#uhhh do i tag the yj kids? would that be too much?
vampiregokudera · 2 years
YJ fashion week 2023 february 13 - 19*
A little drawing project i'm doing for fun and anyone who wants to join is welcome!
Themes by days:
Monday - that style they have in Lackadaisy and the great gatsby 👍(according to google it's 1920s also known as flapper fashion)/ Traditional (can be any culture)
Tuesday - someone else's hero outfit / cosplay
Wednesday - Street wear, hip hop, cool vibes ✨✨✨✨/ Fantasy, high fantasy and even more fantasy
Thursday - the ancients (ancient egypt, ancient greece, byzantine, etc.)/ that one outfit you found online and saved it so you can draw a character in it later (if you don't have one of those, just google "fashion" go to images and browse the webs until one catches your fancy)
Friday - Formal and fancy/ Outfit that makes you ask "who let you dress yourself?"
Saturday - Dresses!!!!/Punk and everything adjacent
Sunday - Any outfit from Devil wears Prada / free day
Rules under the cut (because i had to be dramatic about this):
You must create a drawing or a sketch depicting at least one member of Young Justice dressed according to the chosen day's theme. The drawing doesn't have to be fully rendered or even coloured and can be done either traditionally or digitally (or via a secret third thing).
Each day has two themes you can choose from. There is no limit to how many drawings you can do and you can pick both themes if you want to.
The drawing or sketch may contain other characters that aren't part of YJ (or even DC), if you so choose, as long as at least one YJ member is present (and dressed for the theme. It is YJ fashion week after all).
Using reference is, of course, allowed and encouraged!
*If you wanna do all of the themes, the fashion week gets extended to two-three fashion business weeks. (13th february to 5th march)
Participants are encouraged to share their art when it's done. I rly wanna see what you come up with ♥️
If you publish it, please tag with #YoungJusticeFashionWeek2023
If you can't do a day or simply don't want to, you can skip it. No penalties will be given for skipping.
YJ member in this context stands for the original Young Justice team, consisting of the following characters:
Robin (Timothy Jackson Drake)
Superboy (Kon-el/Conner Kent)
Impulse (Bartholomew Henry Allen II)
Wondergirl (Cassandra Sandsmark)
Arowette (Cissie King Jones)
Secret (Greta Hayes)
Empress (Anita Fite)
Slobo (Lobo)
Ray (Ray Terril)
Red Tornado (John Smith)
Snapper Carr (Lukas Carr)
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1. WHAT’S  YOUR  OTP  FOR  YOUR  MUSE?: Right now I have two! That being with @fastestboyalive with their Teen Titans Wally West (Kid Flash). And @ofgil from from one of my favorite FF games - FINAL FANTASY IX / Alleyway Jack (Gilgamesh). 
2.   WHAT  ARE  YOU  WILLING  TO  RP  WHEN  IT  COMES  TO  SHIPPING?: I’m up for anything and everything. Though cheating type of threads are seriously triggering to me. Other than that, I’m all about throwing my muse into the fiery hells of angst, sadness, death, and despair. I’m definitely up for fluff, as well. ^^
3.  HOW  LARGE  DOES  THE  AGE  GAP  HAVE  TO  BE  TO  MAKE  IT  UNCOMFORTABLE?: Anything under the legal age of 18. Just. No pls.
4.   ARE  YOU  SELECTIVE  WHEN  SHIPPING? : Very much so. I intend to ship with someone who contributes into the ship as much as I try to. Some people just ship for the sake of shipping, however I’m all for chemistry.
5. HOW  FAR  DO  STEAMY  MOMENTS  HAVE  TO  GO  BEFORE  THEY’RE  CONSIDERED  NSFW?: Uhhh. Lmao. Honestly, almost anything Blackfire does is nsfw. When it comes to nudity though, that’s when all that goes under a RM.
6.   WHO  ARE  OTHER  MUSES  YOU  SHIP  YOUR  MUSE  WITH? : Eh. Can’t really say muses right now due to lack thereof in the fandom. But there’s always J.e.r.o.m.e  V.a.l.e.s.k.a. I will forever worship this ship even if I am the only one who will ever ship it. And nerd J.e.r.e.m.i.a.h  V.a.l.e.s.k.a. for the sole reason he could potentially tame Blackfire.
There’s also yj Wally West. Though its a shame there are not many around. ;_;
Connor from Detroit: Become Human because. Fuck. I know he could make Blackfire a better person simply because he’s a good boy---android...puppy. Plus he can adapt to her crazy mood swings and calm her down by simply downloading the information how.
Hell. I even ship Blackfire with 2D from the Gorillaz. Mostly because he...would let her do whatever she wants because he'd likely be...quite frightened of her. He’s a timid sweet boi, too. So. Ya.
7. DOES  ONE  HAVE  TO  ASK  TO  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Yes because my dumb ass doesn’t know how to take a hint. You literally gotta spell it out for me otherwise I’ll fall through the cracks and do perhaps the opposite of what you want. xD
8.   HOW  OFTEN  DO  YOU  LIKE  TO  SHIP? : Eh. It comes when it comes. Not top priority or anything. Blackfire’s main goal is to ruin another muse’s day. Shipping, by default, hasn’t even accumulated as a thought.
9.   ARE  YOU  SHIP  OBSESSED  OR  SHIP  MORE - OR - LESS? : Hm. I’m ship obsessed WITH my ship partners. I’d want to talk about the ship all the time. ASDFGHJKL But as a whole? Eh. It comes when it comes.
10.   ARE  YOU  MULTISHIP? : Absolutely!
11.  WHAT  IS  ( ARE )  YOUR  FAVORITE  SHIP  (S)  IN  YOUR  CURRENT  FANDOM? ....RobStar. I would die for that ship. They were a match made in heaven!
12.   FINALLY,  HOW  DOES  ONE  SHIP  WITH  YOU? : Uhhh. Chemistry. I don’t make the choices. I let Blackfire do it simply because...she controls everything on this blog. -Bangs head on table.-
tagged by: @simplyandsanely // Tysm! ♥ tagging: Anyone who hasn’t done this yet. ^^
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