#ughhh i feel bad because i do like kei's outfit
whos-hotter-jjba · 3 days
Hottest JJBA Outfit Bracket - Round 1 Match 3
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calientecoochie · 3 years
It Happened So Fast-
Kirishima told you he was going to pick you up around 8. Which gives you abouttttt two hours to get ready. That’s manageable right? You shower, get all primped and pretty and, now for the clothes.
-Three days earlier-
The outfit Kiri -overall Mina- picked out for you was hard not NOT to get attention in. You can even remember Mina’s singsong voice, “ You’re going with THE Red Riot, Y/N. He’s already flashy! You HAVE to match his energy! This bland shizz has got to go! Here tryyyyy THIS!” She held up the most risqué thing you’ve ever seen. It was still classy but, places were low when they were supposed to be high, cutouts and, glitz/glam. The works.
You’re not too sure how the pair got you’re measurements to the t. Going to have to ask that question later.
Just as you were finishing up, a car pulling up could be heard. A red Aston Martin. You didn’t expect anything less... Opening the door, you were greeted with fresh, crisp, night air. This all felt so...nice like, you could actually breathe. Carpe diem and all of that.
“W-wait! Wait right there, Y/N!” You froze, confused. Kiri power walked towards the front of your door. He gingerly closed the door on your face and knocked on it.
You smirked coyly and opened the door. You lean on the doorframe and crossed your arms, “ Really, Kirishima?” You laugh, “You’re too of a gentlemen...”
“Don’t like it” He looked perplexed.
“I’ll get over it.” You joked and threw Red a wink. You took his extended hand and got lead back to his car. “Wow, your car is gorgeous...”
“I could say the same about you.” Eijirou begins to rub his neck, “ You’re outfit and like, your face because you don’t have a car here, haha!” Uh oh, he’s beginning to nervous banter.
“Thank you, Red. You look handsome. Let’s get to the Gala before traffic gets any heavier.” He beamed and nodded.
The car ride over is pleasant. Traffic was okay (it’s been heavier, especially going towards downtown), within the car has been relatively silent but it’s obvious that you two just enjoy the other’s company. At some point, Kirishima threw his arm over the back of your seat. You could not help yourself and focused on the viens in his hands or how his muscular build strained against some parts of his suit. What’s his exercise regimen? How would a hug feel? How long you were looking? You don’t know. The music was low, seems like the whole squad was into the same stuff. Maybe you should try having a conversation?
“Soooo~” you drum your hands on his dashboard, “Kirishima, do you like hero work? Anything, interesting happened?” You curse yourself mentally. Of course he would like hero work!
“Hmmm, yeah! I love it. Cant really see myself doing anything else...” He keeps his eyes focused on the road but it’s obvious his brain is elsewhere, “Some days are harder than others but, there are great day too of course! I get to meet so many cool people. I met you.” His gives you a quick smile, “ Oooohh, let me tell you about this time I was saving these people from a bu-“
Now this car ride is getting livelier. Red is so animated when talking about his experiences. He so passionate... it’s nice :).
-At The Hero’s Gala-
You could not see a single star in the pitch, black sky; the venue was so bright. Practically blinding. How many of these did these Pros have to attend?! You don’t mind being the center of attention but, this is WAY too much. At least you’re not alone. You guess.
You could not even process the blur of pink barreling towards you and Kirishima before it practically tackled you (thankfully not to the ground).
Mina squished your cheeks together, “Ah~! You look so gorgeous! Especially you’re hair-!”
It seems like she was about to ask you something else but Red picked her up from under arms and gingerly put her to the side, “Come on, Mina, if we don’t hurry inside we’ll be late-“
Mina waggles a finger towards Kirishima, “Tuh tuh, fashionably late.”
“Late is late, Mina”
“Since when we’re you such a stickler about time 😩! Don’t act brand new just because you got a boo-“
“HEY HEY!” Kiri claps his hands together-loudly- a few times, “Where’s your plus 1, M?”
“Hmm? Wh-She was just beside me! Don’t tell me they just went inside~ Ughhh, where could they be at?” Mina pulls out here phone, “I’ll see you inside, Y/N! Save me a seat beside you!”
“Okay, Mina!” You give her a thumbs up as a sweaty, blushy Kirishima rushed you towards the Gala’s entrance.
You had thought this whole extravaganza would be exhilarating! Exciting! A completely new experience! It kind of sucked. The venue was gorgeous, all pretty and made up. The people were chatting amongst themselves sometimes forgetting about the announcer. The food is great.
You sat beside Kirishima and left the two chairs to your right empty for Mina and her date. Your table was between Bakugo’s and Denki’s. To be frank, there was was never truly a lull, especially when the two blondes spoke to their redhead friend. You could really understand since they were speaking a bit too fast and adding slang you haven’t heard before. Bakugo was always threatening and Denki was just acting like a crackhead. It wasssss fun.
A bit later, it seemed like everyone mellowed out (probably thanks to the alcohol) and started mingling amongst each other. You guess you should start too, this whole thing is for the agency.
As you try to get get up, you feel a firm palm settle on your thigh, lightly pushing you back down, “Relax, Y/N. Bakubro finally left and Denk is off flirting...” You settle back into your seat, “The Agency will still be standing still be there. Just enjoy yourself.” He takes a swig of a soda, keeping his eyes forward as if he was focusing on something but, nothing interesting was in that direction as far as you could see.
“I hope Mina found her date...”
“She probably did. She’s pretty good at finding people.”
“Not going to drink?”
“Mmmm, we got to get home. I’m also much more comfortable drinking at home. I think they water it down at the events now due to...” he makes a painful face, “last time.
“Last time?”
“N’yeah...Some hero got super trashed and just let loose.”
The two of you stare at each other for a bit then start to laugh.
“Mm, I wouldn’t drink either then, I guess! Afraid you’ll say something you don’t mean, Red?”
“PFFT, no! All I have to say are good things. It’s just if I pay for a drink, I don’t want it to be watered down. What’s your excuse?”
“Welll, I thought I was going to be promoting our company. Guess not now.”
“So again, what’s your excuse?”
“Mmmm, I like having my wits”
Just as Kiri was about to reply, you both heard a voice from across the floor, “FINALLY FOUND YOU TWO” it was Mina and her absolutely stunning date. “What are you two just sitting down?! Let’s liven up this place! To the dance floor!” As if either was you had a choice.
Red had absolutely NO rhythm but that didn’t really stop you. The two of you spent the rest of night dancing away (along with Mina’s guidance at times). It was almost perfect.
Kirishima and you trudged back to his red, luxury car.
“Uwaaaa! My feet!” Kiri exclaimed, “When I usually dance it never hurts this bad~”
“That’s because you were dancing right, Kirishima.”
“Tsk, I am not that bad. That first move I busted always kill~”
“Yeah, yeah, people probably.”
“Hey, rude~” He opens the car door for you, “let’s get you home. Traffic shouldn’t be too heavy.”
“Thank you, Red.” He gives you a smirk as he shuts your door.
As it was before, the car ride was hella quiet, more so due to being tired. You look to the driver’s side of the car at Kirishima. His eyes were half lidded and focused on the cars in front of him... or so you thought.
“Hmm, caught the staring bug again?” You quickly turn back forward, caught off guard, “I’m just messing with you, Y/N, I don’t mind.” He flung his arm around the back of your seat again.
I guess it’s our time to talk, “Ha, I just can’t help it. You’re so nice and tonight has been really fun. It’s all been really fun. That and (I hope this doesn’t sound too creepy) your physique is amazing! I can tell you put a lot of care into it.”
“Haha, well, I have to!”
“Of course, of course, hahaa..” you start to break into a cold sweat.
Kiri notices the lull, takes his arm from behind your seat and instead takes your left hand and intertwines both of your fingers together. His hand practically engulfs yours and it’s so clammy.
“Uhh, hope you, don’t mind..” Kirishima says bashfully.
“Nope!” Smooth, Y/N. Real smooth, “Not at all. You’re hand is very soft...”
The car went silent again, hands still tangled together. Both enjoying the nighttime view and the somewhat muted sounds coming from the cars surrounding you guys.
-Back At Y/N’s Home-
Kirishima walked you to your door, “Welp, here we are.” He rubs the back of his neck, “S’thanks for being my da- company and all. It was- it was super fun, yeah.”
You were digging around for your keys but still listening to you stuttering boss, “Hm, hm. It was super fun for me to. Especially getting to experience the Hero Gala!” Finally, you found your keys and opened your door. You turn towards Kiri and he looks as if he is about to pass out, “Uhm, Red? Do you want to crash here? I don’t really think you should drive back-“
“Oh no, I couldn’t! I’m fine, I promise-“
“Then at least let me make you some coffee or something with caffeine, Red...”
“...Yeah, I will take you up on that..”
The pair of you step inside and you lead Kiri to the sofa, “Here, just relax.”
He slumps against the arm and lays his head against his forearm. “Thank youuu~” Yeah, he sounds like he is about to knock out.
You gently shake his form, “Here, Red, drink up.” He doesn’t say anything, he takes the cup drink from it and just stares down into it.
“Is it nasty?”
“<Wha-what? Oh, no, it’s delicious>” pfft, he’s so out of it he didn’t even realize he started speaking Japanese.
“<Want to speak in your mother tongue?>” He seems to wake up a bit more.
“Ha, sorry. Hey, Y/N?” Kiri drums his fingers against the side of his cup.
“Do you have anyone waiting for you?”
“Uhm, no? I mean I have my family but I can’t say they are really waiting for me...” you ponder his question, “Why’d you ask?”
“...” He seems to be reluctant in whatever he is trying to do. You can really get read on him. He looks scared? Kiri sets him lukewarm cup down on the side table and stares deeply into yours eyes.
He grabs your hands.
He starts to pull you closer
“It’s Eijirou.”
He pulls you into a passionate kiss. It felt so desperate and longing. The need for oxygen being long forgotten between the two of you.
This was going to be a long night.
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fluffymcu · 4 years
The Date (Bucky x reader x Steve)
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@il0veyoujk requested: Heyyyy, can you write a ff where Buck (your older bro) and Steve are back from a mission but you're not home and they somehow discover you're on a date and when you get back home they tickle you with tickles (mouth tickles mostly) to make you admit it and give them more details?? (If you don't want to it's okayyyy) Also your ACC is A-MA-ZING!! Keep going!!
Sure! This idea is cute! Ill try my best. This is ModernAU! Bucky and Steve. But they still kinda have the same 40’s past, but Bucky has short hair here and two fresh arms. Don’t get me wrong I love Bucky just the way he is but I felt like modernAU Bucky fit this fic better.
