#uglypastels taglist
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uglypastels · 2 years ago
New Taglist
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It's been over a year I think that I made my original Stranger Things taglist and since then -and I'm only sharing this because it is actually incomprehensible to me- over 150 people signed up to be tagged in my fics. So, first of all, I do want to thank everyone who has done so.
Unfortunately, with such a huge list, there are some problems that come up. Some people have perhaps changed their URLs, or hadn't filled them in correctly, so I have not been able to tag them properly, and also Tumblr has lovingly made a 50~ tag limit per post, which means I have to reblog my fics several times to make sure everyone gets notified which takes a lot of time and effort.
I have also realised that I would like my tag system to be a bit more specific to ensure that people get tagged in the things they want to read and not see the content they are not comfortable with, so I have made a
New Taglist
brief explanation on the update:
from now on, and let this post be an example already, tagging will be done through reblogs of my new side-blog @uglypastels-taglist. this is so I will not be clogging up people's feed, and also maybe making the notifications a bit clearer. since that account will always mean UPDATE!
I am including more questions for even more specifics when considering content/trigger warnings
I will be checking for ages. I have always said that smut is 18+ only, but I would prefer if those who want to be tagged in that content have their age specified somewhere on their blog. Minors/ageless blogs signing up for NSFW content will be removed from the lists.
No idea how it will work exactly, but I have permitted response post-editing, so you should be able to change your answers after submitting.
I am also including a question box for song recommendations for a collaborative reading playlist. just as a little fun project :).
Book Club Playlist
If you have added yourself to my old taglist and wish to remain being tagged in my fics, please fill out this new form. See it as a [completely free] subscription renewal lol
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spiderrrling · 3 years ago
The Dungeon Master and the Cheerleader - Eddie Munson X F! Henderson! Reader
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Pairing - Eddie Munson x F! Henderson! Cheerleader! Reader
Warnings - Mentions of cigarettes, me being a dnd nerd, probably some continuity errors
Word Count - 5.2k (yes i went crazy writing this)
Summary - What if the pretty cheerleader Eddie has been looking at turns out to be Dustin's sister, and she wants to learn about dungeons and dragons?
Request from @uglypastels : i mean, you already know what it is as we literally just discussed this face to face BUT the reader pretending not to know anything about DnD as an excuse to talk to Eddie so he can "teach" her. and maybe she slips up at the end, but hell, maybe Eddie already realised she knew but he just enjoyed talking about his favourite thing to a pretty girl so its all fluffy k, byeee (but not really)
Masterlist - Taglist - Requests are open
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Her interest in Dungeons and Dragons had started a couple of years ago, seeing her brother play with his friends intrigued her and it wasn't long before she had stolen and read the entire players guide front to back more times than she could count.
Which had led to countless character sheets created and stuffed away in her folder along with unused campaign ideas. Because no matter how much she fell in love with the game, she didn't actually have anyone to play with.
She had no party, and she knew that her friends wouldn't be interested in spending hours on end exploring a pretend fantasy world and fighting all sorts of fictional and mythological monsters.
She had heard about the Hellfire Club, the resident group for the Dungeons and Dragons nerds. The ones who met up in the backstage of the theatre department every Friday after school to play.
But she had never dared join a campaign, maybe it was because she was scared of being judged by her friends. Or that maybe she was worried that she wasn't good enough as she had never actually played before.
She simply observed them from a distance, quick glances over to their table during lunch. And they weren't difficult to spot with their signature black and white tees they wore.
But the most prominent member of Hellfire, Eddie 'The Freak' Munson. He was impossible to miss, with his signature leather jacket and battle vest combination. With long curly hair, soft brown eyes and probably the kindest smile she had ever seen in her life.
The first time she had met Eddie Munson they had both been partaking in the Hawkins Middle charity talent show. Eddie had been playing guitar in his little garage band formed of misfits and outcasts. And she had been with the official middle school cheerleader group.
The guitar he was using was borrowed and way too big for him, but he didn't care. It was the first time he got to stand on a proper stage and play music.
Backstage Eddie had complimented her on her routine, and eloquently introduced himself as Eddie Munson the guitarist of Corroded Coffin. That was before he had received his covenant title of 'The Freak'.
After the talent show they didn't see each other much, she would wave at him in the hallway and he would return it with his soft smile. Eddie graduated middle school ahead of her and after that she didn't see him much.
They would occasionally bump into each other in the hallways of Hawkins High from time to time. But they never exchanged anything more than just a couple of words in passing here and there. She was still a cheerleader, and he was growing more and more into his persona with every passing day.
But she still kept finding her eye pulled towards him every now and then. They shared two classes after all.
So she might have a little crush on Eddie. Which hadn't been an issue last year, she had no reason to interact with him and could simply just admire him from a safe, comfortable distance which guaranteed she would not be making a fool out of herself.
However that all changed when her brother started high school and was immediately drafted into the group.
Suddenly she had all the excuses in the world to start interacting with the Hellfire Club. Looking over at their table during lunch, walking past maybe a little more than she needed to, offering to pick up Dustin after campaigns.
She still remembered the first time she picked up Dustin from Hellfire. Still donned in her green and white cheer uniform after having cheered at that night's football game.
When she arrived they hadn't finished yet, and instead of waiting outside she had taken a seat, an exclusive inside peek into a Hellfire club campaign. Dustin would never stop talking about all the things Eddie would do, and she so desperately wanted to see it in action.
Her fascination for Dungeons and Dragons had started with Dustin's total inability to stop talking about it after all.
It was fascinating seeing them play, how invested they all were in their characters and the plot going on. But her eyes did not leave Eddie once. The way he talked, his body language, the intensity and the spark in his eyes. It was enchanting to sit and watch.
She had never really paid much attention to the crew outside of the quick glances she would cast in their direction. These people were quick to be written off as the nerd and losers of Hawkins High.
But they all seemed so careless, so free in this space where they could just be themselves together as a group. She couldn't help but envy that just a little bit.
As she sat there looking at them, and especially at him. She couldn't help but notice all the little details about Eddie. the way he laguaged, accompanied by that stupidly bright smile which made butterflies appear in her stomach.
Eddie really wasn't the freak everyone made him out to be. Maybe he was still the same kid from the talent show that loved music and fantasy. And she couldn't find anything wrong with that.
"Heeeeey, hellooooo." Dustin's voice ripped her from her trance, she had zoned out. "Earth to Henderson helloooo, we gotta goooo." He waved a hand in her face and she simply shot him a glare.
"Hey, dont disrespect your sister Henderson." Eddie's voice sounded from where he was still standing, papers and books wedged in his hands as he packed up his station. "Besides, how can one not be totally fascinated with the Disciples of Damnation? It's a fantastic campaign."
The words made her cheeks flush ever so slightly with pink and she stared at the floor, terrified to look over at him.
"You got your stuff?" She asked Dustin, failing to notice the bag that was already slung over his shoulder. "Anyone else need a ride? Mike? Lucas?" She raised her voice and looked at the two other boys that had practically been joined at the hip with her brother for years.
Both of the boys simply shook their heads and Mike mumbled something about Nancy coming to give both of them a ride home. She just grabbed her keys and dragged Dustin out of the theatre department.
"What's gotten you so distracted?" Dustin asked as they walked to the car. "Just tired from the game."
"You were rude to Eddie by not answering him."
"I'm sure he'll live."
After that first time she offered to pick up Dustin every week, and he didn't seem to mind. He much preferred hitching a ride than walking or biking all the way home.
And over the next couple of weeks she kept entertaining the idea of Eddie in her mind more frequently. She most definitely had a crush on him.
Wondering what it would be like to run her fingers through his curly hair. To feel the cold metal of his rings against her skin. Thinking about how his chapped lips might feel against her lips or her neck.
Each time she picked up Dustin they interacted a little bit more. A couple of words exchanged here and there, Eddie's flirty persona had her flustered way too easily but she had mustered up the courage to compliment his shirt once.
Maybe picking up Dustin was an excuse to talk to Eddie, to look at him a little bit. But it worked out for both of them.
But she still tried to keep that distance between them, that comfortable distance where she knew she could protect her feelings and make sure her heart wasn't going to break.
Besides, she could never do that to Dustin. He practically worshipped the ground Eddie walked on. And she couldn't blame him, Eddie had this air about him. He refused to be someone he wasn't just to fit in and she admired that about him.
He gladly ran dungeons and dragons for the other students simply because he wanted to, and it gave others the space to be themselves.
She would be lying to herself if she said she hadn't noticed the uptick in Dustin's behaviour after he was enlisted in Hellfire. After years of bullying and teasing he had finally found a group that accepted and included him.
There is no way she could take that away from him by doing something stupid. It would be 
cruel and malicious. Whatever feelings she might have for Eddie were fleeting and nothing compared to how she felt for Dustin.
So this would have to do, small stolen looks when no one was looking and a couple of words exchanged once a week. She would have to settle for that, and she was ok with that.
It was no secret that Eddie Munson was special. He was the leader of the Hellfire Club. He fearlessly led the band of nerds and outcasts that resided within the halls of Hawkins High. 
It was also no secret to anyone who knew him that he had a type. The older members of the Hellfire club knew this very well.
They had seen Eddie's various small flings with different cheerleaders through the years.
Eddie almost had a heart attack then and there when she walked into Hellfire club. Immediately noticing her from the talent show, and from the previous years they had spent together at Hawkins High.
Quickly scanning the faces of the freshmen in front of him he deduced she must be Henderson's older sister. Shocked, someone like him would have a sister on the cheer team.
Never would he ever think that the worm Dustin Henderson would be picked up by one of the senior cheerleaders.
And sure, somewhere in him he knew he shouldn't be ogling at one of the siblings of the Hellfire like he was a kid looking at toys in a toy store.
But he couldn't help but just a little bit, she was still wearing her uniform, her hair all messy and cheeks a little flushed from having cheered for the past few hours.
Almost instantly he got a warning glare from Garreth, which he simply shrugged off.
"That's Henderson's sister you do know that right?" Garreth approached him after both Dustin and his sister had left, but his voice was still quiet, not wanting to alert any of the other members still hanging around.
"I do." Eddie curly responded.
"Eddie, don't even think about it." Garreth had warned him, and Eddie agreed he wouldn't. That was a lie, in fact he thought about it a lot. Technically, he had known her before he had known Dustin.
It wasn't helped by the fact that she started picking up Dustin from Hellfire almost every week. But it was when she didn't come to pick him up and Eddie felt a little pang of disappointment that he realised that he was developing a crush.
Previously he had simply shrugged it off to a pretty face and seen her in a short cheer skirt. However, that moment made him bite his tongue for a moment.
"Henderson, where's your sister?" Eddie had gathered up the courage to ask after he had finished the session. "Dunno, she said something about a date."
A date. Eddie's blood ran cold for a second and he could have sworn he was going to see red. He knew it wasn't justified, he hadn't ever actually spoken with her more than a couple of flirty comments here and there as she picked up Dustin.
But it still made his blood boil. She was out somewhere, on a date with someone. That wasn't him.
And so started his master plan, and it started with the need of a new Hellfire member.
"Henderson!" Eddie grinned from ear to ear as he approached the freshman standing with Mike next to their lockers. "We need a new member for tomorrow's session, is Y/N free?"
"Can't we just use one of the regular subs?" No, no they could not. Technically Eddie could simply talk to her, ask her out when he saw her. But that almost seemed too easy, and slightly wrong. Plus there was no way in hell that she would say yes to going out with him, so he would have to play the long game with this one.
“And besides, didn't you mention she had some interest in playing?” Eddie realised he must have looked crazy, wide eyed and staring the freshmen down.
“Yeah like a couple of years ago? I doubt she would be interested now.” Eddie huffed slightly, feeling himself becoming increasingly annoyed. “Just ask her will ya?”
That seemed to intimidate them enough to turn heel and run, muttering some excuse about going to look.
"Hey Y/N!" Dustin's voice carried through the library. Making plenty of students turn heads to look at who was being loud. Dustin was accompanied by Mike and she was shooting them both daggers as they made their way over to the table she was sitting at alone.
"Could you be any louder?" She berated them in a hushed voice as they sat down at the table. Her books and papers were strewn out over the table, desperately trying to cram in just a little bit more studying before Mr. Kaminsky's test later. "Can't you see I'm busy?"
"Do you want to join Hellfire tomorrow?" Dustin completely ignored everything she had said, too couped up in his own thoughts and priorities to care. "Eddie says we need an extra player and everyone else is busy soooo..."
Dustin gave her the big eyes he always used when he wanted something from her. It was clear they were desperately trying to fulfil an order set by Eddie, both of the boys looked slightly panicked as if they needed her to say yes.
Of course she wanted to join Hellfire, more than anything. But at the same time that would mean having to spend a night in the same room as Eddie, and she didn't know if she would be able to handle that.
"So I'm your last pick for an extra?" She raised an eyebrow at her brother, enjoying seeing him panic further. "No just- we need- and-" He struggled to find the words to explain himself away.
"And besides, have you ever thought about the fact that I have my own life? My own friends? I have plans." She looked him dead in the eye as she spoke.
"Bullshit, I know practice was cancelled tomorrow and that you were planning on renting a video and falling asleep with Mews on the couch."
