#ugh i wanna give him a warm compress n sit on his lap
sturnioloho · 3 months
got an ad for bug spray lol keeping chris in my thoughts rn
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with everything going on in life, how about some positivity? how about the guys comforting the reader after a rough day/through a depressive patch? AfO, Compress, and 2 of your choice?
~Some soft AFO/Sako/Hawks/Jin~
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~All For One~
-You can mope around all you want and think he doesn’t see but I promise you that he does. He just plays it off for a while to see how much you can endure. That depressive patch was a very rough one but you seemed to make it through it. You now seemed to be emotionally (and maybe physically) exhausted. You were coming down, and definitely exhibiting some weakness as it was. For a bit you thought maybe he just doesn’t care about you like he says he does? Then you began to wonder maybe he just didn’t notice the change in your mood? Maybe he was too busy with work or something? You sighed as you unlaced your shoes after the walk around the outside of the mansion, and through the massive garden in the back. You put on your soft slippers and shuffled slowly towards the end of the hallway, passing the office where your lover (or husband if you want) resided. Suddenly you heard his smooth voice speak through the crack in the door. “Dearest, would you come in here for a moment?” You sighed and slowly opened the door. “Yeah?” You entered the room and watched him pat his lap, indicating for you to come sit on it. Once you were comfortably seated, he wrapped his arms around you. He smelt strongly of that cologne you really love, and his suit for today was much smoother than his others. Most of all, he was warm, and felt like home to you. “I’m fully aware of what you’ve been going through for the past few days my love. I wanted you to know this of all things...No matter how you feel, the day will always come where you don’t feel bad like you did before. And just like that day that’ll come, I shall also be around to remind you of how loved you are.” With that tiny statement, you already felt the warmth of his love recharging you slowly. “Thank you darling.”
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~Mr. Compress~
-He probably notices right away when your depressive patch starts unless you’re really good at hiding it. Let’s say for the sake of the headcanon that you are good at hiding it. So how does he comfort you afterwards? You sigh as you stare up at the ceiling and watch the fan slowly turn above you. The air was just cool enough to bring you some sort of relief after the past few days of your funk. Suddenly you catch the scent of fresh flowers near your head. You turn to look to your side and jolt up at the sight of Sako peeking at you from his seat on the floor. “What...When did you get in here???” You laugh a little bit as he tilts his head and removes his mask to reveal his soft smile (and those beautiful eye ugh). “I was in here for at least 20 minutes watching you staring at the ceiling my love.” He smiled with a bit of worry. You shrugged nervously and looked away so he couldn’t see your expression. Suddenly you felt something tickle your knee and you looked down to see a bouquet of flowers. “Where did these come from!?” You start to laugh a little more while he snaps his fingers and a few more bouquets appeared. “Sako cut it out! What am I supposed to do with all these flowers!?” You laughed more vigorously now and he smiled wider. “Well you keep them for as long as they can last. I want you to look at them or think of them when you feel sad again my love.” 
“You knew the whole time?”
“Could you really hide it from me my love?” He reached up and flicked your nose playfully. 
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-”GET UP CHICKADEE!!!” Hawks voiced suddenly boomed through the doorway and scared the shit out of you. He didn’t even give you a chance to adjust before he rushed to the bedroom window and pushed the curtains aside, effectively letting all the daylight into the room and burning your eyes. “Damn it Keigo! I’m trying to sleep!” You rubbed your eyes and he scoffed. “Y/N...it’s literally 2 in the evening. Get up and put on some clothes and shoes. We’re going out!” You glared at him after getting your eyes adjusted. “No, let me rest. Just leave me alone for 20 minutes.” You grumbled before laying down and pulling the blanket over your head. Suddenly you felt his feathers work to snatch the blanket and hold it over the bed where you couldn’t reach it. “Pleeeease baby bird? I promise it’s somewhere private.” He hit you with the baby eyes and of course you couldn’t say no. You sighed and rolled your eyes. “Alright fine...” After getting ready to go out, you got into the car and let him drive you to wherever. Keigo took you out to a huge pond/campground. It wasn’t as populated (thankfully) and his little private area was perfect. When you arrived there was an entire camp setup in a little private corner. He even strung up some batter operated lights. There were snacks, a cooler, a tent with a little portable DVD player, blankets, 2 hammocks, and a fire running. “Hey baby bird?” He turned the car off and twisted slightly to look at you. “I just wanted to say that I don’t know what you’ve been going through and we don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I just wanted you to know that I’m here for you and I love you. Also...hope you don’t have work/school tomorrow because this little getaway was loooong overdue.” You smiled widely and pulled him into a tight hug. How lucky were you to land a sweetheart like this!
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-Lucky for you, he was away on a mission while you were going through the funk. You felt relief because you were glad he didn’t have to see you like this. He already had problems of his own so you didn’t want to feel as though you were dragging him down or anything. It was a little tough finding the energy to text him while he was away. It was hard to send those little laughing and heart emojis as if everything was okay. It was even harder when he would call every night before bed just to hear your voice. He was finally coming home today and luckily you were just coming down from you depressive episode. “Hey baby!!! I missed you so much! No I didn’t!” He burst through the doors and dropped his bags before rushing over to you and leaping onto the couch. He had so much energy after not seeing you for so long. “Bubaigawara, stop jumping on the couch!” You laughed honestly for the first time in days. He stopped immediately and flopped to a seat beside you before proceeding to stare at you in silence. “Uhhhh...Bubaigawara.exe has stopped working?” You tried to joke with him but he still just sat there and kept staring. Finally he spoke up. “Baby, what’s wrong?” You raised your brows in confusion. “What do you mean?” Did you look sad or something? How could he tell you were sad? “Y/N you been crying or somethin? Your eyes are puffy.”
Shit...jig is up...
“Uh well...”
“Stop! Don’t wanna hear it! C’mere!!!” He grabbed your hand and rushed you to the bedroom. He literally almost body slammed you to the bed and proceeded to hold you so tightly that you almost died. Finally he let go just a little bit to smother you in ticklish kisses, making you laugh until you were nearly breathless. Then he laid the big final kiss upon your lips, filled with plenty of passion. “I don’t know why you cried, or why you were sad big baby! For whatever reason, you are my everything and I wanna let cha know that I’ve always got your back babe. No I don’t, piss off!” You laughed and cuddled your head into his chest. “I love you so much Jin.”
Instagram: @pastelbattydraws & @pastelbattystore
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCRNMJH7vHL7APNobUykhK4w?view_as=subscriber
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