#uhhhhh my dog a new dog i had him 2 days and he jumped off a 5 story parking garage. hes alive btw.
apocalympdicks · 6 months
my life feels like a fake story sometimes and idk what that means
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eeyore101247 · 5 years
Pairings: Tom Holland x Reader
Summary: Even single men have boundaries that should be respected.
Warnings: Uhhhhh, angst? Maybe? I don’t know >~< but there is fluff.
2,916 words
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"I'm Hannah James with the Hook and I'm here with Tom Holland, the brand new Spiderman boy..."
You grumbled to yourself as you laid on your bed with your laptop , watching the interview again for the millionth time. You weren't sure why you kept watching it, it only angered you every time you did. How blatantly she was flirting with your boyfriend. You continued to watch the video, quietly seething and glaring at the blonde chick. 
You and Tom had decided to keep your relationship out of the media for the past year and a half, but it was getting harder everyday to keep it a secret. Especially when you had to sit here and watch these women flirt with him during press interviews for his movies. You always wanted to go with him to his premiers as his date, but you were fine with his family going with him. They were his largest supporters after all. 
You continued watching the interview as Tessa jumped up on the bed beside you, turning her attention out the window. You looked over at her and smiled, watching as she stared out the window at the squirrels on the nearby tree. "You watching the squirrels, Tess?" You said with a giggle, gently scratching her behind the ear. She looked at you briefly before going back to staring out the window. You let out another giggle before turning back to your laptop screen to continue your glaring. God, you hated her. You had decided she was the worst one yet. Especially since she's in the same country as you. Many of the others were in other countries, but this Hannah girl was here in the UK. 
With a groan, you shut your laptop, unable to watch another minute of her flirting with Tom. You ran your fingers through your (H/C) hair as you sat up. You weren't completely dressed, having been sprawled out in a sports bra and a pair of Tom's sweatpants. You didn't really mind walking around the house like this though. Not many could see into the apartment anyways. You gave Tessa kisses on the top of her head before getting up off the bed and heading to the kitchen for something to drink. You could hear Tessa's claws on the hardwood floor behind you as she followed you into the kitchen.
Tom was still gone on the press tour, leaving you alone in the apartment you two shared with Tessa. You weren't sure when he was going to be home, as they kept adding new locations at the last minute. You didn't mind, though. He was promoting something he loved and that made him happy, even if you missed him terribly. 
You pulled your phone out of your pocket to check the time. It was currently 2:30 in the afternoon, which meant he was probably busy or sleeping. You decided to send him a text anyways. Something for him to see when he gets up or has a free minute. You smiled as you typed a simple 'I love you' text and sent it, slipping your phone back in your pocket before opening the fridge and pulling out the orange juice. 
Tessa stood beside you, watching your every move. You giggled as you looked down at her, moving over to the counter that held her dog treats and pulling out one for her to chew on. She happily took it and ran over to her bed, laying down as she chewed on the treat you gave her. You smiled as you pulled a glass out of the cabinet, unfazed as your phone vibrated in your pocket. It was probably Sam or Harry seeing if you wanted to go out to a bar or something that night. 
As you poured orange juice into the glass you got, you felt your phone start vibrating more, indicating that you were getting a call. You pulled your phone out, not even bothering to check who was calling before answering.
"Hello?" You asked as you put your phone to your ear, taking a sip of your orange juice and watching Tessa happily munch on her treat.
"You know I'm Facetiming you, right love?" You heard Tom chuckle on the other end, causing your cheeks to burn as you pulled your phone away and held it in front of your face.
"In my defense, I wasn't exactly expecting a call from you." You said with a grin, taking another sip of your juice. You saw Tessa perk as she heard Tom's voice, looking over at you with her tail wagging. You watched as he chuckled again with that lopsided grin you loved so much. 
"I wanted to see how my favorite girls were doing. I haven't gotten to see your faces in ages!" 
"Tom, you facetimed me a few days ago." You said as you rolled your eyes, looking back at your phone to see the feigned hurt on his face.
"You wound me, darling." He said with a pout. It slowly turned into a smile as you could hear the sound of an elevator arriving at a floor and the doors opening.
"Where are you today?" You asked as you grabbed your juice and headed for the couch, sitting down. Tessa quickly joined you on the couch, laying across your lap. You flipped your camera around to show Tom how adorable Tessa was being, to which his smile grew larger. He didn't answer your question though, his smile soon turning into a smirk. You raised a brow as you flipped the camera back on yourself. "Tom?" You asked, watching him.
"Sorry, I was admiring you and Tess. What did you ask?" He said, that smirk still plastered on his face.
"You know perfectly well what I asked, Thomas." You said as you narrowed your eyes at him. You watched as he laughed, fiddling with something that was out of frame. Seconds later, you heard the door to the apartment open, causing you to turn around and see who it was. Tom's mom, Nikki, had a habit of stopping by the apartment when Tom was gone to check on you, and she often let herself in with the spare key she had. However, it wasn't Nikki that was standing in the doorway, but Tom.
Tessa immediately jumped off your lap, running over to Tom with her tail wagging. You dropped your phone, watching as he crouched down to return Tessa's affection. You took a few seconds to process what was going on before finally getting up off the couch and making your way over to your boyfriend, hugging him tightly when he straightened up.
"Hello darling." He said softly as he nuzzled into your neck, a large smile on his lips. You buried your face against his neck, taking in the scent of his cologne. You let out a soft laugh that was followed by a sob. You were so incredibly happy to see and touch him again. He squeezed you gently before pulling back and wiping away your tears.
"You're such a jackass." You muttered, unable to stop smiling as you looked up at him. He chuckled as he cupped your cheeks, smiling back at you.
"You love me." He said softly, leaning in and pressing his lips against yours. The kiss was sweet and slow, his lips molding to yours. It didn't last long as Tessa tried to get between you, wanting more attention from Tom. You giggled as you pulled away, looking down at the Staffie who was currently jumping up on you two.
"You should probably give your princess some attention before she gets cranky." You giggled, giving him a quick peck before making your way back over to the couch and sitting back down. 
"And what if I want to give my Queen some attention?" Tom countered, standing behind the couch and kissing the top of your head. You leaned your head back to look at him, smiling.
