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uflucia · 2 years ago
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hello! a quick word of warning before i unravel the mess below: i haven't roleplayed, or well, written anything in a creative capacity in a while, so please bear with me as i try and navigate my way around. that being said, i'm still really excited and eager to write with you all, so here are some bullets on lucia von eleyver below the cut! also leaving a link here to her about page, so feel free to check that out for a more detailed insight into my muse!
born as the younger twin to the noble house of eleyver, it seemed like she was forever destined to be her brother's shadow. baron von eleyver was delighted to welcome his son & heir into the world, but with regards to his daughter... think, quote daisy buchanan, 'and i hope she'll be a fool - that's the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.'
her brother was the golden boy in every sense of the word - gifted and good, lucien was beloved by all he came across. long story short, he outshone lucia in every single aspect of their lives and continued to do so until (spoiler alert) his death.
this gap between them only grew more apparent as they began to receive training aged seven - in both magic and warfare. eleyver is a city that prides itself on its light magic users rivaled only by those in ganggyn, and naturally, the barons of the city have been light magic users too.
lucia's progress with light magic was virtually non-existent, and her father eventually decided that... well, if lessons with the most expensive tutors weren't helping, then maybe she needed a more practical... approach to learning.
tw: child abuse. this new form of 'training' essentially involved locking lucia up in a dark cellar in the heart of the monastery, caning her, then leaving her alone to find a way to heal herself.
honestly?? you might ask how her mother let this happen. baroness von eleyver was a kind-hearted, weak-willed woman with a fragile disposition - she had her own nightmares to fight; stuck in a loveless marriage, and suffering from post-partum depression. lucia would always wonder if her mother was genuinely oblivious to her pain and suffering, or whether she knowingly turned a blind eye.
her father's form of 'training' continued for a few years until one fateful day, lucia lashed out at her father unknowingly with weak, dark magic. from that point onwards, all form of training concerning magic stopped - instead, she was groomed to make an advantageous match, and assist her parents in forming diplomatic ties between leaders across deyuis.
everything seems to be smooth sailing until the war against etlia breaks out; she's promised to another gleerium noble for marriage, and her brother is thriving as a top student at lotus academy whilst preparing to step into his role as the next heir in line to inherit the title as baron von eleyver.
lucien leaves for war, adamant that it is his duty to carry out the will of gleil & gleeirum, confident in his belief that he will bring glory, and return home. he does return home at the end of the war - in a casket.
a year after her brother's death, and lucia's tentative engagement has now been set in stone. her mother is unreachable in her grief over the loss of her son, and her father is contemptuous in his disappointment and outrage that his pride & joy was killed by rebel etlian forces. lucia is... lost, and desperately lonely.
possible plot prompts:
someone she met as a child during their visit to eleyver, and noticed that she was injured. the encounter was memorable to her because she'd never had her injuries tended to before, and to have such warm attention & care from a stranger, no less, when she couldn't expect it from her family was... odd, but not unpleasant. they meet again many years later, and in a way, some things haven't changed.
someone who was involved with her late brother, lucien. maybe someone who used to be his closest friend/advisor/lover? lucia finds herself seeking them out frequently - she's not sure whether it's because they're the only person who will willingly discuss lucien with her, or whether it's something else, but either way, she finds herself depending on this newfound friendship more than is probably healthy.
someone she meets on a diplomatic mission to another country with her parents. during discussions, it's evident that they don't exactly see eye to eye - cue rivalry, heated debates behind glasses of champagne, petty acts of revenge like stepping on each others' shoes during a dance, etc.
to be added!
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ufnathaniel · 3 years ago
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hello and happy opening day to uf and all of us! let me introduce you to nathaniel. he’s the heir to the city of ouros located in gleerium and serves as the captain of the city’s army! he personally fought in the final war of the states in eltia so he’s considered a glorious war hero and all that. i’ll leave more details under the cut as well as some wanted connections i had in mind, so please like this post if you’re interested in plotting!