If you haven’t already, the second part to my Letting Loose series is out, but didn’t show up on tags and it’s not getting much love :( if you haven’t read it you might wanna check it out :)
Your boys were out on a mission for quite a few days now, and you...were on a date!
No you had not told them about it. Why? Because the were EXTREMELY overprotective! Especially your older brother, Bucky. He denied the accusation that he hated when you went on dates, but you knew deep down he would always not like it when you'd go out with someone. Steve was overp too, but it was really Bucky that would start the fire and Steve would ride along with just as much passion. So when a cute guy you'd met at a coffee shop yesterday asked you out, you said yes, deciding not to tell the boys. Besides, you didn't know how it would go; maybe it would just be a one time thing. They didn't need to know. And you definitely didn't need them bugging you the whole day, bombar you with questions about the guy and how he treated you and what kind of guy he was and so on.
So you just decided to leave it at that and keep it a subtle secret. You went to your room to go get ready in your shared apartment with Bucky and Steve, and put on some light makeup and picked your outfit. Once you were satis with your look, you grabbed your wallet, keys, and phone and drove out to meet Jackson at the new pizza joint a few blocks away.
Unbeknownst to you, Bucky and Steve has come home from the mission early. Just your luck. They came home to an empty apartment and to be honest they were a bit confused.
"Y/n actually left the bed? Why would she be out, it's not like she has a life," Bucky said carelessly, looking around the apartment for you. Steve chortled and shrigge, partly agreeing with him. You hardly ever went out. You loved staying inside your room and the boys would often tease you about it. But you didn't know why they were complaining, they dont even like it that much when you go out. It makes them ""nervous"".
You were having a lot of fun on your date. Jackson was a pretty nice guy and definitely surprised you with his kind personality. You had expected him to be... well, you didn't know. But he really did surprise you. Back at home, Bucky thought to look on the Life360 app to see if he could know where you're at. His jaw dropped and He looked at Steve incredulously.
"This girl really just turned off her location!" Steve's brows furrowed as he stepped closer to him to grab the phone from him.
"What? Why would she do that?" Steve hummed. Bucky presses his lips in a fine line while looking at Steve with an unamused smirk, taking the phone back in his hands.
"Cause she's bein' sneaky, that's why. We're gonna find out what she's been doin when she gets home." Bucky sighs, taking a seat on the couch to wait for you. He sighs deeper and pulls out his phone again to text you.
Your laughing at one of Jackson's jokes when your phone buzzes. "Oh, excuse me this'll just take a second." You smile, taking out your phone. Your shocked at the text you receive.
Where are you?? And why is your location off?
You don't even realize you let out a loud breath until your date calls your attention. "Is everything alright?" You look up at him before softening your features and giving him a smile.
"Of course! Just my brother being annoying." You chuckled, texting back a quick reply before shoving your phone back in your pocket.
None of your business :))
Bucky gasped offended, growing more and more suspicious of what you were up to. For the next 20 minutes of your date, your phone was buzzing every 3 seconds, getting on your nerves. You inhale deeply, feeling bad that you had to cut Jackson off in the middle of his story. "I'm so sorry, I have to sort some things out in the bathroom. That sounded weird. No, I just have to take care of somethi- I have to use the bathroom!" You sighed, shaking your head and getting up. "I'll be right back." You leave after Jackson nods and smiles.
When you're in a bathroom stall, you get out your phone and roll your eyes and groan in annoy at all the texts your brother has been spamming you with.
None of my business?
It is my business
Answer me
I know you know I'm texting you. Answer the phone dummy 👁👅👁
Answer the phooone 🤪
I'm not gonna stop until you answerrrrrr
Knock knock :)
Helloooo darling sister???
Where are youuuu?
“Ughhh.” You groan, texting him back before heading back out to your date.
Stop being annoying!! It’s not healthy ;)
The date went well, until your brother decide to annoy the crap out of you, but overall, you really liked Jackson. You thanked him for the date and made your way home. You really didn’t want the date to end, because you were now dreading coming home, knowing you were going to be interrogated to death.
You prayed to god as you got closer to your floor that the boys were in their room so the you could slip in and sneak into your room with out being seen. But as fate would have it, they were waiting for you right in the open living room. You rolled your eyes and stepped into the apartment, setting your bag on the floor. Bucky and Steve immediately stood from the couch and put their hands on their hips in synch. “Where were you?” Bucky asked with a brow raised, looking you up and down noting you were pretty dressed up. The date had been pretty casual, but it was obvious that you put a little more effort than you usually put for doing random errands. You stayed there for a moment, standing there and feigning innocence before booking it to your bedroom. “Hey!” Bucky yelled, quickly running after you and catching you before you got to your bedroom.
He scooped you up quickly and dropped you on the couch, ignoring your weak threats and protests. He quickly straddled your waist to prevent you from escaping and Steve stepped closer to tower over the both of you. “Get off me!!” You spat, pushing at Bucky’s chest and punching his knees to get him off you.
“Tell us where you were.” Bucky said, brushing off your punches.
“Get OFF!!! I’m not telling you, it’s none. Of. Your. Business!” You growled, grabbing at Steve’s jeans to use him to crawl out from underneath your brother. Steve pulled away briefly to stop you and looked at you expectantly.
“Tell us where you’ve been, y/n.” Steve hummed. You pursed your lips and shook your head stubbornly. You were and adult and you could do your own things without them knowing about every little aspect in your life.
“I don’t need to tell you anything!” You yelled, pushing harshly at Bucky’s chest again. Bucky smirked and tased your side to warn you about what was about to go down. You flinched harshly and slapped at his shoulder, eliciting another squeeze at your side. You snorted, not wanting to give him the satisfaction but not being able to contain your laughter either. Bucky’s smirk grew as he began to pinch at your sides and ribs sporadically, making your laughter bubble up. “Quihihit it you jeheheherk!” You whined, failing at protecting yourself.
“Tell us where you went then, y/n!” He chuckled, keeping up his antics, using a hand to scribble into your belly. You couldn’t help the squeal that left your mouth as you turned side to side to try to distract yourself from the torturous feeling. Steve smirked and sat in the couch, next to your head and looked at you mischievously. “Still not gonna break?” He asked, grabbing your wrists in one hand and scratching lightly into your armpits. You shrieked at the feeling, pulling desperately at your arms and letting out loud belly laughter.
“STOHOHOHOP IHIHIT! IHIHIM NOT TELLING!” You yelled, cackling when Steve started moving his fingers faster.
“So stubborn. And ticklish.” Bucky hummed, lifting up your shirt and blowing a long raspberry on your belly, making sure to rub his stubble in it. You shriek, kicking your legs out, your stomach cramping a bit from all the laughter. Steve chuckled at your reaction and started fluttering his fingers under your chin and around your neck. It was hard to protect your neck because your arms were held above your head, so you had to just lay there and laugh it out. “She can never stand raspberries.” Steve chuckled fondly, laughing when you try to crane your neck down to bite him.
“She really can’t!” Bucky laughed, blowing another one right above your belly button to prove their point. “Now, think you’re ready to tell us where you went y/n? Or you wanna take some more?” He chuckled, giving you a break to breathe. Steve let your arms go for the moment and you panted, letting out residual giggles.
“Nohoho! I don’t have to tell you every little thing about my lihihife!” You whined, grabbing his hands to keep them at bay. Bucky tsk’ed and and shook his head at you before suddenly gasping.
“Did you go on a date?!” He asked, looking at Steve, his expression changing as well when he began to think about it.
You hesitated a bit before replying, giving it away instantly. “Nooo!”
“You did! You so did!” Bucky sang, starting you tickle you again, shaking into your ribs. You fell back in a fit of loud laughter and you shook your head side to side. Steve scoffed, still surprised at the discovery and stood up to sit at the opposite side, near your feet. “Tell us who he was! Where did you go!!” Bucky yelled, rubbing his beard up your side, all the way up to your ribs before nibbling on the skin. You let out an inhuman scream and began to push at his shoulders, but he wouldn’t move much. You went limp when you felt someone grab your feet in a headlock and start scribbling their fingers on your soles. Steve turned to look at you with a smirk and continued to torture you.
“It’s not hard, y/n, all you have to do is tell us where you’ve been and who’d you go with.” Steve sang, scribbling is fingers under your toes. It was no use trying to kick your feet out, you knew you weren’t getting out. Bucky decided to blow several tiny raspberries along your ribs and sides, switching over to the other side and doing the same.
“I HAHAHAHATE YOHOHOU!” You cackled, pulling at his hair. Bucky laughed and growled loudly before nestling his stubble in the crook of your neck and making nomming noises, just like he always used to do when you were younger. You let out a bunch of squeaky laughter, making Bucky chuckle.
“But you loved when I would tickle you!” He teased, mumbling into your neck. Your laughter was getting hoarse and with Steve spidering his fingers up to the spot behind you knees, and pinching your lower thighs, you knew you’d go insane if they didn’t stop soon.
“GUHUHUHUYS! STOHOHOP IT I MEHEHEAN IT!!” You squealed, kicking your legs out as much as you could. Steve chortled and stood up, motioning for Bucky to scoot over. Bucky stood up and you made your way to roll off the couch but Steve only took Bucky’s spot, straddling you and digging his fingers into your hips. You arched your back and let out a long squeal before bursting into hysterics, pushing at his hands. You were so desperate, that you actually looked to your brother for help, as if he was gonna help you. “BUHUHUHUCKY MAKE HIM STOHOHOHOP!”
Steve and Bucky looked at each other and laughed, Bucky shaking his head. “Geez, you’re tough to crack today! This must be some pretty interesting stuff that you wanna keep hidden from us... don’t worry though, we’ll get it outta ya eventually. We can stay here all night if we have to.” He sang, smirking when you shook your head at him.
“NOHOHO PLEHEHEASE! ILL TELL YOHOHOU!” You cried, knowing that they really weren’t going to stop until you told them. Also it was to the point where you couldn’t stand another second of this. You had to give in at some point. The boys cheered and got off of you, waiting patiently for you to catch your breath. “Gohohod. You guys ahahalmost killed me!” You yelled exhaustedly, sitting up a bit and holding your stomach. The boys looked at you with smirks and only shrugged.
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, tell us about the date. Was it a date?” Bucky asked. You sighed, rolling your eyes before telling them about Jackson and the date, and where you’d met him.
“He’s not good enough for you.” Bucky grounded. You sucked your teeth and groaned.
“You say that about every guy! No one is gonna be good enough for you. You’d be happy with me just being single my whole life!”
“Exactly! No one deserves you!”
