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kenyagist · 1 year
Latest News in Uganda: Breaking Headlines and Updates from Kampala
Stay informed about the latest happenings in Uganda with our comprehensive coverage of breaking news, travel updates, and today’s headlines. From political developments to travel insights, we bring you real-time information about Uganda’s vibrant capital city, Kampala, and beyond. Discover the most recent stories, stay up-to-date with current affairs, and delve into the heart of Ugandan news.…
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tomorrowusa · 4 months
There are a number of threats to the LGBTQ+ community around the world. And with Pride Month on the horizon, federal law enforcement in the US is urging people to be more alert.
Authorities warned US citizens abroad to "exercise increased caution". "Stay alert in locations frequented by tourists, including Pride celebrations," a warning issued by the state department said. The advisory came on Friday, a week after a similar alert issued by US law enforcement agencies. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) said: "Foreign terrorist organizations or supporters may seek to exploit increased gatherings associated with the upcoming June 2024 Pride Month." Although no specific gatherings or locations were mentioned in the warnings, the law enforcement agencies noted that messages from the Islamic State (IS) group distributed in English in February 2023 included rhetoric against LGBTQI+ (lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, questioning, and intersex) events and venues.
Being concerned about anti-LGBTQ+ violence is not paranoid even during "normal" times. Remember the Pulse massacre in 2016?
During Pride Month in June 2016, a man inspired by IS ideology shot dead 49 people and wounded 53 more at Pulse, a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The FBI and DHS warning also noted that three IS sympathisers had been arrested for attempting to attack a Pride parade in Vienna, Austria in 2023. The Counter Extremism Project, a New York-based non-profit group, noted that anti-LGBTQ ideas had been taken up by both Islamist and far-right extremists. "It is no surprise that neo-Nazis and jihadis often express mutual admiration for their shared anti-gay visions," Mark D Wallace, the project's chief executive, said in a statement.
The narrowly averted attack on a Pride march in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho in 2022 was a close call. A heads up by a concerned citizen prevented violence.
The 31 people arrested in Idaho have ties to a White nationalist group and planned to riot at a Pride event, police say. Here’s what we know
After an alarmed 911 caller reported a group dressed like a “little army” getting into a moving truck, police in Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, arrested 31 men believed to be linked to a White nationalist group, who had plans to riot at a weekend Pride event, authorities said. The large group – which police believe was affiliated with Patriot Front – was seen at a hotel piling into a U-Haul with riot gear, the caller told a 911 dispatcher. They were later pulled over and arrested, Coeur d’Alene Police Chief Lee White said.
When becoming aware of an immediate threat inside the United States, call 911. If you discover credible evidence of anti-LGBTQ+ violence being planned for some future time, call the FBI at 1-800-CALL-FBI (1-800-225-5324). Hate crimes are against the law. All threats of violence should be taken seriously.
If you're abroad, remain alert and pay attention to local advisories and those from embassies.
There's an axis of homophobia which includes Russia, Iran, Uganda, and the far right in the West. Islamic State and (so called) Patriot Front are essentially on the same side. It's sad, but such threats, regardless of source, cannot be ignored.
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Battle Scars by Paradise Fears
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Summary: You are an empath living in the Avenger Towers. It isn’t your job to help the Avengers when their feelings get out of control but you do it anyway. What happens when you go on a mission and now the empath needs help? 
Warning: mentions of guilt, depression, anger, doubt, sadness (all of the emotions and past traumas of specific Avengers), human trafficking 
Word Count: 7.5k
Please read the end note after this story! It would mean the world to me and my family
Growing up was hard. You were constantly tired as you feed into the emotions of those around you. It started with a tight feeling in your chest as if a ton of bricks were resting there. Then the feeling moved to the base of your head, almost like a headache. Soon you began to feel whatever that person was feeling. It could be anger, grief, sadness, depression and on the off chance; happiness, joy, or pleasure. As you got older you learned to control it. It only took real intense emotions that would call on your mutant powers. So living with the Avengers was a challenge. They were intense people with even bigger emotions. You drank calming tea, meditated, and journaled to keep your own emotions in check. You weren’t a full time member of the team - you spent a majority of the time in the lab with Bruce and Tony. It was rare that you saw action in the field but you were prepared when duty called. Like this past weekend. The world seemed to be on a different level and the Avengers were sent to all corners to deal with rising threats. You were in the compound when Maria approached you with a mission report. You took it without hesitation and now as you sat in your room, a blanket wrapped around you tightly -protecting you from the world, you wished you told Maria no.
The mission went south as soon as you stepped down in Uganda, you were working closely with the Wakandans. Numerous reports of children going mission and the rumors of a human trafficking ring, meant you and T’Challa had to work fast before they left the country. You weren’t fast enough. You closed your eyes, wishing for the images of inside the shipping containers would leave your mind. Sometimes you wished the others had your ability so they knew you were hurting and they could come to you like you’ve done so many times for them. 
Steve Rogers; Captain America 
FRIDAY announced the arrival of the team but you knew they were back as soon the quinjet landed. Guilt. It was a powerful emotion and it was confusing one of your teammates and in turn, consuming you. You closed your laptop and headed to the elevator. Before you pressed the button, the door opened and Tony was leaning on the metal wall. “Tons, are you okay?” He nodded, pushed himself off the wall, and walked out the elevator. He didn’t look injured, just exhausted. 
“It’s not me you're feeling El,” He said, placing a hand on your shoulder walking into the lap. El wasn’t your real name, it was your given name by the Avengers as your birth name carried too much trauma. It was short for elephant as Vision let slip that elephants were some of the most empathic creatures. But you weren’t a big fan of being called an elephant so El was the next best thing. “What happened?” You asked, following the billionaire. He became a father figure to you since your parents disowned you when you told them you were going to join the Avengers. Tony fell into his chair, pinching the bridge of his nose. The mission was supposed to be a recon on an old HYDRA facility. There were rumors of a new super solider serum and Fury wanted the Avengers to get their hands on it before someone else did. Steve, Tony, Sam, Natasha, and Maria were sent on the mission - that was a week ago. 
“Mission went sideways. It was a trap.” Your stomach dropped. “Wilson and Romonaff are in medbay.” 
“How bad?” You asked. 
“Wilson broke his arm. Romonaoff got it worse - she got a nasty hit to the head. She was unconscious the entire ride back home.” You nodded. “It’s Steve.” Tony whispered. “Steve is who you are feeling, tread lightly.” You gave him a smile and walked back to the elevator, asking FRIDAY where the super soldier was. The AI informed you that Captain Rogers was in the training room - he asked to be alone. You huffed as your rode the elevator to the training room. You wondered if you should have made a stop at medbay but you knew Dr. Cho would have her hands full and Yelena and Bucky would be down there. It was a quick walk to the training room when the elevator stopped. You were greeted with darkness, the windows were covered and a majority of the lights were off besides one. The soldier was illuminated by the light and was punching a sandbag. A pile was forming of ones he destroyed. Oh Steve, you thought, leaning on the door frame. With a hard swing from his right hand, the sandbag broke off the chain and flew towards the wall. 
“You know,” You said, making your presence known. Steve’s shoulders tense up. “I don’t think Tony would appreciate how you are treating the building's equipment.” Steve sighed. 
“I was wondering how long I had before you found me.” You hummed, pushing yourself off the walk and walked over to the soldier. Your footsteps echoed against the wall. 
“I’d say 4 sandbags.” You joked. Steve smiled. “FRIDAY, open the window.” The AI listened to your request and the New York sun lit up the darkness. “Please advise the other Avengers that the training room is off limits.” 
“Understood, El.” 
“I gave FRIDAY that same order but it appears it didn’t work.” You shrugged, sitting on the floor, and patted the empty space next to you. Steve stared at the empty spot and you gave the stubborn captain a pointed look - he sat down next to you. With him being this close, you could feel his guilt. It was suffocating. 
“What’s your favorite part of the day?” You asked, looking forward. He didn’t answer so you answered your question. “Mine is dawn. Dawn means to become day in old English so it’s the first sight of lightness in the morning.” You explained, looking at Steve. He was wondering about your answer. “Do you know why dawn is my favorite?” He shook his head. 
“Why?” He questioned, his voice shaking. 
“Because,” You said slowly. “No matter how dark it is there will be light towards the end. It may take some time but light will over power the darkness.” Steve let out a shaky breath and his blue eyes were glossy with tears.
“It’s so hard,” his voice cracked. “It is so hard to make the final call and it is possible that one of you or all of you don’t return home.” You laced your hand with his. 
“Sam and Natasha are going to be okay.” You said. “You brought them home.” He shook his head. 
“We got lucky this time. What if we aren’t so lucky next time?” He asked. It was a valid question, a question you didn’t have an answer to. This job was filled with uncertainties and a million ‘What if?’ questions. 
“Then we deal with it together because you are not alone and keep marching on. We’ve all got battle scars and you’ve had enough just don’t give up.” You gave his hand a a tight squeeze. “This is worth fighting for. You are worth fighting for.” You watched as a few tears slid down his face. His guilt was still there but it wasn’t as strong. 
“Thank you.”
“Captain Rogers,” FRIDAY’s voice called out. “Dr. Cho wanted me to inform you that Miss. Romanoff is requesting to see you.” You saw the tension leave his shoulders. You gently patted him on the bag. 
“Go get her tiger.” Steve got to his feet quickly, stumbling slightly. You giggle at the flush of embarrassment that graced his cheeks. He gave you a grateful smile and jogged to Medbay. You sighed, leaning back and closed your eyes. You liked the quote by Umar Iban Al-Khattab: ‘No amount of guilt can change the past and no amount of worrying can change the future.’ 
Yelena Belova; White Widow 
It wasn’t a normal occurrence for you when sleep avoided you. You laid in bed; hands behind your head as you stared up at the ceiling. A sudden rush of anger passed through you. The strong emotion took your breath away. It was anger mixed with sadness. You slowly sat up. “FRIDAY, who is up right now?” You asked the AI. 
