#uduki yuka
bunny-stella · 6 years
Tsukiuta. SS Twitter - 05 January 2019
☆Irregular fortune-telling☆
Shun「Today’s lucky person is November. August, be cautious」
Shun「You, look, look! I did the laundry for the first time!」
You「(Of all things you could’ve washed, you chose some complicated knitted garments~~ In other words, didn’t you just shrink them?~~ You know nothing about washing instructions on care labels~~) ...I’ll check if you washed them properly, so give them to me.」
#He used a secret technique to fix the clothes
#It seems shrinked laundries can be restored to their original size using hair conditioner and fabric softener
Iku「As expected from someone fashionable!」
You「Of course. Y’all should worship me.」
☆ The pairs’ New Year ☆
1st of January, 10 o’clock
Haru「Hajime, it’s morning?」
Haru「Are you still sleeping? (bitter smile)」
Hajime「...One more hour...」
Haru「Okaay, after one hour I’ll wake you up」
Hajime「This year too… I’m counting on you...」
Haru「Yes! I’m looking forward to it!」
Haru「That was fast (laughs)」
#Check out the SS from 1 January for the reason why he’s sleeping
☆ The pairs’ New Year ②☆
Yuka (Arata’s elder sister)「Because of Arata, the kotatsu is cramped」
Arata「You got a little chubby- ow-ouch」
*ding dong*
Chihiro (Aoi’s older brother)「Happy New Year!」
Yuka & Arata「Chii-chan! Aoi(-kun)!」
Aoi「Wha, Yuka-san, your furisode* looks lovely.」(T/N: furisode is a long-sleeved kimono)
Arata「Eh, is that what you’re wearing?」
Yuka「Mo~m, when is the day when we throw out the bulky rubbish*~?」 (T/N: Yuka uses ‘粗大ごみ/sodai gomi’ which can also mean ‘useless man in a house’)
☆ The pairs’ New Year ③☆
Kakeru「Okaaaaaaaay! I got an evil fortune!」
Koi「Tie it! Just tie it?!」(T/N: it’s customary to tie bad fortune slips to the metal post at the shrine so the bad luck doesn’t stay with you)
Kakeru「…It’s New Year but something like this still happened to me...」
Koi「…It’s crazy this happens every year...」
Kakeru「My luck can only increase by the end of the year each time, I guess.」
Koi「Ahaha, you’re right (laughs)」
#Fortune slip
☆ The pairs’ New Year ④☆
Kai「Here we go, the New Year gifts are lined up! In one row! ...Hm? Shun is calling? He said he’d be at his parents’ home during New Year Eve for the ceremony or something…?」
Shun 『Kai』
Kai「Yeah, what’s wrong?」
Shun『...Be careful』
Shun『You’re wearing your clothes backwards right now...』
Kai「You tell jokes from anywhere, don’t you…?」
☆ The pairs’ New Year ⑤☆
In Nara Prefecture
Yoru「Happy New Year, You!」
You「Yoru, Happy New Year. I’m counting on you this year as well. Or rather immediately.」
Yoru「I’ll do anything to help (laughs). As expected, there are many people here.」
You「New Year’s Eve is the most important event at the temple after all.」
Touru (You’s older brother)「You~, after we displayed your bromides, a lot more people came to pray here~」
You「What did you do?」
☆ The pairs’ New Year ⑥☆
Rui「...The sheet of music I’m holding and mochi...」
Iku「What makes them similar?」(T/N: this is a type of word riddle)
Rui「They’re both white.」
Iku「Do your best~ (laughs). Are you composing for that TV project?」
Rui「Yes. Actually, it wasn’t supposed to last past the end of the year.」
Iku「Things like that also happen sometimes. Anyways, let’s stick together like mochi!」
Rui「Fufu, like only using one floor cushion for the both of us?」
In fact, it was on the 2nd of January at 10 o’clock!
We apologize.
Hajime-san was caught up with various things on January 1st, so he took it easy and regained energy on the 2nd. It seems he slept more than half a day.
