#uhhh should i fandom tag this. um. hm.
thenovelartist · 4 years
For the ask game : 2,5,7,10,20
And you haven't lost your writing touch!!! I refuse to hear anything except praise about you and your talents 😤
XD You’re too sweet. Thank you :D
2. What’s next on your ‘to-read’ list? (Fan fiction or otherwise)
uhhh... what’s a “to-read” list XD
Let’s see... I have plans to re-read “The Lost Heiress” by Roseanna M. White at some point. She was someone who inspired my writing style, and I feel like rereading a story that had such an impact on me might help me get back into the swing of things.
5. What’s a crackship you love? 
hmm... do I like any crackships?
... I don’t think I have any. There are definitely an unstable ship I’m a fan of, but it isn’t crack. (In a way, it’s canon.)
7. What’s the last thing you read that made you cry?
The daily “to-prep” sheet at work. I’m... kinda not kidding about this.
I’m not a crier, really. I’ll cry when I’m having an anxiety attack or when I’m in an emotionally compromised state. Otherwise, I don’t cry over written works.
10. Mutual pining or enemies to friends to lovers?
Enemies to friends to lovers. I’m a SUCKER for ANY friends to lovers story. (Make it childhood friends to lovers and I will legit be building the ship before i even memorize the names of the characters.)
20. Do you have a favorite fanfic or author? If so, tag them/post a link and share the love!
Um... hm... I don’t know if I have a favorite author at the moment. But do I have a couple fan fics that have kept me very very happy over the past few months.
(All for Otome games because I’m now otome game trash. I’m sorry XD)
For Code: Realize (I shit you not, I love Victor from this game more than any other character in the history of ever. It is legit an issue.)
     chemistry by mysteriousAlex (AO3) This had me in stitches and still makes me grin every time I read it.
     Nimbus by NaturalFrequency (AO3) is BEAUTIFUL and sweet and I adore it.
And then I also should give a shout out to @sevenswifey for writing an Ikemen Sengoku piece called A Debutante & Champagne Bubbles because there aren’t enough good Sasuke fanfics like this one that make me grin and giggle in happiness.
And shout out to @redqueenschoice for writing “Boss” for the MLQC fandom. I love it SO MUCH. It’s a GREAT AU with Gavin. :D
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missandrogyny · 8 years
Annual Writing Self-Evaluation 2016
so!! @alivingfire tagged me in this thing!! originally i wasn’t planning to do it but i figured that eh i should so i at least have something to refer back to next year yay
1. List of works published this year:
if i had the chance, the things i would do to you
that lace shirt
somethin’ bout you
blind from this sweet, sweet craving
to kill the mess we’ve made
day 3: tossed salad
2. Work you are most proud of (and why):
i think i’m most proud of somethin’ bout you?? like, when i got the prompt for the spring exchange i was so excited, but also kind of nervous because it was such a huge idea and i’d never written an idea that huge before. i tend to stick to plots that are fluffier, simpler, and less…plotty, so to speak, so having the spring exchange prompt and spinning it the way i wanted to (with the kidnapping and the d/s, etc.) was daunting. there are definitely still parts that i would want to change in it, parts i would rewrite if i had the chance, parts where you can tell that i just got so sick of my own work, and i still want to give it a sequel, but yeah. to me that feels like a child i sent in to a spelling bee and although he didn’t really win any awards, he was still good enough to be in the spelling bee.
3. Work you are least proud of (and why):
probably my work for the 30 days of smut. i just…didn’t really know what i was working with. like, i didn’t know what the authors before me were doing, and i was way too shy to actually message them and ask and discuss plot, so i just sat on it until a week before it was supposed to be submitted and thought ‘fuck it, i’m just gonna do whatever’. also it was written in past tense, which i completely forgot how to do rip so i spent a lot of time just…reading it and trying to make sense of the tenses and crying over words
4. A favorite excerpt of your writing:
i’m always, always going to be proud of this paragraph. i don’t really know what came over me at the time of writing, but when i finished i just had this and i just…loved it so much.