"Mews? Who's mews?" She heard his voice behind her, immediately her blood went cold and she froze in her seat. Slowly turning to look at him, convinced her face was completely pale and void of any colour.
And there he stood, the leader of Hellfire. Eddie Munson, asking about her cat of all things.
"Mews? Who's mews?" She heard his voice behind her, immediately her blood went cold and she froze in her seat. And before she knew it Eddie slit down into one of the empty seats across from her.
She slowly looked up at him, convinced her face was completely void of any colour. And there he sat, the leader of Hellfire. Eddie Munson, asking about her cat of all things.
His usual goofy smile was plastered to his face, creating those dimples that always managed to make her slightly weak. She could see his dimples and how when he smiled his eyes lit up just a little.
"Our cat." Dustin responded like it was absolutely nothing, while she was completely tongue tied and totally staring at Eddie. "So what do you say?" Eddie asked and crooked his head a little bit.
Just enough that she could spot the black outline of a tattoo peeking out of the collar of his shirt. Her mind was still totally blank.
Dustin kicked her under the table and she snapped back to reality. "Sorry, what?"
"What do you say, want to join Hellfire tomorrow?" Eddie looked at her, and she was convinced this was all just a big prank. "The worm says you might be interested."
"I- I've never played." Which was technically true, she had never played and for now she was hoping it would work as a half assed excuse. "I would just be an inconvenience." 
She gave him a weak smile and prayed the excuse would work.
"Nonsense, I'll help you through the basics. Get you all set up." Before she could protest Eddie had gotten up out of his seat. "Tomorrow at lunch, the picnic table behind the football field."
Dustin and Mike immediately followed Eddie out of the library and she was once again left sitting alone. Completely dumbfounded as to what had just happened.
And she was about to be caught in a lie.
She should have come clean the second she showed up in the woods and saw him sitting at the table already waiting for her. But some part of her did really want to sit next to Eddie Munson and get his help to create a new character.
He was already there when she arrived, probably skipped the previous class to prepare. Something about the thought excited her, that he would skip class for her. But she knew that in reality Eddie Munson probably skipped classes quite frequently.
"So how much will I need to teach you? Dustin mentioned you already had an interest." Eddie said as she sat down, he gestured for her to sit next to him instead of opposite him like she had planned.
She thought of the already made character sheet that was tucked into her bag just in case.
“I suppose a little bit of everything?” She looked at him questioningly with big eyes and Eddie swore he could melt right then and there. “Just so I understand the very basics and then I’ll manage from there.”
And just like that Eddie started teaching her, if she was being honest she wasn’t listening to what he was saying, not that she needed to. Simply smiling and nodding along to whatever he was saying, providing input here and there when it was needed. Things like character names, which race and class she wanted to play.
Settling on a chaotic good half elf cleric.
“So these empty boxes right here.” Eddie used the tip of his pen to point on the paper. “These will be your spellcasting slots, when you use a spell one will fill up until you have the time to rest and recover.”
He was sitting next to her on the bench, their legs touching as he carefully guided her through the character sheet in front of her that she could already recite in her sleep. Eddie was wearing his regular ripped jeans, and she was just in a regular plain cotton skirt, feeling the rough denim against her soft bare skin.
“Now as you’re starting level one you will only have two spells to use, so it won't be too complicated.” Eddie was smiling so wide as he spoke, his heart fluttering whenever he felt her move.
"Roll these for me will you sweetheart?" Eddie said and dropped a couple of six sided dice in front of her. The use of the nickname made butterflies appear in her stomach and she bit into her bottom lip to keep herself from smiling like a crazy person. 
Eddie had a couple of dice out, helping her roll up a new character. His players manual laid open on the table in front of them, his messy handwriting decorating the pages in notes and comments along the margins.
She couldn't place her finger on it exactly, but Eddie seemed almost giddy to be sitting there with her helping her make a character sheet. She almost felt bad lying to him, almost.
Quickly grabbing the die and rolling the die, letting them scatter over the table. "What we're doing now is rolling for your abilities, but don’t worry I can do all the math for you."
Eddie just kept talking, he knew he was rambling on but having her so close was making him so nervous he couldn’t help himself. He was taking note of her rolls quickly working out the math, not even noticing that she was rolling for abilities he hadn’t explained yet.
“Yeah just like that, see you’re a natural already!” Eddie jokingly elbowed her side, noticing that she was a little tense. “Well I haven’t played yet.”
“You’ll do great, I just know it.” She turned to look at him and she found his eyes looking directly at hers. It was only when she was sitting this close she could actually see his eyes. They were such a deep rich dark brown, a kind that she could so easily get herself lost in. There were so many parts of his face she had never noticed before when she only looked at him from a distance.
The slightly faded scar that ran just outside his eyebrow. His dimples when he smiled. The ever so faintest dusting of freckles across his nose. The faint smell of cigarettes and cheap cologne hung in the air as she breathed him in.
But while she was looking at his eyes, his eyes were staring at her lips, Eddie was totally unable to  look away. Only imagining what it would be like to lean in and brush his lips against hers.
“Let’s hope so.” Her voice was barely above a whisper, her heart was in her throat. Neither of them realising how long they had been sitting there staring. Both of them ripped out of their trance when they heard the faint sound of the lunch bell ringing in the distance.
“Shit.” She exclaimed and quickly started gathering her stuff, shoving it into her bag without much care. “I’m sorry I have to go I’ve heard talk that there will be a pop quiz and I can’t let this grade slip more than it already has and I-”
Eddie laughed as she rambled away, watching her pack up her bag and slinging it over her shoulders. “No worries sweetheart.” He bit his bottom lip quickly. “After 6th period in the drama room!” Eddie called after her as she rushed back towards the school.
She had been counting down the minutes waiting for the end of 6th period, more and more anxious with each tick the clock made. Feeling her nerves starting to settle in, that pit of anxiety in her stomach quickly gathered.
And before she knew it she was standing in front of the drama department, the character sheet her and Eddie had started during lunch clutch in her hand. On the paper his handwriting intertwined with hers. She had spent the rest of the day filling out the blanks of the sheet, creating  herself a little firecracker of a cleric.
This was going to be fun, she kept telling herself. Maybe if she said it enough the nerves in her stomach would subside. She could feel the nerves all the way out into her fingertips making them go numb with anxiety and worry.
Taking one final breath and opening the door, most of the players had already arrived and were sitting around the table. And of course, at the head of the table in a gothic throne he had stolen from the drama department sat Eddie Munson.
He was setting up his screen and placing mini figures around the map. But he lifted his gaze as he heard the door slam shut behind her, flashing her a smile that made her weak in the knees.
Eddie gestured to the empty seat that was free next to her, without words telling her to sit down. And she was not about to protest.
It didn’t take long before everyone arrived and the game began, some part of her must have kicked into auto pilot and the nerves subsided.
Eddie guided them through the session so effortlessly, barely having to consult his notes as he narrated. He was pulling out all the stops, all of his NPC impressions were dialled up and there was an extra bit of energy in everything he did.
“Hey younger Henderson.” Eddie called out to Dustin and she looked down at the floor to hide her smile. “Hitch a ride home with Wheeler will you? Your sister being the newbie she’s on clean up duty.”
Dustin couldn’t argue with that, he had been on his fair share of cleaning duty when he had joined Hellfire. In his mind it was only fair.
Quickly they were both left alone, quietly cleaning up the mess left behind by the other party members.
"You know, you're a really bad liar." Eddie finally said and broke the silence between them. After hours of thinking that is what he chose to lead this conversation with. He had to muster up all the courage he could. Eddie was absolutely determined to do this.
"Me?" Heat immediately rushed to her cheeks at the accusation. "What- what have I lied about?" Great, and now she was stammering, a great look for someone practically lying through their teeth.
"It is so clear that you know more than you are letting on." Eddie laughed and slowly started walking towards her. "And then you kept using all the terminology so fluently, you knew all the dice, how all the turns worked."
"Maybe I just have a really great teacher." That made Eddie laugh more. "Sweetheart, I'm good but I'm not that good."
"How long have you known?" Her voice was so quiet he could barely hear it.
"Well I've been suspecting ever since earlier at lunch." He was standing right in front of her, close enough that she could feel his breath on her skin. "But this-" he gestured to her, "just confirmed everything I was thinking."
"And you have a tell." She looked at him questioningly. "Right here." Eddie lifted his hand to her face and ran his thumb over her eyebrow. "You knit your eyebrows together whenever you lie."
But Eddie didn't let his hand drop, instead he let it rest against her face.
"Are you mad?" 
"Mad? Why would I ever be mad?" 
"Well I did lie to you."
"Eh, it was cute so I'll let it slide."
“Cute?” She asked him a little shyly, Eddie was practically standing flush against her, her back against the playing table. “You think I’m cute?”
Eddie's eyes were back to staring at her lips, barely registering what she was saying.
“Sweetheart I think you’re absolutely adorable.” His face was only a couple of inches away from hers. But never had a couple of inches felt like such a vast distance. Eddie wondered what it would be like to lean in and brush his lips against hers. To feel her nose bump against his own.
Her eyes scanned his face, unsure what to make of the words coming out of his mouth.
“We shouldn’t do this.” Her voice was breathless and slow as she spoke, trying to ground herself. “No we shouldn’t.” Eddie murmured in agreement, inching just a little bit closer to her, just barely hovering over her lips. It would be so easy to lean in and close the space between them.
But both of them knew that if they did, they would be crossing a line and they would be at a point of no return.
“Tell me you want me to kiss you.”
“Eddie please kiss me-” She barely had time to finish the last word before Eddie slammed his lips against hers, finally closing the painfully short distance that had separated them.
Eddie tasted exactly like what she had expected him to. Like stale cigarettes and cinnamon gum. It was an intoxicating combination which only drew her in further. Her hands rested against his chest, feeling his chest through his signature Hellfire shirt.
And she was like a drug he had never had before, the way her lips moved against his quickly sent Eddie into a craze. He knew he would never be able to get enough of this feeling.
Weeks, months of longing fueled the kiss. It was desperate, needy and messy. His lips moved against hers so effortlessly and it knocked the air out of her lungs. The open mouthed kiss sweeping them both of their feet.
Eddie’s hand moved from her face and to the back of her neck, gripping it firmly so he could move her to exactly where he wanted her. Neither of them ever wanted this moment to end but eventually Eddie pulled away, the need for oxygen becoming too great.
Both of them were on a crazed high from the kiss and slightly dizzy. Still close enough that they breathed the same air. Lips swollen and wet with saliva.
“Do you have any idea how long I have wanted to do that?” Eddie said between heavy breaths, desperately trying to pull air back into his lungs. The smile on his lips was priceless. “I might have an idea.”
His hand snaked down her body, gripping the backs of her thighs and guiding her to sit down on the table. Spreading her legs so he could fit between them. Eddie moved his frame around her smaller one. One of his hands stayed on her thigh while the other was splayed against the expanse of her back, resisting the urge to tug at the hem of her shirt.
While her hands had snaked around his neck and shoulders to stabilise herself, her fingers were mindlessly playing and tugging at the strands of hair at the back of his neck.
His eyes were so dark she could swear she could see her reflection in them. How she could easily spend hours sitting there admiring his face.
“Can I kiss you again?” She didn’t bother to respond, only used her arms to pull his face to hers and connected their lips once more. The second kiss was softer, slower. Both of them wanted to savour the feeling of each other. Wanting to memorise as much as they could in the small amount of stolen time they had.
She could feel Eddie’s hand push up her skirt just a little so he could grab onto the bare skin of her thigh. The cold sting of his metal rings against her warm skin sending sparks flying through her body.
It didn’t take long before Eddie’s lips moved from hers and to her jaw, taking his sweet time kissing along her jaw bone before letting them trail over the sensitive skin of her neck. Her skin was so soft, just a hint of sweetness remaining from her morning perfume. Eddie never wanted this moment to end.
When Eddie pulled his lips away from her neck to press another couple of quick kisses to her lips. And when he looked at her she couldn’t think of anything else to say so she simply said. “So when do I get my own Hellfire shirt?”
“Oh darling.” Eddie gently caressed her face and looked directly into her eyes. “You can just have mine.”
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Taglist - @pastel-abyss-x @fayetheenthusiast @obi-wanakenobi @starbemo @chloebeansack @a-villain-vying-for-attention @meganjm @prettytoxix @magicalxdaydream @ghoulsandgraveyards @munchabunch @kaydencegilr0y @eateraa @satorix @xbreezymeadowsx @hunnybunimdun @eddiemunsfuturewife
Mutuals - @uglypastels @catastrofhe
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foreverwcnter · 4 years ago
for ur lil blurb night, perhaps something where you’re playing with petey’s fingers and he falls a little more in love when you do? love u 💕
rain gently fell on the window outside peter parker’s apartment. the cold night was one that people would want to spend cuddling or reading books by a nice warm fire. and while peter wasn’t reading, nor was he laying by a fire relaxing during the dreary afternoon, he did have his arms wrapped around you, your head against his chest.
he wanted nothing more than to just lay like that forever, both of you in solitude and not having to worry about anything. no homework, no chores, no need to go on patrol. just you and him. two lovers on a bed, keeping each other warm. there was something about the silent moment that made peter smile as he glided his fingers against your arm gently.
you shifted slightly against his chest, arm draped over his stomach as your eyes fluttered open. you had fallen asleep over an hour ago, and you looked far too peaceful for peter to wake you up, even if he did want a glass of water.
