#ughhgghhhhhh they’re so important to meeee <33333
plinkcat-gif · 2 years
🐇 🤍 🍄 for the obkkrn asks!!!
🐇 who is the most emotional?
canon-adjacent: oh obito for sure, at least openly. especially as a kid (have i mentioned emotional disregulation) and into his teens, he’s very prone to Big Emotions. cries, gets angry, feels so happy he cries (he cries a lot.)
modern: also obito, but with less emotional disregulation fskdjdjs, and he doesn’t cry as much. but he still gets frustrated with homework easily, cries at pictures of bears (it’s his special interest btw) and stuff.
but on the flipside. kakashi feels emotions the most heavily of them, especially love. he loves his two people very much and is extremely attached to them. he’s just bad at coping with emotion so he just. doesn’t. so he doesn’t come off as the most emotional
🤍 how do they comfort the other when they're upset?
rin requires a thorough talk-through about what’s upsetting her :3 she’s a very open communicator, and stating the facts is good for her two boys who may misinterpret things. and this way, they can figure out how to help her (she’ll explicitly state what she needs too so they don’t have to fumble around figuring out what she wants). obito and kakashi are very happy to provide for her, and watching her favorite show together on the couch is usually involved <33
obito struggles to identify his needs, and sometimes pain makes him snappy :( he tries not to be, but depending on what’s upsetting him, he doesn’t have the focus to stop himself. some advil and a quiet, dark space is usually enough to help him, but if he’s feeling destructive, they have a punching bag. once he’s sorted through his feelings and can relax, he goes straight to his partners for cuddles and comfort :333 sometimes it’s a massage from rin, sometimes it’s kakashi making him a snack or petting his hair, sometimes it’s just laying with them! it really depends on context, but he likes touch as comfort.
kakashi has a tendency to isolate himself, and they’ll let him do so for half an hour to an hour before they help him. he requires some encouragement sometimes, because sometimes he just doesn’t want to talk, and they usually let him get away with it. if it’s really bothering him and they can tell, they’ll usually get it out of him, but that’s pretty rare. most of the time, they sandwich him between them in bed and act as a barrier to the world so he can think/talk/cope/do whatever he needs to do. he likes to be held and he likes to be hugged and he likes to be close when he’s upset because it makes him feel cared for, but really only in their bed in the dark lol. he’s just not really comfortable with it anywhere else, and they understand that :3 doesn’t stop them from pulling him into a torturous hug from time to time tho SHDJSK <333
🍄 what was their first date like?
modern au: their first official date was probablyyyy in place of prom night. they probably just went and got food at a cheap restaurant and then went to kakashi’s house to watch the sunset together (he has the best view because he’s got a lot of land that used to be farmland.
canon-adjacent: also probably just a restaurant and a quiet walk in the evening together! nothing too crazy lololol
ask game!! please send more i’m out and i want to answe more :3
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