"Your Queen can wait until Tess has calmed down some from your return home." You said softly, smiling as he kissed you with a soft chuckle. "Her leash is over by the door. Go take her on a walk in the park." You watched as Tom frowned down at you.
"But I want to spend time with you." He whined, pouting. You couldn't deny that he looked absolutely adorable when he pouted, but you also knew that until Tessa got all her energy out, it would be near impossible for you and Tom to cuddle and spend some time together. 
"And you know that'll be near impossible with how much energy Tessa has when you come home from travelling." You reasoned, giving him a stern look. He whined in protest, but you just shook your head. "Go take her on a walk, Tommy." He pouted as he gave in, moving over to the door of the apartment and grabbing her leash. He clipped it on her collar before heading out to take her on a walk.
"Love you!" You hollered, smiling as he said it back before shutting the door behind him. You downed the rest of your orange juice before getting up and heading to the bedroom, deciding you'd wait for his return there. 
You flopped down on the bed after grabbing a shirt and slipping it on, opening your laptop back up. The interview you had been watching resumed playing, which you swiftly stopped by closing the window. You didn't want to spoil your good mood, but it was already too late as you started thinking about that blonde chick again. You understood being unable to resist how handsome and charming Tom was, but there was such things as boundaries and being respectful. 
You sighed as you reopened Youtube, an interview you had yet to see showing up on your front page. It must have been recently posted. You smiled as you saw what the thumbnail was. An adorable photo of Tom laughing at something. You clicked on the video, thinking it would be an innocent interview. You were sorely mistaken.
The video opened with a woman in a tight crop top that showed off way too much cleavage for your comfort. She was also wearing a super short pair of shorts. You could tell Tom was slightly uncomfortable as he sat down, shifting in his seat. The interview started off with the innocent questions about the movie and the filming process. Though, the entire time, she was sitting with her arms pressing her boobs together, making them look bigger. You couldn't stop the growl that escaped as you continued to watch, the questions starting to turn from the movie to other things. You shut it off at that point, not wanting to even bother finishing the interview. You already knew what she was going to ask about. She was going to ask about his relationship status and if him and Zendaya are an item and when he would respond with no, that he's single, she would up the flirting.
You slammed your laptop shut, no longer interested in watching anything. You moved it off the bed, laying down on your back and staring up at the ceiling with a huff. You didn't get why some woman didn't have any respect for boundaries. You would have never done something like that upon first meeting Tom. In fact, you did the opposite. You were quiet and didn't really say much. He had been the one to approach you and ask for your number. If he hadn't done that, you wouldn't be dating the most amazing man ever right now.
You closed your eyes as you let out a sigh, trying to focus on other things and failing. You were getting tired of watching all these women flirting with your boyfriend. You understood why he wanted to keep your relationship a secret, wanting to keep the hate and attention off of you so you could live a semi normal life. You didn't think you could keep it a secret much longer though. 
You hadn't realized you had dozed off until you felt the bed dip beside you, followed by a strong arm wrapping around your waist and pulling you close. You gave a happy hum, nuzzling into his chest.
"Welcome back Tommy." You said softly, opening your eyes and looking up at him. Tom smiled as he looked back at you before placing a kiss on your forehead. "How was the walk?" You asked softly, placing your hand on his chest and rubbing circles through the fabric of his shirt.
"Tessa loved it." He said with a smile, gently running his fingers through your hair. "It was a beautiful day at the park as well. I wish you had come with." 
"She needed time alone with her dad." You said softly, leaning up and rubbing your nose against his. He chuckled softly as he returned the gesture, his smile growing larger. Your own smile faded though as you remembered what you had been thinking about before dozing off. This didn't go unnoticed by Tom.
"Hey, is everything alright darling?" He asked, tucking some loose hair behind your ear. You shook your head as you sighed, scooting closer and resting your head on his chest. "What's wrong?"
"I just... I'm tired of watching all these women flirt with you at these interviews." You said softly, watching your hand as you continued drawing circles. "I know you want to keep our relationship a secret to protect me, but honestly, I'm tired of watching women trying to get into your pants. Fuck what the media and hateful fans will have to say about me. As long as I can put women in their place that overstep their boundaries, I'll be happy." You sighed, snuggling closer into his side. You felt as Tom continued to run his fingers through your hair, listening to his heartbeat as you waited for him to say something.
"Are you sure you'll be fine with all the attention?" He asked quietly, placing his hand under your chin and making you look up at him. You gave a small nod in response, staring into his amber brown eyes. He gave you a small smile as he pulled out his phone and opened Instagram. "Ready to let the world know?" He asked, you giving another nod in response. 
"As long as I'm with you, I'll always be ready." You said softly, smiling as you snuggled in closer to his side, looking at the camera as he took a picture of the two of you. You quietly watched as he edited the photo and added a caption, tagging your Instagram before posting it. You felt a weight lift off your chest now that your relationship was public. You'd be able to go out and do things as a normal couple. You'd be able to travel with him and be seen with him in public. You felt your phone starting to blow up in your pocket, but you pulled it out and just put it on silent.
"Now that that's done, I believe we have some missed time to make up for." You said with a giggle as you shifted, crawling up so your face was inches from his. He grinned back at you with that smile you loved, pushing you on your back and rolling on top. You snaked your arms around his neck, playing with the small hairs at the back of his neck. You felt his warm breath wash over you as he moved closer, his lips brushing against yours. 
"I love you so much, darling." He muttered softly against your lips, a smile on his face. You hummed happily in response, pulling him into a passionate kiss. Your lips moved in sync with his, moaning softly as he nipped at your lower lip. Wrapping your legs around his waist, you deepened the kiss, drawing his tongue into your mouth. As you two fought for dominance, you slowly moved your hands from around his neck down across his chest and under his shirt. He groaned softly, pressing you into the mattress as your hands explored his toned torso. "I love you too." You said softly as your lips separated from his. Panting softly, you pulled his shirt up over his head, tossing it aside once it was off. He hummed softly against your skin as he trailed his lips across your jaw and neck, sucking and nipping at the sensitive skin. You let out a soft moan, running your fingers through his soft, curly hair while your other hand gently cupped the back of his neck. 