“sleep well, angel?” he murmured, lips pressing against the top of your head for a moment before he pulled away to look at you.
your voice was as gentle as ever. “with you as my pillow? i never slept so well before.” there was a moment of silent shared between the two of you, before you grabbed peter’s hands and gently played with his fingers. a little breath came from peter, a gentle laugh as you twirled yourself fingers around his and traced the outline of his palm.
he smiled to himself gently, letting you play with his hand as the rain continued to fall outside. he was so hopelessly in love with you, it made him smile. you made all peter’s days so much brighter and e brunette couldn’t even imagine a life without you in his life. you were the person who kept him going. you were the reason he continued to be spiderman. every day when he was swinging around the city, he couldn’t help but think of you.
that’s what he loved about you. as you laid there, head on his chest, hands intertwined and moving together. you always made him feel safe and he did his best to do the same for you. being a superhero was hard work but at the end of the day, you were there waiting with open arms. no matter the moment, you were always there for peter. you were the one who he cried with over tony and uncle ben’s death. you were the one he hugged ever so tightly after getting that long deserved A plus on a test and you were the one to wipe away his tears away after a rough fight and patrol.
if there was anything constant in his life, it was you. and that’s when he was so irrevocably in love with you.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
permanent taglist — @hey-its-grey @pufflypuffle @uglypastels @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @simi11 @abby-blxck @pxterbpxrker @euphoricmads @neverlandparker @fairytaleparker @dahliaspidey @thegirlwiththeimpala @pterprkr @cosmicholland @theamazingtomholland @xoxohollands @screamholland @beiroviski @sunflowerhollands @angelsparkers
peter parker taglist — @myslightobsessions @oswin05
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petersasteria · 4 years ago
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For this celebration, I have decided against another sleepover. This time, it will be a writing challenge. I know that all of you are very talented writers and I want to read what you have written for me. Knowing myself, I have a few specific instructions. So if you want to join this challenge, please read the instructions carefully and please follow them.
1.) Sign up here.
2.) When you post your story, see to it that at the beginning of your post, please write: [Nickname that you have for me], I wrote this for you. Write this on the “author’s note” part of the post.
3.) Tag your story with #k’s 1k writing challenge as the first tag.
4.) At the end your post, leave me a short message; something you’ve always wanted to tell me and it could be anything. It’s up to you. If you don’t want to leave a message, put your favorite emoji before your taglist, so that I know you read the instructions carefully.
5.) Write for: Tom Holland, Harry Holland, Haz Osterfield, Peter Parker, and Arvin Russell.
6.) AU’s are welcome! Surprise me especially with my favorite AU’s *wink*.
7.) Have fun!
Here are the prompts to be used for your story:
1.) “Oh my god. I love her.”
2.) “Think of me.”
3.) “Sperm donor.”
4.) “Fuck, we’re screwed!”
5.) “The four men in my life.”
6.) “You again?!”
7.) “Still into you.”
8.) “Can’t go back.”
9.) “Two faced.”
10.) “Anger issues.”
11.) “Oof.”
12.) “Which kid’s yours?”
13.) “How will I know?”
14.) “That’s how you know.”
15.) “Marriage? Pass.”
16.) “What’s so funny?”
17.) “That’s the thing with love.”
18.) “Can you hear me?”
19.) “See you there, then.”
20.) “What’s your plan, genius?”
21.) “Keep going.”
22.) “Can I stay?”
23.) “I told you so.”
24.) “Congrats and good luck!”
25.) “My angel.”
The prompts aren’t your usual prompts. The other day, I reblogged some of my work as hints for my big plan. This is it. The prompts listed above are titles of works of mine that I reblogged. PLOT TWIST: Don’t use them as titles. Use them as actual sentences in your story. I’m excited to read it.
If you wish to read my works for reference, feel free to do so. Send me an ask if you can’t find it.
Signing up will start on Nov 25, 2020 (Wednesday) until Dec 2, 2020 (Wednesday). You may start writing whenever you want, but you must keep in mind that the end of submissions will be on Dec 23, 2020 (Wednesday).
𝐌𝐔𝐓𝐔𝐀𝐋𝐒 𝐖𝐇𝐎 𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐄 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐌𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 𝐁𝐄 𝐈𝐍𝐓𝐄𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐓𝐄𝐃: @londonspidey​​ ​ ​ @allegra-soleil​​ @nothingbutimagines​​ @fancyxparker​​ @babeyspidey​​ @th0ttie4tommy​​ @cicicantblog​​ @hotforharrison​​ @hollands-weasley​​ @violethollands​​​ @snowflakepatterson​​ @hollanderfangirl​​ @blossomparkers​​ @justanamesstuff​​​ @hollandtown​​​ @ikassienatics​​​ @theonly1outof-a-billion​ @hufflepuffhollander​​​ @perspectiveparker​​​ @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​​​ @ivegotthepetertingle​​​ @croissantwriting​​​ @calltothewild​​ @parkers-gal​​ @tomhollandsstan​​​​​ @peterspideysstuff​​​ @imthefloor​​​ @ragnarokayla​​​ @justanothermarvelmaniac​​​ @fancyxholland​​​ @parkeret​​​ @duskholland​​​​​ ​​ @parkerpeter24​ @deadlyaffairs​​​​​ @spider-pxrkers​​​ @unsaidholland​​​ @geminiparkers​​​ @frantasmic​​​ @osterfieldnholland​​​ @peeterparkr​​​ @t-holland2080​​​​​ @the-panwitch​​​ @allyz​​​ @t-hollanderr​​​ @cosmicholland​​​ @rubberducky-jrr​​​ @fallinfortom​​​ @spidey-sophie​​​ @theamazingtomholland​​​ @greenorangevioletgrass​​​ @fanficparker​​​ @uglypastels​​​ @moonstruckholland​​ @marvelousell​​​​​ @tonguetiedholland​​​ @god-knows-what-am-i-doing​​​@dontmindthefangirling​​​​​ ​​@saintlavrents​​​ @h-osterfield​​​ @lcvelyparkers​​​ ​​ @blueleatherbag​​​​​ @justasmisunderstoodasloki​​​ ​​ @t-lostinworlds​​​ @tommysparker​
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softholand · 5 years ago
tom holland decades moodboard series
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the 50s
this decade was most known by bright its colors, elvis presley, diners, jukeboxes and drive-in movies
my last moodboard series taglist: @definitely-not-black-cat​ @hazinhoodies @peeterparkr @soft-haz @stuckonspidey @screamholland @blissfulparker @fanficparker @wazzupmrstark @myfinalwords @glowunderthemoon @uglypastels @shanetoo @tomhollandthing @sunshine96love (please, let me know if you don’t wanna be tagged anymore!!) 
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the-wretched-and-joyful · 4 years ago
Important PSA about my blog
A few changes in the blog.
Firstly, I changed my URL. went from @/lost-aesthetic-of-past to @the-wretched-and-joyful
Secondly, I’ve updated all the fic links, masterpost/masterlist links and promp tlist links. but if you still have trouble navigating, please let me know
Thirdly, If I’m on your taglist (I’ve joined many here so yeah!) Please tag me on my fic rec blog at @anyas-fic-recs if it’s not too much of trouble. I’m really sorry, but I’m trying to get more organized on this blog and this will truly help me.
Fourthly, ask notifications have been all over the place, so if you have sent in an ask in the past couple of days, either i’ve not received the notification for it (I mostly use my phone for tumblr) or did not receive it at all. So if you’ve sent in some ask and i’ve not replied, it’s because I have not seen it yet. Sorry about it.
Now last, but not the least, For the past couple of months, I’ve not been very inspired to write. My responsibility at work is increasing and I’m barely getting time enough to think, let alone write. And due to the lack of response I’ve been getting here (aside from a few peers) I truly do not feel like writing anymore, or communicating. I don’t know whether it is tumblr’s mesed up algorithm or whether i’m doing something wrong. So if this blog feels a little dead to you, this will be the reason.
P.s: I do not mean to accuse anyone or anything, just explaining what i feel currently. If I’ve hurt or offended you, then I’m genuinly sorry, that was not my intent.
Tagging a few mutuals to spread the news regarding the URL change
@amberofembers @hollanderfangirl @soraitmnt @in-a-lot-of-fandoms-tbh  @starlight-starks  @justanothermarvelmaniac   @simranfangirl @marvel-moviesfan  @marvelhoesworld @theamazingtomholland @parker-hollandx @harrisonloveposts @a-darneddarling @hjoficrecs @badhollandfluff @spidey-reids-2003 @hazforpresident @duskholland @serendipitous-amor @peterparkoure @saintlavrents @greenorangevioletgrass @the-panwitch @alrightythenbabe  @parkerpeter24 @sweetmusicplaying @uglypastels @the-carrion-carries-on @fanficparker @sweethearthaz
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uglypastels · 2 years ago
Hii!! I made a drawing of your serie Not wholly evil!
It was a little last minute so not everything is perfect, but I hope you like it:D
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Shut up oh my god i love it!!!!! Thank you so much!!!
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spiderrrling · 3 years ago
Thigh Riding - Eddie Munson Headcanon 18+ Smut
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Request by Anon - ok but please can we have riding eddie's thigh with some praise kink?
A/N - Ask and you shall receive is all I say, headcanon form!
Masterlist - Taglist - 18+ Taglist - Requests are open
All parties are 18+ and consenting, minors do not engage!
Comments, feedback and reblogs are always appreciated!
This would happen more than you really thought it would
Because Eddie absolutely loved it, ate up every second of it 
It was the perfect position where he could lose some semblance of his control, and also seeing you lose yours
The two of you could just be making out, and Eddie would drag you onto his thigh, with his lips below your ear
“Move for me will you sweetheart?” Eddie would ask in his really soft, almost pleading voice
And god would he love this if you were wearing a skirt
However he would love it just as much if you were just in your panties or in nothing at all
Eddie’s hands would be at your waist, or gripping your thighs to help control your movements and hold you steady
It was the perfect position for him to be doting on you without you being able to protest
But his lips wouldn’t really be on yours too much
Because it would be the best opportunity for histo be all over your neck and collarbones
Or buried between your boobs
And he would be leaving so many hickeys and love bites
Painting your skin various shades of red and purple with his lips and teeth
The biggest reason Eddie absolutely adored it when you rode his thigh is seeing how much pleasure you got out of it
And he would be praising you the entire time, his lips pressed up against your ear whispering to you the whole time
Eddie never stops talking, especially not during sex
“You’re doing so good for me sweetheart, just like that-”
“Yeah does that feel good?”
“You know you’re so pretty when you sit on my lap like this…”
He’d whisper those things to you just to see you squirm and try to grind yourself harder and faster on his thigh 
And he would groan if he could feel you getting wet from getting off on his thigh
“So perfect sweetheart, even when you’re soaking my thigh like this”
And Eddie would live for any sound that came from your lips
But especially his name
It would make him weak
If he could make you cum on his thigh, he absolutely would
His fingers would slip into whatever you are (or aren’t) wearing to rub quick and hard circles against your clit
“So fucking good for me, my good girl using me to get herself off, c’mon sweetheart cum for me, come on…”
Eddie loved it when your hands were on him, pressed against his chest, or tugging at his hair
Especially when you came he loved to feel your hands buried in his hair and tugging at it frantically as you continue to ride his thigh through your orgasm
And you can bet that Eddie would be absolutely rock hard by the end of it
A complete mess whose only thoughts is about you in all the various positions he could come up with in his mind
And when you finally pull away to look at him, he would have just that little smirk on his face like he was up to no good, because he really was
Taglist - @uglypastels @catastrofhe @obiwanakenobi @ghoulsgraveyard @xbreezymeadowsx @a-villain-vying-for-attention​ @meaganjm @ediemunsonswife36 @AMK0127Sadie @eddiemunsonbby @bloommieb @heebyjeebiebbs @mun5on @salome-c @milly-louise @imagine-all-the-imagines @kbakery @sweetpeapod @heebyjeebiebbs @eddieshellfireshirt @Sunsetenigma @hellfire-state-of-mind @cumbersome-robes @m-rae23 @aerdna023 @magnoliakegmm @adoredconnor @escape-in-time-x @sirpascal @eddiemusnon @eddiemunsons-girl @iddieforeddiemunson @simpingoverfictionalppl @ruinedbythehobbit @xcarabear @kaqua @KelpsieFynn @black-and-white1 @bluetreecloud20 @soph69420world @munsonluvbot @munsonlovebot @evilunicorn4minions @bohemian-war @violet-19999 @littleesilvia @howlinghybrid @eddiemunsonsbxtch @inkedaztec @emotionaldreamer @munsonswhore86 @kaitieskidmore1 @eddies-lover @e0509 @heyhunniessilviahere
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kisses-holland · 6 years ago
Don’t Give Up On Me (Teaser)
Summary: Y/N tries her hardest to make sure she has enough money to help her five year old brother with his chemo. She lands a job as an assistant for a well known company. Only problem is? The CEO doesn’t like her very much.