“Miss. Belova is in the kitchen and The Boss is in the lab with Mr. Banner.” You nodded, grabbing a sweatshirt from (you were pretty sure the sweatshirt belonged to Steve) and a pair of fluffy socks. The compound was always freezing at night. You left your room and walked the empty and dark halls to the kitchen. You figured you were feeling Yelena’s range of emotions. She returned from a mission with her sister, they were going on a recon mission to a lab. They’re primary object was to sneak in and steal some intel. You reached the kitchen and saw Yelena sitting at the counter, two bottles of vodka out and a shot glass. She saw you immediately so you didn’t have a chance to watch her. Instead you gave her a friendly smile, grabbed two spoons from the drawer and opened the freezer. Chocolate ice cream. Perfect. You closed the freezer and leaned against the counter. Yelena’s green eyes never left you.  
Yelena was a new addition to the team and you knew she was cactious of you, Natasha must have told her about your ability. You offered her the extra spoon. “Want soom?” You offered. She looked at the spoon then the ice cream. 
“No.” She said, simply. You shrugged, putting the spoon down and opened the ice cream. 
“If you change your mind, the offer still stands.” You took a spoonful and ate it. Out of the corner of your eye, you watched the White Widow take a shot and fill it again. 
“Isn’t that Sam’s ice cream?” She questioned. You looked at the container and saw in horrible penmanship Sam’s name and a drawing of a falcon. You smiled.  
“What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.” You almost dropped your spoon as the smile graced the Russian’s face. A wave of silence passed you two as you ate ice cream and she drank her vodka. Soon you noticed Yelenba looking at the spoon. She took it slowly and you pushed the ice cream container closer to her. “What’s your favorite ice cream?” You asked. She thought for a moment, took a spoonful and ate the chocolate ice cream. 
“Mint chocolate chip.” You scrunted your nose. She laughed, throwing you head back. “What? It’s not good?” You shook your head. 
“Not for me.” You mumbled. Her laughter made you smile. Her earlier feelings of anger and sadness were disappearing but they were lingering.
“So what is your favorite ice cream?” She asked. 
“Rocky road.” You said without hesitation. “I have good memories with my parents sitting at a pond, eating rocky road and watching the ducks.” You said, sighing. You couldn’t tell if this overwhelming sadness was your own emotion or Yelena’s. 
“I like mint chocolate chip because it reminds me of a time before the Red Room.” She stopped, taking another shot of vodka. You didn’t prompt the blonde to continue, hoping she would on her own. “Alexi took Natasha and I to a small ice cream shop. We had to stay in the car and he didn’t know what ice cream flavor kids liked so he got us mint chocolate.” You smiled as you listened to her talk. “Natasha didn’t like it but I ate all of mine.” She sighed. Yup, you thought, the sadness was coming from her. Her jaw clenched as she threw back another shot. The anger was back. “I hate them so much.” She confessed. 
“Who do you hate, Yelena?” You asked softly. She looked at you, blinking her green eyes at you. She shook her head. 
“Nobody,” she said suddenly. “It’s not important. You have more important things to do.” She stood, gathered her bottles of liquor, and shot glasses. “Thank you for sharing ice cream.” You stared blankly as the White Widow headed back to her room. You broke out of your trance and ran after her. 
“Yelena,” her name stopped her. “You’ve had enough, just don’t give up. You are worth fighting for. You know we’ve all got battle scars. Just keep marching on.” She didn’t respond or turn around to look at you. “You are not alone.” Her body began to shake. 
“I’m angry at Natasha, Alexi, and Melina.” She answered, turning to face you with tears coming down her cheeks. “Why did they give me back to the Red Room? Why didn’t Natasha come back for me?” You weren’t sure if she wanted you to answer or she was just throwing these questions to the universe. “We got separated on our mission and I found my way out of the lap and I couldn’t find Natasha. I thought she left me again.” Her hands tightened around the neck of the bottle. “I don’t want to be alone again.” You took a few tentative steps towards the Russian, closing the distance. 
“You aren’t alone.” You said, taking the glass out of her hands. “As long as I’m here you won’t be alone.” She looked into your eyes, looking for any lie in your words. She chuckled, whipping away her tears. 
“Natasha was right. You are a weird one.” You laughed, throwing your head back. 
“I’ll take that as a compliment. Come on, let's go watch a movie.” You held out your freehand and the Russian took it. 
Bucky Barnes, White Wolf 
You watched the Quinjet touch down, wrapping the rain jacket tightly around you. It was down pouring in Upstate New York. This was the type of weather where you wished you were curled up in your room, under blankets and hot chocolate. But you were waiting for members of the team to come home from a mission. Bruce, Sam, Bucky, and Steve were returning home from clearing out an old HYDRA base, a simple mission. But Bucy stumbled upon mission reports of him as the Winter Soldier and it triggered a depressive episode. Sam sent you a text on their way home. Bruce was the first out of the Quinjet. He descended the ramp and jogged over the covering where you were standing to avoid the rain. You smiled at him. “How’s the team doing, doctor? Any injuries?” He shook his head, spraying water on you. 
“Cap dislocated his shoulder but nothing major besides,” he waved his hand. You nodded, he was talking about Bucky. 
“Headed to the lab?”
“Yeah after a shower.” 
“I’ll see you down there.” He placed a gentle hand on your shoulder. 
“Take your time, kid.” He went into the compound. Next to descend the ramp was Captain America. He was stretching his shoulder as he didn’t seem to be bothered by the rain. 
“How’s the shoulder, Captain?” He shrugged. “I’ve had worse,” You laughed, shaking your head. 
“Natasha is waiting for you. FRIDAY alerted her that you were hurt.” Steve groaned and followed the same path as Bruce. You waited for the next member to come out but no one did. You groaned, ran through the rain, and up the ramp into the Quinjet. You loved the sound of rain hitting metal. On any other day you would enjoy the sound but as you walked through the Quinjet to find Bucky and Sam, a cloud covered your mind. It stopped you in your tracks. Darkness, regret, and sadness crept through you. You felt cold. You shook off the feeling and continued. You found Bucky, sitting on the ground, Sam kneeling in front of him with his hands on Bucky’s knees. The cute interaction made you smile. Sam looked away from his boyfriend and smiled. 
“Hey, El.” You waved. “He’s barely said a word and hasn’t moved.” You nodded, walking over to them. You placed a hand on Sam’s shoulder. 
“I got him.” Sam nodded, standing up. He pulled you into a quick hug. 
“Thank you.” His words vibrated through his chest. You scrunted your nose, pushing him away. 
“You stink.” Sam laughed, shaking his head. 
“Yeah, yeah.” He bumped your shoulder against yours as he left you and the super soldier alone. His head was down, staring at his hands. You sighed and sat next to him. 
“If you could be an animal, any animal in the world, what would you be?” You asked. He didn’t respond, he made no sign that he heard you. “I think I’d be a butterfly. Across different cultures, the butterfly has become a metaphor for transformation and hope. It starts with a colorless caterpillar and turns into an exquisite winged beautiful creature.” You explained. He leaned his head back and was looking forward. Progress. “White Wolf.” You whispered. “A wolf symbolizes loyalty, protection, and freedom.” He let out a shaky breath and his blue eyes were glossy with tears. “In many Native American cultures, wolves are scared creatures. They are strong and courageous.” You looked at the soldier. “I think the Wakandans picked a perfect name for you, Bucky. You are a wolf.” He shook his head. “Why not?” You asked. 
“I hurt and killed so many people.” His voice was shaky as tears fell from his eyes. “I’m not a protector but a monster.” Your heart broke at the way he was talking about himself. 
“The Winter Soldier did those things. The White Wolf didn’t.” He formed his vibranium hand into a fist, opening and closing it. “Better days are near. Hope is so much stronger than fear. You’ve had enough just don’t give up. You are worth fighting for. We all have battle scars.” You stood up, taking your rain jacket off, and held out your hand. “Do you trust me?” You asked. He looked up at you. 
“Of course.” He said. 
“Then trust me when I say I trust you with my life Bucky Barnes and I know everyone behind those walls,” You pointed in the direction of the compound. “Do as well.” He hesitantly put his flesh hand up to grab yours but you pulled your hand back. Confusion flashed across his face. “Other hand.” You told him. He sighed but grabbed your hand with his vibranium one. The temperature difference shocked you. You pulled him to his feet and dragged him out of the Quinjet, down the ramp, and into the rain. 
“What are we doing?” He asked. 
“Teach me how to dance.” You said, grabbing his flesh hand. His eyes grew wide. 
“What?” He questioned. 
“You heard me, old man. Teach me how to dance.” 
“In the rain?” You nodded. “Right now?” You nodded again, excitedly. “Why?” He asked. 
“Because it’s fun.” You said simply. He gave you a pointed look. You shrugged, rolling your eyes. “Have you seen Shawkshank Redemption?” You asked. Bucky shook his head. “Remind me to have a long talk with Sam on what movies he’s showing you.” He smiled. “Towards the end of the movie, one of the characters stands in the pouring rain with his hands stretched out.” You demonstrated the iconic scene with your hands outstretched to the sky. You grabbed his hands again. “Rain is a symbol of rebirth, the flow of life, and cleansing.” You squeezed his hands. “Your memories of the Winter Soldier won’t go away overnight and that quilt, anger, and sadness you carry may never leave you.” You told him honestly. “But you will learn to cope with it. Some days will be better than others. Let today be a reminder for you that you are still alive and so many people care about you. You are not alone.” Your smile grew. “So cleanse away those thoughts and dance with me.” Bucky chuckled, shaking his head. 
“Alright, let’s see those moves.” The darkness was still looming over Bucky but just as a rainstorm, the clouds passed and the sun began to shine again. 
Maria Hill; Deputy Director of SHIELD
You regretted saying yes to Wanda. She had a date with Vision and she asked you to finish her mission report and hand it in to Maria. Bucky and Sam invited you and Yelena to play Guitar Hero but you had to decline because it was impossible for you to say no to the Sokovian. You groaned, putting your hand up to knock on the Deputy Director’s door but stopped. Intense feelings of guilt, stress, and dread washed over you. You shook off the feeling and knocked on the door. It took a minute but you heard Maria call out, “Come in.” You opened the door and stepped into her off. Ah. It was Maris you were feeling. Her desk was covered with files. She had another desk with a 3 screen computer system and you could make out emails that needed to be answered. A bottle of whiskey was on her desk, unopened but you could bet she was itching to open it. 
