#uhura is stunning and fabulous as she always is
laney-rockin · 1 year
So I won't have time to finish the newest Strange New Worlds episode but I will give you my thoughts of the first 20 minutes or so-
Pelia is also like a cool grandma that probably keeps a bunch of cool rocks around her house and a ton of houseplants she got in 93' and has kept alive ever since.
Kirk is also out here breaking records. Which is such a slay! You go, Jim, break them records.
Speaking of records, jealously isn't a good look on Sammy over here. Neither is that moustache. I should know, I've helped bully the same moustache off a man.
Also no fucking way they mimicked the second pilot ep. of Star Trek TOS with Chapel and Spock playing chess. Chapel doesn't seem to excited to be playing though, can't blame her. I'm a sudoku kinda gal myself. Spock seemed excited to tease and banter with Chapel. Just wait bbg, one day someone will banter back and you can play chess like nerds in peace.
All in all, banger episode so far. I cannot wait to see the remaining half hour or so!!! :D
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Jim’s Favorite Kind Of Medicine
“That was seriously the most badass thing I've ever seen," Jim said in awed amazement as he was helped up the steps out of the Alien stronghold he'd been held in. Uhura had singlehandedly freed him--using her brilliant linguistic skills and razor sharp eloquence to literally shame the Norgar people into letting him go. Despite the pain from his bleeding wounds, he wasn't thinking much about them in his delight at how she'd handled them without so much as a phaser. What a shame Spock couldn't have been there, might have made him regret his life choices a little. "Thank you, Captain," she said, looking over him worriedly. "But it looks like I was nearly too late. We'd better get you to the doctor before you bleed out. Leonard would not be happy with me if you died."
"He'd probably be relieved to have me off his hands," Jim mumbled, not looking forward to the inevitable lecture from his CMO. "That's ridiculous, Jim, and you know it," she said, steering him to a flat rock once they'd left the city. "Now, sit here while Hendorff and I try to stem the bleeding a bit. What did they do? You have a bit of the Swiss cheese look going on." Jim held still noticeably better for her than the doctor, only wincing a bit as his worst wounds were bandaged with the medkit Bones had provided. Being in close proximity to her was no hardship, though he had to work hard to conceal how his heart raced. "Oh, the usual torture implements," he shrugged. "Couldn't really see since they had me blindfolded. Felt like a bunch of little knives, almost. Ah-OW." His cool facade was broken when the exceptionally painful gash on his side was seen to and the jolt of pain had him squeezing his eyes closed. "I'm sorry, Jim. We're almost done. Keep breathing," she reminded him. Jim tried to focus on the gentle hands patching him up instead of the throbbing, but was only mildly successful. "So, tell me, Uhura," he rasped out as they continued back to the beam out point, "What was it that convinced them to completely change their minds? Because I thought for sure I was a goner." "Despite their sadistic punishments, The Norgar can be swayed by appealing to their sense of fairness," Uhura explained. " It's weird, but once they'd grasped that the punishment didn't fit the crime that you didn't even know you'd committed,  they felt bad. I laid it on thick, just to be really sure." "You were fabulous," Jim assured her, oozing with pride despite his discomfort. He really had the best linguist in the Fleet and it was incredible to watch her in action. Not that he still crushed on her, oh, no, that ended a long time ago (so he told himself). "Just trying to keep you from losing another of your nine lives, Captain," she replied, opening her communicator. "Uhura Enterprise, Three to beam up." Luckily for Jim, Bones wasn't in the mood for a lecture, only mildly griping at the amount and extent of the lacerations. "Good heavens, Jim. Did they run barbed wire over you?" "Don't know. Couldn't see," he gritted out, pain finally getting to him and he stumbled heavily, thankfully caught by Spock, who'd come down to check on the Captain. Bones shook his head and got right to work, giving Jim a hypo for the pain and beginning to cut off the ragged remnants of his gold shirt. It was a long painful process getting all of the cuts cleaned and regenerated, some even stitched, and poor Jim fell fast asleep as soon as Bones set the last regenerator on him. "Thanks for getting him out of there," Bones said gratefully. Uhura was looking down at Jim with an almost wistful expression. Seeing