a-bobby-buck-promo · 5 years
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Today is our last practice before our play & the first play I've been in in Los Angeles and it's already an unique experience in my learning of the #undocumented side of life. So be sure to come check it with myself and Nicshelle Farrow aka #GoDaWork merge within to be apart of & participating in this play to help promote the voices of the #UndocuStories. Til November 19, 2019 #UndocuStoriesFreeTheaterWorkshop Every Tuesday Here's info about the workshop that's every TUESDAY. Feel free to message #KristinaWong with questions. She's the facilitator... Kristina Wong https://www.facebook.com/ilovekristinawong/ More info: http://lafpi.com/2019/08/undocustories-free-theater-workshop-for-undocumented-community-in-los-angeles/ Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/472728160194658/?ti=as #UCLALaborCenter 675 S Park View St, #LosAngeles, #CA 90057 (213) 480-4155 6pm-8pm Food is provided https://maps.app.goo.gl/JuVUaToQxWriv5GRA #ACRAWLB4UWALK #The_BobbyBuck_Show #A_BobbyBuck_Promotionz #2019isExciting Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting! Go Fund Me https://www.gofundme.com/BobbyBuck (at UCLA Labor Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4xW7OOHBQ8/?igshid=17xfvh0ry66pu
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mrpeabody8686 · 5 years
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#heretostay #notonemore #stopdeportations #educationnotdeportation #educationnotincarceration #immigrants #immigrantsmakeamericagreat #dignitynotdetention #immigrantswelcome #immigrantsarewelcomehere #undocumented #undocumentedandunafraid #undocumedia #undocublack #undocuqueer #ucla #uclalaborcenter #losangeles #california https://www.instagram.com/p/Bz9xV9pgbzs/?igshid=1o7jcyo318ht6
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esthermeronobaro · 7 years
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#undocumented and unafraid
It takes a lifetime for most people to figure out who they are—and I’m no exception. Some days I feel confident and rooted, every thought and its articulation projected into a world that embraces and compliments my efforts and offerings. Other days, every hour is a schizophrenic struggle to fit my oddly shaped puzzle piece into a society that refuses to accept me. It’s everyone’s problem, in one way or another, but my particular story combines the average American life with a layer of atypical awkwardness.
I was born in Spain, to Spanish parents, moving to the U.S. as an impressionable 3-year-old. It wasn’t until I was 15, preparing to apply for my first job, that I realized I wasn’t who I thought I was. My parents helped me cultivate a series of white lies at that point in time, which I’ve recited in impeccable English over and over to pass as a human being worthy of all the opportunities afforded to my peers. There’s over a million of us in the United States, pretending to be ideal puzzle pieces: “dreamers”—a political marketing term that imbues hope and innocence—but a term I believe dilutes very tangible accomplishments, and places us in a liminal space outside of reality—though it beats the dehumanizing “alien.”
I took the above from my own application to the Dream Resource Center’s “Dream Summer” internship, which I’ve been accepted to for Summer 2014 in New York City, through Auburn Seminary and the Groundswell Movement.
About 90% of the people who know me don’t know that, along with all of my other identifiers, I am also an undocumented immigrant. Last year I received the DACA (Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals), which cost a few hundred bucks and the compilation of a big stack of very specific “evidence” just to give me some peace of mind that I won’t get deported for the next two years after living in the United States for over 20 of my 27, along with a card that gives me temporary permission to work legally—one of the main reasons why I’m no longer scared of “coming out” in a public way. Up until this moment, I’ve spent the past 12 years of my life shouldering a big secret, silently dealing with the very unique obstacles that crop up in everyday life when the “inalienable rights” of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” don’t apply to you.
My political situation has led to a lot of anger and sadness in my life, but I’ve had it so easy compared to other undocumented kids and families. When you have white skin and a perfect American accent, no one questions whether or not you belong, and my story isn’t one of life and death, like it is for many. I’m ashamed of how long I’ve let fear keep me silent when my privilege could have been used to help others, which is why I am so grateful for the opportunity to join my skills and my voice to that of the Dream Resource Center and its hosting organizations. I hope to dedicate my life and my work to changing the perceptions this country has of undocumented human beings.