“Bucky’s right! I mean, he didn’t even walk you home or anything. Did he buy you flowers? Did he come to pick you up? He’s not a true gentleman!” Steve exclaimed, Bucky nodding and agreeing with him.
“Guys! This isn’t the 40’s anymore! You know things are different. Even dates. I have my own car now. We just meet at the place and have our date. It’s not as... I don’t know it’s just not the same as the 40’s.” You sighed.
“Yeah, because romance and chivalry has been dying recently. Dates used to be so special and meaningful. Now it’s all just casual and no one even appreciates the quality of a good date anymore.” Bucky says, putting his hands in his hips. You sigh, looking away. Yes, that was true, but there was nothing you could do about it. Things change, sometimes even the best things. But the key was to adapt. And it was always easier for you to adapt to the modern world than it was for the boys. They had made many improvements, but they still had a few habits that stick with them to this day.
You just had to accept the fact that Bucky and Steve would always be protective of you no matter what, especially if it included dating. “Okay, you guys are right. Whatever. Can we just call it a night?” You asked, raising your eyebrows. Bucky rolled his eyes before nodding, offering a hand to help you off the couch. When you stood up, he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead.
“Goodnight dummyhead.” He smiled. You clenched you’re jaw and punched him lightly on the arm.
“Night, jerk.” You spat, giving Steve a hug and kiss as well before crashing on your bed and knocking out.
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xxfanficnationxx · 5 years
Lacuna// Teen wolf Rewrite
Wolf Moon Part 2
Part 1 
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually)
Warnings: none really 
A/N: I really love to put visuals, its my favorite part of writing. But if it gets too annoying then ill stop. I’m trying to make the reader as bad-ass as possible. I really wanted her to be extroverted and forward, basically the opposite of me. Hope you enjoy!
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You awoke early, 30 mins before your alarm. The events from last night still fresh in your mind. It’s time for school, so you began to get ready. Lucky for you, you had been planning your first day outfit for a while, it was laid on your dresser ready. Before you got ready, you went to check your bandage on your leg. It was almost soaked but dry with blood, it looked like it was even turning black. But then… you removed it, and the bite was gone. Completely gone. ‘Did I imagine it all?’ 
You heard keys clinking and steps coming up the stairs. “Knock knock, sleepy head” your aunt began to open the door. You quickly grabbed the bandage and tucked it under the sheets. Thank god it was dried blood. “Oh!” She exclaimed “You’re awake. That’s surprising. You excited to go to school! Make some friends?” She started to dance to you, sitting next to you and poking your sides. Even though she worked a full night shift. She still had so much energy. 
“Ughhh” you groan, falling back into your bed and pulling your pillow up to your face to block her out. “No! No new friends. Just get through the rest of high school.” She stands and starts to walk out. Chuckling to herself lightly. 
“Okay, okay. Well. Get ready! And let me know when we need to go.” She walks out and shuts your door. 
You grabbed the outfit and made your way to the bathroom to do your makeup and hair. You put on your outfit and stare in the mirror. 
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You actually look good, taking into consideration how you feel. 
Your aunt dropped you off a little later than the other kids because the principal wanted to meet with you beforehand. You walked onto the walkway leading to the front doors of the school, you saw a girl digging through her bag on the phone with someone. Then a man came walking towards the both of you. 
“Sorry to keep you two girls waiting” she looks up at him then to you. “Allison, this is Y/n.Y/n this is Allison.” She holds out her hand. 
“Nice to meet you.” A gorgeous smile graced upon her lips. 
“Nice to meet you too!” You reply, a bright smile as well. 
“So y/n you from Seattle?” The man states as he walks towards the door. 
“Yes I am, but I lived here before. Years and years ago.” You smile 
“Oh yes, and Allison San Francisco isn’t where you grew up?” He asks as he opens the door. 
“No, but we lived there for more than a year, which is unusual in my family.” She replies. Already peaking your interest 
“Well hopefully beacon hills will be your last stop for a while. Both of you.” He turns his head and looks at you. You smile, nodding your head. He opens a door leading you both in. “Class these are your new students, Allison Argent and Y/n Y/l/n. Please do your best to make them feel welcome.” He exits the room. And you see a seat open by the window. Allison lowers her head and walks to another seat, a boy turning and giving her a pen. She gives him a puzzled look before smiling and saying “Thanks.” 
You sit down setting your stuff down and preparing to highlight the hell of the syllabus. “Well begin with Kafka’s Metamorphosis on page 133.” The teacher says. 
You feel a tap on your shoulder so you turn slightly. “Hi, you said your name was Y/n” you nod feeling slightly uncomfortable. “Did you live here before? My names Stiles.” You lightly gasp as you start to recognize his features. 
“Yes, yes I did live here, umm hi Stiles. I don’t know if you remember me. I mean hell I barely remember you.” You smile. 
“Ms. Y/l/n, please turn around.” You slowly turn to pay attention. Slightly red in the cheeks for already getting called out. 
You feel the boy behind you start to sit up and whispers “I remember the name.” You smile. Still looking forward. Happy he remembers. Even if it’s only slightly. 
The bell rings, finally school ended and you see Allison up at her locker. You decide that it might be easier to be new girls together then apart. “Hi!” She jumps a little you start to say sorry but she stops you.
“Y/n! I’m sorry for being so jumpy! Just a little bit overwhelmed.” She opens her locker pacing her binder in it. 
“Tell me about it” you laugh a little. “So I was thinking you know, it’s probably better being new girls together rather than a-“ some redhead walks up and interrupts you. 
“That jacket is absolutely killer. Where’d you get it” you can tell Allison is a bit uncomfortable. She gives you soft look and looks back at the girl. 
“My mom was a buyer for a boutique back in San Francisco.” She nods slightly
The redhead looks at you. “And that outfit, I can tell I have some competition this year” She laughs. Points at both Allison and you and says “and you two are my new best friends.” 
At this point some boy comes up the her and starts sucking her face. You didn’t even know this girls name, at least you can tell your aunt you already made friends. You jerk your head a bit when you hear a girls voice loud and clear in your ear “can somebody tell me how new girls are here all of five minuets, and they’re already hanging out with Lydia’s clique?” You look away, trying not to make it obvious you can hear their conversation clearly. How strange. 
Another voice comes through. You recognize it as Stiles from earlier. “Because they’re hot. Beautiful people herd together.” You blush a little bit. “Scott you see that one girl. Yeah I think that’s y/n from when we were you-“ your focus is cut off from their conversation as Lydia starts to talk about a party this weekend. 
“Yeah Friday night, you should come.” Jackson says looking at you and Allison like we would be insane if we didn’t go. Allison begins making excuses of not going. But honestly to you, it seems fun. 
“Yeah sure totally I’ll go.” Lydia, as you now know because of that one girl from earlier, looks up at you and smiles
“Everyone’s going after the scrimmage” Jackson says. 
“You mean football?” Allison asks. 
“Footballs a joke in beacon.” Jackson laughs “the sport here is lacrosse” interesting. Seattle was all about football. “We’ve won state championship for the past three years.” 
Lydia goes on about how amazing Jackson is but you couldn’t stop thinking about how you could hear the other’s conversation a while ago. Was it just a Fluke. “Perfect. You’re coming” she grabs both Allison and your hands leading you to the field. You sit in between Allison and Lydia, really not excited about being there. You throw a quick text to your aunt about staying after school and that you’d just walk home, she was sleeping, but you liked to make sure she knew what was going on. 
You see stiles walk into the field with the same boy from first period. He didn’t see you, but you couldn’t help but stare. “Who is that” you hear Allison say. 
“Him?” Lydia replies. “I’m not sure who he is.” 
“Isn’t that Scott? Scott Mcall. Always hanging around Stiles?” You say. Making the connection. “We all used to be really good friends when we were young.“ you look away slightly red in the face. 
“He’s in our English class” she says. Then the refs whistle goes off. Scaring you a bit. It was loud. But you look to the field and notice Scott cowering and grabbing his ears just like you, only his seemed worse. You wondered for just a bit if he was experiencing the same thing you have been. 
Scott gets hit in the face and you flinch. That must have hurt. You see stiles in the corner of your eye shake his head. Just like that Scott started to catch balls perfectly. You hear stiles chirp with happiness. Making you smile, he really was goofy. 
“He seems like he’s pretty good!” Allison says. 
“Very good” Lydia replies. 
You start to zone out at this point. Staring at Stiles. He was jumping around like a maniac. He’s actually super cute, isn’t he.
After practice, you make the trek home. Smiling to yourself about how well today actually went. Then you realized something. The bite, it’s healed. So is your wrist. Could the hearing and sense of smell be some kind of response your brain is making to the bite! Is it rabies. Oh dear, I hope it’s not rabies. 
Your scrambled thoughts are interrupted by a car passing by. It’s a bright blue Jeep. It stops abruptly maybe 20 feet or so in front of you. You walk up, slightly worried you’re about to be kidnapped. As you get closer you can hear who's in there. 
“Let’s just pick her up. She walking all by herself. That’s not okay!” You recognized the voice of Scott. 
“Okay, but if she turns out to be some kind of serial killer, coming for revenge of all her childhood friends. I’m leaving you in the dust” Stiles says. You laugh a bit and walked the last 10 feet up to the window. 
“I promise I won’t kill you” You say in an ominous tone. 
“Ahh!” Stiles jumps and turns around. “Jesus, you heard that? How’d you hear that? You were like 20 feet away.” Scott look at you, head cocked a bit and squinted eyes. 
“You speak louder than you think.” You say with a chuckle. “So… a ride?” 
If you have any requests or just want someone to talk to, i’m here!
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dancingwithdylan21 · 6 years
The Truth Comes Out
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Summary: The reader’s quiet night at home is interrupted when Dylan shows up looking bruised and bloody.
Pairing: Dylan x Reader
Word Count: 2,307
“Thank god I live alone.” You grumble to yourself, thankful no one’s around to witness your behavior. You’re lazily sitting on your kitchen counter in a ridiculous onesie stuffing your face.
You twist open an Oreo, put a scoop of chocolate ice cream then add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. While singing along to the radio, you smoosh the Oreo back together and shove it into your mouth.
You’re really baffled as to why you’re not married yet. Your boyfriend would be crazy to not lock down all of this sexiness. Realizing it’s almost time for a new episode of Scandal, you make your way towards the couch.
You freeze when you hear someone fumbling with the lock on your front door. This is just fucking perfect. A creep is breaking into your apartment and on top of it, you’re gonna die wearing a onesie.
You run back into the kitchen, grab a large knife then move towards the door. This is such a bad idea. Most people would call 911 right about now but not you. You decide to check it out for yourself.
