#ugh. looking at the screen makes my head hurt though and i’m developing a fever but hey. at least.. uhh. uhhh
milimeters-morales · 2 years
jefferson is so silly to draw. he’s so square
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rickybowensfever · 3 years
Sicktember - Zach has a headache
Another @sicktember post! Today’s story is with my oc’s Kylie and Zach. 
Missing Out 
 Zach and Kylie are in the last week of summer before their senior year of high school and want to make every minute count. So, when Zach arrives at Kylie’s family’s End of the Summer BBQ looking flushed and develops a headache, Kylie drops everything to take care of him. 
Zach swings by the kitchen where his sister, Emily is garnishing her avocado toast — a sprinkle of paprika, an egg over easy — before taking the right Instagram photo to share with her friends.
“‘Morning!” Zach croaks, startled by the sound of his voice. Must just be my morning voice he tries to convince himself. 
He grabs a glass from the wooden cabinet nearest to the refrigerator and pours a glass of orange juice for himself before finding a quick breakfast. 
His eyes grow wide when he sees a white plate with four pieces of bacon lying on it. He quickly takes piece by piece until only one remains on the plate. 
 “Zach!!” Emily exclaimed, her eyes raised and face scrunched in annoyance. 
“Those were for Mom!” she explains, holding a hand on her hip. 
“Sorry…” he mutters, “That would’ve been nice to know before, you know” he gestures his hands to the plate of bacon, pouting his lip. 
“Ugh, it’s fine. I can just make more” 
“Sorry, I have to be at Kylie’s soon for their barbeque and I totally woke up late,” he says trying to justify his actions. 
 “Oh, nice! I’m going to try and stop by later with Kara”  she half-smiles. Emily has been seeing a girl named Kara for over a month now since they met at her summer job as a school nurse at a summer day camp. Emily’s first job since she graduated from Med School. 
 Zach touched his Home screen button to reveal the time, 12:48 PM with five unread messages from Kylie probably asking him where he was. 
 “Fuck. I better go” Zach said, panicked. He had been up late watching Netflix aimlessly and his throat was sore. He had tried everything: tea and honey, gargling with salt water, and honey-flavored cough drops. Nothing was curing the aching in his throat. 
Finally, around 2 am, he was able to fall asleep thanks to some NyQuil. 
But, he was deeply regretting his decisions when he woke up at 11:45 am after Kylie told him to get to her house at 12. 
Luckily, the pain in his throat had hindered. Please, don’t do this to me again, he said into his mirror as he pulled on a blue t-shirt and khaki shorts. 
 Zach pulled into the Daniels’ driveway which was beginning to pack up with cars. As he parked his car, Kylie’s brother, Blake ran over to him waving his arms around in excitement. 
Blake was a year younger than Kylie and Zach, playing in a band with some of his high school friends. 
“Yo! You playing tonight?” Zach asked as he got out of the car to greet him with a handshake. 
Blake laughed, “Nah. I got out of that tonight. One of my bandmates is taking their brother to college,” he said. 
Blake escorted Zach to the back gate where their ingrown pool was fenced in and the party was brewing. Kylie waved to her boyfriend the minute she saw him. She wore an ombre purple bikini top with denim shorts and flip-flops, pulling out pool noodles for the kids to play with. 
Zach smiled, walking over to her, greeting her younger cousins. He pulled her in for a kiss on the cheek.
“Do you have any water?” he asked feeling dehydrated. 
Kylie perked up, turning her head toward him. 
“Yeah! Right in the blue cooler”, she mentioned, throwing a couple of pool noodles into the pool at the kids. The kids screamed with excitement, one laying on their stomach and the others blowing water out the trunk of the noodle. Kylie giggled. 
Zach pulled a cold water bottle out of the cooler and sighed out of relief. Suddenly, he felt light-headed and super thirsty. He chugged the water bottle until only drops of water remained. 
“Let’s go inside. My mom still needs help getting everything set up” she mentioned. 
Zach nodded, following her lead. 
Kylie closed the gate over and started heading into the house. 
When they walked into the Daniels’ home, Zach was immediately greeted by her family members. 
“Zach! Nice to see ya,” Uncle Tim said. Zach nodded waving at him. “I’ll be right back, you chat” Kylie whispered in his ear. 
