#ughhhhh I’m so sorry it took me so long to answer this
ssreeder · 2 years
I stayed up till 5am reading LIAB and cried twice 10/10 would read again.
Awwww I’m sorry it brings me so much joy to cause you pain ;) <3 I will probably do it again in the future….
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uhbasicallyjustmilex · 3 months
So I know everyone knows this interview off by heart and it’s been spoken about A MILLION TIMES but I would just love love to hear you ramble about from 10:20 onwards bc omg it’s just so sweet and your thoughts on things are always perfection :’) like Miles seems like he’s keeping an eye on Alex for the whole interview and playing off his humour but the fond/amused/exasperated ‘please do’ that he says when Alex goes ‘just to add to that’, and how he sort of glances at Martin in an ‘ah where is this going’ sort of way is just gorgeous xD and the way he squeezes his eyes shut, just waiting to feed off whatever Alex says but wondering what on earth is about to come out of his mouth is just so tender and pure 😭😂 like miles you sweetheart xD
omg i will take ANY opportunity to ramble about this absolute gem of an interview (and about them generally, as we know lol)
anyway yeah, this whole interview truly is peak milex derangement - and this little section in particular??? ughhh it just feels like such an intimate insight into their humour and the way they mess around together. like you can tell they're a bit bored with the interview, and it makes me wonder if this is what they get like when they're bored and restless on bus journeys, waiting for soundcheck etc - if they descend into the same affectionate, humorous madness that no one else quite knows how to deal with. it feels like such a window into their everyday lives and way of interacting, and ugh i just love it, how easy it is to imagine them talking in silly voices and being totally wrapped up in each other in all these other scenarios 🥺
one of absolute my favourite things about this clip is how you can just tell how UTTERLY in tune they are with each other - even when they're not really that engaged with the situation they're in. the way they know each other's subtlest inflections of expression and twist of phrase without even thinking about it. it's all so totally instinctive, and i actually think their interchanges like these, when we get a glimpse into their unique alex-and-miles humour, are at least as intimate as a lot of their more *ahem* explicitly intimate moments onstage. because they just show the way they completely and utterly get each other, how they've built up this whole way of interacting that's just them. miles and alex and no one else.
and you're totally right, you can FEEL the fond exasperation radiating from miles, and also like - idk, just this quiet delight he's clearly taking in alex's presence? it's something you see with both of them a LOT, this sense that they just love being around each other and (even in situations like this where they’re not really into what’s happening around them) there’s nowhere else they really want to be. idk how to explain it, it just feels like there’s just this underlying sense of completion and contentedness when they’re with each other - probably because they’re able to truly be their whole selves when they’re together 🥺
UGHHHHH they make me so emotional 😩
also all the suggestiveness of the “little finger” bits and the way you can SEE miles trying not to get the giggles??? absolute gold 😭
oh dear, i fear this has been ended up being a much longer ramble than i intended, i hope at least some of it made sense 😅 thank you so much for your lovely words and for giving me the opportunity to flail about our two favourite smitten idiots, i love asks like these 🥰🥰
PS i’m so sorry it took me so ridiculously long to answer this - i actually thought i’d posted it weeks ago, but just came across it when i was sorting through my drafts this afternoon 🤦🏻‍♀️
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allthingskakashi · 4 years
Hi! Coul a request a scenario that involves Sukea please? Like the reader has a crush on Kakashi and he finds out because her friends tease her in front of sukea and then Kakashi asks her on a date idk if I’m making a point, or can just do anything you wish that involves him pleasee? Thank you ♥️
Okay first of all, that's a really innovative idea!! I loved it. Secondly, I'm sorry it took me so long to get to this but ahh well here it is now and i really hope you like it ❤️
• Serendipity •
[Kakashi x Reader] || 3k words
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a/n : ugh tbh I've been running a little low on creativity lately which is why i hadn't posted anything for like a week but i also didn't wanna go without writing anything so well... I tried. 😩
You sit in the small dumpling restaurant with your friends Kurenai and Anko. Beyond you, the falling dusk envelopes your village in mystical hues of blue and red. It’s Friday, which means the weekend has rolled in after a long and tiresome week. The thought of being off duty for the next two days lifts your spirits, and you look forward to spending the time relaxing at home in your own company.
The evening is busy, streets bustling, vibrant with the hustle of villagers; some heading for a night out with friends, some returning home to spend time with family, some getting ready to go out on a date, everyone looking like they have somewhere to be, something to do.
You sigh, shoving a dumpling in your mouth.
“Why the long face?”, Anko asks between chomps.
“It’s nothing” you shrug, your tone failing to fool anyone.
There’s a soft creak as the gate to the shop opens behind you, a small gust of air whooshing in from outside. The merry chatter in the room comes to a sudden halt, to be replaced by sounds of hushed murmurs and whispers. You glance at the group of women sitting in the table ahead of you, staring at something with mouths open wide in awe. Ahead of you, Anko’s eyebrows are furrowed, a curious smile touching the corner of her lip.
You turn behind, wanting to catch a glimpse of whatever it is that has managed to elicit such a response from the entire room.
Your eyes fall upon a handsome young man, who has just now walked into the restaurant and taken a seat behind you. You feel your heart skip a beat. He’s easily one of the most handsome men you’ve ever seen. A mop of thick brown hair adorns his head, a tint of purple on his eyelids and stripes of the same colour running across both cheeks. His face is sharp with an angled jawline and he has on a long trench coat with a scarf around his neck. He’s also holding a camera, you notice.
Probably an outsider.
A waitress walks over to him, standing by him and twirling a curl of hair, visibly enchanted by his charms.
Someone thumps the front of your table, startling you. “Jeez y/n, get a grip!” Anko’s voice brings your attention back to your friends as you finally tear your eyes away from the mysterious man in the table behind you.
“What? I wasn’t checking him out” you sputter, unnerved.
“We didn’t say you were”, Kurenai chimes in.
You feel your face getting hot as red tinges your cheeks and you look away, avoiding your friends’ eyes.
“Hey, why don’t you go talk to him? Maybe ask him out?” Kurenai says, her eyes lighting up.
You open your mouth to say something, but Anko cuts in.
“Because she’d rather sit around pining for Kakashi and doodling his name on her diary. How long has it been now? 7 years?”
Kurenai giggles, but puts a comforting arm around your shoulder.
“Alright now, go easy on her”, she says kindly. “But she’s got a point y/n. You and Kakashi have known each other for a long time. You’ve kept your feelings to yourself for years now, I really think it’s time you go out and do something about it. Who knows, maybe he feels the same way about you. Why don’t you give it a shot?”
You let out another sigh and look at your lap. “I just don’t think it’s the right time yet.”
But that was a lie. You’d had feelings for Kakashi ever since you were a teenager. You had always been friends, but you wanted more. You loved being in his company and you had a lot of mutual respect and admiration for each other. But you could never bring yourself to just say the words to Kakashi. There were times when you almost blurted it out, and times when you felt like maybe he felt the same way about you too… but they may have been delusions, for all you knew. You didn’t know anything for certain. And that’s what stopped you from gathering up the courage to say it to him. You told yourself and your friends who knew that you would someday, when the time is right, but it was all a big fat lie. You were scared, and that was the truth, as much as you hated to admit it.
You watch Anko roll her eyes as Kurenai exhales, tilting her head.
“Y/n…It’ll never be the right time. Just do it. You’ve taken down S-rank criminals, you can handle this. Trust me, even the copy ninja can’t resist THAT” Kurenai cheers, grazing her eyes up and down over you with a suggestive smile, her voice encouraging. You chuckle, waving your hand dismissively in embarrassment.
“Look”, Anko interjects in her matter-of-fact voice. “Kakashi’s a wuss. If you wanna get it on with him, you gotta make the move. He’s even worse than you so pussy up and ask him. If I have to hear another of your lovelorn sighs one more time, I’ll go tell him myself.” She says, shoving her last dumpling in her mouth and gulping down a glass of water.
You’d been friends with Anko long enough to know not to put it past her. Besides, they were right. It HAD been very long. Perhaps you really did need to pussy up.
Ughhhhh. Why couldn’t this be easier?
“Anyway, I’m gonna go hit the bar. Any of you suckers wanna join me?” Anko asks, getting up from her chair.
“I can’t. I invited my team over for dinner tonight so I’ll get going.”, Kurenai says, collecting her purse and getting ready to leave as well.
“It’s okay, you guys go. I’ve got some things to do” you say, waving them off.
You watch your friends go out the exit and disappear along the curve of the street. Truth is, you kind of want to be alone, maybe take a walk around the village, gather your thoughts. This conversation with your friends today stirred something in you and you need time to think. You’d let things go on as they were for very long now, but it was time you took matters in your own hands.
Putting the bill down on the table, you head towards the door. Your eyes fall where the man was sitting but the seat is empty now, and you catch him ahead of you, just a few steps away, also heading towards the door. You stand close behind him, clutching your purse to your rib as he opens the door. His elbow juts out, knocking the bag out of your hand as it falls to the ground.
For a quick second you think it’s a thief and you’re almost about to strike a blow but the man crouches down quickly with an “I’m so sorry”, picking your purse up and holding it out to you.
Up close this way, you can see his eyes. There’s something familiar about them but you can’t put your finger on what it is. “Thanks” you mutter, taking the purse from him, your mind still trying to comprehend why this man you’ve never seen before feels so familiar.
“Are you a tourist? I don’t think I’ve seen you around here before”, you ask, concealing the suspicion in your tone.
Your village is a small one and almost every face is familiar. Having a visitor in the village is quite unheard of and your instincts tell you that something feels off.
He clears his throat before answering. “Hi, I’m Sukea. I’m a reporter from the Land of Fire. I’m here to conduct research for an article” the man replies, almost in an automated tone but with a smile that immediately softens his features. He’s got a mole under his bottom lip, you notice.
Gosh, that’s a pretty face.
Before you have the chance to say anything else or ask more questions, he mumbles that he’s getting late for something and turns away, hurrying down the street.
You stand there, watching him go.
But you’ve got other things to think about now, decisions to make, so you shake the thoughts of this mystery man off your head, although you can’t help mulling over why he felt so eerily familiar.
You walk down your usual route in the quieter part of the village. Walks always somehow help you clear your mind.  The air has cooled down now and there’s a slight chill in the air. A sweet smell of flowers wafts through. You lose track of time walking around the entire village, over the cliff, through the forests, by the stream which shimmers under the moonlight.
It’s almost ten by the time you reach home and the walk makes your calves ache. Probably wasn’t such a good idea to go on such a long walk after injuring yourself on your last mission.
You freshen up and throw yourself down on your bed, glad for the two days of rest that awaits you.
Pulling the blanket over your head, you turn to your side and close your eyes. Kakashi’s face appears almost instantly, the images playing a montage in your head.
His smile that makes buds bloom into flowers… his laughter so pure like a young boy’s…his silver hair which sparkles in the sun, making you want to run your fingers through it… the warmth of his voice when he talks to you-- and suddenly something goes off in your brain. Like a flame igniting. Or rather, a long burning flame finally receiving emancipation. There’s a jolt through your veins and you think—Tomorrow. I’ll tell him tomorrow.
And before you have time to process the sudden thought, languor takes over your body, lulling you to sleep.
You’re up early the next morning, the jolt from last night still coursing through your veins. You’re feeling pretty confident, more than you ever have. Today’s the day you tell him.
But first, you have to head over to the Missions Desk to submit your report. You bash yourself for putting it off till now.
The day outside is beautiful, white cotton clouds floating aimlessly across the azure sky. A pleasant breeze tickles your skin in soft whispers.
You reach the main office and submit your file. The room is empty, except for the people working behind the desks. The man in front of you takes your file, checking the date of your mission and you’re sure you can see a look of judgement flash across his eyes.
You almost feel a little guilty.
“You know, all the other jounins have submitted their reports already” he mutters, not looking up from your file.
“Well actually…”
There’s a voice behind you, and you turn around at the sheepish tone of the familiar voice. Your heart instantly paces up. Kakashi. There’s a file in his hand too. You can’t help the smile that escapes.
You look at him as he comes forward, handing his file over. The man shoots him a similar glance and shakes his head, but doesn’t say anything. You can tell that this must not be the first time. Kakashi smiles sweetly at him, before turning away and looking at you.
“Y/n! Didn’t think I’d run into you here…”
Your blood pounds in your ears as you recall the resolve you made to yourself last night. You’d promised yourself you’d tell him today but right now, in this way? You weren’t ready for this. You hadn’t prepared what you were gonna say, or how you’d say it. A hundred thoughts run through your head.
Hell with my resolve. This really isn’t the right time. I can’t do this.
But on the other hand…
Your brain goes at odds with your heart as you realise you haven’t answered Kakashi yet.
“You okay?” he asks, his voice concerned.
You straighten up, composing yourself.
“Oh hey yeah, I’m fine! I’m great. What’re you upto?”
“Just got a few things I need to do”, he shrugs, walking beside you as the two of you come out of the office into the main corridor of the Hokage Mansion.
“Right. Got any missions this weekend?” you ask, stalling to give yourself time to think clearly.
“Nope. You?”
“No. You?”
“You already asked me”, he chuckles. “So uh. Where are you headed?”
Ugh. This is a disaster.
“Just the market. I… I need to buy fish for dinner”
You feel your palms getting clammy as the air starts to feels too tight. You look at Kakashi out of the corner of your eye and you notice.
He looks nervous too. He’s fidgeting with his hands and there’s something strange about him.
“Well…uh” he stutters, rubbing his neck with his hand before looking at you. “maybe you don’t.”
You look up at him, your eyes wide and face scrunched up in confusion. You’re outside the tower now, standing on the street.
He scratches the back of his head.
“Uh…I mean…I’ve got fish.”, he stammers. There’s a very visible tint of red on his cheeks.
You’re utterly wrapped in confusion by now, and you wonder why he’s acting so strange. Unsure of where he’s getting with that, you say, “Um…That’s nice. Where do you buy fish from? I’ve heard the market by the Temple is good for seafood. I haven’t had the chance to try it out myself though.”
Mother Earth please swallow me whole.
Kakashi lets out a nervous laugh, still fidgeting around with his hands and looking everywhere but directly at you.
“Y/n what I’m saying is…maybe you don’t need to buy fish for dinner because” he looks at you from under his shaggy bangs,which fall over his eyes in the absence of his headband. The tint of his cheeks deepens. “well, because I was thinking maybe you could come over…and I could…cook dinner for the both of us...? Or um go out, whatever you’d like” he says, immediately looking away.
You’d never thought it was possible for the calm and cocky Kakashi Hatake to look this nervous. It’s quite a sight. You might have laughed at it if you weren’t just as nervous yourself.
“Like on a date?” you ask, shock evident in your tone. Your heart is battering in your chest.
This is a very, very surprising turn of events.
“Well…yes”, he breathes, barely meeting your eyes now.
You can hear your heart in your ears. And suddenly, it feels like spring has bloomed inside your heart. Not just your heart but everywhere around you. Like you’ve been transported to a meadow and there’s only flowers and rainbows and butterflies all around.
A breeze passes through, sending a few petals from nearby trees floating along the street. Strands of your hair blow into your eyes.
You sweep them away, looking up at him to see him looking at you, his eyes hopeful, waiting.
You meet his gaze with your burning eyes and smile, tucking another loose strand behind your ear.
“I’d love that” you say before looking down, your tone barely containing the ecstasy you feel within. You feel the chirp of a thousand birds singing inside your heart.
His eyes light up, mouth forming into a grin as you see the muscles on his face relaxing visibly.
Kakashi’s eyes crinkle from the smile and he says, “Well then…I’ll see you for dinner.”
He starts walking away, before turning back and calling out “Oh and yes, I do buy my fish from the market by the temple.”
And with that, he turns away grinning, disappearing with a whoosh, leaving you to stand there, still in shock and gaping after him; wondering which stars had aligned, what forces in the universe had conjoined and what twist of fate had occurred, turning your life around, making you the happiest woman in the world, in the span of just one day.
                                 *     *     *
Aaand a lil bonus addition :-
It’d been around two months that you and the silver haired jounin of the Leaf had been together. Almost everyone in the village knew by now and it had been two months of pure unadulterated bliss. You fit so well together, it felt as if you’d never been apart.
Today was just another lazy afternoon, with you and Kakashi in bed, entangled in each other’s arms, neither one of you wanting to leave your little heaven on earth.