The sound is now suspiciously gone, making you feel annoyed at this whole ordeal. You stupidly swing open the door and you’re shocked by what you see.
“Holy shit! What happened?!” Your best friend is barely standing looking bruised and bloody in front of you.
“Ice.” Dylan groans ignoring your question as he stumbles into your apartment.
“Ok. Go sit down.”
“What’s with the knife?”
“It sounded like someone was breaking in!” You huff stalking into the kitchen.
“I tried unlocking it with my key but no luck.” He mumbles falling on to your couch.
“Here.” You hand him an ice pack and place a cold glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t I have a beer?” He whines glaring at the glass of water.
“Stupid.” He mutters under his breath.
“Damn, Dyl.” You sigh studying his split lip.
“I look sexy, huh.” He jokes before dragging his hand down his face.
“You must have a concussion.” You tease making him chuckle.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Y/N.” He replies stubbornly.
“Dylan O’Brien! Don’t make me kick your ass. We both know I could win right now.” You scowl at the stubborn man.
“But Y/N…”
“I’ll explain but can I just rest first?” He begs giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“How did you get here?”
“Tyler. He wanted to come up but I told him to go home.” You nod your head, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Ughhh.” Dylan moans as he tries to take off his jacket.
“You look like shit.” You frown staring at the fresh blood on his face, knuckles and clothes.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” He boasts before coughing and clutching his stomach.
“Maybe we should get you to the hospital, buddy. Looks like you bruised some ribs. They could be broken.” You add wearily.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. I’m fine. Plus you’re a nurse so there’s no point.”
“I’m sure you need X-rays or something. Maybe I should call Tyler.” You mumble nervously, you’re not strong enough to lug the dumb ass there yourself.
“If I’m not better by tomorrow then I’ll go, ok?”
You’re about to push the issue but get distracted by your Justin Timberlake ringtone. You glance at your phone and see your boyfriend’s name flashing.
“It’s Mike. He’s home sick. I better get this.”
“No! Don’t answer it!” Dylan shouts sending him into a coughing fit.
“What the hell was that?” You demand feeling completely out of the loop.
“Do you trust me?” Your best friend asks already knowing the answer.
“Obviously. Why?” He’s about to reply but grumbles when your phone starts ringing again.
“Don’t pick it up, Y/N. Please.” Dylan pleads, the seriousness in his voice is freaking you out.
“Why can’t I talk to my fucking boyfriend?!” You exclaim jumping up off of the couch in a panic.
“Calm down, Winnie.” He chuckles eyeing your Winnie the Pooh onesie.
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Shit. You forgot you had it on.
“You better spill, O’Brien!” You growl, pretending you’re not dressed as a Disney character.
“Mike’s the other guy.” Dylan reveals quietly refusing to make eye contact with you.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the one I fought with.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because he’s a piece of shit. I already knew but it was confirmed tonight.” Dylan snarls tightening his fists.
“Mike’s at home with a bad chest cold.”
“No. He was at Marty’s Bar tonight. I don’t think you’ve ever been there. It’s a few towns over.”
“Ask Tyler! He’s the one who broke up the fight. He actually clocked Mike really good in the process.” Dylan says with a crooked smile.
This can’t be happening. Is your boyfriend secretly a douchebag? If this came from anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. But it’s Dylan, he never lies to you. Ever. You trust him completely.
“What happened?” You sigh, feeling nauseous.
“He…well…I…” Dylan stumbles on.
“Anytime, O’Brien.”
“Mike was making out with a redhead. Some skank. No clue who she was but he was all over her.” He replies, concern etched all over his face.
“What the hell.” You whisper, tears now filling your eyes.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N. He’s not fucking worth it.“ Dylan stands up to comfort you but you’re not having it.
“Dyl! Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more. I’m fine.” You scold making him nod in response.
“Hold on.” You mutter, trying to catch your breath as you leave the room.
Your friend watches you try to hold it together and it breaks his heart. You of all people do not deserve this. Mike fooled everyone, making them think that he’s a great guy. But Dylan always knew he was a waste of life.
“Can you eat?” You ask walking back into the living room.
“Yeah. I think so.” Dylan shrugs looking confused.
“Take these.” You direct placing two pain pills in front of him.
“What’s this?”
“Tramadol. For the pain. I’m making you some toast. You should eat with those.”
“Y/N. Hold on. Come sit down so we can talk about this.” Dylan sighs knowing you’re in denial.
“There’s nothing to talk about. What do you want on your toast? Butter or jam?”
“Toast?” Dylan whines looking pathetic. “Don’t you have anything better?”
“You were just punched in the stomach, dude. More than once. Eat something bland first. Unless you want to take the chance of getting sick?” You raise an eyebrow. “I bet throwing up with bruised ribs is fucking fun.”
“Ok. Ok. I’ll eat the god damn toast. Butter, please.” He groans letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Good boy.” You pat his head, snickering at the annoyed look on his face.
“I thought having a hot nurse would be a lot different. This isn’t enjoyable at all.” Dylan glares making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry to disappoint, kiddo.” You chuckle pulling your hood on.
“And the outfit is all wrong. You’re supposed to be in a sexy nurse outfit, instead you look like friggin Winnie the Pooh.” He huffs gesturing to your onesie.
“Silly me. Next time I’ll be more prepared.” You respond sarcastically making him smile.
“That’s all I ask, Y/N. Put in some effort.”
“I would take the onesie off but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug innocently before strolling into the kitchen.
“Tease!” Dylan shouts from the other room making you giggle as you butter the toast.
Thankfully Dylan eats without complaining, he just sticks to a puss on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. The pills are kicking in.” He replies looking relieved.
“I’ll call Tyler soon.”
“For what?”
“To pick me up.”
“It’s almost 1am. Just stay here. If you won’t go to the hospital then at least let me take care of you.”
“Whatever you say, nurse L/N. You’re the boss.” Dylan wiggles his eyebrows.
“You need to change. You’re too bloody. I have some clothes you can put on.”
“Let me guess…Mike’s.” Dylan responds looking aggravated.
“Yup. Can you handle taking a shower? Now that the pain meds are working?”
“I can handle it.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Right.” You chuckle.
“Aren’t nurses supposed to help with that? You don’t want me to slip and fall do you?” Your best friend smirks with a gleam in his eye.
“You’re shameless.” You shake your head.
“I’ll help you…but you stay in your boxers.”
“Ok. But you need to be in your underwear too. Only fair.”
“Do you want me to feel self conscious?!” He answers dramatically.
“This coming from the guy who streaked at the pep rally in high school.” You can’t help but laugh at the memory.
“It was one of the best moments of your life, sweetheart.” Dylan cracks up, it quickly turns into a moan because of the pain.
“Take it easy, O’Brien. Don’t strain yourself.” You sigh grabbing his arm to help him stand up.
“Y/N! I can walk on my own. I’m not eighty.” He mumbles looking grumpy.
“Ok.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch him try to be a tough guy.
“Can I have real food now? I ate the toast.” He mutters moving slowly.
“After you get cleaned up, O’Brien. I have…” You get cut off by a loud pounding on your front door.
“Oh jeez.” You groan knowing it’s your boyfriend.
“Ignore him.”
“He has a key.” You snap annoyed with this whole night.
“Y/N?” Mike calls out, you hear his heavy work boots getting closer.
“Behave yourself.” You whisper to Dylan.
“Seriously?” He scoffs ignoring your glare.
“Y/N. Hey.” Mike walks into the room but stops short when he sees Dylan
“Leave Mike. We’re done.” You say coldly making him flinch.
“Baby, come on. Whatever this moron told you…it’s a lie.”
“Really. So you weren’t at a bar tonight? Making out with another girl?”
“Of course not! I was walking to the store to get cough medicine. This drunk jackass ran into me and he started throwing punches.”
“You son of a bitch.” Dylan snarls staring your boyfriend down.
“Look what he did to my face! My nose is broken. And he fucking killed my wrist. I won’t be surprised if it’s broken too. He’s a fucking animal.” Mike spits moving closer to Dylan.
“Jesus, Mike. You couldn’t have come up with a better lie than that? That doesn’t make sense. Dylan wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.” You huff, feeling anxious.
“Oh, he has a fucking reason. The bastard has been jealous of me since day one. He’s in love with you and hates that you’re with me instead of him.” Mike growls making both you and Dylan’s eyes widen.
“Oh Mike…” Dylan starts chuckling with a cocky as fuck smile.
“I guess this isn’t you then right?” He looks through his iPhone and then holds it out.
Your mouth drops when you see Mike and some slut making out. The bastard is wearing the same exact clothes he has on now.
“That could be anyone.” He lies looking guilty.
Dylan scrolls through, showing another picture where it’s crystal clear that it’s your boyfriend.
“Out.” You spit shoving Mike so hard he stumbles back.
“But baby…”
“I’m not your baby. Get the fuck out of my apartment and stay the fuck out of my life. I mean it!” You shout before slamming the door in his face.
You’re now frozen in place, a shit ton of emotions hitting you all at once. Without warning, tears start rolling down your face and you start sobbing loudly.
“Hey. Hey.” Your friend says softly wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sniffle trying to stop him.
“I’m ok.” He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I really didn’t want to show you those pictures. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” Dylan sighs wiping away a tear falling down your cheek.
“It’s ok.” You mutter, grabbing his hand leading him down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“You still need to get cleaned up, dear. It’s late. We’re both tired. So let’s get it done so we can sleep, ok?”
Dylan reluctantly agrees, not wanting to make things any harder for you. He holds in a groan when you hand him Mike’s t-shirt and sweatpants. That bastard, he’s gonna regret hurting you. Dylan will make sure of it.
“Do I have to sleep on the couch?” He asks giving you a sad face.
“No.” You chuckle. “Get into bed. I’ll be right back.”
Dylan gives you a wink and slowly moves under the covers. It’s obvious he’s pretending the pain is gone. Silly fucker.
“Here. Take this.” You hand him another Tramadol and a bag of his favorite chips.
“You’re trying to drug me aren’t you. So you can seduce me.” Dylan raises an eyebrow.
“Damn it. You found out my plan.” You giggle climbing in next to him.
“I knew it.” He mumbles before throwing chips into his mouth.
Dylan knows you have on a brave face, but he can always see right through it. He hates this.
“Come here.” He says softly holding his arm out so you can crawl underneath.
“You don’t need me leaning on your ribs. Just get some sleep.” You answer quietly shutting the light off.
“Y/N L/N! Get over here now.” Dylan commands, you roll your eyes but decide to listen anyway.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He pulls you closer, ignoring the pain and the pressure he feels on his ribs.
“The asshole was right ya know.” Dylan breathes out, his heart now beating faster in your ear.
