#uhh do you guys like it more or less than the main brush i use
daily-oliver-swift · 5 months
I like the colour pink a lot
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Day 86 of drawing Oliver Swift everyday until I get on HRT
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stopeatingwhales · 3 years
"you're still blushing," x damon albarn
I haven't written something for damon in ages so here you all go <333
Pairing: 90s damon albarn x reader
Warnings: nothing :)
Word count: 2.214
Having a roommate was always helpful for when you needed to cut the cost of rent, and to have company with someone that you got along with since you either were not far into relationships to be able to move in with a significant other, or you weren’t in a one - in which by having a roommate, made things less lonely. Me and Damon had known each other for quite some time now as Graham introduced us since Damon was looking for a flatmate at a time where, for some reason everybody seemed as though they were already occupied with people they were living with and sharing rent. Perhaps he was a little too late looking into it, but when Damon and I met, it was practically a match made in heaven. Though he wasn’t the first person I’d want to share a flat with, as I had no idea who he even was, just that he was best friends with somebody I was also friends with, he was perhaps, as oddly as it sounds, the best choice for a stranger to share a flat with. We had been living together since his band was working on their debut album, Leisure, and since then we had developed a very close relationship with one another. We both shared love for the same music, read the same books, and he had a personality which formed out of pure ardor and benevolence, which made it very easy to be able to form a strong bond together. It was very enjoyable living with him, as we wouldn’t avoid each other at all. Whenever both of us were present, there was nothing we would rather do than just spend time with one another. When nothing was going for us on weekends, we tended to just sit there on the couch in the living room, drinking warm, hot mugs of tea made by Damon at his advance, simply chatting about anything and everything. We would talk until the sun had gone down, until one of us had practically fallen asleep on the other, which was usually me, giving Damon the chore of putting me into bed, which I would constantly be thanking him for the following morning. At certain points in our friendship it was hard to distinguish whether we had feelings for each other, or if it was just a strong platonic relationship; other people had consistently pointed out our relationship together, and how we supposedly acted as if we were the happiest couple in the world.
After being asked whether me and him were together or not countless times, I had begun thinking about our relationship from an outsider's perspective, and over time I had realised that I was gaining feelings for Damon as I started to take notice of the little things that he would do. The warm smiles that he would give me; his plump, soft lips curving in a philanthropic manner, almost child-like, filled with pure love and adoration for you that you would instantly urge yourself to reciprocate. The unneeded care that would ensue once he realised that I was sick and needed a day off, bringing me a warm cup of tea in the morning, also mentioning that he wasn’t attending his band session later on in the day because I was his main priority, and that music could wait. The way he would rush into my room whilst I was organising my laundry, his lyric book gripped in his hand with a pen in the other, practically begging me to hear the new verse he had surprisingly conjured up in a couple of seconds - my opinion meaning so much to him that he would force me to read his finished songs, changing whatever I thought didn’t suit. And not to mention his features. His angelic, ocean-like orbs, where your eyes would get lost in them instantaneously; causing you to wonder what sort of resplendent alchemy went forth in creating such adoring pools of blue; his foolproof nose, sculpted in everlasting beauty, locked in the middle of his face, showing there was no flaw in his features, that he was the definition of true excellence, and though not a part of his face, the hair from his fringe that would coat over his forehead ever so softly, so elegantly, the strands, though roughly brushed through, looked as if they had been done professionally by his hairdresser. You were unable to pinpoint a flaw on him - he was the embodiment of elegance. You’d simply wonder whether this kind of beauty exists, and to have it living with me, was unequivocally something my heart was unable to handle.
Stepping into the flat that we both shared, I quickly took my shoes off before locking the door. As I wandered around the apartment, the aroma of smoke was easily identifiable, implying that Damon was inside, and smoking. Once I reached the living space, I saw Damon was sitting on the couch, flicking through the channels on the TV. “You alright?” I asked him, leaving the shopping bags on the countertops of the kitchen. He turned to look at me, a sweet smile painted on his lips before he took another drag from his cigarette. Oh, to be that cancer stick.
“I’m alright.” He replied, putting out his cigarette on the glass ashtray in front of him, then getting up to help me with the groceries. “How are you, love?”
“I’m okay. I managed to get everything we needed before we both died from starvation.” I laughed, folding up the now-empty bags that were once brimmed to the full of things we needed.
My gaze was fixed on him as he shut the fridge door as I leaned my tired body on the counter, him making his way after shutting the door to stand as close to me as he could. There was practically no empty space between us as he held me in an embrace, his face hidden into my neck as he played with strands of my hair gently. “I missed you,” He uttered, my heart now swelled in adoration for the man that was holding me, unaware if my body was able to handle more of his tauntings. Once he pulled out of the embrace, he clung onto my hands whilst staring deeply into my eyes. I couldn’t help but blush deeply as I looked into his eyes, getting lost in the essence of his handsomeness. I noticed his warm smile form into a cheeky grin as I realised that he knew I was going red. “You’re blushing.”
Slightly embarrassed, I scrunched my face together and looked down to the ground. There was no way out of it, one day he was going to find out just how much I had grown a liking for him. Instead of responding, I moved away from the situation and headed to sit on the couch, knowing that he would follow suit. Once we sat together, I grabbed the cigar pack that was left open on the table and put a cigarette between my lips, looking at Damon as a form of asking where the lighter was. He immediately grabbed the lighter from his pocket and pressed it, causing a flame to come out. I leaned closer to him to allow him to light the roll of tobacco, my eyes not daring to move away from the sight of the flame. I felt his eyes staring intently at my features, the tension in the air being more prominent than it had ever been before. When it was lit, I instantly inhaled, exhaling sharply to expose the smoke that had quickly built up in my throat.
“What did you do today, Dames?” I asked him, attempting to instigate a conversation. His eyes were still lingering on me whilst my eyes tried everything they could to avoid embarrassing myself again, with another blush.
“Well I went in to do some recording, today was mainly for Graham’s guitar solo so we finished up early,” he answered, walking to the fridge to grab himself a beer, then coming back to sit right next to me. “Graham tells me you’ve got a crush on someone.”
After almost choking on the smoke created in my lungs, I felt the blood rush to my cheeks yet again, the action moving so fast I could feel my cheeks begin to sting. “Ehm- He told you that?”
“So it’s true…” Damon began, placing his drink on the coffee table, a smirk evident on his features. “I thought he was lying, since we usually tell each other everything, but your face says otherwise.” He added, my heart panging slightly as I felt bad that he thought that I didn’t want to tell him. Oh if only he knew it was about him. If only he knew that what I haven’t been able to keep my mind off for weeks on end was him. If only he knew that he’s all that engulfs my mind.
“Who’s the guy?” He asked, as I felt his body shift ever so slightly closer to mine, wrapping an arm around my shoulder as he noticed my stiffness.
“You don’t know him.” I mumbled, staring down at my feet as I felt his breath fan my face slightly, the redness of my cheeks still prominent though I tried to ignore the heat radiating out of them.
“Describe him to me then.” He said, in a teasing manner. Part of me felt that Graham told Damon that it was him, and knowing Graham he probably would’ve done that since he was one of the many who believed that we would’ve been good together since we acted like it. But I wasn’t planning on jumping to any conclusions just yet.
“Uhh well…” I felt my cheeks heat up a bright red again as I looked in Damon’s direction, quickly snatching his beer off the coffee table and taking a sip of it to calm my nerves. “He’s got blond hair, blue eyes…” At this point I was staring deeply into Damon’s eyes, full-well knowing I was redder than ever, hell, I was a tomato. However, as I stared at him, I thought of all the possibilities and chances I would be able to mention to him that I developed feelings for him, and chances that would be handed to me easily. At most, I would probably be forced to go up to him and tell him myself that I liked him, which I had no courage in doing so in fear of absolute rejection. Though the fear of rejection still resonated in my mind deeply, there was definitely no way out of Damon and his questioning - he wanted to know everything, and he wanted to know it all now.
“Hmm… Sounds familiar,” he began, the smirk on his face not leaving any second. “Don’t suppose this crush has a name, does he?”
The next few seconds felt as if they had been stilled. Every single thought that I could have ever mustered in my mind joined themselves together, making my mind and body feel as if the moment we were living in was not real, at all. I felt breathless, ironic to the fact that I had been exhaling large clouds of smoke in the room, but I suppose even when breathing, you can still have your breath taken away from the sight before you. It felt as if I was in a haze, a drunken stupor, a lucid dream that felt far too realistic, but I had never thought that this moment would ever occur in mine and Damon’s time living together, or even in a child-like fantasy, or ever. Our faces were inches apart, my eyes constantly flicking through his bountiful orbs and smooth lips, his eyes fixated on mine, as if he was searching for something. Something to tell him that his suspicions were correct.
“It’s you for god’s sake.” I mumbled before eagerly conjoining my lips with his. I felt as if I rushed myself into it, the feeling enrapturing my mind, my body, and especially my heart. There was no other moment I had felt equated to this as our bodies embraced one another’s, the pair of us slowly allowing what was happening to melt into our minds. My heart was pounding as if my life had depended on it, my mind raced with thoughts so anxious but elated as both our bodies allowed our mouths to brush past one another’s until we were at a loss for breath. Love had never felt so strong, love had never carried this much emotion, this much integrity. I felt as if there was nothing else I had needed other than this moment to characterise its virtue, the intimacy shared overstimulated my emotions, for I felt like balling into tears at this juncture - not out of sadness, but out of pure admiration and alleviation that all this tension over the past couple months was real, that the love we had for each other was real, and not some fantasy that I invoked in my mind. Parting away from him, my eyes were fixated on his features - there was nobody else on this planet that could make me feel such emotion than him.
“You’re still blushing, love.”
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allmerlin · 3 years
hi!!!! how would u make merlin better in general like if u were the writer; what would u have done differently?
I think it’s been over a year since you sent this lmao (sorry). But alas, here we are. I’m rising from the grave to make headcanons come alive.
I would’ve made at least 1 season about the aftermath of Merlin revealing his magic to Arthur. I think a big appeal of the show is the anticipation of that reveal (which is why they constantly make it Almost happen) but I also think they did viewers wrong in not giving us the whole satisfaction of that. We never got to see Arthur unwrapping the secrets, his reaction to hearing about certain events, how his values would change and how his friendship with Merlin could potentially evolve. Like Merlin - we never really got any closure.
I would’ve scrapped the whole “Merlin is immortal” thing because fuck that trope. It makes the character too strong and makes the shit he goes through have much less impact. Even though I know this fandom has had great fun with our modern!aus and reincarnation stuff, it’s still an ending choice I strongly disagree with as it not only takes away the mythical feeling of the show but also, again, provides no closure.
Elyan and Gwaine wouldn’t have died. :) Lancelot would have died but would not have been dishonored or brushed over- the impact on Merlin, including consequences of him once again having no one who Knows on his side, would be focused on more.
Late seasons Gwen and Gwaine would have been ‘truer’ to the past seasons of them. Gwen as a queen should still be allowed to be lively and partake in trouble and be Merlin’s best friend!! Gwaine should not have gone from “I hate royalty” to “I’ll kill this wizard for insulting my King” without ??? any reason???
Morgana- the shows’ greatest and most understandable villain deserved a FAR greater death than being fucking stabbed. Where’s the epic duel? Where’s emotion, the heartbreak? They also shouldn’t have made all the shows’ “bad guys” be oppressed parties revolting (especially in later seasons). It’s strange and makes it so much harder to sympathize with the main characters. Complexity of good and bad is not negative in itself, but it requires the show to actually fully embrace and explore that complexity first.
Uhh what else? I personally would’ve loved if magic and How All That works was explored more in the show. You know, in depth. Also like the dragons... more of them. Less Kilgharrah, but more stolen dragon eggs!! Gwen should get one!! Mithian should’ve been in more episodes and the iconic trio of Arthur, Merlin & Gwaine should’ve appeared together in the later part of the show. I would have made the show more queer because why the fuck not?
There’s more stuff, obviously. Also some things that is more difficult for me to explain in a tumblr post I’m writing on the spot; general tone of the show etc. I’ll add more to this if I ever find the energy and/or more comes to my mind.
I also want to NOTE that all of this is reliant on me having the creative freedom of doing whatever the fuck I want with the show. I know the writers of Merlin obviously had a budget and guidelines / certain amounts of episodes and seasons. This is not an attempt to shit on the writers of the show, it’s just my personal opinions. Because despite of being utterly terrible in aspects - this show has made me laugh my ass off, provided me something safe to sink into during less than fun times, and given me indescribable amounts of joy.
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mypoisonedvine · 4 years
The Sort of Things We Usually Do Alone | Mob!Sam Wilson, Mob!Bucky Barnes, and Mob!Steve Rogers x Reader
summary: it’s not like you didn’t know what you were getting yourself into when you got a job at a mob-controlled strip club.  still, you never saw this coming.
warnings: technically dub con but it’s pretty light, there’s three dudes and one girl so i bet you can guess that every hole is going to come into discussion, plus some pain kink and metal arm kink.  (note: none of them are fully dark here, but like… it’s the mob so, they’re not 100% gentlemen either.  just bossy and demanding and a wee bit possessive, but not true creeps.)
word count: 3.7k
@evnscvll​ @mandalorianspace​ @ballyhoobarnes​ @mariahthelioness29​
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moodboard by yours truly
Funny enough, you had actually been expecting an easy night tonight.  You were just doing bottle service-- no pole, no private events-- so unless somebody specifically requested you for a lap dance, you were basically off the hook.  Less tips, but you were already looking forward to getting home and changing into something considerably less tight than what you were wearing now.
That all went out the window when you saw three suits walk in the door.  You knew who they were: everyone did.  Just the way they walked made it clear that they owned the place-- literally.
Sam, specifically, you recognized.  He was pretty high up in the organization but he spent the most time here of anyone.  You and Sam had an... arrangement, to put it softly.  You gave him a lot of private dances, and you did things with him that you most certainly were not permitted to do with other customers.  The two men beside him-- one with dark hair and an even darker glare, the other with shorter blonde locks and gorgeous blue eyes-- seemed new.
You pretended not to see them as you set down your tray of drinks and waited for Sam to come to you, like he always did.  You felt his hand on the small of your back and turned to look up at him through your lashes, a little surprised to see the other two still with him rather than dispersing into the crowd.
“Hey there," Sam purred at you, leaning against the bar beside where you were standing. 
"Hi," you replied coyly.  
"You miss me?"
"Mm, you're a good liar," he grinned, lifting your chin with one finger and leaning in for an open-mouthed kiss.
You stopped him with a gentle press of your hands against his chest.  "Um, you haven't introduced me to your friends…"
Maybe it was ironically conservative for you to object to being kissed in front of men you didn't know when you literally got naked for strangers every day, but you figured that he had something important to tell you about them.  If he didn't, he would've taken you to the back room by now.
"Oh!  I almost forgot.  We got some fresh blood-- Bucky," he motioned to the dark haired one, "and Steve," he shoved the other on the shoulder.  Bucky barely even acknowledged you aside from a slow scan of your body with his gaze; Steve gave you a slightly awkward half-smile.
"Hi there, boys," you greeted with your brightest smile.  "Welcome to the family."
"You're gonna welcome them a little better than that," Sam grinned.  "Why don't you give Bucky a lap dance, huh?  On the house, of course."
"Sure," you agreed, trying to hide your confusion that he would suggest something like that.  Normally he was pretty possessive and jealous.
Just as you started to walk towards the chairs by the stage, Sam interjected.
"No, sweetheart-- take him to the back."
You could hardly believe what you were hearing.  "A… private dance?"
"Well, Steve and I will be close by.  So not that private."
"Uhh, sure.  This way," you led Bucky with a curled finger and a saunter into the back hallway, past the red velvet curtain where the lights were even darker and the carpet was plushy and soft under your stilettos.
"Take a seat," you offered as you turned the corner to the room you and Sam usually used.  Bucky relaxed into the black suede chair, his eyes never leaving you.  Only then did you notice that he was wearing leather gloves-- a little peculiar, but you’d definitely seen stranger
You felt Sam and Steve step a little closer behind you, caging you in.  Even moreso, you felt three pairs of eyes on you.  It felt different, somehow, than having dozens on you when you danced on stage.
"For private dances,” you explained slowly, “I typically wear… a little bit less than this…”
"I'm not gonna stop you," Bucky shrugged.  
Yeah, but is Sam? you replied internally.
He didn't.  What he did instead was tell Steve to help you unzip the back of your dress.
"Thank you," you mumbled as you made sure your hair was out of the way, shivering a little as his fingers ghosted over your neck to get a grip on the zipper, slowly sliding it down to the small of your back.  
Stepping forward, you slipped the straps off your shoulders and let the dress fall to the floor.
"You're wearing the set I bought you," Sam noticed with a grin.  He said you looked best in black.  You weren't sure you agreed but you ended up using this set a lot anyways.  
"You have good taste," you replied.
"Agreed," Bucky murmured, looking up at you from his chair.  
Lifting one leg and sliding it next to him on the couch, you slowly lowered yourself until you were straddling him.  
You gingerly wrapped your arms around his shoulders and began to move slowly, going through the motions and noticing the way he unabashedly stared at your chest.  The lace bra didn’t leave much to the imagination.
There was a tension in the air as you moved over him, only the thumping bass echoing from the main floor breaking the silence.  Some guys liked to talk during a dance, but Bucky’s brooding said more than enough.  You could sense his restraint being tested-- occasionally you could even hear his fist tighten thanks to the creaking of the leather gloves.  
Quickly turning to face the other way, you rubbed your ass on his crotch and almost let out a groan when you felt that he was hard.  Hoping to tease him, you lifted your hips only to gasp when he grabbed you and pulled you down onto him, his breath hot on the back of your neck.
“N-no touching,” you stammered, grabbing his wrists and placing his hands beside his legs.
“Let him touch you,” Sam instructed darkly.
“Did I stutter?”
You breathed shakily as you lifted your hands from Bucky’s wrists; as soon as he was free to, he reached around you and used his left hand to remove his right glove and toss it aside.  You thought it was a little odd that he left the other one on, but once he was running his hands over your thighs and pushing your legs apart, you didn’t think much of it anymore.
You shivered as his right hand moved, excruciatingly slowly, towards your lace-clad pussy.
“You’re sort of shy, for a stripper,” Bucky whispered in your ear.
“Believe it or not, this is new for me,” you whispered back, giving a quick glance to where Steve and Sam were standing and watching you both intently.  Your head fell back onto Bucky’s shoulder when one finger toyed with the edge of the lace of your panties.
His left hand pushed your face to the side so that he could kiss you, and before you were thinking about it you were kissing him back.
Finally, you felt Bucky's fingers pull your lingerie to the side and slide through your folds.  He growled into your eager mouth when he felt how wet you were.
"Can I fuck her?" he asked, and you didn't realize until Sam replied that he was asking his permission.
"Not yet," was Sam's quick answer as he approached you.  Grabbing your jaw, Sam pulled you forward and kissed you roughly.
Sam's kisses always made you feel completely at his disposal; his mouth dominated yours aggressively, and his hand wrapped around your neck just tight enough to make your heart race.
"Such a good little slut, aren't you?" he teased when he pulled back-- though he was still so close that his lips brushed against yours when he spoke.
"Yes-- for you," you answered.
"And you'll be good for them too, won't you?  Get 'em initiated into the family?"
"Of course," you nodded quickly, "whatever you want."
"You said we were coming here for a team-building exercise," Steve recalled with crossed arms.