“What can I do for you?” She asked. Her question broke you out of your trance. 
“Mine and Wanda’s mission report.” You said, holding up the folder. You watched Maria suppress a sigh. Over the years you’ve learned to never ask if someone was okay if you could feel their emotions - they would deny something was wrong. You walked over to her desk and handed it over to her. She reached out for it with a tired smile. 
“Thank you.” She went to grab it but you pulled it away. 
“Are you hungry? Because I haven’t eaten all day and I could eat.” It was a small lie but Maria didn’t need to know that. She shook her head. 
“I’m not hungry.” Well that was a lie. “Besides, I have too much to do.” You handed her the folder but once again as soon as she was  going to take it you pulled it away. Her glare would send any agent or Avenger running but you smiled. “I’m about to kick your ass.” 
“I know.” You jumped on the empty space on her desk to sit down. “I’m thinking Chinese or maybe Italian. No Indian. Ugh Mexican.” You were swinging your feet, careful not to damage her desk. “What are you thinking?” 
“If I give you an answer will you leave and give me your mission report?” You nodded. Maria sighed, pinching the bridge of her nose. “Fine Indian.” You smiled, jumped off her desk, and handed her the file. 
“I’ll be back.”
“Can’t wait.” Maria deadpanned. You rolled your eyes at her dry humor. An hour later you found yourself back at Maria’s door. This time you entered without knocking. Nothing in her office changed besides the bottle of whiskey was now open. “Food delivery.” You said, kicking the door closed. You sat on the empty space on the ground with your back resting on the wall. You began to lay out the food, glancing at Maria. “Are you going to join me?” You asked. 
“Why do I have a feeling you won’t let me say no?” You smirked. 
“Because you know me very well.” Maria rolled her eyes, standing from her desk and walking over to you. She made sure to grab the whiskey. She sat in front of you and chose her food. You ate in a comfortable silence until Maria broke it. She took a hefty swig of the whiskey. 
“I know what you are doing.” You hummed, unable to say anything with a mouth full of food. “You can sense I’m feeling a certain type of way and you think it’s your job to help.” You whipped your mouth with a napkin. “I’m fine.” Debatable. But you kept that comment yourself. 
“I’m not doing anything.” Which was true. “My mom told me that working on an empty stomach leads to mistakes and mistakes will make work take longer.” “It’s hard to take advice from a woman that disowned their own kid because they wanted to do good.” You were shocked at Maria’s bluntness regarding your family. She winced. “Sorry that came out wrong.” 
“No, I mean you aren’t wrong.” You sighed. “My relationship with my biological family ended poorly but I found a new one because of it. You, Nick, and all the other crazy characters that live here are my family.” Maria nodded. She was looking down at her food, stirring it. She appeared to be lost in thought and her emotions were muddy, you couldn’t pinpoint what she was feeling. You wondered if her feelings had to do with the idea of family. There were rumors that the Deputy Director had family issues of her own and her agent assumed that was why she’s so unpleasant. You bite the inside of your cheek. “Are you up for a little adventure with me?” You asked. She looked up at you. 
“Oh what the hell. You’ve already made me behind.” You smiled, cleaning up the food. The first step was the fridge then you lead Maria out of the compound to a remote area of the property. You were close to the treeline but had a lot of empty space to move around in. It was twilight - the sun was beginning to set and the stars were coming out. The air seemed fresser here. “Why did you bring me out here?” She asked. 
“To scream.” 
“Excuse me?” She questioned. You nodded, jumping on the balls of your feet. 
“One of the best things about nature is it’s the world’s best secret keeper. You can tell it anything and it will hold it forever.” You explained. You had good memories of yelling your secrets with your brother at your vacation home in Maine. “Even if you don’t say words and just scream or yell or laugh or cry. The trees, the stars, and the moon will listen.” Maria looked confused. “Allow me.” You looked up to the sky and screamed. You looked back at the SHIELD agent and she was shocked by the sound. But you felt freer, the weight that you felt on your chest was a little bit lighter. This time you yelled looking at the ground. “Try it.” 
“You are insane.”
“Probably but have I ever steered any of you in the wrong direction before?” Maria sighed and shook her head. You waved your wan, telling her it was her turn. She closed her eyes, looked up at the sky, and screamed. You cheered and clapped your hands. She yelled again. On her third scream, you joined her. “How do you feel?” You asked. Her cheeks were flushed and her chest was rising and falling, a little faster than normal. 
“Better. A lot better.” You smiled. 
“Tell nature everything. Tell it all of your secrets.” With a deep breath in and out you yelled, “I wish I was good enough for my parents. I wish I didn’t miss them and I hate that I still love them.” Her face softened as if a part of her understood everything you confessed. “Your secrets are safe with me and nature. Scouts honor.” Maria chuckled, pending down to pick up a rock. She threw it in the air and caught it a few times before tossing it into the woods. 
Placing her hands on her hips, she yelled, “Sometimes I wish I declined the promotion of Deputy Director.” You kept your face neutral at Maria’s confession. “I lose sleep at night when I send the Avengers and my agents on a mission because I worry they won’t come home.” Your heart broke. “I have to pick and choose who we help and it kills me that we can’t help everyone.” You smiled at her. “I want people to see me. Not an agent or Deputy Director, just Maria.” She yelled one more time and fell to her knees. “I wish I could be good enough for my dad.” She whispered. You sat on the grass in front of her. The only noise between you two was Maria’s labored breathing as she tried to get her heart rate under control. 
“I’m proud of you.” You said. Her head snapped up to look at you. “I know I’m not the person you want to hear it from but it doesn't make it any less true. You have an incredibly difficult job and many agents and Avengers give you shit for doing your job. I also bet dealing with Fury isn’t a walk in the park either.” Maria let out a wet chuckle, whipping away a few tears that fell. “But never doubt we don’t have faith in you.” She let out a shaky breath. “We’ve all got battle scars. You’ve had enough, just don’t give up and stick to your guns. Keep marching on.” You took Maria’s hand in yours, squeezing it. Her emotions weren’t as cloudy. 
“Thank you for this.” She said softly. She let go of one of your hands to cover her mouth as she yawned. 
“Come on, Deputy Director, you need sleep.” You stood up, pulling her to her feet. “And before you argue with me if you go get some sleep I will help you tackle that mess of an office.”
“You don’t have to do that.”
“No I don’t,” you said. “But I want to help if you want me too.” You gave her the option to not feel as if you were pressuring her. 
“I’d love your help.” You began your walk back to the compound. She put her arm around your shoulders. “They are missing out.” She said, “You are one hell of a superhero.” You smiled, looking at the ground. “I’m proud of you too.”
Natasha Romanoff; Black Widow 
You hated being cold. It was winter in Upstate New York and you were not having a good time. Yes, it was pretty and snow meant Christmas but you had half the mind to march to Tony and ask him why he didn’t build the Avenger’s compound in Florida. You were bundled up in a fluffy blanket with hot chocolate in your hands near the fireplace. You were reading when you heard footsteps headed your direction. Grief and sadness as the Black Widow sat next to you. You put your book down and opened your arms. Natasha didn’t even hesitate to move to sit between your legs and you wrapped the blanket around her. The redhead slumped against you, allowing you to hold her weight. You and the Black Widow had a complicated relationship. She hated that you always knew her true feelings and it took years for her to realize you weren’t going to use it against her. It wasn’t until after your fight with Ultron, Natasha started to trust and open up to you. She was the only person in the compound to come to you when her feelings got out of control. It was comforting to know she trusted you on such an intimate level and you weren’t going to break it. You rested your head on her shoulder. “Do you want to talk about it?” You asked. She didn’t answer verbally but you felt her shake your head. “Okay, we can just sit here until you are ready.” The Black Widow just returned from a mission with Steve, Wanda, and Vision. They were in Russia for 3 days. You knew she was going to struggle being there. You sighed. She was warm and you were jealous. 
“You are always so cold.” She mumbled. You rolled her eyes. 
“Trust me I’m aware.” The redhead chuckled. “But at least I have a best friend as a heater.” You gave her a squeeze. You got the opposite reaction you thought you were going to get. Natasha tensed up in your arms instead of relaxing more. “Tash, talk to me.” You whispered. 
“Can we go to your room?” She asked, her voice was shaking. You nodded. 
“Of course.” The Black Widow was comfortable showing emotion in front of you, Steve, and Yelena but not the whole team. You lead the redhead to your room. You held open the door and as soon as Natasha walked in, she climbed into your bed. You closed the door, joining her, and she moved to lay her head on your chest. As routine, you began to run your fingers through her hair. You felt her tears on your shirt but you didn’t call attention to it. You let her cry. You weren’t sure how long you laid there but Natasha sat up and leaned against the wall. 
“I hate Russian missions.” she said, rubbing her eyes. You sat up and handed her tissues that you kept on your nightstand. She took them with a smile. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” She shrugged, looking up at your ceiling. 
“The mission went well. We got in and out without any problems.” She closed her eyes. “We were leaving and I saw these kids playing soccer in the street. Just kicking a ball with no care in the world and I was looking at these kids and I saw myself and Yelena.” She shook her head. “I don’t know we didn’t have that. I mean we did but it was for a mission it wasn’t real.”
“Natalia.” You said. She winched at the name. It was an argument that happened a lot when Natasha first told you about the Red Room mission in Ohio. You determined early on that Natasha told herself that her ‘family’ wasn’t real to help with her guilt and to make it hurt less that they gave her away. The Russian sighed. 
“Yes, yes, I know the mission gave me a real family.” You smiled. “I got angry watching these kids because what they had was stripped away from me.” You nodded. A normal childhood. A childhood that wasn’t about training or ballet lessons. 
“What else happened?” You asked, it wasn’t the whole story. 
“One of the kids got hurt. She had to be 6 maybe 7 and an older kid ran over to her. It was nothing major, just a scraped knee.” She looked back at you and you watched tears start to leave her green eyes. You had a pretty good idea why seeing this was affecting her but you learned it was best for people to say it out loud if possible. “She was only 6 too.” Yelena. You were feeling guilt and grief pulsing through the Black Widow. “And I just left her. I didn’t go back for her.” You knew Yelena and Natasha had come to an understanding of what happened all those years ago but it didn’t make the pain and the guilt any easier. “I let her get controlled.” You shook her head. 