You intertwine your fingers with Kakashi’s, backing into him so you’re pressed against the warmth of his body.
“Hey, Kakashi?” you whisper.
“Hm?” he replies, sleep mangling his voice.
“I’ve always wondered. Why did you ask me out that day? You told me you’d liked me for a long time too. So… why not before? Why that day?”
He chuckles softly into your hair, pulling you closer with his arm.
“Well” he says, almost in a whisper. “I thought it was time I stopped being a wuss.”
“It had been a really long time and… I thought it was time to, how do I put this, pussy up.” he says into your neck, his voice calm, but with just a tinge of amusement.
You jerk up on the bed, freeing yourself of his grip and turning to face him.
A subtle smile plays across his lips but his face is tranquil, giving nothing away.
Panic rises in you and you shake his arm vigorously. “KAKASHI! HOW-HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT THAT?”
He doesn’t stir, eyes closed tight, pretending to be sleeping.
“KAKASHI TELL ME RIGHT NOW” you continue shaking him, but it’s in vain, the man doesn’t stir.
You sigh, replaying the day from two months ago in your head, ravaging your brain for any possible hint. And just like that, it dawns upon you.
“Oh my god—That was you.” You blurt, everything suddenly clicking into place in your head. You feel like a fool for not realising sooner.
He remains unmoving, eyes closed shut. But you don’t miss the slight wrinkle of his mask as his lips upturn into a grin beneath it.
“That was you, wasn’t it??? It was! You sneaky little bastard!” you shriek, jabbing at his arm with a few pokes, but it does nothing.
“Ssshh, I’m sleeping” he whispers in fake slumber, a smile grazing his mouth as he wraps his arm around you, pulling you back into the bed with him.
“Did you really just shush m- “ you begin in protest, but your sentence remains unfinished as he presses his mouth onto yours, catching your lips in a kiss and shutting you up before you can say more.
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script-nef · 4 years
First kiss | Kirishima Eijirou
Request: Hi! Can u do the prompt of when one stops the kiss to whisper “I’m sorry, are you sure you-” and they answer by kissing them more with kirishima from BNHA! My boy is a gentleman THATS ALL I GOTTA SAY UGH SO MANLY
Sorry this took so long, I had an idea in mind but it didn’t seem to flow and boom, a new one came and this happened. I hope you like it!!
Category: crack? fluff
1.4k words; why doesn’t your loveable and affectionate boyfriend ever kiss you? It’s time to find out.
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Eijirou is an absolute gentleman, easily the best boyfriend you ever had. He’s incredibly attentive, lively, supportive and patient. Always free to give out affection in the form of hugs and small gifts, he makes sure to shower you with his feelings. You couldn’t ask for a better significant other.
But he doesn’t really kiss you for some reason. Small pecks, yes, but just on the nose or cheeks. Even then, nothing really longer or deeper than that. It never comes up in conversations since his unending love for you is proven through practically every other type of physical contact, but it’s confusing. You’d think he would fall over himself for a chance to kiss you. 
Concerns ranging from “do I have bad breath?” to “is he not sure of our relationship yet?” plague your thoughts, and it’s honestly emotionally taxing. And the worse thing is that you can’t ask him about it! Whenever you try to bring the topic up, he gives you that brilliant smile and the words die in your mouth. 
Curse him and his stupid, adorable, heavenly and squishable face. Ughhhh, why am I like this. I need hel— hm.
So instead of stewing it over by yourself, you turn to your girlfriends for their opinion.
“Are you kidding me? He’s in love with you so much we can feel it radiating from him! I thought I didn’t see you guys kissing because you’re too shy or something like that!”
“No, he just doesn’t. I don’t understand either, we’ve been going out for over half a year! Does he just hate kissing or is something about me off-putting and he’s not saying it to spare my feelings?” Groans escape as you fall onto the bed with a soft ‘thump’. The room is filled with muffled sounds as you press the pillow against your face. They watch as you roll over dejectedly on the blanket.
“I don’t think so, [Name]-chan. I overheard him talking about you once, kero. He was screaming to someone in his room about wanting to. I think he’s just nervous, kero.” Heat shoots up your face at her words and you scramble to face Tsuyu-chan.
“Re-really? Should I talk to him about it? He shouldn’t be nervous, he knows I love him.”
“You really should if it’s bothering you this much. Communication is key in relationships you know.”
“Yeah, you’re right. I should, I should.”
Which is why Eijirou notices your fidgeting in your weekly study session. It’s been a tradition between you two long before moving into the Heights Alliance. It’s usually composed of a couple of hours of studying with lots of mini breaks, then eventually watching YouTube videos or movies before you return to your room. 
This week’s session is cut short as he finally puts his pencil down after watching you glance or straight-up stare at him for at least 30 minutes.
“[Name]-chan, is something wrong? Are you feeling unwell?” His hand seeks yours out, frown forming in worry. This face always gets you to open up. Even before you started dating, Eijirou had a special puppy-eyes-and-baby-pout of “please tell me what’s going on” that never failed to make you crack. Since he figured that out, he uses it relentlessly.
I have to say it. The words stop just before your throat but you force them out. 
“Don’t take this in a weird or wrong way, but why do you never, you know, kiss me?” He freezes at your question. His eyes visibly bounce around and the reaction is almost comical. You would have laughed if it weren’t for the anxiety gnawing away at every single cell in your body. “Is there something wrong with me, is that why?”
“Of course it’s not you, why would you ever think that? I love every single thing about you! It’s just…” Fiddling with your hand, he covers his face with the other and looks away. Red permeates through his skin and soon his whole face is the same colour as his hair. “I don’t think I’ll be able to stop once I do, and think about my teeth, babe!” He pulls his lower lip down to reveal his razor sharp teeth. “What if it hurts and it’s just horrible for you? What kind of a boyfriend would hurt his girlfriend?” He rambles on with other excuses but they just fade into the background.
Dumbfoundedness overtakes you at his exclamation. This was the reason? You were literally ripping your hair out for weeks because of this?
“Eijirou, why didn’t you tell me this? You just said it, I’m your girlfriend. You should be able to tell me these kinds of things before deciding by yourself that I won’t like it. A-and what if I don’t want you to stop?” Heat rushes to your face at the last sentence, and worsens as Eijirou’s head snaps to you, eyes wide in disbelief. Your ears feel like it’s on fire and there’s a sensation of something clogging against your throat. Suddenly your lap looks beyond fascinating, and you focus your line of sight on that.
An awkward silence fills the room. The faint ticking from a clock is nearly deafening and adds even more tension. But somehow your heartbeat in your ears is even louder. His eyes feel like it’s digging into your skin. Your hands are still linked together, the contact nearly uncomfortable because you’re both sweating buckets. He doesn’t say anything. You don’t say anything either. This stretches on for minutes, but it feels like hours—no years. Leap years. Unending years which is trying to choke the life out of you at this moment.
Mission abort, mission abort. Houston, we are having a major problem here. Houston, Houston are you listening oh my god I’m panicking why did I say that ughhhhh what if he thinks I’m weird now well that was never a secret but I am dying inside welp this is it I guess I’ll di— 
“Do you… want me to kiss you?” Eijirou’s grip tightens on your hand. Every muscle in your body locks into place, making you as still as a statue. “[Name]-chan? Are you— are you fine with me kissing you?”
When you slowly lift your head, Eijirou’s imploring eyes are staring right back at you, blazing red with a hint of… hope? His fingers gently tap on the back of your hand when you don’t respond, and he shuffles closer and closer to you. Until you can feel his hitched breaths against your face. His eyes shift nervously to yours. “Tell— tell me if you want me to stop.” And with that, he slowly leans in to close the gap between your lips. 
Wait what. Wait what? My mind is not functioning, is this happening? Is this actually happening right now? Wait no wait but don’t wait oh my god his face is so close this is it oh god my heart waitwaitwai— 
Eijirou’s lips finally connect with yours, and the feeling in your chest is… indescribable. He’s so soft, so much more than when he pecks your forehead or cheeks. He’s not very good at it, clearly stiff and frozen against your mouth, but since you’re the same, who’s to complain?
Eventually, he relaxes enough to press on more, emboldened by your lack of refusal. The sound of your lips pressing against each other intermingles with the clock’s ticks until it almost synchronises. His hands cup your face, thumbs lightly brushing over your cheeks. He gently nibbles on your lower lips, tongue gliding against the skin. You revel in the sweet sensation until pain pricks and the taste of iron invades your taste buds. 
Immediately detaching himself from you, Eijirou stares at your bleeding lip with horror in his face. You can almost see the regret and self-hatred screaming in his head. Apologies start spewing out but you really can’t care less right now.
“Eijirou, it’s fine! Come back here.” He doesn’t make any other moves than to continue saying sorry. It rushes out, rapid and nearly tear-ridden, so you take the initiative this time and press a kiss, ignoring the annoying taste of blood. He reciprocates for a split second but pulls away yet again. 
“I’m sorry, are you sure you-” His back thuds against the floor as your mouth reconnects with his arms coiling around his neck. His fingers dig into your ribs to stabilise your body on top of his before one slithers to your neck. 
The kiss fest lasts until Aizawa-sensei knocks on the door to remind the lights-out time.
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bad-luck-trio · 3 years
My best friend, or his brother? (Iceland x Fem!Reader x Norway) (Hetalia Gakuen AU) (Norway’s Ending)
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(I do not own the fanart above)
Warnings: Prompt 31: My best friend, or his brother? and Prompt 15: “How could I ever hate you?”
I will be using their human names for this one:
Iceland = Emil Steilsson
Norway = Lukas Bondevik
Denmark = Mathias Køhler
(C/N) = (Country Name) = (Y/N) = (Your Name)
“(C/N).... we’ve known each other for a long while, right?” Emil asked nervously.
“Emil, are you alright? Why are you calling me by my country name? You’re not going to war, are you?!” (Y/n) asked, worried.
“No! I’m not going to war, you don’t need to worry for me. It’s just.... (Y/n)..... I’ve known you for a very long time. What I want to say is..... I like you!” He yelled.
“Emil, I....” She started.
“Emil, I’m sorry but.... I like your brother.” She finished, looking away once more.
If you listened closely, you could hear Emil’s heart shatter to bits... But he instead gazed at (Y/n) and smiled. But not a happy one; a sad one. 
“It’s okay. I didn’t really expect you to like me back. I just wanted to get it off my chest. I’d understand if you feel uncomfortable seeing me right now after that so I’ll just go-” He stood up to leave, but (Y/n) grabbed his arm.
“Emil.... I’m really sorry, I am. I can’t control who I love, but I don’t want to stop seeing you. Can we.... can we still stay friends? Please?” She pleaded, eyes darting to avoid his, not being able to look him in the eye.
“Y-yeah. We can still be. I hope you and Lukas will be happy together. He likes you too.”
(Y/n) took a moment to process his words, before blushing hard and whispering a small “He does?” under her breath.
“(Y/n).... if it’s okay.... can we.... Can I hug you?” Emil asked.
Without a word, (Y/n) hugged her best friend. Ugh. The mere thought of that word had left a bad taste in her mouth. She felt horrible for friend-zoning him, but her heart belonged to someone else. 
Unknown to them, a certain blonde with a cross hairpin had watched them hug, and misunderstood it as her accepting his little brother’s confession. 
Lukas had avoided (Y/n) after that. He had stopped walking with them to school, ignored her texts and calls, and just acted as if she didn’t exist. (NOT.COOL.BRO.) 
And (Y/n) was sitting on her bed, crying, with Emil sitting beside her while eating licorice. 
“-And when I tried to talk to him at lunch today, he just straight up left and acted as if he couldn’t hear me yelling his name over and over againnnnn” (Y/n) cried, face on her pillow.
“....Do you even realize how uncomfortable I am right now? And you don’t have to explain the past few days in every detail to me, because I was there too you know.” Emil replied. 
“Well you’re the only one I can rant to.” She replied, taking one of his licorice.
“What about Feliciano and Lovino?” He asked, trying to take back the licorice she stole.
“Kuya Lovino would yell profanities at your brother, and Feli wouldn’t do anything to stop him.” She said, taking back the licorice and popping it to her mouth.
“Well you’re not wrong.” Emil sighed.
“Emil.... can you.... can you please talk to him for me?” She begged.
“What?! Why would I do that?!” He asked, baffled.
“He is your big brother. And I don’t even know why he’s ignoring me, and I can’t even ask what I did wrong because he’s ignoring me!” (Y/n) reasoned.
“Ughhhhh fine. But I’m not calling him that.” Emil grunted.
“Thank you sooooooo muchhhhhhh” She hugged him tightly as her tears started to dampen his shirt.
After Emil finally got out of (Y/n)’s death hug, he made his way to his house to confront Lukas, whom he found drinking coffee in the living room. 
“So, are you planning to ignore (Y/n) forever?” Emil asked getting straight to the point.
Lukas ignores him and decides to finishes his coffee.
“Seriously? Do you have to be such a jerk?” He continues.
Lukas remains silent.
“Talk to me. Answer my question!” Emil yelled at the blond.
“And why should I do that, dear brother? Just return to your girlfriend.” Lukas replies with his normal monotone voice. However anyone that truly knew him could feel the jealousy lined in it.
“Jesus, you really are dumb. She likes you, not me, you idiot. And I’ve had to watch her cry, sit in her room, and eat MY licorice, because YOU have been ignoring her without her even knowing why!!” Emil shouted, catching Lukas off guard. Before Lukas could even react, Emil started heading to his room and shut the door.
The next day, (Y/n) heard a knock on her door. Thinking it was probably Emil, she didn’t bother to change out of her pajamas or wash her tear stained face. However she was frozen in shock to see NOT Emil, but Lukas standing in front of her door.
“Oh. Hi Lukas.” She greeted softly, her voice worn out from the endless crying.
Without a word Lukas cupped her face in his hands and stared into her eyes.
“All this time, you were hurting because of me. Weren’t you?” He asked, monotone.
All she could manage was a small nod, and the next thing she knows, is Lukas’ lips on her own.
As they pulled away, Lukas used his finger to tuck some strands of her hair behind her ear. “I’m sorry for being a fool. I wouldn’t be surprised if you hate me now.”
More tears streamed down (Y/n)’s face as she replied; “How could I ever hate you?” and once more, they had leaned in for another kiss.
[Part 1]
[Iceland’s Ending]
Author: Yin
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rainbowglittr · 3 years
Love and Marriage - Chapter 12 (Mature, Minors DNI)
After a loss in the family uncovers a family secret, Jaleia and her husband Jesse are forced to balance one family crisis after another along with their budding careers and their plans to expand their family. Will the pressure to keep everyone else together ruin their own relationship? Can ruined relationships be fixed before it’s too late?
Chapter 12:
Jesse's POV
I walked into the studio, Di was with the other group of songwriters, they were actually working on a song that Trevor J might record. I will never understand her obsession with that guy.
It was our last week in L.A. I was going to miss this city, in crazy way it was so peaceful in this city. But I couldn't wait to get home. I missed Jaleia and I felt bad about leaving her alone for so long.
"Hey, how's it going?" I said greeting everyone in the room. I was a little on edge because I didn't want Imani to start anything this week.
"Dre!" I said. He took his headphones off.
"Yo, make sure me and Imani are not left alone."
"Why? You don't trust yourself?"
"Fuck no. I don't trust her. I'm not interested in that woman at all."
"Then why-"
"Cause she stopped by the studio a couple of days ago, and let's just say I'm not sure shes going to take no for answer. And Jaleia made me promise not to be alone with her."
"You going to fucking help me or not?"
"Yeah, man of course, chill."
Imani walked in another ridiculously tight and short outfit. A sheer crop top that showed everything and shorts.
"Hey Jess. How are you?" She said.
"I'm good. Just wanted to make sure that we can keep this strictly professional. You know."
"Yeah I completely understand. Keep it classy."
"So this song is super personal for me, it's the one that got away type. You know." Imani said.
"Yeah, I think you need to change the melody on the chorus. Because it'll sound better a little faster, let me show you."
I can't help that I want you
I can't help that I need you
I can't help that I miss you
And I really want to kiss you
But you moved on
And I know that it's wrong
Maybe if I had one more night
I would do everything right
Maybe in just one last night
You wouldn't be the one that got away
The one that got away
"Doesn't that elevate the song? The change in the melody. And then when you get to the bridge that would allow you to just go crazy with the runs and vocals."
"That sounds great Jess, I forgot how good you are! I love it. We really make a good team."
