#uhhhh but we can unpack everything going on there when i Eventually make a behind the scenes slash post mortem slash q&a
bobzora · 6 months
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so the truth comes out. lol
yeah that joke project that i was vagueposting about for months that i was extremely committed to the bit on?
the joke was "what if i made a fnaf fangame?" and the punchline was that i actually did it. the second punchline is that i made it in rpg maker 2003. and the third punchline? it works.
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downloadable now (for free, obviously) on Itch and Gamejolt
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the-fiction-witch · 1 year
Seventeen P5-8
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Media The Maze Runner AU
Character Newt
Couple Newt X Reader
Rating Sweet AF
Seventeen Series
I had basically been in this lovey composed state for the rest of the day utterly smitten, once classes were over I walked along with Zart and Fry to the nearby seven eleven store, where Zart and I worked part-time he sat on the counter leaning his head on his arm waiting for potential customers, and I did some stocking. I kept an eye on Fry as he stood by the wall of slushie machines watching them rotate the icy drinks, I know He and Zart went out before my shift and they both now had a signature smell about them so I knew they'd pretty much be like this all night but I kept an eye on them both just in case... I heard the bell on the door but didn't think much of it continuing to stock the shelves but I stopped short as I noticed the familiar blue and white uniform of the cheer team They were all here clearly on their way home from practice today, they came in grabbing some snacks, some bags of chips, some chocolate, gummy worms and other such stuff I looked but I couldn't see y/n so I just focused on working 
"Uhhh excuse me" Teresa Snapped to Zart as she and the girls wanted to get some of the hot snacks from behind the counter but he was just kinda out of it 
"Did you not hear me?"
"I heard you... Perhaps if you said please I'd wiggle a little faster" he says 
"Excuse me! Who the hell do you think you are talking to me like that!" she snapped 
he glanced down at his name badge a moment "I think...I'm Zart. Or I'm reading his clothes. Fry! who am I?"
"This ladies asking who I think I am"
"I think you're a wizard man..."
"Ohhh so zart, or wizard you can choose madam," He told her
"I'm telling my father about this!"
 "You want a hot dog or not?"
I did my best not to laugh as he actually served them and they paid, I focused on my stocking
"Hi" I heard behind me making me turn and there she stood
Y/n, in her cheer uniform with her bag over her shoulder holding the strap, her pompom's leaking from the bag a little 
"Oh uhhhh -" I jumped doing my best not to panic or blush but where I jumped I knocked the display and knocked everything I just stocked onto the floor "Hi, how can I help you?"
"I'm sorry I didn't mean to spook you," she says coming and helping me pick everything up
"It's okay, Thank you"
"It's alright it was my fault."
"No no it's okay, How can I help?"
"I wanted a cherry slushie but it doesn't seem to work"
"Ohh Cherry?"
"Yeah the cherry handle is always a little funny" I explained so I headed over with her "What size?"
"Just a medium" 
"Okay" I smiled grabbing the medium cup and having a small argument with the handle for the machine with the cherry flavour but eventually I got it to actually come down and fill up the cup, once it was nice and full I added the lid and a straw "Here you go"
"Thank you very much" she smiled "You uhh you're in my physiology class right?"
"Yeah, I am,"
"I thought so, well I best go pay" she smiled
"No no uhh don't worry about it, it's on me"
"Awww that's so sweet, thank you" she smiled sipping her slushie "We'll I'll see you around"
"Yeah see you... be uhh be careful. Not to freeze your brain" I told her and she giggled 
"I'll try, thank you" she smiled giving me a little wave before she headed off out with the other girls 
I smiled so widely so so happy! I talked to her! 
"You gonna pay for it then?" Zart asks 
"Alright, I'm coming" I sighed 
I headed home through the darkness kicking the front door shut behind me and I saw my dad sat much as I saw him this morning reading at the table but the paper had now been replaced with a book dinner on the table already
"Hi" I smiled
"Hey kiddo, you're late tonight"
"yeah, we had a delivery at work and Zart was zonked so" I shrug unpacking my lunch bag into the kitchen and such like 
"When isn't he" he laughs "But you know my rules"
"No partaking" I laughed "Until I'm twenty-five"
"When you're brain is finished developing do what you want. not until"
"I know," I laughed "I'm pretty convinced Fry and Zart may have erased some brain cells" I laughed "Where's mum?"