"I missed you so much." He whispered against your neck, causing you to squirm beneath him. You felt him groan against your neck as his phone started to ring, causing you to frown as he pulled away.
You let him go so he could pick up his phone, laying down next to you on the bed as he answered it. You were a little upset that your fun had been interrupted, but you were perfectly content with snuggling into his side. You rest your head on his chest as he talked to the other person on the other end of the line, rubbing circles on his bare chest, admiring just how sexy your boyfriend is. You smiled as you felt his fingers comb through your hair, a happy sigh escaping as your eyes fluttered closed and you drifted off to sleep.
AN: Number 4!
Should I start including the summaries?
Thanks for reading!
~ LoLo *^-^*
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theodej · 5 years
uhhhhh chapter 2 is up, come meet makwa
i’ll put it under the cut again, but after this i’ll probably just post them to ao3 ✌️ i’ll still link em here tho
The Wet Hen pub was overflowing with families and laughter that night. It was the kind of noise that shoved its way into every nook and cranny, bouncing off walls and seeping into the laminate.
It was someone’s birthday. (It was always someone’s birthday.) The girls were being corralled just behind the kitchen doors. Like every chain, they had their own butchered version of “Happy Birthday,” torn apart and glued back together with some particularly imperfect rhymes.
As was tradition, Makwa was hiding in the bathrooms. She’d shut herself in one of the stalls and sat on the toilet’s tank, resting her knee. It hadn’t been the same since she messed it up during soccer practice in high school. Hill didn’t like her wearing her brace to work. Of course, she never said a word about it; she couldn’t, unless she wanted HR up her ass. But she always treated Makwa differently when she wore it.
She didn’t trust the seats enough to actually sit on them, especially when it was her turn to clean. She flicked through her phone, waiting. It wasn’t long before the girls started singing and, muffled or not, someone smarter than her could probably pick out the dozen or so different keys they switched between. Whether you wanted to or not, you could hear the Wet Hen girls “singing” from the outskirts of town. It was the one thing they didn’t fake.
When the restroom door opened, Makwa held her breath. Footsteps shuffled on the tile—they didn’t sound like heels, boots maybe?—and stopped at the sinks. The taps were turned on, and the rush of water just barely covered the person’s sniffling. They muttered to themselves, tone hush but fervent, before shutting the water off. For a moment, all she heard was clapping and laughter from the restaurant proper. Then there was a soft sigh and, finally, they left. Makwa knew she should do the same, although there wasn’t any use in keeping up appearances anymore; Hill had definitely noticed her repeated absences during “birthday roundups.” One more minute of peace couldn’t hurt.
Hill wasn’t waiting outside the bathroom door for her, surprisingly.
“…the same guy as last time.”
“And you passed him off to someone else last time, too.”
But she was close, and she was using that even, soft tone of hers. That tone meant trouble, and trouble meant Makwa should keep walking.
“He’s creepy! And he’s, like, twice my age.”
Hill had pulled the youngest waitress aside to have one of her not-so-private discussions. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. You can’t pick and choose your tables. If I let you switch now, would that be fair to everyone else?”
The girl bit her lip. She was clearly ready to back off. Hill saw it, too, judging by the sickly sweet smile on her face.
Just go already.
“You know the rules, Grace. You signed off on them.”
“I’ll take it,” Makwa said.
Hill turned to her, the smile melting off her face like wax. “Where have you been?”
“Just give me the table. I’m not doing anything right now, anyway.”
Grace’s shoulders relaxed instantly. “Are you sure?”
“Which table?”
Makwa nodded quickly before moving away, avoiding Hill’s eyes even as they burned a hole in her back. She gave herself a quick moment to scan the restaurant through the backroom door’s little window—a few new faces since she’d ducked away, all families—and headed back into the fray.
The Wet Hen’s décor could be best described as… overstimulating, at best. Imagine the tackiest southern belle you can think of. Now imagine her meemaw’s life exploding onto barn walls in a shower of sweet tea, cow skulls and ten-gallon hats. The paneled walls were covered in yellowed photographs and replica guns. There was even a tractor jutting out of one wall, as if someone was that desperate to get their hands on some over-sauced wings. It was a clusterfuck of colours and smells, and yet it was packed every Friday night.
“What dressing would you like with that?”
Makwa had found the table without any trouble. The man in question brought his wife and kid in, too, and despite his audience, it was immediately clear why Grace had made such a fuss.
“Balsamic, please.”
She felt his eyes on her.
She turned to the kid next. “And yourself?”
Makwa was painfully aware of the pub’s sorry excuse for a uniform—flannel and jean shorts.
“He’ll just have the chicken fingers.”
Makwa and her big mouth. She shouldn’t have cared.
“All right…”
She’d deliberately left him for last. Makwa didn’t ask him what he wanted, simply made eye contact (even if it made her spine crawl) and waited.
“Steak. Rare.”
Why did she always do this?
“And for a side?” She stared down at her notepad, moving slow, as if “steak” was taking all of her mental faculties to spell.
“What happened to the other girl?” He was smiling now. “She took our drink order!”
“I’ll get them. Your side?”
“Hey, I’m not complaining. Maybe I’ll like you better,” he chuckled.
Makwa was still writing, waiting, and could his wife not see the look on his face? Or was she trying to ignore it, too?
“Just fries is fine.”
Finally. “Is that all?”
The moment his wife started nodding, Makwa was off. She felt eyes on her the whole way, and didn’t stop until she was safe in the backroom. Grace was there, looking for all the world like a scolded dog, a tray of drinks held in her shaking hands. Makwa only glanced at her before stopping at one of the countertops. The order was crumpled in her hands. She’d have to write a new ticket.
She cast quick glances over her shoulder as the girl approached. “You- you didn’t need to do that, you know. I mean, thanks, but you… I didn’t mean to make you feel like you had to.”
“It’s fine.” The kid looked so relieved, and that made her look even younger. Makwa swore she must’ve lied about her age to get hired, but Hill probably didn’t care either way.
Grace was peering over her shoulder at the crumpled note.
… garden, balsamic kids tenders steakkk fuckk fuck you ff fries
“Did he, uh… do anything?”