“Mike…what he said…I am in love with you. Everything else was bullshit but that part is the truth.”
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I don’t know I’m just in the mood. I’ve listened to all of Taylor’s song’s endlessly but what do I think of them now in comparison to when I first heard them. It’s also good bc I haven’t properly listened to this one all the way through for a while. I deleted a bunch of music from my phone to have space for pictures when I went to a concert back in May. And I’ve been listening to recent stuff recently (not just Taylor). But this also makes it better…bc I feel like you can appreciate music even more sometimes when you haven’t heard it in a while
Anyways longest intro ever, I am pressing shuffle and to the music we go
Maybe one of the reasons this is the first album I feel like doing this with is because it’s fall and its gorgeous outside and ofc RED is the autumn album.
1st Song Holy Ground: 
I have to pause this immediately because I find this ironic - the rumored person that this song is about is everywhere on social media right now (congrats on your engagement). This song grew on me (to have background on me I LOVE slow songs so certain fast songs can take a while to grow on me…this was one of them). This one has a good beat to it.
I think I like the song best starting at the second verse, and the line “Spinning like a girl in a brand new dress” FAVORITE PART. You know this song got me dancing in my bed right now.This is the song when you have a bad day and you just need to let it go - this is that song to go to.
I apologize in advance for the messiness of this all
Song 2 Everything Has Changed:
My heart - It has melted and the song hasn’t even started. I remember when we saw the photos of them working together and I freaked out. Their voices sound so good together. The lines about the walls always stick out and I don’t know why and now it’s also making me think about cold as you. *Bridge starts* *Rolls eyes back* there’s no much to say about this one. It’s just beautiful. Well written, beautiful music, simple, a wonderful feeling. (Which I can not relate to lol I haven’t liked someone in like 4/5 years what) but still amazing
Song 3 - Sad, Beautiful, Tragic:
Wow soo beautiful. FUn fact senior year of high school I auditioned with this song to sing as a solo during our choir concert. I didn’t get a solo, which was fine with me but I was proud I went up and auditioned (I was so sick during this time too so I don’t know how on point my vocals were - they were probs fine but nothing spectacular) afterwards one girl was talking to me about Taylor and it made both of us happy.
Another one of my favs. I feel like this one is underappreciated. I don’t know how to describe any of my favs atm wow I suck at this. I love the feel of the train at the beginning. The feeling of coming and going. 
Distance, timing, break down, fighting… silence - wow. When it was there the lyrics really were a masterpiece on this album. Her voice is so soft on this song. When I think of this song I think of a letter, antique video playing of the amazing times, but also the emptiness in the goodbye. 
Song 4 - IKYWT: 
A BOP. I remember in high school, hating when people would laugh at the goat version. Now I can appreciate it. But I was just like don’t go at my girl. This music video - the talking part - important. One of my favorite lines is “A new notch in your belt is all I’ll ever be.” Also wow thinking about the intro of this 
----- My cat decided to lie on my chest so I'm switching to my phone so I can give him attention. -------
Anyways I was talking about the into of this on the 1989 tour. THe bridge is my fav part to sing 
5th -RED: 
a good song I sometimes forget about. "Remembering him comes in flashbacks and echoes... when I see it all in my head BURNING RED LOVING HIM WAS RED OH LOSING HIM WAS BLUE LIKE I NEVER KNOWN..." THE BEST PART 
6th - State of Grace: 
an amazing song to start the album with. (Why am I blanking did she open with this during RED - my mind blanks the most on the RED tour). The LYRICS. The build-up. (How do I describe what I see in my head) it's almost like an Ariel shoot?? Surprisingly the second verse is my favorite part of this song - the lyrics. "Mosaic broken hearts". The bringer was still amazing tho. 
7th The Last Time:
 I'm listening to this. I've always liked the last time, it has a good rhythm to it and I always enjoy singing it. But it's very different than her other songs which I've seemed to forget. This song is SOFT but it also has a build to it which if your heart broken you can scream along to this. THIS IS THE LAT TOME IM ASKING YOU THIS. Girl move on he doesn't deserve you. You should always be there if he cares. RIP. That's when you know you're losing someone. I'm realizing right now that this album has the most collabs too I never thought of that before. I think bc I always think of ed first but even so, I feel like her collabs on her albums are different than when other ppl have collabs on their albums. 
Wow, Treacherous came on and for a second I thought it was state of grace again... 😧. This was my og FAV. ALSO, HER OUTFIT EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS BEING PERFORMED WAS BEAUTIFUL. Tell me why I'm a sucker for slow songs. But there was something different about this song. It's sooo stripped back. The backing male vocals on this is SO IMPORTANT. A great song to show off her vocal ability. This is like the build-up to IKYWT but it went wrong. (Just realized I listened to the demo instead of the og song 
Girl at home: if I'm being honest this is one of my least favorite. Lyrically I'm like 🙃. Musically it's fine. I think it's just not as deep as I would like. Would group with speak now bonus tracks which aren't my fav either. But it's also something about the word stupid. Idk there are certain words in songs. Then again the moment I knew says birthday and I enjoy that song. Idk. Lesson learned ofc is my fav part. 
9th Come Back…Be Here: 
MY FAVORITE SONG OFF THE ALBUM. I don't know what about this song it's so pretty. This is falling in love in the cruelest way ughhh. I think it's a combo of probs the guy I liked in high school. Harry. The music in general. Her voice. Idk all of it. But it tends to fall behind enchanted when I think of my all time fav tay songs. Idk I just REALLY REALLY RWALLY EEALLY LIKE this song 
The Moment I Knew: 
This song is raw. You get a very clear picture of what may have happened. And you're just sad for Taylor. This is one of those moments when you don't want it to take over you but you feel like everything has shattered. I imagine her spinning around, everything is spinning and everything is crashing because she can't find him. This album really is all over the place. With the styles. The things you forget when you listen to it all together for the first time in a while. I tend to shuffle all of her songs. Or the albums I was listening to during the summer were 1989 and fearless on shuffle. 
11 - The Lucky One:
I need to watch the RED tour footage of this bc I can only partially remember it and I feel like it needs to be appreciated. This has always been a mid-tier song 
Begin Again: 
always one of my fav. Slow, but this one is happy. AlsoCAN WE TALKABOUT THE PURPLE DRESS BECAUSE THAT WAS GORGEOUS. This song is also growth in Taylor like she's able to start moving on and there's this beautiful new hope. Regardless if she dated this guy anymore. 
aka the song of the year from aug 2017-Sep 2018. Been sending this to everyone on their special day. "Whose Taylor swift anyways" I love her. If you're just looking for a good time - look no further. 
14th- We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together: 
probs my least fav music video BUT I LOVE how it was filmed. Weeee---ee the best part. "Like ever" "with some indie record that's much cooler than mine" and ofc the talking part during the bridge all good lines. This was one of those songs. Love it or hate it it's stuck in your head and you low key like it. I like how raspy and deep the end gets. 
All too well: 
I need a moment of silence. And the FULL version of the song. The B asEST song off the album. Beautiful. Grammy performance SPECTACULAR BEAUTIFUL WONDERFUL HEARTWARMING. AND HER DRESS GORGEOUS. WOWOWOWOWOWW The most autumn song on the album. 
I Almost Do: 
I think when this first came out that I struggle between which I liked more I almost do and all too well. Now it's no question. But again. A. Goood. Song. Just not as complex.,, I like the line never ever occurred to you bc wanegbt. 
For whatever reason, I always group this song along with stay stay stay and The Lucky One and out of the three this one is my favorite. Good beat. Happy.
Stay Stay Stay:
Not my favorite. I like that it has a country vibe. I feel like similar to girl at home, it’s not as complex as I would like it. With that said we have “self-indulgent takers.” The grocery line always sticks out to me. If I’m in the mood its happy bop. The bridge - again is my favorite part
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sakisakasaikou · 7 years
Omoi Omoware Furi Furare Ch 26 Translation
Scans here
p1 Love makes progress during the cultural festival! It's finally time to head to the night party--
I'm filled with nerves, but still want to reach out this hand.
p2 Message: I have something I need to tell you, Akari.
Akari: .......
Akari: Yuna--? Are you here?
p3 Yuna: Akari-chan...
Akari: Yuna---! There you are! Yuna: Akari-chan!!
Yuna: Akari-chan!! Akari: Whoa Yuna: Akari-chan!! Akari: What-- what happened?
Yuna: I-- Agatsuma-kun..... confessed to me...
p4 Shiba: Oh!
Shiba: I got a message from Agatsuma. Rio: Eh?
Message: Sorry! I had the key. I managed to get off the handcuffs. I'm heading back to class now.
Shiba: "I'm heading back to class now," he says.
Shiba: What's with that! He had the key all along! We searched for it so hard. Well, so long as it was found, right?
p5 Rio: .... Yeah.
Yuna: I... I....!
Yuna: This is the first time in my life I've ever had someone confess to me!
Yuna: And I... was so surprised... And... um... and then...
Akari: Don't worry, don't worry. Take a breath. Here.
p6 Yuna: :breathes out:
Yuna: Agatsuma-kun said...
Yuna: Let's go together to the night party...
Akari: (Kyaaa! I thought so! I thought he liked her!!)
Yuna: I was concerned about Rio... I was feeling kind of down because of it... And Agatsuma-kun noticed how I felt.
p7 Yuna: I always knew he was a nice guy, but that made me think it even more.
Yuna: To have someone like that confess to you is honestly a really wonderful feeling. Akari: Yes, yes! Of course it is! Anyone would be happy!
Akari: So... are you saying... What did you answer him?
Yuna: .......
p8 Yuna: I turned him down.
Yuna: I know he's a really great guy.
Yuna: But, I really do love Rio.
Yuna: But... it seems as though Rio is going to tell someone he likes them, at the night party.
p9 Yuna: I'm such an idiot and so stubborn about it.
Akari: That's not true at all! Akari: The fact that you know yourself so well right now is really, really amazing, Yuna!
Yuna: You always say such nice things about me.
Yuna: I had a feeling you'd say something like that.
p10 Yuna: I probably told you because I wanted to hear it.
Yuna: You're my safe space.
Akari: (But I really think that.)
Akari: (The things I don't have enough of, you have so completely. I think that's so amazing.]
Yuna: Akari-chan.
Akari: ? Yes!
p11 Yuna: I've decided I have to tell Rio one more time how I feel.
Yuna: Before he confesses to someone else, I need to convey my feelings.
Akari: Eh? Today? Right now?
Yuna: [nods]
p12 Yuna: I just turned down Agatsuma, and his confession influenced me... It makes me want to tell Rio.