"And did I lie?" Sam retorted, standing up again to give him a glare.  “Typically when I share my things with people, they’re grateful.”
“Right-- of course I am,” Steve backtracked quickly, “I just hope she’s not only doing it because you said to.”
“Aw, you’re worrying a little too much,” Sam chuckled.  “She’s a whore, Steve.  She loves it.”
"Go ahead baby," Sam continued, addressing you now, "give him the full treatment.  But save some strength because Steve's going next."
You stood up and flipped around again, working open the buttons of Bucky’s shirt.  Typically, guys responded really well to this part, leaning back and letting you undress them.  He tensed up, though, and his eyes went a little wide.
“I wanna see you,” you explained, taking a moment to reach under the part of his shirt you’d opened so far and run your hand over his muscled chest.
“May not like what you see,” he warned you.
“I doubt that,” you grinned, already nearly halfway done with the buttons.  
When you finished with the tedious buttons and pushed his shirt and jacket aside, you understood what he had been worried about: his shoulder was covered in scars, and even in the low light of the room you could tell that everything past that point was a metal prosthetic.  
"That explains the glove you won't take off," you commented dryly.
"I didn't scare you off yet?" he asked like he was trying to stay cool, but was secretly worried it would bother you.
"Touch me with it," you requested quietly.  Slowly, he removed the other glove and reached towards you with the metal hand.
His fingers were cold as they slid up your chest, around your neck, over your jaw.  You dipped your head down a bit to take two of them into your mouth, swirling your tongue around them.  
He bit his lip quickly before leaning forward and looking you right in the eyes.  “Get on the couch, on your hands and knees,” he instructed firmly.
You obeyed so quickly that you wondered if you left a cloud of dust in the shape of your silhouette like a cartoon; Sam noticed, and laughed.  “Eager, huh?”
“Extremely,” Bucky answered for you as he slipped your panties down, and pushed the spit-slicked metal fingers inside you.  You moaned and gripped the back of the couch tighter.  The fingers withdrew as suddenly as they had entered, and you saw a shirt and jacket land beside you on the couch.  Next was the sound of his belt clinking as it opened-- it made you a little nervous, in an erotic sort of way.
You felt like the wind had been knocked out of you when Bucky thrust into you all at once.  He wasn't bigger than Sam, at least as far as you could tell, but the shape of his cock was completely different.  It pressed against your walls in new ways, and massaged places that you weren't used to feeling.
"Fuck," Bucky murmured behind you, "so goddamn tight."
You were already loud enough that anyone passing through the back hall would certainly hear you and know exactly what was happening.  God forbid they saw three pairs of men’s shoes through the bottom of the curtain; the idea of someone knowing just how thoroughly you were being used made your face burn with a slightly pleasurable shame.
He moved just slow enough to make you wonder if he was trying to tease you.  When he reached around and drew lazy circles around your clit, though, you were confident that he was trying to tease you.
“More, please,” you whimpered.  “Fuck me harder.”
He laughed, and gave your ass a quick spank.  “Poor thing, so needy,” he mocked.  But he still did as you asked, holding you by your waist to keep you steady as he started to fuck you with the brutality you’d been hoping for.
He leaned down until it felt like his entire body would wrap around yours.  He bit at the back of your neck and shoulders, growling as he fucked into you even deeper than you had realized was possible.
Just as you thought you both were on the path to coming, Sam stepped closer.
"Alright, step aside, loverboy," he chuckled, "I think you've had your fair share for now."
Bucky hesitated and you knew he didn't want to stop; you voluntarily clenched your walls around him as a little way of saying you weren't done with him yet either.
Reluctantly, he pulled out and you felt the rough skin of Sam's hand move up and down your back.  "You want your turn with this pretty little cunt, Steve?" he asked, and you could hear the smile in his voice.
"I want that ass."
You swallowed dryly; Sam grinned.
"I like your style, man.  Go ahead, have at it."
Steve took off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves before he started to run his hands all over your body, humming contentedly.  He moved a finger through your folds to wet it, then gently pushed it past your tight rim.  "More," you requested with a moan.
"Already?" Steve questioned, but obeyed, adding a second finger quickly.
He scissored his fingers back and forth, slowly stretching you open.  Your face was so hot you could probably fry an egg on it; you felt very exposed getting your ass fingered with two men watching you intently.
"Hurry up, please, I want it," you whimpered.  You knew you could take the pain, and on days like this, you actually craved it.
"Just a little more babygirl," Steve promised, "gotta get you ready for me.  Don't wanna break you."
"I wish you would," you admitted, and you heard Bucky laugh quietly from the sidelines.
Steve got a little more serious suddenly, leaning down as he slipped a third finger into you roughly.  "I don't know if you could take me, little girl.  I could split you in half," he growled right against your ear.
Your back arched.  You wanted it so bad.
“I know that’s what you need, but if I did Sam would probably kill me.  So be a good girl and be patient, alright?”
You nodded and bit your lip, doing your best to relax as he continued to twist his fingers inside you.  
Thankfully, it wasn’t all too long before you felt him slide them out, that telltale jingling of his belt buckle in your ears again.  You moaned when his hard cock slid between your legs, becoming coated in your arousal.  Once he was satisfied, he pushed into your waiting hole; he’d prepared you so well that there was almost no resistance for the first half, but then as he got thicker and harder, you felt it start to burn.  Not that you minded.
When he was fully inside, you both gasped.  Of course, you were still trying to process the feeling when he was starting to slam into you.  This guy did not beat around the bush, holy shit.
“Fuck, you like it, huh?” he taunted, fucking you even harder and faster. 
“Yes!” you cried out, feeling his cock brushing against sensitive places inside you-- even if it was through a barrier.
Sam suddenly appeared on the couch next to you.  You felt a little nervous as his gaze scanned your face, and you looked back at him with wide eyes.  He slid under you on the couch, toying with your clit and grinning when he felt your wetness.
"Look who loves it in the ass,” he mumbled against your ear.
You couldn't respond, distracted by Sam's cock pressing against your available opening.  You had been expecting it to feel familiar, but with Steve inside you, everything felt completely different.
"Oh god," you groaned as Sam pressed forward; he hissed at the sensation of how wet and hot you were for him.
"How does it feel baby?" he asked as he started to bite at your neck.
"So full… so good…"
"What do you want us to do, kitten?"
"I want you to fuck me so hard…"
Before they had really started to get their rhythm, you fought through your haze and motioned for Bucky to come closer.  When he did, you licked a long stripe up his cock before taking as much as you could into your throat.
"Fuck, just like that," Bucky praised, pushing your hair back so he could see your face.  "Choke on it."
With so many cocks moving inside you, you felt like a ragdoll in their hands.  But more than even you had expected, you loved being their toy.
Sam loved to leave marks all over you, even though it made your job harder-- especially because it made your job harder, in fact.  He loved everyone knowing how owned you are.  So it was no surprise that he was already doing his best to leave bruises in the shape of his fingerprints everywhere he could reach.  You could tell he was already getting close-- and you were too, close to something so intense that you worried about passing out.
"Want me to come on your cute little face, baby?" Sam asked, his voice deeper and more gravelly than usual.
You shook your head, Bucky's cock still in your mouth.
"On your perfect tits?"
You shook it again, even as Bucky grabbed the back of your head and pushed you all the way to the base.
"Oh, that's right… you want me to fill up this sopping cunt, right?"
You nodded furiously, a tear sliding down your cheek.
"You wanna be full of my come, sticky and wet all night?  Then beg for it, sweetheart."
Bucky released you, and the second you were free to breathe you were pleading already, stroking him quickly.
"Sam, please!  I need to be full of your come-- I want it so bad, please, just come inside me and don't stop until every drop is in please please please--"
"Holy hell, I can't take much more of this," Steve hissed as his hands dug deeper into your skin.
"You want us all to come?" Sam pressed.
"Yes, please!"
"Fuck," Bucky groaned, "keep stroking me-- finish me off on your face."
“Please-- I want you to come, so bad,” you whimpered.  “Oh god, I’m gonna come, I’m gonna fucking come, fuck!”
The hand that wasn’t around Bucky’s cock was accidentally digging into Sam’s shoulder, certainly hard enough to leave half-moon cuts from your nails.  He didn’t seem to mind though, fucking you through your orgasm as he fell into his own, finishing with a noise that mixed a moan with a growl.
Steve was next, and you could feel his cock swelling and pulsing; it was like one last test of your body’s physical capabilities, since you’d already thought you were at your limit.
Last but not least, of course, was Bucky.  You opened your mouth and let his come fall in warm streams on your face and tongue.  He made the most beautiful sounds as you kept stroking him through it, and eventually he had to pull your hand off of him when it became too much.  You swallowed what had landed in your open mouth, taking a moment to wipe some off your face and suck it off of your finger as well.  A drip started to wander towards your eye, which you shut to avoid that disaster.
Bucky looked at you like you were the most beautiful thing he’d ever seen, even though you undoubtedly looked like a complete mess.  All three of them were looking at you that way, actually, but you couldn’t see them.
“Jesus, Sam,” Steve chuckled as he pulled out and watched his come leak from your abused hole, “I gotta be honest, if I had a girl like this, I wouldn’t let her work in a club.”
“Yeah, I’ve thought about pulling her out,” Sam admitted, wincing a little as he tapped your leg to signal you should get off of him, which you did.  
You don’t know the first thing about pulling out, you replied internally.
“She makes us a lot of money, though,” Sam explained.
“But the way she looks right now,” Bucky grinned, “that’s priceless.”
“Ha, yeah, well of course you would say that,” Sam rolled his eyes.  “If you think that coming on her face will successfully mark your territory or something, you’re wrong.”
But Bucky wasn’t listening, he was too busy grabbing your neck and pulling you into a filthy kiss.  You could tell he was tasting himself on your tongue, and when he pulled back, he’d even smeared some come on his nose and cheeks.  He wiped it off like it was nothing and grinned at you.  That, on the other hand, did feel like a somewhat successful territory-marking.
“Now I feel kinda bad,” Steve pouted.  “She’s gonna have to take three showers to get clean enough to go back out there.”
“Oh, I think she’s done for the night,” Sam announced as you finally got your chance to relax and lay back on the couch-- though it wasn’t that relaxing, because you were sore everywhere, and still wearing those stupid uncomfortable heels.
“You’re letting me go home early?” you repeated, your voice coming out froggy and strange; you cleared your throat and ignored the way it tasted like come.
“Hmm, not quite,” Sam smirked.  “I think Steve here has a point.  For one thing, you shouldn’t be going back to that horrible apartment every night.  You live in a really dangerous part of town.”
“It’s not dangerous if you’ve got mob protection,” you countered.
“But I can’t protect you when you live so far away,” he frowned.  “Come back to mine, clean up in a much nicer shower than you’re used to, and you can get back to work tomorrow, alright?”
“Sure,” you agreed, “but maybe… get me a rag first?”
“I’ll drive you,” Bucky offered.
That meant you weren’t going to get a rag.  What you didn’t realize at the time was that it also meant Bucky and Steve were going to stay the night at Sam’s, too.  What you never could’ve imagined was that the four of you weren’t going to leave again for quite some time.  And what you would’ve actually bet money against if somebody had asked you about it that morning was that you weren’t going to be working in the club anymore.
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wienerbarnes · 3 years
A Certain Romance (4/6)
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Pairing: Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 2,111
Warnings: mentions to past abusive relationship, nothing too explicit, though
A/N: some emotional bonding✨ enjoy babes
Bucky presses the little button on the side of his phone knowing the dead battery won’t allow it to turn on. He makes his way up the stairs to your apartment - the elevator is always broken - and hopes you’re home to offer him a charger.
He was getting a few groceries in your area when his phone died, the only place where his list was kept, and had no other choice but to leave and go back later. A curse with technology; a paper list would never run out of battery, he thinks.
He knocks on your door three times and he can hear the low sizzling of something, signaling your presence inside. It takes you a minute to come to the door, though. Longer than the amount of time for you to change your clothes or turn something off, no, it seemed to him like you were waiting to see if he’d leave.
Do you have someone over? Another guy? Are you expecting someone else you don’t want to see? Is it him you don’t want to see? He thinks he’d rather you tell him to his face if that’s the case.
It’s been about a month and a half since you’ve started “dating.” The two of you have started hanging out more frequently, relying less on when Sam asks about what the two of you are doing and going more based on when you genuinely want to see each other. In a friendly manner, of course.
After he knocks a second time is when he hears a quiet shuffling on the other side approach closer and closer to the door. A lock turns and you finally open up, Bucky meeting your slightly puffy and red-tinted eyes.
“Hey.” You sighed before turning around and walking back to the kitchen.
“Hi.” He starts.
You were clearly crying. While Bucky would call the two of you good friends at this point - as well as fake lovers - he’s not sure if he’s in a position to pry about what’s wrong with you. Should he ignore it? Not bring too much attention to your obvious emotions? Bring all the attention to it and try to fix whatever the problem is?
“I, uhh, my phone died and I was in the area, so I wanted to ask if I could borrow a charger?” He starts. Maybe introducing a topic that has nothing to do with whatever is causing you to feel this way will help.
“Coffee table.” Is your curt response.
He takes the minute it takes him to plug his phone into the wall and set it on the coffee table to think of how he can go about this.
“You okay? Actually, don’t answer that - bad question. Clearly you’re not okay…” He tries, quickly shutting himself up when you sigh and slump a bit in front of the stove.
“What are you making?” He slowly walks over to where you are, a pan in front of you on one of the burners.
“Apple and brie mini sandwiches.” You say. More words, same sad tone. Still progress.
“Want me to take over and you can chill out on the couch?” He offers quietly.
“No. I - I want to keep myself busy.”
“Okay. Anything I can do to help?”
You let out a shaky breath. His eyes focus on your face as tears gather around the rims of your eyes and you bite down on your bottom lip. A tear drops from your left eye and your hand quickly reaches to brush it away, as though Bucky didn’t already see it.
“Um, can you set up a couple of plates on the table?” You ask, voice strained.
He nods and moves towards your cupboard, setting the table up wordlessly.
The two of you remain silent as he fiddles with the napkins on the table and you finish up browning the bread of the sandwiches. He finally hears the click of the stove turning off and you bring the pan to the table, setting it on top of a piece of cork.
You serve him two sandwiches and yourself one and finally sit down next to him, letting out another sigh.
“I thought I saw my ex today at the market. And it took the entire time I was running back to my apartment in fear to remember that he’s in jail. Four states away.”
He looks over at you and realizes that the look in your eyes he thought was sadness isn't sadness at all. It’s exhaustion. A look he wore himself very often in his days of hiding, days of constantly looking over his shoulder until his worst nightmare came true and he was caught.
Paranoia is something he knows too well and it hurts him to see you suffering from it too. He remembers the brief mention of your ex from your first date together; how he beat the shit out of you. And he imagines he did a lot more than that if it means he’s in prison.
A humorless laugh falls from your lips, “And now I need groceries but I’m too tired and embarrassed to go back. The cashier probably thought I was crazy.” You pick at the crust on the bread with your fingers and Bucky gives you a small, sympathetic smile.
“Eat before it gets cold.” You tell him, picking up your own sandwich and taking a bite, Bucky doing the same after another moment of looking at you.
Gooey brie and crisp sliced apples go great with buttery, toasted french bread, Bucky learns.
“Do you want to help me clean the apartment?” You ask him as you follow him to the sink where he washes off the plates and the pan you used.
“... Your apartment is spotless.” He tells you.
“I know. I cleaned it two days ago. But I like to clean when I have bad days, and you’re already here.”
He grabs the sponge and wipes down the stove, glancing over at you.
“I’d be happy to help you clean. Where do you want me to start?”
He planned on getting his own groceries today, but found himself on his knees slipping his arm as far as it can go under your dresser. I’m going to buy her one of those adjustable Swiffers for her birthday this year, he thinks. After collecting all the dust onto the rag, he tosses it into the pile with the few other dirty rags and glances over his shoulder to look at you.
Down the hallway, you wipe down all the frames on the wall one by one. He hears sniffles every once in a while, but keeps cleaning.
“Alright, I got all the low places and all the high places for you.” He walks over to you down the hallway. “What do you have next for me?”
“Nothing, we can stop for a bit.”
He’s gotten better at reading people. Through getting closer with Sam, through therapy, through becoming a more participating citizen in society. And through getting to know you. He can read you, and he can tell you’re holding something back.
“Anything else you wanna do? Anything I can do?”
“What’s your zodiac again? You’re very caring, you know that?”
“I’m a Pisces and you're deflecting.” He steps closer to you now, eyes less puffy from when he first saw you this afternoon, but tiredness radiating through them. “Talk to me, sweetheart.” He encourages quieter.
“Can we… cuddle? For a little bit?” You ask.
This is the first time Bucky’s ever seen you look so fragile. Not on that first date where you thought he was going to stand you up or when you told him about your ex. Not when you both discussed your deepest secrets on your couch. Not even earlier when you explained why you’ve been crying today. A timorous woman stands before him, now.
“Absolutely, doll. Where, on the couch? Wherever you want.” He tells you softly, seeing a bit of tension leave your shoulders as you gently bring him to the couch to sit, as though you were expecting him to say no.
He’d always used to make fun of Steve when talking about Peggy. Always teasing him as a brother would when the lovey-dovey talk would come out. But this is the very first time he’s ever understood a single thing he was talking about.
You’ll find someone, and they’ll fit you like a puzzle piece. You’ll mold to each other perfectly, and it’ll scare the hell outta ‘ya.
He’s propped up against the arm rest, one leg straightened out on the couch and the other planted on the floor. His arms are around you as you’re sandwiched between his side and the back of your couch. Your hands rest gently along his stomach, head tucked under his chin. A knee hooks around the leg that’s straightened on the couch, the other stretched on the remaining area of the cushions.
Like a puzzle piece.
You’re warm and you’re making him feel warm, both on the inside and the outside. He feels the way he did when he first pecked Barbara Albram on the mouth in grade school. Or when he first sat on a girl’s bed in her room when he was a teenager.
He feels like he has a crush.
“Do you know what love languages are?” You ask after a few minutes of silence. You’re both warm against each other, no blanket needed in the small space. He can feel your body much more relaxed under his hands and the permanent strain in your throat has disappeared.
“No. Sounds nice.”
“It’s the way you express and experience love, either with a romantic partner, a friend, family, that sort of thing. There’s five.”
“What are they?”
“Words of affirmation, quality time, physical touch, acts of service, and gifts.”
He hums, an arm absentmindedly trailing up and down your back.
“I’m not sure what mine is.” He says, thinking back to every relationship he’s ever had, both romantic and not.
“You can be a mix of them. I think you like to express love through acts of service. You did just help me clean half the apartment. And when you told me about helping Sam and Sarah with the boat.” You mention.
“What’s yours?”
“Physical touch. But he kind of fucked that up for me, though.” You scoff.
“I used to love holding hands, hugging, kissing. Not just with him, with everyone. I felt like I had so much love to give and now I have nowhere to put it. I wish he didn’t make me like that.” You confess.
“Only you are in control of that. He’s gone. And what he did was terrible. But it’s up to you to reclaim that. If you have a lot of love you want to give, give it. There’s no one that deserves that love in return more than you. You are worthy of all the love in the world.”
He stays with you on the couch until he feels your breathing slow a bit and your body relaxes against his, small snores and heavy breaths leaving your mouth as you finally rest.
He hears a buzz on the table and is reminded of the reason he came over in the first place. He carefully reaches over to the table and is glad that he’s able to reach without moving you around too much. He presses the button on the side to see a now fully-illuminated screen and a charged battery, as well as a text from Sam.