Pairing: Enemies to lovers! CEO! Tom x reader, Enemies to friends! CEO! Harrison x reader
Warnings: Mentions of cancer, swearing, Harrison and Tom are mean, angst
Prompt (location): Office
A/N: This series is for @uglypastels writing challenge! Congrats on 2.5k baby! You deserve it and I’m so proud of you ❤️ this will be my very first series and i hope you guys enjoy it! This series is also inspired by the song “Don’t Give Up On Me by Andy Grammar. If you have not listened to it, I suggest you do. The song is beautiful and goes well with the story. Also, thank you to @uglypastels once again for the amazing mood board she created for me! I love it and she’s so talented :)
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You sighed as you walked out of your apartment. You were tired. No, not just tired. Worn out, Hopeless. This was the fourth job you were trying out in a month, that could hopefully pay well.
As you were walking to the bus stop, you made a mental note to bring Ben’s favourite food to the hospital for him.
Your brother was only five years old when he was diagnosed with Leukaemia. You found out when he had lost an unhealthy amount of weight within the week, and noticed his frequent nose bleeds. Some nights, his bones started aching and he would wake up sobbing in pain. You couldn’t stand the feeling you had in your chest every night after comforting him to sleep, so you took him to the emergency room. The doctors immediately ran some tests and here you both were; Ben in the hospital, and you working full time to make sure Ben gets the proper treatment to survive.
You wish you had parents who could support the two of you. Your parents had passed away shortly after ben was born, resulting in both of you being put into a foster home when you were 17. as soon as you had turned 18, you found a full time job and saved up money for an apartment so you could have custody of Ben again. Here you are, 23 years old, and Ben six years old.
And now, you have to take care of Ben’s treatments and medicines, as well as pay for rent and utilities on your own.
It was very tough for you to find a job. with the hours that you could work, No one seemed to want to hire someone with the hours you were asking. Early morning shifts is what you needed, so that you could stay with Ben the rest of the night.
Your most recent job was a pizza deliver, but you had to leave because the job relied on commission and tips, which didn’t help pay for Ben’s necessities.
The job as an assistant came up out of the blue, when you saw a flyer for help wanted taped to your apartment door. You thought it was fate, maybe destiny? Because the interview went really well and you were on your way to the company for your first day. The woman who had interviewed you took a liking towards you immediately, and hired you on the spot. You get paid the starting wage, $23/hour, which was more than any other company could give you. Hopefully, if you worked well, you would get a raise.
Of course, you told her about Ben’s situation. She immediately told you that everything was going to be okay. When she asked what motivated you to get this position, you didn't hesitate. Not one bit. Your responsibility was to make sure Ben got to live his life without having to worry about any more treatments. The woman gave you a hug, after wiping a few tears of her own, and sent you your way. 
Taking the train to the company, you nervously walked in, and headed to your boss’ office. You never met him, you didn’t even know his name. All you knew about him is that he’s one of the wealthiest men in the city of New York, and that he was about the same age as you.
Knocking on his door, you straightened out your uniform, which consisted of a pencil skirt, a polo shirt, and a blazer. It was the most professional clothing you had. Not wanting to waste any money on clothing, you chose some old clothing you had, washed it, and worn it. You could tell that the clothing was old, but hoped no one noticed.
A gentleman with ice blue eyes and golden hair opened the door. You smiled, but it instantly faded when he looked you up and down and scoffed.
“She’s here, Tom.” he yelled back. He turned to you and smirked, “Couldn’t have found a better choice of clothing?” Immediately, your face flushed and you looked down, a feeling of insecurity taking place instead of nervousness. His tone was taunting, and you didn’t expect to feel like you were gonna throw up within five minutes of your first day.
The man made room for you to enter, and you took small paces towards the desk.
He was turned towards the windows, looking outside. The name tag on his desk read “T. Holland.” As soon as he saw you, he smirked.
“Look what the cat dragged in.” You frowned. not even the people in the foster home were as mean as they were, what was up with them? “You must be Y/N Y/L/N. I’m Tom Holland, your new boss.” He stuck his hand out for you to shake.
“Nice to m-meet you.” You stuttered. As soon as you were ready to shake his hand, he took his hand back.
“Now where’s our coffee?” He asked, arms folded and eyebrows raised.
You looked at him in shock. Coffee? No one told you about coffee. What was he on about?
“No one informed me about t-the coffee, s-sir.” You said. You could feel the embarrassment in your bones. You didn’t want to get fired on your first day. Especially when this was the job you needed.
“Well then what are you waiting for? I like mine black, Harrison likes his the same. Get to it. And don’t forget next time.” He scoffed, and turned back towards the window.
“But sir, the coffee shop is all the way across town, it’ll take me an hour to get them with transit. I-“
“I don’t remember asking. you don’t want to get fired the first day, do you? iI didn’t think so. We’ll be waiting for our fresh, hot coffee.” He said, not looking back at you.
You looked down as tears welled up in your eyes. Quickly, you blinked them away as you made your way to the door, the blue eyed boy named Harrison smirking back at you as you did so.
What the hell did you just get yourself into?
@fanficparker @your-daily-dose-of-fangirl @magiclolipopqueen @organicpurplepants @delicately-important-trash @butterfliesinthenightsky @redstrawbbaby @shayke-and-bake @olivia1112 @lazymarvelfan @karlitabi-rrito @green-lxght @babylsn @sincerelyfan @awesomeaugustina @joycesld @xxr-88xx @czygrlm @ixchel-9275
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foreverwcnter · 4 years ago
hi elle!! hot take,, for your blurb night,, wearing peters hoodie w his last name on the back 😌😌😌 feeling it now mr krabs
“is that parker’s hoodie?”
you snapped out of your daydreams in first period, a blue sweatshirt snug over your shoulder’s with peter parker’s name finely printed on the back of it. you had borrowed it the night before, which was spent watching the prequels of star wars and debating on whether obi wan or anakin was better.
plus, peter was your boyfriend, you just hadn’t managed to tell ned or mj yet. speaking of, mj was giving you the infamous look that said she knew something was up.
“maybe it is, maybe it isn’t,” you chuckled, scrutching your nose as you gave her a teasing smile. which prompted to confirm mj’s realization.
“so it is!” she grinned, punching you in the shoulder. her eyes glanced to the classroom door as peter and ned walked in. she whispered to you,” are you guys dating finally?” she looked excited, knowing that al you takes about peter with her almost constantly. you never failed to mention how much you love his smile. the same smile the formed when he caught your gaze across the room.
“possibly,” you grinned, before adding,” don’t tell ned, let’s let him find out on his own.” you both laughed at each other before ned and peter joined you both.
“hi,” peter whispered close to your ear, sitting close to you with your knees touching each other. mj couldn’t help but wiggle her eyebrow at you. the closeness with peter was obviously, ned clearly was too oblivious to see it. gently, you reached to hold peter’s hand under the table, the class going by with gentle and secret affections shared beside each other while trying to figure out the chemistry problems.
by the end of the day, ned still hadn’t been able to notice. so far, mj, betty, and flash all learned that you and peter were dating. it was too obvious with peter’s name printed on the back of the hoodie you were wearing. and finally, after eight hours of school, ned leeds finally took the hint.
“uh, y/n? care to explain to me why you’re wearing peter’s hoodie?” he raised an eyebrow in confusion at you and peter. both of you laughed before peter smirked, turning to face you. he pulled you closer by your waist, gently kissing your lips. you moved your hand to caress his cheek gently. it was short, but sweet, and it definitely got the point across to poor confused ned.
“when did this happen?!” he exclaimed with an agape jaw.
“last night,” peter shrugged, wrapping an arm around your shoulder and pressing another feather light kiss to your head. “we decided that we’d let people find out by her wearing my hoodie.”’
“i guess we didn’t realize how oblivious some people are,” you added, lightly punching ned’s arm.
permanent taglist — @ariistotles @saturnpeter @skymoonandstardust @hey-its-grey @pufflypuffle @uglypastels @learning-howto-be-myselfx3 @simi11 @abby-blxck @pxterbpxrker @euphoricmads @neverlandparker @fairytaleparker @dahliaspidey @thegirlwiththeimpala @melodramaa @cosmicholland @theamazingtomholland @xoxohollands @screamholland @beiroviski @sunflowerhollands
peter parker taglist — @myslightobsessions @oswin05
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petersasteria · 5 years ago
To Everyone.
Hello. I have something important to say.
Lately, I’ve been feeling really down and my sadness hasn’t really left me. You’re probably wondering why on earth I’m feeling blue. Well to put it simply, I haven’t been happy writing here lately. I haven’t been happy writing here lately, because I feel like it’s not good enough to receive any kind of feedback.
In all honesty, I feel like I’ve failed as a writer. I’m jealous of writers who receive the things they deserve and I’m happy for them, but it’s just difficult when you look at all the things you’ve done and you don’t even get half of what the others receive. And that sucks. I want to be able to put out content here that becomes really successful without the help of my mutuals, y’know? Because I don’t want to feel like a burden to them and sometimes I do and I don’t want that. And sometimes I think that it kind of hurts when something I’ve written becomes “successful” with the help of a mutual, because it makes me think ‘oh, they’ll only read it when this person is reading it’ and that sucks to think about.
I want to be able to get feedback. I want people to tell me what they thought of the thing that I wrote. I want to be able to receive random asks about how my day was and a whole lot more, but we don’t always get what we want. Life’s unfair.
I’ve been writing since I was 14 and not once did I receive any of those and it hurts. I feel like I’ve done something wrong; I feel like I’m doing something wrong and I don’t know what. I tried posting every single day and I got nothing. I tried posting a few times a week and I got nothing. At this point, I don’t know what to do. So, I’ve decided that I won’t write here anymore. Or at least for a long time.
As much as I love the friends I’ve made and the things I’ve done, I feel like I don’t belong here. It sucks, because I feel like that anon was right. Maybe my writing isn’t A+ at all and it makes sense, because I don’t get the reblogs that I think I deserve. Maybe I actually don’t deserve reblogs at all. Anon, if you’re reading this, you won. Congratulations. I’ll send you a fruit basket for your victory.
Writing here has been fun. It was such a ride and I loved every single second of it and I wouldn’t trade it for anything else in the world. I think it’s best that I’ll just go back to Wattpad since everything began there, anyway. I’ll continue writing there.
I also feel like I haven’t been receiving the same amount of support that I give. I usually don’t let it bother me, but it’s already too much and I’ve been bottling it up for a while now. I think it’s fair to let it all out.
My DM’s are open if you need someone to talk to. I’ll turn off my asks since it’s useless to leave it on when no one’s sending something, anyway. I’ll just be here reading.
I don’t want to be jealous anymore so I’ll do myself a favor and remove myself from whatever the fuck this is. I’d rather stay away than have jealousy flowing through my veins. I feel like complete shit for feeling jealous of my mutuals. I feel like complete shit for feeling this way. I feel like a shitty person for not being good enough for all of you. For that, I’m sorry.
I deeply apologize for not being the writer all of you wanted me to be. I deeply apologize for not being A+ for you, anon. I’m sorry for all of my shitty writings. Jfc, I’m so sorry you read all those. To my mutuals, I’m so sorry for being jealous of your success. I’m so sorry for wanting that same success for me too. I’m so sorry to the anons who’ve sent me requests and I still haven’t done it yet, because I have no motivation on doing so. I’ll clean up my inbox at some point. 
I know it’s so wrong to compare myself to other people, but I can’t help it. No matter what I do or no matter what I write, I’ll never be close in reaching the goal I want.
I’m sorry for letting you all read this long letter. You’ll probably think it’s pointless or not.
To all the people I’ve disappointed, probably all of you, I’m doing all of you a favor and I’m making that anon happy. And I quote Eliza from Hamilton, “I’m erasing myself from the narrative”.
You may still tag me in your posts if I’m on your taglists or if it’s a tumblr game. I’ll still be active here, anyway. Just not in the writing part. I won’t remove my masterlist. It’ll be here so that if you ever want to read my work again, it’s there. To the people on my taglists, I now understand if you don’t want to read my work anymore.
Goodbye. I’ll see you all when I’m ready to write here again.
Tagging my mutuals to let them know: @blakemedownslow @duskholland @hjoficrecs @baby-haz @halfblood-princess-505 @dummiesshort @spideygirl2003 @parker-potters @parkerpeter24 @deadlyaffairs @spider-pxrkers @euphorichxlland @unsaidholland @chloecreatesfictions @frantasmic @osterfieldnholland @peeterparkr @t-holland2080 @peachybloomss @the-panwitch @petersholland @thirzaholland @cosmicholland @fallinfortom @rubberducky-jrr @spidey-sophie @theamazingtomholland @greenorangevioletgrass @fanficparker @uglypastels @sunflowerhollands @marvelousell @hazardosterfield @tonguetiedholland @god-knows-what-am-i-doing @slytherins-destroyed-my-life @dontmindthefangirling @gayfeministbroadwayyeet @lovingsiriusoswald @nerdyperfectionfire @leocoon1d @h-osterfield @trustfundparker @ghostspf @lcvelyparkers @myblueleatherbag @h0llandshalstead @harrisonloveposts @holland-quackson @justasmisunderstoodasloki  @sweetdespairbarnes @tommysparker
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softholand · 5 years ago
tom holland decades moodboard series
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the 20s
a decade of prosperity and dissipation, jazz bands, bootleggers, raccoon coats, bathtub gin, flappers, flagpole sitters, bootleggers, and marathon dancers.
my last moodboard series taglist: @definitely-not-black-cat​ @hazinhoodies @peeterparkr @stuckonspidey @screamholland @worldoftom @blissfulparker @fanficparker @wazzupmrstark @soft-haz @myfinalwords @glowunderthemoon @uglypastels @shanetoo (please, let me know if you don’t wanna be tagged anymore!!) 