Yuna: Is that terrible?
Akari: ......
Akari: You probably know what I'm going to say, don't you?
p13 Akari: Of course I'm on your side. So go do your best!
Yuna: .....
Yuna: Okay! Thank you!
[LINE msg sounds]
Akari: Oh, it's from kano.
p14 Kazu: Oh, Yamamoto-san's here.
Akari: Heyy!
Kazu: Huh? Wasn't Yuna with you? Akari: Oh yeah. She has something to do. She said she isn't coming back to class, just heading straight to the night party.
Kano: Sorry to call you back, Akari.
Kano: We're about to head home, so we wanted to say bye. Akari: No problem! I should say sorry for being so all over the place. Where's Ryousuke?
Kano: He's already out at the front gate.
p15 Akari: Thanks for coming today. I'll call! Kano: Sure! Come out our way sometimes, too. Akari: Bye!
Announcement: The cultural festival is now closing.
p16 Kazu (?): Let's clean up a little before the party tonight. Akari (?): Suuure. Someone: Are these okay to take down?
Akari: ........
Akari: Oh.
Kazu: That didn't get a prize. It's too bad. I thought it was a first place entry.
Akari: Yeah... me too.
p17 Akari: Inui-kun. Kazu: Hm?
Akari: Will you give me a push?
Kazu: Eh? Like this? Eyy. Akari: This is such an old joke.
Akari: When I realized I would have to move, and I'd be split from my friends...
p18 Akari: How I really felt about it...
Kana: I don't really want to go! I want to be with you guys forever! Why is this happening?
Akari: Even though I want to be like that, and I want to be able to say things openly...
Akari: I'm so scared someone will say, "What's with you all of a sudden?"
Kazu: [PUSH] Akari: Wha-!
p19 Akari: Um, you know... Kazu: [PUSH]
Akari: Eh? Eh... Kazu: [PUSH, PUSH, PUSH]
Akari: What in the world. Is this a thing now? I don't get it.
Kazu: So what if someone says that? I mean, you want to say it, don't you? So go do it.
p20 Akari: ....... One more time.... please.
[A request for more support.]
Kazu: No matter what anyone says to you, you've got me.
Akari: Eh?
p21 Kazu: Ah... um...
Kazu: Me... and Yuna and Rio are here for you, so what do you have to be afraid of?
Kazu: Nothing should scare you.
Akari: [I have it too.]
Yuna: You're my safe space.
Akari: [A place that will accept me unconditionally.]
p22 Akari: [It's right here.]
Akari: I'll be back!
p23 Shiba: Ah! Agastuma---!
Agatsuma: I'm back!
Rio: !
Shiba: You took a long time, considering you said you'd be right back. Agatsuma: Oh, sorry, sorry. I ran into some little kids and played with them a little.
Agatsuma: Is everyone out of their costumes already? Shiba: Like a long time ago.
Agatsuma: And...
p24 Agatsuma: Looks like you have something you wanna ask me, Rio.
Agatsuma: And I have something I have to tell you, too.
Agatsuma: So.......... yeah. I told her how I feel.
Agatsuma: I have a feeling you already kinda knew.
Rio: [suspense]
Rio: ...... Yeah.
p25 Agatsuma: So, I was turned down.
Rio: Eh?
Agatsuma: She says she has someone she likes. Rio: !! Eh! Who?
Agatsuma: She didn't tell me. But Ichihara-san...
p26 Agatsuma: Intends to tell him during the night party. Rio: HA?!
Agatsuma: Somehow I gave her the courage. She thanked me. Rio: (Yuna-chan)
Rio: (Has someone she likes.)
Rio: (And she's even going to confess soon.) Rio: No way.
p27 Agatsuma: Aaaaaaah. Both our chances close tonight along with the festival.
Yuna: (What should I do?)
Yuna: (I'm so nervous I can't move.)
p28 Yuna: (I have to go find Rio now, before he goes and tells someone else his feelings.)
Yuna: (I've been saying this to myself since Akari left!)
Yuna: (Wahhh... my nerves keep building...)
Yuna: [grip]
Yuna: (I was so fired up just a little bit ago! Get that back, me!)
p29 Yuna: (Ughhh but it's so scary.)
Yuna: (I mean, if I think this through, he has the intention of confessing to someone, so a confession from me would just be a bother. And he's already turned me down once.)
Yuna: (Aren't I awful?)
Yuna: (Ahhh... There's the sound of my courage deflating... Wait-- don't leave me--)
p30 Yuna: Forget this! I'm going!
Yuna: (Before my courage is gone completely....!)
Yuna: !!
[SPLASH] Yuna: It... it's cold...
p31 Yuna: Haha... It's... cold...
Yuna: (Even though I'd just made the decision to wrangle up my courage... This is horrible.)
Yuna: (How could I confess to Rio-kun, who sparkles so much, in a messed up outfit like this?)
p32 Yuna: (Is this an omen that I shouldn't do it?)
Yuna: (Maybe it is. If I don't do it, I could stay his friend forever. Yes, yes.)
Yuna: (Ah... That's made me feel so much calmer.) Yuna: .... And...
Yuna: I'm pathetic.
p33 Yuna: So pathetic. I hate myself.
Yuna: Akari even told me I was amazing, and here I am.
p34 Rio: No, I can't.
Agatsuma: Eh?
Rio: I'm not done yet.
Rio: I haven't said anything yet.
Rio: It doesn't matter who she likes. But before her confession
p35 Rio: I have to at least let her know how I feel.
Agatsuma: Eh?
Agatsuma: Rio!
Agatsuma: ........
p36 Kazu: Rio?
Kazu: Are you looking for someone? Rio: Oh Kazu!
Rio: Is-- Is Yuna-chan here?
Kazu: No, she's not in the class. Rio: What, for real?
p37 Rio: (Where could she be? There's no time. I'll ask her through LINE where she--) !!
Rio: (Damn, I left my phone in my locker.)
Rio: (At a time like this? Should I go get it? But...) Kazu: What's wrong? Are you okay?
Rio: (Right! If I get Kazu to send her a message--) Rio: KAZU! Kazu: Yeees?
Rio: Could you Announcement: The night party will commence shortly. Rio: WA-- Rio: UWA Kazu: ? Announcement: All students please report to the grounds.
p38 Announcement: I repeat. The night party will commence shortly. Yuna: I have to hurry.
Announcement: All students--
Rio: Damn, I have to hurry.
Both: (Once the party starts---)
p39 Kazu: Oh come to think of it, Yuna had something to do.
Rio: (Something....) Kazu: She's going straight to the party without stopping by the classroom, I heard. She might already be down at the grounds.
Rio: Got it! Thanks!
Rio: (I messed up-- for her to not be in the classroom--)
p40 Rio: (It's not that I want to get in her way. It's okay if she doesn't accept me.)
Rio: (I just want her to know.)
p41 Yuna: (I want to say it again.
Yuna: (I'm so much better than I was back then. And a feeling as strong as this--)
p42 Both: (I can't let it end without saying it out loud.)
EXTRA PAGES Shiba: (Two of my friends have fallen for the same girl.)
Shiba: (Yamamoto Rio. He's completely aware of his good looks so he's kind of a show off. He's the kind that some people would get annoyed at. But he's a totally great guy.)
Shiba: (Agatsuma Haruto. He's a gentle type that packs a punch. The kind of guy that girls look straight through. But he's a totally great guy.)
p2 Shiba: (If I were Ichihara-san---!) Shiba: WHICH SHOULD I CHOOSE? I like both! Shiba: (They're both my friends!)
Agatsuma & Rio: So have both?
Shiba: Eh? There's no way that could work...
Shiba: (Huh?) Shiba: A double cone! Shiba: (There was something I was worrying over... Well, whatever!)
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dancingalone21 · 8 years
The Truth Comes Out
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Summary: The reader’s quiet night at home is interrupted when Dean shows up looking bruised and bloody.
Pairing: Dean x Reader 
Word Count: 2,352
“Thank god I live alone.” You grumble to yourself, thankful no one’s around to witness your behavior. You’re lazily sitting on your kitchen counter in a ridiculous onesie stuffing your face.
You twist open an Oreo, put a scoop of chocolate ice cream then add whipped cream and chocolate syrup. While singing along to the radio, you smoosh the Oreo back together and shove it into your mouth.
You’re really baffled as to why you’re not married yet. Your boyfriend would be crazy to not lock down all of this sexiness. Realizing it’s almost time for a new episode of Scandal, you make way towards the couch.
You freeze when you hear someone fumbling with the lock on your door. This is just fucking perfect. A creep is breaking into your apartment and on top of it, you’re gonna die wearing a onesie.
You run back into the kitchen, grab a large knife then move towards the door. This is such a bad idea. Most people would call 911 right about now but not you. You decide to check it out for yourself.
The sound is now suspciously gone, making you feel annoyed at this whole ordeal. You stupidly swing open the door and you’re shocked by what you see.
“Holy shit! What happened?!” Your best friend is barely standing looking bruised and bloody in front of you.
“Ice.” Dean groans ignoring your question as he stumbles into your apartment.
“Ok. Go sit down.”
“What’s with the knife?”
“It sounded like someone was breaking in!” You huff stalking into the kitchen.
“I tried unlocking it with my key but no luck.” He mumbles falling on to your couch.
“Here.” You hand him an ice pack and place a cold glass of water in front of him.
“Can’t I have a beer?” He whines glaring at the glass of water.
“Stupid.” He mutters under his breath.
“Damn, Dean.” You sigh studying his split lip.
“I look sexy, huh.” He jokes before dragging his hand down his face.
“You must have a concussion.” You tease making him chuckle.
“I don’t wanna talk about it, Y/N.” He replies stubbornly.
“Dean Winchester! Don’t make me kick your ass. We both know I could win right now.” You scowl at the stubborn man.
“But Y/N…”
“I’ll explain but can I just rest first?” He begs giving you his best puppy dog eyes.
“How did you get here?”
“Sammy. He wanted to come up but I told him to go home.” You nod your head, wondering what the hell is going on.
“Ughhh.” Dean moans as he tries to take off his jacket.
“You look like shit.” You frown staring at the fresh blood on his face, knuckles and clothes.
“You should’ve seen the other guy.” He boasts before coughing and clutching his stomach.
“Maybe we should get you to the hospital, buddy. Looks like you bruised some ribs. They could be broken.” You add wearily.
“Don’t be so dramatic, Y/N. I’m fine. Plus you’re a nurse so there’s no point.”
“I’m sure you need X-rays or something. Maybe I should call Sam.” You mumble nervously, you’re not strong enough to lug the dumb ass there yourself.