“That wasn’t you Natasha. You had no idea what was going to happen to Yelena.” 
“I should have gone back for her.” You shrugged. “Maybe you should have or maybe Dreykov would have gotten you under his control too.” You grabbed her hand, running your thumb over the back of her hand. “The world is filled with ‘What ifs’ and we’ll drive ourselves mad thinking about what could have been.” You knew from first hand experience. Many nights you lie awake wondering what your life would be like if you said no to Tony. What if you didn’t join the Avengers? “We can’t join the past but we can live for the future.” 
“Would you change the past?” She asked. You thought for a moment, looking at your connected hands. 
“No, I love the life I’m living.” You squeezed her hand. “Definitely how I thought my life would be but I can’t complain.” She nodded her head slowly. “You’re not alone anymore, Nat. Neither is Yelena. Some days that guilt will eat you up inside but better days are near. Just don’t give up.” Natasha squeezed your hand back. 
“I’m glad life brought us together.” She confessed. “You have done a lot for me, for all of us.” You felt your cheeks burn at her honestly. 
“Just doing my job.” Natasha rolled her eyes and pushed you gently on the shoulder. 
“Your job isn’t to be our therapist but we approached it.” You shrugged. 
“Miss. Romanoff, Miss. Belova is looking for you.” The AI said. You looked at Natasha. 
“Movie marathon?” You suggested. “We said we’d try to watch all the Harry Potter movies in one sitting.” 
“FRIDAY, tell Yelena where I am and bring snacks and drinks.” You laughed as Natasha got comfortable in your bed. You grabbed the remote and queued up the first movie. Life hasn’t been the kindest but you wouldn’t change it 
El; Empath 
“Has anyone seen El?” Maria asked, walking into the common area holding a folder in her hands. Natasha laid on the couch, her head in Steve’s lap and her feet in Yelena’s, who was playing Mario Kart against Bucky and Sam. 
“FRIDAY said they were going to shower and be right out.” Sam said, without looking away from the screen. Natasha looked at Maria and saw the worry on her face. The Black Widow sat up, earning a curse from her sister. 
“What’s wrong, Maria?” She handed Natasha the folder. 
“That is T’Challa’s report on their mission.” Maria watched Natasha open the report and the color drained from her face. 
“Nat,” Steve said, placing a hand on her shoulder. “What happened?” Bucky paused the game. Natasha cleared her throat. 
“We arrived at the abandoned warehouse at 0700. Upon searching the area we found no signs of anyone being there for some time. Our last area to search were two large shipping containers.” Natasha sighed. “As we got closer, we noticed the smell. El opened the first container. Inside were the bodies of 15 children, ranging from 5 to 16. There were no survivors.” Natasha closed the file. A heavy silence filled the common area. 
“How do we help them?” Yelena asked, breaking the silence. “They are always there for us, how do we be there for them?” 
“I have an idea,” Maria said. “But I’m going to need help.” 
You didn’t expect a knock on your door and you were tempted to ignore it. But another round of knocking forced you to leave your cocoon of blankets and walked to the door. A wave of emotions rushed through you; anxiety, hopefulness, excitement, and joy. It was a weird mix and you had to compose yourself before opening the door. It was Maria. Today was full of surprises. “I haven’t finished my mission report.” Truth be told, you haven’t even started the report. The idea of having to relive the past 48 hours made your stomach turn. “I’ll have it on your desk by tomorrow morning.”
“I’m not looking for your report.” Oh. Before you could question why the Deputy Director was at your door she continued, “I read T’Challa’s.” Oh. You didn’t know the King of Wakanda needed to write mission reports. 
“Oh.” You said, looking down at your feet. “I uh well you know how things went down then.” You felt tears in the corner of your eyes. A headache was forming and your chest hurt as you held back the tears. Maria held out her hand. 
“Do you want to go on an adventure with me?” She asked. It was a strange deja vu moment. How many times have you stood in front of the team with your hand out hoping they took it? You wanted to crawl back into bed and ignore the world but you took her hand. You barely got the chance to close your door before Maria dragged you to the elevator. She pressed the button and waited for the metal door. 
“Where are we going?” You asked. She gave you a smile. 
“The roof.” She said as the doors opened. The roof of the compound was your favorite place. It allowed you a place to sit in silence; to feel the wind, listen to the trees, and look at the stars on a clearless night. The roof also allowed you to get away from everyone when you needed a break from their emotions. The elevator opened and you stepped onto the roof. The normal bare roof was transformed. A protector was set up, playing the intro to Hercules. It was one of your comfort movies. In front of the projector - were an assortment of pillows and blankets. Yelena was sitting on some of the pillows with a bowl of popcorn trying to throw pieces into Sam’s mouth while Bucky watched. Natasha and Steve were pouring chips into bowls. 
“What is this?” You asked. Your voice caused your teammates to look at you. 
“This,” Sam answered. “Is our version of the talk you give us.” You looked at him confused. Maria led you to the pillow fort and you sat down. Steve and Natasha joined you. 
“You are always there for us no matter what we are feeling without us needing to ask.” Maria explained. 
“This is us doing it for you.” Bucky shrugged. “Words aren’t our strength but Maria thought a movie might help.” The SHIELD agent blushed at being called out that this was her idea.
“We can watch it with you or if you prefer to watch it by yourself, that’s okay too.” Steve said. It was weird, you were feeling no overpowering emotions from them just you own. You were overwhelmed.  
“Uh, stay please.” You cleared your throat. “Please stay.” Yelena smiled. 
“We got you, dorogoy.” You found yourself resting your head on Maria’s lap with Yelena laying next to you as Natasha started the movie. 
“Do you think Thor has met Hercules?” Natasha asked as the muses began to tell the story. 
“He’s met Zeus, so probably.” You said, taking a handful of popcorn. 
“Sh,” Sam said, throwing a piece of candy at you. You gasped, taking the candy and unwrapping it. You eat it. “Stop talking.” 
“Can we sing?” Yelena asked, glancing at him. He thought about it. 
“I will allow singing.” Yelena gave you a high five. You were feeling better surrounded by people that loved you. 
As the credits began to roll, the reality of the situation you experienced crashed down on you. You turned your head into Maria’s lap and bit back a sob. Her hands immediately wento your back, soothing your cries. “We weren’t fast enough,” Your words were muffled but you knew you had their attention as the movie was muted. “Everytime I close my eyes I see that shipping container. Gods, I wish we were faster.” You cried. How many families had to be notified? Families were broken. Sons and daughters were lost. Siblings were never coming home. “They were right.” You said. The words of your parents echoed in your mind. Failure. Worthless. 
“Who are you talking about, malen’kiy slon (little elephant)?” Natasha asked. 
“My parents.” You felt Maria tense up. “They didn’t just not want me to become an Avenger but they said I wasn’t good enough to become one. They said I’d fail.” 
“No,” Natasha said. You heard movement and soon you felt warm hands on your arms and pulled you into a seated position. “I won’t sit here and let you think bad about yourself. They were wrong.” 
“Nat.” You said, slowly. 
“She’s right.” You looked at Bucky. “What happened in Uganda wasn’t your fault.” You looked down, feeling shame creep around you. Maybe if one of them took the mission the outcome would have been different. You weren’t an Avenger. You weren’t a hero. 
“Why do you like the stars so much?” Sam asked. The question caused your spiraling thoughts to stop. You didn’t look up. 
“I like them because of the stories they tell.” Steve answered. “History is persevered in the night sky.” You smiled, looking up. 
“I think they are pretty to look at.” Yelena added. “It’s amazing to think we live underneath such a work of art.” Your smile crew. It was an interesting feeling being on the other side of your silly little question game. 
“I like them.” You began. “Because they are a reminder that we aren’t alone. While you are looking at the stars someone else could be looking at them too.” You let out a shaky breath. “And..hundreds of years ago someone was standing in your exact spot, looking at the same stars.” 
“Exactly,” Maria said softly. “We’ll carry you home. You’re not alone. Keep marching on.” 
“This is worth fighting for.” Sam said. Natasha gave your arms a gentle squeeze. You looked at the red head. 
“You know we’ve all got battle scars.”
“You’ve had enough. Just don’t give up.” Steve said. 
“You are worth fighting for.” Yelena smiled. “Just keep marching on.” You nodded, whipping away your tears. You laughed. 
“I thought you said you guys were bad with words.” You joked. 
“We learned from the best.” Maria smiled. 
“Thank you,” You said. “Thank you for this. Can we watch another movie?” You asked. 
“Anything you need.” 
“Ooo I get to pick.” Yelena jumped up and picked The Incredibles. She laid back next to you, grabbing your hand. 
“Great choice.” Bucky said. You couldn’t tell if he was being sarcastic or not. You didn’t care as you leaned back in Maria’s arms. The Avengers were fighters, soldiers, and righteous. They were once lost, broken, and defeated. But they all had battle scars. As the movie began you were grateful to call them family and home.            
I’m not the type of person to ask for help but I feel a little helpless. Hurricane Ian devested my home town (I don’t live in Florida anymore) but I lived where the path of the hurricane directly hit for 13 years. That being said my grandfather lives down there and his house was damaged. My grandfather hasn’t had the easiest few years. His wife (my grandmother) passed away 2 years ago during COVID, he’s recently been put on oxygen, and he’s a lone done there. My parents are working on getting down there but the city is a mess and he’s without power and electricity. 
I’ve added my kofi donation page to this story. All donations no matter how big or small will go directly to helping my grandfather get back on his feet and help get my parents down there. They will be missing work by going down there so it will help with bills. 
I appreciate all the support and love you all have given me. If you happen to donate I’d love to write you a personal story for a fandom of your choice. Any amount will help. 