#He loves to sleep
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Translated by Deea
Proof-read by Chrome
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aikafuwaa · 7 years
AGF Origin 2017 Tsukiuta
>Kisaragi Koi…even he is cute!! Lately, he is very handsome!!!! So tiresome!!! The gap sprout was impressive!!! = = Koi: Thank you! Those words will keep me living until next year! Iku: The effect is tremendous! www Rui: Ikkun is handsome, too. Iku: Ah, that lengthen my life span, too. Lol. #.Air Stage Origin
>Yoru-kun who came across Aoi-kun’s thing rarely with curtain coat was so cute! = = Yoru: Were you being seen…(lol) but Aoi-kun is poking my wings in the waiting room Aoi: I was seen (lol). This time’s costumes & accessories looks simple and a must-see because of the great pick #.Air Stage Origin
>Passing by a woman who looks like Arata and a man who looks exactly like Aoi-kun, but maybe they are a big sister and a big brother!? I wonder if I could see it… = = Arata: You mean, Chi-chan? (Aoi’s brother⚫Chihiro) Aoi: You mean, Yuka-san? (Arata’s sister) You: Right? My two elder brothers met and they told me they exchanged contact address #.Air Stage Origin
☆ORIGIN behind backstage☆ Tooru (Second Haduki): You is…wearing wings www I will do it in Christmas in our temple next time ww Chihiro: Are you alright? (bitter smile) Sou (First Haduki): Because it’s a celebration Yuka: Christmas is a celebration…right? #.Air Origin Stage
[Translating these conversations is actually hard but I had fun reading them. Especially, the last one where the Tsukiuta’s siblings gathered. It’s expected of Yuka to be with Chi-chan but them with You’s is so funny. If I got something wrong please tell me. I was using dictionary since I came to encounter some unknown terms] EDIT: I changed the new person to Arata. Thank you for that!
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ryuukia · 5 years
[Translation] Tsukihana Kagura Cast Presentation: Shikkoku (Six Gravity)
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We’re going further into the pamphlet~. I’ll be doing Tsukiuta and SQ while Ryota will be working on Alive, Vazzrock and infinit0. All the profiles will be posted here, one at a time so stay tuned.
Also, prepare your hearts because Aoi’s transformation is just 🔥🔥
Many thanks to Ryota again for assisting me and helping with the proofreading! Please don’t repost/repost/retranslate my translations.
Nation: the affiliated country’s name Flower name: the name as a dancer Dance technique: the name of each person’s characteristic dance Dance props: the name of the tool used while dancing (there are cases when none are used)
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Mutsuki Hajime
“Dance proudly! Shikkoku!”
Nation: Shikkoku ※chief
Flower name: Shigen no Ou (Former Purple King)
Dance technique: Kuninotokotachi no Kami
Dance props: Folding fan / Inscription: [Shigen] (Foundation for everything)
Among all families from ‘Shikkoku’, the oldest and strongest nation, ‘Mutsuki’ is considered the heart and the pride of the country, and he is the heir of this lineage.
His dance, which conquered quite a number of gods, is without a doubt divine work. Just one, unnoticeable look and a slight fingertip movement can hold many meanings and that seems to have a great effect on the gods.
It is believed that it’s not a dance dedicated to god, but rather a ‘god’s dance’, as it causes miracles every time. Because of that, he’s rarely seen dancing.
He gives off the feeling of a normal young man, hates formalities, hides his lineage origins and travels the world as Shikkoku’s warrior rather than dancer (he’s a guard that acts in the name of justice, not for loss and gain)
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Yayoi Haru
“Do you wish to see Shikkoku’s dance, the dance that conquered all the colours?”
Nation: Shikkoku 
Flower name: Oborodukiyo (Moonlit night)
Dance technique: Getsuga (Moon fang)
Dance props: Long sword / Inscription: [Harutsugedori] (Bush warbler)
This man is the lord of the ‘Yayoi’ household, one of the five families that supported the core lineage, ‘Mutsuki’, throughout Shikkoku’s long history. 
As ‘Yayoi’ can speak without reservation even against ‘Mutsuki’ and their position as advisors is strong, they are considered a burden by the latter and the atmosphere between the two families has always been tense, leading them to having rather disadvantageous duties. With that kind of circumstances behind, Haru was somewhat aware that dealing with the current head, Hajime, might turn out to be a difficult task, and his impression remained unchanged right until he met him.