Makwa shoved the paper into her pocket. “It was fine.” She hung the new ticket up with the rest, skin itching as Grace followed her. “Really. Don’t worry about it.”
Grace just stared. “Ms. Hill said–”
“Don’t worry about her. We’ve got your back here.”
The girl’s smile almost made this whole ordeal worth it. “Oh! Right, these are, um…” She looked down at the drinks, and Makwa took them without a word.
The man was smiling at her return, his eyes focused nowhere near her face.
The last hours of her shift flew by. The creep’s family had finished eating a while ago, but Hill wouldn’t call it loitering yet. They were talking money, which meant their kid had resorted to running toy cars off any ramp-shaped surface in the restaurant, apparently hellbent on getting in everyone’s way.
The man had just ordered his fifth beer—the light ones, but what was the point if he drank so many?—and the inappropriate comments were only increasing. His wife gave her sympathetic looks, but didn’t acknowledge it otherwise. Makwa was starting to hate them both equally. When she trudged back, drink in tow, the kid was nowhere to be seen. He was someone else’s problem for now.
She had her eyes fixed on the table as she walked, counting the minutes till her shift ended—when her legs flew out from under her. Makwa landed flat on her ass, a shrill crash sounding behind her. Her knee ached. A few people came forward as she slowly registered the beer soaking through her shorts and the toy car rolling away from her.
That fucking kid.
“You okay?” The man stooped in front of her, reaching out with one hand.
There was a screech. Makwa scooted back, eyes fixed on him. His fingers only brushed her shoulder, but it felt like a burn. That heat shot to her hands next, and it took her a second to realize she was leaning on broken glass.
A modest crowd had gathered by then. Makwa shot upright despite the pain, took one second to check her knee—nothing out of place—and darted past them. There was a first aid kid in the back. Not that it did her much good. She fumbled with the latch, hissing. It kept slipping between her bloody fingers.
Someone was behind her.
She jumped back to see Grace, who took it as an invitation to open the kit herself. Makwa gave up and slumped against the wall. The pain wasn’t bad, but it was still too much. Hill was nowhere to be seen. Probably apologizing to that fucking asshole.
When Grace reached for her hands, it took everything she had not to pull away. The girl was gentle, but the contact couldn’t end soon enough. Makwa kept her eyes shut.
“We’ve got each other’s backs, remember?” Grace said quietly.
Back on the floor, one server had drawn the short straw and was sweeping up the glass with a hand broom. There wasn’t a lot of blood, but what was there looked so bright against the laminate. The brush bristles left red tracks behind them, drawing hypnotizing patterns with every movement.
“Um… Can I get you anything else?”
He hadn’t realized he was staring. He chuckled. “Nein, thank you,” he said, turning back towards the bartender. “Just the bill is fine.” He gave her a bright smile, and she nodded, returning it nervously as she looked at the scene behind him. Cute.
By the time he turned back, the unlucky server had switched to a mop. It wasn’t long before the mess was cleaned and sterilized, as if nothing ever happened. Soon, the manager dragged the waitress back out. Poor thing. She was apologizing, but didn’t look too happy about it. Her fingers picked at the bandaids covering her hands.
What a lucky day he’d picked to come! It wasn’t his favourite place to drink; the usual crowd wasn’t really his type. But he never turned his nose up at dinner and a show.
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sleepinglightt · 7 years
1. Who was the last person you held hands with?My most recent ex
2. Are you outgoing or shy?I’d say I’m pretty outgoing
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?Mainly my dad, 2 more weeks!! I’m super excited
4. Are you easy to get along with?I think so? I talk a lot so I probably get annoying but then again there’s always a conversation so 🤷🏻‍♀️
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?I think so
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?People with positive energies, cute smiles, and nice hearts
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?Who knows man, I’m pretty emotionally damaged though. I have a lot of baggage.
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?My dad, I miss him.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?Nope.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?Faith
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?“It just really grinds my gears”
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?-down 4 u by blackbear-gorgeous by mansionz-surprise party by hoodie allen -ivy by frank ocean-dead roses by blackbear (I love blackbear ok I’m sorry his voice just makes me happy and I can relate with the whole people screwing you over aesthetic)
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?Uhhh yes
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?I believe in miracles, but I don’t believe in luck bc I think everything happens for a reason
15. What good thing happened this summer?Pride, I learned a lot about myself, and I got to be in a cool show with some cool people
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?No comment next question pls
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?I think there’s gotta be, the universe is just too big dude.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?No, but funny story I literally only thought he was cool bc we bonded over Chris brown and Halloween town and i was in like 1st grade. Honestly my first REAL crush on a girl who was my best friend and I thought she was an angel tbh
19. Do you like bubble baths?Yup, but I have to at least wash off my body before I take a bath bc I don’t like soaking in my own dirt ya feel
20. Do you like your neighbors?I don’t really know them, one of them is this kinda cool old guy though. He picks up twigs and leaves every morning, pretty dope dude if you ask me.
21. What are you bad habits?I get attached to easily, but I also distance myself a lot when people get to close bc I have trust issues. Like whenever anyone gets too close I freak out bc I don’t know how to handle emotions and I always try to break up with them before they hurt me.
22. Where would you like to travel?I wanna go to the red wood forest in Cali and I’d like to go somewhere where there’s a black sand beach bc I think those are pretty cool.
23. Do you have trust issues?I have major trust issues wdym
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?Sleeping
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?The fact it doesn’t work properly is kind of a bummer and it pisses me off. Look wise, I’m not too fond of my nose tbh. It’s kinda big and triangular and I used to think I looked like phineas.
26. What do you do when you wake up?On school days I normally try to wait a minute so I can see how much feeling I have in my legs before I stand up. Sometimes I fall over or whatever but it’s cool. On week ends and days I have doctors appointments I sleep in and then I lay in bed for like 30 mins to an hour and do stuff on my phone.
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?I don’t really care tbh
28. Who are you most comfortable around?My closest friends
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?Yeah
30. Do you ever want to get married?Yup
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail?My hair is long enough for like 3 ponytails
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?Ellen page and missy peregrym
33. Spell your name with your chin.Wo fMy name is Alex, but I tried
34. Do you play sports? What sports?I used to play softball and I was in love with it, but then I quit for theatre and music.
