Jedi and Generational Trauma
Count Dooku was never happy as a Jedi because he never got over the fact that his mother decided she could live without him, so he was cool with his apprentice, Qui-gon, who arguably reacted to this emotional neglect by turning to the living force.
Qui-gon fully only stayed a a Jedi long enough to discover Anakin because the woman he loved died in his arms after spending days being tortured. He came within literal inches of murder and the dark side of the force after that one.
Obi-Wan only stayed a jedi long enough to graduate to knighthood because he WATCHED the aftermath of Qui-gon and Thal. And he STILL had to watch the woman he love get killed on a mission. (And depending on continuities and how you count this: IT HAPPENED TWICE. We don't hold with Siri Tachi erasure here.) And of course, who was watching the aftermath of that? Anakin.
And then we get Anakin, the literal triple threat for generational trauma. He somehow managed to get the "ripped away from my mother," "my mother died in my arms after being mercilessly tortured," and "my pregnant wife died after I murdered a bunch of younglings and it's very possible I was a major contributing factor to her death." And that's on top of the "being born into slavery" trauma. And who watched all of this go down? Well technically Ahsoka, but I'm not a big clone wars girl, so I missed that. The other person who watched Darth Anakin was Luke.
Luke, bless his heart, managed to actually build a family and save the galaxy like eight separate times before his nephew went full Sith and murdered his wife.
And let's talk about Jacen for a sec, because this is where the generational trauma gets absolutely ludicrous. The Solo kids had all the Jedi generational trauma, their mother's political career trauma, and the Dad's a badass smuggler trauma from literally before they were born. Then they got to watch their little brother commit a heroic sacrifice to save both all the jedi, their asses, and the galaxy. They also had to try to prop up his girlfriend (and I gotta say, Tahiri pulled HERSELF up eventually because Jacena and Jaina were literally useless immediately after the Myrkr mission), and at a certain point it's a miracle that it took Jacen as long as it did to snap and go Sith.
And I'm convinced that if Jaina hadn't had Jag when she killed Darth Caedus, she would have found a way not to survive that battle. Hell, Jag called her out on exactly that. Jaina deserves her own post though, so I won't go too deep into it here.
I know there are people who are not into the "mystic family has the galaxy circling around them" thing, but ngl, the intergenerational trauma line that stretches basically ubroken back to Yoda across at least two empires and sixish generations is FASCINATING to me.
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tf2shipswag · 1 year
Demo introducing Zhanna to his mother like "Ye know me boyfriend Jane, I called you bout him when we were stationed out in Arizona, aye? Right numpty, the soldier from BLU? Ach, well, this is his wife, Zhanna... Now, before ye go on an' wallop me upside me head, hear me out. This is all an agreement, so dontcha go thinkin Jane's a knob for havin' a wife while bein' with us. Zhanna's a lovely hen, keeps up with us, and I'd be lyin' if I said I didnae like her too. So, yea. Your boyo's finally got hisself a family."
and his ma would be all confused but still be like "Me boy!"
I came up with the name Boots n Bombs n Brawn, and I think it's perfect. It suits them.
I love poly people.
They all sleep together in the same too small bed and take turns being the little spoon.
Zhanna and Jane about to take a shower after a really long day, but uh oh, who goes first? Jane says "Now hold it right there, son. That shower faucet has my name all over it! I will shove my dirty, unshowered foot up your sorry ass if you do not step aside!" and Zhanna is like "Alright then, maggot-bear, fight me! I have won against much bigger shower thief than you! I will beat you, and shower first, and then will have to shower you after because you will be pile of broken bones!"
and then soldier is like "Alright Thats It" strips naked "FIGHT ME, MAGGOT!!"
and then zhanna also strips naked "SO BE IT, YOU WILL LOSE!!"