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hellfire-state-of-mind · 5 years ago
⚠️New url⚠️
thequeensardine —————> parker-holland-osterfield
Yeah, I went ahead and changed it
Tagging people (again) to signal-boost and bc I might be on your taglists: @hollandroos @starksparker @og-baby-ob14 @quacksonhq @deleteidentity @uglypastels @soft-haz @alwaysbenhardysgirl @keepingupwiththeparkers @calmdownyall @davethefroog @tinyquietperson @fairydustparker @tsukidrama @hazarchive @skymoonandstardust @lovestrucktom @darlingosterfield @definitely-not-black-cat @avengers-sweethearts @peeterparkr @tomincostume @parkeret @fanficparker @hawkinsholland @h-osterfield @lamptracker @llady-peculiar
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uglypastels · 4 years ago
I have so many more ideas with some of those songs but I don't want to force you to write a million Peter Parker ones. What other characters do you write for? Or want to write for?
i mean, from mcu, peter is really the only one i write for. and then i write for tom and harry, and Harrison 
i can of course try to write other people, but 1) I'm not really sure it will be any good lol and 2) i dont know how to put it in my taglist lol  
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spiderrrling · 3 years ago
Anybody have a map? - Chapter 1: Welcome to camp Sunshine
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Series Masterlist - Masterlist - General Taglist
Chapter summary - The summer is finally here, and you've arrived at camp, happy to know that your sworn enemy is no where to be seen. Sadly, it doesn't take long before he shows up and bursts your bubble of hope for a happy summer, instead now you are stuck in the middle of no where with the person you hate the most in the world.
Word count - 9.3k
Chapter warnings - Brief mentions of smoking
A/N - thank you guys so much for the support you’ve already shown to this fic, and thank you so so so much to the genuine mastermind behind it @uglypastels​ i literally wouldnt have been able to do it without you
Day 0 - Sunday, 19 Days before
There was something special about a place like Camp Moonglade. Barely an hour and a half away from the chaos that was downtown Hawkins, and yet a completely different world. There was no rush of traffic in the morning, no peering eyes from pestering neighbours who would rather be caught up in other people's business than their own, and no pressure to maintain the expectations laid on you by the social society of Hawkins High.
All of that was to be exchanged for the happy smiles (and screams) of children seeking out adventures and stories to be told years down the line. An escape from pesky parents, bullies and teachers and where anyone could be whoever they wanted to be. A place where the trees grew tall and the birds tweeted with glee, helping you forget about the worst of times.
It was a complete and total getaway into a lakeside summer paradise. That's what this summer was supposed to be. But the reality settled in hard and was far from the idyllic summer escape you had imagined in the months leading up to what should have been long and lazy summer days. You had been looking forward to it for ages, couldn't wait to see the returning campers again and help them create an unforgettable experience. So, it was infuriating to know that your entire plan had been tainted with something so dark, vile and evil that had taken root in them.
Eddie Munson, your (camp) arch nemesis. Because, even though this was only your second year of counselling at the camp, the one summer of experience had been enough for you to realise two things:
1. You absolutely loved the camp and the job. 2. Eddie Munson was the Devil's spawn.
He was bad news, you could tell it from your very first meeting, and you had all of your first year at Moonglade to prove it… not to mention your shared three years of high school. So, by this time around, there was nothing that could still surprise you. Not that that stopped you from wishing this time would be different.
Eddie Munson wasn’t some bully though, who did things out of malice. He just enjoyed winding you up and seeing your reaction, he was a tease. And ever since last summer you absolutely despised him.
You should have known better, though, than to set up these high expectations for your return to camp. Ever since you had heard that Eddie wasn’t set to graduate, you knew this had been a possibility. He would come back for his third year of Camp Moonglade, just as he would return for his third senior year once the fall semester would start. And in the meantime, in the five weeks of exile, he would make sure to put you through living hell.
Well, he hadn’t directly decided to ruin all of your summer plans, that you knew of, but when Eddie was around one thing was for sure– You would get to spend yet another summer along with a person who hated your guts (not that the feeling wasn’t at least partially mutual). It wouldn’t have even surprised you if he came back solemnly just to spite you. To have yet another summer of wreaking havoc on your cabin and the planned activities ahead.
That is what you knew would happen, but, against all odds, you had really held out hope until the very last second that he wasn’t going to show up. That you would at least get these few weeks of rest away from him.
The first day at Moonglade had not helped your ideals either. In fact, it created a false hope, actually. A glorious 24-hour period had gone by on the camp site and Eddie was nowhere to be seen.
On the second day of preparations, with kids set to arrive just the next day, you and the other counselors were fast at work dusting off the mess hall and the cabins to get ready for the summer ahead. And you were intently working, sweeping out one of the cabins, ridding it of old cobweb and the thin layer of dust that had settled in the past eight months.
The strong afternoon sun was hanging high in the sky, blaring with the early Indiana summer heat when the beat up, rusty, old van pulled up into the staff parking lot. With the windows rolled halfway down you could hear the blaring music before you even laid eyes on the car.
Jumping out of the driver's side was Eddie Munson, truly he must have believed he was a sight for sore eyes. His messy brown curls pushed back with a pair of aviator sunglasses and combat boots halfway laced up. Flashing you a little too much thigh for your liking with a pair of black home made denim shorts he had clearly cut off himself based on the fraying around the hem. And he was wearing last year's camp T-shirt, or a mutilated version of it, the sleeves and side seams cut off, the shirt hanging together with barely an inch of material. You weren’t sure if it could even be called a shirt, barely covering his chest and you could visibly see one of his chest tattoos peeking out from beneath what little fabric was left.
A half smoked cigarette was dangling between his lips as he swung an old and battered duffel bag over his shoulder, stuffed to the brim with everything he might need for the next month and a half. His other hand was carefully wrapped around the handle on his guitar case, the metal of his rings glinting softly in the blaring sun. Making his way over to the mess hall, completely nonchalant to the fact that he was over a day and a half late to when he was supposed to arrive.
Standing on the terrace to one of the campers' cabins your eyes followed him the whole way to the mess hall where he greeted Zoe with his usual infuriating charm and wicked smile that always made it look like he knew something no one else knew.
You watched as they spoke, and even from a distance you could tell Zoe wasn’t particularly pleased with his late coming, her pen tapping against the edge of her clipboard impatiently as she listened to whatever poor excuse he had managed to concoct.
It was almost fascinating watching him try to flirt his way out of it, while being completely oblivious to Zoe’s dead eyed stare that she was returning to him. Or maybe he just believed in his abilities that much?
You could tell the exact moment she had told him, his face dropped and his mouth made a perfect o-shape before he yelled, “WHAT?!” His eyes wide and frantic as he searched around the camp grounds, and when he happened to find you, you were glad that looks couldn’t kill.
Eddie took a moment to compose himself, clenching his jaw ever so slightly, quickly returning to his conversation with Zoe, And you watched them from a distance, your eyes intently following Eddie as he disappeared into the main building and out of your line of sight. It is what you would have to settle for, for now.
You had decided early on that if Eddie was going to make his appearance, you were not going to sit back like you did last summer, this year you were going to be his problem. You were done letting him play elaborate pranks on you and your campers.
And seeing him just reaffirmed this, this summer you were going to hit back.
The rest of the day passed in a blur, tasks that needed to be done piled up quickly as you worked your way through an already tedious list of chores. You were hiking up the crossroad of paths to the dining hall, the promise of dinner hanging softly in the air as you got closer to the main building.
A low two story building, old and with its red paint chipping in the corners desperately trying to hold on another summer, which housed the dining hall (frequently called the mess hall by the campers), the nurses office (the infirmary), and the office (the base).
“And there she is! My favourite counsellor!” Eddie’s voice sounded and he appeared out of the mess hall as you approached, his voice was like nails on a chalkboard which contrasted with the signature flashy grin he gave you. “How is my favourite happy camper?”
"You're late." Was all you said in response, your eyebrows elevated slightly as you took in the sight of him, close up you could see even more of his chest tattoo and the faint shadow of his chest hair. Even with the sun hanging low in the horizon he was adamant about wearing the horrid tank top.
"And yet I'm still here, and the canoes have been cleaned off and are ready for the water, plus my cabin is in tip top shape and ready for inspection." To underline his point Eddie gave you a military salute and stood up just a little bit straighter, forever the main audience for his own antics.
“Cute- did Mark teach you that?” The reference to your fellow camp counselors managed to place a crack in Eddie’s stone cold facade into a smile for just a split second. "And I suppose that'll be the only time this summer that cabin will look presentable?" Both of you cringed slightly at the thought of what had happened last summer, when one of his campers unbeknownst to him had adopted a pet frog they'd found down by the water. The results of which were not pretty.
"Who's got time for grudges and complaints, we have an entire summer in front of us to enjoy." Eddie slung his arm around your shoulders like the two of you were old friends, helping to lead you into the dining hall, and you had to fight the instinct to flinch away. “But first- dinner I am starving after a hard day’s work.”
You and Eddie were the only counselors who attended Hawkins High, everyone else originated from a couple of different high schools in the surrounding areas. And while you and Eddie knew each other from camp, you didn’t speak in your regular day to day lives. You just saw each other in casual passings in the concrete tiled hallways of Hawkins High School.
All of you were upperclassmen in school and about the same age. All of you responsible for your own cabin and campers.
Everyone else was working, setting the head table with disposable paper plates since none of you were particularly interested in doing the dishes before camp had even begun. With Tiny Sal not set to arrive until tomorrow along with the rest of the campers Zoe and Lisa had taken the executive decision to nurture every last opportunity on your last day of freedom and ordered pizza for the whole gang from the nearest town. Which was still over 20 minutes by car.
Eddie’s grip loosened on your shoulder and his arm fell away from you as he walked off to chat with Connie #2 and Richie without saying a word of goodbye to you. All of you knew each other from the previous summer, and after five weeks of working together they had quickly become your home away from home, your own little camp family.
And even though it was unspoken, your seats around the counselors table had remained the same. Walking over you took your old spot between Joan and Connie #1 who were already deep in conversation.
In total there were ten of you who together ran the majority of activities at Camp Moonglade. There was Zoe, the activities leader and head organiser, you wouldn’t dare cross her in a million years. Joan, who was possibly the sweetest soul alive and helped run the arts & crafts activities. Lisa, a complete sweet tooth and the sole supplier of snacks, and is one part of the music team. Connie #1, sometimes referred to as just Con for convenience, the first half of The Connies, and co-leader of the water activities. And of course, yourself.
Then for the guys there was Richie, Eddie’s partner in crime and helps Joan with arts & crafts. Tommy, your wildlife expert and a mean games strategist. Mark; Zoe’s right hand man and sports director, complete hard ass but with a heart of gold. Connie #2, who you believed no one actually knew his real first name, who helped Con with water activities. Then last but not least, Eddie Munson, resident musician and outdoor survival skills leader.
Along with the ten of you there were three "adults", Lenny the camp director, Tiny Sal the camp chef and Maureen the nurse. Meaning in total the thirteen of you ran and operated Camp Moonglade for the summer.
“Ok but Joan we need you to join our team for capture the flag-” it was no surprise to you that Con was already fast focused on game strategies, and it would be no shock to you if the other Connie was chatting Eddie’s ear off about a team up. “With your strategy and with our energy then we’ll win for sure!”
“Well I suppose I could-” Sadly, Joan never got to finish her sentence.
“You know, I thought we had a strong sense of tradition here at Moonglade, canoeing, capture the flag, and yours truly having Cabin 9.”
Great, you could tell this was going to be another Eddie Munson spectacle. If you were a resident student at Hawkins High, you were probably unlucky enough to have caught at least a couple of them.
Eddie’s voice was loud enough to be ringing off the walls, and as you looked up, he was staring directly at you, truly something only second to rage in his dark brown eyes, mixed with some form of enjoyment he was taking out of having everyone's eyes on him.
The other counselors falling quiet around you, they'd been waiting for this. What they expected to be your moment of reckoning with Eddie. Based on his interaction with Zoe earlier, you figured that Eddie had been informed that you had taken Cabin 9 this summer, but he was yet to confront you about it.
"That is my cabin, you know that is my cabin." Eddie swung his leg over the bench directly opposite you. You did know that was Eddie's cabin for the past two years at Moonglade, and maybe that's the exact reason you had picked that to be your camper's cabin this year, but you weren’t one to kiss and tell. Taking a bit too much pride in snatching it right from under his nose due to his late coming.
"Well now I suppose that it was your cabin Eddie, it isn't anymore," you could feel the smirk tugging at the corners of your mouth and you had to resist to not let them show.
Your eyes fast on Eddie's face, thoroughly enjoying his almost frantic wide eyed stare back at you. The fellow counselors around you were intently listening in on your conversation, not soon about to forget the intense rivalry and nuclear fall out that had occured last summer.