"Yeah I guess."
"I know you've missed L.A. how do you like it out there? Bored yet?" Jaleia said. I was face timing her while at the studio.
"I've missed it, it's amazing and less dirty than New York. You'd love it out here."
"I bet I would."
"What's wrong baby, you haven't said much."
"I'm just tired and I miss you. And I'm bored and I'm hungry. "
"Baby, one problem at a time."
"Ughhhhh, I'm just in a mood. I don't know what's wrong. "
"What me to sing you something?"
"Yeah, you know, you don't sing to me as much as you used to."
"I'm just saying."
Someone tapped my shoulder. I took one earbud out and turned. JD stood next to me.
"Please deal with Imani, she is driving me up a wall, I can't work with her until she gets her head on straight. I'm fucking serious." He said. He looked pissed.
"Um, what happened?" I said.
"She won't listen to a damn thing I say and she just cursed me out and threw something at me. If she does it again I will be getting arrested." JD said. JD was the coolest person I know. It takes years to piss him off so I don't know what the fuck Imani was on to piss him off.
I turned back to Jaleia. "I gotta go Love, JD is going to kill someone. I love you."
"Love you too, Jessekins."
"So I was thinking of something like...." Imani started singing.
Just put your hands there
I ain't going anywhere
I want to feel you
Want you to feel me too
The deeper the better
Let me show you what I can do
I can do things other girls can only dream of
I need a man who can do it all night
Need you to love me right
"It sounds good but I think we could tweak the lyrics a little bit. Like the deeper the better doesn't fit into your lyrics well, maybe something more nuanced?"
"I see what you mean, maybe can't wait to scream your name?"
"Sing it again for me." I said. She stood up and started swaying her hips.
Just put your hands there
I ain't going anywhere
I want to feel you
Want you to feel me too
Can't wait to scream your name
Let me show you what I can do
Do things them girls can only dream of
I need a man who can do it all night
Need you to love me right
Love me
Touch me
Feel me
Trust me you need me
I'll give you all of me
Cause I need all of you
Boy you ain't never had candy like this before
"How's that sound?" She said.
"Sound goods, you wanna lay it down?"
"Yeah." Imani got up and walked in the booth.
"Ready for me to play it back?" I said.
I hit play and she started sway. She locked eyes with me as she sang the through the verses. Her hips gyrating to the beat. Once it was over, she stood behind me and put her hands on my shoulder.
"How did that sound?" I swatted her hands away and said.
"Yeah, it was great."
I heard a knock on the door. When I opened the hotel door. Imani was standing there in a trench coat. She didn't say anything and just walked right in and started kissing me. Before I knew it she was on top of me on the couch. She was kissing down my neck as I grabbed her ass. We started grinding against each other. She suddenly sat up and let her trench coat fall off shoulders. Her bare chest greeted my face. I wanted to stop but I just couldn't keep my hands off her body. She started kissing down my chest until she got to my shorts. She pulled them down and placed her hand on my-
I bolted up in bed. I looked around, my heart was pounding, I was breathing heavy. My room was dark but I could see the light underneath my door. I guess Diana was up. I grabbed my phone and tried to ignore the throbbing in my dick. It was 4:27 am. Rubbing my face I tried to think of anything would disgust me. Garbage, someone chewing with their mouth open, dog shit -anything that bring it down.
I was drenched in sweat. Why the hell was I dreaming that? Imani was pretty but not risk it all pretty. I would never do that. As soon as put my dick to sleep I got out of bed and put some sweats on. I walked out the room into the living room area.
"Hey Jess, I'm making hot chocolate. " she was at the Stove heating a tiny pot of milk.
"At four in the morning? What the hell? Where did you even get hot chocolate?"
"I got it from Disneyland!"
"Of course."
"What was that noise?" I said as I grabbed some water from the mini bar. I leaned against the counter.
"I tripped over my suitcase."
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah my toe hurts a little but I'm fine."
"Why are you up?"
"Just couldn't sleep." She said. I didn't believe her but I didn't push it.
"Be careful, I'm going back to bed."
"I will." She said. Something was definitely off. But I went back to my room.
A few mintues later Diana knocked on my door.
"Jess are you still up?"
"Yeah Di, you wanna come in?"
"Jess can we talk for a minute?" Diana said, carrying two mugs in her hands. She handed me one and sat next to me in the bed.
"I had a nightmare about dad." She said.
"Do you want to talk about it?" I said. I wrapped my arm around her.
"No. I just miss dad so much."
"I know I do too."
"Really? You never seem like it."
"Just because I don't say it doesn't mean I don't. I just have a hard time talking about it. It sucks."
"It does. Dad always made me hot chocolate when I was upset."
"That's why you made some?"
"Yeah. When I does it stop?" She said.
"When does what stop?"
"When do you stop being sad?" She said as a few tears started streaming down her face. I kissed the side of her head and hugged her tighter.
"I'm sorry to tell you but I don't think that it ever goes away. I don't think you ever stop being sad or stop missing someone. It's just that when you think about that person, eventually the positive things you feel about that person will outweigh the sadness. But it never goes away. Now stop crying, you're too pretty."
"So only ugly girls can cry?" She said, sniffling.
"That's not what I meant!"
"It's what you said."
"Well it's not what I meant, Little girl."
"It's what you said, Grown man."
"Are you done with your mug?"
"Yeah, do I have to go back to my bed, cause I don't want to."
"Nah, you can stay here. Are you feeling better?"
"I guess."
"I'm sorry I can't make it go away, Di. But you're not alone. I still can't watch videos of him. But I promise you, it'll get better."
"Thanks, Jess. Love you."
"Love you too."
"I see what you mean." Dre said.
"What?" I said.
"Imani was straight throwing herself at you. Oh Jess, you're hilarious. Jess, did you like that."
"So you see what I was talking about?"
"She is dangerous for you man. I'm telling you."
"Look today is the last day I got to deal with her, how bad could it be?"
It was sometime past two in the morning and we had just finished Imani's album.
"Yes, it going to be great, I can't wait to show my manager. Thanks so much guys!"
They all responded with a congrats or you're welcome.
"Well if you really want to thank me, I have an idea." Green said, suggestively thrusting his hip. She walked over to him and started twerking against him. She laughed after a while and stopped.
"How's that?" She said walking away.
"Its a start girl, it a start. Imma head out I'll see y'all tomorrow!" He said shaking his head.
"Bye Green!" We all said. J.T and JD followed behind them. Imani was on the phone talking to somebody. I started working on a new track I wanted to finish before heading back to New York. Since I knew I wouldn't be coming back I let Diana stay at the hotel.
Dre got up and I grabbed his arm and said, "Where are you going, man?"
"Relax, nigga damn. I'm going to piss, I'll be right back."
"But don't leave me alone-" I said as he walked out the room. Imani got up and closed the door. I got up from my chair and just stood there awkwardly.
"You don't have to close the door." I said.
"Yeah but it's really drafty." She said moving closer to me. I backed up until my back hit the wall.
"I really want to thank you for working with me and my album."
"It was literally my job." I said.
"That's true. But I really can't thank you enough. The other people at the label don't have the same, passion about music like you do."
"Yeah, I'm just going to-"
"Relax Jess, I'm not going to do anything. I don't bite."
"Right, right. I'm fine over here." I said. I watched her as she went to the controls. She hit play and the music started blasting. She started to danced.
"Come on dance, Jess. Nothing wrong with that."
"I'm good."
"Don't make me come over there." She said, shaking her chest.
"Don't come over here." I said. She walked over to me. She tried to back up on me and I slid out the way.
"This seems inappropriate." I said.
"Just relax." She said, smiling at me. She started dancing close to me. I was looking all around the room instead of at her. She was really starting to piss me off. I was leaving tomorrow night and I didn't have time for her bullshit, I just wanted to finish some music.
"Alright you done, Imani?" I said. At some point while she was dancing she had taken off her shirt. She got down on her knees in front of me. Putting her hands on my zipper of my crotch.
"Let me help you relax."
I walked away from her and sat on the couch.
"How about you respect yourself enough and relax. I've told you I don't want you. I'm married, how much clearer do i have to be? Leave me alone." I yelled over the music.
"I'm sorry Jess, working with you this week has really opened up some feelings. Sometimes you just want what you can't have."
"Well you better close your feelings, it's not happening. " I said. Leaning back on the couch, I closed my eyes and put my hands over my eyes. All of a sudden Imani was grinding in my lap and kissing on my neck. I tried to push her off but she had a freakishly strong grip on me.
"Bitch, if you don't get the fuck off me in the next two fucking seconds."
"Oh, Jess, don't try and act like you don't want me. I see how you've been checking me out. I love things I can't have. But I always get what I want."
I tried to push her off me again. She wouldn't budge. Her nail were digging into my back and everytime I tried to get her off she scratched harder.
"Get the fuck off me. I don't want you. Bitch, I have a wife."
"She never has to know. I love sneaking around, it's so sexy and exciting. I won't say a thing. Just take me Jesse, I can feel you, you want me, I know you do." She said still grinding in my lap and trying to kiss my neck.
"Just one night?" I said. I knew if I kept trying to get away she would just cling to me harder. She smiled and cupped my face with her hands.
"All I need is one night. We don't have to be a thing. Just fuck me real good tonight. I'll make it worth it. No one has to know. And you know I'll make it worth it. You loved what I used to do for you."
"You are looking pretty good tonight."
"I knew you still wanted me. Now make me scream." As she leaned in to kiss me I lifted her and pushed her off my lap.
"You thought, you crazy Bitch. Stay the fuck away from me." I grabbed my laptop and bag and ran out the room as she kept calling my name.
On my way out I saw Dre coming in with food. I pulled him into an empty hallway.
"What the fuck man? You said you were going to piss."
"And then I got hungry so I went-"
"I told you not to leave me alone with her!"
"I would ask what happened but it's pretty clear, you got lipstick all over your fucking neck."
"Are you fucking kidding me? Shit!" I said trying to rub it off.
"You're just making it worse. Did y'all, well you know."
"No we didn't fuck! She climbed on me and kept trying to get me to do her. Oh my God, Jaleia is going to kill me! What am I going to do?"
"Don't tell her."
"Are you crazy? I can't not tell her!"
"I know I'm just fucking with you." He said. I glared at him. "Look, did you do anything wrong?" He said.
"Then just tell her the truth. She may not be happy but she won't kill you."
"Just calm down man, why you so hyped up?" Dre said. I took a deep breath.
"I just feel like shit."
"You didn't do anything."
"But I wanted to. At least at first. I feel guilty as shit for wanting to."
"Did you?"
"No, of course not."
"And why didn't you?"
"For a million reasons, I love my wife, I would never betray her. I'm not interested in that hoe. I'm not a cheater."
"So congrats, you're a horny man and an attractive woman threw herself at you. Take it from me, an ex-cheater, if a female literally throws herself at you, and you've had sexually history with that female, and you don't take the bait, you can't be too hard on yourself."
"Thanks man." I said.
"Seriously though Jess, you could've ruined everything tonight and you didn't. You don't know how long I spent wishing that I had done the same."
"Aight man, I'll see you at home." I said as we slapped hands.
"Try not to shit yourself." Dre said.
"Shut the fuck up." I said.
I scrolled through my phone looking for that one contact. My heart was beating so fast. I pressed call.
"Hey baby." I said.
"Jess, I'm tired. Its like two in the morning."
"We need to talk."
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asexual-hugger · 4 years
Allison McQueen arrives on her parents’ front porch with her boss, Detective Ernest Sinclaire, in tow. Before the trip, Sinclaire had asked Allison what he was supposed to bring with him.
“Something lightweight and your own sweet self,” she had responded. “It’s a farm, so you won’t want to wear anything heavy. It can get hot out in the fields.”
“Am I expected to do any physical labor?” he’d asked. “Not that I wouldn’t be open to it, but I thought your mom wanted your help.”
“Don’t worry; she’s going to get it,” Allison had said. “When I mentioned getting hot out in the fields, I meant being outside. Our porch is fairly big, and we have some VERY comfortable lounge chairs set out on it. You and Kade are here to relax, and I’m here to be the farm girl I was raised as. If anything confuses you while I’m working, you can always ask Kade.”
Now the two of them stand on the large porch Allison had described, and Sinclaire’s eyes keep roving over the chairs and table with awe.
Not long after Allison rings the doorbell that the door opens, and the face of Lady Eleanor McQueen pokes through the crack.
“Allison! You came!” She swings the door open and wraps her only daughter in a huge hug.
“Yeah. I came. Hello, Mom.” Allison squirms slightly in her mother’s strong grip, forcing out the words.
“I didn’t think after our phone conversation the other day that you would make it.” Lady Eleanor releases her and Allison steps back, brushing a strand of hair behind her ear and looking flushed as she meets Detective Sinclaire’s gaze.
“Please. What kind of daughter would I be otherwise?” Allison asks. “Yes, I made it, and I, er, brought someone.” She nods behind her.
“Oh!” Lady Eleanor appears to notice the newcomer for the first time, and she lets out a low gasp. “Forgive me; I didn’t see you there!”
“No worries, Lady McQueen.” Sinclaire boldly steps forward and manages a proper bow. “Detective Ernest Sinclaire, Private Investigator. I’m your daughter’s employer at work.”
He holds out his hand to her, and when she takes it, he turns it over and kisses it in his gentlemanly fashion.
“Oh!” Lady Eleanor says again, only this time it’s almost girlish. “Why, aren’t you becoming! It is such a pleasure to meet you, Detective. I feel as if I know you already by the way Allison gushes about you all the time. I didn’t think you would be so young, let alone dashing! Come in, please, both of you!”
She holds the door open while the two of them pick up their suitcases.
“I’m very sorry to come by unannounced into your home, Lady McQueen,” Sinclaire says, his face flushing. “Allison invited me, and I couldn’t turn her down. I do hope it’s all right if I’m here.”
“Don’t be ridiculous, Detective; of course it’s all right!” Lady Eleanor waves a hand at him dismissively. “I trust you have been taking very good care of my daughter. Any friend of hers is more than welcome into this household.” She nods over his shoulder at Allison, mouthing, ‘he’s CUTE!’
“I appreciate that.” Sinclaire hesitates and looks back at Allison as if waiting for her cue.
“Go ahead,” Allison urges. “I’ll catch up.”
“So Allison has been ‘gushing’ about me, has she?” Sinclaire looks at Lady Eleanor, and then back at Allison, with amusement. Allison looks at the ground, face hot and unable to meet their gazes.
“Oh, most definitely,” Lady Eleanor tells him, grinning slyly. “She sings your praises all the time. Until today, I never would’ve imagined such a handsome fellow. Her description of you certainly did not lie. Are you absolutely certain you are her employer? Because you don’t look a day older than she.”
“I can assure you, Lady McQueen, I am most definitely her employer,” Sinclaire explains. “And I do wish to hear more about what she has told you regarding myself. I hope she has said encouraging things?”
“Nothing but encouraging,” Lady Eleanor answers. “Every time we talk she raves about her job and how much she’s enjoying it. I take it you are keeping her busy?”
“As much as I can,” Sinclaire replies. “Allow me to state that she is the best assistant I’ve ever hired. You raised a good one, Lady McQueen. She’s dependable, reliable, punctual, and has an excellent attitude. Yes, we may not be all that far apart in age, but I built my detective agency from the ground up all on my own, and until Allison entered the picture, there wasn’t much joy in the business. Your daughter has that presence that fills a whole room with light.”
“I am thrilled to hear you say that, Detective,” Lady Eleanor beams. “Our Allison has always been the light in the darkness. After having two older boys, I begged for a girl, and somehow, after she was born, I just KNEW. I knew she was something special. She brought joy everywhere she went.”
“I have to agree with you on all accounts, Lady McQueen.” Sinclaire tosses glances at Allison as he speaks. “Thank you for being so accommodating.”
Allison grips her suitcase tightly and walks through the door, and he follows soon after. Lady Eleanor calls out into the living room the instant they’re inside.
“Sebastian! Kade! Guess who just arrived!” Her tinkling voice echoes through the house.
“Hey hey hey!” Allison’s father, Lord Sebastian, enters the room carrying a glass of wine. ��Is that our little lady?”
“Hi, Dad.” Allison lets him place a fatherly peck on the cheek before he turns and spots her guest.
“Oh, hello. Allison didn’t say she was bringing company.” He seems to be examining Sinclaire from head to toe.