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?Tv
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?I normally tell people, but sometimes I don’t
37. What do you say during awkward silences?I normally make a stupid joke
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?Uhhhhh next question plS
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?target and thrift stores. Especially value villages, I always find cool stuff at value village.
40. What do you want to do after high school?I’m gonna go to college, I recently have been considering doing pre med and then going to medical school but who knows 🤷🏻‍♀️
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?I think some people do, and I think some people have to prove that they deserve a second chance, but then there are people that don’t deserve even a first chance let alone a second chance.
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?I’m either thinking or I’m trying to keep my mouth shut so I don’t say something mean
43. Do you smile at strangers?I always smile when I make eye contact
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?Space my dude
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?Sometimes I don’t get out of bed tbh, like today I didn’t get out of bed except to go to the bathroom and to take a shower. Most of the time it’s just bc of school
46. What are you paranoid about?Everything
47. Have you ever been high?Nope
48. Have you ever been drunk?Nope
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?Not that I know of
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?It’s rainbow tie dye
51. Ever wished you were someone else?Sometimes, but most of the time I’m happy in my own body
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?I wish I could learn to trust people better and let them in. I tend to isolate myself a lot, even from the people in my house because I’ve been hurt so much that it’s hard to trust people tbh
53. Favourite makeup brand?I really love Anastasia Beverly Hills but I also love tarte and kat von d 🤷🏻‍♀️
54. Favourite store?Target
55. Favourite blog?I have a couple, @thequeerexpoditionist @sapphic-sage @brianniscute and all of the lesbian blogs
56. Favourite colour?Yellow
57. Favourite food? Noodles
58. Last thing you ate?A ho ho bc I’m a ho ho
59. First thing you ate this morning?I had pancakes
60. Ever won a competition? For what?I won some tournaments in softball, does that count?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?Nope I’m a good noodle
62. Been arrested? For what?Never
63. Ever been in love? Yeah
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?It was in a church parking lot and I bumped teeth with the guy and it was awkward, shortly after I broke up with him for my first girlfriend oops
65. Are you hungry right now?Not really
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?I don’t really have a lot of tumblr friends tbh
67. Facebook or Twitter?Twitter bc I love the tea
68. Twitter or Tumblr?Tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now?Nope
70. Names of your bestfriends? Briann, faith, and Elizabeth
71. Craving something? What?I’m craving a cuddle buddy bc it’s cold and I just wanna lay on someone’s chest
72. What colour are your towels?They’re multi colored
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?Okay so I’m weird and I have like 5 pillows on my bed but when I go to sleep I don’t use any of them
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?Yeah don’t judge me
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?Probably like 10-15 but a lot of them are in my closet (just like me)
75. Favourite animal?I really love dogs, they make me happy. I also really love cats though. I LOVE ALL ANIMALS HONESTLY
76. What colour is your underwear?It’s blue
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?Swirl ;) just kidding I like vanilla
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?Vanilla with strawberries in it
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?It’s grey and it has dogs on it
80. What colour pants?I’m wearing black shorts
81. Favourite tv show?The x files, but I’ve recently been watching the good doctor and it’s really good!
82. Favourite movie?Dead poets society orrrr perks of being a wallflower
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?Mean girls what kind of question is that
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?I’ve never seen all of 21 jumpstreet so I guess mean girls
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?Gretchen, I can relate to her anger
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?Either the starfish, the puffer fish, or the little squid girl
87. First person you talked to today?Faith
88. Last person you talked to today?So far it’s been Faith
89. Name a person you hate?I don’t talk about him
90. Name a person you love?Briann!
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?Not really?
92. In a fight with someone?I don’t think so
93. How many sweatpants do you have?Like 1 pair no joke
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?Too many
95. Last movie you watched?THE NEW SAW MOVIE OMG
96. Favourite actress?Ellen page bc I have a crush on her
97. Favourite actor?Zachary Quinto bc I love him and he was great in Star Trek plus heS GAY
98. Do you tan a lot?I don’t tan, ever.
99. Have any pets?I have a dog named gizmo but he doesn’t love me as much as I love him :((
100. How are you feeling?Like crap, same as usual
101. Do you type fast?On my phone? Yes. On my laptop? No.
102. Do you regret anything from your past?I regret a lot of things, but ya gotta learn one way or another 🤷🏻‍♀️
103. Can you spell well?I think so
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?I guess so
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?Yup
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?Unfortunately I think so
107. Have you ever been on a horse?Yeah
108. What should you be doing?I should be writing an essay
109. Is something irritating you right now?Not really
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?Yeah
111. Do you have trust issues?Um yeah I already answered this oneeeee
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?I don’t even remember I try not to cry in front of people
113. What was your childhood nickname?I used to get called Grace in softball bc I always tripped over my own feet and I’d constantly get hurt lmao
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?Yup thank god
115. Do you play the Wii?I haven’t played the wii in forever but I bet I’d still kick ass in wii tennis
116. Are you listening to music right now?Nope
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?I love chicken noodle soup bc I love noodles
118. Do you like Chinese food?Yes yes yes
119. Favourite book?Right now it’s probably diary of an oxygen thief, but looking for Alaska is still my all time fav
120. Are you afraid of the dark?Kinda I get The Spooks™
121. Are you mean?Sometimes I can be really mean, most of the time it isn’t intentional and I feel bad but sometimes it’s well deserved
122. Is cheating ever okay?Nope
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?Probably not, I don’t own a pair of white shoes though
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?Nah
125. Do you believe in true love?Yeah
126. Are you currently bored?Not really
127. What makes you happy?Coffee, genuine hugs, dogs, hiking, the way the sun feels on a chilly day, good grades, sleeping, ya know the usual stuff
128. Would you change your name?I used to hate my name, but now I think it’s pretty cool
129. What your zodiac sign?I’m a Gemini with a rising Scorpio
130. Do you like subway?Not really
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?Next question
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?Faith
133. Favourite lyrics right now?“And you give good head, make daddy real proud of you” bc the way blackbear says it is really cool and I wish someone would give me good head and call me daddy
134. Can you count to one million?Probably not lmao
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?I’ve told a lot of dumb lies I think it’s a pretty human thing to do
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?I have to sleep with them open and I hate it bc I get really paranoid
137. How tall are you?I’m 5’6
138. Curly or Straight hair?I have straight hair but I think curly hair is really pretty
139. Brunette or Blonde?I have a thing for brunettes
140. Summer or Winter?Winter
141. Night or Day?I feel inclined to say night, but I like doing things during the day so idk
142. Favourite month?Used to be December but someone had to fuck it up for me so idk
143. Are you a vegetarian?No, I’m trying to be though
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?All chocolate, I don’t discriminate against chocolate
145. Tea or Coffee?Coffee, but I really love sweet iced tea
146. Was today a good day?Not really
147. Mars or Snickers?Snickers
148. What’s your favourite quote?“We’re all homos” - michael Scott
149. Do you believe in ghosts?Kinda yeah
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page? “But thanks to AA I had signed a new lease of life and I was determined to use it” -diary of an oxygen thief
