#ugh time for me to go watch comedy and tap dancing videos to not be sad about this
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my 2024 scp art summary !!!
i feel so emotional right now because i feel like i drew these JUST a week ago time went by really quick wtffff 🥹
#scp#scp foundation#scp fandom#2024 art#2024 art summary#GOD im emotional it really feels like i drew these not too long ago#guess who my favorite character is (impossible) teehee#ugh time for me to go watch comedy and tap dancing videos to not be sad about this
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Lie to Me-3
Here’s part 3!! Just one more after this! Enjoy!
Here’s part one if you missed it
You hadn’t heard from Luke in two days. You thought for sure he’d call you the second you walked into your apartment after your date, if anything just to ask how it went.
The wait was absolute torture. What made it worse was he really had no obligation to call or anything. He promised a date, and he delivered. You tried to just erase him from your mind, but of course that was impossible, especially when you had managed to find his Instagram. Luckily his account was public, so you were able to freely scroll through picture after picture of his dog, drink after drink and girl after girl with the occasional song recommendation or silly video of himself. From his page, it seemed like he was just another fuckboy. Who would guess this was the same guy who took you for a star-lit picnic? He didn’t truly care about you, just his image. This is what you kept telling yourself, despite thinking differently just a few nights before. Just as you had given up hope of ever hearing from him again as you stated miserably at your blank screen, you received a text notification.
Luke 4:01pm: What are you doing tonight?
You couldn’t believe it, replying almost instantly despite your better judgement.
You 4:02pm: Have some work to finish up, but no plans rn
You 4:02pm: Why??
You tapped your screen in impatience as you waited for his response.
Luke 4:05pm: Great I’ll come get you at 7. There’s a party tonight, so where something nice 😉
You 4:07pm: What makes you think I wanna go??
Luke 4:07pm: Well if you didn’t then you would have said no already…or just never responded
Luke 4:07pm: See you soon
Of course you wanted to see him again, not that you would admit it. The logical side of you was offended Luke would think you would just go along with his plans so last minute, that he didn’t even bother saying hello just telling you what to do. That side of you was determined to ignore him, forget about this party. However, the other side of you, the part of you that didn’t follow logic or reason was thinking about all you needed to do to get ready in the short time frame you had. There wasn’t much of an argument between both parts of yourself, for only a few minutes went by until you decided to get in the shower.
Leaning against a counter, you looked around the room in front of you. Lights, music, dancing, drinking…it was a great party you had to admit. You couldn’t help but keep an eye on Luke in the corner of the room talking to a group of people. Couldn’t stop yourself from noticing the girl he was currently looking at as she spoke, or how pretty she was.
“What are you doing here all by yourself?” you heard from beside you.
Looking up, you saw a tall, dark and handsome guy with messy black hair and amused grin. He had one of those smiles where you couldn’t help but smile back.
“Well I came with someone…but he abandoned me with the words ‘I’ll be right back’. So here I am in a room full of strangers.”
“Ouch…what an asshole”
“Yeah he is”
“So who is this guy anyway?”
“Luke? You know tall guy…blond hair…can’t take no for an answer and drags people to a party and is oblivious when he abandons them?”
“Yeah… I know him well” he chuckled. “I’m Calum by the way, I’m kind of his best friend”
“You’re kidding….”
“Unfortunately that asshole is very dear to me…so if you came with him you must be Y/n right?”
“Ugh he told you about me huh?”
“Yeah he mentioned you….he likes you a lot Y/n, so as his mate I must warn you not to break his heart”
“Luke?” you scoffed. “Please, the guy just keeps me around because I’m the first girl to tell him no and not faint when he graces me with his smile. That makes me the ultimate challenge right?”
“Is that what you think?”
Suddenly Calum was right in front of you, placing his arms on either side of you, trapping you against the counter behind you.
“What are you doing?”
“Proving a point, now just go with it ok? I saw you staring at him, which means you know exactly where Luke is at this moment right? Without making it obvious, tell me is he looking over here right now?”
“Um...” you glanced around the room, briefly looking over to where Luke was standing. You met his eyes for a brief moment, saw the way his body stiffened, the confused look on his face. “Yeah… he’s looking at us.”
“And if I do this…” Calum said as he put his arms around your waist, and began nuzzling your neck. His hot breath on your neck making you instinctively shiver, making him laugh. “Perfect, now what is his reaction?”