As I leave Salt Lake City, I would like to thank my friends, family and colleagues. My parents are responsible for bringing me to this country, and their young naiveté put my sister and I in this situation, but I can’t express enough how grateful I am to them for making countless personal sacrifices on behalf of their children—for leaving their families, their culture, their language, their lives and starting over just to give us the best shot at life. I love America—I know that’s an unpopular thing to say these days, but growing up here, even as someone with no rights, has given me opportunities I would not have had in Spain, and perhaps more importantly, the confidence and American attitude that realizes dreams. I’d like to thank the few close friends who have known about my situation since I felt safe enough to confide in them a few years back, who have never made me feel inferior, and have and will love me to the end—they give me much-needed hope in opening the hearts of others. To my professional relationships and employers, many of whom have unknowingly been put at risk by association—thank you for taking a chance on me and helping me garner my skills. I would also like to acknowledge Davey Davis, who took time out of his busy life as the Executive Director of theSalt Lake Bicycle Collective to write me a beautiful letter of recommendation. I’ve looked up to Davey for years and years for his consistent dedication to helping others through creativity and community organizing, and it was an honor to receive such a letter from him (I’m not worthy!). Last, but not least, a big thank you to my sister Carla, who has had to jump many more hurdles than I in order to realize her dreams, and serves as my emotional motivator. As an undocumented lesbian, Carla has an uphill battle with a society that rejects who she is on two levels. Her courage and hard work are an inspiration to me, and everything that I do for this cause is always going to be with her in mind.
Now that you know who I really am, I hope that those of you with questions won’t hesitate to ask, and that rather than dismiss me and the cause, you’ll consider how you can become more informed on this very critical topic, and join the campaign for change. There are millions of people like me—your neighbors, your classmates, your coworkers—who, in their hearts, are just as American as you are. Please, help us gain “human being” status in the only place we call home.
Follow the Dream Resource Center on Facebook and Twitter to keep up-to-date with their projects and initiatives. I’m especially excited they’ve paired me with Auburn Seminary, where I’ll be able to help progressive religious leaders use media to promote messages of love and social justice. I have a couple of personal projects in the works
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uclalabor-blog · 8 years
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#Repost from @yuchi_arte Undocumented Stories #uclalaborcenter #undocustories (at UCLA Labor Center)
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meem-didi · 4 years
Made in America
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The stereotypical picture of garment sweatshops usually places them in countries such as Bangladesh — the result of decades of outsourcing of clothing production to Asian countries where incomes are among the lowest in the world. The documentary "Made in America" addresses abuses of human rights, and also links how sweatshops exploit immigrants workers in fast fashion factories every day in the United States. Los Angeles has a variety of garment factories notorious for hiring low-wage employees. Over the years, the Labor Department has continued to find abuses in the area, manufacturing factories for well-known low-cost stores, including Forever 21, TJ Maxx, and Ross Dress for Less. Most employees are illegal immigrants, leaving them reluctant to go to the authorities if they are abused on jobs.
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Elena, a worker inside Reformation's Los Angeles factory. Photo: courtesy of Reformation 
In reaction to this threat and the immigration problems that already existed, the CFDA released a study in April, compiled with the help of FWD.us, an organization that campaigns for immigration reform with an emphasis on the tech industry, entitled "Designing an Immigration Structure that Works." The report contained survey responses from 100 members of the U.S. fashion community to demonstrate this. It showed that 82% employ foreign workers for their skills and abilities (not that they're cheap labor) and 42% find it hard to hire foreign workers because they're uneducated regarding the immigration system.
Sewing Resilience is a short film by Wil Prada and Pea Nuñez, artivists, about the lives of Santa Puac, apparel worker and  active leader for workers in the Los Angeles clothing industry (Wil Prada, 2020) .
Brands who advertise their goods are "made in America" should promote the concept of ethically produced apparel, but the reality is that apparel factories in Los Angeles can still be likened to sweatshop-like environments where products are made for less than a minimum wage under unsafe working conditions. Although not all of the clothes made in Los Angeles are made this way, it's interesting to figure out who makes the clothes and what kind of working conditions they're facing. Remake's Sustainable Brand Directory is a fantastic place to start with if you're trying to help sustainable, ethically designed apparel.