“Er, I’m very sorry, sir,” Sinclaire apologizes, his gentlemanly manners always making him even more adorable. He stammers at the sight of the large man. “Your daughter invited me to stay here while she helped you with the farm work. I hope you don’t mind. I’ll stay out of the way as much as possible. My name is Ernest Sinclaire. I’m a private investigator with Ledford Park Detective Agency. Allison is currently my assistant, and...”
“AHA!” Lord Sebastian utters the word so loudly that both Allison and Sinclaire jump. “So YOU are the famous Detective Sinclaire that my Allison can’t stop raving about! I should have known the second you set foot into this room!” He grins widely and holds out a beefy hand for the private eye to shake. “Welcome to House McQueen, my ever-loving detective friend!”
“Oh, er, yes, I’m that Detective Sinclaire.” Sinclaire shakes his hand. “As I was telling your wife just now, Allison is the best assistant I’ve ever had. She works hard and makes sure everything is done thoroughly...”
“Say no more!” Lord Sebastian downs the wine and thumps the glass on the coffee table. “I am Lord Sebastian McQueen, Allison’s father, and you’ve clearly already met my wife, her mother, Lady Eleanor McQueen. I am very sure my girl is working hard and well at her job. As the man of the house, I say: make yourself at home.”
“Thank you, Lord McQueen.” Sinclaire places his suitcase in the hall out of the way and seems to look less intimidated by Lord Sebastian’s large form.
Good god, he thinks. Allison’s father is a mountain man!
Allison certainly did not get her delicate, waif-like ballet dancer’s body from him. “Mum, where’s Kade?” Allison’s voice lifts Sinclaire from his thoughts.
“Oh, yes.” Lady Eleanor leads her to the family room, where the Hide-A-Bed is set out. “He’s in here. Come say hello.”
“Come on, Detective,” Allison urges, taking Sinclaire’s hand. “Come meet my brother.”
“Big sister!” The boy on the bed gives a joyful yelp when he sees Allison. He’s lying on the hideaway bed surrounded by blankets and pillows, and his foot is wrapped in a heavy cast.
“Hey, Kadeo.” Allison leans down and very gently wraps him in a hug. “Looks like you really took the spill this time, buddy.” She eyes his cast and cringes slightly. “That looks a lot worse than Mum described it.”
Kade McQueen shrugs. “It’s no different than last time,” he says indifferently. “Last time it was the stool in the stable. That was super freaky.” His eyes travel over her shoulder and his face brightens. “Oh, hey there! I’m Kade, Allison’s brother. Allison didn’t tell me she was seeing anyone!”
“Actually, this is my boss,” Allison corrects him quickly.
“Hello, Kade.” Detective Sinclaire approaches and smiles at the boy. “I’m Detective Ernest Sinclaire. I’m a private investigator currently working with your sister as my assistant. How’s the foot? Allison told me you fractured it?”
“Yeah, jacking up the plow,” Kade tells him. “It’s no big deal, really. I’ve had a lot worse than this. My family calls me Kade the Klutz. Which, of course, fits me to a T.” He grins widely at Sinclaire before giving him a good long look. “Are you absolutely CERTAIN you are my sister’s boss? Cause you look kinda young, almost like you could be her boyfriend.” He turns to Allison. “Don’t deny that you wanna eat him alive with your eyes right now. You look like you could rip each other’s clothes off any second.”
“KADE!” Allison gapes at her brother, horrified.
“What? I’m not judging!” Kade insists. “You two make a cute couple. If I had any say in this relationship, I’d vote Boyfriend-Girlfriend over Boss-Employee any day. The Titanic of Love has just set sail from the Southampton docks. Woo woo!” He makes a boat whistle noise and pumps his fist.
“Ughhhhh.” Allison covers her madly-flushing face with her hands and groans. “I am so sorry about that, Detective! He must be on some new medicine or something. There’s no way he would act like that if he weren’t high.”
“There’s no apology needed,” Sinclaire assures her. “I actually think it’s kind of cute. Your little brother apparently supports my being here just as much as the rest of your family. I’ve never felt more welcome or loved by anyone before. Do you think we make a cute couple, Miss McQueen?”
“Yes, of course I do,” Allison answers. “But you’re my boss. You even said it yourself. That kind of relationship is forbidden. Business first, personal second. I know you told me you didn’t have a girlfriend.”
“I don’t,” Sinclaire says. “Not at the moment, anyway, but that’s only because I haven’t found the right person yet. It’s not because I’m not ready to start dating. However, I do know the right person is out there, and she’s much closer than I ever would’ve imagined.”
He sneaks a glance at Kade over Allison’s shoulder, and when he’s sure Kade is watching, he winks at him.
“Titanic of Love, baby!” Kade swoons. “Titanic of LOVE!”
“Yeah, yeah, buddy, we all know how much I love the Titanic,” Allison says matter-of-factly.
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ahsokaofficial · 4 years
i was tagged by the super awesome @starllords to answer a few questions! thank youuuu sorry it took me so long🥺
name: sydney but pls call me syd!!
zodiac sign: virgo sun, aries moon, libra rising!
favorite musicians/bands: Ariana Grande, King Princess, H.E.R., Purity Ring, Marian Hill, Halsey, One Direction (and the solo stuff), Little Mix, Troye Sivan, Broods, CHVRCHES, Kehlani, Nicki Minaj, Tinashe, Years & Years, The Weeknd
favorite sports team: DODGERS!! GO BLUE BABEY
other blogs: i'm only using this one rn but i previously had a 1d/multifandom blog for about 6 years rip
do i get asks: not really but i only just made this blog in like feb or march or something so i'm not that mad about it
how many blogs do i follow: about 50 atm! mostly my mutuals
what i'm wearing: pajamas lmao it's 5pm rip
dream vacation: anywhere and everywhere!! i loveeee traveling i grew up taking road trips and my dad's a pilot so i love flying as well. although i do really want to explore europe
dream car: uhhh idk maybe a new honda civic or toyota camry? or a subaru, those are cute. i don't really know or care much about cars as long as i can listen to music/podcasts, has working a/c and will last me a while
favorite food: b r e a d. carbs in general tbh. call me a stereotypical italian but there's a lasagna recipe that's been in my family for generations and it slaps. also pasta. gnocchi and raviolis ughhhhh im hungry thinking about it
drink of choice: if we're talking alcohol, i swear by mai tais, nothing gets me drunk faster they're just yummy. if we're talking regular drinks, mr. pibb/pibb extra is my absolute fav. they don't have it at very many places tho :(
languages: english... pig latin sjfhdjjd
celebrity crush: i have many but tbh i just saw some gifs of chris pine and... whew🥵 also cody bellinger who plays first base for the dodgers... damb
random fact: i'm autistic!!
tagging some friends and new mutuals! @jedirey @harleysquinnzel @deanerys @romaanovas @florenepugh @buckyperalta @panhansolo @kirkmcoy @grayson-dick but feel free to ignore!
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galactic-aesir · 6 years
Road Trip! - Chapter Two
After getting hit with an anti-magic Shen Gong Wu that leaves Dojo unable to fly them back to China, the Dragons in training, plus Jack Spicer in tow, road trip across America towards the Bailey’s family ranch.
Surprising no one, it doesn’t go as planned.
Rating: Gen Tags: Multi-Chapter Fics, Road Trips, Temporary Truce, Dialogue Heavy, Dubious Placement in Canon Read it on AO3 Read Chapter One
“Ai, I’m done. Raimundo out.”
The young Brazilian then proceeded to fall dramatically to his knees and keel over into the soft green grass of a ditch. Besides him, the rest of his team got to their feet. Jack Spicer, meanwhile, was a bit less steady in his footing.
“Ughhhhh,” he said clutching his stomach. The world wouldn’t stop spinning. “That was worse than the undulating.”
Taking note of Jack’s green complexion, Clay’s hands flew up protectively to his hat. “Spicer, if you ruin my hat again I swear I’ll make you learn the meaning of putting a dog's ear through a bramble bush.
Jack flapped his hand at Clay dismissively as the worst of the vertigo faded away. He picked himself up and looked at the mess around them. Raimundo’s tornado had picked up all kinds of debris along the way. A glint caught his eye and he noticed something very familiar near his feet.
“Aw, JB-001, no,” he said frowning sadly at the maggled robot.
“Raimundo,” Omi said, rubbing at his head gingerly. “While I am impressed at the mastery of your element, could you have perhaps left Jack’s robots in the clearing?”
“Not to mention the rocks and trees. I sure took a pounding there, Rai.”
“Is that why my robots are mincemeat?”
“Dude, it’s the wind,” Raimundo mumbled as an answer.
“Yeah, no kidding,” Kimiko added, running her hand through her tangled hair. “Ugh, it’s going to take me forever to fix this.”
“How about we fix our transportation problems out first?” Dojo piped up. Unlike the others, the dragon felt right as rain. He'd had his fair share of bumpy rides during his long life and a little Apprentice level tornado was nothing.
“Good idea, Dojo!”
“Alright,” said Raimundo finally picking himself up. “Where do we start?”
“I reckon that-a way,” the texan said, pointing to a sign a little bit aways. Durnbum, 3 miles.
They had only been walking for about fifthteen minutes and Kimiko already couldn’t stand it. She tried to concentrate on untangling her hair with the Tangle Web Comb but Jack’s constant whining was fraying her nerves.
“Jack, stop complaining.”
“I wouldn’t complain so much if you would just help me out!” Jack said hunched over with a bag tossed over his shoulders. He readjusted it to make a point and the bag clanged as the mangled remains of his robots banged against each other.
“They’re your robots, dude. Why would we help you out? They’re usually trying to kill us!” said Raimundo.
“Why are you even carrying ‘em around?” added Clay.
“They might be useful!”
Omi poked at the bag of scrap skeptically. “I am not sure how they will be of help in their current state.”
“Huh,” said Dojo before Jack could respond, catching the monks’ attention.
“Didja see somethin’, Dojo?” Clay asked, adjusting his hat carefully to not dislodge the tiny dragon who had decided to ride there. Dojo pointed a claw ahead of them and Clay brought his hand up to shield his eyes from the sun as he squinted down the gravel road.
“Is a car coming?” Kimiko perked up. They hadn’t seen anyone on the roads yet.
“Can you see the town?” Raimundo asked.
“Well, a ‘lil bit,” the cowboy said. “But more importantly, it looks like Jack’s robots might be of use after all.”
“Huh?” the four others said.
Dojo, from his vantage point on Clay’s hat, looked down at Jack. “I hope you aren’t attached to any of your robots there, pal.”
Jack clutched at his bag protectively.
“Come on, let’s keep moving.”
The cigarette lit up with bright embers as the man took in a drag. He exhaled, sending a puff of smoke whirling in the stingy stale air of the office. “Say that again.”
Kimiko smiled sweetly despite the smell and smoke. “We’re looking for a car.”
The man guffawed. “Here? You lot in some kind of trouble?”
“Just a bit of a pinch. Nothing that would concern you.”
“Asked and answered,” said the old man. Keatt, the titular owner of B. H. Keatt’s U-Pull Parts and Services looked in his late fifties, wearing grease stained coveralls and a dirty wife beater. He took another drag from his cigarette and knocked the ashes into an old coffee can. He smiled. “Well, ya see kiddos, I ain’t got much in this here lot. Depends on how much you got on you. Cars ain’t cheap.”
Raimundo, who had grown up on the bad side of Rio, was no chump. “If you don’t have a car, we can go somewhere else dude.”
The old man laughed. “Heh, you know I'll be honest here kid, I ain’t the type to stick my neck out for strangers. But you stick me as a business type. I like that. And for that, I'll give you a bargain. What do you say?”
“I say show me the goods and we’ll make a deal, Keatt.”
The man smiled like a snake and gestured off to the side of the building. “Of course, Raimundo, is it? Let’s walk, I think I might have something that interests you over here.”
Keatt stamped his cigarette out in the coffee can and made his way out of the dingy office towards a few parked cars that looked relatively whole. The rest of the monks turned to Raimundo for a quick group huddle.
“Raimundo, I fear this man may not be the trustworthy type.”
“No kiddin’, Omi. That fella’s slicker than a boiled onion.”
“How much can we even afford to spend on this car?” Kimiko asked. “We’ve only got six hundred dollars.”
“You know,” Jack piped up, “I never actually said I’d help.”
The monks all turned to glare at him.
“Alright, alright, fine! You can have my money.”
“Guys, guys,” Raimundo said. “I’ve got this. He’s nothing compared to what we have in Rio. Leave the negotiating to me.”
With that he winked at them and jogged up to Keatt. From afar, the rest of the monks could see Raimundo put on his smooth talking smile as he slid up to Keatt to negotiate the deal.
“Well,” Kimiko said once they were out of earshot. “We’re doomed.”
“Four hundred dollars,” Jack said reluctantly as he put the bills in Keatt’s waiting hands.
The old man licked his fingers and leafed through the crisp bills, counting them one by one. Raimundo leaned back on a rusted pile of metal that could technically be considered a car if you squinted at it. The teen smugly patted the side of it like a job well done.
“What do you think?” he asked.
“I’ll leave my judgements unsaid for the current moment.” Kimiko’s voice was deadpan.
Keatt rattled a laughed as he finished counting the bills. “Four hundred dollars for an original 1980 Chevy Citation X11,” he said. “It’s all yours. Pleasure doing business with you.”
Jack stomped over to the car, if it could be called that. It was ugly and old and rusted but if it could get them out of this sorry excuse for a town it would be worth it. Still, it didn’t stop him from sneering at it as he fumbled about the hood, trying to find the release.
“Alright, let’s see what my hard earned money bought.”
“It’s not hard earned ya spoiled varmint!”
Jack stuck his tongue out at Clay and lifted the hood.
He blinked.
And then blinked again. Just in case he was seeing wrong. Nope. He spun towards Raimundo, face full of outrage.
“You bought us a car with no engine?!” he yelled.
The monks turned to Raimundo who, in turn, turned to Keatt. The old man smiled smugly at the lot of them and calmly folded the bill's into his shirt pocket.
“You wanted a car,” he said. “Here’s a car. You never said anything about an engine!”
“You ripped us off!”
“Why you no-good two-timing, sunofa-”
Keatt's laugh interrupted Clay.
“What're you going to do? Fight me?”
The monks looked like they very much wanted to.
“The way I see it,” Keatt said, snickering at them. “You kids are in some kind of trouble. Runaways, gangs, I don’t know and I don’t care. But the cops are probably looking for you. Might even be a reward for findin’ ya. So listen here. Either you give me the rest of your money and I find it in my heart to fix up that car, or you fight me and I call the cops. Then we’ll see in exactly what kind of trouble you kids got yourselves into.”
The monks stood down and looked at each other. As much as they could easily trounce the man, he had a point. They couldn’t go about and buy a car legitimately without answering some uncomfortable questions on why they needed one in the first place. Jack, on his end, sneered at the old man arms crossed.
“Yeah, I don’t think so,” he said. “How ‘bout this: you get my scrap and I get to use your garage to fix the car.”
“You think you can fix it yourself boy?”
“I know I can,” Jack said cracking his knuckles and snapping his goggles into place with a flourish. He grinned. “Meet Jack Spicer, evil genius.”
Keatt looked about as impressed as the rest of the monks.
“Whatever, sure,” he said, shrugging. “And when you can’t then I’ll get your money anyways.”
He fished the keys out of his coveralls’ pockets and tossed it to Jack. “Good luck.”
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George x reader / Studying
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Request: Hi! Can I ask for oneshot with George and female reader studying together and due to fact that he is older than her he helps her with things she doesnt understand. He has huge crush on her so she is watching her and admiring her while she tries to remember all the stuff she learns. And in the end he couldnt help himself and kiss her when she is extremaly focused on repeating spells. Thank you in advance! (From anon)
A/n: Another request fulfilled! Thank you so much for requesting anon, I hope this fic is okay. I’m trying to space out my writing so I can plan more carefully and so I’m not writing late at night 😊 I just want to thank @rochelle-the-ravenclaw for being so sweet and caring, honestly thank you lovely it was really nice of you <3 So for this fic reader is one year below the twins and is very stressful with exams (because that’s exactly what I’m like). Just cute, quick fluff 😊 Feedback encouraged, Requests still open and most of all enjoy! (Honestly couldn’t think of a better title)
Word count: 2.1k+
Warnings: Swearing
George looked up in time to see a book spiralling towards his head, he dodged it quickly before looking at where it had come from. And there he saw Y/n, sitting alone at the back of the common room looking close to ripping her hair out.