“If I’m not better by tomorrow then I’ll go, ok?”
You’re about to push the issue but get distracted by your Justin Timberlake ringtone. You glance at your phone and see your boyfriend’s name flashing.
“It’s Mike. He’s home sick. I better get this.”
“No! Don’t answer it!” Dean shouts sending him into a coughing fit.
“What the hell was that?” You demand feeling completely out of the loop.
“Do you trust me?” Dean asks already knowing the answer.
“Obviously. Why?” He’s about to reply but grumbles when your phone starts ringing again.
“Dont pick it up, Y/N. Please.” Dean pleads, the seriousness in his voice is freaking you out.
“Why can’t I talk to my fucking boyfriend?!” You exclaim jumping up off of the couch in a panic.
“Calm down, Winnie.” He chuckles eyeing your Winnie the Pooh onesie.
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Shit. You forgot you had it on.
“You better spill, Winchester!” You growl, pretending you’re not dressed as a Disney character.
“Mike’s the other guy.” Dean reveals quietly refusing to make eye contact with you.
“What do you mean?”
“He’s the one I fought with.”
“What?! Why?”
“Because he’s a piece of shit. I already knew but it was confirmed tonight.” Dean snarls tightening his fists.
“Mike’s at home with a bad chest cold.”
“No. He was at Marty’s Bar tonight. I don’t think you’ve ever been there. It’s a few towns over.”
“Ask Sammy! He’s the one who broke up the fight. He actually clocked Mike really good in the process.” Dean says with a crooked smile.
This can’t be happening. Is your boyfriend secretly a douchebag? If this came from anyone else, you’d tell them to fuck off. But it’s Dean, he never lies to you. Ever. You trust him completely.
“What happened?” You sigh, feeling nauseous.
“He…well…I…” Dean stumbles.
“Anytime, Winchester.”
“Mike was making out with a redhead. Some skank. No clue who she was but he was all over her.” He replies, concern etched all over his face.
“What the hell.” You whisper, tears now filling your eyes.
“Please don’t cry, Y/N. He’s not fucking worth it.“ Dean stands up to comfort you but you’re not having it.
“Dean! Don’t move, you’ll hurt yourself more. I’m fine.” You scold making him nod in response.
“Hold on.” You mutter, trying to catch your breath as you leave the room.
Dean watches you try to hold it together and it breaks his heart. You of all people do not deserve this. Mike fooled everyone, making them think that he’s a great guy. But Dean always knew he was a waste of life.
“Can you eat?” You ask walking back into the living room.
“Yeah. I think so.” Dean shrugs looking confused.
“Take these.” You tell your best friend placing two pain pills in front of him.
“What’s this?”
“Tramadol. For the pain. I’m making you some toast. You should eat with those.”
“Y/N. Hold on. Come sit down so we can talk about this.” Dean sighs knowing you’re in denial.
“There’s nothing to talk about. What do you want on your toast? Butter or jam?”
“Toast? Don’t you have anything better?” Dean whines looking pathetic.
“You were just punched in the stomach, dude. More than once. Eat something bland first. Unless you want to take the chance of getting sick?” You raise an eyebrow.
“I bet throwing up with bruised ribs is fucking fun.”
“Ok. Ok. I’ll eat the god damn toast. Butter, please.” He groans letting out a dramatic sigh.
“Good boy.” You pat his head, snickering at the annoyed look on his face.
“I thought having a hot nurse would be a lot different. This isn’t enjoyable at all.” Dean glares making you roll your eyes.
“Sorry to disappoint, kiddo.” You chuckle pulling your hood on.
“And the outfit is all wrong. You’re supposed to be in a sexy nurse outfit, instead you look like friggin Winnie the Pooh.” He huffs gesturing to your onesie.
“Silly me. Next time I’ll be more prepared.” You respond sarcastically making him smile.
“That’s all I ask, Y/N. Put in some effort.”
“I would take the onesie off but I’m not wearing anything underneath.” You shrug innocently before strolling into the kitchen.
“Tease!” Dean shouts from the other room making you giggle as you butter the toast.
Thankfully Dean eats without complaining, he just sticks to a puss on his face. “How are you feeling?”
“A little better. The pills are kicking in.” He replies looking relieved.
“I’ll call Sammy soon.”
“For what?”
“To pick me up.”
“It’s almost 1am. Just stay here. If you won’t go to the hospital then at least let me take care of you.”
“Whatever you say, nurse L/N. You’re the boss.” Dean wiggles his eyebrows.
“You need to change. You’re too bloody. I have some clothes you can put on.”
“Let me guess…Mike’s.” Dean responds looking aggravated.
“Yup. Can you handle taking a shower? Now that the pain meds are working?”
“I can handle it.” He scoffs with a frown.
“Right.” You chuckle.
“Aren’t nurses supposed to help with that? You don’t want me to slip and fall do you?” Dean smirks with a gleam in his eye.
“You’re shameless.” You shake your head.
“I’ll help you…but you stay in your boxers.”
“Ok. But you need to be in your underwear too. Only fair.”
“Do you want me to feel self conscious?!” He answers dramatically.
“This coming from the guy who streaked at the pep rally in high school.” You can’t help but laugh at the memory.
“It was one of the best moments of your life, sweetheart.” Dean cracks up, it quickly turns into a moan because of the pain.
“Take it easy, Winchester. Don’t strain yourself.” You sigh grabbing his arm to help him stand up.
“Y/N! I can walk on my own. I’m not eighty.” He mumbles looking grumpy.
“Ok.” You cross your arms over your chest and watch him try to be a tough guy.
“Can I have real food now? I ate the toast.” He mutters moving slowly.
“After you get cleaned up, Dean. I have…” You get cut off by a loud pounding on your front door.
“Oh jeez.” You groan knowing it’s your boyfriend.
“Ignore him.”
“He has a key.” You snap annoyed with this whole night.
“Y/N?” Mike calls out, you hear his heavy work boots getting closer.
“Behave yourself.” You whisper to Dean.
“Seriously?” He scoffs ignoring your glare.
“Y/N. Hey.” Mike walks into the room but stops short when he sees Dean.
“Leave Mike. We’re done.” You say coldly making him flinch.
“Baby, come on. Whatever this moron told you…it’s a lie.”
“Really. So you weren’t at a bar tonight? Making out with another girl?”
“Of course not! I was walking to the store to get cough medicine. This drunk jackass ran into me and he started throwing punches.”
“You son of a bitch.” Dean snarls staring your boyfriend down.
“Look what he did to my face! My nose is broken. And he fucking killed my wrist. I won’t be surprised if it’s broken too. He’s a fucking animal.” Mike spits moving closer to Dean.
“Jesus, Mike. You couldn’t have come up with a better lie than that? That doesn’t make sense. Dean wouldn’t start a fight for no reason.” You huff, feeling anxious.
“Oh, he has a fucking reason. The bastard has been jealous of me since day one. He’s in love with you and hates that you’re with me instead of him.” Mike growls making both you and Dean’s eyes widen.
“Oh Mike…” Dean starts chuckling with a cocky as fuck smile.
“I guess this isn’t you then right?” He looks through his iPhone and then holds it out.
Your mouth drops when you see Mike and some slut making out. The bastard is wearing the same exact clothes he has on now.
“That could be anyone.” He lies looking guilty.
Dean scrolls through, showing another picture where it’s crystal clear that it’s your boyfriend.
“Out.” You spit shoving Mike so hard he stumbles back.
“But baby…”
“I’m not your baby. Get the fuck out of my apartment and stay the fuck out of my life. I mean it!” You shout before slamming the door in his face.
You’re now frozen in place, a shit ton of emotions hitting you all at once. Without warning, tears start rolling down your face and you start sobbing loudly.
“Hey. Hey.” Dean says softly wrapping his arms around you.
“You’re gonna hurt yourself.” You sniffle trying to stop him.
“I’m ok.” He chuckles kissing your forehead.
“I really didn’t want to show you those pictures. I was hoping I wouldn’t have to.” Dean sighs wiping away a tear falling down your cheek.
“It’s ok.” You mutter, grabbing his hand leading him down the hall.
“What are you doing?”
“You still need to get cleaned up, dear. It’s late. We’re both tired. So let’s get it done so we can sleep, ok?”
Dean reluctantly agrees, not wanting to make things any harder for you. He holds in a groan when you hand him Mike’s t-shirt and sweatpants. That bastard, he’s gonna regret hurting you. Dean will make sure of it.
“Do I have to sleep on the couch?” He asks giving you a sad face.
“No.” You chuckle. “Get into bed. I’ll be right back.”
Dean gives you a wink and slowly moves under the covers. It’s obvious he’s pretending the pain is gone. Silly fucker.
“Here. Take this.” You hand him another Tramadol and a bag of his favorite chips.
“You’re trying to drug me aren’t you. So you can seduce me.” Dean raises an eyebrow.
“Damn it. You found out my plan.” You giggle climbing in next to him.
“I knew it.” He mumbles before throwing chips into his mouth.
Dean knows you have on a brave face, but he can always see right through it. He hates this.
“Come here.” He says softly holding his arm out so you can crawl underneath.
“You don’t need me leaning on your ribs. Just get some sleep.” You answer quietly shutting the light off.
“Y/N L/N! Get over here now.” Dean commands, you roll your eyes but decide to listen anyway.
“Are you sure?”
“Yeah. I’m feeling better now.” He pulls you closer, ignoring the pain and the pressure he feels on his ribs.
“The asshole was right ya know.” Dean breathes out, his heart now beating faster in your ear.
“Mike…what he said…I am in love with you. Everything else was bullshit but that part is the truth.”
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xxfanficnationxx · 5 years
Lacuna// Teen Wolf Rewrite
Wolf Moon Part 3
Last Part
Pairing: Stiles x Reader (Eventually)
Warnings: awkward moments, language, underage drinking, full moon
A/N: This part is a little longer than the others, I just wanted to fit it all, instead of having two very short ones. Plussssssss, Y/E/C stands for your eye color. 
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The car ride was a little bit awkward. You sat in the passenger seat. Scott was in the back. You decided to break the ice a bit. “so... I met your dad last night” they both look at you confused, you stutter, “I-I was jogging in the woods when I ran into him. Told me to go back home. Why was he out there?” The memory of getting attacked flashes back to you.
“Oh, you didn’t hear. They found a body in the woods” You turn to look at him.
“Oh woah, that’s crazy. I didn’t think things happened like that around here.” You say
Stiles just replies with a drawn out “Yeahhhh” and it went back to silence. Stiles kept looking into the rear view mirror, looking back to Scott. Scott was making faces to stiles almost to like he was nudging Stiles on. After Stiles looked away and shook his head, the three of you finally pull up to your house and when you go to open the door thought popped into your head.