You glanced up at Luke, his eyes still on you.
“He’s….He looks upset…and confused…hurt maybe?”
His reaction surprised you, since you thought he honestly wouldn’t care if he even bothered to notice. Luke wasn’t the type to get attached to a girl, much less to you….was he?
“Believe me that he’s in love with you yet?” Calum asked, as lifted his head to look at you, arms still around your waist.
“Love? Please I’ve known him for like a week…”
Calum simply hummed, studying your face carefully. He seemed to find the answer he was looking for since he laughed, then left simply giving you a wink as he told you goodbye.
Still in shock and processing what just happened, you looked over to where Luke was, to look for some type of sign to reassure you he didn’t really care about you. However, when you looked over to the corner, to the group of people still laughing and talking, he was no longer there. You quickly started scanning the room, hoping he hadn’t just disappeared and left you there. He was your ride after all. Your frantic search was halted when you heard laughing beside you.
“You wouldn’t be looking for me now, would you love?” Luke asked, standing beside you.
Twice in less than 5 minutes you were surprised be a guy standing right next to you…. gosh tonight you were just really out of it and letting your guard down.
“What makes you say that?”
“Well before you got all cozy with Calum, you couldn’t take your eyes of me”
“You noticed that huh? Seems like it’s you who can’t take your eyes off of me”
He smiled, turning his head to look at the crowded room.
“Where did Calum go anyway?”
“How should I know?”
“Well…I thought maybe you’d follow him-“
“Am I a stalker now? Or you just think I’m that easy?” you asked, raising your eyebrow as if to challenge him. He laughed as he hesitantly grabbed your hand, unsureness in his gaze as he looked down at you. You laced your fingers with his, a silent way to say it was okay.
“Do you wanna get out of here?”
“What about your friends-?”
“Y/n I invited you because I wanted to spend some more time with you, and my friends have been keeping me away from you all night. So, I say we get out of here. Maybe back to your place or maybe mine?”
“Seriously?” you said in disbelief. Just when you started thinking he was actually interested in you…
“Sorry! I didn’t mean it like that. We can just watch some movies or something. Honestly I was thinking just like Netflix and some pizza or something.”
True to his word, you ended up at his place watching Disney movies and sharing a pizza.
“I don’t care what you think, Aladdin is the best Disney movie it has everything! Comedy, action, romance, and a princess that ain’t about that palace life. So we’re watching this” You shouted, fighting with Luke over what movie to watch next.
“Ya but Lion King is a classic! No other movie can even come close! Think of Mufasa, and of course the iconic songs!”
“Hey Aladdin is a musical too!”
“Ya but how often do you have a whole new world in your head? Ya that’s what I thought so Lion King wins” He said grabbing the remote from you, as you held it far from his reach as you could.
“Nope I don’t give up that easy” you laughed struggling to keep the remote away from him, twisting your body to where the remote was behind you. Luke grabbed your waist reaching over and grabbing the remote with ease. The small struggle caused you both to face each other, his lips mere inches away from yours. Once you realized this, you both froze, eyes wandering from the others lips to their eyes.
“Y/n….can…can I kiss you?” Luke asked, desperation in his eyes as he looked up at you for an answer.
You nodded quickly before tangling your finger in his hair, moving your lips against his, slowly at first then faster as you both grew more desperate. His hands gripped tighter around your waist, pulling you so you sat on his lap. You pressed your body against his, legs wrapping around his waist as his kiss moved farther and farther down your neck.
“Where’s you room?” you whispered in his ear.
“Over here” He said, voice deep and slightly out of breath, as he gripped your thighs and picked you up, kissing you all the way down the hall until you reached his door.
Part 4
#5sos#5 seconds of summer#5sos imagines#5sos drabble#5sos au#5sos oneshot#luke hemmings#luke hemmings imagine#luke hemmings oneshot#luke hemmings au#luke 5sos#luke 5sos imagine#ashton irwin#calum hood#michael clifford
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So here’s my thoughts on pokeani theme songs that absolutely no one asked for
I freaking love music. Music is my life. Add that to the fact I’ve just finished watching through AG, and you end up with me prattling on about pokeani dub themes.
I wish I’d had the sense to do this after I finished OS. But I didn’t. So I’m combining OS and AG now.
Warning: long post...
