#uhhh this one shot was kinda quick n dirty
painonthebrain · 20 days
JuneofDoom Day 15 - Rescue
Content: Manhandling, restraints, gags, sedation, female whumpee, pet whump, conditioned whumpee
When she was taken, she resisted as hard as she could. She thrashed, she bit, she kicked, she screamed. Even when they tied her down, she reared her head back, slamming it into her kidnappers’ chins. She would not be taken that easily.
“Let me go!” Her voice was shrill and piercing, a combination between a yell, a shriek, and a cry. They gagged her, and still she screamed, muffled shouts and guttural cries, calling out for help.
“Mngh! Mghng!!”
She kicked the ground, kicked the ones who were taking her away, she thrashed and moved wildly.
They pinned her to the ground. Still, she bucked and squirmed, even as she was held down by the weight of their bodies.
“We have her.” One said into a walkie-talkie. “Over.”
Something pricked her shoulder, and she jerked, but it was too late, whatever they had injected into her was already in her veins now.
Still muffled, she screamed bloody murder, cursing and wailing, getting slower and slower until she could no longer move or scream. She was dizzy and weak now.
She moaned, sniffling when they hoisted her up by her armpits, marching her to their vehicle.
They laid her in the backseat, buckling her in. “Shh, shh, it’s okay. We’re here to help you. You’re safe now.”
As they drove away, all she could do was feel pitiful for failing her master.
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the-cult-of-russo · 3 years
Push and Pull (Part 16) (continued on)
Pairing: Matt Murdock x OC
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A/N: continued from last post.
Warnings: cursing
"We should do this again sometime," Karen said eagerly. Her cheeks flushed red at her words and she glanced at Foggy like he was going to say no to another date. But Foggy had a dopey grin on his face that he couldn't even hide. She didn't want to say anything about how her and Matt weren't really dating. That was something they'd figure out another time. Foggy could tell her it hadn't worked out and that was that. But they could still all hang out. Foggy and Karen as a couple with her and Matt as 'not really friends but sometimes okay with each other'.
Karen moved to give her a hug and she accepted it with a smile.
"Make sure you keep in touch," Karen murmured to her.
"I will," she said softly. She meant it too. It was such a change of pace to hang out with a girl. It also made her miss her sister. They hadn't spoken in months. That's what always happened. They would connect for a period of time and then go months with nothing. The last time they saw each other was when her niece was born 7 months ago. Karen gave Matt a quick hug and whispered something to him. It made him chuckle awkwardly, whispering something back and glance in her direction. She was curious what that was about. 
"Alright, you two," Foggy beamed, pulling them both into a hug at the same time. He squeezed the shit out of her and Matt laughed as he patted his back.
"My cake," she squeaked. He mumbled an apology and let go only a little.
"I love you guys. I can't thank you enough for this," he whispered quickly. She smirked into the hug and finally breathed when he let go. Her cake box was a little smushed and she made a pitiful noise.
"I'll fix it!" Foggy winced grabbing it from her and popping out the dents.
"Are you guys going to be doing anything interesting tonight?" Karen asked, genuinely curious. Daphne decided to have a little fun since the night was over. Mainly knowing how Foggy would react.
"Honestly, probably go back to Matt's, eat some cake and have sex. Or maybe the cake could partake in the sex," she mused, deadly serious face. Foggy swore, the cake box falling to the floor and the cake fell out with a splat. She whined comically, too distressed to see Karen's amused flushed face at her comment or Matt’s jaw slack. 
"Wh- my cake," she whispered. Foggy looked at her with wide eyes before he smiled sheepishly. 
"Uhhh… I think maybe the cake sex will have to take a rain check," he uttered, face still beet red. Daphne stared at the pile of what was once a delicious looking cake with sad eyes. She wasn't really going to Matt’s and that cake was all she was looking forward to.
"It's fine, I'll get another piece," Matt said softly. She shot him a glance and he gave her a small smile. Could he sense how genuinely sad she was? Was he taking pity on her? 
"Wow, you really want that cake sex," Foggy muttered. Matt thwacked him on the back of the head and Foggy cried out.