“I don’t know if I’m being to forward but, maybe could I have your guys’ number to hang out sometime? Maybe see if a spark is still there” You chuckle. The two boys looked at you, smiling. 
You exchange phone numbers and exit the car, walking to the porch and getting your keys out to open the door.
“Yeah yeah, I know. But you never know. Maybe she’s cool. We did used to be best friends.” You head Scott say. You pull the hair over your ear, and look back at them. Focusing your hearing as they start to drive away.
“Well I don’t remember her looking like that. She’s kinda hot now.” Stiles says glancing at you. You smile, then wave, he awkwardly waves back. 
“Yeah it’s called growing up” Scott replies. You see him look at you out of the window with a quizzical look, almost as if he knew you were listening.
You got into the house and started researching your symptoms. Is it contagious? Some kind of rabies? You fell asleep on your desk, tabs upon tabs open about diseases and even some about lycanthropy. What is happening to you.
You awoke the next day to your phones alarm. Papers were stuck to your face, you looked very flattering. You turned off the alarm on your phone, and saw the battery! “Ughhh, Shit!” You forgot to plug in your phone last night. You quickly plugged it in and ran out your door, on a mission to shower quickly. You almost run into your aunt on your way there “Oops! Sorry!” She just chuckles and walks back to the kitchen. You reach for the handle of the shower and rip it off! “What the…” You say quietly, fumbling trying to put it back together. Since you were running late, all you could do was gently put it on the pipe, definitely not fixed. 
You aunt comes running down the hall, “I’m sorry! I’m sorry!” She fumbles, bending down catching her breath, “They held me late today at work. You almost ready?”
You smile, still in your pajamas, then you run into your room. Forgetting about the shower entirely. 
You get ready for the day. Speed dressing, because you were already behind schedule.
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You got school and made it through the day, fairly easy. There was a scrimmage after school for the lacrosse team, Allison convinced you to go, and offered you a ride home after. On our way there she told you about how she ran over a dog last night and wanted to text you but she didn’t have your number. You quickly gave it to her and told her to tell you if anything like that happens again, to call you.
Allison said something about her locker and walked away, though you were too focused on the anger flowing from the halls. As you turned around a corner, you found Jackson and Scott. You dodged around the corner, hoping they didn’t see you. 
“Now, you listen Mcall…” Jackson says in a low threatening voice. You turn the corner and see them, you duck around the hall hoping they didn’t see you. “You’re going to tell me exactly what it is and who you’re buying it from, because there’s no way in hell you are out there kicking ass on the field like that without some sort of chemical boost.” You were confused, did Jackson think Scott was doing drugs.
“Oh! You mean steroids!” Scott says. “Are you on steroids?” Next think you heard was a slam on the lockers. You were about to turn and help Jackson started talking again.
“What the hell is going on with you Mcall!” Jackson yells. Making your ears ring.
“What’s going on with me!” Scott says “you really want to know! Well, so would I! Because I can see hear and smell things that I shouldn’t be able to see, hear and smell. I do things that should be impossible, I’m sleepwalking three miles in the middle of the woods, and I’m pretty much convinced that I’m totally out of my freaking mind!”
‘What…’ you stumble back, the same things are happening to him, except the whole sleepwalking thing. You had to speak to him about it. Maybe you both have the same disease.
You took a walk to clear your mind, then finally made your way to the field. All the boys were on the field huddled and jumping. You found Allison and sat with her. You really didn’t like lacrosse, it was something else. You sat zoning out and thinking about songs in your head. That is until you saw Scott start to do flips on the field, ‘what the hell’ you thought to yourself. Coach told Scott that he was first line and everybody cheered. You even cheered, happy for your childhood best friend. 
You got home and began to get ready for the party. You really wanted to make this your whole debut. Your mindset of finding friends has really changed from the first day. Everyone seemed so nice and you didn’t want to go through high school as the lonely girl.
You did your makeup very glam, and did your hair nicely. Next was the outfit, oh dear the outfit. You didn’t know what to wear, you changed about 50 times. But the end product was good, maybe even a little bit too overdressed. ‘Please let this not be a jeans kinda party’. You felt a little tired, worn down, but you chucked it up to the bad night sleep.
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Your aunt let you borrow the moped, it was bright yellow, super worn but cute nonetheless. It had a matching yellow helmet. It sat in the garage most of the time so this was nice, maybe she’d let you keep it.
You arrived to the party and walked through the house. You immediately felt worse, the music caused you a bit of a headache. You never feel like this, Why now? You walk through the kitchen and see a lot of people dancing outside.
“Allison!” You call. She smiled super wide and walks over.
“Oh my gosh, Y/N you look so pretty. Now I feel under dressed” she laughs and points to her clothes.
“Oh please, you fit in. I definitely don’t” talking a bit loud because of the music. “Scott hey! I didn’t see you.”
“Hey Y/n, were gonna go dance!” He yells walking away, Allison’s hand in his. She turns to look back at you.
“Call me” you mouth with your hand up to your ear like a phone. She nods and laughs turning away to follow Scott through the crowd. You’ll have to find another time to talk to Scott. You don’t wanna ruin their date.
Just as you were going back inside for some drinks you ‘literally’ run into a familiar face. “Stiles?” You laugh apologizing.
“Y/n hey! I didn’t know you were coming here.” He looks at you, quickly taking a glance at your outfit.
“Yeah, yeah. I know. I’m overdressed…” You sigh looking down at your outfit. “The party’s I went to in Seattle were a bit different” you chuckle.
“Yeah I bet!” He smiles, that smile, made your stomach go all bubbly. Maybe you should talk to him. I bet Scott tells him everything.
“Can we talk over in the hall? Where it’s quieter, I need to ask you some questions.” You say with a serious tone. He looks at you concerned but nods anyway.
After finding a quiet place you begin to freeze. Should you tell him… you have to. What if it’s dangerous. “So… I heard Scott talking to Jackson earlier today. He said something about how he was seeing, hearing and doing things he couldn’t have before.” Stiles looked at you with wide eyes. You could hear his heartbeat rapidly increasing. “I think… I think it’s happening to me too” You say. He squints at you, then puts it together. He hits himself on the head and spins around.  
“Shit! Of course! You were in the woods the same night that Scott was, did you get attacked too?” He said the last part quieter.
You gulped. “Yes, something like a bear bit me and broke my wrist. It was all healed in the morning though. I don’t understand what’s happening… I mean… I..” You began to get dizzy everything spinning. You hadn’t had that much to drink. Stiles begins to grab you.
“Y/n are you okay?” Suddenly Scott zooms past us “Scott?” Stiles puts your arm over his shoulders and makes the way towards the door to follow Scott. Scott hops in his car drives off, Allison gets in the car with someone else it was all very fuzzy.
Stiles brings you to the Jeep and begins to drive. “Y/n I’m gonna follow Scott okay! Are you okay?”
You turn to him eyes glowing white, he yelps and starts to drive faster towards Scott’s house. Your head was in your hands you were breathing heavy. “Stiles” You say low, almost a growl “pull over”. You felt like, if you didn’t get out of the car, you were gonna pounce on him. 
“Pull over? We have to get to Scott’s.” He says panicking.
“Pull over…” you glance up at him. “Now!” You growl. Orange and black stripes forming on your face, eyes glowing bright white, fangs loud and clear.
“Ahh, oh god” Stiles pulls over. You immediately get out walking towards the woods. Your ears begin to curve and your claws grow out of your hands. You feel the fur grow on your jaw in the familiar striped pattern. Red, all you see is red. You run as fast as you can to the forest losing your heeled boots on the way. “Y/n!” Stiles calls out, you flinch at the sound of your name, you look back to stiles before entering the line of woods, your eyes flash back to (Y/E/C) ones. You heard a noise in the woods, and just like that you were back in kill mode.
You ran through the woods, all you wanted to do was run. Your mind coming back in waves as you begin to realize what you were doing. You hear leaves cracking around you as you look around, petrified. “Where is she” you hear some people say
“She’s safe, from you” you moved towards the people, then someone grabbed you.
“Ahh!” You screamed you managed to get down and growl at the attacker.Trying to look as threatening as possible. Teeth bared, eyes wide. You see Scott, at least it smells like Scott.
The Attacker jumps and tackles Scott. You immediately run after them. “What did you do with her!”
You stumble down the hill behind them. The strange man points to you. “Shh quiet!” There’s a pause “too late. They’re already here” he looks back at you “You, run!”
You run in an opposite direction as them, fighting all urges to get down on all fours. An arrow almost takes your head off. You look back to see men following you. Another arrow, this time you get hit in the stomach. You fly down falling on your back. You immediately get up and run as fast as you can, hands holding the arrow in your stomach. You run around a tree, leaning against it and rip out the arrow, trying to control your breathing.
You begin to focus on your hearing, trying to locate the men. “What the hell was she?” One man said. You located them about 30 feet behind you.
“We need to go, Argent will know how to deal with this” another man says. They turn and walk away from you.
Suddenly, the mysterious man from before appears in front of you. You gasp, he places his finger on your lips and mouths “be quiet”. His face inches from yours.
‘Wow, this mysterious man was a hottie.’ You thought to yourself, eyes wide. He grabs your hand and leads you somewhere, taking you to an old abandoned house.
“We will be safe here” he says and leads you into the empty cold house. He shuts the door and you slide down the wall.
“Who are you, who were they?!” You asked, still confused from earlier. Your eyes beginning to shut.
“Derek, Derek Hale” He says, “and those people, that’s a story for another time.” Laying you down on the floor. You felt like you could sleep for the rest of your life.
You awoke to the noise of revving, before even opening your eyes you felt something warm, and heavy on your shoulders. You open your eyes to see Derek. Still loopy, you chuckle. He turned to look at you. ”Good morning” he smiles a bit. “I’m bringing you back home.”
That’s all you remember, next thing you know, you’re in your bed, phone plugged in next to you alarm going off. You’re so out of it, you can barely sit up.
“Honey are you awake?” Your aunt walks in. Her look turns from happy to concerned. “Are you okay?” You nod your head
“Yeah, yeah. I’m okay.” You say glancing at the time.
“Okay well, I worked a double yesterday. I think I’m going to go to bed, just take the Scooter, if you need to go anywhere.” She smiles. Softening your hair and placing a hand on your cheek before walking away.
‘What the hell happened last night’
End of episode 1!!! hopefully you’ve been liking it!
Taglist: @bolaurel​ @iclosetgeek​ @cutiepiemimi13​ @stilessarcasmqueen​
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