However, the second he saw Hajime’s dance, all his needless anxiety vanished completely. Nowadays, he’s Hajime’s biggest supporter. He looks forward to all his tours around the continent, and sometimes spreads the word about it.
Interview with Mutsuki Hajime (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
If I were to put it simply, it would be "It was easy to do." Whenever I think that there's something more I'd like to try doing or something I'd like to change, Haru would always tell me, "You want to try it, right?"
He'll accompany me until the end. Though his triumphant "I knew it~" face is a bit irritating (laughs). It's still thanks to him that I could challenge a variety of things. Thanks.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Kuroda manju. Since he's black.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
The season of the stage plays is once again here. As we’ve been doing them every year, it feels like it turned into a tradition. I may say that, but with each passing year I also challenged myself to build and bring on a new me rather than maintain the ‘same, old persona’. I would be happy if you could enjoy this.
Interview with Yayoi Haru (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
We’ve been doing our best! I mean that, seriously (laughs)!! 
The last time Hajime and I had to perform a choreography (or more accurately would be to say dance, isn’t it?) with all our might was when we got the duet songs. I was actually in the middle of a lesson when I remembered I had issues at that time as well. That feeling similar to being in a sports club (laughs). It’s so fun I can’t even feel the pain…… but even so, I’ve been doing my best (laughs)!!! 
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Shikkoku glasses.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Traditional costumes ♪ Wo~w. Personally, I like Japanese-styled things, so while I was taking a closer look at everyone’s costumes, I got to imagine a lot of our various scenes ahead of the audience.
Please come to see and play with all these ikemen.
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Uduki Arata
“Shikkoku’s first flower, ready to dance”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Aka Tsubaki (Red Camellia)
Dance technique: Ichino Kurohana (The First Black Flower)
Dance props: Katsugi (T/N: the word means ‘carrier’, but he’s technically carrying a veil) / Inscription: unsigned
He’s a member of the ‘Uduki’ household, one of the five families from Shikkoku. He pretends to be a great support for the lord of the family, his older sister, Yuka, but his acting might not be entirely a lie.
‘Uduki’ is light. Their lineage is in charge of public diplomacy. Although there are some who think he’s not suited for bargaining, reading his facial expressions is a rather difficult task, he’s rarely perturbed by something, his astounding speech and conduct are bewildering, his wild intuition cuts deep into the heart of a matter, etc. And surprisingly, he’s quite capable.
He likes both dancing and singing. He’s actually seen doing that on a regular basis.
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Satsuki Aoi
“Shikkoku’s second flower, ready to dance”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Shiro Tsubaki (White Camellia)
Dance technique: Nino Kurohana (The Second Black Flower)
Dance props: Rabbit mask / Inscription: [Gento] (Moon)
He’s a member of the ‘Satsuki’ household, one of the five families from Shikkoku. The lord of his family is his older brother, Chihiro, whom he supports from the bottom of his heart.
‘Satsuki’ is darkness. Their lineage protects the peace and the harmony of the world, be it by secret intelligence, ambush, or sedition, and supports both the ‘Mutsuki’ and ‘Satsuki’ households from the shadows. Ever since he was a child, he’s been training by himself to become Hajime’s perfect shadow, but the latter treating him like a younger brother and pulling him in the front rather than letting him remain a shadow has confused Aoi quite a bit in the beginning.
He may be quiet, but his handsome appearance is nothing but eye-catching. He himself is not aware of that, and therefore he’s dragged sometimes into disputes without knowing the reason.
Interview with Uduki Arata (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
Normally, when it's just me and Aoi, I'd be the one in charge of moving around without holding anything back. But this time, I use a prop that I put on my head and I move around softly and beautifully.
Having to move so slowly is a bit difficult for me. I'm required to be delicate up until my fingertips, so a lot of times my limbs became so numb…… And the actual results of my training!? Look forward to seeing them.
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
The wonder of blackness! Black strawberry milk!