"Good aim!" Karen giggled, making Foggy shoot her a betrayed look. 
Matt grabbed Foggy's arm and the pair went inside. 
"You're really gonna have sex on the first date? Karen asked quietly. She was grinning and it looked like she was enjoying the little gossipy girl talk. Daphne considered what to say. Now she'd gotten to know her a little and actually liked her, she did feel bad about all the lies. Maybe a little truth sprinkled in wouldn't hurt.
"I'll be honest… we've already kinda done it… twice," Daphne replied. The delighted giggle from her new friend made her smile with pink cheeks.
"Oh my god, how did that happen?" She asked eagerly.
"There was a lot of tension.  It just… I don't know, built up until it happened," she snorted. She didn't know how to explain it without revealing too much.
"Wow… was it good?" She whispered cheekily. Daphne laughed as she flushed harder, covering her cheeks.
"Oh my god," she murmured into her hands. She shouldn't have said anything. When was she ever embarrassed to talk about sex? Maybe it was the fact Karen was friends with Matt or the fact she hadn't had girl talk in too long.
"It was, wasn't it?" Karen giggled. Daphne moved her hands, well aware of how red she was as she smiled.
"It really was," she snorted. She wouldn't deny it. The man annoyed the shit out of her but the sex was mind blowing. Karen laughed as she looked at her, biting her lip.
"Do you think I should… with Foggy?" She whispered shyly to her.
"Do you want to?" Daphne asked curiously. Karen tucked some of her hair behind her ear and smiled.
"I do. It's just weird, you know? Because we're friends and I'm used to that. But there's always been something there. But now it's out in the open… it's like I don't know what to do," she said softly.
"Just do what feels right. When you get home if you feel like you want to then just do it. If you feel like tonight's not the night then that's fine too. Don't rush it. Just take your time and let it happen on its own," her advice was sincere. Despite wanting to see how far she could plant ideas in their heads, she really liked the pair of them. She could see they'd make a great couple and she wanted them to work out.
Karen gave her a quick hug before pulling away with a warm smile.
"Thank you. It's honestly really nice to have a girl friend I can talk to," she said.
"Same," Daphne snorted. The doors opened then and the boys walked out. Matt was holding Foggy's arm in one hand, the cane in the other and Foggy had the box of cake.
"There you go, miss. One perfectly intact fudge cake. All set for the crazy sexcapades you're gonna have," he beamed, handing over the box. Karen slapped his arm with a chiding look and he gave her face as if to say 'what?'. 
"Alright, we're off. Have fun guys," Daphne smiled. The pair smiled back at her. 
"See you guys tomorrow," Matt said softly as he took Daphne's arm. Foggy and Karen started to walk away.
"Don't have too much fun!" Foggy called out to them with a laugh. She shook her head ruefully with a sigh as she watched them walk away. Now it was just the two of them and it suddenly felt awkward again.
"Cake sex? Really?" Matt asked after a moment. He looked more than amused and she snorted, poking him in the chest.
"I wanted to see if they took the bait," she grinned mischievously.
"Did they?" He asked curiously.
"I guess we'll see," she shrugged.
"Really?" He drawled.  He quirked a brow and she snorted as she realised her words.
"Alright, I guess I'll see," she laughed. He chuckled and gave her a mock dirty look.
"That's just mean," he huffed, holding a hand over his heart.
"Wait? You have feelings?" She gasped. He looked shocked for a moment before he snorted, swiping her prized box out of her hands and holding it above his head.
"My caaaake!" She whined, reaching up to get it but even in her heels she couldn't reach.   
"Say sorry," he smirked down at her.
"Sorry," she huffed, sounded every bit like the petulant child she was.
"I don't think you mean that," he whispered devilishly. 
"I will take your cane and beat you with it," she somehow managed to growl and pout at the same time. That was new. Matt barked a laugh but handed her the cake anyway.
"I'd like to see you try," he teased.
"You're so getting your ass kicked next time we train," she muttered in contempt. She clung to the box like it was about to float away.