(discord available upon request! i prefer it over ims but i don’t want to put my id out here lol )
firstborn son of ouros nobility, a sigh of relief as an heir is secured.
raised by the state’s finest to succeed his father’s legacy (a decorated and well-respected war general)
most people see him as an obedient pushover, and to a certain degree, he is. growing up, he’s learned that his life didn’t belong to him, but instead the nation, and slowly loses his sense of identity and self.
secretly craved freedom and independence, but as he grew into his late teens, it looked more and more impossible.
when he turns seventeen, his fiancee is decided upon, fellow gleerium nobility. neither of them seem very happy about it.
he’s proven himself as a excellent son and future ruler so far, but when he turns eighteen, his father presents him with a test: to go to war.
he’s to take charge of ouros’ main army and lead them into battle against eltia, to conquer and come home victorious, or he would have his right to inheritance revoked.
it may have sounded like an escape if he failed–finally, a chance to be free and live on his own terms, but it devastated him. having lived his entire life dedicating time and effort, blood, sweat, and tears to fulfill his duty as heir, suddenly having that one sureness in his life threatened was terrifying.
who was he if not future baron nathaniel von ouros? after everything he’s done and sacrificed to get here, there was simply no way he could fail now.
and so he takes on the test, to wonderful results. with the combat and tactical training that had been drilled into his head since a young age and a sharp mind that surpassed even the brightest of scholars, he led ouros’ army to victory, and with the help of their allies, he fulfilled their family’s legacy as a military power, putting his name down in history as one of the bringers of gleerium’s peace.
but it wasn’t without loss. brilliant men he dined and laughed with, shared stories around the fire with, he could not return them to their families. he himself had suffered a critical blow to the back as his company was ambushed, and would’ve bled out if not for the healers on site. it took months to recover, but he learned much about commanding from the back lines in that time.
upon returning to ouros, three years after he left, a foot taller and with a deep sadness in his eyes but a warm smile on his lips, he was welcomed home as a hero.
since then, he’s been learning to live life in peace as plans for his marriage draw ever closer. he’s still trying to cope with having lived out life in war, and it isn’t going as smoothly as he would’ve hoped. as with the previous years, he’s simply waiting for the next step in life to be decided for him, the next order to be issued. the very least he can do is make his family, people, and future wife happy.
that all being said, he’s found himself making more and more excuses to travel outside the boundaries of nobility, even going as far as to create an entirely different identity to pass off as a civilian. he excuses it by saying he can protect the people better if he knows how they operate, but deep down he knows it’s because he likes the feeling of escapism it brings.
that is, if everything goes to plan.
wanted connections (* = requires further plotting, somewhat picky)
* younger brother (around 17yo give or take a year, south korean fc) / the second and youngest son of the ouros family. their father doesn’t consider him worthy of inheritance/the baron title, and however way he reacts to it is fine with me.
* fiancee (female gleerium nobility around his age) / engaged for political/power reasons, first met around 14-16yo, i don’t mind if she’s genuinely attracted to/in love with nathaniel or not, but he will see her as his duty to marry more than anything. he will play the part of a loving fiance/husband though, so it won’t be obvious.
fellow gleerium nobility / he socialized a lot during his teen years so he would know most other nobility by name if anything. we can come up with whatever sort of relationship for them, though!
enemies / having fought wars and all, he’s bound to have enemies, especially ones that were involved in the war with eltia.
comrades / similarly, others he might’ve fought alongside with during the war.
visitors / now that he’s no longer expected to fight, he’s taken to patrolling the streets of ouros on horseback (though his father says it’s not fitting of someone of his standing). a chance encounter between the two of you?
friends who know no better / people who know him as his civilian persona, leo. it says friends but i’m down for any sort of relationship you can have with a dude who’s just a little bit mysterious but ultimately harmless looking.
and honestly, i’m open to any sort of ideas you may have! just hmu <3
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ufasher · 3 years ago
helloooo everyone you might know me i'm laur (they/them, 21+) and i'm super excited to introduce hwang asher von eryvine!! though these days, he just goes by asher. also i have a twitter i barely use (available upon request) but the best way to reach me is probably tumblr ims.
i've had a crazy week and haven't been able to finish up some pages i was working on, but i do have a pretty decent profile page you can check out for some basics and the tl;dr version of his history!
under the cut i'll add an even briefer version of his background and try to get some plot ideas going! 