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
In this setting, Aoi and me are playing roles that are exactly the opposite of our usual images. I handle diplomatic things in the light, Aoi operates in the darkness, or so it seems. It also reminded me of how I was in Rabbits Kingdom. I hope that seeing a different side of me makes you excited.
Interview with Satsuki Aoi (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
I get to dance with a mask on my face, but as my visual field is much more narrow, I bumped so, so many times into Arata when we were dancing together during rehearsals (smiles bitterly).
I didn’t sleep one night because of anxiety thinking I might do that during the real thing.
However, with the help of various people I’ve been clearing all the challenges one by one, so here we are now, the performance is right ahead of us! I’ll dance until the very end and leave no regrets behind! 
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Hot springs. With so many volcanoes around, some hot springs must have formed too, right?
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Welcome, to the joint stage-play “Tsukihana Kagura”!
I’ll bring you to the “Tsukihana Festival” together with everyone from Tsukipro, all wearing traditional costumes! There’s action, a lot of songs, dances and highlights! Look forward to them!
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Shiwasu Kakeru
“Let’s make these pretty flowers bloom!”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Gokutsuki (December)
Dance technique: Tsukikake (Running with the moon)
Dance props: April ring / Inscription: [Kinshi] (Golden Kite)
He’s the lord of the ‘Shiwasu’ household, one of the five families from ‘Shikkoku’. Back when he was 5 years old, his father, and at the same time previous lord, suddenly retired, his mysterious last words being “I will become the Kagura King!”. Because of that, his term of office is the longest among all the current lords. 
As a result of being thrown into society’s rough waves early on, he’s a very reliable young man.
He joins Hajime in every journey around the world, and since Hajime’s not aware of some societal notions, Kakeru’s able to support him perfectly.
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Kisaragi Koi
“Man! The costumes and dances are beautiful no matter what country~!”
Nation: Shikkoku
Flower name: Kunshiran (Clivia)
Dance technique: Getsuren (Love for the moon)
Dance props: Spear / Inscription: [Baren] (Lotus Blade)
This young man is the next lord of the ‘Kisaragi’ household, one of the five families from ‘Shikkoku’. He is Kakeru’s childhood friend and often joins Hajime in his journeys.
He has a network of friends that surpasses national borders. He’s a pretty well-known face, so he ends up being saved or saving people a lot.
He goes around and helps people in need, and sometimes, he loves asking them “Do you know who this person (Hajime) is~?!”
Although he calls himself a warrior in training, he’s already qualified enough to be one. The reason why he can’t see that is because compared to others, his goal (Hajime) is too high.
Interview with Shiwasu Kakeru (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
In our dance choreography there’s this moment when I throw my bouquet to Koi and he’s supposed to catch it, but during our rehearsals both of us were turning right before that moment and the flowers landed majestically on the floor. Ye~p, this is bad!
Both of us have been working overtime, practicing over and over again!
Koi~! Let’s work until every shot is perfect!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Dam, dam, daaam ♪
Black oden.
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Please vote! Thank you for voting Shikkoku fairly. We’re in your care.
Interview with Kisaragi Koi (Six Gravity)
Q. Please tell us about the highlights of this stage play and your impressions or story behind your partenered dance.
This is not a (modern) dance, it's (traditional) dancing! …...And so, I don’t really have a say in this matter. I could even say I bid farewell to my liberties, huh.
I did think it would be something fresh, but difficult, too (laughs). Since in this story the costumes are traditional, I practiced putting on a yukata. Whenever the sleeves flutter and hit my face, all I could think was how much I want to make that look graceful instead (・ㅂ・)9!
Q. In Tsukihana, all 12 nations have their own specialties, but if you could come up with a new specialty for your own country, what would it be?
Making you fall in love (・ω<)☆
Shikkoku chocolate
Q. Lastly, leave a short message for the fans.
Here’s one of the charms of the joint stage plays! The fact that people who don’t know us will get to see us, too! Nice to meet you, everyone! All those of you who have favourites in other units! Please remember Six Gravity and Procellarum even after you go back home ☆
If you like my work and you want to support me, you can now buy me a coffee by clicking right [here]. I also started taking commissions, more details are right [here]. Thank you~
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