#uhhh he must have a name why is it escaping me... would be in neo's social network but alas I am lazy
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randomszzz · 2 years ago
I like the prince’s arc in twewy and how he’s eventually shown to have some integrity, but really he ends up being one of my least favorite characters in the game.  It’s  a total dick move to publicly humiliate an awkward teenager for lack of style, I know neku has a thick skin and far more pressing concerns, but for another, such an incident +further repercussions could be really devastating (and regardless of effects, dick move).  And there’s just zero acknowledgement of this.  Yodai’s probably regarded as the least popular character in the game, but is being largely forgettable worse than this?
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agent-7-at-your-service · 6 years ago
Future Plot: Here Comes the Next Gen (Reboot) - Chapter 3 (Part 1)
((Justinian, Telemachus, and Agent 7 belong to me
Camille belongs to @inklingleesquidly​
Nebula belongs to @myzzy and @agenttwo​
Dimitri belongs to @agenttwo
Emerald belongs to @son-of-joy and @twelvetailedkitsune  ))
“Alexandria District; Inkopolis’ Newest district; Purpose: National Defense, Military Training, and Special Government Services. This has been my home ever since the one-and-only Agent 7 enrolled me in his secret Agency Recruitment Program. My mom knew him when she was a young squid because she was the very first squid he saved from an Octarian. My name is Justinian Euphemia, and I am an Agent of Sea Angel Splatoon.”
Justinian is an inkling with reddish-brown ink hair, grayish brown eyes, and fairly light skin. He wore a yellow polo shirt, brown camo-shorts, a brown trench coat, brown boots, a red scarf, and a blue badge.
He is the son of Lucy Euphemia, the same Lucy who was saved by Agent 7. It was because of this, Agent 7 was able to keep the title and confirm his agent status.
Today, most of the family moved to homes around the Mediterranean, and only he and his mother remained in Inkopolis. His mother worked as an engineer in the day and a nurse during the night. She took a much available time she can get to take care of her son and spend time with him.
As for Justinian, he was a school drop-out who later sought an education in the Alexandria District. Agent 7 would see potential in him and bring him up as his protégée next to Telemachus. Both were Agents of their own Splatoons. Unlike Telemachus, Justinian had formal training which allowed him access to a better education. His mother approved of this as long as he stays safe.
One mission, during one Splatfest night, he led a Splatoon on security duty that wasn’t permitted by either the producers or the idols in question. With him are descendants of former Bigfin Splatoon Members: Marcus Seacole – Son of Agent Beta 9, Theadora – Daughter of Agent Beta 6.12 and 5.11, and Juno Tsukiko Terepashi – Daughter of Agent Beta 10 (Agent X). They were the best that Agent 7 can bring into the Agency.
And it was this Splatfest night Justinian met the girl of his dreams.
He was tipped off by an anonymous informant about some octolings that might sabotage this Splatfest performance. And one of the stage lights would probably fall on top of one of the Neo Squid Sisters as a result. Justinian would not allow that.
Justinian had Theadora and Hera made sure no octoling was doing any funny business during Splatfest. And he ordered Marcus to go and prepare first aid if any of the Neo-Squid Sisters end up hurt or worse. He’ll be the last line of defense, and he chose the top of the stages to monitor the performance.
While making his way to the top, a jellyfish stopped Justinian. This jellyfish was wearing a t-shirt like all other jellies, but this one was also wearing a purple cap. There was a name tag with the Jellyfish: Dimitri. He looked a bit nervous when approaching Justinian, but he seemed concerned as to what Justinian’s doing.
“Sir, you’re not supposed to be here,” Dimitri began, “I—I’m going to have to ask you to leave before you cause trouble.” He was about to move close to grab Justinian’s hand.
Justinian swats it away. “No way!”
“What do you mean? I’m just doing something for the Neo-Squid Sisters.” Justinian then showed off his blue badge. “I’m with the Agency.”
“The Agency!?!” Dimitri stepped back in shock. “S-Still, I have to ask you to leave.”