Double date friday night. Bring ur girl. I’m picking the place
He doesn’t let himself be upset at the fact that Sam’s bound to choose a place that requires him to wear a clown suit because he’s too caught up on it being a double date.
He hasn’t been on a double date since when he shipped out for the war. And times were very different then; he was very different. He’d be nervous even if he wasn’t fake dating you and was going with a real girlfriend.
Maybe I can cancel, tell him I’m busy. You know that won’t work though! You’ll reschedule over and over and over again until Sam just shows up out of the blue with his girlfriend, even worse if it’s an occasion where you tell Sam you are with her when you’re not. Bit the bullet, Barnes, it won’t kill you.
He glances down at your sleeping face, calm expression soothing his own nerves now that he’s replied with a text confirming both of your presences.
It’s only a double date, what’s the worst that can happen?
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waitimcomingtoo · 4 years
fine line - p.p
chapter 5
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pairing: Peter Parker x Stark!Reader
Synopsis: there’s a fine line between love and hate and you and Peter dance it on a regular basis
Series Masterlist and Regular Masterlist
Peter found you in the kitchen the next morning, smiling shyly you as he stood in the door. Unsure of how to interact after the night before, he kept his distance as to not overwhelm you. You nodded towards the empty seat next to you, and a relieved smile appeared on Peters face as he grabbed a cereal bowl and joined you at the table. You silently pushed the milk towards him, feeling your face heat up when his fingertips brushed yours.
“Thanks.” Peter said as he poured the milk into his bowl.
“You’re welcome.” You kept your eyes down, focused on your cereal as you raked your brain for something better to say.
“So, am I like your girlfriend now or-“
“I would like that very much.” Peter said quickly, squeezing his eyes shut in embarrassment at how desperate he sounded. You laughed at his eagerness, feeling inclined to lean in and kiss him right there at the kitchen table. He happily kissed you back as soon as he was able to stop smiling. You pulled away and rested your forehead against his, already enjoying this version of your relationship with him.
“I like you so much.” Peter mumbled, peering at your through his eyelashes.
“I like you too.” You giggled, still finding it funny to hear those words from your own mouth.
“Well, this is quite a turn of events.” Tony commented as he entered the room, making you and Peter jump apart.
“We were just-“ Peter began.
“Save it, skip. FRIDAY logged you going into my daughters room last night but never logged you going out. My guess was you snapped and killed each other or finally kissed and made up. I’m assuming it’s the latter, no?” Tony raised his eyebrows, asking a question he already knew the answer to.
“I’m sorry, sir.” Peter apologized. “All we did was talk and sleep. It won’t happen again.”
“I don’t need details.” Tony stuck out his tongue and gagged. “Just try not to break my daughters heart, yeah spiderling? Mark 45 is getting a bit rusty and would be more than happy to take you out.”
“I won’t, Mr. Stark.” Peter said confidently
“Good. Because if it came down to you or her, I’d pick my princess every time. No offense.” Tony waved his hand dismissively as a surprised smile crossed your face.
“Really?” You wondered after his recent actions implies the opposite.
“Oh, absolutely.” Tony said like it was obvious. “Peters great and all, but nobody compares to you. You are a Stark, after all. That means you’re predestined to be better than the rest.”
“Thanks, Daddy. It’s nice to hear that.” You grinned, his words meaning more to you than he knew.
“Don’t get too excited. You’ll be less happy to hear that we have to head to Florida tonight to check out some psychedelic weapons being sold. Should be a drag but that’s what we’re here for.” Tony pulled at his collar and grimaced.
“We?” You asked hesitantly. “As in me too?”
“Well Romeo here is great and all, stupendous really, but I’ve missed you by my side.” Tony said causally. “And also you don’t make the whole jet smell like axe body spray and Proactive.”
“It’s Clean and Clear, sir.” Peter corrected your father, retreating when Tony shot him a look.
“Well, you should pack. We leave after dinner. Plenty of time to say goodbye to lover boy.” Tony shrugged, making you and Peter flush. “Parting is such sweet sorrow and all that. See you tonight.”
“See you tonight.” You nodded eagerly as Peter squeezed your hand under the table.
Tony winked and knocked the table twice before exiting the kitchen.
“Did you say something to him?” You looked curiously at Peter once your dad was out of earshot. “It’s been over a month since he’s taken me on a mission. And I’m pretty sure I’m the least qualified person in this tower to recovery illegal weapons.”
“Would you be mad if I did?” Peter asked, scrunching his face nervously. You looked at Peter fondly before grabbing his face and pressing a kiss to his cheek.
“Thank you.” You whispered as you rested your forehead against his once again. “Thanks for being patient with me.”
“You were worth waiting for.” Peter smiled softly as he tucked your hair behind your ear. “I still want you to clean up your cereal bowls though.”
“I’ll think about it.” You giggled, moving your spoon around in your cereal. “As long as you promise not to dip your fingers in my brownie batter.”
“Gross.” A voice came from in front of you, startling you and Peter. You looked up and saw Drax with a bowl of cereal in hand, staring directly at you and Peter.
“Drax?” You shrieked. “What are you doing here?”
“I’m visiting the city. I always wanted to see the Statue of Liberty. It’s been a dream of mine since I was a child.” He deadpanned before slowly raising his spoon to his mouth.
“How long have you been there?” Peter stared at him with wide eyes.
“I don’t know.” Drax thought. “When did Iron Man come in?”
“A few minutes ago.” You shrugged, still staring at him in confusion.
“Long before that.” Drax concluded, making you and Peter look at each other.
“Oh my God.” You groaned.
“Could you give us a few minutes?” Peter asked with a fake smile.
“Okay.” Drax nodded and walked out of the room.
“So as I was-
“How many?” Drax popped back in and interrupted Peter.
“What?” Peter asked, growing annoyed.
“How many minutes do you need?” Drax wondered.
“A lot.” Peter stated through gritted teeth.
“All of them, if we’re honest.” You mumbled.
“Okay. Bye guys.” Drax waved and left the room again.
“Bye.” Peter grunted, rolling his eyes in disbelief. “Where were we? I forget.”
“I could try and remind you.” You smiled as you leaned in to kiss him. Right before your lips could touch, the doorbell rang. You hung your head in disappointment and sighed.
“Oh my God. What now?” You whined.
“I’ll get it. Stay here.” Peter rubbed your arm comfortingly and made his way to the door. Peter opened the door to find a clean cut brunette in a crisp button down.
“Hey.” The boy smiled. “FRIDAY let me up.”
“Oh, okay.” Peter nodded. “And you are?”
“Harry Osborn.” The boy said, making Peters heart stop. “You’re Peter right? Y/n has told me a thing or two about you. Is she here?”
“In the bathroom.” Peter fibbed. “Can I ask why you’re here?”
“We cut our date short last night so I thought I’d surprise her.” Harry replied.
“How nice. She’s gonna be really really surprised.” Peter began to sweat, not knowing how to deal with his new girlfriends almost boyfriend.
“Yeah. I’m gonna ask her to be my girlfriend today.” Harry announced, making Peters heart stop. “I’ve waited too long, you know? And hot billionaires don’t fall into your lap everyday.”
“I don’t…” Peter trailed off, looking over his shoulder at you in the kitchen. You gave him a friendly wave, and he waved back before turning to Harry. “I don’t think that’s a good idea.”
“What? Why?” Harry sized Peter up, unhappy with his answer.
“Well, she came home really upset last night.” Peter began, which was partially true. “I don’t think she wants to see you anymore.”
“What?” Harry laughed in disbelief. “Did she tell you that?”
“Yeah. She told me.” Peter folded him arms, standing his ground.
“Why would she tell you that?” Harry cocked his head. “She hates you.”
“She doesn’t hate me.” Peter snapped, his jaw locking.
“Hate to break it to you, Dude, but she does. You’re all she talks about. Hang on, fantasy football.” Harry held up a finger as he checked his phone, putting it away after seemingly reading something he liked. “Anyway, she said you were the worst thing that ever happened to her.”
“Well that’s not what she thought last night.” The words left Peters mouth before he could think them through, but he didn’t mind the look it left on Harry’s face. Peter smirked as Harry raised his eyebrows in surprise.
“You two...”
“Yeah, we’re together.” Peter shrugged with his arms still folded. “Looks like you waited too long.”
“Wow. I guess there really is a fine line between love and hate.” Harry laughed bitterly, as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Yeah, well, she and I have built a permanent residence on that line.” Peter told him. “Sorry about it.”
“Alright. I better go then.” Hardy said coldly, burning holes in Peter with his eyes.
“Thanks for stopping by.” Peter smiled widely as he shut the door. He returned to you in the kitchen, guilt building up in the back of his mind.
“Who was that?” You asked from the kitchen sink as you rinsed your bowl. Peter smiled at you listening to what he asked you to do, but it quickly faded.
“Uhh, Mailman.” He lied to you, adverting his eyes as he leaned against the counter.
“Really? Why did he come to this floor?” You chuckled curiously as you put your bowl in the dishwasher. “He usually leaves it in the mailbox in the lobby.”
“Oh well he wanted to see the main floor.” Peter said weakly. “Can’t blame him, the interior decoration is really something to behold.”
“You’re acting funny. Do you feel okay?” You furrowed your eyebrows, pressing the back of your hand to Peters forehead to check his temperature.
“I’m fine. Just happy to be with you.” Peter shrugged as he held your hands in his, his conscience getting the better of him by the minute. You noticed the sweat building on his forehead and slowly let go of his hands.
“Peter, where’s the mail?”
“The what?” Peter wondered before he remembered. “Oh, there was none.”
“Who was at the door, Peter?” You asked suspiciously, your face hardening as you broke through his web of lies.
“Harry. But I got rid of him!” Peter said quickly when your face showed signs of anger.
“Got rid of him how?” You demanded.
“I told him we were together.” Peter said timidly, weary of how you’d react.
“What?” You exclaimed. “Peter!”
“Whats wrong? We are together.” He reminded you, getting the feeling you wanted to hide that fact.
“That doesn’t mean he needed to know that. And he definitely didn’t need to find out like this.” You crossed your arms. “That’s not fair to him. Do you know how heart broken I’d be if he did that to me?”
“You said the date was lame. And you have a boyfriend now, so who cares?” Peter shrugged dismissively, growing frustrated over you caring about Harry’s feelings.
“I do, Peter.” You raised your voice. “Yeah the date was lame but that doesn’t mean he deserves to be blown off. He’s a person with feelings. He deserved to hear it from me.”
“Apparently he’s heard a lot of things from you.” Peter matched your anger. “Like how much you hate me, for instance.”
“What are you talking about?” You shook your head in confusion.
“You told him I was the worst thing that ever happened to you. Is that true? That’s how you feel?” Peters voice wavered between angry and upset as his eyes desperately searched your face for answers.
“I used to feel like that, but not anymore.” You retorted. “You know how I feel about you now.”
“Do I? Because you seem awfully concerned over hurting Harry’s feelings. Do you still like him?” Peter demanded answers, a mixture of insecurity and jealousy eating away at him.
“No.” You shouted. “I just don’t want to hurt him.“
“You had no problem hurting me when I first moved in.” Peter said coldly.
“And I apologized for that. God, you’re so jealous.” You spat, rolling your eyes at Peter and turning away. He gripped your arm to make you face him again, not enough to hurt you but enough to keep you in place.
“I wouldn’t have to be jealous if you weren’t so indecisive.” He seethed.
“I did decide.” You stepped you to him. “I chose you. But you had no right to send Harry away like that and lie to me about it.”
“Like how you lied about hating me?” He raised an eyebrow. “Do you know how it felt to hear him say that?”
“It’s a figure of speech.” You scoffed and yanked your arm out of his grip. “I never actually hated you. Do you have to knit pick everything you hear?”
“Apparently I do since you don’t know how to send a clear message to save your life.” He shouted. “You hate me, you love me, which is it?”
“I hate you!” You screamed, pointing a finger in his face.
“I hate you too!” He yelled back, stepping closer to you so your noses were touching. The fire in his eyes ignited one in your own, making you suck in a sharp breath.
“Good!” You barked.
“God, do you ever stop talking?” He gripped the counter angrily as he stared you down.
“Why don’t you make me stop talking?” You asked through gritted teeth.
“You are the most annoying girl I’ve ever met.” Peter growled as he towered over you.
“You’re no walk in the park either, Parker.” You hissed.
“My name is Peter.” He snarled, griping your hips. “Say it.”
“You wish.” You laughed shortly. That was all Peter needed you hear to push him over the edge. He grabbed your face and pressed a searing kiss to your lips. You clutched his shirt, gripping it firmly to keep him as close as possible as he trailed kisses down your neck.
“Peter.” You mumbled into his ear, making him chuckle when his plan worked.
“Fine line, huh?” He smirked as he held your chin between his fingers.
“Yep.” You laughed breathlessly and kissed him again. “The finest.”
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alouispo · 3 years
part two :D
“Is that a flying island?” Techno questions aloud, slowing down to a walking pace as he made his way towards the earth in the sky.
“I think it’s pretty obvious that it is Tech,” Phil deadpanned, straightening his hat and following his friend over the hill. 
They both pushed through the leaves and trees, soon enough ending in a much less dense part of a flower forest. Blue eyes scanned the area, shocked at how nice this place looked. Phil remembered seeing something that looked like a flower forest back towards the main area of the SMP, but it didn’t appear as vibrant as it was here. Bits and pieces of that forest were destroyed or wilted away, some parts of it not even having flowers anymore due to them being picked or trampled on. 
Was the SMP so much nicer when you got out this far? 
“Well, Phil, I think anyone would be skeptical of there being a random piece of land in the sky without any warning,” the piglin retorted, pausing to let Phil catch up, who was currently too encaptivated by the landscape to actually pay attention to where he was going. 
Rolling his eyes, Techno grabbed his friend’s sleeve and marched towards the spawn coordinates on his compass, ignoring the protests the older male made at being dragged along. 
Soon enough, the two of them reached the top of the hill. IF Phil was being completely honest, it was not what he was expecting at all. He looked around with shock; there was a bunch of people living here! There were so many different buildings -that were all finished, he noted- and there was a huge lake right in the center of all of them. 
“Hey Tech, can we go down there?” Phil questioned, trying his best not to freak out. This place looked nearly a million times better than the Dream SMP, and it only fueled his excitement. It reminded him of his hardcore world, which was only more welcoming to the bird hybrid. 
“We have to anyways, it seems like spawn coords are right near the center of the lake,” watching as Phil immediately jumped down, chuckling to himself before following right after. 
“Techno this place is great! Look at all the flowers!” the hybrid exclaimed, kneeling down to touch the wildlife that appeared so unnaturally for him. “Have you ever seen flowers like this grow near the SMP? They look like they are practically glowing!” 
“Nope. We also live in the arctic so it wouldn’t make any sense for them to grow there,” Techno replied nonchalantly, stepping over the flowers in order to not step on them. “Now stop gushing over plants Phil, we have to find who runs this place so we can see what’s going on.”
“Oh you’re one to talk Tech-” he was cut off by the sound of wings beating loudly above them, making them both pull out their weapons and look around. 
“Hello!” the pair turned towards the lake, watching as a blur of feathers floated outwards and a man stood before the flowers. 
“Heh?” Techno questioned, staring at the newcomer as Phil dropped his sword. 
“Welcome to the Origins SMP! I am the Crow Father, protector of these lands, and ambassador of The Circle. What are your-” the Crow Father paused, staring right back at Phil as their eyes met. 
The newcomer looked exactly like Phil. Same eyes, same hair, same hat. The only difference was that this man had not been fated to war, one who still had his wings intact. They appeared much brighter in color compared to Phil’s, who had resembled the color of oil but still had all the colors in at the same time. He also adorned a white gown under a familiar-looking robe.
“Phil?” the man in question stared a while longer, grabbing the sword and putting it into his inventory as he stood back near Techno. 
“Are you alright Phil?” the anarchist tried again, placing his hand on his shoulder. 
He nodded,” I’m alright, don’t worry about it.” 
“Well then,” the Crow Father said, brushing himself off as he smiled warily. “I don’t think you are supposed to be here? Am I right?” he asked, a crow of similar color as his wings landed on his hat, tilting its head to the side in at the pair. 
“No, if that wasn’t obvious enough by there being two of you,” Techno remarked, putting a hand on his hip in slight annoyance. 
“Uh, right. So, uh, mind telling me how you got here, mate?” the Croaw father questioned, putting his hands behind his back politely. 
Phil frowned, examining the other. Did he really look like that? It seemed odd to see another version of himself standing right in front of him, behaving almost exactly as he would. He made eye contact with the Crow Father, as he called himself, realizing that he was doing the same thing. 
“Well, we got transported here by the God of our SMP cause we broke one of the rules, and now we are here and have to try and get back before we die or something,” the piglin hybrid stated as if it was just another day of the week. He paused. Actually, it was another day of the week, what was he talking about.
“Oh, well that’s fine mate!” and he smiled, which made him feel strange. Phil hadn’t remembered how to smile like that for such a long time, it looked off on his own face. Which technically, wasn’t even his face at all. 
“I’ll help you in the best way that I can since after all, it is my job.”
“You sure about that? You don’t seem like the type that would be able to help us with what we need,” Phil turned and punched Techno straight in the arm, glaring at the much taller male in playful annoyance. 
“I was just being honest!” the piglin retorted, appearing unfazed by the action. 
“Honesty is what is going to make me kill you one day, you whiny bastard. You’re worse than my Cshat,” he replied, narrowing his eyes and turning back to Crow Father, who was watching with great interest. 
“Well, it still is my job of course, so I can at least try to help you. That’s what the boss appointed me to at least,” the other Phil said, looking up thoughtfully as he tapped his cheek. 
“The boss?” Phil questioned, catching both of their attention. 
“Oh yeah, the boss of this place,” the Crow Father said, sweatdropping as the bird on top of his hat started beating his wings aggressively. 
“Do you think we could speak to him?” Techno asked, looking at Phil and then back at the protector, who appeared to be forcing a smile on his face as the bird pecked at his hat.
The Crow Father paused, jumping slightly when the crow started squawking incoherent words very loudly before flying away. “You little shit!” he shouted at the runaway bird, plucking the stray feathers out of his hair and dropping them to the ground. 
“Sorry about that,” he started, brushing off his gown. “The natural wildlife don’t really like the admin. Not exactly sure why but hey, really nothing we can do about that,” he shrugged. 
“Yeah, uh anyways, can you take us to the admin of this place?” Phil questioned, tapping his foot albeit so impatiently. He didn’t really like the Crow Father, as much as it was another version of himself. 
He was not jealous of his wings, that was not it. Shut. 
“Are you really sure about that?” The Crow Father asks adamantly, looking to his right and back at the pair anxiously. 
“Yeah, why wouldn’t we be?” Techno asked, adjusting the chains keeping his cape on his shoulders. “It’s the best choice we have anyways unless you know a way to go back to a server where you most likely wouldn’t exist?” he added, crossing his arms and glaring. 
“No, no, you’re right,” the other Phil said, resigned. “Come now, follow me, I’ll take you to the pube.” 
“The what?” 
It was not in fact, a pube, it was a pub. Very interesting pronunciation there. 
After climbing up the unnecessarily tall ladder, Phil noticed that on top of the flying island was what the Crow Father had described as the pube. He had said that he was the one that built the place, although he didn’t necessarily own it. Another thing that the Angel thought was strange. 
“Here is the pube, place where the admin resides,” the Crow Father said as he walked inside rather loudly, startling what looked like a full enderman. Phil and Tecno followed behind, eyeing the newcomer warily. 