Much love. -Arlana       
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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27 October 2022 The Princess Royal, accompanied by Vice Admiral Sir Tim Laurence, attended a Reception to mark Sixty Years of United Kingdom-Uganda partnership and afterwards attended a Dinner at the Residence of the British High Commissioner in Kampala. 📸: New Vision Uganda
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ewan-mo · 1 year
Mo had a dream
20th September 2023
The youngest student at the workshop; 2 months old. Son of Brenda, Community MH nurse, he is just 2 months old. He’s called Zion. And very advanced, of course.
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At breakfast today I decided to have avocado. Because I could, because it’s good for me, and because we normally eat quite a bit of it at home.
Our menu here tends to be based on common Ugandan everyday foods, hence yesterday’s liver and cooking banana and today’s avocado.
Ewan began the day’s programme with a snowball exercise. 2-3 people discuss first, then they join another group to become 6 and so on. Each time the group has to decide on its ‘top 3’ – in this case, their top three things learnt as a result of the partnership with Jamie’s Fund. Great to read their results. I was not surprised, but I was moved, to hear mention of loving our patients, and other similar sentiments 
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Long ago in Malawi, I was surprised and upset to find that the PrivateNotForProfit hospitals, which were mostly faith based, wouldn’t care for any patients with mental illness. While in government service we were developing community mental health care and reducing the population of the mental hospital, the mission hospitals were saying “We don’t do this.”
We asked a question of the Christian Medical Fellowship in UK as to why should this be? That led to a consultation: “Should faith based health institutions provide mental health services?”
An international conference followed in 1998: Developing Mental Health: a Challenge to the Churches. We brought participants from five continents - mental health workers, their managers and their bishops, and had a wonderful week in a conference centre in England. 
By then I had a dream: that faith-based hospitals, especially in low-income countries, would develop community mental health services, and offer love and commitment to this group of people who are so often stigmatised, rejected and outcast.
Working in Jamie’s Fund in Uganda, my dream has come true. Our young colleagues here have a shining vision to make things better in mental health, and they are transforming lives. They also love to learn and we are having such a good week with them.
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Second on today’s agenda I presented Trauma Matters, prepared by our good friend Helen, a Liverpool psychiatrist. We were all looking forward to her first visit to Uganda – and so was she, but late in the day illness stopped that happening. Interesting presenting other people’s powerpoint! But I already knew that she and I had were of the same tribe, had concerns and values in common, and that it was a privilege to present her work. 
After lunch our colleague Sudaat told us about a new syndrome “Shake Shake”. Every so often these slightly odd presentations crop up, often in boarding schools, looking like some weird neurological disease. As far as I know, they never are, but are usually due to underlying stress and the girls ‘catch’ it from each other. You won’t be surprised to hear that in ShakeShake the girls’ legs shake.
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Some of our colleagues had asked for screening tools to give them a straightforward and speedy way to assess those patients in medical clinics who come with physical symptoms but appear to have nothing wrong with them. So we talked about screening principles and got them doing translations of one such tool into local languages. Much hilarity ensued. Keeping control was like herding cats.  
We took a group photo with the banner of the the Diversity Foundation behind the group.  Diversity Travel have been very generous in their support to Jamie’s Fund and have paid about half the cost of this work shop for which we are very grateful..
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Ewan enjoys data. Don’t drown in data, turn it into information!  Kuule from Bwindi and Lamet from Mukono, both very able and visionary mental health clinicians, joined Ewan to show how it could be done. Kuule and Ewan have recently spent a considerable time preparing a research paper on this very subject, which shows how the number of patients attending mental health clinics around Bwindi has increased as more clinics have been opened as a result of training of clnical staff  in basic mental health care, sponsored by JF.  The only officially required figures are for the clinic attendances rather than how an individual attends.  Just looking at the number of attendances doesn't tell you about the size of pool of patients or if individuals are attending regularly for follow up. You need this to be able to manage your service effectively.
Supper as usual and early bed.
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universalcovers · 11 months
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THE LEADER UC & TS Top in Class Selection ▶ Richard Brandson Vision: A world without the death penalty is a better world
Quoted, Richard Brandson's Blog:
I’ve long spoken up against the death penalty, a punishment so cruel, inhumane, and riddled with error and malice that it should have no place in our modern world. Its proponents claim it deters crime, yet nothing could be further from the truth – and study after study refutes that claim. Look anywhere in the 55 countries that retain the practice: the death penalty doesn’t make communities safer, has no noticeable impact on crime rates, whilst wasting precious resources that could be better used elsewhere.  
The truth is that – more often than not – the death penalty is used as a tool of repression and totalitarian control. Countries like Iraq, Iran, Egypt, Nigeria, and Pakistan hold thousands of people on their death rows – most detained under bogus allegations and convicted without any regard for due process or equality before the law. Many are never executed, but that is not the point. Here, capital punishment is a convenient tool to silence any form of dissent and take inconvenient critics out of circulation.
Even in nations that take pride in the fairness and transparency of their criminal justice system, the death penalty is marred by terrifying institutional failures. In the US, 195 individuals have been exonerated and freed from the country’s death rows since 1973, often the result of new evidence or DNA testing, but also revelations of gross misconduct by investigators and prosecutors. It’s an astonishing statistic: for every eight people that were executed in the US, one innocent person has been freed, often after languishing on death row for decades. With a rate of error so egregious, it is feared that a significant number of those that were executed may have been innocent, too.
I am particularly troubled by the disproportionate use of the death penalty against those who are often already at the margins of society – ethnic and other minority groups, the poor, or people with intellectual disabilities (note that in many places, those characteristics intersect).
In Uganda, years of anti-gay hate and propaganda fuelled and funded by US evangelical groups have not only forced much of the country’s LGBT+ community into hiding, but a terrifying new “anti-homosexuality” law seeks the death penalty for “aggravated homosexuality”. The first individuals have already been charged under this legislation, and I fear that it will lead to a spiral of hate and discrimination.
Iran has seen a sharp rise in the number of those who were brought to trial in the wake of the democracy protests of the last twelve months, following the brutal killing of Mahsa Amini. Dozens have been executed, and hundreds more are feared to be sentenced to die, simply for challenging the corrupt regime and demanding human rights.
Equally disturbing is the repeated use of the death penalty to punish non-violent drug offences, whether in Iran or Singapore. Those executed are almost without exception small-scale traffickers, already at the lowest rungs of the illicit drug supply chain, and often bullied, pressured and coerced by violent drug cartels. Their senseless deaths make no difference to the global drug trade, their ranks are easily replenished by others in similarly dire circumstances.
Having followed capital cases around the world for many years, I think there is neither fairness nor justice in the death penalty. As my friend Bryan Stevenson has pointed out:
It’s an imperfect sentence administered by imperfect people.
And that alone should be reason enough to end it.
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phrobysha · 2 years
Peace of Mind is hard to find but when you get it, it is the most amazing thing one can hold onto. There many things on this earth that bring about this transition in evolution however the question is, what is this for you and is it all you ever wanted. Family is such a thing and it is but all there is.
Humanity is a way of existence that we all have to exist as. Clearly there different contexts of this reality and how we decide to live comes down to this definition, So what is humanity to you.
Honor is a word i find very interesting and its division to honesty and transparency even more so does create a question of self. How does one become as it were open minded and too of forthcoming speech with open sourced coherence. Inceptive or Deceptive is what we should ask of ourselves.
Family is on my mind, the entirity of category from close, extended and unknown family.
Life is on my mind, and as a Ugandan, it is the life of all that i speak of, not mine, yours or the next person but indeed everyone.
The politics of Uganda are very diverse as are the people. And long before politics as we have come to know and practise it, we were a people who embraced first and foremost, politics of the heart, which was engineered by the spirit and soul, then we thereafter engaged politics of the mind. So we must ask ourselves whether we acknowledge the difference in what politics was and what it has become.
What is never on my mind should be question of intrigue. One is never low on hope nor is one short on faith and well, one simply is lifeless without Love.
One has long thought of a world different to the one we know, and not to say there ain't a number of beautiful and admirable things about planet earth but speaking of a land I grew up in, Kampala Uganda, the most diverse and integrated community with tremendous desirable attributes of surmount characteristic that I know of, it is painful even saddening to see a country such as this one, continuously undergo tyrannical magnitudes of madness. But there is hope yet and indeed the love of this great nation remains at heart. Like human beings who consistently need rethinking of their existence, there is great future of change that will awash this wonderful of country. The pearl of Africa it was named and well as testimony may have it, only time will heal its setbacks and the best of vision is yet to be captivated to length of spatial longevity as a nation of endurance and perseverance that has no end to attaining a momentous of through and through beauty. Faith that God created this nation as testament of everlasting new beginnings.
What's in front of one is more important than what is behind and for that reason I have a vision non like any before.
There is no comparison of any one given person as the creator makes no mistakes. There can only be one like ourselves as is the capacity of every rain drop. Our destiny is to comprehend our gravity of extent to the bigger picture. But together we have the power and will to foresee a change none like any. There is no comparison of what we all could achieve and henceforth manifest as units of change to a world we all have come to call home. mi casa es su casa. Can't we all just get along.
Has planet earth become more or less a paradise of happiness or sorrow. It is not individual but diverse interconnectedness of all that exists that we must answer this question. Have the hopes and dreams of men and women as once children become as such the world visioned. Humanity is peace, love, harmony and tranquility. A pact of sisterhood and brotherhood that is without boundaries but both internal and external projection of trajectory advancement as an evolved species. Life on planet earth must be corrected and effectively enriched in this generation. For it is the time of healing that we all have been tasked with and after the greatest of all monumental captivation, rebuilding the foundation of essence as residents of this realm.
The Police Man and The Army Man.
This is a story that takes us
Into the workings of power.
It was on this occassion
That someone screamed for help
As the tale is told
They were robbed by two men
And two men came to the rescue.
A police man who'd only just begun
On the first day of his duty
And an army man
Passing through town
On this particular event.
An argument broke out between the two
Over who should handle the case.
The army man insisted he was higher ranking
And the policeman claimed jurisdiction.
Confused in conflict another call was made
Attention Gentlemen please
At ease with eachother
We need your assistance.
And in an instance
A quarrelsome battle seized
Together they answered
At your service.
Again we have been violated
By whom asked the policeman
And in reply by strangers.
What did they take
Our harvest as we are grangers.