(Later, Louis wakes up to find Harry sound asleep beside him. It’s dusk, and the soft light of the afternoon makes him look unreal, almost ethereal. He looks like a star, or perhaps some shooting thing—a meteor, or a comet, maybe. Louis watches as he breathes, as his chest rises and falls, watches the way the light seems to bend to him, making him look like the most beautiful thing to ever exist.
And Louis wants to save this moment, wants to keep him like this forever, naked and asleep in bed, but he knows better—he knows that Harry is a star, and you cannot keep stars like this to yourself. He knows that stars don’t belong here, don’t belong in dusty bedrooms beside boys with sticky fingers. He knows that stars belong in the sky and boys belong on the ground, and even a boy with the stickiest fingers will never be able to keep a star down.
So he gets dressed—slowly, quietly. Harry doesn’t stir at all, too lost in his dreams, and that’s good, because that makes saying goodbye that much easier. A sleeping Harry won’t draw him in with sea foam green eyes and cherry-red lips. A sleeping Harry won’t entice him to stay.
He takes a mental picture, embeds it into his brain, makes sure he has something to remember this by. Then he presses a feather-light kiss onto Harry’s hair, before he’s making his way out the door, closing it gently.
He doesn’t lock the door behind him anymore.)
5. Share or describe a favorite review you received:
whew. i get so many nice reviews on my fics, because people are too nice to me and too kind and they give me more credit than i deserve, honestly. some of my favorite ones are the long ones, the ones that ramble on about the parts that they liked. i also like the ones when people said they stayed up to read it because they couldn’t put it down–it’s so, so flattering, because there are a bunch of fics i stayed up for, and i know the feeling, and people having that feeling over my fics are just ❤️ 😫 (although y’all should…really sleep skjdhfkjads sleep is important)
oh!!! also, i absolutely love it when i get reviews from other writers!! like for example dolce has left a review on…two of my fics and i have each review screenshotted and saved on my phone and i look at them when i’m sad jskdhkjhads i scream about dolce reviewing my fic to anyone who’ll listen tbh
6. A time when writing was really, really hard:
it’s kind of shallow, but writing became really, really, really hard when i changed my laptop last august. i don’t know why, it’s like i can’t produce anything i like on my laptop. it’s a psychological thing i’m still trying to get over, even until now.
oh, it was also really hard after my uncle died.
7. A scene or character you wrote that surprised you
ummm. i’d say the way i characterized niall in “if i had the chance, the things i would do to you” surprised me at the time i wrote it. i still have no idea how he turned out like that. but i like it hahhaha.
8. How did you grow as a writer this year:
i think i became a bit more willing to experiment? last year was my first year writing 1d fic so i just mostly stayed in my comfort zone, writing the things i was sure about. this year saw me publishing fics that pushed my boundaries a little bit. somethin’ bout you is one. another is to kill the mess we’ve made, princess’ birthday fic. princess likes things i don’t normally write, so i tried to like, tailor the fic to her interests, which was why it had a bit of angst. my entry for the 30 days of smut was also just one huge experiment, i wanted to see if i could write harry getting rimmed. apparently i could.
also!!! i started actually, properly outlining my work. it’s a messy outline, but it’s an outline, nonetheless and it makes me feel like a proper writer every time i have to refer back to it jsfjkhads
9. How do you hope to grow next year:
i hope that next year (2017) writing comes much easier? of course that’s kind of…like a farfetched ideal, writing will always be difficult but i can always hope, right? i hope that i’ll also be able to write longer fics, maybe even publish a chaptered fic one day with a long plot. i hope to also get a better grasp of harry & louis, and all the rest of the 1d characters, so i can improve the depth of character/write fics with different ships (lirry, anyone? also i want to write an ot5 smut fic that’s my dream). i also want to have a better grasp of angst to be able to spin longer, more complex plots! i have so many hopes why am i so optimistic
10. Who was your greatest positive influence this year as a writer (could be another writer or beta or cheerleader or muse etc etc):
i, of course, have to mention the person who got me to continue writing 1d fic after the first two i posted in 2015, the person who still consistently makes me write things and every time i give her an idea, she always says “why don’t you write it???” like wow that belief in me. the person who always reads my fics beforehand and screams about the parts she liked/parts she didn’t like (you have no idea how nerve-wracking it was to publish a fic she didn’t read beforehand. because it was a surprise. for her.) princess @britishhusbands always the best and always, always grateful for you.