“Ranboo!” the other Phil called, making the pair look between the two in shock. This was Ranboo? 
“Oh, hey Crow Father! What brings you here…” he trailed off, noticing that there were double of Phil and a really different-looking Technoblade both behind the hero. “Uhh..” 
“These two are from a different server, which is why there are two of me and Techno looks really different,” the Crow Father explained nonchalantly. 
“Oh, that makes sense. Anyways, what brings them here to the pube?” the other Ranboo said, standing up making Phil do a double-take. This version of Ranboo was even taller than their Ranboo, although it may be because this one didn’t have a massive slouch. 
  “They’re here to talk to admin to try and get back to their own server,” he replied, scratching his chin nervously. 
The four of them stood in silence as Ranboo looked up towards the ceiling, scratching the top of his head and contemplating something. 
“The boss isn’t busy is he?” the Crow Father asked, his wings twitching subtly. 
“I don’t think he is. Nothing has really been happening with the locals so he’s most likely doing some paperwork,” Ranboo replied cheerily. “I’ll take you guys to him!” he added, going up towards the ladder to the second. 
“Only the regulars are here today, so there won’t be too much problem with you guys talking to the boss today,” he added once they had gotten to the top. 
“Thanks, Ranboo!” the Crow Father said, going to knock on the door. 
“Wait a minute,” Techno said, staring at the sign on top of the door in horror. 
“No way,” Phil added, taking a step back as he paled. 
The sign on the top of the door read the words ‘Innit Incorporated’, carved hastily into the wood in messy handwriting. Techno and Phil looked at each other, dread pooling in the bottom of their stomachs as realization dawned upon them. 
“Sorry bout that, sometimes he’s talking with people so he doesn’t hear much,” the Crow Father said apologetically. 
“Coming, I’m coming!” a very recognizable voice shouted from the inside of the room, making Techno groan as his fears came true. 
In a burst of his above-average glory, a very similar-looking but not quite Tommy opened the door, looking irritated as he overlooked the people in the room. He had a bunch of feathers neatly placed in his hair and much brighter eyes than the Tommy they knew. 
“What?” he asked, annoyance obvious in his tone of voice. 
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melissa-s23 · 4 years
New playground
Sumarry: Roman really likes when other pepople change the look of the mindscapes. As he goes onto another adventure into the unknown, he makes some discoveries.
Words: 3215
Author’s Note: HEY!!! THIS ONE IS VERY FLUFFY!! :D It takes place with kid Thomas so all the sides are kids as well. I just wanted to write some soft fic about how the two twins met maybe. :) Hope you like it! =D
Roman wandered aroud the mind palace. Despite being creativity and the main reason for the place changing looks, he always was impressed at how much things changed everytime he was in his room for too long. He knew that he wasn't the only one who could change the corners of Thomas' mind, but still, so much creative freedom...It wasn't something Patton or Logan could do... And it was always thrilling to explore !!
And so he went. He liked getting lost in those mazes of everything. Sure, Patton would tell him to be carefull as « the deeper you go, the more disturbing the place gets. » but Patton wasn't as brave as roman. Roman was a prince ! He could take care of any challenge. Plus, he never really found those.... disturbing.
Unique, sure. Grotesque, even. But it never repulsed Roman as much as Patton claimed it would.
He was met with an old creepy-like forest, with dead trees covered in thorns and holes in them looking like screaming faces, as well as fog all over around. Roman beamed.
Great ! A brand new playground !!
He headed straight into the woods and soon enough couldn't find his way home. It didn't matter, as they all could teleport, but the feeling of loneliness sure was real. Both sad and exciting.
As he walked, he could hear the wind blowing. It was cold and humid. The rocks looked like they could freeze your finger, the trees looked ready to jump at you. It really was just like a horror movie.
He smiled and reached for his sword. He lifted in the air in a dramatic gesture and lowered it to poke one of the trees.
After a few seconds, the tree started to glow softly and life ran through it anew. Leaves grew, bright and green, and the core regained a vivid brown. He smiled triumphently.
The thorns however didn't let go of the tree as Roman expected. Huh. That was weird... He tried to poke the thorn with his sword to change it more efficiently. It would shake a bit and move, but didn't dissapear or turned into flowers.
He decided to leave the tree alone but as he did so, raindrops hit his hair. Oh, it was raining.
Roman didn't like rain in the mind palace. He always linked it to someone crying. And he didn't like the idea of any of his friends crying.
He fastened his pace and searched for a spot safe from the rain who only got more and more violent. He wanted to go back home, but the immersion had him believe he was lost in these woods. No, he couldn't go back. He had to continue. Surely there was something or someone in those woods, otherwise it wouldn't look like it was from a movie. If it looked like a  movie, then it was made by someone who saw movie, and so something important was there. That was just logical, even Logan would agree.
So he continued, now running with his eyes darting from across the woods in order to find a place to hide. Or something. To find whatever he was looking for. He could hear a soft melody, not a whisper, but not a full voice either... Just a distant melody, running through the mindscape.
...okay this was starting to be just a liiiittle bit creepy.
But Roman didn't go back. He would face the challenged. He would find something. He would discover something.
Suddenly, a cave.
Roman stopped in his halt and stared at it. The entrance to a rocky cave faced the Prince as thunder soon emerged from afar. Roman didn't like thunder.... Thunder was not a good thing.
The cave was a place to hide. But also a place of many dangers....
But it's not like Roman wasn't looking for trouble.
So he headed right in. Carefully, slowly. And the thorns covered the entrance as soon as Roman was too deep in he couldn't make it in time. He was now trapped ! Great. On the other hand, that meant he did find the important place that would make the plot he was in move forward ! Of course he'd continue !
So, he inhaled deeply, gave his best big boy pose and headed right back inside the depth of the cave.
His steps echoed through the lair with each steps, with the sound of distant rain and thunder echoing every now and then, Roman didn't dare call for anyone, anything. He might awaken a dangerous monster and he couldn't do that until he faced the beast !!
After minutes of walking, he heard a voice.
'Psss, hey. You. Come closer.'
Roman turned his head to where the sound came from and furrowed his brows. He took an hesitant step.
« Me ? » Roman asked.
- « Yes you, dummy. I don't see anyone else here. » the voice giggled.
- « No one can see anything here. It's all dark. » roman mumbled, but continued.
At his third step, he felt the ground break on his feet and he fell down a hole. Roman yelped.
As he fell on the new ground, he heard a small candle light up.
The young prince rubbed his head and grumbled. « Outch.... You could've warned me. »
- « but it's funnier when you don't see it coming heheh »
As creativity opened his eyes, he met a green light, lighting a very familiar face. His eyes widened.
« ...You look just like me... Are you a Side as well? »
- « Yeah ! It's the first time I see you as well !! So... Let me present myself :» He cleared his throat and stood up, taking a pose Roman recognized way too much, only the side in front of him couldn't nail it as fabulously as him.
« I am Thomas' Creativity !! »
- « ...What? »
- « I know, I know,pretty impressive huh ? I did the forest on my own !! I'm so happy someone got brave enough to explore it !! heheh, I need to know, what could I do to make it even creepier ? » Roman just stared, baffled, trying to process the travesty happening before his eyes.
- « You can't be Thomas' creativity. »
- « … Of course I can ? »
- « No. I am Thomas' creativity. »
- « … No. It's obviously me. »
- « But I am too ! Don't you see all the fairies and flowers and the big towers over the big trees ? I made that ! »
- « But I made the forest and the cave and the dragons !! »
- « Well there can't be two of us now, can there. »
- «Cleary. One of us has to change. »
- « ... »
- « ... »
- « You have to. I'm not changing it. » they said at the same time.
« HEY ! No ! You change ! » they continued in unison. And glared at each other witth the exact same pouty face.
Roman opened his mouth to retorque once again but another voice called from outsied.
« Remus ! Are you in here ? » Oh ! This voice... wasn't this Side the one that argued with Patton the other day ?
- « Oh crap, it's mom. » the so called « remus » whispered to Roman before almost yelling. « YES JAN !! I'M DOWN HERE WITH A FRIEND !! »
- « I told you to not call me that !! And put those thorns away, I'd like my clothes to not get more destroyed than being as wet as a sponge.. »
The impostor stook his tongue and lifted his finger. A brushing sound followed in the distance followed by footsteps.
« Don't worry, he's not mean. He just talks weird so it looks like he is. »
- « … Okay. » Roman nodded slowly. Looks like this adventure got its stakes highered. Not that it got the prince any less curious.
Soon enough, a head popped up from the top of the hole. A side just like Roman and the copycat with... was that... was that scars on his face ?? It was dark so he couldn't tell. But he seemed surprised.
« ...Oh. » he sighed deeply through his nose and pinched the end of it with his hand, looking exausted. « Oh great, you're Pattons' one. »
- « You know dad ? » yeah, by the looks of it, he definitely was the one to have argued with Patton earlier that week.
- « We're all the same age, princey. »
- «I don't care, he's my dad. And how do you know my nickname?»
- « You have a dad ?? Mom, why didn't you tell me we had a dad ? »
- « Also why does he think he is Creativity ? Obviously I am creativity. »
- « I told you already !! I AM CREATIVITY. REMUS THE CREATIVE SIDE ! »
- « No !! It's ROMAN the Creative Side !! »
- « Mom !! Tell him how I am the creative side ! »
- « H- He-I ... » the so called mom let out an exasperated grunt
« Guys, you're both creativity. »
The two stopped arguing at that.
« …. You two cover different kinds of creativity. You're like... »  He gestured his hand, trying to come up with a word to describe it best before settling on « twins. »
Silence felt the room.
And after only a second, Janus missed this blissful sound of nothing.
- « No he said we were brothers. »
- « But we're parts of the same guy !!! »
- « …. This is giving me a headache. »
- « I KNOW ! »
- « Boys... » Janus plead. It went unheard in the screaming.
- « Janus, do you secretly have a brother ? »
- « Wait. Isn't 'Janus' that guy that lies for everything ? »
- « Not for everything, just a lot of things ! »
- « Boys... please... »
- « What ? » They both inquisited at the same time. They looked at each other and exchanged looks.
- « ...I...I'll let Patton explain in details but No. I am not Morality's brother. There are no two moralities nor to logics or anything. You're the only one this happened to. » 
- « But.... why ? » the two brothers asked in unison.
Janus stayed silent.
- « It's complicated. We'll.... uhh talk about that later, Remus. Meanwhile, you, little 'hero', Patton will do you the lecture. »
- « Hey ! What if I want to meet this Patton ? »
- « …. You will in time. And you'll find him boring. »
- « Hey, Padre's not boring ! » Roman pouted.
- « That's not what I said. »
- « You implied it ! »
- « No. I didn't. »
The snake and the prince now glared at each other until Remus bursted out of laughter.
« FIGHT ! FIGHT ! I want to see an epic fight !! »
- « What about I just fight you ! » Roman rose on his feet and summoned a tiny wooden sword. The green one gasped
- « OH HELL YEAH !! » He jumped and summoned a cartoony wooden hammer. But before he could get himself ready for a fight, he turned his head up at Janus.
- « Can you help us get out, plase ? »
Janus just groaned from exasperation.
10 minutes later, the two twins were back in the forest again, fighting each other, while Janus sit on one of the tree branches like a cool kid, eyes closed and ready to take a nap.
« Alright you two, don't destroy this tree or I'll call Patton and he'll lecture both of you.
- « I still don't know who patton is... »
- « You don't need to know who he is for feeling bad at his dissapointed face. »
Roman chuckled at that
« Yeah, his puppy eyes are truly a witch's spell »
Remus did a pouty face before making one of the branches move torward Roman. He yelped
« Hey !! That's cheating ! » « Well it's your fault for getting distracted ! » Remus crackled before aiming for the ribs with his hammer. Roman blocked it and summoned a cloud of flower petals, blocking Remus' view before hitting back. « See ? Now you're doing it as well ! » he chirped.
The fight continued for who knows how long. Most probably hours. But both of them were having just so much fun Janus didn't try to stop them even after he woke up from his nap.
But they did stop after hearing another side scream in worry.
Remus turned around but before he could even finish his 180, Patton swinged in Roman's arms, making him fall on the ground with an audible 'oof' Janus hissed through his teeth quickly before eyeing the moral side.
« H-Hey pops. » Roman tried to say as Patton continued to snuggled and hug and pat the prince's hairs.
« You should've told me where you were going !!! I was so worried !! You promised you would get back before Thomas heads back to school !! » Dear lord, the poor side was almost crying. Roman's heart itched at that.
« S-Sorry... I just.... I had so much fun I didn't see time passing ! Why didn't you tell me I have a brother ?? »
Patton stopped all movement at that before lifting his head. « A what now ? » he turned his head and saw Remus starring at him in confusion. « Oh... hello remus. » He finally let go of Roman and stood up.
« Hi. How do you know my name ?Are you the guy the other two won't stop whining about your curse about ? »
« A.. curse ? »Patton lift his head as Janus snickered.
« I just told him about your puppy eyes. » He hit the ground in a gracious gesture and Roman could not understand how Patton's expression turned into both suspicion and joy. « Oh, hello Janus. Glad to see you here as well. »
« The pleasure is mutual. » he hummed. And somehow there was an underlying tension that both twins felt. It was really weird. « You didn't expect me to leave my little wittle chaos child running around without supervision, did you ? » Remus beamed at the title
« Of course not, you can be responsible when you want to. But why didn't you warn me you found Roman ? I was worried sick and you knew it ! »
« I don't know anything » he whistled away while Patton frowned. Roman side hugged the moral side and spoke up this time « I wasn't in any danger, Pops. If there was any bad guy, I would've SWOOPED THEM AWAY WITH MY SWORD ! » he declared as he swinged his wooden weapon. Patton chuckled.
« I know, I know, little prince. But still, you know I like to know where you go... »
« Psh, that sounds boring ! Isn't it way better when you're in the unpredictable ?? » Remus jumped next to janus who looked at him with a fond smile. « Into the unknown, where everything can happen !! After all, when you prepare for nothing, you're kind of prepared for everything  in a sense !! »
« That's... not how it works ? » Patton raised an eyebrow « Like... at all?? What are you talking about no ! If you have a way to know what you're about to face, it's better to do so ! »
« Sounds like someone hanged a bit too much with the nerd. » Janus teased
« Logan's not a nerd ! » Patton put his feet down like the child they are all.
« Yeah, whatever.  Sooo~ now that you're here, I guess it means your little fight will have to wait another time. » He pointed at the two brothers. «  What a shame.»
« Which mean I totally beat you » Remus exclaimed. Before Patton could ask about 'A FIGHT ?? YOU GOT INTO A FIGHT ?? ARE YOU HURT ANYWHERE ??' Roman objected.
« What ?? I totally kicked your butt with this one ! Plus you cheated which mean I beat you fair and square ! »
« You cheated as well !! So by this logic we all lost, but that means you lost so I won !! »
« Are you serious ?? You hit the ground more times than me !! And that's not how it worked ! Janus, you counted the points, right ?? Who won ? »
Janus jumped awake, still half asleep from his nap and now looking at the two of them, expecting an answer. « UUUUuuuhhhh you- hum.. you both lost and I won. There. Problem solved. »
« YOU DIDN'T EVEN JOIN THE FIGHT !! » both almost screamed at him from all the adrenaline and Janus lifted his hands in surrender. Patton laughed at that.
« Gee, we didn't have to wait long before they get along, huh ? » Janus looked at Patton knowingly and smirked in return. « So it seems. » The twins just looked at each other, and then at their respective caretakers.
The debates and talks lasted a little bit before they eventually had to sink back to their rooms. After all, it never was so good to leave the room for a whole day, as the longer you are outside, the less connected to whatever happens outside of Thomas' brain a side is. And they always had an unspoken rule about that.
So, the two twins had to wave each other goodbye.
If anyone asked, they didn't hug each other. And if anyone asked, they weren't on the verge of tears either. Janus and Patton exchanged a worried look. As they parted.
'We're gonna have to explain to them, won't we ?'
'I fear so too... But hey, we knew it was gonna happen. They're still brothers after all.'
'Yeah... And they're already getting close'
'Yeah... despite everything, I hope it lasts.'
Thomas' dreams this night were the best and most creative he ever had.
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Curiosity of a Mouse
For the Shobbs Summer Fic Exchange. My gift to @nix1327 I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I did writing it! This was super fun and not something I think I would have done if not for your prompt. And a big thanks to @omnivorousshipper for hosting this! 
I don’t have an AO3 currently but this helped me get back in to writing and I’m very thankful to you all for that ❤
Hobbs and Shaw sat at the meeting table at Nowhere, they were summoned by Mr.Nobody for a new mission. No information was given and so the two men were left to sit and wait. Normally they’d be ready to beat each other to oblivion, but they were under strict orders to be patient for Mr.Nobody. The aura between them felt awkward and uncomfortable like a constant buzzing. They gave each other side glances and dirty looks. Just as they opened their mouths to start something-.
"Afternoon gentlemen," Mr.Nobody said with a large grin on his face, buttoning his suit and adjusting his cufflinks as he walked into the glass room. "Thank you for joining me here today. I saw that everything went well with Eteon and wanted to say congratulations. Job well done."
"Spare the theatrics Nobody, what do you want?" Luke Hobbs interrupted the older man, "It better be worth my time if you took me from spending time with my daughter and setting me up again with Queen Elizabeth over here."
"Fuck off you overgrown badger. An attitude like that won't roll over for Miss America." Deckard Shaw snickered, sitting with his legs crossed on the office chair.
"You running out of insults there, Princess? Just you wait, this overgrown badger will beat your ass into next week" Hobbs stood walking over to Deckard so his body was leaning over the smaller man to show his raging mass. The tension that filled the room elevated by their remarks.
"Big talk from a man with a big mouth" Shaw tested, looking up at the built man above him.
"That ain't the only thing big about me," Hobbs replied, slamming his hands down on the chair arms to intimidate Shaw.
"Settle down gentlemen, I brought you here for a reason and it involves more than your constant antics. See this is what I was looking for… you two are going to be supervising," Mr. Nobody announced, getting their attention as he cleaned off the lens of his shades acting as his main focus.
"Supervising what?" Both Hobbs and Shaw said in unison looking towards Mr.Nobody.
"Your new trainee." He answered glancing up from his side task.
"What?" They both shouted.
"No way are you getting me to babysit some little desk mouse." Shaw spat with his eyes piercing at Mr. Nobody.
"Oh but he's more than that…. See he's moved up in the ranks and placed top of his classes faster than any other agent. Aside from you two of course. Although he's not affiliated with any agency, he's not exactly a mercenary either." Mr. Nobody replied, opening his arms, while he gave the new information.
"What new lab rat did you make this time, Nobody?" Luke asked, taking his attention from the Brit next to him.
"He's a young man, Hobbs. Name is Dylan Stock or Agent Stock for short. I think you'll both learn to like him."
"What exactly are we doing?" Shaw asked.
"I'm glad you asked. He'll be shadowing you two for now. We have some missions, easy enough for three people, and quick enough to be done in a matter of days."
"You said, ‘us three?’"
"Yes I did, Luke. Both you and Mr.Shaw will show this kid the ropes… together!"
"Well why not you, Little Nobody, or some other useless pencil pusher?"
"Well, there's some business that needs to be taken care of out of the country, so with you two being local for a while, we figured this would be our best bet-"
"-And now without further interruptions, I'd like you two to meet Agent Stock." Mr.Nobody announced. A click was heard in the distance and a sleek young man walked in.