Zach shrugged. “Ready for senior year? Do you have any colleges picked out?” Aunt Michelle (Tim’s wife) asked. 
Zach dreaded this question. He wasn’t sure what he wanted to do. 
“Uh, I’m going to community college, actually,” he said, confidently. 
“Oh,” they said in unison. Zach was so used to hearing the disappointment in their voices when he told any adult he wasn’t going the “traditional” route for college. 
Why was it so bad that he’d rather save money and figure out what he actually wanted to do instead of contributing to being in crippling debt from student loans? His sister had done the same thing and now, she landed a job as a school nurse. When he figured out whatever the hell he wanted to do in life, he would be successful, too. 
“Yeah! Trying to save money” he said smiling at them. This was his cue to walk away. He walked over to the sectional in the living room across from the kitchen where the TV was playing a re-run of a Food Network competition. 
Once the winner was revealed and another episode started, Zach looked around for his girlfriend. The chatter of Kylie’s loud relatives made his head start to hurt and fatigue set in. 
His eyes lit up when he saw a hint of purple and his girlfriend bringing in a folded chair for an elderly woman to sit in. He ran over to Kylie as soon as he saw her. 
 “Hey. Can I go lay down in your room? I have a headache” he said, talking low so no one could hear him. 
“Sure. Do you want some Advil?” she asked, pouting her lip with concern, “You look a little flushed” she mentioned. 
Zach nodded, “Yeah, that’d be great” and jogged up the stairs turning a corner in the hallway to enter her room. 
The noise died down as he closed the door. Now only hints of loud voices were in the distance. Zach grabbed a fuzzy blanket from a wicker basket and lied on top of her dark purple comforter, closing his eyes as his head pounded. 
Then, the door opened. 
Kylie rubbed his back saying, “Hey, I brought some water and Advil” 
Zach opened his eyes and grabbed the two pink tablets from her hand, chasing them with the water. 
“A nap might help? You look exhausted” she said brushing her hand through his soft brown hair. 
He nodded, “Thanks” and curled back into his position. A shiver went through his body. Making Kylie now more concerned. 
“Do you feel okay? Besides the headache?” she asked quietly. 
“Mhmm” Zach mumbled. “Alright, I’ll check in later, or come and get me if you’re feeling better,” she said, closing her door over. 
 Zach woke up an hour later, feeling cold, his throat burning, and his head pounding more than earlier. He groaned. He could just go home and rest, but driving felt impossible. 
He laid in the bed trying to muster up some strength to send Kylie a text. He waited, counted to five in his head, and slowly picked his body up. 
Z: come here pls i need u 
K: coming! 
He threw his phone down and curled back up in his position. Shivering under the one blanket from earlier. 
The door opened and Kylie quietly walked. 
“Hey, everything okay?” she asked, calmly. 
Zach opened his eyes seeing she changed into a Lakewood University shirt - the college she was most eager to attend. 
“Need to go home. Can’t drive” he muttered. 
“Aw, what’s wrong?” she asked, worried.
“Everything,” he said, his voice raspy. “I just need to go” 
Zach groaned. “Babe, you can stay here. I don’t mind. I know you don’t feel well” she offered. 
He was silent. 
Kylie held in a laugh, resting the back of her hand on his forehead. “I think you have a fever,” she said frowning. 
“Why don’t you stay here until you’re feeling a little better? Then, I’ll drive you home” she suggested. “Your sister and your mom are already here, so I don’t think anyone would even be at your house”
“Okay,” he mumbled.
 “Let me get you some medicine and see if you have a fever,” she said, running out to the hallway closet where the Daniel’s stored their medicine. 
Kylie returned to the room with a bottle of Tylenol and a digital thermometer. 
“I’m sorry, but I need you to get up. Please” 
Zach slowly, painfully got up and looked at his girlfriend. 
Kylie frowned at his glassy eyes and pink cheeks. 
“This should help relieve your symptoms for a bit,” she said gesturing to the pink bottle.
Zach just looked at her. He looked exhausted, she thought. 
She poured the liquid into a plastic measuring cup and handed it over to him. Zach took a big gulp of the medicine, wincing from the taste. 
“It’ll make you feel so much better. I promise” she said smiling softly, then grabbing the digital thermometer. 
“Next,” she said holding the thermometer in the air. Zach opened his mouth, letting the instrument rest under his tongue. 