him in that horrible room, chained up and bloody, had elicited a much stronger reaction than his previous escapades (other than the warp core). Maybe because she knew him a lot more now, maybe because of the unspoken something that had been developing between them in this last year of the five year mission, but she'd had to work hard to stifle her rage in order to negotiate with the Norgars safely. "He's gonna be fine," Leonard assured her, seeing she hadn't yet moved to leave. "I know," she sighed. "It was just so scary when he admitted he was in pain. If Jim Kirk does that, you know he's REALLY feeling it." "Unfortunately," Leonard grimaced. "Luckily for him, it looked worse than it was. Wasn't really any internal damage." "Thank goodness," Nyota breathed. "I've got to go to the bridge now, but Call me when he wakes up, will you?" "Sure will," The doctor nodded, smiling to himself at her reluctance to leave Jim. He was pretty sure they were smitten with each other, but they were still dancing around that fact. (He and Spock had a small wager on just when things would happen.) Jim woke up early the next morning after having caught up on a lot of missed sleep. He felt sore, but the awful shredded feeling was gone. "Hey sleepy head, you finally awake?" “Yeah,” Jim croaked, cracking a smile at the sight of Uhura sitting by his head. What a very pleasant change from the usual routine of waking up to Bones griping at him. Craning his head to see the nearest clock, he was more surprised that she’d come down in the middle of shift. “Spock saw I was having trouble concentrating and relieved me of duty,” she informed him, brushing a lock of hair away from his face. Jim stared up at her wide-eyed. “Were you emotionally compromised, Lieutenant?” He asked half-playfully. “Don’t tell anyone, but yes, I was, Jim.” “That can mean a couple things,” he speculated. “One, either you were really, really upset over my getting hurt because you hate the sight of gore, or two, you like me a little bit.” He lifted his eyebrows hopefully. “It could be both, you know, dear Captain,” she said, smiling at him and squeezing his hand. Jim’s heart skipped a beat. He loved her smile and having it directed at him was a dream come true. “Don’t talk like that. You’ll get my hopes up,” he said rather breathlessly. Uhura suddenly laughed until she nearly cried. “If talking’s not doing it, I guess I’ll just have to show you, then,” she said brown eyes dancing mischievously before she leaned down and kissed Jim right on the lips. He was so stunned he didn’t react until after she’d pulled away. Had hell finally frozen over? “So you LIKE like me,” He said, flushed and awkward in his stunned joy. “Hmm-mmm. For a genius, you can be little thick-headed at times,” she murmured. “I’ve been trying to send out encouraging vibes for a couple months now.” “Oh. Well, despite my cluelessness, rest assured I’m very receptive to those vibes and wholeheartedly return them now that I know what they are,” Jim said eagerly. “You’ve always blown me away, Uhura.” “Call me Nyota, you’ve more than earned the privilege.” With these words, She kissed him again and this time he responded enthusiastically, forgetting most of his troubles in the process. “Wow. That’ll help me get well soon,” Jim gasped, causing Nyota to giggle again.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Kirk x Uhura: Jim’s Favorite Medicine
"Thank you, Captain," she said, looking over him worriedly. "But it looks like I was nearly too late. We'd better get you to the doctor before you bleed out. Leonard would not be happy with me if you died."
"He'd probably be relieved to have me off his hands," Jim mumbled, not looking forward to the inevitable lecture from his CMO.
"That's ridiculous, Jim, and you know it," she said, steering him to a flat rock once they'd left the city. "Now, sit here while Hendorff and I try to stem the bleeding a bit. What did they do? You have a bit of the Swiss cheese look going on."
Jim held still noticeably better for her than the doctor, only wincing a bit as his worst wounds were bandaged with the medkit Bones had provided. Being in close proximity to her was no hardship, though he had to work hard to conceal how his heart raced.
"Oh, the usual torture implements," he shrugged. "Couldn't really see since they had me blindfolded. Felt like a bunch of little knives, almost. Ah-OW."
His cool facade was broken when the exceptionally painful gash on his side was seen to and the jolt of pain had him squeezing his eyes closed.
"I'm sorry, Jim. We're almost done. Keep breathing," she reminded him. Jim tried to focus on the gentle hands patching him up instead of the throbbing, but was only mildly successful.
