#uggggh i hope i don't regret this
recurring-polynya · 4 years
Requests open - AU drabbles!
So I have not been feeling very excited about my own writing lately, so I am going to do something very stupid and open up drabble requests. Here are the rules!
1) Give me an AU! The wackier, the better! It can be generic (coffee shop, zombie apocalypse, etc) or specific (some other book or media), but if it’s the second and it turns out to be something I am not familiar with, I will either turn you down gently or I will fake it, and you get what you get.
2) You may specify up to two characters or one ship or one character group (Karakura kids, a Gotei squad, etc). I will throw in whatever additional characters I want. Blacklisted characters/ships at the bottom of post.
3) If you do not specify, you will get Renruki. You may get Renruki, anyway, whether you like it or not. Is that what people want? It’s what we do.
4) You will get (1) drabble from me. You will get it when you get it. Sometimes I am slow. It will be of an entirely random length, but at least 500 words. I usually average in the 1k-2k range. I know that’s not really a drabble, but I consider it a drabble if it doesn’t have a plot/I don’t have to write a real ending. You can see other examples of my work here (Ch1 is a PacRim AU)
5) If I get more than one request for the same thing, I reserve the right to combine them.
6) I’m not gonna shut off anonymous requests, but please keep in mind that if you are logged it, it means that if I have questions, I can ask. Also, it’s more fun for me when I have names to associate with requesters, and I may give priority to people with names.
7) I will let you know when I am no longer accepting requests.
8) I reserve the right to reject any request for any reason. It is nothing personal, I am an old tired lady and I don’t get paid and the last time I did this, I got really stressed out.
That’s it! Send ‘em in!
The following characters I will only write about as villains: Sternritter, Nnoitra, Szayelaporro.
I will NOT do reader/x.
Ships I will write: Renruki, ByaHisa, any Karakura kid with any other Karakura kid, Shunuki, Ikkayumi, any combo of Kira/Hisagi/Matsumoto, KiraHina, Hanatarou/Rikichi, Hanatarou/Ganju, pretty much any wlw shinigami ship (I am not keen on YoruSoi, but I’ll do it), any friendship I love friendship
Ships I will NOT write about, don’t ask: Renji or Rukia with anyone who is not Renji or Rukia (love triangles, unrequited stuff is okay, IchiRenRuki is okay and so is IchiRenRukiHime but only because it’s an AU and I can make them all the same age), Aizen/anyone, UraIchi, Shunsui/Nanao, UlquiHime.
This isn’t an exhaustive list, so feel free to ask, I am a very nice person, the worst I’ll do is say no.
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