“But I was informed that Octolings are going to sabotage this performance, starting with the stage lights.” Justinian turns his back on Dimitri, taking out an N-zap. “I have to be here to make sure those Octolings aren’t present.”
“I-I have to call security for this!” Dimitri leaves the top of the stage.
Two Sea-Angel security guards had to go up there and deal with Justinian. He showed a lot of resistance, resulting in some stage equipment going out. Camille and Nebula took notice of this, but despite pausing they continued their performance since the audio is still working properly.
Later, Justinian escapes the security guard only to end up tangled in some cables. He ended up swinging around the stage and knocking down some stereos, completely disrupting the performance. Justinian was hanging upside-down right in front of the Neo Squid Sister Nebula. Camille was nearby, glaring at Justinian. The fans were confused, and they soon started booing.
“Uhhh… Hi?” Justinian gave an innocent smile. “P-please don’t tell Agent 7.”
Soon more security arrived to get Justinian out of the cables and off the stage. Nebula sort of got miffed that this Inkling ruined this Splatfest, but Camille was there to keep her calm but offering an alternative. The alternatives that Camille offered was doing autographs for the fans and interact with them as compensation for what has happened on stage. It would be a great break from performing. Nebula was glad that her cousin gave that idea.
Agent 7 is furious that his protégée has almost ruined a Splatfest. He called Justinian to his office in the Alexandria District, having the inkling boy sit down facing him. Agent 7 was looking through a newspaper and a news report on his laptop.
“You trespassed into a restricted area without the proper permit, resisted security and tried to evade capture, and disrupted a Splatfest event and an idol performance,” Agent 7 listed, “Is there anything else you want to put on top of that?”
Justinian just sat there, rubbing his right arm nervously.
Agent 7 sighed. “I got word from Inkopolis’ executive and district councils and I assured them I will hold responsible for this and that this will never happen again. However, I also assured them that you’ll be given a punishment based on the charges you committed. You’ll be relieved of your Agent duties for the month, and I will disband your Splatoon until further notice. Is that clear?”
Justinian shook his head, calmly replying, “Yes, Agent 7.”
Agent 7 sets aside the newspapers and closes his laptop. “I haven’t reported this to your mother yet, but you know I can’t disappoint Lucy by expelling you.” Agent 7 then took his hat off and adjusted his ink hair. “You may leave, but keep in mind that I have to tell her about this.”
Justinian quietly got up and left the room.
As Justinian left Agent 7’s office, someone jumps out from an opened air conditioner vent. She landed perfectly, armed with the usual ink-based pocket knife. This knife was a new design as it acted more like a fountain pen rather than a simple small paintbrush.
This intruder is inkling with reddish pink Humboldt squid eyes, green ink-hair, and dark skin. She wore a special kimono colored in light purple, red, and pink; it also came along with the usual inkling shorts and simple leather boots. Justinian has never seen her before around Alexandria District, but she probably came from somewhere in Inkopolis. She was giving an intimidating look.
“Uhmmm… Hi?” Justinian began with a small wave and nervous look.
“What you did last night. Why did you do that?” The Humboldt squid questioned.
“During Splatfest? Well……” Justinian didn’t really have an explanation other than that he was following the advice of an Octoling. “It’s a funny story, an octoling from Octo Valley told me that these octolings were going to ruin the Neo-Squid Sisters’ performance.“
“Then why resist security and wreck a stage?” The Humboldt Squid stepped closer, having the pocket ink-knife at Justinian’s throat. “And you got Nebula a tad agitated after that stunt.”
“They should’ve known I was an Agent,” Justinian replied cautiously.
The Humboldt Squid took a deep breath and puts the pocket ink-knife away.  “Being an agent doesn’t mean you can go beyond protocol.” She steps back. “I would’ve done the same too, but I’m not that protective of the Neo-Squid Sisters, especially Nebula.”
“If you could just hear me out, my only crime was that I believe that information.” Justinian is already trying to accept the responsibility of what he did, wanting it to pass. “And I kind of did it to impress one of the Neo-Squid Sisters now I laid eyes on her…” He then mumbled. “And it’s not the sassy one.”