"Besides, it's not like you're staying in the cabin anyway." You were enjoying yourself way too much, but what truly made it worth it was Eddie’s reaction to you teasing him back. “So I don’t see how it’s going to be a problem.”
It was clear he had not been expecting you to be teasing him back, there was some semblance of genuine shock on his face, but he was doing his best to hide it with his sly grin. But you could pick up on that little glint in the back of his eyes that was telling you differently.
“I suppose we’ll see whose problem it really is sunshine,” Eddie said, his smug grin fast plastered to his face and you bit the inside of your cheek, and before you could think of anything to quip back at him, he swung his legs over the bench and went back to chatting with Richie.
“Trouble in paradise.” You heard Connie whisper to Connie along with a soft snicker, but after a quick and hard look from Zoe they both fell deadly silent.
You didn’t stay long after, quickly losing your appetite and not too interested in spending the rest of the evening trying to avoid contact with Eddie. Muttering some excuse about being tired and wanting a good night's sleep before tomorrow you retired back to the counsellors cabin.
Laying on your back in your bed, your eyes were glued to the wooden ceiling above you, slowly counting the slats as you attempted to fall asleep. It was a special kind of atmosphere when it was just you at camp, time almost seemed to stand still when there was no disruption of little kids running around weakening havoc, yet you also couldn’t help but be excited for your campers to arrive and for moonglade to once again be filled with screams of joy and laughter.
Somehow this is where you always slept best, in a small cramped cabin with four other people in the middle of nowhere. With the window wide open you could taste the soft summer nightair, hear the soft sounds of the lake as water hit the shore, the creaking sounds of the forest as the breeze travelled through branches and leaves. There was something oddly calming about it all, which brought you a sense of peace you couldn’t get anywhere else.
It didn’t take long before you finally fell asleep.
Day 1 - Monday, 18 days until
The next morning started with a bang, quite literally. Mark banged on the door to your cabin, at what felt like the very crack of dawn, resulting in a synchronised groan from the ones of you still half asleep inside the cabin.
“Breakfast in the mess hall at exactly eight-hundered hours! Campers arriving today!” How anyone could have this much energy at this hour you could not figure out. But you were glad to know that even though a year had passed, Mark was still insistent on using his military terminology.
Yet you didn’t dare disobey Mark's words, quickly slinging your legs over the side of your bed and jumping out from your top bunk, looking around you could see Zoe and Joan’s beds were already empty. But Connie and Lisa seemed to be quickly falling back asleep where they laid in their bunks.
“Good morning sunshine.” Eddie looked up at you as you stepped over the threshold into the mess hall, and you were immediately convinced that he was the spawn of the devil. You yawned and rubbed sleep out of your eyes, doing your best to ignore him where he was sitting with a half empty cup of coffee.
“What? I don’t get my good morning kiss?” Eddie said as you walked past him, you turned around and raised your hand as to blow him a kiss but you finished by flipping him the bird as you walked backward through the swinging doors into the kitchen, which gave away with a soft groan.
After taking a quick glance at you Joan quickly poured and pressed a mug of steaming hot coffee into your hands to which you muttered a quiet thank you as you gladly accepted the offering.
The hot mug between your fingers served as some level of comfort, the dark and bitter liquid sloshing around. You hated black coffee, but it would have to do for now.
Around you everyone else was either deep in their planning, or having some off conversation, and you swore you heard the Connies discussing their capture the flag strategies, or was it boat strategies? You were honestly too tired to fully tune into what they were saying.
Besides, you had already started your own scheming plans for capturing the flag that you weren’t quite ready to disclose to anyone just yet. You were not about to let Eddie Munson’s team beat yours this year and if you wanted that reality you would have to play your cards just right.
Capture the flag at Moonglade was almost a religious experience, and the winner of the tournament won every possible bragging right over the rest. Last year Eddie’s team beat yours after he played dirty, and you would rather be six feet under before you let it happen again.
Sliding into the seat next to Zoe, she didn’t even notice you. Her eyes fixated on the sheet of paper laid out before her, a pen clutched in her hand, the pen cap stuck between her teeth was littered with bite marks.
“What are you working on?” You took a sip from your coffee, sipping at the hot liquid and savouring the taste as caffeine coursed through your veins, slowly waking you up.
“Finishing the week's schedule…” her eyes were completely glued to the papers in front of you, and you were honestly shocked she heard you, given how in the zone she could get. “Wow this late? Don’t tell me that queen Zoe is slipping from her throne,” you said in a playful sarcastic tone.
“Don’t you have things to finish? You know before campers arrive?” She turned towards you and rested her head against her hand, flashing you that slightly evil Zoe smirk that she always had hidden up her sleeve. “It’s good to be back.” You laughed and glanced down at your wrist, the watch strapped to it read just a little past eight, which meant you had at least a couple of hours to get your schedule and finish preparing Cabin 9 for its guests.
You had cut your morning in The Mess short, grabbing a stray piece of unclaimed toast to tidy you over as you hurried over to Cabin 9.
The gravel under your shoes crunched softly as you trekked your way up to the campers cabins, ten of them in a circle and in the middle a massive tree. Cabin 9 stood at the corner furthest down towards the lake. It wasn’t much but you couldn’t help but feel some level of satisfaction as you approached the low wooden building. Knowing that this year Cabin 9 belonged to you and your campers, and not Eddie.
The front deck had a couple of chairs and a table standing in front, on the inside the walls were lined with bunk beds along with a couple of drawers. However what made Cabin 9 so special was that the back window was bigger than the rest of the cabins. Meaning that you could see all the way down to the lake with a proper view, the blue shimmering surface peeking through luscious green leaves just added to the idyllic summer paradise that Moonglade was.
Yesterday you had managed to clear out most of the dust and cobwebs that had settled since last year, so luckily there wasn’t much left to be done. Still you found yourself picking at all the little details, quickly losing track of the time.
A loud bang sounded among the cabins, pulling you from your work and you rushed to the window to see what had happened.
Looking through the front window you could see Cabin 10, the unclaimed cabin that had become Eddie’s by default. He was rummaging around trying to get the last of it ready. His curly hair hanging messily around his shoulders, thankfully forgoing the hideous mutilated yellow shirt for a proper one today. The newly minted green counsellor's shirt hugged the curves of his shoulders as he worked.
Eddie ran a hand through his curls, in what from a distance looked like frustration, before he quickly walked away from the cabin in an almost half jog.
But something caught your eye, a sheet of paper stapled to the inside of the widely opened front door, but you couldn’t read it from a distance. You looked around quickly, checking to see if Eddie was coming back before running across the short distance between the cabins, climbing up the steps onto the deck.
Your eyes reading over the list Eddie has stapled up to the door, chuckling quietly to yourself.
“Curiosity killed the cat?” You jumped at his voice, not expecting him to come back so soon. “Just checking out your cabin, what number is it again?” Eddie didn’t answer you, just shot you a dirty look instead. You turned around and started reading off the list out loud.
“Camp constitution… solid name I’ll give you that… respect other people's stuff, obviously… maintain personal hygiene, good one… no summoning demons?” you read off the last one and turned to Eddie who was grinning from ear to ear. “Without permission and adequate supervision-” he leaned past you and tapped at the appended point at the end of the document, “it has to be done with proper care,” he finished.
“I am pretty sure Mark and Zoe aren’t going to be happy if you decide to summon a demon,” you almost wondered out loud as your eyes grazed his face.
But before he could quip back, you both heard the bell ring in the distance, meaning the first campers had probably started arriving, you cursed under your breath knowing you were late and you still had to pick up your check-in list from Zoe.
Both you and Eddie turned your head towards the sound of the bell and you could hear Eddie curse under his breath before quickly checking the time on his watch.
“I’ll have to catch you later sunshine, our queen Zoe cannot be kept waiting.” With a quick flash of a grin and the turn of his heel Eddie was gone, leaving you standing all by yourself once again.
When you arrived at the parking lot there was already a sea of campers waiting for you. Buzzing with excitement and some tears, most of them wearing backpacks larger than their bodies and stuffed to the brim, making them slightly unsteady. Like the slightest miss step would cause a domino effect of falling campers.
“Everyone listen up!” Eddie stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled so loud your ears hurt. Quickly he climbed up on the registration table, his check in sheet in hand.
"Could I have Dustin Henderson, Will Byers, Lucas Sinclair and Mike Wheeler report to me please? Spread the word, thank you, that will be all." He finished off his little charade with a bow to his audience and you swore you could see some of the campers with a sheer look of terror in their eyes, and you couldn't blame them.
You had to at least give him credit for the idea, because as soon as he finished speaking it was clear who his campers were and they quickly shuffled their way over to Eddie’s table to get themselves checked in.
When all campers had finally managed to be situated with their counsellors and parents excitedly drove away to enjoy their few child free weeks, Zoe got up on one of the tables, her trusted megaphone in hand.
“Hellooo happy campers! Could I have everyone's attention for a moment?” When Zoe said it, it wasn’t a question, it was a demand, and everyone there knew it. New and returning campers alike, meaning the crowd fell silent within moments. “Thank you! Now that you all have your cabin counselors and are checked in we’re going to let you head down to your cabins to get settled for a moment, but please could all councillors make sure to have everyone in the dining hall in an hour for camp introduction and rules.”
As it always was, Zoe’s word at camp was law. Even the new campers could feel the presence she had when she picked up that megaphone.
The next couple of hours passed in a blur of trying to get your campers situated in their cabin, answering any and all questions that popped up, and hurrying to make sure that you weren’t late for camp meeting.
The grand circle was finally teeming with life once more, kids running around already enjoying the freedom away from parents, and your poor counsellor friends running after them.
And before you knew it, you had reached the end of the first official day at Camp Moonglade.
Day 3 - Wednesday, 17 days until
Rocks crunched softly beneath your feet as you walked along the shoreline, with the exception of the beach, most of the shore was either covered in big flat rocks or the stretch of grass reached all the way down to the water.
Your sandals dangled from your fingertips as you walked along, letting yourself feel the cool rocks against the rough pads of your feet.
The water gulped softly against the shore with every beat of the waves, and the only light came from the reflected image of the moon. Softly illuminating the night ever so slightly, but you still found yourself needing to squint to make sure you were still placing your feet in front of you.
The overwhelming hot swell of the day had finally faded, letting the cool night air finally seep in and you felt like you could breathe again for the first time. Relishing in every soft breath of night summer air that washed over your exposed skin.
Three full days had somehow already been and gone, passed in a blur of excitement and activities. Which your mind and body ached from, and you already found yourself longing for a break, nothing big but just a little get away.
Which is how you found yourself trekking along the shoreline of the lake, slowing your breathing, and taking in every sound of the lake, of the forest. The creaks and groans of the trees as they shifted with the wind, the rustle of leaves and the soft chirping of cicadas.
Even at night Camp Moonglade was never truly silent. Especially not when you were left with your own thoughts ticking away and churning around in your head.
But your thoughts quickly came to a grinding halt as you came upon the last person you expected, or at least wanted to see tonight. Eddie Munson, sitting by the lakeside.
His shoes were tossed almost carelessly to the side, along with his socks, allowing him to sink his feet down into the cold water. A half smoked lit cigarette dangled from his lips, glowing a soft red in the darkening night with every drag he took.
“Of course, it’s you, you know you’re not supposed to smoke at camp, right? Against camp rules.”
“Ah, my favourite happy camper, come to join me, sunshine?”
You didn’t really think about it, you just kind of sat down next to him, but you made sure to keep a distance between you. Snagging the cigarette from his hand and taking a puff before he could oppose you. The smoke filled your lungs and you immediately gagged, trying to hold back a cough, and failing spectacularly.
“You know smoking is against camp rules, right?” Eddie echoed your words from earlier, and you had to fight the chuckle that threatened to bubble up in your chest.
“So, what’s on your mind this evening, sunshine?” “Nothing-” your voice was calm into the empty night.Realising you were still holding it, you passed the cigarette back to Eddie. And you stuck your feet in the cold water, kicking your feet ever so slightly.
“Oh, c’mon I know there has got to be a reason if you’re desperate enough to sit down with little old me,” Eddie laughed, taking a drag from his cigarette much more skillfully than you did, letting the thin cigarette smoke hang in the quiet air between you, “so please, enlighten me why are you so desperate to be hanging out with yours truly.”
“Did you pack enough cigarettes to last you the next five weeks?” you asked instead to deflect the question, and pulled your thighs up to your chest, wrapping your arms around yourself, trying to fight off the sudden cold that started seeping in now that you were sitting still.
“Hopefully, as long as I make sure I don’t smoke em’ all, then I’ll be ok,” Eddie laughed, and he could tell you were trying to deflect, but hey, he wasn’t one to push. Knowing he was probably the last person you would ever want to talk to about anything running through that mind of yours. Any semblance of trust you might have had in him was long gone after last summer.
You sat there with him for a moment, almost finding some sense of peace in the comfortable silence you shared between you. It was different to anything you had experienced with Eddie. He was always the loud, fidgeting, bold, bouncing off the walls, walking on the cafeteria tables Eddie Munson.
But sitting there by the lake with you, he was calm. Calmer than you think you’ve ever seen any person. Almost as if there was no worry on his mind, despite actively breaking camp rules by insisting on smoking his cigarette. And that, you thought, might be the most Eddie Munson thing, breaking the rules and not breaking a sweat doing it.