so essentially, asher's the "bastard" (his mother insists she was married to the man but no one really believes this) of the daughter of a minor noble of etlia and some charming pirate who she was in love with. his grandfather (his mother's father) is a pretty prideful man and as much as he resented the fact that asher's a bastard, he's the only male heir to the estate. so he tolerated asher and understood that his daughter's marriage prospects were so slim considering she has a son with a man who might be at the gallows for piracy.
when etlia started to lose the war with gleerium, asher's grandfather's alleigances changed so damn quick. this man would do anything to keep his wealth and power (however minor it may be) and negotiated an alliance with gleerium before they fully took over etlia, promising his daughter's hand in marriage to a gleerium duke's son as an act of good faith. she was told that marrying this man would mean peace for their family and the small city they watched over, so she agreed.
well long story short, asher's mom had a son and asher only got to meet him briefly before they all realized that the fact that there's now a "legitimate" male heir (that's not him) puts him in danger with his grandfather. the man is not above killing his flesh and blood if said flesh and blood is also related to a pirate. so asher fled (after much begging from his mother) and has been on the run ever since. 
i say ever since, but it's like the last three months at most.
he's broke; any money he took with him has run out. he never learned a trade, being a noble's son, but he did learn sparring, swordplay, wrestling, etc. and he manages to find mercenary work to keep himself fed. he's not picky though, he'll also try his hand at any repair work, running errands, couriering letters... he'll try just about anything if you'll pay him for it (unless he's absolutely certain he cannot accomplish it)
he's not particularly skilled socially since his grandfather kinda tried to hide him away most of his childhood. he's actually a very outgoing guy who gets lonely very easily so as much as he doesn't know proper decorum, he's also very quick to try to make friends!
fun fact! he's terrified of fire. long story short, he accidentally started a barn fire when he was just a kid and got caught up in it a little bit before someone rescued him. he has a scar on his upper arm from where falling debris landed on him and burned him pretty badly. 
he keeps that scar covered since it's his most distinguishing mark and he doesn't want his grandfather to find him or know where to send any assassins.
he wanders around a lot and likes to learn, so if your muse has a skill he'll probably just... stand around and watch them and if they ask what he's doing he'll ask if he can try... he'll be very bad at it of course but he'll try very hard
loves animals, anything four-legged and furry. has a hard time killing game for food because of this even though he knows it's necessary (and is pretty good at skinning/preparing meat)
not a super aggressive guy, would rather try to talk it out first. and then he'd rather run than get into a fight. but if he's cornered into fighting he'll do his absolute best! (he's not that good)
ok i think that's all i got in me for now... hopefully this helps us get some plots going for the boy!! thank u for reading and i hope to see u in my ims soon <3
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ufazura · 3 years ago
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hi hi everyone! i’m sage (21+, he/they) and i bring with me lazulina, more commonly known as kim azura! she’s a branded meaning she’s half beorc and half laguz (raven to be more specific). this also means she has an extended lifespan and my girl is OLD we talking a whole 53 years old but she tells everyone she’s 21 as she keeps her status as branded hidden. i’ll leave some links with more info about her for those who want to check those out! 
also as a sidenote, while i am not new to rp i am completely new to high fantasy setting rp and might need some time to get used to the setting and possible plots. but i am a huge fan of fantasy video games (fire emblem in particular!) so i doubt it would be much of an issue! 
profile. story. 
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finnuf · 3 years ago
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hi everyone!  💓 first intro because i prewrote this pog? i am so excited omg [suddenly forgets how to write an intro] uhhh...i’m so happy to meet everyone! everyone should have already gotten a message from me by now, but regardless, i’m carly, aka [drumroll] admin eirika! honestly cannot express how excited and thankful i am that you’re all here. it’s really surreal to me that uf is actually open after i’ve worked on it pretty much every day since mid may. it was originally just a fun project for me that i didn’t really think would amount to anything, and then i put so much effort in that i had to see it through SDDSGSDGSDG and it’s already been fun to run, and this is only the start! really looking forward to being y’all’s admin for a long time 💕
ALL OF THAT ASIDE, i know i know some of you already and i know there are plenty of you that are brand new to me, so depending on who you are, it’s either great to see you again or meet you. i’m pumped to talk to and plot with everyone! you don’t have to like this post to plot because i’m in everyone’s ims anyway but if u want to like this post to, idk, validate me and give me attention or something, feel free SDSDGDGGD i’m honestly best at plotting through tumblr ims these days but i’m also @YURlLECLERC on twitter so feel free to follow me there if you’d like. it’s kind of a dumpster fire of a space, fair warning SDTSDGSDG but u will get to know me quickly!!