Y/n was Fred and George’s best friend, although in the year below them, she had so much fire and mischief in her that the three of them had quickly formed a bond after she had pranked their younger brother in her second year. Ron’s neon green hair didn’t turn back to red until a month later. Something which the three of them still tease him about.
Y/n was usually a rather happy person but she always strove for perfection. That’s why when it was exam season, it was probably best to stay at least 5 feet away from her at all times lest you be hit by a book or two. Fred got poked with a pencil once after he’d made jokes about her being boring and studying all the time.
Fred gave one look to her and shook his head, immediately seeking cover in his dorm room. George however, couldn’t stand to see his best friend this way. “Hey Y/n.” He tentatively stepped closer as her head shot up to meet his eyes. Her own were red and looked tired.
“What?!” She snapped before looking guilty at George’s taken aback look and sinking her head into her hands with a groan. “Ugh, I’m sorry Georgie. I just- fucking. Hate. Exams.” Y/n emphasised the last three words with the sound of ripping paper as she tore up her notes. George’s hand closed over her own to stop her. 
“Hey.” He immediately fixed the notes and Y/n looked partially relieved as she realised what she had been doing. “Maybe you should go get some sleep, I can help you tomorrow if you want?” Y/n scoffed a laugh loudly prompting some stares.
“Sleep?! What good is sleep going to do? Every hour I sleep is an hour wasted from studying.” She pointed her finger, almost as if to prove she was right. George nodded knowing arguing was pointless. “Plus, you help me? You don’t even study for your own exams.” She scribbled some more notes with intense concentration missing George’s hurt look. Her eyes were straining from being kept open so George did what any good friend would do in that moment.
She didn’t even notice as he walked behind her chair and breathed a heavy sigh which meant ‘I’m sorry but this is the only way.’ He raised her up under the armpits. Unfortunately, it did nothing more than tickle her as she swatted his hand away with a poorly stifled giggle but it did get her up out of her seat. Y/n went back to glaring at him for the distraction and he just smirked.
“George whatever you’re doing or planning on doing – please don’t.” Her words were sharp and warning but since when did George ever listen to anyone? He lifted her by the waist, up over his shoulder in a fireman’s lift. Y/n immediately began to protest and hit his back with her fists, everyone in the common room had turned to watch but George paid no attention as he carried Y/n up the stairs to the 5th year girl’s dormitory only stopping when he reached her bed.
She glared harder at him as she laid down on her bed but it wasn’t long before the comfort of her bed took over her senses and she was dozing slowly off into sleep. George smirked and dusted off his hands before going downstairs to learn some of her material so he could help her study.
Normally, George wouldn’t have put extra effort into relearning things he didn’t need to know anymore but Y/n was worth it. He also felt he needed to prove to her that he was more than just a jokester, if that’s all she saw him as then there would be no hope of finally getting her to go out with him.
See, George had recently realised that he had a rather large crush on Y/n. He didn’t know how he hadn’t seen it, he was constantly talking about her (as Fred would point out) and if it wasn’t that he would think about her. In the common room, his eyes always managed to drift to where Y/n would be and when he was playing quidditch he’d always look for her face in the stands, he’d also always wait for her to come and congratulate him with a hug, his heart pounding as she did so and him wanting nothing more than to kiss her. Of course, Fred knew before he did and it seemed many others had figured it out, all except Y/n that was.
The next morning at breakfast he sat with her as she ate, she was once again hunched over a textbook reading intently. He noticed it was defence against the dark arts and smirked. “What spell would you use to block an attacking spell?” Y/n’s head shot up with a quizzical look on her face.
“Protego.” She answered slowly but without hesitation, still heavily confused as George nodded.
“Okay, what-?” George was happily continuing before Y/n cut him off.
“George, what are you doing?”
“I’m helping you study.” His answer was so simple and quick that Y/n felt taken off guard. No one ever offered her help because she typically turned into something of a Godzilla with exams but as she looked at George’s smiling face, she couldn’t help but feel the complete opposite to Godzilla. She smiled back and George took it as a good sign to continue.
They spent the entirety of breakfast sitting and studying. George noticed that Y/n was smiling through every question and he knew how hard it was for her this time of the year with the pressure from her parents and the professors. He was glad that him and Fred had never felt that and that gave him an idea.
“Hey how about we take a break and then later on I’ll teach you my techniques for spells.” Y/n looked hesitant at his suggestion but after he winked at her with that godforsaken smirk, how could she say no? Plus, she could do with a break, then again if she had known that the ‘break’ entailed a prank she wouldn’t have even hesitated to say yes.
Her and George panted as they ran away from the ‘scene of the crime’. “That was bloody brilliant!” George’s voice sounded amazed that they had just pulled that off. They had turned the floor outside of the Slytherin common room into fake lava that was actually just orange jelly. Y/n laughed along and agreed, thankful for the distraction but knowing she had to get back to work. George began to follow her up to the common room just as an angry Slytherin yelled from the dungeons. Y/n took a hold of George’s hand and started running away from the yells.
As soon as they were far enough away they stopped, panting heavy breaths which soon turned into laughter. George thought that Y/n might have let go of his hand but to his amazement (and joy) she didn’t, if anything she held on tighter as they walked back to the common room.
They sat cosily by the fire and Y/n pulled out her book of spells to practice the movements for each one. George tried to remember the way it had worked for him – DADA was the only class he truly enjoyed and did well in. She started moving her wand but the movement of the wrist was wrong, George didn’t even think as he adjusted the height of her arm and moved her wrist around to carry the action properly. That was until the realisation hit him that he was touching her and that they were sitting rather close so he pulled back, hoping to Godric he wasn’t blushing too much as he felt the heat on his cheeks. He couldn’t see Y/n’s disappointment at the loss of contact or her own blushing cheeks.
She turned to the fireplace and began practising Incedio and Aquamenti with heavy concentration. George couldn’t help looking at her, watching as her tongue darted out to trace her lips as her eyes narrowed in on the fire or the way she smiled when the spell worked. He knew his unmistakable blush was there now, probably redder than his own hair. He also knew his smile was wide and that he couldn’t fight the urge to kiss her any longer so when she turned to him, excited at successfully relighting the roaring fire, he quickly closed the gap without a second thought.
He heard a little gasp of surprise as his lips crashed to hers. He started to become unsure in his action before he felt Y/n’s lips move gently back against his own and holy shit, she was kissing him back. Her hands came up to hold his shoulders as his rested on her hips. They both pulled back slowly after a few moments of perfect synchrony, both needing air. Their faces were equally as unsure before they opened their eyes, saw each other and smiled widely, taking in what had just happened between them both.
George leaned forward to rest his head to hers as he chased the taste of her lips. He pecked them again and Y/n giggled, it was the cutest thing he’d ever heard in his life. And then suddenly Y/n was biting her lip with her smile and he just wanted to kiss her until sunrise.
“What was that for?” Y/n asked coyly.
George met her eyes with such a loving intensity as he chose his next words, of course he knew what he wanted to say. Because I’m in love with you and I have been since I was 13. But maybe it was much too soon for that so he settled for the truth he felt in that moment. “Because you’re cute when you concentrate.”
To that Y/n giggled again and lifted her hand up so she could caress his face. “Well, George Weasley I think that you’re just cute in general.” Y/n’s smile grew impossibly wider meeting her eyes whilst her other hand trailed across his chest. George beamed back and kissed her, making sure this one lasted longer.
And it did. It was heavier as tongues were slid in, hands roamed more than before and George was pushed back lightly into the sofa cushions. This was before Y/n broke away saying they should study some more to which George responded, “I thought that’s what we were doing.” Y/n laughed but shoved him away playfully, bringing her textbook onto her lap and reading carefully. George couldn’t help but stare again with a smirk.
“George stop staring at me.” Y/n shook her head in amusement with a playful laugh as George continued. He moved ever closer to her and started to kiss her neck.
“I’m sorry love, I can’t help it.” George peppered kisses to her neck before he decided to be adventurous and bit down lightly. Y/n squealed and George laughed as he was once again pushed away but she never stopped smiling at him.
He sat back thoughtfully staring into the fire as she continued to study but her mind wasn’t really reading the words. He wondered m if Y/n had had a crush on him and if so for how long? He asked her this and he thought she might be annoyed at the distraction but it seemed with him she wasn’t as stressed out, at least she didn’t show it if she was. She smiled and bit her lip again, seemingly embarrassed to say.
“Since I was like 11.” Y/n’s smile turned sheepish and her eyes looked everywhere but at him until she noticed George was smiling and not weirded out in anyway. “What about you?”
“Since I was 13.” George answered through his wide smile and Y/n smiled back. “But I only properly realised like a year ago.”
“Seriously? How come it took you so long Georgie?” Y/n inquired with a laugh and a playful push to his shoulder. George ducked his head with a shrug.
“I don’t know, I guess since you’re my best friend I didn’t want to admit it, even to myself in case I ruined everything that we had.” George re-met her eyes and smiled weakly, now he said it out loud it seemed even more ridiculous. Y/n could almost tell where his trail of thought had drifted to as she sensed his unsureness.
“Aww Georgie.” He blushed a little at the use of his nickname and noticed her kind smile. Her hands rested on his jaw as she abandoned her books and left them on the side. She brought his lips slowly to meet hers in a reassuring kiss. It was gentle and quick but it was perfectly sweet.
“What about studying?” George asked with a small smile, wanting desperately to kiss her lips again, he was only human after all. Y/n shrugged with a mischievous smirk.
“Meh, it can wait till tomorrow.” And with that, the rest of the evening was spent acquainting each other with the taste of their lips and exploring new found depths of one another. And Y/n could say with one hundred percent certainty that snogging George was so much better than studying spells.
Taglist: @blue-andbrxnze @queengirl56 @spinspinspin-spin-to-forget @rochelle-the-ravenclaw @justalovertoall @beaaa-banana @harrypotterlifejamesphelps @a9yearoldboy @miss-tipton-is-beautiful @shutupweatherby​ @sweetsummertime99 
(Want to be added or removed to the taglist? just message me :))
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sunsetinmyvein · 6 years
Stay Frosty - Trick or Pete 2018
A/N: Hey, happy Halloween guys! I hope you’re all out there enjoying your day/night/whatever. We’re gonna do something a little different this week because I wrote a thing for the Trick or Pete collection over on AO3! (Which is here: https://archiveofourown.org/collections/trickorpete2018) Heaps of people have written Halloween inspired Peterick fics that will gradually be added to this collection over the course of Halloween. It closes when Halloween is over in Honolulu, so check back once it’s closed because there will be heaps of stuff up there to be read! Feel free to give kudos/comments/nice messages to all the writers you love. 
Anyway. This was heavily inspired by the sheer level of “Get the fuck off me” in this image: https://78.media.tumblr.com/a240439fc26828dbdc648323afd5f5d9/tumblr_mi18zbqKBs1qblwcwo1_1280.jpg
Mid-July 2006
“What do you mean you only have one bunny suit and it’s already booked out?” Pete asked through gritted teeth.
“I’m sorry, sir,” The cashier behind the counter said automatically. He could see that she very much didn’t want to be having this conversation when Halloween was still three months away. But he did want to be having it, so they’d be having the damn conversation. “It’s been reserved for that night.”
He took in a deep breath, trying to steady his hands that were gripping the edge of the counter. His knuckles had gone white in his attempt to not pick up the nearest object and hurl it across the room. “By who?”
“That’s confidential information, sir.”
“By who?” He repeated, trying to keep from shouting. She only gave him an indifferent stare in return. After a few seconds of glaring, his anger boiled over. “Fine. FINE! I will find some other costume shop that will help me.”
“Not a problem. Have a nice afternoon.” She called out after him as he stormed away from the desk.
“Get fucked.” He growled, kicking over a hat rack on his way out.
 Two Weeks Earlier
“So he doesn’t actually have different coloured eyes, it’s just an illusion because he has an issue with his pupils.” Patrick finished. After someone had mentioned in passing that they liked ‘that one guy who sang that one song’ and it turned out to be David Bowie, he had spent the last half an hour going over just about every Bowie fact he knew.
“Ughhhhh” Joe groaned, his head hitting the table in front of them with a resounding thunk.
“Stop, Patrick.” Andy said, placing a hand on the younger man’s shoulder reassuringly. “I think we’ve heard enough for now.”
“But, you guys don’t want to-” Before he could even finish his sentence, the table of friends around him erupted in a chorus of ‘no’s.
“Honestly, ‘Trick,” Pete started, laughing to himself like he knew some inside joke that nobody else at the table had the privilege of sharing. “I don’t think you could go a week without trying to lord your music knowledge over someone.”
Patrick frowned up at him, feeling as though those words contained a lot more underlying bite to them than what everyone else heard. “Fuck you, Pete.” He spat back. “Just because you can’t appreciate good music doesn’t make me a music snob.”
 Pete stared at the shorter man sitting across from him. He could feel the competitive tension growing between them, but nobody else seemed to take notice in the shift in atmosphere around them. A part of him wanted to keep taunting the kid, but he knew that would only result in a black eye tomorrow. A better solution would be for him to put his money where his mouth is.
“I bet you couldn’t go a whole week without correcting someone on music.” He challenged, trying to fight the smile that wanted to plaster itself across his face.
“A week?” Patrick scoffed. “Easy. I could go a month.”
Pete shrugged. “I’ll settle for a week, know-it-all.”
The singer glared at him, wanting nothing more than to lean across the table and knock the self-satisfied look off of his face. He had punched Pete for less in the past. “You’re on.” He said with a firm nod. Pete held his hand out across the table, waiting for Patrick to shake it to seal the deal. Without thinking about it, he took Pete’s hand and shook it once.
 As soon as Patrick had walked away from the table to get another drink, Pete grabbed a napkin the seemed (mostly) clean and pulled his pen out of his pocket. Within minutes it was filled with lines and lines of writing and dot points.
“What are you doing?” Joe asked, leaning over the table to look at what Pete was scrawling onto the napkin on the table.
“Working out what Patrick will have to do when he loses.” He answered.
“He didn’t set terms?” He asked in surprise. Pete shook his head as he continued to write. “You really think he’s going to lose the bet?” Joe asked with an eyebrow raised as he sat back in his chair. “He’s pretty stubborn.”
Pete started laughing loud enough to get the attention of the guy behind the bar. “Oh, he’s going to lose the bet.”
 Mid-July 2006
Patrick lost the bet within two days. He had tried to excuse himself (“Well I couldn’t just let them get away with saying that The Beatles did more work than Prince to get where they were. I wish I could write as many songs as he has”), but Pete’s terms were clear. He couldn’t allow someone to be wrong about music, so he lost. It was at this point that Patrick realised that they had never set a condition for what happened in the event that he did fuck up. Unfortunately for him, Pete had already run through almost every embarrassing thing in the book that he could think of to do to the poor boy. But what he had settled on, much to Patrick’s displeasure, was choosing his Halloween costume and activities. Patrick wasn’t a fan of Halloween at the best of times so having someone force him into something he knew he would hate was already setting him up for failure. But nobody, nobody, could love Halloween as much as Pete. It was his favourite month of the year and he’d been forming ideas since last Halloween. Patrick had complained to no end that Halloween wasn’t for months yet and to just get the bet over and done with, but Pete’s mind was made up.
 He’d spent the past two weeks trying to find the perfect costume to shove his bandmate into, but every idea he came up with seemed to leave him empty handed and back at the drawing board. The costume shop he’d just left had already dealt with his anger twice this week, but it was only getting worse as he continued to be denied his requests. He figured maybe it was time to call in some backup.
“Joe, do you know any costume shops?” He’d asked into the receiver of his phone as his shoulder pressed it up into his ear.
“Is this about the bet?” Joe’s voice crackled down the line.
“Do you know any or not?” Pete huffed as he continued rifling through his closet to see if he had anything stashed away that might suit.
“Did you try the one over on Fullerton?” He asked.
“Yeah, I’ve been there twice already.” He sighed. “I don’t think I should go back.” He added under his breath.
Joe let out a long groan and Pete could hear the indifference in his voice. “There’s this really good one over on Belmont, but my girlfriend keeps talking about this one on Irving Park, Scary Terry’s or something. Could be worth checking it out.”
“Thanks, man.”
“Don’t make him wear anything-” Pete hung up the call and shoved his phone back into his pocket before Joe could finish.