“You know Zoe caught me down here once last summer, I don’t think I’ve ever seen her that pissed,” Eddie said, and you couldn’t help but stare at him with wide eyes, it was almost as if he had been reading your mind just then, “I was sharing a joint with Richie, and we heard her approach, we both panicked and just ran for our lives, not thinking she would still see us the next morning and-”
“So that’s why you and Richie had that unexplained cleaning duty last summer!” you blurted out before you could stop yourself, instinctively clasping your hands over your mouth as you realised you had forgotten your manners and interrupted him. Which Eddie seemed to find immensely entertaining, laughing wildly at the sight in front of him.
“Yes, that is indeed why,” he chuckled at your response, quickly glancing over at you from the corner of his eye. Stumping out the cigarette bud on a nearby rock and throwing the end of it into the lake to be swallowed by the water. “You know- I think the only reason we got away with it is because I’ve known Zoe for so long.”
“Wait you’ve known Zoe since before you were a councilor?” His words puzzled you a little bit, you had no clue they’d known each other before hand, and maybe you found yourself a little bit dumbfounded for judging their interaction on Sunday.
“Yeah- me and Zoe used to be campers here together. My uncle used to send me here for the summers so he could get me out of his hair for a little bit, and so that I wouldn’t get bored and go around getting in trouble.” His eyes were looking anywhere but at you, wandering the scenery in front of them as he spoke, transfixed on the soft slopes of the water that surrounded his feet.
“So… you come here to cause problems instead?” you looked over at him and asked with a rise in your brow.
“And because you’re so much more fun to vex than my uncle,” Eddie finally looked over at you and flashed you his infamous cheeky grin. And there it was again, that same smile he’d flashed you last summer and you were ashamed to say it still elicited the same reaction in you as it had back then, and you hated yourself for it.
“Sooo, what was little Zoe like?” you kicked your feet in the water as you spoke, the water sloshing around gently, adding softly to the sounds of the night.
“Oh- not so different from how she is now. Even when she was little, she had more command than anyone else, even the old councillors back then.” He fished his lighter out of his pocket and fidgeted with the lid, flipping it open and closed rhythmically, lighting the flame every now and then.
“Why does that not surprise me,” you wondered out loud, but it was clear your tone was littered with sarcasm, and you earned a little chuckle out of him.
“Shit, are you cold?” He noticed the soft dusting of goose bumps that had gradually settled on your skin and the way your hands ran up and down your forearms trying to settle into the gentle chill of the night. Eddie shuffled out of the jacket he was wearing and held it out to you, letting the article of clothing dangle between you on the tips of his fingers.
Suddenly, you became aware of just how small the distance between you had grown, and how he offering you his jacket was painfully similar to last summer.
And perhaps, he had felt it too.
“Oh- no thank you I’ll be just fine.”
“You’re shivering like a leaf, c’mon just take it.”
“Eddie seriously I’m not cold-”
“Listen- I know after last year you might not be my biggest fan, and it's pretty clear that you’re still upset-” Eddie started. “Under exaggerating there just a little bit, Munson,” you interjected quickly, making him reconsider his words for a moment before he spoke up again.
A deep crease forming between his eyebrows as he gazed at you from the short distance between you, and you were convinced you could see the tiniest tug at the corner of his lips before he spoke.
“How about I make it up to you? Say if by some incredible, and I mean truly incredible, miracle you manage to win camp championships, I will let you give me a stick and poke tattoo. Whatever design you want, sounds good?” And you absolutely could not deny it, it was a tempting prize he was offering you. Eddie was already covered in tattoos, one more wouldn’t be much of a hassle for him, but one from you?
“And what if I don’t win, what do you get then?” You asked and Eddie bit down his bottom lip and stared at you, simply to drag it out because it was clear he already knew what he wanted. “A kiss,” he finally said and your blood ran cold.
“A kiss?” you raised your eyebrow and fought the urge to bite into your lip in the slight bit of anguish the thought caused you. And in that moment you knew, this is what he had meant when he said you would be regretting taking Cabin 9, but what you didn’t know was that this was only the beginning.
“Y’know it wouldn’t be-” Eddie started, but he never got a chance to finish.
“I know Munson, trust me I know,” you cut him off before he could finish, not wanting to think about what he was insinuating, trying your best to shake off the feeling that had washed over you.
“So what do you say, we got a deal?” Eddie reached out his hand to you, letting it hang in the space between you, and your mind was still running wild with contemplations. Your eyes darting between his hand and his eyes, feeling that little pit of anxiety in your stomach gnawing away at you, telling you not to do it.
“Deal,” you said and grabbed his hand, shaking it quickly. In the end it was too tempting not to take on the challenge. Besides, there was no way that you were going to lose anyway.
“Now will you please just take my jacket? It’s almost painful seeing you this cold.” Oh, right, his jacket. He had placed it in the space between you once the talk of the bet started. And while you had agreed to kiss him, in the slight chance you would lose, his jacket felt way too intimate, way too special for you to take.
“Oh- I’m fine, I really should be going anyway, early morning tomorrow,” you mumbled as you shuffled to get your feet beneath you so you could stand up, grabbing your shoes and quickly, but rather awkwardly, slipping them on. “Thanks for the conversation, and bet, I guess.”
“Good night sunshine!” You heard him call out to you as you were almost out of earshot, and when you looked over your shoulder you saw his jacket was still lying on the ground next to him, but his eyes were fixed on the water in front of him. “And I’ll be looking forward to that kiss!”
Day 5 - Friday, 14 Days until
Finally, Friday night rolled around, another day filled with endless activities in the baking summer sun. While only a couple of days had passed since the beginning of camp, you could already see more than one set of sunburned shoulders, an inevitable case no matter how hard you and your fellow councillors tried, and it didn’t help that some of the councillors weren’t particularly skillful at it either.
Friday nights at Moonglade were always marked by bonfire nights. Late nights around the bonfire, fingers sticky with marshmallows and soft sing alongs being played on guitar. And while most of the campers weren’t particularly vocally inclined, it was still a regular highlight of the week.
The bonfire pit laid down towards the lake side, a big stone pit with wooden benches lined up in two circles around it. The sun had just barely dipped below the line of the horizon, but the evening was illuminated in the soft orange glow of the cackling bonfire and the heavy smell of smoke hung in the air.
Eddie was sitting on one of the inner benches, his guitar in hand and perched across his knee. Picking at the strings to make sure they were in tune.
You knew Eddie liked music, his band played at some run down bar at the edge of town every few weeks, but despite that you had never really heard him play more than at camp.
At camp, the songs he played were far different to the ones you heard him blast from his van at all ungodly hours of the morning in the school parking lot before classes started. His hair was pushed back between his ears, someone had placed a small white flower in the mess of his curls, which you couldn’t help but smile at.
It was such a stark contrast to who he was as a person, a metal head with clothes to fit, now sitting there in cut off denim shorts, an old worn out camp t-shirt and a soft delicate white flower in his hair.
But the irony wasn’t lost on either of you. He knew how silly he looked, but it was part of the fun while being at camp, he could look silly and also have fun with it.
Besides, he was so focused on leading the sing along, his fingers rapping against the guitar with ease as he drew out the melodies. And while his choir wasn’t the most talented, what they lacked in skill, they made up for with volume.
Finishing off the last song with his own personal improvised guitar solo, the need to always be the centre of attention continued to surprise you even though it really shouldn’t at this point. You did attend high school with him, and while you were far from being on speaking terms with each other, Eddie Munson was impossible to miss.
Mostly because he did stick out more than most, with his classic metal head attire, long curly hair and a band of nerds following him. But also because he refused to make himself invisible.
Eddie placed the guitar by his side, scooting down and settling in on the ground, urging the campers closer towards him. “Closer… closer… you too Wheeler-” soon he had them all huddled around him, almost like a herd, every pair of eyes was on him.
Looking across the circle you shot Joan a questioning look, and she simply shrugged in response, having no clue what he was about to do either.
“Everyone’s here? Ok good, then we can begin,” that same evil grin he had was once more plastered to his face, and you immediately feared for what was about to come, absolutely no good could come from a look like that. There was something hidden behind that smile, it was the kind where you could tell he was scheming for something, but you could never quite anticipate exactly what was about to happen.
“What I am about to tell you is the story of a man. A completely ordinary man, who goes by the name of Victor Creel.”
You didn’t have to look, you could practically hear Con rolling her eyes from where she was sitting across from you. Looking around, you couldn’t see Zoe or Mark, which meant Eddie was practically left to his own devices, no one else would be able to stop him.
All the kids were laser focused on Eddie as he spoke, dramatically retelling the story of Victor Creel to the children. The soft glow of the fire illuminating his face perfectly
“And you know what they say, all of this happened not too far from-”
“Ooohkay I believe that is enough for today.” Zoe walked into the circle, up behind Eddie and placing her hands on his shoulders, Eddie’s mouth slid shut immediately and he pressed his lips together.
“I think it’s time for lights, don't you agree Eddie?” Her voice was sweet but heavy with annoyance, and you had to bite your lip to hold back a laugh at the sight in front of you.
“I think that’s a great idea.” You couldn’t tell from the dark night if Eddie was blushing or if it was just the warm light from the campfire.
Half an hour later you were sitting in the mess, after a hassle of getting the campers settled into their cabins and countless questions about Victor Creel you wanted to murder Eddie more than ever.
“Wow, way to go scaring the crap out of the kids just four days into camp," you said as you heard Eddie’s heavy footsteps cross the threshold into the mess, the old wood giving away and squeaking softly as he walked
"What are you talking about! They loved it!" Eddie quickly made his way over to the table where you were all gathered around, and he snatched the deck of cards Mark was shuffling from him.
"I'm pretty sure I saw at least three kids crying…" Con mumbled as she picked at her nails, and next to her Connie gave a soft chuckle.
"I didn't like it either," Joan piped up and put her hand up in the air in consensus.
"And none of you stopped me, so who is really to blame here?" And you all fell silent at that.
"Soo how long do you have cleaning duty for?" Richie elbowed eddie in the side playfully.
"Undecided," Zoe said as she walked into the room, her slightly evil grin just barely tugging at the corners of her lips, but it was clear she was enjoying it, "for now."
Eddie twirled the deck of cards expertly in his hand, shuffling them until he was satisfied enough with his job. He was sitting at the head of the table, the rest of you in a ring around him with a stack of poker chips in the centre of you all.
A more secretive tradition at Moonglade, councillors poker night after bonfires. Where you all repeatedly lost what little money you had to each other, and Connie somehow always ended up winning.
He was just a really good bluff.
With Eddie as the designated dealer you made sure to sit as far away from him as possible. Still not convinced he wasn't rigging the game to make you lose, since you always ended up with the worst possible cards.
Outside rain softly started pattering against the windows, soaking the forest and earth with water. It didn't take long before rain was hailing down while you all exchanged cards and laughs between you continuously.
The rain was still hammering down as you stepped onto the deck, ready to tuck in for the night, eyes heavy with sleep and you longed for the quiet comfort of your camp bed.
Day 6 - Saturday, 13 days until
The rain was hammering down, on every surface it could, creating small echoes which ricocheted around the entirety of camp. Soaking the forest floors and rippling the water of the lake which was now reflecting the dark storm grey of the sky compared to it's normal brilliant blue.
This is what you had all been afraid of last night, but then it had only been soft pitter patters of rain droplets against windows. Now you were struggling to think over all the noise.
It was the kind of rain you couldn't see through, the kind that created a curtain of water and you weren't sure if the water was coming from up or below.
Zoe and Mark had you all called to The Mess, leaving your campers sitting tight in their cabins for the time being.
Lisa was the last through the door, her long blonde hair a couple of shades darker from the rain soaking it.
But all of you were practically dripping onto the wooden floors beneath you.
"I don't want to say it and you guys don't want to hear it, but we have to cancel," Zoe said as she boldly drew a red marker through 'capture the flag' on today's itinerary, she wasn't the kind to sugar coat anything but right now you really wish she would. Her declaration, a bold one at that, practically led to an uproar of complaints from the lot of you.
"It's tradition!"
"Cancelling because of a little rain?!"
"What about camp championships!?"
You also couldn't help but feel a pang of disappointment in your stomach. This was supposed to be your first real match up against Eddie since last summer, and you would have been lying if you said you weren't looking forward to it.
The wooden floor creaked beneath you as you swayed softly against it.
"We know you're upset!" Zoe said in an almost useless attempt at calming the group. "But it would be a hazard to let them play in these conditions!"
"It's just a little rain!" Connie #2 insisted again.
"Do you want to be in charge of bandaging scrapes and cuts afterwards, Connie?" Zoe asked simply, and Connie's face immediately faced the crooked floorboards.
"Please inform your campers about the schedule change, well try to reschedule for another day ok? In the meantime let them know they'll have the afternoon session off instead before dinner. Morning activities will resume as normal.”
At least she didn't bring out the megaphone this time, you thought. The tiniest victory.
You pulled the hood of the rain coat well over your forehead and zipped up the jacket until only your eyes were visible through a small slit.
"You know you look ridiculous right?" The only thing that could be worse than capturing the flag being cancelled had to be dealing with Eddie.