NOW who u really need to get to know is this guy ← finnuf, also known as kim finnian. i’ll ramble about him for a while under the cut!
finn is an emo bitch baby
but he’s almost valid. almost
his dad was the margrave of etlia, in charge of maintaining etlia’s border because their territory (lucinier) was on the border with gleerium
he wasn’t an Absent Father but he was a busy father that usually had finn babysat by a knight most of the time. teaching him how to fight was a team effort and he fell in love with the sword at a pretty young age
@ufvivian​ is his baby sister! (not actually baby, she’s only two years younger than him)
as a kid and teenager finn was kinda a punkass but in a way that was more endearing than annoying to most people. pretty charming and social and very eager to take over for his dad
not in a powerhungry way but in a “omg i am so excited being margrave seems so cool dad let me help” way but his dad never really humored him and told him to focus on growing up well
until his dad got sick
he somehow managed to transition finn into performing his duties slowly even as his health declined more and more
finn was margrave lucinier in everything but official title when gleerium launched their full scale invasion that ultimately led to etlia falling to them
his dad died right before gleerium reached and conquered dromare meaning finn was Actually margrave for like two days before king andreas stripped everyone in etlia of their power
as the one in charge of etlia’s border at the time he thinks the fall of etlia is his fault entirely
to make matters worse there are rumors that he actually poisoned his father because he wanted his power
finn was so humiliated and felt like such a failure, instead of rallying his people and trying to defy gleerium’s rule or at the very least encourage them in a time of extreme grief, he simply: ran away
he did not tell a single soul. he didn’t leave his sister a note, he managed to escape his loyal bodyguard without notice, literally not a word to anyone
he went about as far as he could get from gleerium and went to podakko, where he figured he could be whoever he wanted to be, even though he didn’t know who he wanted to be. not margrave lucinier, that’s for sure.
he’s been in podakko now for about a year and doesn’t talk about his past; he prefers to just go by finn.
he spends most of his time drinking and getting in fights now. he mostly fights for money in arena battles, but sometimes he will fight for free just for fun.
getting beat up feels thrilling, apparently. probably has something to do with him feeling like he deserves punishment or something. he needs therapy (too bad.)
he’s also a mercenary that takes just about any job, so he travels around the continent a lot on jobs, which means he can run into all sorts of people.
despite all of this he’s honestly not a bad guy. he has a really kind heart that he now has under lock and key because he’s experienced so much pain in the past year. sometimes he’s sarcastic and acts full of himself but a lot of times he’s sincere and just Sad. he tries to still be charming tho. we’ll see how he does with that as i write him LMAO
i always imagined he has lots of healer friends since he gets beat up so much. thanks to warp pads he can probably get to u no matter where u are!