POKEMON THEME (Indigo League)
Instant hit or grower? Instant, obviously! This will always be the quintessential pokemon theme, you ask me to sing pokemon, this is what you'll get.
Musicality: It's catchy, love the piano, can't help but dance to the guitars, great vocals and kick-ass harmony, it's really hard to try and sing the words AND the music at the same time. Love it! 10/10
Animation: MEW!! Pokemon in space! Everything fits to the beat, and matches the lyrics too. Points for Gary and Delia. 9/10
TR appearance: Once. 3 seconds. They look good though. Posing!! 5/10
Bonus points? It’s the original! 10/10
POKEMON WORLD (Orange Islands)
Instant hit or grower? Not a fan tbh, worst of OS.
Musicality: It is kinda catchy but that's the only thing going for it. That whole shout and reply thing (’so ya wanna be’… ‘number one’) annoys me. It feels like it's trying too hard. Nothing special musically, at all. Just nope. 2/10
Animation: Mandi!! We had a bit of a crush on him back in the day. And yay for Richie, and more Delia and Gary, and Duplica too. And Gio! Yay for Jigglypuff! Overall a lot more visually energetic than the last one. Plus pretty rainbow background makes Kel happy. 8/10
TR appearance: Once. 5 seconds. Cute posing plus comedy. 7/10
Bonus points? Bonus points because I love the 2nd movie so much. 5/10
POKEMON JOHTO (Johto Journeys)
Instant hit or grower? A grower. I hated it back in the day. But when I started my adult pokeani watch-thru I LOVED it! I think I only hated it way back because I was such a fan of gen 1 and the original theme.
Musicality: THOSE BACKING DO DO DOOO'S! GAH! It's so damn catchy and singable! Good harmonies too, not quite on the first one's level though. Fab beat, love the drums. 8/10
Animation: The twerp running sequence at the start and the way it fits with the music, I freaking love it! More Gary :D and Jigglypuff :D CHIKORITA! GET AWAY FROM ASH! Stupid chikorita trying to take Pikachu's place. It really bugged me during Johto. Yay, Mew's back, being all cute, and Lugia too :D 7/10
TR appearance: Once. 3 seconds. Cute sleepy rockets! 5/10
Bonus points? It will always remind me of one of my fave gishwhes items. 5/10
BORN TO BE WINNER (Johto League Champions)
Instant hit or grower? Instant, kinda. No, no, what are you doing? You can't do this! Stop destroying the original! You're sullying it! STOP! Wait, what's happening, holy… HOLY SHIT THIS IS AWESOME!! I LOVE THIS!!
Musicality: JFC when it kicks in at ‘my whole life’, it's incredible!! That fucking beat!! Those chords after ‘time to test my skills’ make me so happy inside. And that chord on ‘show the world’! This was the first one that I used to actually animatedly sing and dance and tap and clap to, every damn time. EVERYTHING ABOUT THIS SONG IS AMAZING! 10/10
Animation: Man, the twerps mean business at the start! Delia! And Tracey too! And reminds me so much of my fave movie with the Lugia stuff near the start. Entei! Mew's back for more too!! Don't really care for any of the gym leader cameos tbh. They haven't made as much effort to get the video synced perfectly to the audio as in previous ones, it seems a bit chaotic? 6/10
TR appearance: Once, 4 seconds, but really only 1 second close up. 2/10
Bonus points? HOLY FUCKING WOW AT THE SONG! 10/10
BELIEVE IN ME (Master Quest)
Instant hit or grower? We've just had a kick ass theme, and now we have another one??! Instant!!
Musicality: It's rocky, that bassline, rockin’ guitars, fab vocals. No harmony except the last line but I don't miss it, it works well without. Toe-tappingly good. 8/10
Animation: Back to making an effort to make everything fit to the beat, which is good. Yay for Gary, Richie and Casey! Those stairs remind me of the 3rd movie. Legendary dogs and birds, Lugia too. Awww Celebi!! 7/10
TR appearance: Twice!! 5 seconds in total. And both freaking awesome! The second one especially is one of my faves of the gang. 9/10
Bonus points? The song rocks. 8/10
I WANNA BE A HERO (Advanced)
Instant hit or grower? As much as I freaking love it now, it wasn't instant, but it was a quick grower. The chorus was an instant hit though.