His hair was dark and curly and his body was lean but muscular. His face had stubble and his eyes were a light green color. 
"Welcome in Agent."
The man practically tiptoed into the small meeting room and stood on the opposite side of the table.
"Hello my name's Dylan, I've been informed of our arrangement and look forward to learning from you." He said in a somewhat nervous voice. He couldn't have been over the age of twenty-seven especially when comparing his height to the others. He was clearly a few inches shorter then Deckard himself. 
"This is the mouse we're going to watch?" Hobbs asked. The man looked up to meet Luke's gaze and didn't skip a beat. His personality almost changing from nervous to serious in a flash.
"Ah, Luke Hobbs, former DSS agent top of his class and rank. Six foot five inches. Incredible strength, best tracker, and unorthodox investigator. Helped track down Dominic Torreto and his 'family' along with your current partner Deckard Shaw." 
"Huh," Deckard chuckled looking over Stock.
"And speaking of Deckard Shaw," Dylan’s eyes darted towards the other agent, "... or should I say ex-prisoner 6753. Former MI6 agent and international mercenary, master in martial arts and explosive expertise. Son of Magdalene Shaw, the sibling to Owen and Hattie Shaw. Now those two have very interesting files as well." Dylan finished, ending that last sentence with a smirk.
"Aren't you such a good bookworm," Deckard spat.
"He's brushed up on everything about you two," Nobody interjected.
"I am adequate in all forms of tech and hacking, along with multilingual books and reports." He mentioned, his voice firm.
"Now, Now. Settle down, these two aren't going to bite," Nobody said trying to calm the tension in the room. "You'll just be watching and sending in reports of your findings. Nothing too hard."
"Uhh… yes… sorry” Dylan sputtered, his nervousness returning, “Sounds easy enough I look forward to working with you."
“Great! So your first mission starts in Los Angeles.” Mr.Nobody exclaimed. 
It had been a week since Agent Stock teamed up with Hobbs and Shaw. Within that time, they had already derailed a drug-smuggling ring taking place in Las Vegas and also found a new lead on a high deal basement deal involving human trafficking. 
Apparently, after finding and recovering the head leader of the ring, he was also involved in an exclusive and highly expensive trafficking ring. This type of ring was hard to find and very little information was passed around and rumors started that senators and other high-status characters were a part of the guest list.
Not only were these events recorded and written out to incredible detail by Agent Stock, but he was also given a new nickname along the way, Mouse. Dylan wasn’t very happy about the change, but knowing the two men, it seemed like a normal occurrence. He would be so preoccupied watching the Samoan and Brit bicker that they wouldn’t even notice him around.
Not only were his associates on the brink of what looked like strangling each other at every turn on the mission or spitting third-grade remarks, but he was also starting to see something happen every time. Of course, he wasn't going to mention this in his files, but it seems like everyone else knew. After three days of handling the case along with Luke and Deckard, they had decided this was a much more careful mission that needed to be handled with family.
He had seen their planning and how well Dom and his family had set up everything. They were a true dream team with techs, muscle, and definitely experience. They all worked so well together… and so did Hobbs and Shaw, surprisingly.
Back at Nowhere, Luke walked over to Deckard with coffee in each hand. He stood next to Deckard, who was sitting at his computer, as he gave him a cup.
"Hey Princess, give me the stats on the possible count of guests and the dates for the auction. Check to see if our friend's drug ring has any suspicious people in on the auction," Hobbs asked, his voice serious but his actions soft as his hand moved to lay on Shaw's opposite shoulder.
"Sure thing, twinkle toes," Shaw replied ever so naturally and acting indifferent to the new touch. Hobbs applying a little bit of pressure at Deckard's mocking.
The past few days have been nonstop arguments and with every insult basically thrown at each other, they were really at the end of the line with insults. To the point where they had begun to act like an old married couple. Their words were sharp as daggers but the words they used were so mild they played off each other a little too well.
"Oh, and while you're at it, see if you can find a location and possibly find us a way in. Okay, sweetheart?" Luke added as his hand grazed across Shaw's back. It was so fast that nobody seemed to pick up on it, nobody except their shadow.
"Absolutely, my beloved bastard," Deckard said, giving him a side look and shaking his head and his fingers clicked away on the keyboard.
"Are they always like this?" Agent Stock finally asked.
"You have no idea!" Letty replied leaning against the table. "They've been like this since the day they met… a little less sweet, but generally the same."
"The day they met? How can they get anything done! I've had my fair share of grudges against my teammates but I've never seen anything like this. How did they expect me to learn anything from these two!" He shouted with his hands gesturing to the two men bickering at each other while fixing an impounded car.
"I'm sure you've seen them get at each other for the past few days," She spoke calmly, "but if you ignore all the crap they say, you can see how good of a team they are. They know what the bigger picture is and they understand each other's strengths-"
"Fuck off, you giant wanker!" Shaw's voice erupted.
"Whatever, you rotten Earl Gray cup of crap!" 
"-So with a little time you'll see," Letty finished, a smile gracing her lips as she walked over to Dom's side as they both watched the two men argue.
"C'mon guys," Dom's voice interrupted, "I think we've been cooped up in this room for a little too long now. Let's take a break and get back at this in an hour."
"So what are we gonna do?" Agent Stock asked, unsure of what his next move was.
"That sounds like a good idea," interrupted Hobbs replying to Dom, "I think I'm gonna hit the Nowhere training floor."
"Hm… maybe I'll join you. Haven't fought anyone good in the past few days. Don't wanna get rusty." Deckard announced, all eyes looking at him in slight shock. 
Stock looked between Luke and Deckard. Shaw glanced up from his laptop to meet Hobbs' eyes. 
"So finally getting that one-on-one?"
"One-on-one?" Asked Stock.
"Oh, yea!" Letty shouted, "that still hasn't happened yet?"
"I call a hundred dollars on Hobbs!" Tej's voice rang from the corner.
"Sorry but my money's on Shaw." Perked Roman, shaking Tej's shoulder.
"Well, then I guess that leaves me with the tie." Ramsey finished.
The room started with small chatting and finalizing bets. Pretty soon they had gotten the attention of Dom, Little Nobody, and Mr.Nobody all making bets. The later two back from their overseas business. Everyone's attention left both Luke and Deckard, except for a certain mouse. 
The trainee standing away from the whole business. He would rather be looking for more information and from the corner of his eye, he saw the two gentlemen leave the room. 
It's not his business to follow them. Why would he want to follow them? Well, he is shadowing them. But they're not really working a mission right now… but watching them could help him in his training. Yes, his training. So what's the harm in studying them fight… for training.
So as thoughts shot through his mind, the little mouse became a curious cat.
Dylan followed the other men's footsteps and slid out of the room undetected. He heard voices through the hallways and… was that laughter... that echoed leading him. He had never been in Nowhere and traversing the endless halls was like a maze. The dark hallways seemed empty and the doors were like matching tiles against the walls. Without really looking you couldn't tell there were even offices.
Where did they go?
"So you went after them too?" A soft accented voice surprised him from behind.
"Ramsey!" He shouted completely caught off guard. 
"Well you can't get far if you don't know where you're going" she teased walking up to him and tussling his curls.
"I'm not a kid y'know."
She giggled at his response. Her hand waving for him to follow her.
She was a suspicious girl. He read her files just like everyone else’s. The creator of God's Eye. So smart yet she looks and acts like an everyday person. She had no major criminal history or anything that would make seem her seem like a threat. She had spunk and even without meeting Dom's team she could hold her own.
"So what do you think of everyone so far?" Ramsey asked. She had led them through a hallway and up to a door that blended into the walls.
"It's not what I was expecting, in all honesty."
The door slid open revealing a stairway down.
"Hobbs and Shaw are definitely a weird pair. When I first joined Dom's 'family' nobody liked Deckard, especially when Mr.Nobody recruited him to help save Dom from Cipher. I'm sure you've heard of her? But Deck was really nice and I lent him my laptop a couple of times."
She paused for a second down the stairs, "And yet, those two would always be talking," a small grin appearing on her lips, "I remember when Hobbs had me print out some papers on Deckard. I had forgotten to give him some papers on Deckard's field stats, but before I could give it to him, he was already at him underneath another vehicle. 'Captain Deckard Shaw' he said," she quoted making her voice deeper to mimic Hobbs, "I don't know what they were talking about but after a while… they just started to laugh. And I have never seen either of them smile like that towards anybody."
She continued down the stairs, Dylan following, with a grin on her face.
Thinking back to LA, Stock had caught a few glimpses between the two and some light chuckles, but with what Ramsey was saying… what more was he missing? He didn’t suspect anything between them, especially with their obnoxious fights.
Before Stock could ask anything, Ramsey opened another door to a hidden training room. There were weights and machines for testing anybody's strength and stamina, and in the back, another door leading to a separate room for physical training. 
Dylan was captivated by the plethora of technology around him. His eyes large with intrigue. He wasn't much of a fighter, but he had a decent understanding of battle tactics.
He was focusing so hard he didn't notice that he had walked the whole room until Ramsey had grabbed him by his arm.
Grunts and loud breathing could be heard as they walked closer to the training room door. 
"Shh." She whispered and pointed to the open door making sure that the men inside didn't notice them. They walked slowly through and found a good spot in the shadows of the room that Hobbs and Shaw couldn't see them.
The training room was equipped with smash proof windows and padded flooring. Of course there would be cameras everywhere in Nowhere, even in a hidden gym like this.
Sure enough, the two men stood eight feet from each other both in fighting poses. Luke was in his regular outfit with a black tank top and cargo pants. Deckard on the other hand stood without his suit jacket and the top button was undone on his button-up shirt.
Dylan stood a good distance from the window with Ramsey, making sure they weren't spotted. His mind was racing to finally see the skills these two men had.
Both men were breathing hard and starting to sweat. Hobbs was keeping himself standing trying hard to focus on his punches and hits. He almost seemed exhausted compared to Deckard who kept his breathing steady, leaning forward with his hands out to his sides, ready for any attack.
Agent stock was mentally taking notes to the power that each man would give. He could see the fire in their eyes and their attacks practically moving in slow motion. It was like a dance.
Hobbs had taken a step for a hard swing which was dodged by Deckard who elbowed him in the back making the larger man lose his balance. 
"Thought you'd be faster on your feet, twinkle toes!" Shaw huffed turning around in a split second to face his partner.
"You don't seem to be getting many hits in yourself." Hobbs scoffed, his breathing evening out as he stood up straight and looked towards Shaw.
"That's only because you seem to be doing more damage to yourself. How bout you go sit in the corner and have a nice banana like the gorilla you are." Shaw replied.
All that action and they still argue. Ramsey giggled a little seeing Dylan's face go from excited to a sour look. 
"What?" He asked Ramsey.
"Nothing… it's just kind of cute seeing someone new getting to know how these guys act."
"Well, it's not cute that I'm missing out on combat training when they do this."
Ramsey looked the young agent up and down, "Have you ever liked someone?"
"What does that have to do with anything?" Agent Stock asked while folding his arms and leaning against a nearby wall.
"It will explain why Luke and Deckard act the way they do… You may have read their files, and you may know about their training history, but you don't know who they are as people," she finished.
Dylan’s brow furrowed looking at Ramsey and looking back at the two men. 
"I know their fighting styles, how they work together, and what it’s like out in the field. Isn't that all I really need? I'm not really interested in a relationship with you all." 
"Ouch!" Ramsey exclaimed, holding a hand over her heart to exaggerate her fake pain. "That's a little harsh isn't it, Mouse-pad. Is that what they call you?"
Dylan looked at her with mild disgust. "Ugh it's Mouse," he replied folding his arms in embarrassment, his cheeks turning a shade of pink. "I don't see why they gave me that name. It's not like Stock is hard to get." His voice slightly increasing in volume.
Beside him, Ramsey tried so hard to hold back her laughter.
Her giggling continued, "Do you know who you sound like?"
Dylan calmed down and dropped his arms to his side, "Who?" He asked his voice soft again.
"Little Nobody." A smile on her face. "They did the exact same thing to him, and look at him now. He started as a trainee to Mr.Nobody too."
"Well…" he paused, "I bet he didn’t care for it then too." He said looking to Ramsey, both smiling at each other at the humorous past.
They both looked to the two men as their fight continued.
Luke and Deckard’s argument persisted in the background as small hits were given. Agent Stock noticing their kicks and punches holding less power with each throw. 
Their fighting slowed as their verbal battle continued until the two men were in a near standstill. 
“You really holding back on me, Hobbs?” Shaw asked as he took a step closer to Luke both men in calmer stances.
"Well you're not going to do much with those ballerina kicks you've been giving me," Luke said closing this distance. 
They were a foot apart. Hobbs with his arms crossed and Deckard with one hand on his hip. Both standing alone in the room.
"Sorry for holding back so that people don't worry about more bruises on your body," Shaw replied as his eyes glossed over Hobbs.
They stared at each other as Shaw's hand reached up to Luke's shoulder where a light bruise was left from a hit back in LA. His hand slowly gliding down the neckline of Luke's tight tank top.
The duo spectating the men both filled with intrigue. Ramsey was quiet as Agent Stock watched curiously at Shaw's movements. Were his eyes deceiving him? Were they really a lot closer than he initially thought?
"What's happening?" Agent Stock asked to no one in particular, his voice emphasizing his confusion.
Looking at the two, Ramsey wondered if Dylan could see what she could… progress.
"Didn't look like you could take another hit," Deckard spoke so soft only Hobbs could hear as his eyesight followed the movement of his fingertips. His foot shifting ever so slightly around Hobbs' leg bringing them closer.
Luke looked down at Deckard, leaving a smile as he chuckled at Shaw's response. Their eyes met as Hobbs leaned in ever so slightly.
Agent Stock stood frozen watching the two men, his cheeks turning a shade of red. What was happening?
But before Luke could say or do anything, his breathing hitched as a force pushed him back. Shaw's hand now faced out after tripping the larger Samoan man.
But Luke was just fast enough to grab Shaw with his outstretched hand, taking him down with him. Both of their instincts kicked in as Deckard tried putting his weight on Luke's arms and legs. But his strength was nothing as Luke slipped his leg around Deckard's and switched their positions.
Dylan and Ramsey's eyes more focused than before. 
Luke was now looking down at Deckard who was flat in his back. Hobbs’ hands were now holding back Shaw’s wrists above his head and his legs kept the smaller man down. Hobbs could see Deckard's chest was lightly exposed and moving up and down from his breathing.
They were staring at each other, only a few inches away. Their bodies calming down at the new position. Both were quiet, waiting for the other to make the next move. Both unaware of the audience that had been secretly watching them from behind the glass window.
"Looks like I won the bet," Ramsey whispered to Dylan. 
"Do they...? Are they…?" Dylan asked completely puzzled at what just happened. His face felt like it was on fire like he had seen something he shouldn't. He has never seen them like this before. And yet, with what everyone said… he needed to know.
"You really don't know them just yet, little mouse." Ramsey smiled.
Before anyone made another move, a voice was heard through a Nowhere speaker.
"Would the Dom family make their way back to the meeting room. We made a decision on our next move."
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thatfairyfangirl · 5 years
Part Of That World Chapter 8
Your eyes lingered on Bucky’s muscles glistening under the lights of the training room as Nat’s foot landed in your stomach. “Ughf.” It didn’t exactly hurt, but it definitely wasn’t comfortable as you landed on the mat. 
“You alright?” Nat asked short of breath as she lowered herself down to you, following her friend’s eyes to the former assassin sparing with Steve on the other side of the room before giving you a knowing smirk. “You seem a little distracted.”
“No I don’t...No I’m not. I uhh, I just had some hair in my eyes.” You protested as you pushed your blond and aqua hair from your face. 
“Mm hmm sure.” She said as she turned to the super soldiers. “Hey Steve, I need a break, what do you say to a coffee run?”
“Sure. Buck can you work with (Y/n) while we’re gone?” He turned to you, letting out a sigh as he watched your eyes sadden at the thought of being stuck training with him. “The more practice you get with those knives the better. Plus,” he turned to Bucky, “you getting some action against her harpoon might not be a bad idea either.”
The two of you just stood awkwardly as you were left alone for the first time since the halloween party. “So...Should we maybe talk about-”
“No.” You said sharply as you reached for the knives Steve had given you. “Let's just get this over with.”
“Alright…” He sighed as he readied to spar. “It’s just,” he dipped to the side to dodge the slash of your knife, “I’ve been wondering...” he dipped to the other side as you slashed again with enough firosity to make him think you might actually be trying to hurt him. “Did you know it was me?”
“Of course not!” You snapped as you both traded blows. “That was my one chance to get to know some people as an equal, you really think I would have wasted it on you?” 
As you attempted to punch him he grabbed your hand with his bionic arm, then the next with the other. “It’s just, Wizard of Oz is such an old film...Hell, it was the last movie I went to see before the accident. Is that really your favorite movie?” 
“Yes.” You replied as you attempted to pull your hands free. “Me and Great Aunt Pearl used to watch it all the time back in Maine. It reminds me of my childhood.” As you stood there at a stalemate he found himself looking into your eyes, heart racing. He thought about how the mystery girl from the party made his heart skip a beat with just a smile. How could this be the same girl?
~ ~ ~ ~
With a sigh you settled into your usual reading spot by the window looking down onto the streets below, barely colored with the few leaves in the city changing their colors. “Pretty isn’t it.” Bucky said with a half smile as he came close to admire the view of Central Park off in the distance.  
“It’s alright. But Maine this time of year is breathtaking. I’m thinking about going for a visit.” You said as you set Return of the King down.
“You’re still reading that book? Didn’t you start it over the summer?” Bucky half teased as he came to lean against the window.
You looked up to the ocean blue of his eyes, still finding it hard to believe this was the guy you had such a good time with at the party. As he leaned over you, you realized just how intoxicating his musk could be. He smelled just like he did the night of the party. “No, that was Fellowship. This is the third one.” You explained as you stood, worming out from between him and the window.
“Hey you two!” Steve called from down the hall, on his way to their rooms to look for them. “Shield came up with a lead on a possible Hydra base in the Rocky Mountains. Think you two can play nice long enough for a recon mission?” You both looked to each other before nodding. “Good, suit up.”
~ ~ ~ ~
You and Bucky let the auto nav system fly the quinjet as he did a last minute inspection on his guns and you did some last minute testing on your h2o condenser gauntlets. “So...Maine? Any plans for while you’re there?” 
“You mean outside of being away from you?" He couldn't help noticing much less disdain for him in your voice as you spoke. "Oh not much, maybe visit the marina dad kept his houseboat in.”
“You should go. It might help you cope with stuff.” He offered lightly as he prepared his weapons. 
You raised a brow as you looked over to him, the black leather of his uniform mingling perfectly with the metal of his arm and the dark tendrils of hair dancing over his shoulders. “What is this? What are you doing?” You asked suspiciously as you pulled your hair back into a tight bun, realizing you were close to your target. 
“It’s called being nice. You should try it sometime.” He answered with a smirk before the cabin of the quintet shook violently. "Shit!" He exclaimed as you both tumbled toward each other, arms reaching out instinctively to steady yourselves against the other. "The hell was that?!"
"You act like you've never been fired at before." Your eyes darted around the cabin. "Friday, get us out of the air!" The computer's voice was little more than static but she did as requested. 
"Well...so much for recon mission…" Bucky half chuckled  handing you your harpoon.