"So, tell me, Uhura," he rasped out as they continued back to the beam out point, "What was it that convinced them to completely change their minds? Because I thought for sure I was a goner."
"Despite their sadistic punishments, The Norgar can be swayed by appealing to their sense of fairness," Uhura explained. " It's weird, but once they'd grasped that the punishment didn't fit the crime that you didn't even know you'd committed, they felt bad. I laid it on thick, just to be really sure."
"You were fabulous," Jim assured her, oozing with pride despite his discomfort. He really had the best linguist in the Fleet and it was incredible to watch her in action. Not that he still crushed on her, oh, no, that ended a long time ago (so he told himself).
"Just trying to keep you from losing another of your nine lives, Captain," she replied, opening her communicator.
"Uhura Enterprise, Three to beam up."
Luckily for Jim, Bones wasn't in the mood for a lecture, only mildly griping at the amount and extent of the lacerations.
"Good heavens, Jim. Did they run barbed wire over you?"
"Don't know. Couldn't see," he gritted out, pain finally getting to him and he stumbled heavily, thankfully caught by Spock, who'd come down to check on the Captain.
Bones shook his head and got right to work, giving Jim a hypo for the pain and beginning to cut off the ragged remnants of his gold shirt.
It was a long painful process getting all of the cuts cleaned and regenerated, some even stitched, and poor Jim fell fast asleep as soon as Bones set the last regenerator on him.
"Thanks for getting him out of there," Bones said gratefully. Uhura was looking down at Jim with an almost wistful expression. Seeing him in that horrible room, chained up and bloody, had elicited a much stronger reaction than his previous escapades (other than the warp core).
Maybe because she knew him a lot more now, maybe because of the unspoken something that had been developing between them in this last year of the five year mission, but she'd had to work hard to stifle her rage in order to negotiate with the Norgars safely.
"He's gonna be fine," Leonard assured her, seeing she hadn't yet moved to leave.
"I know," she sighed. "It was just so scary when he admitted he was in pain. If Jim Kirk does that, you know he's REALLY feeling it."
"Unfortunately," Leonard grimaced. "Luckily for him, it looked worse than it was. Wasn't really any internal damage."
"Thank goodness," Nyota breathed. "I've got to go to the bridge now, but Call me when he wakes up, will you?"
"Sure will," The doctor nodded, smiling to himself at her reluctance to leave Jim. He was pretty sure they were smitten with each other, but they were still dancing around that fact. (He and Spock had a small wager on just when things would happen.)
Jim woke up early the next morning after having caught up on a lot of missed sleep. He felt sore, but the awful shredded feeling was gone.
"Hey sleepy head, you finally awake?"
“Yeah,” Jim croaked, cracking a smile at the sight of Uhura sitting by his head. What a very pleasant change from the usual routine of waking up to Bones griping at him.
Craning his head to see the nearest clock, he was more surprised that she’d come down in the middle of shift.
“Spock saw I was having trouble concentrating and relieved me of duty,” she informed him, brushing a lock of hair away from his face.
Jim stared up at her wide-eyed. “Were you emotionally compromised, Lieutenant?” He asked half-playfully.
“Don’t tell anyone, but yes, I was, Jim.”
“That can mean a couple things,” he speculated. “One, either you were really, really upset over my getting hurt because you hate the sight of gore, or two, you like me a little bit.”
He lifted his eyebrows hopefully.
“It could be both, you know, dear Captain,” she said, smiling at him and squeezing his hand. Jim’s heart skipped a beat. He loved her smile and having it directed at him was a dream come true.
“Don’t talk like that. You’ll get my hopes up,” he said rather breathlessly.
Uhura suddenly laughed until she nearly cried.
“If talking’s not doing it, I guess I’ll just have to show you, then,” she said brown eyes dancing mischievously before she leaned down and kissed Jim right on the lips.
He was so stunned he didn’t react until after she’d pulled away. Had hell finally frozen over?
“So you LIKE like me,” He said, flushed and awkward in his stunned joy.
“Hmm-mmm. For a genius, you can be little thick-headed at times,” she murmured. “I’ve been trying to send out encouraging vibes for a couple months now.”