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daemonmatthias · 8 years
"Get to know me" meme! 1, 65, 69, 91
1. What images do you have set for your desktop/cell phone wallpapers?
Well, my desktop is set to rotate between several images that represent my nerdy interests. I’ve got 2-3 Beauty and the Beast ones, 2-3 Kingdom hearts ones (and there is one overlap between those two), some Harry Potter/Hufflepuff ones, and 1-2 Studio Ghibli ones.
My cell phone lock screen is My Neighbor Totoro, and my wallpaper is Belle and The Beast dancing (from the new movie).
65. Which do you use more often, the dictionary or the thesaurus?
Definitely the dictionary. I can do the thesaurus stuff in my head, but sometimes I have to check the connotation of the word to make sure the synonym I’m thinking of works in the same way. Also, I have to google words to see what phrasing my students are going to find when they look up a word so that I can make sure my answer choices are not too far off from or too close to what google tells them.
69.  What’s the most memorable class you’ve ever taken?
You know what? That’s actually a really hard question…. I knew by my junior year of high school that I wanted to be a teacher, so that perspective has always caused me to focus more on the teacher than the class itself when it comes to memories…. and I’ve had a LOT of memorable teachers over the years. Here are just a few…
There was the professor I took two classes with in college. He was a Doctor Who nerd since like the 60′s/70′s and would slip in references (like “wibbly wobbly timey wimey” while talking about a book not in chronological order) even though I was the only one in the class who knew what he was talking about. His Literary Theory class changed my whole perspective on life/literature in the best way possible, and he fucking tore every paper we wrote to shreds to make us better writers. (He made it up grade-wise with stupidly easy reading quizzes with tons of bonus point opportunities- like fill-in-the-blanks for his favorite joke, which was “a skeleton walks into a bar and orders a beer and a mop”, btw- and we could keep turning in the essays for better grades as many times as we wanted.) I worked my ASS off on his last paper and got a B on the first try. I have never been prouder. I also took his American Novel class where I read some of the best and absolute worst books I have ever read. Rabbit Run was the WOOORST, but I never ever would have read Winter’s Tale or The Brief and Wondrous Life of Oscar Wao without that class. And, I certainly never would have read Stories of Your Life and Others by Ted Chaing without him. It’s something I never would have found/noticed on my own, and I loved every single word of those stories. I still haven’t found another writer that can mix science/math, literature, and psychology in the same ways. I’m currently re-reading the entire collection, as I’ve been wanting to since I heard Arrival was coming out.Side note: You should have seen me when I first heard of Arrival. I hadn’t heard anything about it until the trailer came on while we were watching TV. Poor Robert. I cocked my head to the side like a dog and started to say, “Why does this seem so much like that story I read?”, but only got as far as “Why does-” before BASED ON THE STORY BY TED CHAING flashed across the screen and I just fucking lost it. “IT IS, ROBERT, IT IS!!!” “Is what?” “THAT WAS MY FAVORITE ONE IN THE WHOLE BOOK!!” He was so confused and I had to backtrack and explain because that class was like the first or second semester we knew each other and this was the first time I had been remotely excited by anything in months.
There was also that Short Story class where the prof told us she wanted it to be a discussion class even though she’s terrible at discussion classes (her own words). That whole class was a hot mess. We discussed things so thoroughly that she couldn’t figure out how to write tests because she wanted them to be over what we hadn’t discussed about the story. We once had an essay test that asked us about “male enlightenment in Kate Chopin’s “The Storm”.” She started passing them out and everyone was like, “typo?? female??” “No. Male. Like the boy characters.” And we were just like…. uhhhhh ok then….” and when we left three of us got barely out of earshot before one asked us, “so what shit did you make up???” (I had bs-ed something about becoming enlightened to the fact that if mamma ain’t happy ain’t nobody happy.) The entire class pretty much bonded with mutual sarcasm over how awful the class was. It was a very unique environment because we all did actually enjoy discussing the stories with each other and we really got to know each other because the bond made us share more than we usually would with strangers. 
In high school I had the same teacher for AP Psych and APUSH. He was exactly my kind of sarcasm. I kept a “quote book” in high school, which was about 10% inside jokes and stupid shit we said, and about 90% Mr. A quotes. It was stuff like, “So we had the Triple Alliance and the Triple Entente. What does “entente” mean? Alliance. So we had the Triple Alliance and the Triple Alliance- BUT IN FRENCH.” I had both classes with him the same year, and he always connected the two by drawing on historical people for examples in Psych and mentioning (or using!) the Psych to teach us history. It helped me a lot in both classes. We also had to watch Phillip Zimbardo videos in Psych and we complained every single time because “He looks like SATAN and he scares us!!!!!” 
The was also the AP English teacher my junior year who most people hated because she was mean. (My friend who knew a bunch of upperclassmen said, “Oooh, you got The Wass. I’m sorry.” when he saw my schedule.) Only I got in the class period with the like 10 most sarcastic people in the entire grade and it seems like we were the only class to figure out that she wasn’t really mean- she was just one of the most deadpan sarcastic people I’ve ever met. We had a lot of fun because we realized she was really just sarcastic and would be sarcastic back. She asked us one day, a test day, after absolutely refusing to tell us how she was going to test us since we all read different books, “Do y’all wanna… draw a picture or do an interpretive dance for your test?” One kid immediately jumped up saying, “I wanna do an interpretive dance!!” and doing some kind of weird wiggle-dance. Her response was simply, “Too bad; you’re drawing a picture.” (And we really were.)
