#ughhhh need someone to turn me into a fat werewolf so I can be the hot fat andro baddie I was always meant to be😭
alphasunpup · 5 months
*also didn't realize this would be so long but there's something so hot about some big ass werewolf (think Hugh Jackman Van Helsing werewolf) glutting themselves and then getting super fat and using it as a sign of dominance. Anyway just wanted to give the heads up this is a long post, enjoy for those will read more!
Man for a person's whose whole motif is werewolves I keep missing the most important lunar dates! Anyway yesterday was the full moon and tomorrow would've been a month after the lunar eclipse.
I love to imagine that lunar eclipses send werewolves into a frenzy. Given the whole 'blood moon' thing werewolves especially crave blood and raw meat. They'll go in hunting parties and rounds buying up all the meat from the local butchers. And when they've exhausted that supply they'll hunt for more. They'll attack farm lands going after, sheep, cattle, chickens anything they can to glut themselves on more meat. And I like to think they almost have an infinite capacity. It just seems these creatures appetites are insatiable. It's only when they've devoured every animal in sight will these ferocious beasts stop. It's a great time to study their migration patterns as droves of werewolves, even the ones who live in the city will go to the most remote locations to hunt. And after they're done hunting and glutting themselves, they'll probably make one big cuddle pile. Rubbing each other's bellies, licking the blood out of each other's fur, which sometimes leads to mass orgies. But oftentimes it'll end in everyone staying in their werewolf form for days until they know they're human bodies can handle digesting the amount of food they ate. And then afterwards they'll weigh themselves to see who gained the most weight when they were just sedentary waiting for enough of the food to be digested in their were forms for it to be safe for their human bodies. Typically it's the Alpha's who put on the most fat. Sometimes the Alpha's will have competitions amongst themselves to see who can still put on more weight even if their human forms are still digesting. And they can't wait to do it all again when the next lunar eclipse rolls around.
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