Musicality: 'town' and 'learn' sound whiny and annoy me, I think that's why the verse wasn't instant. That beat is awesome tho. The wee bridge 'take a step' to 'again' - it's growing, it's growing... Chorus hits, and it's just YES!! That first line with the harmony, gah I always launch straight in to singing the harmony full blast. I can't help it. Plus the fact the music stops for that line makes it even more epic. That wee guitar bit behind 'pokemon advanced' I freaking love it! 8/10
Animation: It's fine, I don't love it, it's nothing special, lots of action, no cameos (apart from Aqua and Magma). Though bonus points for the very end with all the pretty colours. 6/10
TR appearance: Once. 2 seconds. But yay for James getting a hug from Cacnea. 4/10
Bonus points? Awesome song. 8/10
THIS DREAM (Advanced Challenge)
Instant hit or grower? It was a grower.
Musicality: A bit of a step down after I wanna be a hero, but still awesome. It lacks the singability and toe-tappiness of some but it's catchy enough. Great harmonies in the chorus. Every song ends with the usual 'pokemon' and this was the first where I thought the theme song didn't lead well in to it, it feels like it was just shoved on to the end with no through of the previous chords, and that annoyed me. 7/10
Animation: Starts with space and an aurora so bonus points right from the get go. I liked the appearance from the Kanto starter final evolutions. Pikachu is so damn cute sitting on Ash's knee on that hill. Watching it now I'm like Yay Drew!, but at the time I wasn't fussed, he was a grower lol. Medicham annoys me with that wee head thing. 8/10
TR appearance: Once. 2 seconds but blasting off so they're barely there. 3/10
Bonus points? Crotch shot (blink and you’ll miss it). 5/10
UNBEATABLE (Advanced Battle)
Instant hit or grower? FUCKING INSTANT!
Musicality: How freaking epic is this?!?! This wins the award for the pokemon theme sung most often by Kel. It was constantly in my head. In fact I used to sing from 'woah' to 'pokemon', point at hubby, who would roll his eyes before saying 'advanced battle' and I would cheer. Good times. Harmonies are fantastic. Guitars are fantastic. I can't help but air-drum at 'they'll never last'. That bassline!! What is not to like about this? It's brilliant!! 10/10
Animation: That whole things with Brock, Munchlax, May and Max shrugging, love it! I like the way Drew and Harley appeared behind May. Yay again for Celebi and the legendary dogs and birds. That wee nose rub Ash does, I don't know why but I adore it! DANCING TEAM ROCKET!!! Fucking Batman??! Yay for Delia and Tracey and Misty! Who even are those shadowy dudes in 'come to play - never last'? Good mix of action-packed vs funny, plus everything fits to the beat. 9/10
TR appearance: Twice! 5 seconds in total. DANCING! YOU HAVE NO IDEA HOW MUCH I LOVE THIS! 9/10
Bonus points? EPIC SONG! Also, in case I hadn't already mentioned, DANCING TR! 10/10
BATTLE FRONTIER (Battle Frontier)
Instant hit or grower? Ugh, not a fan. Worst of AG, plus worst so far.
Musicality: From 'if you're strong' to 'find your destiny' eventually grew on me a little, but the rest of the song is abysmal. There is nothing about this song that is special, even the half of the chorus that I don't mind as much is nowhere near the level of the other themes. Big thumbs down from Kel. 0/10
Animation: I kinda like that sequence with May, Drew and Harley with the pokemon in front of them. I don't care enough about the frontier brains to enjoy their cameos. The fucking bit with Ash during 'it's the master plan' and he's turning round to the beat, ugh it annoys me so much! Overall a bit chaotic. Nothing special at all. 2/10
TR appearance: NO TEAM ROCKET!! -10/10
Bonus points? Everything’s shit, plus minus bonus points for the god-awful song at the end!! Fucking hell. -20/10
POKERAP GS (SHORT VERSION) (Pokemon Chronicles)
Instant hit or grower? Grower
Musicality: I wasn't fussed on it at first but damn it's catchy. Can't help singing along and bopping your head. But it's nothing special. 6/10
Animation: Yay Celebi. Everything fits to the beat. Yay Tracey and Misty and Richie. Nothing else really to say. 5/10
TR appearance: None, but this is about side characters / 'old friends' (even tho TR have their own eps) so I forgive them. 0/10
Bonus points? The song is catchy as hell. 4/10
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