In what direction asked the policeman
They headed west in pointing assertion
And by what means did they travel
By cycle answered in address politeness
Was it bicycle or motorcycle
By both actually in so recollection
The stunned army man on foot requested
Might we commandeer your tractor
And the police man backed this petition
Both setting off in pursuit of the wrongdoers.
They returned with two captured suspects.
One had a motorcycle and the other a bicycle
But with no harvest to show.
So they asked whether they recognized either
And a resounding no as they wore masks followed
And too, it was the wee hours of the morning
And being day light right now in that moment
All they could remember was that
One sounded like a woman
And the other like a man
But the apprehended were both men
The policeman and army man said oh men
What are we to do
The victims broke into tears
And this was their worst fear.
To be continued
The Lion Prince and Dragon Princess.
Once upon a time
In a land not so distant
Far in the heart of the Jungle
Amidst the vast savanna plains
Was a prince.
None like any of the young men
He was adventurous and known by many
As the most mischievous ever.
His nature very much like the wild
With love for the earth everlasting
He alone would become the first
To travel the lands across the mountains.
On the other side of the world
Was a princess.
Known as the Dragon princess
She was the soul of the mountains
And the valleys alike.
Her spirit matched to the prince
Was one of Adventure and dreams.
It was in this clasp that the two
Would one day as destiny intended
Meet and fall in Love.
Like every tale told
It was not an easy road
At crossroads is where
They would find challenges
Set upon them in time.
The evil witches and wizards who worked
For the evil queens and kings
Would stop at nothing to
See them apart from course.
But the universe no match
For the spells of wickedness
Would fail at every attempt.
For it was the union of these two
That the lion and the dragon
Would become as such pact
To conquer all evil adact.
The young prince had a companion
A lion that was well adapted
With the lands as his playground
And the Princess on the other hand
With a Dragon that rode the skies
With zeal and might.
Together they would become
The beginning of dreams
With no end to love
That was unbreakable.
For centuries it is believed
That seers into the future
Would try and bend all time
To stop such becoming.
And that it was this very unlikely
But destined union
That would break the curse
Known as the war on peace.
The union would be
One that mended all rage
A chapter into a new age
Of time where love reigned.
A moments glance into
A people freed from
Enslavement of hate.
The earth lands and
The sky bands would
Forever be bound
Together for eternity
As the lion and dragon union
A match made in heaven
And destined by the universe.
To be Continued
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beardedmrbean · 2 years
ST. ALBANS, Vt. (AP) — Authorities in Vermont say Ugandan activist who fled his home country after he says he was repeatedly tortured for his human rights work and would fear for his life if he was deported can stay another year.
Steven Tendo, a 37-year-old pastor, was granted a one-year stay on deportation or removal on Tuesday. After a meeting at a U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Office in northern Vermont, he thanked the two dozen advocates and friends who gathered outside the building to show their support. The newspaper VTDigger first reported on his case from Vermont.
“You mobilized, you spoke on my behalf, you poured out your hearts,” Tendo said to the small crowd. “I mean, I can't express how I feel but I am so happy and I promise I am going to be a very successful Vermonter."
In Uganda, Tendo started the nonprofit Eternal Life Organization International Ministries, that he says, among other things, helped youths to vote, incarcerated youths and those calling for reforms to express themselves in a legal and organized manner. The Ugandan government eventually saw the organization as a threat and targeted him, he said. Starting in 2012 he says he was repeatedly tortured and that government operatives severed the tips of two of his finger. He was arrested multiple times on trumped up charges but never convicted, he said.
Emails were sent to the Embassy of the Republic of Uganda in Washington, D.C., seeking comment.
Uganda's human rights environment has declined markedly over the past year, according to the 2022 World Report from Human Rights Watch. In the spring of 2021, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken said the election in which longtime President Yoweri Museveni won a sixth term “was neither free nor fair." In announcing some visa restrictions, Blinken said “opposition candidates were routinely harassed, arrested, and held illegally without charge. Ugandan security forces were responsible for the deaths and injuries of dozens of innocent bystanders and opposition supporters.”
Tendo fled Uganda and in late 2018 sought asylum in the United States and protection under the Convention Against Torture. For a little over two years, he was detained at the Port Isabel Service Processing Center in Texas where a judge did not find him credible and denied him asylum. During his detention — which Tendo said was worse than the torture he endured in Uganda — his health declined. He said he was denied a diet to manage his diabetes, was not allowed to check his sugar levels and he became blind because of his uncontrolled sugar levels.
In August of 2020, 44 members of Congress wrote a letter to the acting secretary of the Department of Homeland Security urgently requesting that Tendo's deportation be halted and that he be released for “life-threatening medical reasons.” Amnesty International and other organizations also called for his release, which happened in February of 2021. An email was sent to ICE seeking comment.
After his release, Tendo was invited by the Central Vermont Refugee Action Network to live in Vermont, where he now works at the DREAM Program Inc., a nonprofit that helps youth, and he has a separate night job. He had an operation to correct the vision in one eye.
DREAM Program founder Michael Foote described Tendo as “fantastic," as he stood with others outside the immigration office on Tuesday to support him.
“He exudes charisma, and leadership and so he’s been a real asset on the fundraising side, which is where he is focused, but also an important bridge to the new American community in the Chittenden County area,” he said.
Dian Kahn, a member of the Central Vermont Refugee Action Network, who helped Tendo for about nine months when he first arrived in Vermont, also stood outside the building.
“Steven is a brilliant, caring, very special person that really wants to bring community good and in Vermont those are our values here for a lot of us,” she said.
State officials have also taken on his cause. In November, Vermont's congressional delegation and Lieutenant Gov. Molly Walsh wrote letters to acting director of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement asking her to “exercise prosecutorial discretion in Mr. Tendo’s case." Amnesty International also sent a letter saying his “removal would constitute a grave injustice and a clear breach of U.S. obligations not to return a person to possible persecution or torture.”
Tendo appealed the judge’s decision denying his asylum to the Board of Immigration Appeals and was denied, then lost his appeal for a review of that decision in federal court. He says he plans to talk with lawyers about what to do next. He is intensively grateful for all the support and says he loves Vermont and being a Vermonter.
“I have a passion to help people in need and become a solution,” he said.
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On August 14, 2024, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared monkeypox, now referred to as Mpox, a global public health emergency. This declaration follows the rapid spread of the disease across 13 African countries, notably including Congo, where 14,000 cases and 524 deaths have been reported. This is the second time in three years that Mpox has reached such an emergency status.
Current Status and Spread
Mpox has been identified in at least 13 African countries, with over 96% of cases and deaths concentrated in Congo. New outbreaks have also been detected in Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, and Uganda, linked to the epidemic in Congo. The number of cases has surged by 160% this year, with deaths increasing by 19%. A concerning factor in the current outbreak is the emergence of a new clade of the virus, which manifests with lesions on the genitals, complicating detection and facilitating unnoticed transmission.
Transmission and Symptoms
Monkeypox spreads through direct contact with infected individuals or contaminated objects, and can also be transmitted from animals to humans. Common symptoms include rash, fever, sore throat, headache, muscle aches, back pain, low energy, and swollen lymph nodes. Severe cases can lead to complications such as pneumonia, vision loss, sepsis, and, in extreme cases, death.
Global Response and WHO Actions
The WHO is actively working to contain the spread by supporting affected countries, providing resources for testing and treatment, and coordinating with partners such as the Africa CDC and NGOs. A regional response plan has been developed, requiring an initial $15 million, with $1.5 million already released from the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies.
Situation in India
India reported its first case of monkeypox in 2022, and as of July 24, 2023, there have been 27 confirmed cases in the country, with cases reported in Kerala and Delhi.
Preventive Measures
To mitigate the risk of monkeypox, individuals should practice good hygiene, avoid close contact with symptomatic individuals, use personal protective equipment when caring for infected individuals, and avoid handling or consuming wild animals showing signs of illness.
About the writer:
Javad Ahmad Hura, Teacher,
G D Goenka Public school,
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sawaproexperts · 3 months
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Best 2D Animation in Kampala
Looking to add some lively visuals to your projects in Uganda? Look no further than Best 2D Animation in Kampala! With its vibrant colors and dynamic characters, Best 2D Animation brings your ideas to life engagingly and memorably. Whether you're promoting a product, telling a story, or educating your audience, Best 2D Animation offers a versatile and effective solution. We have Digital Animation in Kampala, studios, workshops, and industry. So, let your creativity shine and captivate your viewers with the magic of the Best 2D Animation in Muyenga!
Are 2D Animators in demand?
For example, meet the Rising Demand: Are you passionate about bringing characters to life through animation? Good news! The demand for 2D animators is soaring. Thus, companies across various industries, from entertainment to advertising, are seeking skilled animators to create captivating content. As businesses increasingly turn to animation to engage audiences, now is the perfect time to pursue a career in Best 2D Animation.
Unleash Your Creativity: Imagine having the power to turn your artistic vision into reality. As a 2D animator, you can do just that. With the demand for animated content on the rise, there's no shortage of opportunities to showcase your talent and creativity. Whether you're animating characters for a blockbuster film or crafting eye-catching commercials, your skills as a 2D animator are in high demand and can take you places you've only dreamed of. We have Digital Animation in Kampala, studios, workshops, and industry.
Therefore, join the Animation Revolution: The world of animation is evolving, and 2D animators are at the forefront of this revolution. With advancements in technology and an increasing appetite for animated content, there's never been a better time to embark on a career in Best 2D Animation. So, from traditional hand-drawn techniques to digital animation, the possibilities are endless. Don't miss out on your chance to be part of this dynamic and ever-expanding industry.
Is Best 2D Animation Popular in Kampala?
In Uganda, Best 2D Animation is gaining popularity at a remarkable pace. With its vibrant colors and lively characters, Best 2D Animation has captivated audiences of all ages across the country. From educational videos to entertainment content, Ugandan creators are embracing this dynamic medium to tell their stories and convey messages in engaging ways. Whether it's promoting local culture or addressing social issues, Best 2D Animation is becoming a go-to tool for Ugandan marketers to connect with their target audiences effectively.