“Oh. Well, despite my cluelessness, rest assured I’m very receptive to those vibes and wholeheartedly return them now that I know what they are,” Jim said eagerly. “You’ve always blown me away, Uhura.”
“Call me Nyota, you’ve more than earned the privilege.”
With these words, She kissed him again and this time he responded enthusiastically, forgetting most of his troubles in the process.
“Wow. That’ll help me get well soon,” Jim gasped, causing Nyota to giggle again.
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janeykath318 · 7 years
Writing On The Wrist 2
You woke up in Medbay, feeling heavy and achy, but not so feverish anymore.
“What time is it?” You muttered to yourself. “Gonna miss my shift.”
Immediately, letters appeared on your wrist again.
“It’s 1400 hours and you aren’t going anywhere until I clear you.”
Before you could think of a smart reply, the CMO, your very own recently met soulmate, appeared by your bed. Now that you could see more clearly, he looked even more stunning: tall, broad-shouldered and and very tan for being on a starship.
“How ya feeling?” He asked, checking the readout on the biobed.
“Not so awful. Thirsty,” you managed.
“You want to try some water? Think it’ll stay down?”
“I’ll give it a shot,” you shrugged and sipped cautiously when he handed you a cup.
“Thanks, Doctor. I was really in a bind.”
“Yeah, you were. This strain hits hard and fast and if you’d waited any longer, the fever would have become extremely dangerous.”
“Yikes,” you shuddered. “Thank goodness I was in good hands–legendary, in fact.”
The doctor’s face was exasperated, then amused, then slightly smug.
“I should have kept my mouth shut that day. Between Carol and Jim and Nyota spreadin’ it around, I’ll never hear the end of it.”
“I would imagine that there’s some truth to it, though, being a surgeon and all.”
You were definitely on the verge of flirting, but heck, it was your soulmate, after all.
“That’s for me to know, and you to find out,” he murmured, winking at you.
Up close, his face was even more interesting and expressive than you’d noticed before. There were lines in his face that told of a somewhat turbulent life, but also dimples that hinted at a fabulous smile.
You decided that you could have done a whole lot worse when it came to soulmates despite his initial rejection.
“Now that you’ve met me, do you still feel averse to the idea of soulmates?” You ventured. “Because I’ve actually really enjoyed “talking” via wrist writing and you’re really not the terrible person you claim to be.“
He sighed and looked at you with a weary and somewhat torn expression.
“Honestly, no, but we’re on different shifts, so if we want to hang out, we’ll have to get clever.”
“Not a problem,” you said, relief filling you. (You weren’t sure whether it was him or that you didn’t have to puke finally.)
Leonard thought about you a lot over the next few days and was definitely becoming open to the soulmate thing. He could admit to himself he thought there might be something to the whole destiny thing, given how much he’d come to enjoy your wit on his arm and he did find you very attractive in person, even though you were sick. So he set about to rectify his earlier hasty judgment and get to know his soulmate.
It was harder than he thought, given the mismatched schedules and and the hole he’d dig for himself with his stubbornness, but at last the two of you figured out times to get together.
He’d even tried to clean up his language a bit so fewer swear words would end up on your body. If Chapel looked at him knowingly when he used a substitute instead of his usual curses, well, who cared?
Jim came down to see him one day and informed him he was going to be with the landing party for the next away mission.
“There’s some kind of illness spreading down there and I want you there to see if you can help. It’s a swampy planet, so wear protective gear.”
Leonard sighed. “When do we leave, Jim?”
“In three hours. Meet me on the transporter pad at 1400 hours.”
That evening, you were enjoying your off weekend, having earlier traded with another officer. You had finally put the flu behind you and had settled down to watch holovids of crime shows. Halfway through the second episode of “Starfleet Criminal Investigative Services” you began to see some bizarre bits of dialogue coming across your wrist.
“I told you I don’t know anything…..” “I’m a doctor, not a guerilla…..” “Don’t hurt her….she didn’t do anything wrong….” “We’re trying to help your people…..AAHH!!” “Dammit….”