other writers inspire me too, like rachel @alivingfire honestly rachel you are a huge, huge inspiration and i always tell people you’re the true mvp in the larrie fandom. @crazyupsetter is a huge inspiration as well, whoknows fics are always amazing. um. this year i also read another hazy may for the first time and @/delilah, i just. i think about it a lot. J @latitta are an immensely talented writer, and your words and your works always push me to be the best. @tornorrows i love you and your works, thank you for your words. @haydolce incredibly, incredibly talented, and your fics always make me so happy.  @gloriaandrews and @100percentsassy i love your works, whether you write it together or separately, and they’re always a joy and a pleasure to read.
oh!! j @harrysramonesshirt shares the same love for pretty words and quotes and poetry as i do, and she always sends me stuff to inspire me. it’s actually because of her i started a sideblog where i just reblog all the pretty words/quotes/poems i like, and refer back to it when i need inspiration (if you’re curious, you can find it over at @/stylestiques haha) j, thank you for the poems, the words, the another hazy may playlist you made, which has been the only thing i’ve been listening to for the past few months–you’ve been such an amazing source of inspiration.
other people hm. @louisdarling i love you, you know that, you don’t have to do anything to be an inspiration, you already are. @loveliestlarry all the best, amanda, i’m still a shit replier (will i ever not be haha), but thank you nonetheless. 
11. Anything from your real life show up in your writing this year:
uhhh. usually the only thing that shows up from my real life in my works is whenever the character works out/boxes/goes to the gym hahaha. mostly, i draw from other people’s experiences–the small things that other people do, stories they recount back to me, or little throw away comments that they make, usually that’s where i get the inspiration. 
12. Any new wisdom you can share with other writers:
i think just. don’t be afraid to try out new things. like if you like an idea/prompt but are afraid you aren’t good enough for it, try your hand at it anyway. you might just surprise yourself. 
also. “fake it till you make it”. a lot of people have an idea but are afraid to write, because they might not be good. i’ll be honest–most of the time i just bullshit my way through fics. so just. bullshit it. don’t be afraid to write shit.
(wow i’m the worst at this)
13. Any projects you’re looking forward to starting (or finishing) in the new year:
i’m excited to finish my cuddling fic, which has already taken WAY TOO LONG. 😠. i also hope i’ll be able to finish this other fic which has also TAKEN WAY TOO LONG. i’m also looking forward to starting princess’ bday fic this year. AND RACHEL @alivingfire AND I HAVE SOMETHING PLANNED AND I’M SUPER PSYCHED FOR THAT. WE HAVEN’T HAMMERED OUT THE DETAILS YET BUT. IT’S GOING TO BE REALLY, REALLY FUN.
14. Tag three writers whose answers you’d like to read. ;)
@turtlekz and @backonefish and @tornorrows hiiiii if you haven’t done this yet!!!!
*All answers should be about works published in 2016. Also, you can skip any questions you hate or don’t want to answer, but please leave them on the list so that others can do them if they want. :)
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youaremynewdream · 8 years
I’m a sucker for answering questions no one asked so here ya go
using @thevirdirthara​ ‘s Fandom Valentine ask meme and just answering them myself because screw it i’m bored and YEAH SO HERE’S INFO PLS ENJOY I UNOFFICALLY TAG EVERYONE TO ANSWER THIS ABOUT THEIR OWN FANDOM BECAUSE I LOVE YOU ALL MERRY VALEN TIN ES DA Y
And my fandom is dragon age ofc
Your favourite non-canon ship? Hmm... I do really like Josephine/Leliana, and though there are hints and stuff they aren’t cannon soooo yes give me all of the cuteness pls
Is there a ship you didn’t like at first but ultimately started shipping? Anything with Blackwall. I just did NOT like him and didn’t understand romancing him, but once I gave it a shot my heart quickly realized I had been wrong.  Really sweet, passionate romance.  Good stuff <3
What is the rarest rare pair (that you ship)? Hmmmmmm.... I mean I tend to ship most main things, but I guess uhhh... you know what I’m gonna go with Cullen/Surana.   I wanted them to have a  fling soooo badddddd
Name a popular ship you don’t get the appeal of. Um, hm. I get the appeal of most ships but uhhh... Ah okay I don’t really get Solas with Travelyan.  Like all the more power to people who love it but it’s just not as appealing as Lavellan to me. 