~ ~ ~ ~
Though the jet had been shot at you were glad to see it landed in one piece before managing to sneak your way inside. But, what you found in there definitely left you less than thrilled… The facility hidden deep within the mountains held a large tank, thankfully empty. But what sent the worst chill down your spine was the sheets of paper covered in sketches of Atlantean biology and calculations for just how much water they would need and how much sedation would be effective. "I think I'm going to be sick." You scoffed as you pieced together that what you found was a research facility and test lab for a crossbreeding program.
Bucky nodded in agreement, his eye not once leaving the scope of his gun, aim constantly moving, ready to shoot down anyone who stumbled on them. But no one did...the place seemed to be deserted. "I don't like this. We should have ran in to trouble by now."
Your eyes scoured the room. As much as you hated to admit it, he was right. "There has to be someone here...who shot at the jet?" You asked as you searched for any clues.
"Might have been an automated security system." He answered as he continued to look around. Spotting a map Bucky lowered his scope, a deep sense of dread growing in his gut. The map had colored pen marks  in seemingly random points in the oceans. But one spot he recognized...where they found you. "Hey...what do you make of this?"
Your eyes looked up from a journal filled with notes before you stepped closer. "Oh good god… " you muttered, recognizing each pinpoint as a different settlement colony. "How did they find them?" You asked in a worried breath before reaching up to tear the map off the wall.
~ ~ ~ ~
“So uhh...we have a problem.” Bucky announced with a scrunched brow as he turned back to face you.
“Oh god what?” You groaned as you came to lean over him at the cockpit. The gold and blue of your hair danced over his shoulders as your head dropped in defeat seeing the black screen that was supposed to be showing a map as you realized the hit you took on the way in knocked out the auto nav systems. "So? I thought you knew how to fly this thing?"
“And what good will that do if I don't know what way to point it?” Bucky's words spat out as he gave the computer a frustrated hit. You both knew well enough neither of you knew how to fix it. "Looks like you get that vacation you were wanting."
“Just radio the team for help.” You suggested, already annoyed with this as you reached for the com set. Nothing but static. “Oh you've got to be kidding.” You shouted as you threw the headset. “FUCK!”
“It's not so bad. They'll figure out something's wrong and come looking for us in a day or so.” Bucky offered as he got up searching the jet for the emergency rations.
“How well are you adapted to the cold?” You asked folding your arms, interjecting a healthy dose of reality into Bucky's unfounded optimism. “We are in the mountains in the autumn. As soon as the sun goes down it's going to start getting colder.” You informed him. “Get your priorities straight Buck.” You added before leaving the jet, disappearing into the wilderness.
Hours later you returned with a pile of wood kneeling down in the clearing the jet landed in. Bucky watched as you got a fire going. “How does a mermaid know how to do that?” He wondered out loud as he emerged with the blankets he found.
“Atlantean. And I didn't always live in the water… Dad loved to go camping a lot when I was a kid.” You explained as you took the blanket to wrap around you. Sitting by the fire your eyes drifted up to see the stars beginning to come alive in the mountain sky. Realizing how long it had been since you've seen them you let out a long sigh, studying each point of light.
“Man that's really something amazing.” He said referring to the soft smile and starlight twinkling in against your face as he sat beside you, leaning back on the blanket. It was nice to see you looking at peace for once.
With a growing smile you leaned back as well, your fingertips brushing slightly against his as your hand landed in the plush grass.  “Yeah...I've spent so much time in the water I almost forgot how beautiful they were.” You reached up with your other hand pointing to a cluster of stars. “That one is called puppis. It was always my dad’s favorite, he named his fishing boat after it.”
“Puppis? Why would you name a boat that?” He asked with a raised brow.
“Its part of a cluster that makes up the Argo. Its this ship from Greek Myth. Dad called it the impossible ship. The constellation moves westward but it sails stern first.” He watched your eyes go wide as you spoke. “Oh my god I'm an idiot!” you announced as you jumped up, the blanket fluttering from your shoulders.
“No objections here." He chuckled, watching you put the fire out with your powers. "Didn't you just get that going?”
“Yeah but I can get us home!” You explained as you scooped the blankets up.
“Did you suddenly remember Tony showing you how to fix the nav system?” He asked with a raised brow.
“Why? We have a working nav system.” You pointed upward. What sailor can't navigate by the stars? Once back on the jet he watched you slip into the co-pilot' seat as you helped direct him back to New York as you both sailed through the stars.
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Someone Dangerous: A Toni Topaz Story [Chapter Two]
Wordcount: 1808 Notes: Contains description of abuse. Summary: Dreams of the past and the leader of the new gang is revealed. Part One Can Be Found Here. Part Three can be Found Here. Part Four can be Found Here. Part Five can be found here. Final Part can be found here.
Squares of light appeared on the dirty bedroom walls, going from left to right before disappearing. The sound of each car driving by came with the image, and with those walls being so thin, it was heard perfectly well on most nights. But not tonight, as there were other sounds in the house that were louder and more aggressive than late night drivers. The words blended into each other but the effect was the same each night. Fear - earth-shattering fear that made Lyn feel as if the floor was about to drop out from underneath her and she was going to be swallowed up whole by Hell itself. Her father’s spittle hit her face and her mother’s perfectly done nails, paid for at the expense of two weeks worth of lunch money for her two daughters, scraped the skin of the little girl’s face. There was only one good thing that she could focus on and it was the two arms around her, the feminine voice speaking on her behalf though Lyn had no idea what her older sister was saying. Only that no matter what happened to her, she felt safe with her big sister. If she just focused on the car-lights darting across the bedroom through the mangled blinds, she would be okay.
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But then time seemed to skip forward a couple of years. Lyn wasn’t as little as she was before, and nor was her sister. They both had dirty faces and bruises, both were beaten into the mud by the Ghoulies who stood over them, intimidating them with their painted faces. It was enough to make Lyn have nightmares for  years, nor would she ever be able to look at a clown the same way as she might have as a child were she lucky enough to go to a circus. The Ghoulies, as everyone knew, were not afraid to take things too far in the small town and murder wasn’t that surprising. They had nailguns, baseball bats with sharp things sticking out of them, anything that was crude and handmade, they had, and they used on the two girls until they thought both of them were dead. But the youngest was merely unconscious and when she came to hours later, she brushed aside the long hairs of her sister’s head and saw the cold, glazed eyes that meant only one thing. Her protector, the only sunshine in the life of the young girl, was gone. She refused to leave her sister’s side, cuddling against her and crying unabashedly until a kind stranger came across her and called the Sheriff.
One ring and then another and Lyn came to, her fingers going to the crowbar that she kept by her bedside every night. She felt the familiar cold steel and then calmed down, realizing that it was just her phone going off with her morning alarm. She’ll turn it off and pull up her morning schedule, just as she does everyday. School - obviously. And then checking on her multiple responsibilities throughout Riverdale. She was more than just a schoolgirl in this town, though the competition was large around here. She was on equal ground with the Lodges’ and their buying sprees since Hiram got out of prison.
It was a beautiful day, as could be told by the birds chirping outside of her one-bedroom apartment, the sounds permeating through the thin walls. Just another year and she could leave this apartment and give up the facade of being a broke teenager trying to make it on her own. And on her own she truly was - the framed court document of her emancipation from her parents that hung on her wall showed how official that was. She was leaving them, and all of their abuse, in the past. She was never going to go back to that.
“Damn the Ghoulies.” She said as she looked out of her window. Lyn got dressed, packed up the homework that she had done during the night before and started the walk to school, circling around a couple of times to make sure that she wasn’t being followed. She could never be too careful.
“I’d be careful if I were you.” A voice said, sneaking up on her as she walked through the entry doors and was trying to make her way to her locker. She looked over her shoulder and saw a tall young man standing there. Reggie Mantle - Football star and a dick from what she had heard.
“Excuse me?” She asked, playing innocent, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear.
“There’s some gangs around here in Riverdale, new girl. You might want someone to take care of you. I can fill that position.” He said, moving his arms so that they flexed. It wasn’t overly subtle.
“Thanks for the offer, but I think I’ll be alright. Homebody.” She said quickly and turned, going back the way of her locker, rolling her eyes at Reggie’s ‘generous’ offer.
In class, she found herself sitting by the Serpents again, and once more, they were talking about the Devil’s Advocates. They were trying to work out if there was any threat to themselves, despite no one moving in on their territory. Lyn kept quiet, not intruding on their conversation, but definitely listened in on what they had to say.
But she was noticed regardless.
“I heard you turned down Mantle.” The girl with the pink hair said, sliding into her seat behind Lyn. Lyn turned around and gave a shy, embarrassed smile to Toni.
“I’ve uhh - I’ve had some experience taking care of myself, when needed.” She said. “My name is Lyn, by the way. New kid, but I suppose that you already knew that.”
“You were the new kid yesterday, but now you’re the legend that turned down Reggie Mantle.” Toni laughed and stuck her hand out. “I’m Toni.”
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Lyn shook her hand. “That’s high school, I guess. You have a reputation no matter how much you try to blend in.”
“Seems so.” Toni said, leaning back into her chair. The bell rang and the teacher came in, calling for silence as class began.
Lyn introduced herself to a couple of her classmates, but kept mostly to herself throughout the day. There was one or two people who she knew from her own extra-curricular activities but not a single one of them gave her a glance. That was good. They had learned their lesson quickly.
Rather than go home after the school day was done, she went on a walk, once again going around a block a couple of times, taking some short cuts to make sure that she wasn’t followed, then made her way to the old Bowling Rink. Loud music was playing inside, and some families were bowling - mainly younger kids and parents, a couple of old men betting on each other. The real rush wouldn’t happen until the weekend and even then, it was a wonder the place stayed in business.
She went over to the shoe rental and helped herself behind the desk. Ralph, the man working there, said nothing as the teenage girl walked behind him and through the Staff Only door. Going beyond the balls and the broken pins, there was a door leading to the basement. She went through it and descended down the stairs until she reached the bottom floor.
It was rather dark down there, but she knew where everything was. There was a couple of lights lit, and a few tables of older guys playing poker. There was also a bar that was built down here during the prohibition while the building up top had been a grocery store. “I want to call a little meeting, bring everyone who can come in. The message can be spread around to those who can’t make it.” Lyn said to the biggest guy down there, a tall man with a ponytail that went to his midback. The man didn’t smile, he just gave a nod and went to the corner to make the phonecalls.
The members of Devil’s Advocate began to stream in. Some came through the back staff-door which Ralph perched open with a bowling pin to make it easier and less suspicious. More lights were turned on and the room was lit up. This was just one meeting place of many, one spot where the club met up. It was good to have more than one in case of surveillance purposes.
“What can we do for you, Lynny?” The big guy said, once everyone who was able to come, did.
“I want to clear a little something up before anyone gets any ideas.” The teenage girl said, and sat on the corner of one of the poker tables, crossing her ankles and swung her legs back and forth. She had a natural charisma to her, which was how these more powerful, older men listened to her and agreed to join her cause. “The Serpents - I know there’s been some questions about what we’ll do with them because they’re a rival gang but I want to leave them alone for now. They aren’t violent unless people go on their property, and we certainly aren’t going to do that. We have most of the downtown area as ours, that’s good enough until we finish our purposes.”
“The Whyte Worm would be a good spot, though.” A woman spoke up. “Have a voice over in the South Side. We should at least try to make an alliance-”
“There’s no need to talk like that yet. We’ve made our first move. It’s more important that we figure out what our second one should be before the Ghoulies retaliate.” Lyn said, calmly.
“That Jughead Jones - is he looking into it?” Another man asked. The Serpent had a reputation for wanting to be a journalist or something of the sort. He was always snooping into people’s business.
“Right now, as far as I can tell from the younger members, they aren’t wanting to look too deeply into us unless we attack them. They can be dangerous, and they aren’t our objective. We want the Ghoulies off of the streets. That is our main priority. That is why we are here.” Lyn said, and there was some agreement in the crowd. “So no thinking about those snakes for the moment. We’re going to give those clowns our Hell, and take out every single last one of them until  no one stands to hurt our families again.” That brought on cheers rather then just agreements, and as a group, they talked about next steps.
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The Worm Reads: Empire of Storms, Ch 3 - 4
Last time we learned that SJM has an unhealthy fascination with describing the breasts of her female characters. I wonder what else this book will throw at us.....
Manon Blackbeak stood at attention by one end of the long, dark bridge into Morath and watched her grandmother’s coven descend from the gray clouds.
MANON MY QUEEN!!! I’ve seen so many antis praise Manon and I totally agree, she’s a refreshing and just plain bad ass character in a cast of stale personality lacking cardboard cut outs.
[Manon’s] grandmother had come to Morath. Or what was left of it, when one-third was nothing more than rubble.
Oh yeah, that happened. Uhh evil stuff and villain plotting was happening at Morath until a minor character from T0G blew it up or something? Can’t remember but it probably won’t be that important after this chapter because SJM has smut to get to, ain’t no room for plot on this boat!
So Manon takes her grandmother to see the duke and we get this fragment.
At the Matron’s accusation—and the line her Thirteen were drawing. Had drawn for some time now.
I don’t know why SJM does this constantly. I suppose to put emphasize on what is being said, but when you do that every other paragraph, it loses its effect. Just have the first sentence there and boom, there you go.
Manon assessed the exits, the windows, the weapons she would use when they fought their way out. Instinct had her stepping in front of her grandmother; training had her palming two knives before the golden-eyed man could blink.
Hell yeahhhhh Manon is so awesome. See. this is what Aelin should have been! Bad ass, but not strutting around flaunting it 24/7.
The duke has changed forms and reveals his true name, Erawan, and Vernon is there too. So is Maeve the main villain or these two guys?
And with the fiery queen now gone, Dorian Havilliard and his city were defenseless. It mattered little to [Manon]. It was war.
Riiight, because nobody can possibly get anything done without the amazing Aelin there to defend them... I’m not saying a bunch of magic-less humans could stand a chance against the witches, but do you have to make it all about how powerful Aelin is?
Perrington—Erawan—shrugged his broad shoulders.
Even the villains aren’t safe from SJM’s obsession with broad shoulders.
“Damage the city enough to instill fear, show our power. But that wall … Bring it down.” [Manon] only said, “Why?” [Vernon’s] golden eyes simmered like hot coals. “Because destroying a symbol can break the spirits of men as much as bloodshed.”
Not gonna lie, that’s pretty bad ass in a twisted, villain way. Not only does he want to destroy the city and no doubt kill countless people, but he’s gonna destroy a symbol of their city to break their spirits? That’s a good threat for a villain to make.
Manon leaves the meeting and tells her witches to suit up for battle.
She found the mute blacksmith by his usual forge, sweat streaming down his soot-stained brow. But his eyes were solid, calm, as he pulled back the canvas tarp on his worktable to reveal her armor. Polished, ready.
It fitted easily, its interior cool against her hot skin. Even with the shadows that hid most of her face, she could see the blacksmith with perfect clarity as his chin dipped in approval. She had no idea why she bothered, but Manon found herself saying, “Thank you.”
The sweet, sweet taste of character development that sadly, if you haven’t read the books might not make sense out of context.
Onto chapter 4!
Aedion and Rowan did not let Darrow’s messenger go ahead to warn the lords of their arrival. If this was some maneuver to get them on uneven footing, despite all that Murtaugh and Ren had done for them this spring, then they’d gain the advantage whatever way they could.
You just said yourself that Murtaugh and Ren owe you a debt and want to be your allies. You can trust them, I’m pretty sure they aren’t planning anything against you.
Aelin and her court go to a tavern, and I gotta admit, I’m pretty hyped. I know tavern scenes are a cliche in fantasy but honestly, I love them! I love the atmosphere, the blend of comedy and drama, whispering secrets over the table and noticing suspicious figures across the room. Or maybe I just played too much D&D.
Inside the inn, there were no rooms to be found for rent, and the taproom itself was crammed full of travelers, hunters, and whoever else was escaping, the downpour. Some even sat against the walls—and Aelin supposed that it was how she and her friends might very well spend their evening once this meeting concluded. A few heads twisted their way as they entered, but dripping hoods and cloaks concealed their faces and weapons, and those heads quickly returned to their drinks or cards or drunken songs.
See, this is imagery I love! 
Lysandra had finally shifted back into her human form—and true to her oath months ago, her once-full breasts were now smaller.
Aaand SJM ruined it. Though I guess the focus of breasts has a point here...? I don’t know why Lysandra vowed to have smaller breasts next time she transformed back to human form but whatever.
Fleetfoot brushed against her calf, tail wagging, and Aelin smiled down at the hound, who shook herself again, flinging droplets of water. Lysandra snorted. Bringing a wet dog into a covert meeting—very queenly.
At least SJM is honest about Aelin not giving a fuck about appearing like a proper queen.
Aelin squared her shoulders as Aedion stepped into the room, already speaking to those inside: “Just like you bastards to make us trudge through the rain because you don’t want to get wet. Ren, looking put-out, as usual. Murtaugh, always a pleasure. Darrow—your hair looks as bad as mine.”
Jesus does it run in the family? Aedion this kind of banter is not proper in a meeting that’ll determine the future of your kingdom and your lives!
Aelin didn’t know how she hadn’t recognized Murtaugh that night she’d gone to the warehouse to end so many of them. Especially when he’d been the one who halted her slaughtering. The other old man, though … while wrinkled, his face was strong—hard. Without amusement or joy or warmth. A man used to getting his way, to being obeyed without question. His body was thin and wiry, but his spine was still straight. Not a warrior of the sword, but of the mind.
Ohhh please don’t tell me Darrow is gonna be a villain please please please
“Lord Darrow,” she said, inclining her head. She couldn’t help the crooked grin. “You look toasty.” Darrow’s plain face remained unmoved. Unimpressed. Well, then.
Yeah it’s almost like this is an important political meeting and there’s no place for shitty one liners in them....hm...
Humility—gratitude. She should try; she could try, damn it. Darrow had sacrificed for her kingdom; he had men and money to offer in the upcoming battle with Erawan. She had called this meeting; she had asked these lords to meet them. Who cared if it was in another location? They were all here. It was enough.
Aelin becoming self aware once again of her frankly shitty attitude. Will she keep it up and try to improve though?
Aelin began counting to ten at the tone. But it was Aedion who said as he claimed a seat, “Careful, Darrow.” Darrow interlaced his gnarled but manicured fingers and set them on the table. “Or what? Shall you burn me to ash, Princess? Melt my bones?”
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DARROW CALLING AELIN OUT ON HER SHIT TEMPER! I love Darrow he is my new favorite.
“And what bloodline,” Darrow asked, his mouth tightening at the brand across Lysandra’s tattoo, the mark visible no matter what form she took, “does Lady Lysandra hail from?” “We didn’t arrange this meeting to discuss bloodlines and heritage,” Aelin countered evenly.
I get that you don’t want Darrow being an asshole over Lysandra’s past, but..... you kinda did arrange this meeting for that reason, though? Aelin’s heritage is going to be examined in this meeting so....
Aelin cocked her head, choosing each word, forcing herself to think it through for once. “Is there a skill set that you would prefer I possess?” Darrow smiled. It didn’t reach his eyes. “Some control would do Your Highness well.”
Darrow, it’s illegal to roast someone this badly.
Darrow reveals that in order for a ruler to claim the throne of Terrasen, they must be approved by the ruling families of each territory, meaning that Aelin can’t just strut in and demand the throne. Big fuckin’ shock, Aelin, this is how shit is done!
Darrow didn’t so much as flinch. “You can hardly expect us to allow a nineteen-year-old assassin to parade into our kingdom and start yapping orders, regardless of her bloodline.”