"Is that what they're calling it these days?" He smirked. She pursed her lips but couldn't stop the smile that formed on her lips. He could be a cheeky little fucker when he wanted to be but she liked this playful side to him. 
"I'll walk you home, come on," he smiled after a moment. They'd both still been standing outside the restaurant, not really knowing what to do. His hand went to her arm, holding it lightly as they walked at a leisurely pace. She was grateful. The heels and alcohol wouldn't be good for walking at a brisk pace. 
"I really think Karen and Foggy are gonna work out," she mused after being silent for a while. It was chilly but not too cold and the stars were twinkling in the sky. It was actually pretty nice.
"You think so?" He asked carefully.
"Yeah. I mean she really likes him. And he's smitten with her. I think once they get over the weirdness they'll be good together," she murmured. She felt that pang of envy again and she hated it. She didn't want to feel that way. It wasn't like she wasn't happy for them. She was rooting for them. 
She didn't often feel lonely but it would happen every so often and with the tequila in her blood, it seemed to be one of those times.
"Why does that bother you?" Matt asked quietly, glancing in her direction. She whipped her head to look at him before she shook her head.
"It doesn't," she said defensively. He was silent for a moment and she thought he'd dropped it.
"Twice tonight, your heartbeat’s changed because of Karen and Foggy," he said quietly after a moment.
"You know how weird that is? Stop listening to my heartbeat," she grumbled. He smiled sadly as he looked away.
The silence bothered her and the awkwardness seemed to have ramped up a notch.
"It doesn't bother me. It's just… sometimes I get lonely. I'm not necessarily… normal. I don't connect with people easily. Sometimes I wish I could. To know what it feels like," she whispered after a moment. Why she kept revealing her most vulnerable spots to him of all people, she didn't know. He nodded, gazing out at nothing as he took a deep breath.
"I'm sure you'll find it one day," he mumbled, keeping his blank gaze in front of them. She smiled her own sad smile then. She knew it wouldn't happen. But she didn't want to talk about it any more. They stayed silent until they reached her apartment building and she moved away, his hand slipping from her arm.
"You don't need to walk me up. I'll be fine," she said softly, still clutching her cake box. He nodded, gripping his cane in his hands as he stood there.
"I'll see you round then," he nodded at her. It all felt so stilted and weird. She had no idea how they could cycle through so many different states when they were together.
She glanced at him for a moment longer before turning on her heel, walking up the few steps to the steps to the door and yanked it open.
"Daphne," he called out. She looked over her shoulder and saw him standing there.
"I really do like the dress," he smirked a little. She snorted, shaking her head as she bit her lip.
"I really do like your eyes," she retorted, a faint blush to her cheeks. She told herself it was the booze. He smiled, lowering his head looking almost bashful. With that she slipped inside and made her way to her apartment. Once she got in she kicked her evil heels off and breathed a sigh of relief. She padded over to her kitchen, grabbing a spoon from the drawer before she flopped onto the couch.
She ate the cake, which was the best cake ever and well worth all the hassle it had been to get it. As she enjoyed it she thought over the rollercoaster that had been the night. The dread of the impending Court case was still lingering in the back of her mind but she chose to focus on the fun she’d had. She really hadn't expected that at all. The night had its downfalls but she didn't regret going. And she really was rooting for Foggy and Karen. 
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
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I smiled as I stood humming my little tune sweeping the decking off the shop for my grandfather when I saw horses riding quickly into LaBelle I rushed Inside careful watching out the windows as they began shooting up the place "what's going on y/n?" My grandfather asks as he came back from doing something with a corpse 
"Some boys causing a ruckus that's all" I answered as I spotted the sheriff coming into view and talking with them so we went out to investigate but as we did he fell into the dirt "bugging lot of help that was" I sighed 
"Hey!" A familiar voice yelled making my breath go short and my heart skip a little as I looked across the way to the sheriff's office, the orange lamplight flickering in the dark twilight sky, and there stood on the dusty decking stood our town deputy, his dirty boots stood tall, his pants on… tight, his clothes dirty and rugged, his face unshaven and cared in dirt his hat keeping his unruly hair at Bay, gun in each hand pointed at these men 
"Dam shot me boy!" One yelled 
"Names not boy, it's Whitey Winn" he smirked firing again at the others shoulder "next one spoils your face, no I think ya heard the sheriff, I suggest ya git" he yelled 
And the boys ran off. He matched down to the dirt and checked everyone was alright sending Bill back home to his children, as soon as I finished my work I headed over to the little office.