My senior English teacher was also pretty awesome. He completely scratched the normal AP Lit reading list and made a new one. It was full of awesome literature that I probably never would have read on my own and I loved most of it (especially The Tempest). He was also sarcastic and I’ll never forget how he would let us explore the literature as a class. I’ll also never ever forget his first poetry lesson. It was early in the year. He passed out copies of John Donne’s “The Flea” and read it to us. Then he goes, “what does this mean?” *Silence* “What is it about?” about half us are like ?????? while the other half are like uhhhhhhhh. He goes, “It’s ok, you can say it…” so one kid finally goes “….Sex?” “YES! Now how did you know that?” and the half that hadn’t been confused started pointing to certain lines, which he used to make us backtrack until he could give us a name of a device or explain about rhyme scheme or whatever. John Donne became my favorite poet because of his class. (We also read several of his holy sonnets later in the year and watched clips of Wit in class.) There was also the day he gave instructions for a timed write and then said, “OK? And while you do that, I’m gonna keep looking for a care bear costume that isn’t sexy.” We all laughed except one kid who goes, “How do you have a sexy care bear costume????” We all just looked at him until my teacher finally said, “…you know, it’s like lingerie with bear ears?” He also taught me the limited value of page minimums in writing. I didn’t quite make the page minimum once and got like and 85 on the paper or something. When we conferenced he walked me though all his comments about my organization and whatnot. I asked, “Ok, and just for my own reference, how many of these points were taken off for not meeting the page requirement?” He said, “Huh? Oh, none. None! You covered everything effectively and I don’t want to read the extra half-page of fluff.” Absolutely changed my perspective on writing papers and I aspire to make my teaching style much like his (when I’m teaching somewhere that can handle class discussions anyway…).
(Sorry, not sorry. You had to know that one was gonna be long! lol.)
91. What is your favorite word?
I think my favorite word is “persnickety”. It’s fun to say and applies to soooo many situations in the education world. I learned it from A Series of Unfortunate Events and have loved it ever since. :)
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Intro to me
Hello everyone! Thank you so much for deciding to look at my blog! I hope you stay a while and maybe even suggest a book for me to review. Personally, I've always loved to read, ever since I was around six years old. Instead of wanting a new pretty dress, I would want a new book instead. Understandably my parents thought that this was amazing, they thought that I would be smart and successful,which for my sake more than theirs, I hope is true. I've just decided to do a random, 100 questions about me tag so you know a bit more about me as a writer :-) 1.) What's your favorite season? Oh wow, that's an easy one, it's Autumn. 2.) Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 18, and find a line. "I wanted red and orange leaves in the fall. I wanted change." 3.) Who was the last person you texted? My mom, she asked me about where my brother went on vacation with his friend. 4.) Before you started this survey, what were you doing? Eating a few mini strawberry muffins for breakfast. 5.) What's was the last thing you watched on TV? Sons on Anarchy. 6.) Without looking, guess what time it is now. 9:50a.m. 7.) Now look at the clock. What is the actual time? 9.56a.m. 8.) With the exception of the computer, what can you hear? Bella (my dog) walking around downstairs and my ceiling fan. 9.) Do you tan or burn? Luckily my mom blessed me with Hispanic blood so I ran fairly easily :-). 10.) Do you like fish? I liked crab legs before I became a vegetarian, but other than that, I never liked any kind of fish. 11.) MAC or PC? MAC, I have a MAC book pro for school and it's lovely :-). 12.) Do you remember all of your dreams? I hardly ever remember my dreams at all, but the ones I do remember are the weird ones or the sad ones. 13.) When did you laugh last? The last time I laughed was around 12:30 this morning with my friend. She was talking about her upcoming birthday and how awesome it was going to be. 14.) Do you remember why/what at? She was talking about her upcoming birthday and how awesome it was going to be. 15.) Have you ever been to Canada? No, but I would really like to go sometime! 16.) Shoes, socks or bare feet? Oh bare feet all the way! I love shoes (hate socks) but sometimes I just don't feel like putting on shoes, you know? 17.) Do you wear perfume? Yes yes yes. 18.) What is the last film you saw? The Secret Life of Pets. I watched it with my dads ex girlfriends daughter. She is seven. 19.) If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live? London, England or somewhere where it is warm and sunny all year around. 20.) If you became a multi-millionaire over night, what would you buy? BOOKS!! (And maybe makeup :-)) 21.) Where would you live if you could go anywhere? Hell. (Being a smartass because I've already answered that question.) 22.) What's your favorite band? One Direction. (Not 10 btw.) 23.) Have you ever had to have surgery? No I have not. 24.) Do you enjoy school? Yes and no, mostly yes because I just like to learn things, it makes me feel good about myself when I leave school knowing more than I did yesterday. No because of all of the petty drama I get dragged into and honestly, I think these standardized tests are bullshit. Everyone learns differently and at different paces, not everyone is super smart. 25.) What do you think of these questions so far? They are pretty normal questions, so they are all right. 26.) Are you a righty or a lefty? Lefty! I know it's strange to hear because hardly anyone is left handed anymore, but I'm a lefty :-) (the only one in my family.) 27.) Who made your last incoming call on your phone? My Aunt. I went to a concert the other night and she saw my Snapchat story thinking I was alone with no parent supervision, (again not 10) but my dad was in the parking lot so... 28.) What's the last thing you downloaded onto your computer? Steam. 29.) Last time you swam in a pool? A couple days ago, but I had just gotten my tattoo so I couldn't submerge it in the water and had to put a bandage over it. 30.) Type of music you dislike most? Country. 31.) Are you listening to music right now? Yes. It's my friends music, (she's over at my house) but we have the same taste in music so I don't mind it. 32.) What's your favorite color? Red or Black or purple or army green, it changes everyday honestly. I just like colors haha. 33.) Is there anything you are disappointed about? Plenty of things. 