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Admittedly, Darrow does refer to Lysandra as a whore, which isn’t cool, but damn other than that he is spot on! Maybe SJM won’t force him to be a villain and let him be an obstacle and challenge that forces Aelin to stop her shitty temperamental ways!
But Rowan leaned back in his chair with a faint smile—and it was a horrifying, terrible thing. “I have known many princesses with kingdoms to inherit, Lord Darrow, and I can tell you that absolutely none of them were ever stupid enough to allow a male to manipulate them that way, least of all my queen. But if I were going to scheme my way onto a throne, I’d pick a far more peaceful and prosperous kingdom.” He shrugged. “But I do not think my brother and sister in this room would allow me to live for very long if they suspected I meant their queen ill—or their kingdom.”
Trying not to let myself have feels over him calling Aedion and Lysandra his brother/sister..... I love the “misfits become family” trope, what can I say.
But Darrow went on before Aelin could speak or incinerate the room. “Perhaps, Aedion, if you hope to still gain an official position in Terrasen, you could see if your kin in Wendlyn have reconsidered the betrothal proposition of so many years ago. See if they’ll recognize you as family. What a difference it might have made, if you and our beloved Princess Aelin had been betrothed—if Wendlyn had not rejected the offer to formally unite our kingdoms, likely at Maeve’s behest.” A smile in Rowan’s direction.
SJM, are you... are you suggesting incest? Look, I know shit like this happened in real medieval times, but this is a fantasy series, you don’t have to keep gross shit like that if you’re not gonna go all the way and properly explain and address it.
Darrow says one mean comment about Aedion and Aelin neARLY STABS HIM WITH A DAGGER I’M NOT EVEN JOKING.
Aelin lunged. Not with flame, but steel. The dagger shuddering between Darrow’s fingers flickered with the light of the crackling hearth.
Real professional behavior there, Aelin! Is this how you plain to rule your kingdom, just threaten and kill anyone you disagree with?
“I see you inherited your father’s temper,” Darrow sneered. “Is this how you plan to rule? When you don’t like someone, you’ll threaten them?”
Same hat Darrow! Same hat!
Darrow lifted his brows. “All the work I have done, all that I have sacrificed these past ten years, has been in Orlon’s name, to honor him and to save his kingdom—my kingdom. I do not plan to let a spoiled, arrogant child destroy that with her temper tantrums. Did you enjoy the riches of Rifthold these years, Princess? Was it very easy to forget us in the North when you were buying clothes and serving the monster who butchered your family and friends?”
I know I’m sounding like a broken record here but holy shit, THANK YOU DARROW. Darrow is such an amazing character and a breath of fresh air from everyone kissing Aelin’s ass.
Beneath the table, Rowan’s hand shot out to grip [Aelin’s] own, his fingers coated in ice that soothed the fire starting to flicker at her nails. Not in warning or reprimand—just to tell her that he, too, was struggling with the effort to keep from using the pewter food platter to smash in Darrow’s face.
Wow you two are gonna be great rulers. They’re both temperamental and violent as hell and will probably bring their kingdom to its knees because someone stared at them wrong.
“Should you return to Orynth and seize your throne without our invitation, it will be considered an act of war and treason.” Darrow pulled a piece of paper from his jacket—lots of fancy writing and four different signatures on the bottom. “As of this moment, until it is otherwise decided, you shall remain a princess by blood— but not queen.”
HELL YEAH DARROW!!! Aelin hasn’t proved herself worthy of being queen yet, least of all with threatening someone she’s supposed to be making an ally with. Maybe SJM has turned a new leaf and this entire book will be about Aelin having to actually sit down, shut up, and learn to be humble and how to be a good ruler. One can dream...
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wannawrite · 7 years
Melting Of The Ice Cream Girl
PD101 / MXM’s Im Youngmin X Reader [fem ver] ( I can finally type MXM instead of BNM :“) he has debuted I am still shooketh by their album I wrote this on the day of the debut itself ) Fluff, mild angst
part one
part two 
bulletpoint ver. • ok so at your sch, Youngmin is like THE sunbaenim • you’re super shy to everyone - since you’re so quiet everyone is like ‘bruh we better stay away she’ll kill us’ but wild asf with your friends • you have a crush on Youngmin bc tbh who doesn’t ??? hello anon, thank you for requesting, you know I love my MXM boys :”) uhh, you didn’t really specify if there should be romance + how it should be formed so I went ahead and did it anyway…..hope you’re okay with that. Drop me a feedback ask !! Especially if you want it rewritten, in scenario form too etc, it’s okay. But please drop me another ask on how you would like part two to be :) I split it because I wasn’t sure and I’d rather get feedback from anon yourself. This is just plot set up i’M SORRY THERE ISN’t anY ANGST FOR NOW PLEASE TELL ME Hope you like it. - admin L PS: this actl describes me perfectly ?? anon have you been stalking me ??? __________ • okay so everyone loves Im Youngmin • like literally everyone • Mrs. Wang from Science block 3 ‘I love Im Youngmin I gave him a new school bag for his birthday’ • Cindy from History, Wednesdays, third period ‘Once, Im Youngmin stepped on my worksheet and apologised after. It was the best moment of my life’ • Jae in Art, Fridays, fifth period, 'Sometimes I draw Im Youngmin when asked to freehand art’ • Youngmin is THE sunbae of the school • c'mon • you really need to arrive at school in this fancy ass limousine like car? • with your school shoes being custom Gucci sneakers ??? • on top of that • he’s so good looking Jihoon from physics aka the prettiest boy in school cried when he first saw Youngmin’s visuals • you still have that video on your phone bc Jihoon is one of your close friends • Youngmin also has the sweetest personality • boyfriend material • everyone in the school is charmed by him • infatuated almost 
• sometime last year, he accidentally spilled his coffee on your notes in the library and offered to rewrite them • by hand • you were so shocked • and shy • no words came out • instead, you grabbed your things and ran out because you were too shy to even look at him • 'oh no the ice princess strikes again’ • everyone talked about how you ignored Im Youngmin sunbaenim and rushed out • for days • like ??? move on • but interaction between the Senior sunbae and Junior ice princess was rare • Youngmin tried multiple times but you kept disappearing, brushing him off • turning the other way when you saw him • quickly running to class • avoiding his gaze in the canteen • you name it • you did it • eventually, his best friend. Kim Donghyun told him you were the infamous Junior ice princess • simply because you repulsed everyone else other than your clique in this school • ice princess™ • no ??? you were just too shy to form words • even to reply to teachers • the words just got stuck in your throat and you constantly panicked • everyone just assumed you were the toughest, baddest bitch in Junior year after that • Youngmin shook his head, sighing • 'no way, she can’t be’ • 'it’s true, hyung! Y/N is really an ice princess’ • 'THE ice princess of Brand New’ • he asked Sewoon and he said the same thing • in fact, his entire sunbae + chaebol clique agreed • 'Y/N is Brand New High School’s ice princess’ • you were cold, mean and unforgiving • like winter • but sometimes • you only play with snow in winter • your clique found it ridiculously funny it became an inside joke • Hyemi always found some time of the day to make fun of it • only Hyemi, Jihoon, Daewhi, Woojin and Mina knew the truth • you were the craziest person they knew • once, Woojin got a call from Mina at 3am because you had climbed through her room window • essentially, you broke into your best friend’s bedroom even though you knew the passcode to her house • btw did I mention you were also super charming and charmed tf out of your friends’ parents ??? • so your friends’ houses were like your second homes • you were welcomed anytime • honestly, you said the weirdest shit on a daily • and communicated in memes • another time, you challenged Woojin to race around the supermarket with trolleys • it’s safe to say you aren’t allowed back into the supermarket • but i heard you like bad girls? • you walked in there and bought chocolate milk • twice • no one noticed • anyways • main jokester • and prankster of your squad • it was Jihoon’s birthday and you woke him up by shooting him with water guns • he fell sick almost immediately after • once you heard that, you ran over with medicine and soup • you stayed the weekend on his bedroom floor just to nurse him back to health • 'y/N yoU don’T haVE TO’ • 'nO I MUST CARE FOR YOU. YOU MIGHT DIE OTHERWISE’ • ’…..’ • 'jIHooN DRInK YOur SOuP’ • 'wAiT i’m goIng to gET MORE BANDAGES’ • 'whAT DOES A FevER havE TO dO witH thAT ?’ • your friends just make you all soft and sweet honestly • which is why Youngmin knew you couldn’t be the ice princess of Brand New • he tried to talk to you a few times before • but you were already introverted beyond conversation on a daily ??? • much less in front of your crush • you really didn’t mean to let your eyes widen so much • you looked at him straight in the eye • well tried to • and nearly chemically combusted after looking into his beautiful orbs • Youngmin thought you glared at him and backed off after that. • it saddened you that it was partially your reputation’s fault for ruining whatever chances you had with Youngmin • until…one day…Youngmin confides in his best friend, Donghyun • but Daewhi and Donghyun are like twins so • Daewhi finds out and tells Mina • fun fact: Mina and Youngmin are in the same math class bc Mina is an intellectual • she tries her best to get you two together • but yoURE JUST TOO SHY REALLY MINA • i CanT SAY A WORD IN FRONT OF REGULAR PEOPLE EVEN • minA WTF DO YOU WANT ME TO DO • ok so since she’s an intellectual right   • instead of listening in advanced math class, she’s listing down ideas on how to tell Youngmin about you • it’s okay bc Mina knows every formula and still scored an A • oooh another fun fact: Mina and Youngmin now sit together for a new term • you’re lowkey salt but you don’t know her plans • Mina and Youngmin become good friends ??? Somehow ??? • idk he says hi to her in the hallways and once again you feel a pang in your chest • but you’re the ice princess, you don’t exactly have emotions • one day, youngmin lent his math notes to Donghyun so • 'hey Mina can I borrow your notes real quick?’ • he’s flipping through her note book when he comes across this • 'sweet things Y/N has done for us’ • 'how to get Y/N to confess’ • 'Y/N X Im Youngmin’ • oh god he’s so intrigued and flattered • and now he’s a blushing mess • he reads and realises that his theories are true, that you are the sweetest and craziest person in this school, contrary to your reputation • so he decides to give you a new name; the ice cream girl • sweet but cold, sometimes appearing in crazy flavours • and sticks to his lips ;) • and Im Youngmin is going to melt you (guys Donhyun literally saves Youngmin as 'Melting Youngmin’ in his phone and if that ain’t the cutest) • he starts off by doing the least but also the most • which is acknowledging you in the hallways, in class, at your locker • you always keep your head down and kind of bow slightly instead of saying anything because your entire face looks like a tomato like why • but eventually, you return his greetings with a shy wave • and it makes his entire day, his clique is like 'hyung, why are you so happy today? Are you okay?’ • 'oh i’m fine.’ he says as he spins around like a ballerina ( bc my son is graceful ) and nearly slams into a locker • 'Im Youngmin sunbaenim brushed by my locker and I was eternally blessed’ - Tina, chem lab • one day, you’re out with Daewhi and Woojin to shop for a birthday present for Daewhi’s mum • ya’ll being the cutest best friends ever. racing around the mall, making bad puns and memes out of weird items • the usual, how you are in your true form • sunbaenim + chaebol™ squad is also at the mall • youngmin spots you and daewhi being super lovey dovey and close and he feels this strange pain in his chest ??? he doesn’t even know anymore tbh • 'hyung let’s go and eeeeaaatttt’ donghyun begs and the entire clique let’s him choose where to • great, he just had to choose that place that daewhi, woojin and Y/N walked into • daewhi and woojin spot donghyun the second he walks in and starts waving frantically • 'hyUNG! HYUNG! HYUNG COME SIT WITH US!’ • youngmin tells the rest of the squad to sit first and that he and donghyun would join them soon • BNM babies reunion :“) • you’re just sitting there awkwardly to the side shoving fries in your mouth but it’s cute to see your friends interact with their close seniors • 'hey Y/N, how are you?’ Youngmin suddenly asks and you’re forced to reply • 'uh-uh i-i’ve been good, sunbaenim’ ok Y/N pull yourself together why did you say that • Youngmin just chuckles 'Sunbaenim? Aww Y/N you’re so cute but please, just call me oppa’ • you can practically hear daewhi, woojin and donghyun’s snickers • youngmin’s heart is softening the more he looks at you • he just needs to uncover your true interior • meanwhile, your heart is thudding a 150km/h you don’t even know because you’re so alarmed by Youngmin being nice to you and all • what should you do? part two has arrived
pls drop me a feedback ask + direction you want this to take :)
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acoolguyscoollife · 5 years
Chapter 23: Tiki Trouble
Cool Guy
I watched as Rose jumped from tree to tree, practising her magic/energy stuff as she did so, happy to see how quickly she caught on. I’m sure a few hours ago she probably didn’t even know this was a possibility, and now here she was, skilled enough to catch herself if she came close to falling. It wasn’t much, sure, but it was definitely more than I could do. Her movements were shaky, but stable, where mine would just be shaky, and result in falling. It felt good to have another person I cared about so much be part of this new experience I had found, even if it now meant another person at risk of… whatever could happen, giant killer bugs or wild animals, or something. She jumped down in front of me, straightening herself up as she used a hand to wipe the sweat off her brow and brush her now-slightly untidy hair back behind her ears.
“Pretty good, huh?” Rose asked me, one side of her mouth turned upwards. “Turns out I remember more stuff I learned in PE than I thought.” She looked down at her hands, red palms from gripping the vines of the trees. It looked fairly painful, though if it was, she didn’t care. “So, what are we gonna do now? Hunt wildlife? Build a shack?” She raised an eyebrow suggestively. “A love shack, baby?” I outwardly groaned, remembering where I’d gotten my habit of making jokes involving song lyrics from.
“You need to be stopped from making jokes.” I said, staying on the rock I was sat on. We weren’t far from the clearing that we’d entered upon travelling to this world, and considering everyone ran off without even thinking about how we’d meet up, I had the feeling staying here would be a smart choice. This did however come with the caveat of having absolutely nothing to do. “You know, we could just relax for a bit. The group’s been on our feet for like… the better part of a few days, save for sleeping and eating. It’s really cool, but man, it’s tiring.” I admitted, and Rose sat down next to me, resting herself against me and putting her head on my shoulder.
“Yeah, I guess you didn’t really get a break when everyone else did, what with the whole… exercise thing.” She said playfully, causing me to forcefully exhale through my nose.
“Well, you’ve successfully managed to make me jealous of people who haven’t had sex, and I’m not sure whether that’s an achievement or not.” Rose hopped to her feet, holding my hand and attempting to pull me to my feet after I finished speaking, which I resisted.
“You can’t tell me you’re not excited though, can you?” She spun around, taking in everything around her. “I mean, come on, I’m full of energy just being here! Imagine all the cool shit we could find!” She came up close again, almost as if she was trying to use her mind to will me to my feet.
“I gotta say, I missed your particular brand of manic pixie dream girl, Rose.” I said, slowly standing up as she flipped me off.
“Hey, I’ve got depth like you wouldn’t believe. Any writer would be lucky to have me as their protagonist.” Rose said, in an alarming display of self-awareness. “In fact, you should write about me. Rose Kenton, the Slayer of Worlds.”
And now I see where the inspiration to write a chronicle of our lives came from.
Cool Guy
Hey, it was a fun idea.
“Okay maybe it would need some work to not feel dumb.” Rose admitted, and I just sighed, leading her back to the clearing. “Maybe something like Rose Kenton, the… I dunno, what would my descriptor be?” She asked me as I sat back down on another rock, meaning that overall nothing was achieved except for a change of scenery.
“How about Rose Kenton, the girl with a world-weary boyfriend?” I offered, but she was already lost in her own mind thinking of other things and didn’t acknowledge me, which gave me ample time to look around the area without worrying about her. The area was perfectly rounded, with two rocks parallel to each other and directly in the middle, which was definitely out of place in terms of what would have normally been found in a jungle. It looked more like an arena rather than a random clearing, but it was where we showed up. Despite knowing that the worlds we travelled to weren’t video games anymore, I still wondered what the context of an area like this would have been in a video game. An arena? A meeting point? Surely the others, who’d played the game, would have known more than I did, yet if it was anything noteworthy to them, they didn’t feel it was worth sharing with the less-knowledgeable people. God damn it, I was getting so bored out of my mind that I was seriously contemplating the purpose of a clear area and rocks. I was almost positive that I would have bashed my brains in with the exact rock that I was staring at, had Rose not let out a yell from my left. I immediately jumped up, almost relishing the chance to get to do something as I drew my sword, and quickly stopped as I realised what she was looking at. It was hard to say for certain what they were, but they were definitely small creatures, with wooden masks and spears. The stereotypical tiki people, I gathered from their looks, but then, they were definitely… odd. Some of them had spears, sure, but others wielded other weapons, like rocks, sticks, and a gun. That gun was definitely the one that stuck out like a sore thumb, as much dangerous as it was an anachronism. One of the tikis looked at another, babbling something in a language that I was unable to understand.
“Uhh… CG, I don’t really know how to function in a situation like this.” Rose said, mirroring my exact thoughts. “What are they?” She asked, glancing sideways towards me, not wanting to take her eyes off of them.
“I mean, they look like tiki people, right? Maybe that’s what they are.” I said, unsure of myself. One of the tikis looked at me and wiggled his head rapidly, causing jewellery on his mask to clink together.
“Yeah, okay, but you know that tiki culture isn’t really a jungle thing, right?” Rose said, still not taking her eyes off of them. “It’s a completely different thing… that I’ve forgotten entirely, but I know it’s not a jungle thing.”
“Right, well, don’t tell them that, because they look a little bit temperamental and I think the last thing we need is to be stabbed by pointy sticks.” I said, causing Rose to glance back at me again, as if she was about to say something, which was cut off by another yell from the tiki. This time, however, it was different, because I was actually able to understand it.
“Destroyer!” The main tiki said, pointing at me with a gnarled finger. “Destroyer enemy! Onbalow friend!” I went to say something, but then the words they used actually sunk in, and it hit me how odd it was.
“Well… shit me.” I said, more to myself than to anyone else. If nothing else, this race of creatures with strange weapons knowing about a fictional being from another dimension entirely was definitely weird. The tikis began to advance towards me, except for the gun one, who just aimed at me. “Wait, wait! I’m not the Destroyer! I’m friends with the Onbalow!” I yelled quickly, knowing that it was pretty much in vain. They definitely didn’t understand that much.
“Onbalow friend! Destroyer enemy!” The tikis yelled almost in unison, and I knew that if I didn’t do something soon, I’d be screwed.
“CG, what did you do to piss these guys off?” Rose asked, having stepped to the side as they continued to advance towards me, forcing me to begin taking steps backwards.
“For once in my life, I don’t know how I’ve made someone this angry!” I replied, still unsure whether or not I should try attacking or just continue to back away. “What do I do?” I asked desperately, even though if I continued to run, the only issue there would be that I was running away, not anything else.
“Uhh… put away your sword! Maybe that’s what they’re calling you the destroyer for!” Rose offered, and I listened to her, sheathing it and looking between the tikis in the hope that they would see it and react in some way. And react, they did.
“Haha! Scared Destroyer!” One of them yelled, clueing me in that it was definitely not the sword, and also hurting my dignity a little.
“What if they hate your leather jacket?” Rose said from the sidelines, and I sighed deeply, giving her a sideways glance as I took it off exasperatedly. Of all the things it wasn’t going to be, I had a feeling my jacket was high on the list.