also worth noting that he hates gleerium. he has some wistful plan in his head about going back to gleerium and killing everyone responsible for the fall of etlia but he hasn’t worked out how to do it yet
he’s stupid but thankfully not stupid enough to assassinate anyone without some kind of plan. not yet anyway
this is all i can think of for now, which i’m sure is plenty SDSDGSDG thank u for reading and i’m very excited to plot with everyone <3
EDIT: he was also a student at lotus academy until his dad started getting sick, so he probably bailed about two years ago, just around when he started adult classes. he wasn’t mad about it, especially because as he got older the gleerium kids really started pissing him off
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ufvincent · 3 years ago
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hello friends ( lets choose to ignore how late this is. punctuality is not one of my strong suits hahehe ) excited to be here & write ! fun facts abt me before we get started: i work fulltime & tend to knock out as soon as im home thus the lack of activity + i luv fe3h but have yet to finish a single playthru ... #badgamerthings. wiki is my best friend 4ever.  here is his portfolio page & read on to find more :^)
cue rambling & hoping it makes some semblance of sense:
second born (but heir) of the duke of vessalius (a state within gleerium), thus holds the title of ‘marquess’ (which is for the first son of a duke, but he inherited at a young age from his older brother after his death)
early childhood has him loved as the family’s baby but has since been forced to adapt to a certain loneliness as per life’s circumstances 
(the turning point being the aforementioned brother’s death @ the hands of a protester, a grief his parents basically never got over, and in turn is the start of his loneliness, worsens after his mother died a few years back)
anger @ the circumstances leads to many bad decisions, inclination towards self ruination, a lack of respect for both himself and the world at large. (violence Is the key)
father has him oblige to using an alternative outlet for his anger, reminds him of the good his mother represented (as a former star champion for his ppl & known for her warrior prowess, which she put on the backburner to build a family but continued supporting in more of a figurehead position)
pledges to follow in her footsteps and become a good soldier, thus begins his post-grad fixation with training
mostly devotes himself to his training simply bc he feels he no longer has any other purpose in life, there is no passion, its his competitive behavior & need to prove himself that enables him to work hard; moves up the ranks until recently, when a form of self sabotage (re: physical brawling) leaves him injured.  knee takes time to recover, and by then his peers have rushed ahead and begun making names for themselves within the ranks. 
re: aforementioned injury; sometimes u can see him limping around, tho he tries to mask any discomfort. while the pain is real as his injury isnt too old, it is also psychogenic (when fixated on how much hes failed, the pain flares up more)
simply existing. accepted he’s a good for nothing, but reluctant to admit he’s miserable.  pretends he can accept anything that comes his way b/c he has lost the energy to care any further. adopts an  ‘it is what it is’ philosophy to hide behind
(but is also moody, like the type to say ‘lol ok’ b/c he thinks theres no point arguing and then approach u again in 2 min like ‘ok but actually. wtf’.) 
currently on a (forced) journey of a self discovery to 1) figure out what he Can Do before 2) hes subjected to his father’s responsibilities evermore as the role of the dutiful son requires of him. currently favors charity work / going into town to see what needs to be done in order to be helpful (also b/c it keeps him out of their home)
tense r/s with father now, as he essentially hasnt been given the time of day since he became his heir & believes hes his fathers biggest disappointment. 
has no will to care for his own life, exists to date b/c he cares more for his baby sister than anything else/his own self
tl;dr he’s waiting to die
idk what else to put here im crossing fingers ive mentioned all i need to!
plot wise! 
honestly open to anything, i feel there’s more room for antagonism generally considering his family’s position but also. he is slated to be a little infuriating. 
specifically open to filling the younger sister slot since that would be fun! overprotective vincent + family trauma. what a fun time 
pseudo siblings are so imp and so fun. found family is beautiful
in a similar vein, ppl that have known him all his life (whether it means a positive or negative r/s)
he went to lotus academy until he was 18, so possibilities for meeting there! 
or someone he met during/closely trained with during the last 4 years before injury, comrades haha... heart_emoji (open possibilities, with re: training = moving around a lot so ability to meet more ppl (& with or w/o the pretense of his title))
or during his random escapades into town where he can typically get away w/o being noticed. he adopts a new name each time - u know him as like.... nick.,....... subin, ...... bobby.
besties keep u sane. vincent will be the exception 2 the rule (befriend him. its fun!)
i am the worst at jotting down plots but genuinely open to anything, lmk if smth comes to mind and we will make it work!
if u got this far. my liege ... i applaud u  (bowing_person_emoji)
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ufvivian · 3 years ago
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hi hello everyone!! i’m beyond excited to be here at uf!! let me introduce you to kim vivian von lucinier, who is absolutely tiny but has a fiery temper and personality that goes far beyond her small stature! that isn’t to say that she can’t be nice, but she definitely has a lot of anger pent up inside her and isn’t afraid to show it. 
you can find more information about her here and below the cut! 
vivian is the younger of two children born to the margrave of etlia
her mother died in childbirth with her :( 
her older brother is @finnuf​!