34.) What is the last thing you bought? A book for school :-). 35.) Sun or rain? Sun if it's during the day, but if I'm getting ready to nap or go to bed at night, then rain. 36.) Would you go bungee jumping or sky diving? Both! 37.) What's your zodiac sign? Scorpio. 38.) What's your hair color? Naturally, Brown. I dye my hair red every so often because I hate my natural color. 39.) What quote do you like by? "Do not judge my character by the chapter you walked in on." 40.) What's your favorite zoo animal? I think zoos are cruel, no I'm just going to have to answer with, I love all animals. 41.) Do you have any pets? I do! I have two pure bred boxers named Brinx and Bella. Brinx is purely white with black spots on his skin and he's 10 years old. Bella is a beautiful chocolate brown with a black face and white paws (they look like socks!) and she is five years old. 42.) What color are your eyes? Brown. 43.) Do you wear any kind of jewelry 24/7? Yes, I have two holes in both of my ears that I keep earrings in, a mood bracelet that I got with my cousin, and my belly button ring. 44.) Do you turn the water off when you brush your teeth? No, but apparently it's a big pet peeve for some people when other people don't run the water off when they brush their teeth but I don't really see why it matters. 45.) Do you know how to change your cars oil? No, I know it's bad that I don't know how to change my cars oil, but I honestly don't really care. 46.) Do you have any phobias? No. 47.) What's your lucky number? 8. 48.) Have you ever eaten a crayon? Once, I got dared to eat a crayon in kindergarten for a quarter. I really wanted that quarter so I ate the crayon haha. 49.) Can you solve a Rubix Cube? No, I've tried so many times, but I always end up getting pissed off and never end up finishing it. 50.) What are you listening to right now? Nothing. 51.) Do you like Marmit? I have no idea what that is. 52.) Do you wear the hood on hoodies? Sometimes. 53.) Is the glass half empty or half full? Well I'm very optimistic so it's half full :-). 54.) What's the farthest-away place you've been? Oklahoma. I've never been out of the United States... I'm boring :-(. 55.) Do you untie your shoes before taking them off? Sometimes if I tied my shoes extremely tight. 56.) What's your favorite radio station? Any station that has good music honestly, I'm not picky. 57.) Are you allergic to anything? Nope. 58.) Were you named after anyone? No. 59.) Do you wear glasses/contacts? No. 20/20 vision :-). 60.) Have you ever walked out of a movie theater before the film was finished? Yeah, then I snuck into another movie haha. 61.) What's your least favorite subject in school? Science. 62.) Put your iTunes library on shuffle. What's the first song that comes on? Poppin' Tags by Future. 63.) Do you wear jeans or sweatpants more? Jeans. 64.) Where in the world would you like to travel? Everywhere! 65.) Are you traveling anywhere soon? Not anywhere far from me. I'm going on vacation to Florida in July as well as Cedar Point in August. 66.) Have you ever built an igloo? What is this? I live in Tennessee not Antarctica. Obviously not! 67.) Best thing at Starbucks? Okay, I'm being basic here for a second, but the best thing at Starbucks is the Pink Drink. 68.) Do you like watching scary movies? I watch scary movies at 3a.m when I can't sleep and sometimes I fall asleep to them if that tells you anything. 69.) What's the best thing about school? My friends and English class. 70.) What were you doing at midnight last night? Laughing and watching Netflix with my best friend haha. 71.) What's under your bed? Dust and dog hair. 72.) How do you really feel about what you are doing right now at this exact moment? There was a question similar to this a few questions up. Still feeling the same. 73.) Think fast, what do you like right now? My new shirts from Spencer's I bought today. 74.) Are you sarcastic? My second language. 75.) What time do you get up? During school days, between 5:30a.m and 7a.m, but during the summer, around 10a.m. 76.) What was the name of your first pet? Brinx. He's a dog and I still have him :-). 77.) What color are your sheets? Purple. 78.) How are you feeling? Wow I'm starting to feel like I'm in therapy again...but I'm feeling pretty good right now. 79.) What was your favorite food when you were a child? Mashed potatoes. 80.) How are you feeling right now? Uhhhhh does someone has short term memory loss??? 81.) Can you whistle? Yup. 82.) Do you drink soda? Only Dr.Pepper. 83.) Have you read the Harry Potter series? Only the Sorcerers Stone, I wasn't really interested in the series to be completely honest. 84.) Can you drink a stick shift? I learned to drive on a stick shift before I learned on an automatic so, yes, I can drive a stick shift. 85.) What's your favorite candle scent? I'm honestly so obsessed with candle melts so I have a ton of candle melts and my favorite is probably the Zen one. It really chills me out because it smells reaaaaally good. 86.) Have your pants ever fallen down in public? No. 87.) Do you sing in the shower? Every time :-). 88.) Can you speak another language? Ugh... no :-(. 89.) Can you close your eyes and raise your eyebrows? Um.. yeah haha. 90.) Dogs or Cats? Dogs!! :-D. 91.) Do you make wishes at 11:11? Not usually. 92.) What's your favorite type of chapstick? Anything pomegranate flavored. 93.) Which came first; the chicken or the egg? Oh here we go. The most philosophical question on earth. The chicken. 94.) What are you reading right now? Norse Mythology by Neil Gailman 95.) Can you touch your nose with your tongue? *Sigh* Sadly I have never been able to do this :-(. 96.) Can you walk in heels? Now that I can do. 97.) How many rings before you answer the phone? However long it takes me to notice someone is calling me. No one really ever calls me though, it's usually just a text or Snapchat. 98.) Any new and exciting things that you would like to share? Yes actually!! I just got a tattoo a few days ago. It says "I love you to the moon and back" in my dads cursive, and I love it so much :-D. 99.) What is most important in life? Honestly? To live your life with no regrets. You only get one life on this earth, live it the way you want and don't give a fuck about what anyone else thinks. 100.) What inspires you? My imagination. Well that was it! I hope you all got a bit of insight on who I am as a person! If you have any questions or you want to request a book for me to review, then just ask! I'm always on here so I'll be sure to check my inbox everyday! I know this was a long post, but I hope many of you took the time to read it! This took me around 2 hours and I'm kind of ashamed to admit that... anyways, thank you again and I hope that this blog could be a way of finding new books and authors for a lot of people! June. 8th, 2017
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