaian tingkat hunian triwulan III di tahun 2019, masa sebelum pandemi yaitu sebesar 84,48% dengan jumlah kunjungan wisatawan mencapai 258.193 orang. Tercatat tingkat hunian rata-rata The Nusa Dua pada triwulan III 2023 tumbuh hampir 26,38% dibandingkan triwulan III tahun 2022 dan selisih 1,6% dibandingkan triwulan III tahun 2019. Sedangkan kunjungan wisatawan yang didominasi oleh wisatawan asing tumbuh sebesar 50,43% dibanding tahun 2022 dan mencapai 11,23% dibanding tahun 2019. Daerah Tujuan Wisata (DTW) Water Blow Peninsula yang merupakan salah satu spot wisata alam di The Nusa Dua, pada periode Juli–September 2023 mencatatkan kunjungan wisatawan mencapai 21.909 pengunjung, meningkat 28,63% dari kunjungan tahun 2022 mencapai 17.032 orang. General Manager The Nusa Dua, I Gusti Ngurah Ardita mengaku bersyukur dapat kembali melihat pertumbuhan positif tingkat hunian kawasan The Nusa Dua yang dikelola. Tingkat hunian rata-rata selama triwulan III ini menunjukkan angka yang menggembirakan dan cukup stabil, sesuai targetnya. “Selama tiga bulan terakhir, The Nusa Dua telah berhasil mencatat tingkat hunian rata-rata di atas 80%, hampir sama dengan capaian okupansi pada periode yang sama di tahun 2019. Hal ini menunjukkan mulai pulihnya kegiatan kepariwisataan di Bali pasca pandemi COVID 19, khususnya kawasan The Nusa Dua. Pertumbuhan positif tingkat hunian ini tentunya dipengaruhi oleh peningkatan frekuensi penyelenggaraan Meeting, Incentive, Convention and Exhibition (MICE) tingkat nasional dan internasional serta kegiatan kepariwisataan lainnya di Bali dan khususnya di kawasan The Nusa Dua,” tutur Ngurah Ardita. Pada periode Juli-September 2023, beberapa event dan konferensi telah dilaksanakan di The Nusa Dua antara lain event Thank God It’s Festival (TGIF) 2023, pameran Multimedia di C-Art Space The Nusa Dua, International Tourism Investment Forum (ITIF) 2023, 16th Congress of Asian Society of Cardiovascular Imaging, The 41st ASEAN Ministers on Energy Meetings and Its Associated Meeting, 3rd ASEAN International Conference on Energy and Environment, ASEAN Energy Business Forum pada Agustus serta Bali Interfood 2023 dan Coaltrans Asia 2023 pada September 2023. Sementara pada 1-23 Oktober 2023, okupansi The Nusa Dua mencapai 80,65% dengan 15 hotel mencatatkan okupansi harian di atas 80%. “Stabilnya okupansi harian ini tentunya dipengaruhi oleh adanya beberapa kegiatan MICE awal bulan ini serta kunjungan wisatawan leisure,” ungkap Ngurah Ardita. Beberapa kegiatan MICE yang berlangsung di awal bulan Oktober diantaranya KTT serta side events Archipelagic and Island States (AIS), Indonesia Rendevouz 2023 yang diselenggarakan oleh Asosiasi Asuransi Umum Indonesia (AAUI), serta 16th Asian African Legal Consultative Organization (AALCO). Dalam beberapa bulan ke depan, sejumlah event telah terjadwal akan berlangsung di kawasan The Nusa Dua, diantaranya Biathle/Triatle UiPM 2023 World Championship, sebuah kejuaran olahraga Modern Pentathlon pada 1-5 November 2023 serta Conference of ASEAN’s Federation of Engineering Organization (CAFEO) pada 21-23 November 2023. “Kami optimis tingkat okupansi pada Triwulan IV dapat terjaga di atas 80% dengan padatnya agenda event yang akan berlangsung ke depan serta adanya libur Natal dan Tahun Baru. Kami pastikan kawasan The Nusa Dua akan semakin meningkatkan pelayanan serta bersiap menyambut perhelatan event-event internasional yang akan berlangsung di kawasan,” tutup Ngurah Ardita.(bpn) Read the full article
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cyberbenb · 11 months
Ukrainian men’s pentathlon team claims silver at UIPM Pentathlon Challenger
At the UIPM Pentathlon Challenger international rating tournament in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan, the Ukrainian men’s modern pentathlon team secured a second-place finish on the podium. The Ukrainian squad, c Source : www.weareukraine.info/ukrainian…
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guncelhaber1 · 1 year