Where inside sat the new prisoner boy in his cell and whitey sat at the sheriff’s desk reloading his pistols 
"Hi whitey" I smiled 
"Ooohh uhh… hi miss y/n" he stuttered standing up in shock gently playing with his hair as he had since removed his hat sitting it on the table his cheeks gently dusting a pale red 
"That was an awfully brave thing you did tonight" I smiled 
"Well uhh it's my job little darlin'" he smiled "gotta look after all of ya haven't I?"
"Of course you do, and you do ever such a good job whitey" I smiled 
"Aww y/n, your too sweet to me darlin' ya really are" he blushed 
"We still on for tomorrow?" I asked 
"Ohh yeah course" he nodded 
"Okay see you tomorrow then whitey" I smiled blowing him a little kiss before I headed home.
Aww, sweet little whitey, I guess in some ways I did kinda love whitey he's adorable, and it always makes me laugh how quickly he can go between being the hot, commanding, sexy, brave deputy sheriff of la belle to the blushing stuttering little boy I first met when I arrived, in la belle he always gives off the air of a tough deputy boy in order to keep control, respect and of course to actually get stuff done whereas in private he's really a sweetheart. 
Whitey and I have been having I guess you could call them dates since I first arrived every Saturday we would go for a walk together or he'd come to play chess with me or even just sit in the office and chat but honestly, we never did much of anything, just chatting and laughing, I had been trying to get to do much more but he's far too sweet and innocent whenever I even try to suggest anything I get the usual
"Uuuuhhhhh well I uhh I ummmm y/n I uhh what I meant was-" for as long as till I spot him he's never even kissed me other than a couple on my hand.
I smiled as I stood fiddling with my dress as we walked along the riverbank side by side whitey talking about… well something about gun shooting I don’t know I wasn’t listening all that much, even if the whole time I was trying to convince him to hold my hand as we walked 
“Whitey?” I asked 
“What is it Little darlin’?”
“Did you wanna go closer to the water?” I smiled
“Ohh uhh sure” He nodded so I smiled and took his hand making him blush hard holding my hand back and I smirked and tugged him down towards the river so we could stand by the river watching it trickle along cuddling his arm still holding his hand and resting my head on his shoulder making him blush even harder “Uuuhhhh… Your very touchy today” He says moving away a little 
“Whitey… you do like me don’t you?”
“What y/n Little darlin’ of course I do, Of course I like ya” he says holding my hands
“Then why don’t you wanna cuddle me? Or hold my hand? Or anything else?” 
“Well I uhh… I don’t know I just, I uhhh” He stuttered I sighed and moved close to him giving his lips a rather quick kiss, his lips where soft all things considered even if his facial hair was tickiling me a little resting my hands on his chest the cosy fabric of his jumper he was frozen a moment before he softly kissed me back and he moved away his eyes wide and his cheeks red with blush “Uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhh….” He stuttered
“So…” I blushed
“Soo… I uhhh I uhh that was, Nice… Pretty much just like I imagined it” he blushed
“So you’ve been imagining?” I smirked 
“Well Yeah” He blushed “Sometimes”
“Did you maybe wanna keep kissing?”
“Yes please” he nodded quickly…
Bills Pov:
I got into the office and was a little suprised to see it empty, whitey was gone I was a little confused but maybe he was just late or maybe he was still fast asleep in his house, or maybe he was off doing whatever he does with that y/n girl. But as I got closer to the deputy desk I noticed a little envelope 
“To Bill, Maggie and Grandfather”
I grabbed the letter opening it up
“We are sorry to say but you won’t be seeing us again, as much as we love it in here and care for you all, we have to go someplace else, we might someday come back but if we do it will be far in the future, We have run off north to Elope and start out own little family somewhere more peaceful and better for us, We hope to see you again and that you can accept our decision
X Whitey & Y/n” 
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rogerstoast · 5 years
Pizza Delivery Boy // Roger Taylor x female reader
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Summary: reader is staying in for the night, and orders a pizza. both reader and roger are left stumbling at the door when they are both hungry for more than just a pizza.