“I’ll get some more blankets while we wait,” she said softly. 
Even though he felt like utter shit, Zach was so grateful for Kylie. She would drop anything for him, even their family’s annual barbeque. Even before they made things official, as just friends, she was still always there for him. 
Beep. Finally, the thermometer beeped as she held two blankets in her arms. 
She placed the blankets on the bed as Zach lied on his back with the blanket she gave him earlier. 
Kylie took the instrument out of her boyfriend’s mouth and read it. “Okay, you probably just have a bad cold. Nothing we can’t fix! And, you have a little fever, but the medicine should help with that ” she explained. 
Zach grabbed the blankets at the end of the bed, ignoring whatever she was saying. 
“Zach? Are you listening to me?” she asked noticing her boyfriend’s extra blanket. 
He placed the blanket on top of the other and sighed out of relief. 
“Sorry, what did you say?” he asked. 
Kylie sighed. “I said, you have a little fever. But I think you just have a bad cold. Nothing we can’t fix” 
Zach nodded, feeling warmth under the blankets. “Sorry. I really was looking forward to today” he muttered. 
“Oh, don’t even worry! We had a great summer, anyway. Now, let’s get you better” she said kissing him on the forehead. 
See more of Zach and Kylie! 
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; More, Blood ー Azusa Maniac [Epilogue]
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Before I realized,
my whole body had been covered in bruises.
However, everyone single one of them,
was definite proof that I was needed.
When I looked at it that way, they seemed so precious,
I even developed a habit,
of talking to them every night before going to bed.
And, Melissa.
Just by having you three by my side,
I can sleep peacefully.
Just by having you three by my side,
when I wake up from my undeep slumber,
I can feel as if I am no longer my past self,
who didn’t have a reason to be here.
There is one more thing,
which has changed,
ever since you guys came into existence.
Up until now,
I only got others to punch me,
but now I’ve learnt to hurt myself as well.
To ensure that you guys,
don’t disappear from this world.
When I run a knife against my skin,
it swells up ever so slightly.
When it does,
red blood starts dripping out afterwards.
The larger the amount,
the more I feel as if I have something I must protect now,
which makes me feel extremely proud.
ー The scene starts with a flashback of a younger Azusa in the orphanage
Azusa: ...Uu.
Cough, cough...
( Aah, I’m so happy...The others punched me so much! )
( I feel as if the damage isn’t just being dealt to the outside as of late, but that I’m hurting inside as well... )
( I’m out of breath or feel pain from even the slightest effort...Fufu! )
Azusa: ( I’ve been catching colds like this quite frequently as well... )
( My fever has gone down...But I still feel light-headed... )
Azusa: Say, Justin? How long was I bedridden foーー
( How? Why are Justin and the others nearly gone!? )
Justin...? Where are you!? Justin!!
...No, don’t go!
Azusa: ( Why!? Why!? WHY!? )
How...? I-I covered you guys in so many bandages so nobody would be able to touch you!
Azusa: Where have you gone off to, Justin...!?
Azusa: Come back. Return to my side...
Azusa: It’s because...I’ve been stuck in bed with this cold...
Azusa: Justin...You must be upset, because I haven’t been talking to you, right...?
Don’t go, please don’t leave...
*Slash slash*
Azusa: I’ll never get sick again! So stay by my side, Justin.
*Slash slash*
Azusa: Forgive me...I’m sorry I couldn’t protect you. I’m so sorry...
*Slash slash*
Azusa: ...Aah...Aah...! Justin came back!!
*Slash slash*
Azusa: More...Come closer...Let me embrace you...!
*Slash slash*
Azusa: ...Aah...Welcome back, Justin...Haah...
Yuma: ...You. Whatcha been doin’ over there this whole time?
Azusa: ...!!
Yuma: Don’t be so alarmed. I don’t bite, ya know?
Azusa: ...Was it you?
Yuma: Hah?
Azusa: ...Are you the one who tried to take Justin away from me?
Yuma: Hmー ...Whatcha talkin’ about? Well, I have no idea what you’re talkin’ ‘bout so don’t worry, it’s probably not me.
Azusa: ...
Yuma: You can’t, huh? Well, I don’t really care. Here.
Azusa: This is...?
Yuma: Can’t you tell? It’s bread. Bread! (1)
Azusa: Why...are you giving this to me?