 Halloween 2006
After a few more attempts, Pete found the ideal costume to shove his guitarist into that hadn’t already been booked out. He was rather proud of his efforts. The weeks passed and the holiday rolled around a lot quicker than Patrick had anticipated. The familiar feeling of fall started to fill the air, decorations slowly started appearing on houses and then all of a sudden pumpkins were on every doorstep. Patrick had been ordered to be at Pete’s place at 4pm sharp on the night (a bold request from someone who was always late), and he begrudgingly forced himself to step into his excuse of an apartment. As he made his way through the door, he was met with Pete’s shit-eating grin sitting on the recliner that had been pulled over to face the entry.
“Happy Halloween.” Pete said, trying his best to maintain composure of the serious master-planner that he saw himself as.
Patrick rolled his eyes with a groan. “Get it over with. Where’s the costume?”
“In my room.” He said with a wink. Patrick only groaned louder, walking past him to his bedroom and punching him as hard as he could in the shoulder on the way.
 A few struggled minutes and grunts later, Patrick came stumbling out of the bedroom in a fluffy, white llama suit. “Pete, why the fuck am I in this-” Patricks sentence was cut short as he came face to face with Pete’s Halloween costume. His eyes nearly bulged out of his skull and his jaw nearly hit the floor at the sight of Pete’s matching purple llama suit.
“They were out of bunnies and unicorns.” Pete shrugged as he pulled on his fluffy mittens, answering the half-finished question. Patrick now noticed that he had apparently walked straight past the two llama suit heads sitting neatly by the front door in his rush to get his embarrassment over with.
“Why are we matching?” Patrick asked as his voice cracked from the anger suddenly building in his chest. He could deal with wearing a stupid costume, but being with Pete while they were both in stupid costumes? That was out of the question. And he hadn’t even revealed what they were meant to be doing tonight yet.
“Well I couldn’t let you look stupid alone.” The shit-eating grin was back, and Patrick wanted nothing more than to knock out Pete’s teeth so that he’d never have to see it again. But instead of busting up his knuckles, he let out a loud shout, unable to put his hatred for this moment into coherent words. Pete’s smile faltered for a moment, but it only came back with a more malicious hint to it as he added. “You lost, remember?”
“I know! I know I lost!” He yelled.
 Patrick spent a while pacing Pete’s lounge room and muttering to himself angrily, but eventually he calmed down. He knew that the sooner they did this, the sooner he could get out of the suit and go home to pretend this never happened. And at least the head of the suit would hide his face so that he could pretend he was someone else.
“So…” He pinched the bridge of his nose in an attempt to keep his newly formed headache at bay. “What are we doing?” He asked the man who was now lying across his couch and waiting surprisingly patiently.
“We’re going trick or treating.” He answered, glancing up from his phone. Patrick went to start another half an hour of objections, but then he figured that out of everything that they could be doing tonight, this was probably the least likely to result in him destroying what little reputation he had. He may not even run into anyone he knew while trick or treating, even if they were definitely far too old to be collecting candy.
“Okay…” He sighed. “Okay, let’s go.”
Pete’s smile returned as he jumped up from the couch and grabbed his llama head. He stopped for a moment though to turn and admire his handiwork. “You make a cute llama” He said as he ruffled the shorter man’s hair.
“Fucking get off me.” Patrick barked as he slapped Pete’s hand away. He tried to glare at him with as much menace as he could muster, but it was hard to make it come across as intended when he was dressed as a llama. There was nothing in their bet to say that he couldn’t murder Pete for being the worst human being in the world, and if he kept going the way he was, that event was imminent.
 Pete gave them a ride to the neighbourhood that they were to go trick or treating in. He said he knew one of the best streets in Chicago to hit, which was nearly a half hour drive away. But at least they didn’t have to walk. Which Patrick was very grateful for because the full body suits got very sweaty very quickly. Pete had bought them pumpkin shaped candy buckets for collecting their haul which just put the bow on top of the whole awful experience. The first few houses they went to were fine, they got some odd stares but Pete seemed happy to stay silent while people dished out their candy to them. Their fifth house along the run though was a different story. Not three seconds after knocking on the door, a little old lady pulled it open. She had a pleasant smile on her face until her gaze was drawn up to the two fully grown men standing on her doorstop.
“You’re some very large... children.” She noted as she pushed her glasses up along the bridge of her nose. The duo didn’t say anything, instead just shoving their buckets towards her. Pete had to bite his tongue to not laugh every time she made contact with the llama eyes and not his own through the hole in the suit. She hesitated for a moment before giving them each a single piece of candy. They both nodded as thanks before headed back down her driveway. Even as they walked away she still watched them with an odd sense of curiosity.
 They continued along the street, hitting house after house and getting heavier and heavier buckets. Patrick had no idea what he was going to do with all of this sugar. His childhood dreams of demolishing it all in one night were long gone, and most of it he didn’t like anymore. They were about to ring the doorbell of the second last house on the street but the door was pulled open before they got the change. They were suddenly met by a guy grinning at them with a knowing smile. He looked oddly familiar.
“Pete!” He exclaimed, pulling the purple llama into a hug. “And Patriiiiiick.” Patrick could hear the alcohol entering into his voice, and he could definitely smell it as he was also pulled into a hug. It was at this point that Patrick heard the music coming from the backyard and saw all the people crowding the house. This was a party. “I’m so glad you guys came!”
Patrick’s mind raced for a moment before he turned to Pete. “You fucking knew this was here!” He growled. Pete didn’t say anything and only walked into the house. Patrick grabbed his shoulder and pulled him back. “You dragged me to a fucking party with people we know at it.” He continued through gritted teeth.  
“What’s Halloween without a party?” He asked. Patrick knew without even having to look that he was beaming with excitement. This is exactly the kind of thing that Pete liked to do for Halloween. Patrick on the other hand preferred to have a quiet night inside, ignoring the children at his door and watching b-grade horror movies. “C’mon, ‘Trick,” Pete started as he went to wrap an arm around him.
“Fuck right off.” Patrick spat, giving Pete the finger over his shoulder as he walked away into the back of the house. But it didn’t really translate through the fluffy llama mittens.
 Patrick spent his time at the party trying to avoid people. If nobody saw him there, or at least if nobody knew it was him in the suit, they could never bring it up to him later. But he especially tried to steer clear of Pete at all costs. He could deal with the embarrassment if people recognised him, but if they were seen together he might just curl up and die. Certainly if he didn’t spontaneously combust from humiliation on the spot, he could never been seen in Chicago again. He would need to start a new life in Iceland. When he was certain that Pete wasn’t in the kitchen, he made quick trips to the fridge to soothe his mortified nerves with alcohol. He was satisfyingly tipsy after a few hours when he made the mistake of venturing into the backyard, only to bump into his counterpart on the way.
“Patrick!” Pete shouted at the top of his lungs. Great, everyone knew who he was now. He briskly darted back inside and started heading for the front door. He would find a way home. He’d hitchhike with a questionable trucker for all he cared at this point. “Patrick, hey! Wait up!”
“I’m done! I did what you wanted.” He called back, pushing through the front door. Before he could get out of the front yard, Pete tackled him to the ground, knocking the wind out of his lungs and both of their llama heads to the ground. “Get off me!” He wheezed.
“No! We’ve gotta be matching.” He sung. He was obviously drunk. Why couldn’t he have been drunk enough to not remember he dragged Patrick here? Or at least drunk enough to be asleep on someone’s couch. He started stroking the fur on Patrick’s arm and making weird humming noises.
“Get the fuck off me.” He repeated as he attempted to jab a knee into Pete’s groin. He assumed he must’ve missed because he certainly didn’t get the reaction he wanted.
“But you’re so soft.” He mumbled as he pressed his face into Patrick’s costume.
“Stop it, you asshole.” He said as he pushed himself up, and Pete off, to drag himself to his feet.
 Pete lay on the grass for a few drunken moments before realising that Patrick had already walked away. He quickly hauled himself up, waiting a moment for his head to stop spinning before starting down the street in the direction he assumed he would’ve gone, leaving their llama heads on the damp grass. It took a solid fifteen minutes to spot the fluffy llama sticking out like a sore thumb on a swing set in a park. Pete walked over to him, taking the swing next to him without saying a word. He was beginning to think that maybe he had pushed Patrick too far. They sat in silence for a few minutes, the wind rustling the trees around them and the swings quietly squeaking under their weight. Patrick eventually felt the burning need to speak up, refusing to let Pete continue to ruin their night with any more of his stupid ideas.
“You’re such an ass sometimes.” He said, scuffing his stupid slippers on the asphalt.
“I’m sorry. I just thought the costumes would be a cute couple thing” Pete admitted with a shrug.
“We’ve only been dating for a few months-”
“Four.” Pete corrected.
“Four months. Are we really up to tha- this?” Patrick asked, gesturing down to his fluffy suit.
“Halloween is my favourite holiday; of course I wanna look stupid with you.” He said, pushing himself sideways to bump his shoulder into Patricks. The guitarist let out a quiet laugh, the first happy noise he’d made all night.
“Why llamas?” He asked.
“I dunno. I just think they have a lot of potential.” Pete said. Patrick erupted into full blown laughter at that. Of course it was one of Pete’s hare-brained schemes.
 Part of Pete was happy not to go back to the party, to just spend their night sitting here and enjoying each other’s company. But he had promised that he would help pull a few Halloween themed pranks throughout the night.
“We should head back. You can take the suit off if you want.” Pete said. “I’ve got a change of clothes for you in the car.”
“No, it… it’s okay.” Patrick said with a soft nod, a smile slowly starting to form on his face.
“Sorry again for making a bet with you that you obviously couldn’t win.” He said with a wink. Patrick leaned over and punched him in the arm. “But you can school me in music knowledge anytime, ‘Trick.” He laughed as he kissed him on the cheek.
“Good, because you’re wrong a lot.” Patrick’s words seemed a lot less harsh with the blush that painted his cheeks.
“Hey! It’s not my fault the NeverEnding Story soundtrack is better than Batman.” He added with a shrug, a devious smirk playing on his lips. Patrick took a moment to process the words Pete had just blasphemously spewed into the darkness. He stared at him in bewilderment as he rose to his feet and started to head back in the direction of the party.
“You can’t say that.” He scoffed, not entirely certain if Pete meant what he said or not.
“I just did.” He called over his shoulder.
“No, that’s actually-” He only continued walking away. “Pete – Batman has a way better soundtrack.” His explanations fell on deaf ears. “It’s just fact. No, for real, Pete.” He scrambled to his feet, starting to run after the bassist. “Pete! Come back! We need to talk about this!”
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lovixcore · 6 years
Post-Reunited (Amedot Fanfiction)
So, after Reunited (specifically after Peridot got poofed) I wanted to write something amedot related post-reunited. So here it is. It’s a little short but still.
Word Count: 864
~~In The House~~
All she did was kept staring at the ceiling, waiting for her friend to come back, who was poofed by Yellow Diamond. She looked back at the green gem, that was placed on top of a blanket, next to Lapis’ gem, that was also placed on top of a blanket, anxiously, just hoping she could hear her voice again soon. “Ughhhhh,” Amethyst groaned. “It’s been like.. A week.. Since Peridot was poofed.”
“Amethyst, you know it takes awhile sometimes for gems to regenerate after being poofed,” Pearl called, from the kitchen. “Plus it’s only been a few days, she’ll be back soon.”
“Yea but..,” Amethyst mumbled. “I miss her..” She sighed, “Like.. before Lapis took everything from her and flew off.. I barely got to see her. She was so invested in spending time with Lapis, it got to the point where it just felt like.. She forgot I even existed. Now she’s gone again, and as soon as she comes back, things will go back to how they used to be.” She clutched a clump of her hair, “Does it make me selfish? She was so happy with Lapis, and she will be again, and that drives me crazy.”
“Amethyst..,” Pearl consoled, walking up to Amethyst. “Things won’t go back to how it used to be.”
“How would you know?” Amethyst asked.
“Well.. You spent months helping her recover from how much Lapis broke her.. You really mean alot to her. Also, the barn was destroyed, not even Greg or Bismuth can fix it, they’ll have to stay with us, for now at least,” Pearl comforted.
“Heh,” Amethyst slightly smiled.
“She really cares about you. Even if it doesn’t feel like it, she does. She’s always talking about how much fun she has with you and how cool you are,” Pearl continued.
“Wait really?” Amethyst asked.
“Thanks P…,” Amethyst smiled.
“It’s no problem. I just wanted to let you know,” Pearl smiled back. She then walked back into the Kitchen.
Amethyst put her hand on Peridot’s gem, “Hang in there, Peri.” The gem started to glow, with a green aura. The gem slowly lifted into the air, with Peridot slowly reforming. Peridot fell onto the floor. “Peridot!” Amethyst exclaimed. She ran over and helped Peridot up.
“Amethyst!” Peridot exclaimed, being excited to see her best friend.
Amethyst wrapped her arms around Peridot, and pulled her very close, sort of squeezing the gem. She rested her head on Peridot’s shoulder, “Peridot.. You dork.. You scared us… You...You scared me.” Amethyst pulled her closer, tearing up.
“I wasn’t even gone that long though,” Peridot insisted.
Amethyst let go of Peridot. “But you thought it was a good idea to run up to Yellow Diamond and confront her..,” Amethyst mumbled. She started choking up, “Peri.. she could have shattered you. I could have lost you, and not temporarily, forever..”
“I’m sorry.. I was just caught up in the moment..,” Peridot apologised. “I don’t know.. Maybe I just wanted to look cool.. Or be cool. All of you guys were amazing..” She paused, and then blushed, “You’re amazing..”
Amethyst blushed and then smiled. “Peridot.. You’re just as cool as we are,” Amethyst insisted.
“No I’m not!” Peridot argued. “All of you have your own unique abilities, and can shape-shift! Heck, Steven knocked down Blue Diamond himself! I can’t do anything!”
“That’s not true!” Amethyst yelled. “You have ferrokinesis!”
“And what good is that?” Peridot asked.
“VERY!” Amethyst yelled, frustrated. “Ugh.. Peridot.. You’re amazing. Maybe you don’t believe that now. But I believe that, so does Garnet, so does Steven, so does Pearl, and does Bismuth.”
“You really think so?” Peridot asked, blushing.
“Yes, I thought I was being crystal clear on that,” Amethyst answered. “Dude. I care about you a lot. I’ve spent the past few months comforting you. You’re my best friend. Maybe even more..”
Peridot blushed, “I feel the same way about you.”
Amethyst smiled, “Good.” She sat back down on the couch, “Before you came back, I was literally freaking out because I was worried about the thought of losing you again.”
“You never lost me.”
“To Lapis, I did..,” Amethyst mumbled. “She was practically your world. She made you so happy. You guys had your own farm, your own dog, your own hobbies that you shared. You were always with her and I guess that made me crazy.”
“I guess,” Peridot admitted. “But.. me and Lapis weren’t the perfect relationship. She was kind of controlling, and I lied to her multiple times. What we had wasn’t healthy.” She sighed, “I’m glad she’s back. I’m glad she’s here. But I’m still hurt by her, and I don’t think things will go back to how they used to be.” Peridot sat down too, “Once again.. I feel the same way about you. I care about you so much. You’re my best friend, and maybe even more. And it terrifies me of thinking of losing you.”
“Peri.. You’ll never lose me,” Amethyst smiled.
“Promise?” Peridot asked.
“I promise,” Amethyst smiled. “But do something stupid again, and I swear.” Peridot started laughing, and then laid her head on Amethyst’s shoulder.
~~The End~~
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hyunjins-wife · 6 years
|Stars|A Hwang Hyunjin Scenario
Word count: 1,918
Requested: sorta
Tumblr media
A pirate au!