You bolted out of bed and tried his comm. No answer. Fear for him rose the more these ominous fragments appeared and disappeared. Leonard was in trouble, possibly being tortured. You had to find out what was going on.
Seeing the captain on the bridge, looking like thunder and barking orders right and left, you knew something was definitely wrong.
“Excuse me, can I talk to the Captain?” You asked the yeoman, who was hustling about. “It’s about the away mission.”
“Is it important? Because we’ve lost contact with the away team.”
“I guessed that,” you said. “I may have some information for him.”
He looked at you weirdly, but brought you to the captain.
“Sorry to other you, Sir,” you began, “but I’ve heard from Doctor McCoy. Something awful is happening down there.”
The captain’s eyebrows were bushy peaks of skepticism, but he breathed deeply and restrained himself from yelling at you. The stress was really getting to him.
“How in the world did you get in touch with him?”
For answer, you pulled up your sleeve, exposing the writing on your wrist, which was coming through in random spurts of curses and pleas.
“Captain, the doctor and I are linked by a soulmate bond. I can see every word he says. I’m very worried about him right now.”
Kirk leaned forward and read some of the writing for himself. He frowned and clenched his fists.
“That’s not good. How long has it been like this?”
“Maybe twenty minutes? At first I couldn’t make sense of it, but then it became obvious they’d been captured.”
He nodded at you. “Bones, you’ve been keeping secrets from me,” he muttered under his breath. To you he asked “Can you ask him where he is? We’re having no luck scanning for them. Spock’s being trying to connect with Uhura through their bond, but she seems to be unconscious or shielding heavily.”
This doubled your fear. Nyota had been captured, too. You swallowed through a lump of dread and nodded.
“I’ll try.”
Of course, if Leonard was unconscious or had his arms tied behind his back, he wouldn’t see it, but you went ahead and spoke.
“Leonard, what’s wrong? What happened?”
“Leonard, are you alive? Can you talk to me?”
Finally a reply came.
“We’ve been captured. They’re more afraid of us than the plague that’s killing them. I’m in a cell in a cave system. Don’t know where the others are. They’re trying to pump Uhura and I for information.”
“Did they hurt you?”
“Nothing I can’t handle. I keep hearing screams from the other rooms and it’s driving me wild, not being able to get to them.”
You and Jim exchanged a worried glance.
“Tell him to hang in there. We’re sending a team down as soon as possible. There’s only one cave system big enough to be a prison down there.”
You related this and could almost imagine Leonard’s nervous twitch at hearing Jim’s bold plan.
“Just be careful. This place is crawling with guards. Tell Jim not to do anything stupid.”
You held up your arm to the captain again. He snorted and gave an exasperated sigh.
“Why does he always think I’m going to do something stupid? If saving his hide takes some stupidity, well, I’ll do what it takes and deal with his wrath later. You in?”
You nodded.
“Okay then. But first, how’s your combat skills?”
“Decent, but I’m good at communications.”
“So I’ve heard. Uhura’s said you’re one of the best we’ve got and she wants you moved to Alpha shift.”
Your cheeks warmed at such high praise from the best linguist in the Fleet, but the anxiousness about her and Leonard soon returned in full force.
“How soon do we leave, Sir?” You asked.
“As soon as I get a team together and prepped. That information you got about the cave completely changed the game. Thank you, Lieutenant.”
“It was the bond. Thank goodness for that.”
“Yes,” Jim smiled. “And I can’t wait to get him back here for you. Maybe having a soulmate will make him less grumpy.”
“It didn’t at first,” you retorted, “but I think he’s starting to actually like me.”
“If he didn’t, I’d be very disappointed in him.”
After a thorough briefing, the away team was beamed down to an area not far from the cave system entrance. The planet was very rocky, with little plant life and strange hulking vulture-like birds swooping and soaring everywhere. Jim had brought Spock and six security officers who immediately began scanning the horizon for signs of life.
“Nothing within 200 meters, Captain,” reported a redshirt.
“Strange,” Jim muttered. “This place was crawling with them before we came down.”
“Maybe they’re all inside now,” you theorized. Torturing Leonard, probably.