"PTA meeting"
"Ohh okay" I shrug gathering a drink and my dinner to take upstairs "I'll be in my room"
"Hey! Not so fast. Physics" he says snapping his fingers at me 
I sighed getting it from my bag and handing it over he checked it often glaring at me 
"Not too bad, go on you're clean"
"Yes! Thanks, Dad" I smiled grabbed my stuff and bolted upstairs to my room I had dinner at my desk as I did my homework and any reading and such I needed to do all with my headphones in listening to the Heathers soundtrack thinking of my sweet little y/n, as soon as I was done with my work and dinner I climbed into bed and hugged my pillow "Ummmmm y/n" I smiled squeezing the pillow tightly giving it some little kisses 
I woke up fairly quickly which was unusual, but the reason was I was being beaten up! 
"Ahh what the hell!" I yelled kicking Sonya off me "The fuck are you doing in my room!" 
"Don't ever do that again!" she says before going to leave
"I don't even know what I did!"
"Don't talk to y/n"
"How do you know about that?"
"The rest of the cheer squad told me."
"You're a flag girl. You're not on the cheer squad"
"No! but I will be when either Lisa transfers or Teresa kicks Alexandra out. But even still you can't talk to the cheerleaders so don't!"
"I'll talk to whoever I bloody want to!"
"No, you can't! because now the track team is coming for your ass and the whole school knows what you did, you can't just talk to the cheerleaders and expect to be fine" she says 
"She spoke to me, we weren't at school what am I supposed to do?"
"you nod and be silently respectful," she says "I'm serious do not. do that again" she says heading off for her shower 
I sighed and turned over hugging my pillow. 
I sighed and eventually forced myself out of bed and got dressed grabbing my stuff and already putting a headphone in before I even went downstairs, 
"Hey somebodies grumpy this morning," My mother laughs as she served my dad his eggs 
"You alright kiddo, something up?" my dad asks as he immediately notices I was in a bad mood
"Ask Sonya" I snapped "Bye," I told them before heading out shoving my other headphone in and going to wait by the road and soon enough Sonya joined me 
"I'm-" she began
"You're not sorry. you're only saying it because Mum made you. if you don't mean it don't say it"
"Fine" she snapped as the bus arrived so we got on and I just ignored her leaning my head against the window and trying just to get myself through the day, Once we got to school I was again the last one off and I just headed through to my locker and grabbed my stuff for the day I noticed Thomas wasn't here but I didn't question it I just headed to my first class and immediately I sighed as I saw the chairs in a circle I found my seat and collapsed in it watching as everyone else headed in and found their seats too and soon enough the lesson began even if I wasn't at all listening and after a while, I saw a small bit of paper fall onto my desk, I picked it up before the teacher saw and unfolded It 
'You R Dead Newton' 
I glanced around and saw who wrote it as he was glaring at me 
Ben Smith, he's the smartest guy on the track team which is sort of like being the tallest drawf, while also being class clown the humour of the team as it were and no that's not a compliment, he and y/n used to date given that most of the track team dated the cheerleaders but they broke up last Christmas.
He sat in his seat four or five around from my own glaring at me in his track pants and blue and white letterman jacket with his name on the back. 
I just stuffed the note in my pocket zipped up my hoodie, putting up my hood and pulling the strings hard so I could basically hide myself inside. 
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ellygoesnyooom · 7 years
Could you do a headcanon for the RFA/V/Saeran for when MC comes and lives with them and maybe it's, like, their first night togheter (hehehe >:3c) Thank you ^^ Im really looking forward to all of your HC's!!
Ireally liked writing this one! I don’t do NSFW, so I just described their first nightsleeping in the same bed while living together. I hope you don’t mind, I’m justnot comfortable writing it yet. I may change that in the future, but fornow, no NSFW. I also hope that my future writing lives up to yourexpectations;;; Nonetheless, here you go! Enjoy~
 Edit: I did a whoops and forgot V, so you can find him here!
Oh man is this boy nervous
He can barely take good care of himself, and now you arecoming to live with him???