“Yeah, that’s Nebula, the one you agitated.” The Humboldt narrowed her eyes. “What’s wrong with you?”
“I think I fell in love with her,” Justinian confessed.
“Well… don’t let it get to your head like that.” The Humboldt sighed.
“Anyway, who are you? And how did you get into Alexandria District’s City Hall?” Justinian wondered.
“Emerald Inktran,” She replied.
“Inktran?” Justinian is familiar with that name. “Like Jacaranda Inktran?”
“Yeah? He’s my father,” Emerald confirmed.
“You’re Agent 0’s daughter then!” Justinian is both surprised and proud to meet someone who is closely related to the veteran. “I’ve heard of him so many times in Agent 7’s stories! He helped him on so many missions!”
“I know some of that,” Emerald acknowledged.
“Tell me! Is he still doing Agent work?” Justinian asked. “I bet that’s how you got into this place.
“Not as much, but he does train me in his mastery.” Emerald crosses her arms. “And yeah that’s how I got in, obviously.”
Justinian could call Agent 7 to report Emerald as an intruder, but he didn’t want to trouble him again. Also, it would mean trouble with the Inktrans. He had no choice and steps back.
“Anyway….. I better go. I’m off Agent duties for the month. I gotta check on Telemachus. I heard he’s going to get roommates in six months.”
And with that, Justinian runs away from Emerald, leaving her in the halls at Agent 7’s office door. Surprisingly, Agent 7 comes out, curious about the encounter.
“Oh, you must be Jacar’s daughter,” Agent 7 wondered, “At first, I thought Justinian was joking. Come into my office, another agent already reported your intrusion into City Hall. I’ll let it slide for now.”
Telemachus didn’t mind Justinian barging into his room as long as he took off his shoes as he entered. Justinian was having raspberry cheesecake and English breakfast tea with Telemachus. Whenever Justinian came into his apartment, Telemachus can tell that he’s either depressed or just needs company. In this case, it’s both.
Justinian drank three cups of the tea so far. He had is head on the table, giving depressing sighs. Telemachus used to these visits like this, expecting Justinian to come in every time he does brunch and join him in this meal.  To Telemachus, was like bringing a friend to a bar for a drink to cheer them up.
Telemachus continued enjoying his cake and tea, not minding the depression that Justinian is having.
“Just keep regretting whatever you did there, Justinian.” Telemachus cuts a small slice of cake and eats it. “What’s on your mind? You can tell me.”
“I just don’t know what to do now,” Justinian complained, “I meet the girl of my dreams, and it was during the time I ruined her performance.”
“Kitezh gave you false reports about a planned sabotage.” Telemachus acknowledged how Justinian ruined the Splatfest performance. “You gotta stop visiting Octo Valley without me present.”
“Wait, you know her?” Justinian raised an eyebrow at him. “And you know what she told me?”
“She’s my half-sister. Agent 7 once married an octoling rival.” Telemachus sips his cup of tea. “And I commented that she did a nasty prank when she told me.”
“Why didn’t you stop the prank?”  Justinian glared. He didn’t even dare ask about Agent 7’s marital status history. “It could’ve prevented me from ruining Nebula’s day!”
“If I did tell her to stop you, you’ll not learn anything from it.” Telemachus closes his eyes but quickly opened them in surprise. “Wait… Nebula, the Neo Squid Sister?”
“Yeah, that’s her!” Justinian answered.
Telemachus gave this calm look, but in truth, he’s annoyed by this.
“Oh boy,” Telemachus disapproved, “You really are going end up like my father.”
“Wait? How am I going to end up like Agent 7 just by falling love?” Justinian is confused.
Telemachus flips his hair. “There’s a reason Agent 7 never tells students about his missions with Agent 2.” He has a faint smile. “I can tell he never told you as well.”
Justinian is Agent 7’s closest protégée, but it doesn’t mean he had a right to know most of Agent 7’s past, including the missions with Agent 2. Agent 7 has always kept those kinds of stories to himself. And it seems Telemachus is willing to tell Justinian, so he nods in curiosity.
“Then tell me.” Justinian leaned forward. “What happened between him and Agent 2?”
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