but holy hell is she angry at him right now
to understand why we kind of have to go back to her father’s sickness and the fall of etlia
she’s been a student at lotus academy since she was 15
when her father started getting sicker, she returned from lotus academy to take care of him while her brother took more and more over the duties of margrave lucinier
during the invasion of etlia, vivian took charge of their people, primarily leading the evacuation into safer areas so that they would not be caught up in the fighting
then their dad died, etlia lost, and gleerium annexed etlia, stripping them of their nobility and their lands
honestly at that point there were too many things going on for vivian to process and she just had to focus on not losing finn to his injury
but then finn disappeared without a word and vivian had no idea what to do
she waited and waited for him to come back, stepping into her brother’s place as leader of their people to encourage them as everyone grieved the loss of someone
things settled down a bit and with no land to watch anymore, she left for lotus academy again
and the longer she waited with no word from her brother the angrier she got at him for leaving without a word, even though she doesn’t even know if he’s still alive
it’s easier to be angry at him than to mourn him like he’s dead
she’s also angry at gleerium and the armies for bringing such devastation to etlia over a king’s greediness, even if she’s too well-educated to say anything out loud
she still stubbornly uses vivian von lucinier even though her family no longer owns territory. i don’t think gleerium likes it very much but she doesn’t really care
overall, she’s fiery and brave but also very compassionate and hurting a lot. she’s using anger as a mask for her grief and pain, because she’s incredibly independent and doesn’t want to rely on other people
she’s currently at lotus academy as a mage specializing in fire!!
also very tiny but i love the image of her shouting at tall people 
thank you for reading!!!! i hope to plot with everyone!! ^^ 
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ufziyu · 3 years ago
hello hello everyone, it’s nice to meet you all! i’m the mun behind ziyu that’s three hours late (cuz i set my alarm at 8am to get up in time for the acceptance...and proceeded to fail miserably by oversleeping (ㆆ ᴗ ㆆ))...but i am finally here to introduce my muse, shang’guan ziyu ^ ^. ziyu is a level 20 swordmaster and the lord of the city iotone, which is famous for preserving a more traditional way of life + architecture, as well as being a favourite of many lovers for their snowy views & never-ending cherry blossoms. she’s probably the second oldest currently (?), considering that she’s currently 31 yrs old. i’m excited to bring to the table ziyu’s character & story, and am currently still working on her plots + connections page, so please do bear with me! (don’t worry, i’m okay with plotting in dms on the spot as well oh my god what am i doing why am i being so awkward its like i forgot how to english) 
i’ll be slowly popping into everyone’s dms for plotting  ^ ^, but please feel free to give a like to this intro if you’d like to plot too! 
but enough about me  (≖o≖├┬┴┬┴ it’s probably time for ziyu to take the center stage! under the cut is a rundown of ziyu, and some plot ideas that momentarily hit like a lightbulb in my head! below are some links to her profile & background as well, so feel free to take a look at them too!
profile | background 
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ziyu is the second born child of the current matriarch of the shang’guan family, and the current lord of the city iotone, with two older siblings before her and three younger siblings after her (all wanted connections) 
her situation is unique because the position of the heir would usually be passed down to the eldest child of the family, and her older sister is still alive, which makes it the first time that the family has bypassed the oldest child in favour of the younger one.
however, ziyu’s life as the current heir and lord to the city is a bitter reminder of the things she was forced to do, and a warning / watchful eye from her mother to ziyu herself. 
prior to becoming the current heir & lord of the city, ziyu had, under the orders of her mother, killed her fiance’s entire family with her own hands. 
the matriarch had chosen ziyu to be the one that drew first blood because she was the one engaged to that family--aka, she has emotional ties to them (after all, ziyu had been lovers with her fiance for around 15 years, since they were abt 16). the order was to prove her loyalty to her power hungry family, by cutting down her fiance and his family, who were slowly rising in power due to better talents. 
that night that she killed her lover ironically became the reason why ziyu became famous, and was given the title of the duchess of frost. the image of her grieving silently over the dead body of her lover greatly impacted the people that were there that night...and then, the next day, before the grief could register, her mother announced ziyu as the heir, because she had successfully killed her fiance’s family. 
till this vry day, this is a bitter reminder for ziyu to swallow, and thus despite the constant pushes to get married, she’s stayed unmarried all this time, because she never got over his death, and the confrontation that they had had
soon after the massacre of her fiance’s family, ziyu broke through and became a swordmaster. 
