#uhhh i hope the image description is alright i'm. not really sure how to describe some things?
duskgryphon · 2 years
Hey rewrite your oc stuff
responding to this hours later because i uh. took a while to revise this lmao
Okay so! Technically not talking about any specific ocs here, but rather my personal project world. I got sent an ask about bug dragons, so I'll start there I think? After some explanation. Essentially this world is entirely removed  from the concept of Earth and humans. Different galaxy, different planet, different life. It's still in. very early stages so a lot of things are subject to change, a lot of things I'm still working on. Though this is sort of misleading; I've been working on this world, in it's vaguest sense, since late 2016/early 2017 ish. The most recent iteration started I believe around the start of 2021? But I've been giving it a lot more focus in the past couple of months. It's also turned into a partly speculative biology based project. Gaining an interest in specific subjects does that to yah I guess.
So, bug dragons. What are they? "Bug dragon" refers to a large number of species, mainly those that would be classified as athropods and annelids. They aren't technically insects, though they do, in part, replace insects here. Like the aforementioned phylums, they encompass species with and without flight and worm-like species. There are, additionally, a small number of species that make up some of the sophonts in this world. They're uh. currently unnamed, though two have designs that are mostly set in stone? The classification that distinguishes specific species of sophonts from one another is whether or not they're "true" bug dragons. True bug dragons have no capacity to transform, but the other species do. The only species with the capacity to transform are sophonts, since they're the only ones that developed a need for it.
I should also note, coming back to the fact that this is completely removed from Earth, human languages don't exist. It'll take a lot of time and effort for me to get even vague individual constructed languages down, but if anyone is interested in this I'll try to make things as clear as possible. Uh, "bug dragon" is also technically a temporary term, for the previously stated reasons, but I think it's a perfectly viable name for them from a human standpoint, so I'll probably keep referring to them that way.
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id: An image depicting various bug dragon sophonts on the left, with text describing what each are on the right. The top one shows a species of winged bug dragon with a long body, six legs, and a tail ending in a stinger. The text reads; "Species of bug dragon with the ability to transform. They come to just over 7 feet." The middle one shows two characters from different species transformed. One of them is shown to stand bipedally, with four sets of arms. The text reads; "Concepts for two bug dragons, both transformed. Their transformation resembles one of the other sophonts, though they keep their insect-like appearances." The bottom one shows one character of a species of true bug dragon, she stands on four legs, with a set of arms hidden under a coat pinned at the neck. She's almost bird-like in shape, and has a tail and what resembles rabbit ears. The text reads; "Species of "true" bug dragon as shown by A'rei's concepts. They come to around 4 feet."
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