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Reference list
Bain, M. (2019). Fashion Nova accused of using Los Angeles sweatshops. [online] Quartz. Available at: https://qz.com/1769309/fashion-nova-accused-of-using-los-angeles-sweatshops/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Davis, C. (2017). The Dark Side of Your Clothes Being “Made in America” No One Talks About. [online] ATTN: Available at: https://archive.attn.com/stories/18483/made-america-how-sweatshops-exploit-immigrants-make-your-clothes [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Dhani Mau (2017). U.S. Garment Production Wouldn’t Be a Thing Without Immigrants. [online] Fashionista. Available at: https://fashionista.com/2017/07/american-garment-factories-production-immigrant-workers [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Green America (2020). Get Sweatshops Out of Your Closet. [online] Green America. Available at: https://www.greenamerica.org/green-living/sweatshop-free-clothing [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Morse, A. (2020). The Dirty Truth Behind Los Angeles’ Garment Sector. [online] Remake. Available at: https://remake.world/stories/news/the-dirty-truth-behind-los-angeles-garment-sector/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Remarke (2020). Made in America: The Film. [online] Remake. Available at: https://remake.world/stories/made-in/made-in-america/ [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
UCLA Labor Center (2020). Immigrant Working Families are Sewing Resilience in the Fast Fashion Industry of L.A. [online] Medium. Available at: https://medium.com/@UCLALaborCenter/sewing-resilience-dfee6af7b312 [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
Wil Prada (2020). Sewing Resilience - Short Film. YouTube. Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wxNd3q94KjQ&feature=emb_logo [Accessed 27 Oct. 2020].
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a-bobby-buck-promo · 5 years
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11.19.19 (LATE POST) 3 #UndocuStoriesTheater Was my first play I've been in in Los Angeles and it was an unique experience in my learning of the undocumented side, with myself and Nicshelle Farrow aka GoDaWork merging to be apart of & participating for this play to help promote the voices of the Undocu Stories Theater Workshop. If you did not get a chance to participate in the workshop, or attend our final theater performance! YOU MISSED OUT!!! I introduced my comedy character #OGBuckWyld #DaDrunkenGenius playing an #OutOfWorkUndocumentedDrunkPimp & #TheBobbyBuckShow playing, #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey, featuring #GoDaWork. First clip is #OGBuckWyldDaDrunkenGenius 1st time out the bag in Los Angeles. And second clip is me as #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey featuring #GaDaWork. My Suit Provided by #AstrikHamparian owner of #DanielliClothing Website: https://www.daniellimenswear.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/astrik1 IG: https://instagram.com/danielli_clothing?igshid=15b78jhlit1w1 IG: @daniell_clothing About: It was a night of laughter, reflection, and power! UndocuStories: #Journeys of #Justice & #Freedom, a free theater performance, is presented to you by members of the undocumented immigrant community and allies. This evening was full of original theater, sketches, movement, and poetry will showcase the incredible power of the immigrant community. #UndocuStories is the culmination of a twelve-week theater workshop facilitated by Kristina Wong with guest artists #YosimarReyes and #KatEvasco. #KristinaWong is a performance artist, comedian, writer, and elected representative of #Koreatown. Her solo shows and plays have been presented across the US and internationally. November 19th | 7-9 pm #UCLADowntownLaborCenter 675 S Park View St, Los Angeles, #CA 90057 Hosted By: The #UCLADreamResourceCenter, #KristinaWong, and the #UCLALaborCenter. This project is made possible by a generous grant from the City of #LosAngelesDepartmentOfCulturalAffairs. #ACRAWLB4UWALK #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Live #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Podcast #A_BobbyBuck_Promo #2019isExciting Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting!! (at UCLA Labor Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6NLDLenOCG/?igshid=tofxqdof84ic
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a-bobby-buck-promo · 5 years