Request: @comehereroger this girl literally gave me the idea I love her! Thank her for this!
Warnings: Fluff, flirting, a bit of smut, kinda dirty.
You plopped down on the couch after a stressful week of tests and finals, prepared to sleep and do absolutely nothing this winter break. All you wanted more than anything was to relax and take in your surroundings. But the loud grumble erupting from your stomach said otherwise. It’s about dinner time anyways, but you were too lazy to get up and actually have to cook something. Nonetheless, you reached over to grab the phone resting on your coffee table, ready to order a pizza for one on your night in.
“Rocky’s pizza! What can I get ya?” A voice answered on the phone.
“Can I get an extra large cheese pizza? With some muchrooms, and uhh... extra sausage?” You ordered, mouth already watering at the thought of your dinner.
“Sure thing. Anything else?”
“That’s it.”
“Your total is $10.75. Pick up or delivery ma’am?”
“Delivery please!” Pff, like you were going to pick up a pizza three blocks away. The thought of having to get up from the couch to eventually answer the door was tiring enough.
*25 minutes later*
You sat all cuddled in on your couch, a soft tune playing on the record player throughout the apartment, as you switched between channels finding something to watch. All of sudden, you hear a knock at the door.
Pizza time baby.
Groaning in response, you slowly got up from the couch and trotted to the door. You unlock the door, and open it. Holy—well hello there, you thought. He must be new, never seen him before.
“Pizza delivery, for uhhh,” he squinted his eyes at the receipt, “y/n?” He asked in a soft, deep voice. His hair was blond and wavy, almost made you want to run your fingers through it. And the way the tight red T-shirt perfectly fit his toned body almost made you weak at the knees. But what killed you the most was the smile he shot at you once your eyes met each other’s. Those god damn eyes. Shit, snap out of it y/n.
You stumbled over your words, “uhh yeah that’s me.” You smiled back. Fuck, I can’t just give him the money, you thought. Screw it, it’s Friday, what’ve I got to lose?
“extra sausage right?” Really y/n?! Did you seriously just fucking ask that? Idiot.
He chuckled and blushed a bit, “I think so. Would you like to check?” *sir?? excuse you?* “You know, to see that they got the order right?” He asked, opening the box.
And they sure did, extra large sausage too.
You nervously chuckled, trying to keep your cool. “H-how much do I owe you?” You asked.
He leaned against the doorframe as your proximity to each other minimized by a couple inches. “I don’t think it really matters love, it’s on me.” He said, shooting another smirk your way as his looked up and down your body, subtly taking you in.
Ah Fuck.
“A-are you sure? You don’t have to, really—“
“No no no, it’s fine honestly. Don’t worry about it love.” He insisted. “I’m Roger, by the way.”
Roger. Good name. Quick y/n, uh, be sexy!
“Say, Roger. I don’t know if I’ll be able to eat this whole thing by myself,” you smirk up at him with a mischievous look in your eyes, “do you maybe wanna come inside and help me, finish it?” Dang, I am on fire tonight.
He leaned in a bit closer, one arm resting on the frame while the other held the pizza. Yet, whatever cologne we was wearing overpowered the smell of the food, and began to captivate you even more.
“Oh love, I thought you’d never ask,” he nearly growled at you, your faces merely inches apart as his eyes flicked down to your lips a few times.
“Oh yeah?” You smirked up at him, biting your lip.
“Yeah.” He looked down at your lips and licked his own. Message received.
“Why don’t you come inside then?” You ask a bit more seductively, placing your hand over his arm that carries the pizza, signaling to pull him in.