Yuma: Why...? You’re recoverin’ from a cold, right? Ya gotta eat well.
Well, I beat someone up for it though. But it’s still better than lettin’ it go to waste, right?
Azusa: ...Thank you...
...B-But...You can have this back.
Yuma: Aah?
Azusa: ...I’m friends with thieves after all.
Yuma: Uhm...So what?
Azusa: So...You’re better off not getting involved with me...
Yuma: ...
But why? For some reason, I really don’t get what you’ve been tryin’ to say this whole time.
But well, ya don’t seem like a bad guy. I’ll give ya the bread. Eat it!
I’m not hungry anyway. If ya really don’t want it, just throw it away.
Azusa: ...
Yuma: Ah? What’s with that silly face? Hehe...! Ya really are one funny guy!
I know someone just like ya. I’ll bring him with me next time, ‘kay?
See ya~
ー Yuma walks away
Azusa: ...
Somebody who doesn’t hurt me,
also doesn’t need me.
Therefore, when he handed me the bread,
I had absolutely no idea,
how he felt about me.
He didn’t hurt me,
so surely I must not be needed in his eyes.
Yet, if I’m unwanted,
why would he give me the bread?
While gazing at the spot he was standing,
I found myself lost in thought for quite some time.
I couldn’t find the answer.
I simply,
felt an overwhelming desire to cry.
ー The flashback ends as the screen fades to black
???: ...
Yui: ( This voice is...? )
???: ...
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–> If you are playing the Limited V edition or the Grand Edition, little black roses will appear on the screen. If you click on them, you get an extra line of dialogue.
“Your body...is so very warm. It feels really nice...I want to stay like this forever.”
“Are you curious about...this song? In that case...I’ll hum it for you one more time...”
“Your sleeping face...was very cute, you know? ...Fufufu~ Are you mad because I was watching you...without permission?”
Yui: ( Aah...It really is Azusa-kun. )
( Right, I...I suddenly lost consciousness while Azusa-kun was drinking my blood... )
( Even right now...My body feels heavy... )
Azusa: Nn...?
...Aah...Did I wake you up?
Yui: No...Actually, what song were you humming just now?
Azusa: I wonder...? I forgot.
Yui: I see...That’s too bad. It was a very nice song.
( However, somewhat sorrowful as well... )
( Almost being killed by Father made me realize this but... )
( Being all alone is so much more painful than being physically hurt (2). )
( Azusa-kun must have felt the same way when he was still human... )
( No. I’m sure that...he must have been much, much more hurt. )
( Then Justin and the others must have been the ones soothing said pain. )
( In Azusa-kun’s eyes, those scars on his arms which are his friends - as well as his family... )
( Azusa-kun... )
Azusa: ...Right, Yui-san. Why don’t you try humming a song too?
Yui: Eh? ...Me?
Azusa: Yeah. I want to hear your voice...Please?
Yui: S-Sure. I’m not very confident though...
( Like this, maybe...? )
Azusa: ...
I wonder why? When you sing...It sounds like a song bursting with hope.
Yui: You’re giving me too much credit, Azusa-kun.
Azusa: That’s not true.
It’s not just your singing either...You are...Right, so very mysterious.
You resemble...Yuma when I first met him.
Yui: Yuma-kun?
Azusa: Exactly.
...Kind of warm and gentle...
...I kind of don’t know how to react.
Yui: Azusa-kun...
Azusa: Say...Let me suck your blood. I feel as if I can learn to understand you better, the more I drink your blood.
ー Azusa bites her
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Azusa: ーー Ugh.
Haah, nn...Nn...
Yui: Ah...
Without waiting for my response, 
Azusa-kun pierced me with his fangs.
I will no longer fight back.
If anything,
I am starting to feel a sense of peace,
because of his warmth.
I wonder what I mean,
to Azusa-kun?
I wonder if I could ever,
be that kind of person,
he can share his sadness with...?
Translation notes
(1) In Japanese, he repeats the word パン or ‘pan’ and divides it into syllables being ‘pa’ and ‘n’. However, the word ‘bread’ is only one syllable in English, so I simply repeated the word.
(2) Literally she says ‘Than having your body cut’. 
<- [ Maniac 10 ] [ Ecstasy Prologue ] ->
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