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11.19.19 (LATE POST) 2 #UndocuStoriesTheater Was my first play I've been in in Los Angeles and it was an unique experience in my learning of the undocumented side, with myself and Nicshelle Farrow aka GoDaWork merging to be apart of & participating for this play to help promote the voices of the Undocu Stories Theater Workshop. If you did not get a chance to participate in the workshop, or attend our final theater performance! YOU MISSED OUT!!! I introduced my comedy character #OGBuckWyld #DaDrunkenGenius playing an #OutOfWorkUndocumentedDrunkPimp & #TheBobbyBuckShow playing, #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey, featuring #GoDaWork. First clip is #OGBuckWyldDaDrunkenGenius 1st time out the bag in Los Angeles. And second clip is me as #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey featuring #GaDaWork. My Suit Provided by #AstrikHamparian owner of #DanielliClothing Website: https://www.daniellimenswear.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/astrik1 IG: https://instagram.com/danielli_clothing?igshid=15b78jhlit1w1 IG: @daniell_clothing About: It was a night of laughter, reflection, and power! UndocuStories: #Journeys of #Justice & #Freedom, a free theater performance, is presented to you by members of the undocumented immigrant community and allies. This evening was full of original theater, sketches, movement, and poetry will showcase the incredible power of the immigrant community. #UndocuStories is the culmination of a twelve-week theater workshop facilitated by Kristina Wong with guest artists #YosimarReyes and #KatEvasco. #KristinaWong is a performance artist, comedian, writer, and elected representative of #Koreatown. Her solo shows and plays have been presented across the US and internationally. November 19th | 7-9 pm #UCLADowntownLaborCenter 675 S Park View St, Los Angeles, #CA 90057 Hosted By: The #UCLADreamResourceCenter, #KristinaWong, and the #UCLALaborCenter. This project is made possible by a generous grant from the City of #LosAngelesDepartmentOfCulturalAffairs. #ACRAWLB4UWALK #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Live #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Podcast #A_BobbyBuck_Promo #2019isExciting Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting!! (at UCLA Labor Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6NK26bnEed/?igshid=azfl1xs9le
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a-bobby-buck-promo · 5 years
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11.19.19 (LATE POST) 1 #UndocuStoriesTheater Was my first play I've been in in Los Angeles and it was an unique experience in my learning of the undocumented side, with myself and Nicshelle Farrow aka GoDaWork merging to be apart of & participating for this play to help promote the voices of the Undocu Stories Theater Workshop. If you did not get a chance to participate in the workshop, or attend our final theater performance! YOU MISSED OUT!!! I introduced my comedy character #OGBuckWyld #DaDrunkenGenius playing an #OutOfWorkUndocumentedDrunkPimp & #TheBobbyBuckShow playing, #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey, featuring #GoDaWork. First clip is #OGBuckWyldDaDrunkenGenius 1st time out the bag in Los Angeles. And second clip is me as #SkidRow's #SteveHarvey featuring #GaDaWork. My Suit Provided by #AstrikHamparian owner of #DanielliClothing Website: https://www.daniellimenswear.com/ FB: https://www.facebook.com/astrik1 IG: https://instagram.com/danielli_clothing?igshid=15b78jhlit1w1 IG: @daniell_clothing About: It was a night of laughter, reflection, and power! UndocuStories: #Journeys of #Justice & #Freedom, a free theater performance, is presented to you by members of the undocumented immigrant community and allies. This evening was full of original theater, sketches, movement, and poetry will showcase the incredible power of the immigrant community. #UndocuStories is the culmination of a twelve-week theater workshop facilitated by Kristina Wong with guest artists #YosimarReyes and #KatEvasco. #KristinaWong is a performance artist, comedian, writer, and elected representative of #Koreatown. Her solo shows and plays have been presented across the US and internationally. November 19th | 7-9 pm #UCLADowntownLaborCenter 675 S Park View St, Los Angeles, #CA 90057 Hosted By: The #UCLADreamResourceCenter, #KristinaWong, and the #UCLALaborCenter. This project is made possible by a generous grant from the City of #LosAngelesDepartmentOfCulturalAffairs. #ACRAWLB4UWALK #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Live #The_BobbyBuck_Show_Podcast #A_BobbyBuck_Promo #2019isExciting Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting!! (at UCLA Labor Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B6NKUQXH8yw/?igshid=17xkga20xtmqa
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a-bobby-buck-promo · 5 years
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Til November 19, 2019 #UndocuStoriesFreeTheaterWorkshop Every Tuesday Here's info about the workshop that's every TUESDAY. Feel free to message #KristinaWong with questions. She's the facilitator... Kristina Wong https://www.facebook.com/ilovekristinawong/ More info: http://lafpi.com/2019/08/undocustories-free-theater-workshop-for-undocumented-community-in-los-angeles/ Event Page: https://www.facebook.com/events/472728160194658/?ti=as #UCLALaborCenter 675 S Park View St, #LosAngeles, #CA 90057 (213) 480-4155 6pm-8pm Food is provided https://maps.app.goo.gl/JuVUaToQxWriv5GRA #ACRAWLB4UWALK #The_BobbyBuck_Show #A_BobbyBuck_Promotionz #2019isExciting Contact: 888.406.2876 https://www.BobbyBuck.com Email: [email protected] Thanks For Supporting! Go Fund Me https://www.gofundme.com/BobbyBuck (at UCLA Labor Center) https://www.instagram.com/p/B3p1xa0nhHc/?igshid=i6bao76dcwps
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