“Alright then, I’ll just take everything off, maybe then they’ll piss off!” I said, before taking off my sunglasses, throwing them to the side, and beginning to take off my t-shirt. When I managed to pull my head through, throwing it behind me as I did so, I saw that the tikis had stopped advancing. Either I had confused them a lot by basically stripping half-naked, or Rose had been right somehow. The weapons began to lower, as one advanced a few steps further as if to take a look at me. There was a long, awkward silence, as I realised exactly how cold this jungle had been. The tiki at the front shook his head in the same way his friend had, causing all of them to do the same, making it sound as if I was in a very large man’s pocket with some loose change. Rose took this time to jog over to me, looking me up and down and then glancing at them.
“What’d you do?” She asked after a moment, looking at me again, as if I would magically have knowledge of what was going on in these little guys’ heads.
“Again, I have no idea. In fact, I’m starting to question a lot of stuff.” The tikis were still making noise, whooping and hollering as they seemed to inexplicably start partying in a show of very confusing happiness. “Why did they know about stuff from another game? And what were the chances that it’d be from a game that we’d already visited?” I made a mental note to ask Tabitha if there was some way that there could have been overlap from when we travelled here, flinching every so often as the tiki with the gun fired it into the air in celebration a few times.
“Do we really have the time to question that? You’re alive, so we should probably focus on that.” Rose bent over, grabbing my clothes and chucking them at me. “I have a feeling you’re probably safe to at least put a shirt on. As much as I like you, the glass cutters don’t really need to be on display right now.” I could feel myself blushing as I pulled my jacket back on, finishing with a flourish of my hand as I put my sunglasses back on.
“You saviour!” One of the tikis said to me, finally acknowledging me. “You come!” I glanced over to Rose, unsure if I should listen to the small man telling me to follow him.
“Well actually, I used to be, but-” I was able to get halfway through my dirty joke before Rose smacked me on the back of my head. “Okay, yeah, I’m coming.” A few moments passed as we begun walking, before I heard Rose giggle from behind me.
“Not the first time I’ve heard that today.”
While those two were flirting and having fun, I had set a jungle on fire.
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Responsibility as a Writer/Creator
Hello folks! It’s been a while… I think. I can’t keep track of how often I write blog posts, I just kinda make them as they come to mind. I have spent all of my writing time on my book, that is until this blog post. Though I’m sure I’ll get to work more on my book after writing this. Anyway I am now a part time online student and my classes are not weighing on me much. My classes are easy so far but not super enjoyable due to doing very basic tasks and seemingly useless homework. It’s not so painful that I regret it or even think I should have done something different which is good cause I am learning, brushing up on skills and getting better at using Adobe products and that is the goal, so I can’t complain. It could certainly be worse, in fact I am currently empathizing with my girlfriend right now. She often puts too much pressure on herself and it is the end of her school semester and she’s been stressed and busy. I can actually feel it and I’ve tried to help as much as I can to save her from the hussle and bussle of highschool pressure. She’s only got a couple easy art/media exams which I’m sure she’ll make look easy. Actually other than her stress, life has been pretty great. I have a good healthy lifestyle right now other than maybe not enough sleep. I’m averaging somewhere between 6-8 hours of sleep  then I work for 4 hours a day. I generally get home and make myself a healthy lunch and then either play video games, work on art or write. Next I do a couple hours of homework and then use the night to either be more productive on things or chill out reading, writing or I end my night off with an episode of Anime or a match of a videogame. I have no complaints. But I do have thoughts, let’s get into that.
So as the title of this post says, I think every writer or creator of any kind has a responsibility. That responsibility is to create something that should point the view to something positive. I’m going to use the original Pokemon TV show as an example. This show starts of with Ash who wants to be a Pokemon Master (who doesn’t?) But he starts off so dumb and rash. He’s cocky, ignorant and has few values other than catching Pokemon and winning battles. Each episode has some sort of life lesson or shows the viewer how to be a good person and have good morals. Now I’m not saying everything we write and create has to have this type of lesson incorporated into each episode because I’m sure most people are making things more complicated or are trying to express something more than that. Perhaps you are trying to show something that’s evil or dark in some why. Also I am not saying that the protagonist can’t be a bad person either. A great example there would be the Anime, Death Note. The main protagonist starts off as an understandable person who wants to create a “necessary evil” to rid the world of bad people. He trusts that his moral compass is worthy to be the world standard and therefore he will decide who lives and who dies based on their actions. However he is consumed with his vision and hopes to be “the god of the new world” as he puts it. This is when he goes off the rails and his evil intent is made more clear. For a while I was actually on his side in thinking yes, the human race sucks and deserves some more punishment for those who are rapists, murderers and overall morally crappy people. But things change and eventually even the viewer (in this case me) begins to want him dead. So back to this responsibility thing; we need to make it clear what is good and what is bad and what is realistic. For example when you watch a chick flick they all to often do things that are immoral and unrealistic but is treated as if it’s a good, normal thing that can happen to anyone. I mean people don’t fall in love after the first date and then have magical uhh “adult time” that night because they are great people who truly love each other. This never happens! If you can get that attached to someone that fast and get so intimate that fast, it’s because you’re probably an idiot and/or a slut. This also goes for action movies though. Like when a girl with flawless hair, skin and a revealing outfit is wielding a gun and somehow walks away looking perfect without her makeup ruined or a hair out of place. Now I understand that hollywood wants us to believe that their world of perfect people and perfect everything is cool and entertaining but really we all walk away holding an unrealistically high expectation for ourselves and sometimes others. Another thing we must craft carefully is the personality of a person in the world they are in. My example this time is a newer movie “Baby Driver”, it’s a great movie but sadly it has already broken now two of the things I think is a little irresponsible of the creator. First was the instant “Love” thing, but at least these two didn’t sleep together. The other is the main character’s personality, He’s a good kid with a great moral compass who is genuinely happy. That’s not bad but his lack of talking in most scenes is along with always wearing earbuds. He has tinnitus so he is always listening to music to drown out the ringing in his ears. However if I went through life always with earbuds in my ears others wouldn’t like me too much (not like many people like me anyway). I mean it’s simply considered rude and it is also impractical. Lastly he rarely talks, it’s not like he’s introverted, which he is but it’s to the point where if this was real life other people would get annoyed that he never communicates. However because it’s a movie the writer and director could make a world and other people somehow tolerate these impractical things and in this case even make it look cool. Actually sorry one more thing.
I just think that a writer (or other creators) should make the characters get treated accordingly to how they act and what they do. Instead of things somehow always workout in their favor. By creating a world that favors the main character and by making seemingly perfect people makes the story less believable and just another thing that we compare ourselves to which we can’t realistically reach. Now I know most characters in movies aren’t perfect but let's face it, the world they are put in makes even the main character’s flaws seem like a good thing and I think that those flaws should have a little backlash in the world. Like I said, don’t make the world favor the main character and reward them for their flaws. My thoughts are really scrambled but I think the point I’m trying to make has been made.
Next I want to focus on flaws but not just in the sense of storytelling. I want to talk about how flaws can be a good thing and a bad thing. Flaws in a person can be bad in obvious ways. You know if someone’s greedy they won’t likely help others or their actions will be self serving at the cost of others. What about other little flaws like let’s say snoring? This is an imperfection in the human respiratory system somewhere between the mouth and lungs. (I’m not a science person). However from my perspective when my girlfriend does this sorta strange snore thing when she sleep. I find it adorable and relaxing. These are how flaws are made to be viewed when a main character has a flaw and the views/readers are exposed to it in such a way that it seems to become a good thing. Now I Love my girlfriend and I adore her cute snoring but technically it’s an imperfection in the respiratory system (actually in this case it has something to do with tonsils), I’m going to miss it when it’s gone. In fact I learned some of this from a great movie called “Good Will Hunting”. Basically a wise older guy is bestowing his nugget of wisdom upon a delinquent boy about a true relationship. He’s talking about a romantic relationship but what he says can apply to all relationships. Basically he talks about how when you get to know someone more and more you will find more and more qorks, strange habits, flaws and insecurities. But don’t let these things stop you from liking them, loving them and don’t let them be a reason to stop the relationship or to stop getting closer in the relationship. He says these are some of the most valuable things in the relationship, the things we bond over and things we grow from and through. My best example is my girlfriend and I who are filled with insecurities and flaws but we don’t let this get in the way of loving the other as much as we possibly can. We value these things and those problems and insecurities are there for us to help one another overcome them and grow as both a couple and individually. Long story short DO NOT underestimate the value of flaws and qorks in a person. Now of course if the person is a down right dick then perhaps keep your distance. Back to the story thing is that sometimes these flaws are down right bad, for example Katniss from the hunger games who is a down right jerk to those around her but is she known as a jerk? No. She’s instead referred to as “strong” or “independant”, this was irresponsible of the writer because now we have a bunch of girls who think it’s ok to be acting like a bitch as a sign of being strong and independent when it’s not and it’s not ok. But maybe I’ll talk more about that sort of thing another time.   
Anyway I’m done. Just done with writing for today. I just want fill you in on a great blessing I got and something I haven’t talked  much about here on my blog. This blessing is my car. Now it’s most teenagers dream to get a car due to it looking cool and feeling independant and I sorta get it now. I mean I am well out of highschool now and my girlfriend is about a 30 minute drive from my house so I can’t really bus or bike down the highway. But what is a good life lesson here is that I originally wanted a different car. It was double the price and had a couple very minor issues. However it didn’t workout and I ended up finding the car I own now. It’s a silver Toyota Yaris, the most generic small hatchback car you will ever… not notice. However it’s amazing. It’s small size make it great at everything except slippery roads and really windy days. However I am still using summer tires in the winter and I’m yet to having any close calls or any concerns. Next it can turn on a dime making parking lots and U-turns a breeze. Also due to it being a hatchback it actually has a ton of room for a car it’s size. Fold down the back seats and you have enough room for a queen size bed and a bike or two. Lastly is that it’s great on gas. Also it doesn’t have power windows or any fancy media tech like Bluetooth or anything so my girlfriend get to make old school CD’s for my car. Maybe I’m just really positive but I think this is better than having the newer built in hard drives that new cars have. This forces me and my girlfriend to have to put more effort and thought into what we’ll be listening too as we drive and therefore not just anything. Maybe I’m old school or hipster but having actual CD’s for us to look through, collect and bond over will be fun. Also roll down windows are fun for drive throughs haha. Anyway sorry my post felt so uhhh… all over the place. I’m gonna go. Peace out!  
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thejpfdude-blog · 7 years
The Upcoming Fall 2017 Shows I’ll Be Watching
WHAT? Yes, I’m back! Long time no see. I’ve been busy with school, so unfortunately I have a huge list of episodes to watch (that let’s be honest, I’ll probably never get to).
But yeah, hopefully I’ll be able to start writing TWiA posts again and start watching stuff on a weekly basis. To start that off, there’s this post: the annual “looking at what shows I’m watching this season post”.
A reminder of the usual thing I say in these posts:
I might watch some other shows that are good or drop some shows if they aren’t good, but that’s for the future.
Like always, I’m organizing these shows into three categories: Full Chance are shows I’m giving the whole season towards, Short Leash are shows I’m giving three or so episodes towards, and One Shot are shows I’m giving one episode towards. As we progress towards categories, expect less words for each anime as I lose interest in writing. Also a reminder that MAL links to the shows are on the titles for those interested.
Before we start, a general comment about next season: it’s honestly looking pretty bare for somebody like me who likes them slice-of-lifes/comedies/romances/moe shows. Other than the few shows I have on Full Chance, there’s nothing I have a shred of hope towards. Even some of the Full Chance shows are questionable to me to be honest. But hey, some shows could still be good, and I’ll go into more detail about that below. So with that let’s get started with this post, starting with...
Full Chance Shows
Kino no Tabi: The Beautiful World - The Animated Series: Well, I tried to watch the original show from 2003, but that was during my blue period. But apparently it’s okay, because this show’s actually a remake/sequel hybrid thing. What I got from the info given to me was that it will adapt some new content, but it’ll also remake some of the stories from the original series. So not a full-on sequel, but not also a full-on remake either. A little of both.
Oh I should probably say what this show is about. Well it’s kinda hard to describe. The best way I can put it is that it’s an adventure about a girl (who I thought was a guy) and her talking motorcycle traveling throughout the world, experiencing many distinct places. Sounds boring, right? But from the one episode I watched, it was actually super interesting. Now this show doesn’t offer much in terms of action, but it’s a nice relaxing watch that occasionally really makes you think. It’s also episodic, if that concerns you. I would definitely recommend watching this, or starting off with the original series. After all, you still have time to catch up.
Love Live! Sunshine!! S2: Who woulda thunk: not even six months ago, I shunned anything idol. But now, this is honestly tied with Shokugeki S3 as my most anticipated anime of the season.
I feel like I shouldn’t really describe this show: after all, if you don’t know what it’s about, you probably shouldn’t be watching anyway since it’s a second season of a spinoff series (though I honestly find the spinoff to be better than the original anime-wise). Just know it can be described in two words: SCHOOL and IDOLS.
I’m not expecting this show to be great - after all, I’ve never scored any Love Lives higher than a 6. But I’m still expecting some fun slice-of-lifey moments that’ll be even better now that we have the full cast of 9 members doing their thing. And honestly, that’s all I want in a show sometimes. I also honestly expect some more increased drama similar to how S2 of the original series contrasted with S1, but hopefully the slice-of-lifey moments make up for that. I’m also secretly hoping this isn’t the final season of the anime, but guess we’ll find out about that.
Mahoutsukai no Yome (The Ancient Magus’ Bride): So this show looks super interesting. Plot-wise it doesn’t really look like my type of show, but digging deeper it sounds pretty cool.
Basically the story is that we have our main girl Chise who has no hope in her life only to meet a magus who makes an offer to her to be his apprentice and his bride (wowzers).
Sounds pretty fantasy, which isn’t really my schtick. But apparently from sources, I’ve heard this show is actually quite the opposite: it’s more a darker fairytale-like slice-of-life with a evolving narrative, which I’m all about. Plus the PV was pretty hype, so that’s nice. There are prequel OVAs already out, but I haven’t had the time to watch them yet, and they aren’t too necessary to watch before watching the main series. Still, go watch them if you’re interested. I might do the same.
Osake wa Fuufu ni Natte kara: So this is one of the few times where I can say that I read the source material before the anime came out (hopefully I can say the same later when Kaguya Wants to Be Confessed To gets an anime...). The best way I can describe this show is Alcoholism: The Anime.
Well, not really, but it’s pretty much like that. The main character is a reserved office worker who likes drinking alcohol. Unfortunately she becomes cute when she does so (oh no the horror) so she only drinks the concoctions that her husband makes. Some cute stuff, and if the manga’s any indication it’ll be a nice short watch. Already confirmed to be a 5-minute short, which is good because honestly the manga doesn’t offer much other than an occasional “aw that’s cute I guess”. I’m not expecting much, because honestly the last few chapters were pretty eh for me. Plus I don’t know how well the manga’ll translate into anime. Well still somewhat excited for a nice little short.
Shokugeki no Soma S3: So, it has come. After season 2 my hype for this died down a little, and so I’m cautiously excited about this installment. All that I’ll say is that as long as the show is able to balance the intense food battles with the funny slice-of-life moments, it’ll be a pretty good bet to be a favorite of the season. Though I am a bit worried that manga readers say that this portion of the story is when the manga started getting a bit questionable, hence the lack of hype for the show from said audience. I’m not too confident on that front though - details and all that are a bit unclear because I didn’t want to go into too many spoilers. But anyway, excited for some more food porn.
Short Leash Shows
Animegataris: So the general gist of this show is that a new girl shows up and makes an anime research club in school, slowly getting more and more interested in the medium (boy I can relate). Though there is one thing that confuses me from the synopsis, and that’s this part: “while they stand against the student council's continuous efforts to disband their club, and they ignore the impending end of the world, they talk about anime...”. Uhh... yeah that seems like it was brushed under the rug... like what? That part makes this seem different from your typical high school show (a la Konobi). Interested to see what the whole deal is with that since nothing from the promotional images or the PV shows anything referencing that. Plus the fact that this is an anime original series means nobody knows what’s gonna happen. Though otherwise not too remarkable of a show, and I’m not expecting too much from this.
Blend S: Oh boy another CGDCT. My favorite. 
In all seriousness, I do like this genre, but I don’t know about this one... Basically at first glance it looks kinda like a GochiUsa style show, but it’s a bit different from that. Yes, there are cute girls working in a cafe. But this is a bit different: the girls working there play out a role: for instance, we have the main character playing the sadist role. There’s also the classics such as the tsundere, the imouto, and so on. A bit like a maid cafe actually. I think what’ll make or break this show for me is whether or not the girls keep up their roles outside of work, or if there’ll be times shown when they aren’t so... typecast. Sorta similar to one of my favorite YouTube channels out there, Cow Chop, where they obviously play out a role during their videos, but we can see times where they’re actually genuine in videos like the Behind The Scenes or their podcast. Other info is kinda limited since like Animegataris, this is an anime original show. So I guess we’ll see how it plays out.
Boku no Kanojo ga Majimesugiru Sho-bitch na Ken (My Girlfriend is a Faithful Virgin Bitch): Uhh I can explain. So I’ve been told this show is basically similar to Seitokai Yakuindomo where it’s Sex Jokes: The Anime. Basically a guy confesses to the most popular girl in school in desperation, and she accepts. Only this girl is pretty deadpan, and in an effort to be the perfect girlfriend she “optimizes” her behavior, usually too far on the sexual scale to the dismay of MC. Comedy ensues, and so on. I’ve read some snippets of the manga, and it’s your standard “person does random stupid thing and MC responds”, AKA the boke and tsukkomi routine. I’m not sure how well that’ll go considering I’ve seen complaints that it’s just endless gags, which the recent Aho Girl showed me I’m not really about. But hey I’ll give this show a chance, because who knows?
Just Because!: Why am I watching this? Just Because!
I’m so sorry.
Ok, with that out of the way this show looks decently interesting. Guy comes back to school as third year right as graduation approaches. Apparently this causes four students’ lives to change in some way. Sure.
Looks to be drama-y, based on the PV I saw, but I don’t know too much about this show otherwise. One thing I can say is that those uniforms are comfy as heck, and I’m all about that. Though I’m not all about the character designs: the faces look a bit questionable. But I’m sure I’ll get used to it. It’s not Koi to Uso levels of bad.
Konohana Kitan: Oh boy another CGDCT, but with wolf girls. Wow.
Okay well this time I’m not being sarcastic. I’m not about the wolf girls, cat girls, whatever girls trend. Basically it’s your standard new girl comes to work at place, and slowly gets along with others. But apparently according to the synopsis it’s through “her simple cuteness“. No I’m not lying, go see the MAL page.
Well might as well give it a shot I suppose.
One Shot Shows
Juuni Taisen: Normally I wouldn’t usually watch these types of shows, but a friend of mine convinced me to give at least one episode to this one. Sort of a battle royale where 12 people who share names with the Chinese zodiac members fight for one wish. One interesting thing to note is that this was written by Nisioisin, the same guy who wrote the Monogatari series. So from that it has some good potential.
Kujira no Kora wa Sajou ni Utau: At this point I’m kinda getting tired, so I’ll just say this is a fantasy show. The PV looked super interesting though, which is the biggest reason why I’m giving this at least one episode.
RoboMasters the Animated Series: College students + RoboMasters competition = anime? Sure why not.
And that’s all for this post! Not as many shows as last season, but I think there are some potentially good ones in this batch, plus maybe some more that I haven’t listed here. Anyway, thanks for reading, and I’ll see you in the next post!
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