Ok so you had been on your own for a long time
You had been left out in the streets at age 3 when your parents couldn’t take care of you anymore 
So you had grown up on your own and learned how to live by yourself
You had lived in a little sea port town for a while
You worked at a pub that normally would house sailors and other seamen of noble cause
But there was always the occasional pirate crew that would stumble in 
They were normally already drunk and would come asking for more
Working in the pub was difficult but you enjoyed having something to do
You were always rather lonely and the lively pub was always fun to be in
You had been working one afternoon when word drifted in that a pirate crew had docked
You were ecstatic because you loved serving pirates
The stories they told always amazed you
You had always dreamed of being a pirate
To be free and out in the ocean without a care in the world 
So you started to get anxious 
Hoping that they came by for a drink
A couple hours later your prayer was answered
Several men came in shouting about the pirates
They were telling everyone to be prepared
And a couples minutes later the door burst open
And in came a crew of nine pirates
You immediately recognized them as the crew of the Stray Kid
An infamous pirate ship that sent fear through anyone that layed an eye on it
You were the only server working that day so once they sat down you walked over to get their order
You greeted them and asked what they’d like
They all went around and said their orders 
You were turning to go to the bar when a group of men started yelling for you a couple of tables over
You said you’d be back with the drinks as quickly as possible
You walked over to the table to see what the group of men needed
What you didn’t expect was to be grabbed and thrown into one of their laps
You struggled for a minute before he finally let you go
But he still had a firm grip on your wrist
They were cat calling and hitting on you trying to get you to leave with them
Which you were not
You looked around in a panic terrified of what could happen
“I suggest you let her go before you start a fight you know you can’t win”
You turned around to see one of the pirates standing there behind you
He was glaring at the man who was holding you wrist
He let you go though and the pirate grabbed your other arm and drug you back to their table
He sat you down in a chair and kneeled in front of you
He asked to check your wrist and you allowed it
It was bruised and hurting pretty bad
“It’ll probably be a good idea to put ice on it”
“Thank you but I’m ok really. And thank you for getting me away from them you didn’t have to do that”
And with that you stood up to go and finally get their drinks
You had come out of the back with a tray of nine drinks
You were about to the table when the other group of men from before stood up
They made their way towards you with out your notice
You were grabbed around the waist and yanked back
You dropped your tray and the drinks went everywhere 
But that didn’t matter at the moment
What mattered was you were being drug out of the pub
You were kicking and screaming trying to get free 
But they wouldn’t let you go
Before they could get you out the door the the pirate crew had stood up and made their way towards you
The crew surrounded the group of men and they all had their swords drawn 
The captain took a step forward and told them to drop you 
They did as told and you were dropped
But before you could even right yourself you were grabbed by one of the pirates and thrown over his shoulder
You got really light headed and ended up passing out
When you woke up the first thing you noticed was you were moving
The second thing was you were in a hammock
And that you were in a ship
You shot up and fell out of the hammock 
You got up and ran for a set of stair that took you up
You were guessing to the top deck
When you opened the hatch you were met with blinding sunlight
When your eyes adjusted you realized that you were on a ship
In the middle of the ocean
You got up the rest of the stairs and just stood there for a moment before someone took notice of you
You saw one of the boys walk toward you
“Hi I’m Felix. Glad to see your awake. C’mon I’ll take you to see Chan he’ll answer all of your questions”
So you went and saw Chan the captain of the boat
You found out that they had taken you to the boat and left the town
He said you could stay with them because it wasn’t safe to stay in that town
They had heard that it was going to be raided soon
So you were now officially a pirate
weird I know right
So Chan called for someone to come and show you around get you some clothes and stuff like that
Yaknow to help you settle
When said person walked in you were taken aback
He was probably the most attractive person you had ever seen 
“This is Hyunjin. He is the most trust worthy when it comes to things like this”
You introduced yourself and followed him out
He took you to a room below the deck with two beds
“This is my room. I currently don’t share with anyone it’s the the only bed that’s open so I hope you don’t mind.”
“It’s fine thank you”
Right as you finished saying that the door burst open
Two boys tumbled in and grabbed your arms
They pulled you out yelling about how they were going to help you find clothes
They drug you into a different room and threw open the closet in the corner
They were pulling out clothes left and right
They finally stopped and turned to you
They handed you several articles of clothing and told you to try those
“Oh by the way I’m Jisung”
“And I’m Felix”
“Thank you”
And with that you turned and left back to your own room
You walked in without much thought
But you ended up tripping over your own two feet
But before you could hit the ground you were caught 
You looked up to see Hyunjin looking at you with bright red cheeks
They most likely matched yours too
“Sorry I’m a bit clumsy at times”
“It’s fine. Are you ok though?”
“Yeah yeah I’m good”
You stood awkwardly for a moment before he walked out saying he would watch the door while you changed
You stood for a moment trying to catch your breath
This pirate boy had already caught your heart
He was cute and nice and ughhhhh
You thought about how to approach the new feelings you developed 
And you decided to ignore them
They’ll go away eventually 
So you put the new clothes on and surprisingly they fit you perfect
It was a classic pirate type of outfit
And white shirt that was flowy and big
Tight black pants 
And leather knee high boots
You looked at the mirror on the back of the door and admired how the clothes complimented you
You were finally going to be a pirate
You opened the door to see Hyunjin and Felix standing waiting on you
“Come on lets go up top. It’s time to formally introduce you”
You followed behind Hyunjin and walked up to the deck
The others boys were standing waiting on you
Chan waited until you were standing on the deck to start talking
“Welcome to the crew of the Stray Kid. These are the boys. Woojin, Minho, Changbin, you already met Hyunjin, Jisung, and Felix. Then there’s Seungmin and Jeongin. We are pleased to have you on board and now apart of the crew”
You introduced yourself and then followed Chan to the steering wheel thing 
He started talking about what jobs you could do and who you could do them with
Most of them were boring 
But one did catch your attention
Star mapping
Basically you would stay up some nights and track where you were by the stars
“I think I would like that one”
“Well I guess your in luck because that’s Hyunjin specialty”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
“Don’t think I haven’t caught the looks you two throw at each other. Your both smitten”
“I don’t know what your talking about”
“Sureeee. Anyways. HYUJIN COME HERE”
He came up to us asking what Chan needed
“They want to help you with the mapping so now you have a partner”
“Ok follow me then”
You followed Hyunjin down to our room where pulled out a box
Inside were maps of the stars
“These are the maps they tell you where you are depending on what stars you can see”
And so you started to learn how to read them
You caught on really fats and really enjoyed it
The nights you would stay up were always fun and filled with laughs and sneaking food from the kitchen
You ended up being best friends a
and those feelings you wanted to push down 
Yeah they just grew
You were in love
But you had no clue what to do
So you asked probably the worst people for advice
Jisung and Felix
You had caught them in the kitchen and asked them for advice
To which they just screamed and ran out
You followed trying to stop them but alas you were too late
By the time you got to them they were with Hyunjin 
So you did the only thing yo i could think of
You ran
You ended up in your shared room 
You locked the door and put your back against it
You tried to keep it together but ended up sobbing
You were screwed
You really liked him but you knew he wouldn’t like you
I mean why would he
You were brought out of your thoughts with a knock on the door 
“Hey open the door. I just want to talk to you”
It was Hyunjin 
You didn’t answer him you just sat there not really wanting to face him
You could hear him sit down and put his back against the door like you had
“Hey if you won’t open the door just listen ok. There’s no point in being upset. I do really like you. You are my partner in crime and if I didn’t have you at night I’d probably go insane. So please open the door”
You stood up and unlocked the door
It swung open to a puffy eyed Hyunjin
“I care bout you probably more than you think”
And with that he wrapped his arms around you
Your head buried in his chest
And you knew that you were exactly where you wanted to be
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yourjughead · 6 years
Legacy 2.0
From Sweet Pea x Reader perspective.
You must read the OG Legacy parts linked in the fic for the story to flesh out correctly, part 6 and 7 do not take place in this version for obvious reasons . This is so long i dont actually expect anyone to read it through but it took a lot of work and if you do read all of it that would make me really happy.
Part 1 “Who the fuck does he think he is?!” “Calm down Pea its not that big of a deal” “It is to me” you just rolled your eyes at your Second and then returned to watching him pace your back office of the Warehouse while you sat up on your desk. “He crossed a line and then kept crossing it, he was trying to wind me up” “He’s new give him time” “He's a Legacy, he should know all of this stuff already, we shouldn't have to teach him” Sweet Pea stopped pacing in front of you, he put his hands on your thighs to prop himself up. “You know he’s into you yeah?” “Really? Do you think so?” you put on this fake excited voice and widened your eyes, he just rolled his eyes at your sarcasm and pushed back off your legs. “Hey Pea” you pulled his attention back to you effortlessly “What?” “Your jealousy is showing” “It's not jealousy, it's concern” he whined and caught you by the shoulders and shook you playfully till you slid off the desk and were chest to chest with him. “Peaaaa stop making something out of nothing, you might end up liking him, you could be friends” you gave him little jabs into the chest and then he threw his heavy arms around your shoulders and hugged you entirely, he then threw all his weight against you and you whined laughing under the force. “Stoooooop” you tried pushing him back as he continued to exert more force, you both laughing. “You're.crushing.me” “Good” you then moved quickly to the side and we went hands to the desk. “You're the worst Second” he put his hand to his heart feigning hurt. “I'm the best Second, one day you'll be mine” “Dream on little boy, not unless i get shot and die” “I can't wait for the day” of course this was all witty banter between partners in crime, confidants, best friends. “Shut up, you couldn't handle my job” “What you mean never turning up to school and having everyone bow down at your feet” you chuckled lightly and returned to sit at your desk. Of course he knew there was more to it than that but you didn't like talking about it as much. “And don't you forget it, I'm the Don” “Your dad is the Don” “I'm the Don adjacent” “Well will the Don adjacent be gracing us with her presence at school this week?” “Ughhhhh i went today didn't I?” he just threw you look and you once again rolled your eyes. You didn't like school, never have, wasn't for you and that suited everyone except for Sweet Pea but only because it meant less time with you and more time for him wrangling the jrs in school, that was his job after all. Babysitting. You got to spend less time focusing on school and more time on the gang while he got to babysit, it was leverage you loved to use. “I won't be in for at least two weeks, I’ll leave the babies to you” “Oh course you will, life of a working mom, maybe I should get a second” “You're my second you don't get a second” “They could be your third” “Or I could just make you work three times as hard” “You could-” he slid onto the desk and you stared up at him from the chair “-but then there would be no time for fun” he gestured over his shoulder to the sound of jrs flooding the Warehouse ready to relax after school. You rolled your eyes and signalled for him to leave and have fun before pulling your chair back into your desk. “No no you too” “Pea” “Yn” “Pea” “Ynnnnnn” “Dont” “Don't what” he jumped off the desk and half circled your chair. “Don't do THIS!” you half shrieked when lifted you from your chair and threw you over his shoulder laughing while you shrieked bloody murder and attempted to catch your breath though tears of laughter. “Am I interrupting something?” the both of your heads shot to the door and Sweet Pea dropped you to his side and the two of you were like like two kids caught with your hands in the cookies jar. “No sir” “No dad” you both answered in unison. “Hmph, yn, meet me upstairs we have work” he deadpanned and then left the room, you and Sweet Pea immediately releasing a sigh of relief. You loved your Dad, you did but it would take Sweet Pea taking a bullet for you or something for him to approve of you two together. He didn't believe in a leader falling for their second which was fair enough but not to you two. It was the elephant in the room and that's how it would stay. “I better…” “Yeah” ~ Part 2 ~ “What.just.happened” “We were ambushed” “Wow really Fangs I would have never guessed, get out” “Yn” “Get out!” you threw yourself down in your office chair and put a hand to your head. Fangs looked at Toni and Sweet Pea panickedly. You looked out from behind your fingers and that got him to scatter. “Toni go help Fangs with diagnostics, yn and i will be with you in a second” she nodded slowly, leaving. Sweet Pea rested against your desk and watched you stress out. “Yn...yn were you and Jughead…” your hands dropped to your legs and you gave him as completely over it look. “Really? Really Pea” “Sorry, I just...did you two…” “REALLY SWEET PEA?! RIGHT NOW! WE JUST GOT AMBUSHED AND YOU'RE ASKING ME ABOUT JUGHEAD?!” “I FUCKING KNEW IT! YOU LIKE HIM” “WELL I CANT FUCKING HAVE YOU CAN I!” and there it was, you clasped your hands over your mouth and tears started to form. “Ynn i got here as soon as i cou- what's going on? Why is it every fucking time I come into this damn office I feel like I’m interrupting something between you two that shouldn't even be fucking happening! Sweet Pea you are on full security with Fangs and-” “I dont need a baby sitter dad-” “I’m not talking to you right now YN. We’ll discuss this further later Sweet Pea, get Fangs and ill meet you in 20” Sweet Pea nodded and looked at you like his heart was breaking and it was, he knew exactly what your dad was going to say to you when he closed that door but he had to anyway. “Yn you know my opinion on you and Sweet Pea” “Yes dad, I’m thinking of getting it tattooed on my arm” “Don't be smart with me. Where were you tonight, i heard from some others you were nowhere to be seen before the attack” “I was with FPs son, we were just talking, it was his first gathering and he was feeling overwhelmed and-” you were trying to keep your voice as level as possible as your dad stared at you with his piercing eyes. “Now there’s a good match, Legacy blood sticking together” “Dad, we have more important things to do then talk about my love life” “Hmm, I’m putting you on look out where you'll be safe” you released audible annoyance and he waved it off before leaving. ~ Pt.3 ~ The hospital emergency doors were flung open viciously as Serpents ascended on the ER like seagulls flocking a single piece of bread. They all went in their own directions to where they knew where their closest were being treated after another ambush. Sweet Pea stomped the wards, ran the wards looking for you, not even sure what really happened. “Oh my god yn!” you leapt off the seat outside of Jugheads room and into his arms. You were completely clung to him and he had actually lifted you from the floor, you were sobbing into his chest while he had buried his head in the crook of your neck. “They-they wont l-et me go i-n and see h-im right now th-ey’re just cle-aning him up after sur-gery” he let your feet touch the ground again but didn't let you go as your voice shook. “Yn it's going to be okay darling, he’ll be okay, I’m so glad you're okay, i was so worried” “I could have been shot, i could have died” “Shhh” he stroked your hair gently wishing you to stop crying, it hurt him in every cell of his body. You both stood like this for over an hour until finally you and Sweet Pea were allowed inside with Toni following soon after. ~ Part 4 ~ That was it for you, it was the straw that broke the camel's back. You completely pulled back from life involving him, including interaction with any of the Jrs. You became more involved with Senior work which made your dad entirely happy and Sweet Pea worried. ~ Part 5 ~ “IM GOING TO KILL HIM YN” “Morning Sweet Pea oh please come into my office without knocking, How are you? I’m good, your party was fun last night, yeah it was a mess” you cocked an  eyebrow at him over the desk after finishing your sarcastic conversation. “Yn, i don’t care if he took a bullet for you-” “-Your sense of care for me is overwhelming” you stood from your desk to lean against it. “You know i care about you, I’m not in the mood for our usual banter yn” “Calm down Pea, the vein is going to pop out of your head, what’s wrong?” you stepped closer to him, catching him by the forearms and rubbing them gently. “I know what Jughead did” you took a step back but not releasing his arms. “It’s water under the-” “It hurt you, he hurt you. I'm going to bury him under the warehouse” he broke from you and began angrily pacing the room. “I don’t even care about the fact your dad is singing his praises, he hu-” “Ding ding ding, we have the root of the problem” “It’s not the root of the problem” “Sweet pea-” “Why aren't I good enough for you?! I work hard, i pull my weight, I’m always there for you, we have a laugh together and yet- that’s not enough” Sweet Pea tried his hardest to stop his voice from shaking but to no avail, he was coming undone at the seams. “Pea” “No, no just forget it, i understand the rules i just don’t like them, forget I said anything” he went to leave but you caught kind of rushly and dragged him back to meet you. This was not the first time you two had kissed but it was the first time you did it sober and it was so much better, especially since you’d actually remember this one. It went from sweet to hungry, almost violently hungry. “Pea-Pea lock the door” you pressed him backwards breathlessly, still kissing when you blindly locked the door behind his back. His mouth connected with your neck and he pushed your head back for more access and you went willingly. It was his turn to push you back until the backs of your legs hit the desk. He tucked his arms under you to lift you, you gasped and knotted your hands in his hair, he dropped you down on the desk and you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him in deeper. You tugged his jacket off and it didn't even touch the ground before you were pulling off his shirt. You ran your hands up his toned abs and across his pecs and back to his shoulders while Sweet Peas hands ran up and down your thighs. “Maybe we shouldn't do this in your office” “Yeah you're right” they were just words, he still pulled your shirt over your head before you reconnected to his neck, making sure to pay special attention to his tattoo. He pressed your back against the desk and lifted you slightly for you to shift out of your pants, him doing the same. “Umm Do you have a-” “Yeah two seconds” “Isn't that very presumptuous of you, do you have a lot of office sex” he laughed as you reached for your desk drawer and tossing him the condom upon retrieval. “Wouldn't you like to know” you winked as Sweet Pea  pushed you back to the desk, kissing down your chest and stomach while you hummed. His mouth returned to your neck and you could feel his growing member near your heat, you helped to guide him and then you both gasped with the sudden overwhelming pleasure of being this close. Sweet Pea pulled you by the hips further down the desk before he began moving properly. You dug your nails into his back while your own arched. He groaned loudly and you put a finger to his lip shushing him to be quiet, remembering there are probably people buzzing around the door. “I don't want to be quiet, i want everyone to know you're mine” you rolled your eyes before beckoning him to continue moving as your band tightened. It was building pressure begging to be released and when it was you clung to his chest and tried to muffle your moans in his shoulder, he doing the same to you briefly after. You two laid out on the large mahogany desk for a bit before getting dressed again. “I, i can't believe that just happened” “It was only a matter of time Pea” you shoved him as you slotted on your serpent jacket. “You know Pea, Jughead is going to do itiation” “Good for him” “Which means the gauntlet and you have to promise me you wont completely mangle him okay?” “I make no such promise” “As your girlfr- or emm” “As my girlfriend what? If anything that gives me more of reason to nearly kill him” you rolled your eyes heading for door but not before interlocking hands with Sweet Pea. “Wait your dad might be out there” “I dont care Pea, i can handle him, i want to be with you...aww look you're blushing” “I am not, you are!” he totally was and you found it utterly adorable.