In recent years, the demand for Best 2D Animation in Kampala has surged, reflecting its growing popularity among consumers. Businesses and organizations are leveraging the versatility of Best 2D Animation to enhance their marketing efforts. So, from advertisements to explainer videos, companies are using this visually appealing medium to grab the attention of their target market and convey their brand messages with clarity and creativity. As a result, Best 2D Animation has emerged as a powerful marketing tool in Muyenga, helping businesses stand out in a crowded marketplace and engage with customers in meaningful ways.
Moreover, the accessibility of technology and training opportunities has fueled the rise of Best 2D Animation in Kampala. As more aspiring animators and content creators gain access to tools and resources, the industry is experiencing a surge in talent and innovation. This has led to the production of high-quality animations that resonate with Ugandan audiences and compete on a global scale. With its growing presence in various sectors, from entertainment to advertising, Best 2D Animation is undeniably carving its niche in Muyenga’s vibrant media landscape. We have Digital Animation in Kampala, studios, workshops, and industry.
FAQs about Best 2D Animation in Kampala
What is Best 2D Animation? This is a type of animation where images are created and manipulated in a two-dimensional space to create movement.
Is Best 2D Animation popular in Kampala? Yes, Best 2D Animation is gaining popularity in Uganda, especially with the growth of the entertainment industry and the emergence of local animation studios.
What software is used for Best 2D Animation in Kampala? Popular software for Best 2D Animation in Uganda includes Adobe Animate, Toon Boom Harmony, and TVPaint.
Can I learn the Best 2D Animation in Uganda? Yes, there are opportunities to learn Best 2D Animation in Uganda through various training programs, workshops, and online tutorials.
Do I need to have drawing skills to do the best 2D Animation? While drawing skills can be helpful, they are not always necessary for Best 2D Animation. Many software programs offer tools for creating animations without needing advanced drawing skills.
What career opportunities are there in Best 2D Animation in Kampala? Career opportunities in Best 2D Animation in Kampala include working as an animator, storyboard artist, character designer, or animator for games, films, and advertisements.
In addition,
How can I get started with Best 2D Animation in Kampala? To get started with Best 2D Animation in Muyenga, you can begin by learning the basics of animation principles, familiarizing yourself with animation software, and practicing regularly to improve your skills. Additionally, joining local animation communities and attending industry events can help you network and learn from others in the field.
Are there any animation studios in Kampala? Yes, there are several animation studios in Uganda, such as Kona Animation Studio and Maisha Magic Studios that produce 2D animated content for both local and international audiences.
What are some examples of 2D animated projects from Kampala? Some examples of 2D animated projects from Uganda include short films like "Koikoi" by Maisha Magic Studios. And then, educational animations produced by organizations like the Uganda Communications Commission.
Is Best 2D Animation a viable career path in Muyenga? Yes, Best 2D Animation can be a viable career path in Kampala, especially as the demand for animated content continues to grow across various industries. With dedication, skill development, and networking, individuals can build successful careers in Best 2D Animation.
Ready to elevate your brand with a captivating Best 2D Animation in Kampala? Paulette Décor Arts is your go-to partner for bringing your ideas to life! With our dynamic animations, you can engage your audience, boost your online presence, and stand out from the competition. We have Digital Animation in Kampala, studios, workshops, and industry. So, let's animate your success story together! Get in touch with us today and let's make your vision a reality.
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centenarybank · 6 months
Empowering Financial Security: Navigating Bancassurance in Uganda
Understanding Bancassurance: A Fusion of Services
In the heart of Uganda's financial landscape, bancassurance stands as a beacon of financial security, intertwining the realms of banking and insurance. It's not merely a service; it's a promise of protection and resilience, offered by institutions like Centenary Bank, designed to meet the diverse needs of individuals and businesses across the nation.
Exploring Bancassurance Products: Tailored Solutions for Every Need
In the colorful tapestry of bancassurance in Uganda, various products bloom, each catering to specific needs and aspirations. From life insurance plans to nurture family legacies to health insurance shields against unforeseen medical expenses, Centenary Bank's bancassurance bouquet offers a diverse array of solutions, ensuring no financial concern goes unaddressed.
Navigating Features of Bancassurance: Convenience Redefined
At the core of bancassurance lies a commitment to convenience and accessibility. It's about simplifying complexities, streamlining processes, and putting the power of financial protection in the palm of your hand. With Centenary Bank's bancassurance offerings, clients experience the ease of managing their policies alongside their everyday banking needs, backed by seamless digital platforms and unwavering customer support.
The Human Touch: Bancassurance's Impact on Lives
Beyond the numbers and policies, bancassurance products touch lives, weaving a safety net of reassurance and support. For individuals, it's about securing dreams, protecting loved ones, and embracing the future with confidence. For businesses, it's a shield against uncertainties, a catalyst for growth, and a testament to resilience in the face of challenges.
In Uganda's vibrant tapestry of aspirations and dreams, bancassurance paints a picture of hope and opportunity, empowering individuals and businesses to navigate life's twists and turns with courage and conviction.
Bancassurance: Building Bridges to Financial Inclusion
As Uganda strides towards greater financial inclusion, Uganda bank insurance emerges as a bridge, connecting communities, and empowering individuals with the tools to thrive. It's about breaking barriers, extending hands, and ensuring that no one is left behind in the journey towards prosperity.
In the bustling markets of Kampala and the serene landscapes of the countryside, bancassurance leaves its mark, transforming lives and shaping futures. It's more than a transaction; it's a testament to the power of partnership, collaboration, and shared aspirations for a brighter tomorrow.
Looking Ahead: The Promise of Bancassurance in Uganda
As the sun sets on today's challenges, tomorrow beckons with promise and possibility. In the ever-evolving landscape of types of bancassurance in Uganda, the journey continues, fueled by innovation, driven by purpose, and guided by a shared vision of prosperity for all.
Together, hand in hand, let us embrace the dawn of a new era—one where features of bancassurance transcend boundaries, unlock potential, and pave the way for a future where financial security knows no bounds.
In the heart of Uganda, amidst the rhythms of life and the echoes of dreams, bancassurance stands tall—a testament to resilience, a beacon of hope, and a promise of a brighter tomorrow.
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thxnews · 7 months
UK Funds Tech for Global Prosperity
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Elevating Global Livelihoods
In an era where technology serves as the backbone of development, the United Kingdom is taking significant strides to harness the power of mobile innovation to transform lives across the globe. Moreover, with a new funding initiative of £37.3 million, the UK government aims to catalyze change in some of the world's poorest countries, leveraging mobile technology for sustainable growth and prosperity.  
Unleashing the Potential of Mobile Tech
A Vision for Development Development Minister Andrew Mitchell's announcement at the Mobile World Congress underscores the UK's commitment to integrating mobile and digital technologies into the fabric of global development. Furthermore, this investment in the Mobile for Development Programme, a collaborative effort with the GSMA and the private sector, is poised to bring transformative solutions to pressing global challenges.   Impactful Innovations From AI-driven agricultural advice for Nigerian farmers to pay-as-you-go solar-powered fridges, UK-funded mobile technologies are already making a remarkable difference. These innovations not only improve livelihoods but also address critical issues such as climate change and gender disparity, demonstrating the multifaceted benefits of digital adoption.  
A Partnership for Progress
Bridging Gaps, Building Futures The Mobile for Development programme, having already reached over 94 million people, is poised to expand its impact further. With a focus on empowering women and girls, enhancing climate resilience, and scaling up innovative solutions, the UK's latest support aims to benefit an additional 110 million people, including 60 million women.   Success Stories of Transformation The programme's success is evident in projects like BaKhabar Kissan in Pakistan, which has dramatically increased its user base by providing critical weather forecasting data to farmers. In Uganda, Ensibuuko's digital skills training for rural savings groups highlights the transformative power of digital literacy, especially for women.  
Harnessing Technology for Climate Resilience
Innovating for the Environment The urgency of addressing climate change is integral to the programme's mission. Moreover, by funding projects that leverage AI for agricultural efficiency and digital platforms to reduce food waste, the UK is at the forefront of developing technology-based solutions to environmental challenges.   A Renewed Commitment The partnership between the Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office and the GSMA Mobile for Development Foundation is a testament to the shared vision of leveraging digital innovation for socio-economic and environmental impact. Additionally, this renewed commitment promises to amplify the benefits of mobile technology for the most underserved populations.  
The Road Ahead
A Catalyst for Change As the Mobile World Congress showcases the latest advancements, the UK's investment in mobile technology for development stands out as a beacon of hope. By supporting tech entrepreneurs and fostering innovation, this initiative not only promises to boost livelihoods but also to pave the way for a more inclusive and sustainable future. Sources: THX News, Foreign, Commonwealth and Development Office & The Rt Hon Andrew Mitchell MP. Read the full article
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grandmaster-anne · 2 years
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Archives: When Princess Anne first visited Uganda © New Vision
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ewan-mo · 2 years
We made it
15th March 2023
This has been quite a trip. So good to sense the improved mood compared with last year, the renewal of optimism and cheerful responsivity. But it’s clear that the economic challenges are very difficult indeed, and most of our partner hospitals are struggling financially.
The knock-on effects include a national shortage of prescribed drugs which is only just beginning to recover, and in any case many of our patients can’t afford the fees. A new and rapidly developing problem is the use and abuse of pethidine and tramadol, both strong painkillers. 
As you will have gathered, we’ve been here for the beginning of the rains; sorely needed in many dry areas, but sometimes carrying the risk of flooding, which we saw in miniature at the community clinic with Lubaga.
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It was a bit damp
Many of our partners have grasped the challenge of developing mental health services, and some of our days out with them have been brilliant. There are still some among the church hospitals who haven’t quite caught the vision, though. 
In all cases, there is a great deal to do in encouraging local communities to believe that there is a modern treatment for the behaviour that they assume is due to evil spirits or witchcraft, and which I would describe as mental illness or in some cases epilepsy.
Our colleagues here suffer the same stigma as our patients. I have the highest regard for them as they faithfully ‘serve their patients with love’ as the Lubaga logo has it. 