He is very helpful while you are bringing boxes of yourbelongings in, careful not to drop them and to set them where you want them togo
He also is very careful while helping you unpack, hedoesn’t want to break anything and make you upset
He seems to forget that you are moving in until you comeout in your pajamas with a toothbrush in your mouth asking where his washragsare
“Yoosung, is something wrong? I just asked for awashrag…” “Yeah, I-I’m good, uhhhh” he doesn’t even remember where his washragsare oh lord
“U-underneath the sink, yeah!” yay he remembered
Once you two go to bed, he is stiff as a board on theedge of the bed, trying to give you enough space
You physically have to drag him over to you and wrap hisarms around you to get him to loosen up
When you wake up though, he is gripping you, both handsand legs around your body
Yoosung pls MC needs to pee
Once he wakes up, he acts like you have been living therethe whole time, even going to make you breakfast aaawwwww give this boy somelove okay
He is super careful not to let the beast out on you
He has to be a gentleman; it’s your first night livingwith him
Totally shows off his strength while bringing in yourboxes zen stop
You two spend the day unpacking, and by the time nightrolls around, he’s pretty much forgotten that you are coming to stay
“Zen, I’m getting tired.” “Oh, I can’t keep a lady fromher beauty sleep! I’ll let you get going home.” “Uh…. I am home?” “…oh yeah”
While you go and get ready for bed, he is trying to chilland figure out where to sleep
When you walk out in your pajamas, he is just like O.O
Control the beast zen lol
“You can sleep in the bed, I’ll take the couch.” “Zen, youdon’t need to do that. We are dating!” “But… what if the beast comes out?”“What if I want it to come out?” MC don’t do this to him
When you finally get him to go to bed with you, likeYoosung, he is stiff as a board
Not even you curling up into his side calms this man down
When you fall asleep, he just looks down at you sleeping,head on his chest, and it all hits him
You were his, you weren’t going anywhere. Even if thebeast did come out, that wouldn’t stop you from staying beside him, because youchose to come live with him
This realization calms him down, and he is finally ableto gently reposition you so that he is lying down with you circled in his armsand fall asleep
Little known fact about him, though: he is h o t
Like, you wake up in the middle of the night drenched insweat and need to pry yourself out from his arms lol
She is very considerate of you, making sure you arecomfortable in her home
She doesn’t want you to be uncomfortable, or feel like youdon’t belong there
Helps you bring in your boxes and lets you set up yourbelongings like you want to
When you are done unpacking and settling in, you both sitdown on the couch, curled under a blanket, and watch some of Zen’s musicals
She starts to get sleepy before you, and you could seeher nodding off
When you suggested you two went to bed, she insisted onwatching the rest of the musical
Five minutes later, her head is on your shoulder andlittle snores are escaping her parted lips
You didn’t want to move her, and eventually you fellasleep too
She wasn’t there when you woke up, but you found her inthe kitchen making coffee for you and her
“I’m sorry for falling asleep on you last night, MC, Ishould have-“ “No.” You aren’t having any of that
You go over and wrap your arms around her, and she sighs,leaning into you. “I’m happy you are here, MC.”
You smile and press a kiss to her cheek. “Me too.”
Okay, this man needs everything perfect
He won’t let you lift a finger, instead having his guardsbring up the boxes
You two just sit and watch something you want to watch onthe tv while drinking a glass of wine ofc
Once all the boxes are in, he allows you to start puttingyour belongings where you want
He helps, and asks questions about all of your prizedpossessions, wanting to know what they represented and why they were so special
He just wants to know everything about you okay
You two end up on his bed, your favorite possession inyour hands as you leaned against Jumin and told him stories about yourchildhood
You slowly nodd off, your words coming slower and sloweruntil you completely relax against him and fall asleep
He just watched you, memorizing every detail of yoursleeping face
He never felt more in love with you than in that moment,and he didn’t know how to handle this surge of emotion
So he took the little item out of your hands, set it tothe side, and slowly lifted you up slightly to put you under the covers, andslid in next to you, wrapping his arms around your sleeping form
He was still dressed, but you had changed into yourpajamas earlier in the night, so he wasn’t worried and fell asleep holding you
When you woke up, you were alone except for Elizabeth,who was curled up by your head and purring
You went into the kitchen to see him standing in front ofthe stove, a spatula in his hand and apron covering his front
“Good morning, my love. You must be hungry; the pancakeswill be done soon” JUMIN AAA
This man loves you so much okay give him all the love
While you are unpacking, he asks questions abouteverything you pull out that is not clothing unless it is lingerie or anonesie lol
He wants to try on all of your clothing seven please no
Instead of unpacking and putting everything in its new home,you two end up playing with the various objects you brought
Saeran is pretty much hiding in his room for the wholeday, he wants nothing to do with you two
By the time it reaches midnight, you have unpacked lessthan half of your boxes dangit seven
He wasn’t tired, as his body was still trying to returnto a regular sleep schedule, but you were, so you changed into your pajamas andcrawled into his bed
And he is just sitting there nosebleeding because youlook so cute in his bed???