What is your most fluffy + happy ship? Cullavellan and anything with Josephine. My angel babiesssss! <333
What is your most angsty ship? Heh, my Fenhawke. 
A non-canon ship that should be canon? Okay I’m just gonna go with whyyyyyy can’t my female characters romance Morrigan or Cassandra I JUST WANT THEM TO LOVE ME
Your oldest ship; the one you’ve shipped for the longest time? Solavellan. Always. 
What ship represents the kind of relationship you’d love to have? Cullen romance. He’s so kind and they love each other so much ;__;  Same with Dorian. 
Is there a ship that makes your skin crawl? Anything that involves Dorian or Sera being hetero. nope nope nopeee
What is a character you can only imagine in one particular ship? I can’t not romance Fenris.  I love him too much and I can’t see hawke with anyone else, it always feels wrong. 
What is your favourite canon ship? Dorian/Bull makes me cryyyyy 
Name a ship that deserved more content. DORIAN/BULL
Is there a ship you feel gets undeserved hate in fandom? I think the anders romance gets hate, but eh.  ehhh. 
What is the first ship you had? FUNNILY ENOUGH I originally shipped my Lavellan with Varric LOL before I found out that you couldn’t romance him.  I was so sad lmao, but then i was like, eh i’ll give solas a try.  The rest is history
Is there a ship that made you realise something about yourself? I hate to be a broken record here, but Solavellan. It made me realize how much intellect and conversation matter to me.  I’m such a curious person so being able to hear so many stories and such made me research more about the universe, and without this ship I don’t think I would have spent as much time with the fandom. 
Is there a type of ship you always go for? I love elves so much I love them and i LOVE BROODY PEOPLE SO MUCH LIKE WOW GIVE ME THAT ANGST PLS
Is there a ship the writers have ruined for you? The sera romance.  Gah sorry everyone who loves the ship, I want to but sera just... never feels real to me.  I do love her but her writing is not my favorite.  
Is there a ship the fandom has ruined for you? Yes actually, Fenders. I still like the ship enough, but the fandom can argue so much about it i’m like nahhhhh 
Have you ever created fan created content for a ship? I’ve written fanfiction and done fanart for both Solavellan and Fenhawke. 
Favourite thing you’ve ever created for a ship? I like my solavellan fic, it’s short and sweet but it’s close to my heart. 
Is there a ship you’ll never admit you have? Heh, i don’t mind admitting it but I have a huge thing for Hawke/lavellen. I’m so down for it. 
Have you ever started shipping a ship because of the fans? Yes dorian, the fandom got me curious
What is one scene you want to see happen for all your ships? More kissy kiss fun times with Solas please D: 
I there a ship you wish you didn’t know existed?  Get anything with Wynne out of here pls
Name a ship that ended like you wanted it to. Cullennnnnnnn
Name a ship that deserved better in the end. Dooorrriaaaannnnnn
Is there a character you have several ships for? All of them just all of them EVERYONE LOVE EACH OTHER
What is the ship you ignore 98% of canon for? I will romance Cassandra/Morrigan with my ladies I do not careerahufpdofjsk
Is there a ship you like but you dislike the fandom? nothing jumps out to me
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timeskip · 10 months
Prefacing this with the fact that I do like Illumi (as a villain, at least, but also I just think he's kind of funny) but I will never understand the urge to make him trans. Let's not forget he's canonically transphobic lol
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