there are rumours & speculations due to her low resistance to magic + low defense that she purposefully makes her defense so low and focuses on offence, all because of the guilt she has towards her fiance’s family, but these rumours remain unfounded.
ziyu is also a unique case in her family, as the shang’guan family is known more to favour swords over magic, however because ziyu chose to study magic before she became a swordmaster, she is capable of utilizing both magic and swordplay in her fighting styles. 
ziyu studied in the sarlimar school of sorcery from ages 14-16, before being forcefully uprooted by her family and transferred to the lotus academy in noyillai. she’s an alumni of both schools, and is still studying at her own pace about magic.
ziyu is also vry rich, so she pretty much (rip) has apartments in iotone, seodal, omaduun, levavaes, noyillai and dromare. 
she’s alright in diplomacy, considering that she is quite charming herself, but due to her shutting herself off considerably, she prefers to linger alone in social settings. most would have a first impression of her as someone perhaps very standoffish, prideful, cold, or even elegantly indifferent. but despite that there is pretty much no hiding the nobility in her veins from the way she holds herself to the way she dresses / talks. 
she’s a warm person deep inside, but because of all those things that happened, it takes a good while to open up her shell. (in fact, you can presume that she probably has had little to no chances of having fun because of her traditionalist & competitive family)
wanted connections:
relatives / distant relatives
her siblings
close friends 
other noble friends 
some plot ideas:
your muse finds an exhausted ziyu sleeping somewhere (can be in basically any place/meeting) and she looks so cold that your muse decides to cover her in a jacket and let her sleep...until she wakes up and it’s  'i just woke up after the best sleep i've had in the past month, I'm warm and safe and - wait, is this your jacket?'
forced apprenticeship / mentorship : ziyu is disinterested in pretty much mentoring other people with regards to swordplay or even magic (the latter probably due to her lacking knowledge), but fate has it’s ways and somehow your muse is a fresh knight / trainee / noble that turns up to her doorstep with a letter of recommendation (and possibly a subtle friendly threat from whoever may concern)...and suddenly you’re ziyu’s apprentice. things are awkward, she’s standoffish / not that serious and makes you do basic stuff you already know--until things come to a boiling point, and your muse is just abt to crack
enemies to friends on a diplomatic trip / some kind of noble shit(because why not)...and fuck there’s only one bed. do you take the floor? or rage a sleepless night over pillow made boundaries and those stop crossing over to my side i’m trying to sleep!
people who knew her while studying in the lotus academy / sarlimar 
admiration: perhaps your muse admires ziyu, since all the rumours make her out to be some kind of mysterious person that is both cruel & yet emotional at the same time. plus! she’s a swordmaster! that can use magic! even better. you think that meeting ziyu would be the greatest moment of ur life--maybe she’ll wave you off coolly and stride away or something...one day you two accidentally meet, and wait...huh? is that a blush i see? is ziyu being flustered? 
argumentative sister - brotherly/sisterly relationship : where you two keep picking at each other’s bones, because one, it’s kinda fun, two, annoying ziyu is a great past time, because she always seems so unfazed throughout her life
...when i think of more i’ll add to it T-T 
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ufrare · 3 years ago
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hello everybody ! so excited to be here for the opening of undertheflag, i go by both juju and milo (use whichever you prefer, or mix between them!), i use he/him and she/her pronouns, i’m 21+ and live in gmt+2 timezone. i bring to you all... KWANG APRIX ! tho he much prefers to be called chi. chi is your chaotic bartender who struggles to make friends, and is on a search to find out what meaning w life is
please like this if i can hit you up for plotting
under the cut i’ll be giving some info and plot/connections idea, thanks for having read so far :D
about . history
kwang aprix
he’s currently 21, turning 22 in august 21st
from age 18 to mid 21 he’s been traveling all over the country, trying to find his ‘own place’, somewhere he felt he belonged
dude is just in a crisis about what he wants to with his life, what the purpose of his life is, like is he just here to die? 
struggles a lot to keep people around, he has a tendency to think people only want to use him, and that he can’t trust anybody.
really it’s him you can’t trust, he’s super un-loyal, it’s something he’s working on, but he somehow just always ends up hurting people
he’s an athletic man though, loves running and swimming, might be the only thing he loves
he’s currently a bartender (and after every shift he goes home with a new person...)
connections + plot ideas
one of the people he has hurt, could be anything, he stole your money, betrayed you, told one of your secrets to everybody
people he regularly see in the bar he works at
someone he has had a one night stand with 
one of the few friends he has managed to keep around
your muse or chi falls into a lake while the other is nearby
someone got a crush on chi (?)