Within in seconds, he pushed himself in, throwing the pizza on the nearest table, pushing you against the door as it slammed shut. He pushed his lips against yours in a slow yet passionate kiss, as his hands traveled down to your waist, lightly squeezing your sides. In response, you threw your arms around his neck, tangling one of your hands through his soft hair. You deepened the kiss, as he slid a hand down to your ass and gave it a quick squeeze. As you let a slight moan escape, he swiped his tongue over your bottom lip begging for entrance. You let him in to explore your mouth, as you did the same with his. Tongues intertwining, fighting for dominance. You let him overtake you, you couldn’t help how good he tasted. He smiled against your lips, letting out slight moans all while letting his hands travel below your ass even more.
“Up.” He grunted against your already swollen lips. You didn’t hesitate to listen, jumping up and wrapping both your legs around his toned torso.
You continued your heated make out session, cupping his jaw to bring his face closer to yours if that was even possible. He pushed you up more against the door, until you felt something poking against your lower abdomen.
You broke apart momentarily, “bedrooms down the hall.” In response he placed his soft lips back onto yours, smiling as he began to trail his wet kisses down your neck. All the while racing the two of you to the bedroom.
He slammed the door open, and threw you on the bed, hovering his body over yours. Continuing to suck on your neck and the soft spot right below your ear, you were reaching down, and begging working with his belt. Roger lifted his shirt off, then yours each in a swift motion. He looked down shortly to admire the beauty that lay before him. You smirked up at him as his eyes took you all in.
“You do this often?” You asked in the heat of the moment.
“It’s only my first day on the job, you do the math.” He laughed lightly, reattaching his lips to yours.
His hands squeezed your hips, massaging and rubbing your sides all over. It felt so good, you were almost convinced this moment wasn’t real. You roamed your hands up his back, slightly digging your nails in it leaving red marks all over. until they were back in his hair. You lightly tugged at it, moans escaping his mouth as he brought his face to burrow into your neck, sucking and bitting your smooth skin. Roger reached one of his hands up to cup your covered breast, massaging it, still planting a wide display of hickies all over your chest.
“Rog, feels so good,” you moaned out. He reached back and unhooked your bra easily, like a fucking pro. Who is this man?
Roger fed off of your desire for more, as he reached down, prepared to rub his fingers where you were in desperate need of some friction. Just as fingers began to peel back the soaking wet, thin lining covering your entrance, something just HAD to go wrong.
*ring ring* *ring ring*
“What Roger. What is it?” You ask, confused as to why he just stopped.
Roger groans in annoyance, kissing you on the lips quickly before getting off you and stumbling to put his pants back on. It was his boss calling him in for another order he needed to deliver.
“I forgot I actually have to work,” he laughed to himself, “I’m sorry love i have to go, wouldn’t want to get fired on the first day for being late.”
Although you were merely disappointed that the two of you were unable to finish, he was in a way total stranger, who also had to do his job.
“It’s alright Rog. Maybe next time we can finish what we’ve started here tonight?” You asked, pulling the sheets up to cover your chest.
Roger had his shirt half way over his head till he froze. “Next time?” He mumbled through the fabric.
You chuckled and threw on the robe from the side of your bed. “Yes, next time. I really want to see you again Roger.”
Roger now was fully clothed and walked towards you, wrapping his arms around your waist as you placed your hands on his arms. He looked down at you and smiled. He saw something in you. He was thrilled that you wanted to see him again, because he wanted to see you again too.
“Yeah, id like that.” He hummed in response.
You beamed up at him. You were still in a bit of a shock and what was about to go down between the two of you. Two complete strangers who don’t know a thing about each other. Literally in your bed about to fuck because of a fucking pizza. Damn that extra large sausage.
As you walked him to your door, he left a passionate kiss on your lips. Except he didn’t stop. He was still craving for your touch. After all, neither of you got to finish. You opened the door and pushed him out a bit, breaking the kiss.
“Oh come on!” He complained with that stupid smirk across his face.
“Maybe next time pizza boy.”
“That next time better be tomorrow night because if you—“
You rolled your eyes laughing to yourself as you slammed the door in his face. If only he knew how hungry you were for tomorrow nights dinner. Maybe even hungry enough to call for another pizza in an hour. Or even better, just a good old extra large sausage.
Lmk what you think :)
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