Props to you if you read the whole thing honestly.
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Interview Tag
Rules: Answer the following questions and tag 20 blogs you are contractually obligated to know better.
I was tagged by @ladyknight-keladry ! Thanks for tagging me, though I fear my answers will leave much to be desired 😬😂 But let’s do it anyway! Here we go:
Nickname: I have a few. The most common is Jess. My mom calls me snugglebug, and my little sister likes to call me muffin-head lol
Pronouns: She/her
Star Sign: Aquarius
Height: 5’ 4”
Current Time: 10:38 pm ... I really need to go to sleep since I have work in the morning. Oh well!
When is your birthday: January 29
Favorite Band/Group/Solo Artist (I grouped these together): BTS, American Authors, Imagine Dragons, Red, Halestorm, Disturbed, Godsmack, Bad Wolves, Daughtry, Demi Lovato, Alesia Cara, The Score, Ava Max, Sam Smith, Daya, Adam Lambert, Halsey, GIMS, Tiziano Ferro, and many more lol My tastes vary with my daydreams at the moment :)
Song Stuck in my Head: My Head & My Heart by Ava Max. Specifically one line: “My mind’s got a mind, mind, mind of it’s own right now and it makes me hate me”
Last Movie Watched: X2 My mom, little sister, and I are watching the X-Men series, so, yeah. We already did Marvel, so we’re making our way through this series before moving on again lol
Last Show Binged: WandaVision. I waited until the entire season was done to watch it, and I binged all of then in two nights 😂 I’m thinking about waiting for TFATWS to finish too before watching? But ughhhhh it’s tough waiting! I love Bucky.
When Did You Creat Your Blog: July 2, 2013. OMG So long ago! My posts were ... interesting back then lol I went through phases, which I guess is t any different! But at least they are healthier?
Last Thing Googled: Toshiba tv reseating cables ... our tv has a wide blue line going down it, and I was trying to figure out how to fix it 😩😩 I’m gonna have to finagle and try things I’m it sure I’m good at. So ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ it’ll be interesting.
Other Blogs: Nope! I’ve only had this one! Cuz I’m weird lol
Who Chose Your URL: Me!! I couldn’t for the life of me figure it out back then and randomly chose it because ... rain is awesome lol Haven’t changed it because I don’t like change.
Do you get asks: Sometimes? Not often, which is both good and meh. Meh because I do like the attention, I think. Good because I am so awkward! My mood changes a lot between hyper/confident so I say whatever and don’t care what people think (right now for instance) to overthinking/low self esteem where I don’t know what to say, don’t want to say something wrong, get an answer wrong, and so on. It’s rough. My mental health is a slippery slope. Whelp.
How many people do you follow: 167
How many people follow you: 186!!! Holy cannoli guys! Thank you 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗 I honestly don’t care if people follow me or not. I mean, don’t get me wrong, I like the idea of making friends on here, but this blog is for me. My safe space where only one person in the world knows me in real life (and she’s never on lol), so yup.
Lucky number: uhhhh 29?
Instrument: Hah! That’s funny. Me? Play an instrument? Nah. Took a piano class in college as an elective ... played by ear and got by, but don’t remember any of it!
Currently wearing: I’m in bed, about to sleep, so my pajamas. Which is basically a huge shirt lol Not that you needed to know that ... I may delete later tbh
Dream job: Man ... I’ve spent most of my life trying to figure this shit out. All the stress. But if money wasn’t an option ... something with the ocean. With animals. Idk what exactly, or where, but I seriously love the ocean. It’s calm yet unforgiving. I don’t live by an ocean, but I would love to. Just ... not where hurricanes hit lol because fuck that.
Dream trip: Shark diving with great white sharks :) Or something my little sister wants, and therefore spend time with her and my family while having fun. Both are good.
Favorite food: CHOCOLATE! I love chocolate. No lie. So good. Pizza, macaroni and cheese, spaghetti, salad (yummmmmy) ... basically carbs, cheese, chocolate, and some healthy things lol
Favorite Song: Why. How could you? Why put me in this situation! My mind went completely blank! It changes constantly. Depends on many things. I’ll give you my top 5 songs from last year on Spotify: ON by BTS, What About Us by P!nk, Ya Habibi by Mohamed Ramadan (totally found this on accident while looking for Nicky/Joe Old Guard songs and omg yesssss!), Daechwita by Agust D, and Someone You Loved by Lewis Capaldi.
Top three fictional universes you’d like to live it: Sooo. I have literally no idea??? Are we talking movies, books, shows, all of the above?? Ahhh. Guys. This is stressful. It shouldn’t be, right? Idk. I’m going to skip because I have no clue, and it’s stressing me out. Sorry?
Alright! That was a wild ride. Now it’s time for me tag people. If any of my followers want to do this, go for it! And for those I tag, you don’t have to do it! Here are my tags: @alona-marinelli , @spookydefendordreamer , @justagirlwithhercat , and @just-a-rather-ace-ravenpuff . So like. I’m tired. And tagging isn’t hard normally, but right now it is, so sorry if I forgot anyone that I talk to, that reblogs me a lot, that I reblog a lot, or so on. If I forgot anyone, I’m sorry! Please do it if you want to, or not! You do you. All the love xx 🤗🤗🤗
0 notes
renwritesstuff · 7 years
17 for shaynor :D
“Height difference kisses where one person has to bend down and the other is on their tippy toes”
A clattering sound jarred Samantha Traynor awake. Her eyes were heavy and grainy as she rolled over to check the holo clock on the nightstand. The interface glowed a dull orange.
03:13 AM.
Ughhhhh. That’s too early for anything.
The soft sheets hissed under her movement as a chill snuck in under the covers, sending goosebumps up one arm (and down one bare thigh). Rolling over the other way, Sam groaned at the ceiling. “You’ve got to be bloody kidding me. You just got to sleep.”
I know. I was there.
It took… convincing.
There was a soft exhale-laugh a few feet away. “And then we got a distress signal and now I have to get up. Oo-rah.” The other woman’s voice was thick with amusement (and probably sleep).
Sam turned over to her right side now, craning her neck up from her pillow. She squinted at the woman before her.
Commander Annelise Shepard stood at her wall locker, the cabinets there staggered half-open to reveal pieces of bulky armor. Clad in a skin-tight underarmor, Shepard had finished assembling the boot, leg and waist pieces and was slowly working through the torso and shoulder armor. The wall glowed dimly, the gridded interface a checklist of suiting up procedure that the marine had long memorized.
A heavy helmet sat on Shepard’s own pillow, facing Sam in a rather unsettling way.
Stretching an arm out from under the warm covers, Sam ran a fingertip down the smooth visor of the red and black N7 helmet. Faintly etched in the surface was the HUD, as were a few deep grooves from stray bullets and Reaper strikes.
Her eyes looked past the helmet and Samantha favored Shepard with her best (…for 3AM) disapproving glare. “Have you ever considered delegating? Some have said—and this is not me, mind you—I’ve heard it said that you’re a bit of a control freak.” She wrinkled her nose with mock-apology.
The response was immediate as Annelise’s head whipped around, red strands following a second later to slap at her cheek. “Oh really? This from the woman whose overnight drawer is alphabetized?” Green eyes twinkled in challenge, though they were lined by heavy creases and almost bruise-like rings.
��It’s really quite efficient that way,” Sam agreed with a playful smile (though a small worry shivered up her chest, seeing just how tired Shepard really was).
“Uh huh,” Annelise retorted skeptically. Her fingers flew in practiced motions as they examined hard suit gloves and bracers next.
“…but seriously though? Can’t Ashley or Vega take this one? Let the Commander just Command for a change from the sidelines? The safe, warm, comfy sidelines…” Sam dropped her voice to a husky, enticing pitch. She arched her eyebrows and smiled.
Emphasis on “safe.”
This thing—this relationship—had been both the best and worst thing to ever happen to Samantha Traynor.
Because on top of (heh) calculating probabilities for quantum entanglement data, she now had a probability index for Annelise Shepard’s workouts, how likely she was to kiss Sam, and how many calories she needed for… certain things.
Unfortunately, Sam also had to factor in variables like “how many bullets until Shepard’s empty” or “how much time does Shepard have until that thing is going to explode” or “odds of survival, give or take Shepard’s absurd luck?”
It was both mind-blowingly rewarding and singularly exhausting for the Comms Specialist.
Take now, for example.
Annelise had slept a grand total of 15 hours over the past four days with an average of 3.75 hours a night. She required about 8,000 calories for an average day, double that for an active mission (supplemented by protein bars and hardsuit bio enchancements). Calorie burn was inversely proportional to sleep, so she was going to need more energy to stay on her feet.
Shepard was never one to restrain her efforts, either. She was forever all-in. With her crew, in battle, in spirit.
…except with herself, that is.
And that always worried Sam. Because while she could flit around Annelise on the Normandy and poke her incessantly about “you bloody well better have eaten or else,” that was infinitely more difficult thousands of kilometers away on a hostile planet or ship.
Oh, how Samantha worried now. …not that she didn’t worry before they had strangely fallen together. The only difference now was that she didn’t have to quietly fret at the galaxy map.
Now she could loudly fret from the comfort of Shepard’s bed.
Annelise stopped what she was doing and looked over at Sam. Her chin dropped and a sympathetic frown pulled her lips. “You know I command better with a shotgun,” Annelise said, her low voice laced with mirth.
Her footfalls were heavy as Shepard strode over and sat down on the bed next to Sam. The weight of even half her armor made for a serious dip in the mattress as Sam felt herself slide slightly closer.
Reaching over, Annelise tucked a few errant hairs behind Sam’s ear. Sam leaned into the touch and did her best to look as pouty and scowly as possible. It only made the woman’s cheeks turn with a tight, sad smile. “It is pretty comfy. Keep it warm for me?”
“A serious job, but I think I’m up for the challenge,” Samantha teased before kissing Annelise’s palm.
“Oh I don’t doubt it,” Annelise said seriously. With a sigh, she stood up and continued assembling the rest of her hard suit. There was no slouch or scowl to the Commander’s posture, just calm, focused effort.
Sam wanted to protest further. Coax and bribe and plead for her to say. But, she wouldn’t be Commander Shepard if she didn’t go and answer the call.
Bloody hell, I wish she were just a liiiiittle bit less noble.
…no you don’t, Traynor. You’re just bitchy and buggered.
An airy voice pulled Sam out of her grousing. “So… do I get my good luck charm this time?” Annelise asked with a hopeful lilt.
Pushing the covers off, Samantha shivered in the night chill before rolling into a standing position. She hissed at the cold floor as she padded over to where Shepard was finishing the rest of her armor, the clasps closing with a dull metallic thud.
It was always breathtaking to see Shepard in her full, armored glory. She was a hulking presence. Her normal inch or two increase in height ballooned to a good six inch difference with the armor. It was even more dramatic for a tiny, trembling Samantha Traynor clad only in undies.
Arms open and outstretched, Annelise waited with a wide smile. Her eyes were closed in anticipation.
Sam leaned up to kiss her cheek… and leaned up and up and—
She rapped a knuckle on the N7 emblem on Shepard’s breastplate to get the woman’s attention. “Sorry, darling. Either bend down or help a girl up. Otherwise…” Sam let the threat hang in the air.
When Annelise’s eyes opened in confusion, Sam gave a demonstration of her current issue. She craned her neck upward, then stood on her tiptoes, then attempted a small hop that barely crested the wide neck piece of the armor.
“See my ordeal?”
“Not at all,” Annelise said smugly. She gave a small bend at the waist, pursing her lips in a teasing fashion. But she kept her lips just out of reach from Sam’s stretch, even going so far as to jerk slightly out of the way when Sam hopped again.
“I don’t need this aggravation, darling,” Samantha said. “I can just go right back to bed while you go rescue kittens from trees. That are probably on fire.” She started to pull away, that bed so tantalizingly close.
But a gloved hand reached out and snagged her wrist. And there was no wriggling out of that grasp. Giving a dramatic sigh, Sam turned back and shot Annelise an expectant look.
A sad pout. “I’ll behave this time.”
This time, Sam felt the hairs stand up at the back of her neck as goosebumps pebbled up her arms. There was a faint crackle of blue energy around Annelise’s green eyes.
“You lazy cheater,” Sam announced as threads of biotic energy pulled at her armpits and under her knees to bring her up the requisite distance to be face-level with Shepard. “…are you quite pleased with yourself?”
“Quite, actually.” That full-lipped smile was mischievous.
“Mmhm,” Samantha muttered as she leaned forward and captured those lips in a deep kiss. She could feel Annelise’s smile against her cheeks and it was briefly infectious.
When Sam pulled away, a scathing rebuke was ready on her tongue. But she didn’t get the chance to utter it. With a flurry of movement, Sam felt her body jerk upright as she was hefted over Annelise’s armored shoulder, the plate digging into Sam’s tummy and thigh.
Sputtering in outrage, Sam was helpless as Annelise spun her around the cabin with a joyful laugh. She thumped a fist on the woman’s back, but the hardsuit just absorbed her feeble efforts with barely a slapping sound.
“It’s for good luck, Sam!” Annelise announced as she continued spinning.
“What is, making your girlfriend puke all over your lovely armor?!”
With a laugh, Annelise stopped and set Sam gently down on the bed. She hovered over Sam, eyes studying Samantha’s face with a warm crinkle. Annelise leaned down and kissed Sam hard this time. Sam suppressed a laugh of her own at the woman’s burst of energy.
When they finally pulled apart, breathless, Sam nuzzled her nose against Annelise’s cheek.
“You’re absolutely terrible. You know this, right?” she whispered.
“Can’t have you miss me too much,” Annelise stated matter-of-factly. “It’s bad luck.”
“I have a lot of questions about your superstitions.”
“You can ask. I might not answer.” That grin was wide and impossibly smug.
“Ugh. Go save the world already,” Sam scowled as she gave Annelise a last, petulant kiss.
The bed lurched as Shepard pushed herself off of Sam and went around the side to scoop up her helmet. She shot Samantha a warm wink before heading back to the armor locker and stowing all the open drawers and cabinets.
Reaching into Shepard’s side table by the bed, Sam pulled out a blueberry protein bar. She tossed it at the woman’s head. Shepard caught it mid-air with her biotics, her eyebrow quirking in question.
“Do eat something, darling. If you faint mid-battle because you were showboating in the bedroom, you won’t hear the end of it. Particularly from Garrus. Because I’m going to tell him.”
“You wouldn’t.”
“I would,” Sam airily threatened as she made a show of checking her nails.
Scowling, Annelise unwrapped the bar and took a childish, deliberate bite. “Oo-rah, darling,” she retorted as she headed towards the cabin entrance. At the doorway, she turned back and gave a wide, crinkling smile.
Then disappeared as the door swished shut behind her.
Snuggling back under the covers, Sam closed her eyes for a few long minutes. Then she sighed and opened her Omni-tool to patch into the Normandy’s communications. From under her blanket fort, Samantha flicked through the interface to track Shepard’s progress.
When Annelise didn’t sleep, neither did she.
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