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idkems-blog · 8 years ago
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hey guys !! i’m lily (she/her), i’m 18 and this is my baby emily !! (fun fact: i start college in like a month and i’m rushing AND alpha chi omega is my first choice) (emily is in chi omega so we’re basically the same) anyway, below the cut you can find out a lil bit more about em and her character. with that being said, plz plz hmu w/ plots! i’m open to anything :-)
↝ Emily comes from a small neighborhood in Miami, FL. Her father died when she was thirteen, leaving her mother in a constant drunken state. She was often emotionally abusive towards Emily. Because of this, Emily worked hard during high school and is now attending U of F on multiple scholarships.
↝ Emily is typically a very friendly person; which can come off as a tiny bit annoying to others. She’s can be a little shy, but she has a good amount of friends and is really close with her XO sisters.
↝ She’s really book smart; not too sure about her street smarts.
↝ She’s never been the most confident gal; she has a lot of insecurities that most people don’t understand.
↝ She’s a sweetheart and she loves to make people happy. However, this isn’t always a good thing. She can be persuaded very easily and often allows others to walk over her. (Although she is completely oblivious to the fact.)
↝ Likes to be called Em
↝ She can be very naive; only sees the good in people, never the bad.
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thaliadavenport-blog · 8 years ago
—am i crazy or does THALIA DAVENPORT look kind of like DANIELLE CAMPBELL? i think she's an EIGHTEEN year old FRESHMAN majoring in ELEMENTARY EDUCATION and a PLEDGE in KAPPA KAPPA GAMMA. everyone says she is CARING but can also be LOUD. 
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hey friends! i’m sel, she/her and i’m super excited to be here! here’s some info about thalia, she’s a small outgoing bean who’s also annoying af oops 
she is a freshman and a big part of why she chose the university of florida is because she literally cannot be away from her brother for too long
she’s majoring in education and wants to be an elementary school teacher
this seemed out of character bc her family tends to go into politics
so she was a bit worried because she isn’t following in their footsteps. she even gets rude comments from relatives sometimes, asking her why she wouldn’t want to get a “real job”
but she loves kids and has always respected good teachers. her biggest inspirations were her elementary school teachers 
thalia is outgoing and speaks her mind. she won’t sugarcoat things
she likes giving advice, and people often go to her when they need an honest opinion. she really just likes caring for people
thalia will ramble on about her entire life story if you let her. she’s an open book and never shuts up tbh?
she can be a bit reckless, and never learned to calm down-- even after her parents kept scolding her for being too loud as a kid
so she’s pledging for kappa but honestly doesn’t know what she’s going/what to expect from greek life
she would honestly just take any opportunity to meet more people, which is why she decided to rush
she’s extremely loyal and will fight (and by fight i mean attempt to fight) anyone who upsets her friends and family 
ok that’s all for now, please feel free to message me if you wanna plot! I’m open to anything. 
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undertheflagrp · 3 years ago
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we made it everyone! it’s finally under the flag’s opening day 🥳 we are so excited to welcome everyone officially, and for everyone to meet each other’s amazing muses. we are so grateful for all of the interest in under the flag, and honored that people liked this roleplay enough to spend all the time and effort that they did on their characters. so before queue begins, let us say a big thank you to all of the members!
now, we’ll head into acceptances. it’s a while to wait, but queue ends at 9:52 PM, and we ask everyone wait to post their intros until then so nothing gets buried under any of the opening day festivities and everyone can meet each other properly. please also tag your intros as uf:intro so everyone can find them even more easily. because everyone is new, there aren’t traditional welcome messages to send per se, but we still encourage everyone to send messages out and greet one another. the more welcome everyone feels the better, and it’s always more fun when you have plenty of people to talk to on opening day.
that’s all! now let’s get on to the fun part!
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