The fight to get in wasn’t as hard as you’d expect. The aliens weren’t used to enemies who fought back and scattered with loud shrieks. As you went deeper into the caves, your wrist began to get warm, meaning you were getting closer to Leonard. You stuck close behind Jim, phaser at the ready. The caves were dark and winding and very confusing. You’d stopped at a fork in the road, unsure which direction to take, when Spock spoke up.
“It is the right fork. Nyota has been advising me.”
“She’s still alive?” You blurted out.
“Yes, but time is of the essence. She fears they may kill the doctor.”
“Let’s get a move on then,” Jim said, stern face not giving away anything he was really feeling.
After several more turns and scuffles with guards, you found Nyota and nurse Chapel in a cell. Christine appeared to be mostly unharmed, but the lieutenant was definitely worse for wear. One of her arms was tied up in a makeshift sling and there were bruises and cuts all over her face.
“Hey guys,” she said, mustering a smile. “Glad to see you, even you, Captain.”
Spock wasted little time in breaking the lock and freeing her, frowning as he looked her over.
“Do you require assistance, Nyota?” He asked.
“I can walk, Spock,” she assured him. “It’s mostly my arm and side. You should see the other guys.” She gave a smug grin that boded ill for the alien captors, but it slipped off quickly when she saw you standing there.
“Y/N! I’m so sorry. They took the doctor away for another “questioning” a few minutes ago. Have you heard from him?“
Your wrist was still warm, but no words had appeared for ten minutes and you guessed Leonard was unconscious.
"Up until ten minutes ago. We need to find him soon.”
“Right,” Jim said grimly. “Point the way, Lieutenants.”
You were afraid to ask Chapel what they’d already done to him, the look on her face was so concerned.
Leonard was trying to catch his breath after another round with the whips, when he felt his wrist grow warm and saw words that gave him hope.
“Hold on, Leonard. I’m coming.”
He didn’t dare say anything, since the guards were still hovering over him, but he felt better and tried to focus on his mental pictures of you to pass the time.
Presently, there was a zapping noise and both guards hit the floor.
“Bones!” Jim called. “Are you with us?”
“Yeah,” he croaked, lifting his head for the first time in hours. His whole body throbbed and he knew he’d lost a lot of blood from the torture.
A sharp gasp came from outside and he fixed his eyes on yours, which were filled with tears at the sight of his battered, chained up body.
“Len!” You gasped. “What did they do to you?”
Jim blasted the lock apart and you rushed to help him and Spock free your soulmate.
“Not sure you want to know, Darlin’.” He whispered, wincing as the chains were pulled away. You saw his back was a mess and there was blood leaking from his mouth. His blue shirt hung in shreds.
“Did they kick you in the mouth or is that from internal bleeding?” You asked.
“The latter.”
“Hang on for me, babe,” you said, “we’re getting you out of here.”
Spock immediately handed the medkit you’d brought to Chapel, who did what she could to make the trip home less painful for the doctor.
Despite that, he had completely lost consciousness by the time the team made it back to the Enterprise.
You sat with Jim outside Medbay while Leonard was undergoing surgery, both of you pacing back and forth anxiously as the hours passed.
“I’m glad he has you, Y/N,” Jim said at last. “He would’ve died if you didn’t have that bond with him and figured out what was going on. Thank you. I really don’t know what I’d do without him.”
“Neither do I, Captain. Neither do I,” you sighed, trying to hide the quiver in your voice. “What would we do without his big heart, grumpy overprotectiveness and bad metaphors?”
“I heard that…” came across your wrist suddenly.
“Are you awake?”
“Sort of. Feel like I’ve been fighting a Gorn. I want to see you, Darlin.”
“I’ll be down as soon as Dr. M'Benga says it’s okay. I love you, Len.” You whispered the last sentence, hoping Jim wouldn’t hear. He did, but he didn’t say a word.
Len’s reply came swiftly.
“I love you, too, sweetheart.”
Smiling happily and blushing at the last word, you nodded to Jim and left to find your soulmate. You were going to make sure Len’s recuperation was as pleasant as possible.
@thewaithfuckingannoyme @kirkaholic123 @medicatemedrmccoy @southernbellestatues @star-trekkin-across-theuniverse @frostingsfics @yourtropegirl
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