You can see that there are many contrasts in the day to day world of Uganda and its development. We came from Kampala to Entebbe this morning ready for our flight tonight. We came through some highly deprived city areas but also along the superb Kampala-Entebbe Highway, beautifully constructed, smooth and free flowing, lined with palm trees. Such a contrast to the very muddy and potholed dirt roads, found over much of the country.
Here and there in the city are some quite desirable dwellings (sorry to sound like an estate agent) but for the majority in rural Uganda, many people still live in traditional mud or fired brick houses. Mostly with corrugated iron roofs, which is great, but we have seen many examples of grass roofs, used to make thatched houses in Africa from time immemorial.  
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A line of duka's
Most of the shops we see are the dukas, small and almost always fronting on to the road – at risk of flooding in the heavy rain, as well as dusty when it’s dry. What puzzles us is that in these shops and in the big sprawling markets, so many units sell exactly the same things, often arranged in exactly the same way too. How do they ever sell enough to make a difference?
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Big but not splendid - our vehicle, a 4x4 van.
There are many big, shining and splendid vehicles large and small on the crowded roads. Some vehicles are not so splendid though! Like the vehicle which has been transporting us around Uganda these last days. It has done us fine, but it is 25 years old and covered over 360,000 km.  I was wondering if it is down on power but the owner assures me it just may need a service and new air-filter!
You now know all about the boda-bodas! So pity the poor cyclists, who are at the mercy of all the rest on the road. 
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Time on the road and evening time in the guest houses and hotels where we’ve stayed have often been occupied with writing. I try to write a blog each evening, to give you a window into our world here. Ewan is always on the lookout for good snapshots to illustrate the written account, then makes the selection for the blog and edits it into place. He also writes a report for the Jamie’s Fund trustees on each of our visits, which I then check and review. 
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Using the time
Often the apparent gaps in our timetable are filled up by these activities, so sometimes the days are tiring. We do hope you have found the blog interesting and helpful, especially if you are a JF supporter. You have been helping to make the transformations we’ve described as beginning to happen.   
We are going to need to raise funds for the professional development workshop we are planning in September (£9000) and probably for a motor bike and rider training for Eseza to get out to do her work in the community (around £5000). Do let us know if you would like to help or donate through the Just giving site https://www.justgiving.com/jamiedevaney-memorial and say which you would like your donation to go to.
Having reflected to a limited extent on this country which has come to mean a great deal to us, I have to return to one of its great characteristics, and that is the welcome we receive. Everywhere you go they will ask you how you are, then tell you that you are welcome. In the JF meetings they add how very much they appreciate us.
Over the last ten years we have gradually built relationships with the teams supported by JF. The welcome now feels very genuine, rather  than traditionally formulaic. And in many different ways our friends have made it clear that they do appreciate us coming so that we meet face to face: a deeply rooted part of African culture. 
I have a very special memory of a community leader in a small village high in the hills above Bwindi Community Hospital. Having waited there 5 hours because they knew we would come that day, when we arrived after quite a precarious journey, he told us in his welcome speech that they were a small people of no account, but we came on our long journey, and we talked with them. How they valued that encounter.
We assured them that they were people of worth and importance.  We value our meetings with them very much and continue to learn a great deal from them. Our overwhelming response to all that we experience is how privileged we are. Thank you for being part of it with us.
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latest-news-uganda · 10 months
Emmanuel Katto's Vision for Renewable Energy in Africa | Monitor
In recent years, the conversation around renewable energy has gained significant momentum globally. As the world continues to grapple with the challenges of climate change, the need for clean and sustainable energy sources has become more pressing than ever before. In Africa, where access to electricity is still a major challenge for many communities, the need for a renewable energy revolution is particularly urgent. According to Emmanuel Katto, a renewable energy in Africa needs a radical shift towards clean and sustainable energy sources to address its energy needs and drive economic growth.
Emmanuel Katto points out that while fossil fuels have been instrumental in driving economic growth in many African countries, they have also contributed significantly to air pollution, water scarcity, and climate change. Katto argues that it is time for Africa to embrace renewable energy as a means of addressing these challenges and driving sustainable development.
One of the key advantages of renewable energy, according to Emmanuel Katto, is its potential to create new economic opportunities. Renewable energy projects require significant investment in infrastructure and technology, which can create new jobs and stimulate economic growth. Katto cites the example of Morocco's Noor Ouarzazate Solar Complex, which is one of the largest solar power plants in the world and has created thousands of new jobs in the region. Katto believes that similar projects can be replicated across Africa, creating new economic opportunities and driving sustainable development.
Another key advantage of renewable energy is its potential to address Africa's energy access challenges. According to recent estimates, over 600 million people in Africa lack access to electricity, with many communities relying on expensive and unreliable sources of power such as kerosene lamps and diesel generators. Katto believes that renewable energy can provide a more affordable and reliable alternative to these traditional sources of power, particularly in rural areas where grid connectivity is limited. Emmanuel Katto cites the example of Green Energy's solar-powered mini-grids in Uganda, which have provided affordable and reliable electricity to thousands of households in rural areas.
Katto also thinks that renewable energy can contribute significantly to climate change mitigation efforts in Africa. According to recent estimates, Africa is particularly vulnerable to the impacts of climate change, with many communities facing increased risks of droughts, floods, and other extreme weather events. Katto argues that by transitioning towards clean and sustainable energy sources, Africa can reduce its greenhouse gas emissions and contribute to global efforts to mitigate climate change.
In conclusion, Emmanuel Katto believes Africa needs a renewable energy revolution to address its energy needs, drive economic growth, and mitigate climate change impacts. By embracing clean and sustainable energy sources such as solar, wind, and hydro power, Africa can create new economic opportunities, address its energy access challenges, and contribute significantly to global efforts to mitigate climate change. It is time for Africa to take a bold step towards a cleaner and more sustainable future.
Read the full article here https://www.monitor.co.ug/uganda/brand-book/emmanuel-katto-envisions-a-renewable-energy-revolution-to-uplift-africa-s-status-4382076
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Introducing Lyca Group
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Founded by Allirajah Subaskaran, who continues to lead the company as group chairman today, Lyca Group was launched with the vision of ensuring that no matter how far people venture they can keep connected with friends and family. In appointing leaders, Allirajah Subashkaran seeks out talented candidates with a particular focus on ambition and family, building up a powerful team of the world’s top talent – enabling Lyca Group to continue its pedigree of delivering meaningful experiences to customers all over the world.
Embarking on the next stage of its evolution, Lyca Group is committed to daring innovation, embracing new technologies and faster, more efficient and agile ways of working, enabling the company to be even more ambitious and daring in a rapidly changing digital landscape and provide meaningful customer-first services.
The next phase of Lyca Group’s evolution is digital-first, leveraging new technologies and seeking out new opportunities to connect with customers around the world, delighting, engaging and inspiring them. Lyca Group is already in the midst of a powerful upgrade of its suite of digital services, with ambitious new digital products in the pipeline to lead the market across an extensive range of business sectors.
Built on innovation and the boldness to challenge the norm, Lyca Group’s new era signifies yet another bold step forward in the company’s proud tradition of leveraging the latest technology to create exciting new customer-first experiences. To deliver its ambitious plans for world-class digital experiences, the company is not only evolving its brand but also its business, investing in top talent and cutting-edge digital resources to make Lyca Group and its subsidiaries more agile in the way they work and more revolutionary in the way they think.
Whether a team member has been with a Lyca Group company for 10 days or 10 years, the global workforce are embarking on an exciting journey together, developing creative new ways of approaching business and delivering excellence.
Adopting a highly agile, value-drive approach, Lyca Group acts with a laser focus on customer experience in all of its operations, enabling the group and its subsidiaries to challenge convention while delivering to the utmost standards. Lyca Group strives to deliver truly meaningful experiences to customers across the globe by providing innovative and unparalleled content and services.
Lyca’s values emphasise trust, speed and the entrepreneurial spirit, providing a full spectrum of digital-first experiences that delight and inspire customers.
Lyca Group and its subsidiaries continue to live and breathe the agile, entrepreneurial spirit upon which the group was founded. The group serves customers across Europe, Africa, America, Australia and Asia, delivering exciting, innovative services and products.
Lyca Mobile is the largest international MVNO in the world, serving over 16 million customers currently, with a new customer joining every two seconds. The company was created with the mission of connecting family and friends, providing low-cost, high-quality voice and data services to users all over the world. Today, Lyca Mobile services are available across the United Kingdom, Ireland, France, Belgium, Denmark, Sweden, the Netherlands, Norway, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Poland, Romania, Macedonia, Italy, Portugal, Ukraine, Tunisia, Uganda, South Africa, Hong Kong and Australia.
Since Lyca Mobile’s launch in 2006 Lyca Group has grown and thrived, diversifying and venturing into new industries. Today, Lyca Group has 16 subsidiaries across a broad range of markets, including healthcare, technology, financial services, travel, hospitality, marketing, media and entertainment, and telecommunications.
Lyca Remit offers high-speed, low-cost, reliable and secure online international money transfer services, providing a convenient and cost-effective alternative to traditional high-street agents and money transfer companies. Serving customers across 80 countries at ultra-competitive rates, Lyca Remit was born out of a vision to simplify the process of sending money across borders, providing a fast and effective means of transferring money online, anywhere around the world.
Lyca Health is a UK-based healthcare provider that combines expert knowledge and technological innovation to deliver exceptional personalised experiences to all clients. The company listens carefully to its clients’ needs, capitalising on a wealth of expertise to deliver healthcare solutions that exceed expectations.
Established in 2015, Lyca Digital is the digital arm of Lyca Group. The company was launched to meet the growing digital needs of brands under the Lyca Group. Lyca Digital delivers robust technology platforms and innovative digital marketing campaigns, spearheading Lyca Group’s transformation into a ‘superbrand’. As the group forges ahead, thriving on technological innovation, Lyca Digital has positioned itself as a premier digital agency providing a full spectrum of services, paving the way for a complete transformation of the customer experience. Allirajah Subaskaran founded Lyca Group on the premise of connecting friends and family all over the world through innovative and affordable services and products. Today, Lyca Group serves more than 16 million customers worldwide with Lyca Mobile now operating in 23 countries, having established the largest global footprint of an international MVNO.
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