He changes as well and slides under the covers besideyou, but he is still awake long after you fell asleep
He is just sitting there, thinking up a storm ofworrisome thoughts.
What if you aren’t happy here? What if you are doing thisjust to make him happy? What if you decide you aren’t happy with him and leave?What if, what if, what if?
You woke up around 4am to him shaking and crying besideyou, and you quickly sit up and wrap your arms around him, holding him to yourchest and running your hands through his hair soothingly as he tells you all ofhis worries and fears
You wait until he calms down and stops shaking before youassure him you aren’t leaving, that you are happy and love him
Once he hears this, he is able to stop crying and laydown wrapped in your arms and fall asleep
When he wakes up, you are still in bed, an arm around himwhile you played on your phone
He decided then, as he sat up and pressed kisses to theside of your face, that he is the happiest man on earth, as long as he had youbeside him
This was a big step for him, and to say he was nervouswas an understatement
It took a long time for him to open up to you and becomfortable doing couple things such as cuddling, holding hands, kissing
So asking you to move in was h u g e
The whole time you were bringing boxes in with Saeyoung,he was sitting in his room shaking, close to a panic attack
You realized he wasn’t around and had Saeyoung bring therest of the boxes in so you could go find him
You knocked on his door, and he snapped at you, mostlikely assuming you were his brother
“Saeran, honey, it’s me. Can I come in?” Silence, thenfinally the doorknob twisted and the door opened enough to let you in
He shut it quickly behind you, not showing his face, andretreated to his bed, knees drawn to chest and forehead onknees
You quickly went over and sat by him, asking if you couldhug him
When he didn’t immediately say no, you scooted up to himand slipped your arms around him. He leaned against you, and you two just satin silence, until finally, he started to speak.
“MC, I’m afraid. What..what if I hurt you? What if youdecide you don’t like me, and leave? I’m fucked up; I don’t know why you stillwant to be with me. My idiot brother is probably-“ you didn’t let him finishthat statement
“Saeran, please look at me.” When he didn’t lift his head, you gently forced his head up to look at you. His eyes werepuffy and red, cheeks streaked with tears o w my heart
“I won’t be leaving you, okay? I went into thisrelationship knowing that you are broken, so don’t worry. And don’t you daresay anything about your brother being better for me, because you are the one Ilove, and want to care for, okay? Let’s just try to be happy that this ishappening, okay?”
This seemed to calm him, and he nodded, relaxing a littlebit
You left him to calm down and started to unpack,and a little while later, he came out and silently kneeled down beside you,asking what he could do to help
Up until that point, you and Saeyoung had been workingtogether to unpack your things, but now that Saeran came out, Saeyoung left youtwo to work together
You two worked on setting your belongings up in their newhomes, and finally retreated to his room around 10pm
He wasn’t sold on sleeping together, but you insisted, sohe tried it
You didn’t cuddle with him, instead sticking to the edgeof your side of the bed and allowed him to choose what he wanted to do
When you woke up though, you were towards the middle ofthe bed, and he had his arm draped over you and head against your side as heslept
When he woke up, he didn’t immediately move, insteadmurmuring a little ‘good morning’ and tightening his arm around you with alittle yawn
After that first night, he seemed much more comfortablewith the thought of living with you, and everything from then on went muchsmoother
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