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radarbabel · 2 years
Mantan Wagub Babel, Hidayat Arsani menjadi satu-satunya wisudawan yang diberi anugerah Doktor Kehormatan Honoris Causa dari UIPM Malaysia
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soclaimon · 2 years
คุณแหน : 22 ธันวาคม 2565
คุณแหน : 22 ธันวาคม 2565
#SootinClaimon.Com : ขอบคุณแหล่งข้อมูล : หนังสือพิมพ์แนวหน้า https://www.naewna.com/lady/699710 วันพฤหัสบดี ที่ 22 ธันวาคม พ.ศ. 2565, 06.00 น. ll ขอแสดงความยินดีกับ ฐานิสร์ วัชโรทัย ในโอกาสที่ UIPM-University International มอบตำแหน่ง “ศาสตราจารย์พิเศษ” จากผลงานวิชาการการสอนวิชาด้านบริหาร วิชาวิเคราะห์วิจัยด้านธุรกิจ ในมหาวิทยาลัยและจากผลการทำงานเกี่ยวกับโครงการพระราชดำริในหลวงรัชกาลที่ 9…
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satanic-panic-blog1 · 2 years
Kuliah Program Kuliah Online S3 Doktoral Cepat Terakreditasi A Internasional
Gelar Doktoral atau Program Kuliah Online S3 merupakan gelar yang memerlukan perjuangan panjang untuk di raih. Dibutuhkan perjuangan keras dan proses yang tidak bisa dikatakan sebentar bagi seseorang untuk mendapatkan gelar doktor. Jaman dahulu gelar Magister adalah gelar paling prestisius, namun ketika krisis moneter melanda Indonesia di akhir tahun 90-an. Semakin banyak lulusan S1 yang berlomba-lomba untuk kuliah lagi demi meraih pendidikan S2 dan meningkatkan nilai jual ke berbagai perusahaan.
Pada akhirnya di tahun 2000-an, gelar S2 menjadi gelar biasa karena saking banyaknya orang yang menyandang gelar ini. Ke depan mungkin gelar doktor atau lulusan Program S3 kelas karyawan semakin banyak, dan tidak ada salahnya Jika Anda mencoba meraihnya dari sekarang. Melanjutkan kuliah S3 di dalam negeri saja sudah sangat baik, apalagi kalau Anda mampu melanjutkan kuliah S3 di luar negeri, pasti akan menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi Anda.
Program kuliah S3 dengan sistem online dari Universal Institute of Professional Management seperti ini sangatlah membantu Anda dalam melewati masa pandemic seperti saat ini. Hal itupun akan menghemat waktu, tenaga, serta pikiran Anda. Universal Institute of Professional Management – UIPM adalah salah satu kampus terbaik di Eropa dan menggunakan taraf pendidikan standart International, silabus pendidikannya sekelas dengan universitas – universitas seperti HARVARD, OXFORD, MIT, CAMBRIDGE, dst.
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anakngmayor-blog · 2 years
Kuliah Program Kuliah Online S3 Doktoral Cepat Terakreditasi A Internasional
Gelar Doktoral atau Program Kuliah Online S3 merupakan gelar yang memerlukan perjuangan panjang untuk di raih. Dibutuhkan perjuangan keras dan proses yang tidak bisa dikatakan sebentar bagi seseorang untuk mendapatkan gelar doktor. Jaman dahulu gelar Magister adalah gelar paling prestisius, namun ketika krisis moneter melanda Indonesia di akhir tahun 90-an. Semakin banyak lulusan S1 yang berlomba-lomba untuk kuliah lagi demi meraih pendidikan S2 dan meningkatkan nilai jual ke berbagai perusahaan.
Pada akhirnya di tahun 2000-an, gelar S2 menjadi gelar biasa karena saking banyaknya orang yang menyandang gelar ini. Ke depan mungkin gelar doktor atau lulusan Program S3 kelas karyawan semakin banyak, dan tidak ada salahnya Jika Anda mencoba meraihnya dari sekarang. Melanjutkan kuliah S3 di dalam negeri saja sudah sangat baik, apalagi kalau Anda mampu melanjutkan kuliah S3 di luar negeri, pasti akan menjadi kebanggaan tersendiri bagi Anda.
Program kuliah S3 dengan sistem online dari Universal Institute of Professional Management seperti ini sangatlah membantu Anda dalam melewati masa pandemic seperti saat ini. Hal itupun akan menghemat waktu, tenaga, serta pikiran Anda. Universal Institute of Professional Management – UIPM adalah salah satu kampus terbaik di Eropa dan menggunakan taraf pendidikan standart International, silabus pendidikannya sekelas dengan universitas – universitas seperti HARVARD, OXFORD, MIT, CAMBRIDGE, dst.
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