"Well at least I'm dry." You gave him your best cocky smile, which was completely lost given most of your face was hidden by your coat and Eddie chuckled softly. "In comparison to some other people, forget to pack your jacket, Munson?"
It was clear Eddie hadn't brought his jacket with him, his shirt drenched in rain water, enough that you could see through it.
"No, this is simply a fashion choice…" "Besides, I'm not scared of a little rain."
"Well, I'm not making you soup when you get pneumonia," you laughed as you looked at him, he really did look ridiculous, even though his shirt was practically glued to his chest. His curls were dead and flat, sticking to his face and you couldn't help but think he looked like a rain soaked dog.
The whole group tracked back to the circle of campers cabins, a couple of you huddled together under a couple of too small umbrellas, to deliver the unavoidable verdict to your campers.
"Hey! Don't shoot the messenger, Zoe's verdict!" You threw your hands up to proclaim your innocence in the matter, truly one of the scariest demographics on the planet had to be middle schoolers. Just as you expected, no one was happy about the cancellation of capture the flag. And you couldn’t blame them, you had been looking forward to this more than you expected to.
However with morning activities still scheduled to take place like normal, there was no time to hang around. Quickly gathering your campers and hurrying them off the regularly scheduled arts and crafts. Always the same pleasant mix of glitter and craft glue.
But as you looked around Eddie was nowhere to be seen, which quickly created an unsettling feeling in your stomach. Where was he? Why wasn’t he here?
All of his campers were here, they were fairly easy to spot all things considering, but their so-called fearless leader was nowhere to be found.
However, you didn’t have to worry for long. You had sent your campers back with Con, staying back to help with the inevitable clean up of almost forty kids doing arts and crafts. Finally, after what felt like hours, the arts and crafts room was left in a somewhat decent state, you had settled in with your campers in their cabin, a deck of cards being passed along you all with soft laughs drowned out by the roar of the rain still raging outside.
And you were finally dry. After misplacing your raincoat and having to walk back to the cabin without it you were completely soaked head to toe. But now you could appreciate the feeling of dry clothes against your damp skin as the warmth slowly returned to your body.
But your peace was not long lasting. Eddie’s voice sounded from outside your cabin, the door cranked slightly to let fresh air in, and somehow he was so loud you could still hear him over the thundering of rain outside.
“Hey Sunshine!” Sunshine, ironic nickname considering the weather conditions. But Eddie stuck with it, knowing whenever he said it you got just a little crease at the corner of your eye. “Could you come out here for a second? I need your help with something.”
You shut your eyes to keep yourself from rolling them, and reluctantly got up from your comfortable position on the floor, pushing the door to the cabin open all the way.
The freezing shock hit your body before you could even react, the water that washed over you made you cold to the bone and it took you a moment to realise what had happened. The bucket fell to the ground with a hollow clang, and you were once again soaked completely head to toe.
You wiped water from your face and had to resist the urge to scream until you cried. When your vision finally returned to its fullest, you could see Eddie standing leaned against one of the support beams on Cabin 10s deck, with probably the biggest smile you had ever seen plastered to his face.
“Nevermind- I think I’ll manage on my own.” Behind him in the window you could see his campers lined up along the still to look at the play out of what they must be considering the funniest prank ever pulled considering their inability to hold in their snickers and laughs.
Then and there you knew, the game was afoot.
Mutuals - @uglypastels @catastrofhe @eddiemunsonbrxinrot @eddiemunsons-girl
Taglist - @pastel-abyss-x @fayetheenthusiast @obi-wanakenobi @starbeambo @chloebeansack @a-villain-vying-for-attention @meaganjm @prettytoxix @magicalxdaydream @ghoulsgraveyard @emmaginanni @eddie-munsons-girlfriend @munchabunch @kaydancegilr0y @eateraa @satorix @avery-needs-more-fics @kbakery @milly-louise @salome-c @hopebaker @moonlight-and-stars @sweetpeapod @eddiemunsonsfuturewife @cherrypieyourface @theglitterymess @eddieshellfireshirt @lovelyladymayy @hellfire-state-of-mind @itsmoonyhere @missriverred @crabravee @escape-in-time-x @eddiemunsnon @alternativelit @nightless @ruinedbythehobbit @evilunicorn4minions @bohemian-war @lili-pond @hb8301 @emotionaldreamer @eddies-lover @audrie-bryant @munson-burner @luvbug8 @love-conqures-everythingg @shamidreamer
@love-conqures-everythingg @daydreamin1220 @steveharringtonscarkeys @Eddiessidegirl @eddiesquinn @juggernort @husherstan @Boomhauer @kittyplier95 @duramater97 @bunkybarnesbxtch @eravanaaaah @jaemunson70 @hawkinshottie86 @munsonswhore86 @zzokks @fluffyharrington @zombaarbie @pearls4valentine @iheartgrayson @eddiemunsonsfuturewife @1800-fight-me @themarvelousbee @blue1blue5 @scullys-alienpussy @bookworm3570 @anonymousfleshbag @cebragirl @cherryandsugar @stylesxsixx @elennair @loveeeyy-y @honeywritingfish @kryptidkova @that-lame-ghoul9000 @ast3rl1ngs @willgrahamscasket @seiphira @plaindonutsworld @daringmunson @aftermidnightwriting @munsonswhore86 @error-message-404 @darkdarkroom @lovedarrow @abyss-sss @wiltedwonderland @melissai @drowningrn @eddiiesworld96 @uh-goodbye @dixontardis @eddiesskittle @nativity-in-black@tvserie-s-world @chouetteschaussettes @loveisonlyrealinmymind444 @gnarlymarl @2clones-1kamino @scoops-harrington @issasnuts @s-u-t @ethereal27cereal @28uzui @lyinginthegingerlocks @leam-03 @ohm4rii @weasleywinchester @paintballkid711 @kaita11 @munsonswhore86 @grungegrrrl
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petersshirts · 6 years ago
Valentine | Bucky Barnes
pairing: bucky barnes x reader
summary: got nothing but love for you, fall more in love everyday
warnings: like one swear word but other than that, pure fluff!
words: 1,5 k of heart emojis
a/n: this is for @uglypastels 1K writing challenge, congrats on hitting that milestone!! i chose the song Valentine by 5SOS, my favourite band :) i’m deep down into learning for exams at Uni right now, and there are no ideas or motivations for a fic left, but I tried my best and I hope you like this!! please leave me feedback, i appreciate it!!
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Bucky had never been fond of Valentines Day.
Back in the 1940s, he loved to take girls out and go dance, but actually, spend more time with them than a month? No way. He would get bored way too easily by their lives and never managed to hold up a long-term relationship. And that’s why he never bothered with Valentines Day. He didn’t know the feeling of loving someone and being loved, so he just acted like it was any normal day while the couples around him went on candle-light dinners and romantic getaways.
But there was one thing he promised himself - that if he would ever find true love, that he would treat his girl like it was Valentines Day every day. The girl should be loved every day and not just get special treatment on this particular day.
But when Bucky turned into the Winter Soldier and it seemed to him like there was no good ending for him, he completely forgot about women altogether and his self-made promise. Because who would love a fucked up mess like him? His brain was damaged and there was not one night without a nightmare that caused him to lay awake than rather go back to his haunting dreams full of him killing innocent people, their pleading still echoing in his mind.
But when you came along, everything changed. He changed.
It had been one year after his rehab in Wakanda ended and he was back in New York as a full-time Avenger, fighting by Steves’ side. It was the first time in the last fifty years that Bucky felt alive and safe to be around people, to be around his friends. And when he looked into your eyes for the first time, it felt like his world shifted. Like he was the moon, spinning around you, his earth.
It was the first slight touch when you handed him his coffee, the one you had mistakenly taken from the barista. Bucky knew that you were in a rush, your eyes rushing from side to side, your breath going quickly. „I’m so sorry,“ you mumbled when you gave him the black coffee, but the Winter Soldier just smiled and gave the coffee back to you.
„Take it, you’re more in a rush than me.“ You just thanked him, your fast heartbeat echoing in Buckys’ ear, wishing that he could hear it every second of his day.
When he saw you again, a week later, he gathered his courage and asked you out, earning a bright smile and a nod from you. And after that, he was gone for you. You were the person he had been looking for; Bucky just couldn’t stop listening to your voice and stories, completely in a trance whenever you told him something. This felt completely natural and he thanked the gods that he had been in this specific cafe on this specific time when he found you.
Time ran whenever you were together and there were more times that you slept at the compound, never wanting to go home alone without his warm arms. After two months of being together, Bucky was in love. You were everything he wanted and he couldn’t even imagine how lonely his life had been without you in it. Whenever he had some free time, he was with you. You were inseparable and when he finally told you that he loved you with his entire heart, you couldn’t stop kissing him, cuddling him and just holding him close.
He was the lost puzzle piece you had always searched for. Months passed by quickly until February came up and with that, Valentines Day. And Bucky being so caught up with you and his job, he nearly forgot about it until Steve called him out.
„So what are you gonna get your girl for Valentines?“ Bucky looked at his friend, confusion written over his face. They sat in the Quinjet together, on their way back home, back to you. „Uhm, nothing?“ He still wasn’t that impressed with Valentines Day because he gave you everything every day. Whenever he could, he would bring you little presents from all over the world, or just a few flowers that he had picked up on the way to your apartment. But when Steve looked at him with a strange look, he felt bad. Yes, he had promised himself to treat you like a Queen and he did, but for everyone, this day seemed so special. And he was pretty sure that you felt the same way.
So he sent you a message, asking you if you were free on the 14th and you said yes without hesitation. Valentines Day had never been that big in your life either but when Bucky asked you on a date for that night, you couldn’t say no. He was giving you everything you needed and there was nothing more you wanted.
After you told him that you had time, he tried to find something romantic that he wanted to do with you, but there was just nothing coming to his mind. Everything he thought about was something he had already done. There was nothing that was so special and you noticed right away that something was different.
„Babe?“ You softly nudged your lovers’ leg to get his attention. It was another night at the compound, you working on some work while Bucky was just staring at the wall, seeming like he was deep in thought. Normally, he would hug you from behind and watch your hands wander over the keys of your laptop, fascinated by your fast typing. But today, he was completely lost in his own thoughts and you were worried.
„Hm?“ Bucky looked up at you, a small smile on his lips. „What’s wrong?“ You entangled his hand with yours and softly stroker your thumb over the back of his hand, trying to find out what was going in this mind of his. „N-nothing,“ he mumbled and stared at his hands, getting you to worry even more. This was definitely not the Bucky you knew and loved. You nudged his shoulder to make him look up at you. „Come on, you can tell me everything, you know that.“
Bucky sighed, not sure if he should tell you that he was struggling to find something for Valentines Day. No gesture was somehow big enough and he felt stupid because you knew how much he loved you. He showed you that every day but Steves’ words were still branded into his mind and he couldn’t stop thinking about finding the perfect date idea. But when you looked at him that way, he couldn’t lie to you and not say anything. So him being completely gone for you, admitted the truth.
„Okay, so I’ve been trying to find the perfect date for Valentines Day and there’s just nothing coming to mind because we have so much fun every day and…“ But you interrupted him with a kiss, a purr slipping out of his throat when your lips moved against each other, slowly but passionate. You just kissed for a few minutes, lost in the moment until you finally pulled back with a big smile. The worry was not completely gone from Buckys’ face and you softly stroked his forehead to get rid of the wrinkles that had appeared from his thinking.
„You don’t need to do anything special, boo. You are everything I want and you’re always showing me how much you love me, I don’t need a special day to know that. You give me so much Bucky, you have no idea.“ Bucky blushed at your words and pulled you in a hug and sighed, knowing that the pressure was gone because you just knew him so well.
„I love you so much, doll,“ he whispered into your neck and left a little kiss there, reminding you that he would always be yours. You giggled, always touched by his cheesiness. „I love you too, you dork. So much.“ And with that, everything was good. With you, Bucky felt like there was nothing you two couldn’t do. Every problem could be solved, no matter how big or small.
And that’s how you found spend Valentines’ Day just like every single day. On the sofa of your apartment when you both finished work and dinner you cooked, lovely glances send between each other all the time. And when Bucky pulled you into the dark bedroom and whispered sweet nothings in your ear, telling and showing you how much he appreciated your body, you knew that he was the one.
With him, no minute of your day was boring and whenever you looked into his eyes, touched or kissed him, it felt like fireworks. With Bucky, every day was Valentines Day and you would never have it any other way.
Please let me know what you think!
Permanent Taglist and mutuals:
@smexylemony // @ive-got-more-wit // @lou-la-lou // @loxbbg // @seanna313 // @underoos-shield // @hollandfieldblurbs // @supernatural-strangerthings-1980 // @ixchel-9275 // @thejourneyneverendsx // @sideeffectsofyou // @teenwolfbitches2 // @mywinterwolf // @alex--awesome--22 // @wronglanemendes // @keithseabrook27 // @tomshufflepuff // @awkwardfangirl2014 // @peterpumpkinparker // @underoos-shield // @mr-delmar // @twilightparker // @h-osterfield // @moonkissedtom // @curlytoms // @holland-peters // @fratboievans // @rainbow-marvel // @spiderrrling // @hufflebucky // @hollandroos // @naturallytom
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