And then Demo walks in from the hallway, not entirely surprised at seeing his too partners naked, dirty, and about to wrestle in front of the bathroom door. "Have you lot heard of this concept called... Sharing the shower. You know. Showering Together? I hear it can be quite romantic" wiggles eyebrows
Zhanna and Solly pause, fists raised, sparring positions held. "hrmmmm. A third option. I see..." Solly mumbles. Jane and zhanna exchange looks, debating whether this idea is worth trying. Zhanna makes up her mind "I will shower with you if you keep your unshowered foot out of my ass" n she holds out her hand as though proposing a handshake
Soldier considers it. "Only if you leave my bones ubroken and unpiled!"
"deal" they shake hands enthusiastically
and then they shower together and show off their muscles whilst covered in soap bubbles
"ok, you obviously win in the pectoral department, but get a load of This!" shows off upper back muscles (and his slouch) from carrying around fuck off huge rocket launchers
"impressive, but look!" Shows off huge neck and arm and back muscles from wrestling and beating the shit out of bears
and they are both utterly infatuated with eachother.
"Awww look! You made heart shaped puddle of dirty water!" Zhanna points to the ground "Hah! I think that is my blood! From when I tried opening a soup can with my teeth!" Solly responds.
Demo is so affectionately fed up with their shenanigans. Like, usually demo and solly are The Duo for chaos and shenanigans. But having Zhanna around is like having a woman version of solly. So its double trouble, and demo has to constantly balance out their unhingedness
anyways yeah. Thats my propaganda
this is such good content oh my gooooooooooooooooooood
okay i know i said i usually like boots n bombs as queerplatonic but the exception is when zhanna is also included because their polycule is INSANE!!!!!!!!!!!!! they are all so in love its crazy
literally soldier and zhanna will cover themselves in like. syrup or something in the kitchen while making pancakes and have a fist-fight and demoman will see them and join them and then they'll all stand up and give each other pats on the back and tell eachother what they did well in the fight and then they make out while the pancakes burn to a crisp and the smoke alarm goes off. this is all in the team-base kitchen btw and it's like 5-7 am
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rvchelking · 6 months
tagged by @rolangf 😘
R: running out of time by beyond ubroken
V: victorious by the score
C: chemicals by tropic gold
H: hurricane by dream on dreamer
E: enough by sleep theory
L: lavenders by rivals
K: kissed with a lie by dead romantic
I: it's cold outside by fifth dawn
N: no longer broken by alphamega
G: give up by the beautiful monument
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Welcome to Dorne
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Peace be with you,
I guess you are weary after a long journey through the heat and dust smelling of spices, and reigning in my homeland; in Dorne - a land made of sandstone lace. The sun is ripe orange here.
Sit down if you are kind and let yourself be carried away by the windy melody of my words and you will experience sweet intoxication.
Do you want to know the world
where was the color and sound born?
Where, perhaps, a trivial stone has a soul and silently tells centuries of history?
It is here in my beloved Dorne - the blade dances to the noise of the thickets, and the reeds are thinking thoughtfulness among the grass. The sun appears to be a ripe orange suspended on a colored canvas of silk crimson and gold.
Dorne - endless tracts of imagination and feast for each of the available senses.
You got it right, globetrotter! Hello, pilgrim routes of the common soul.
Come, you will get a passport to enchanted corners and you will see a fairy tale with your own eyes, because here the rain condenses with a rush of gold coins. Let's get to know the taste of secrets hidden in palm shades, in the mosaic of seduction, in the lampshade of thoughts.
The trail will be fantasy, the signpost - a pen of feelings.
Music - the tambour of our hearts.
Don't be afraid to indulge in a fairy tale that will become as real as your breath!
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lydia-jovigirl · 4 years
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Bon Jovi - Unbroken ft. The Invictus Games Choir
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lerkasuhodola-blog · 8 years
Baby tell me how could you be so cruel?
Demi Lovato <Fix a Heart>
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zarya-zaryanitsa · 3 years
is slavic paganism closed to those who are not slavic themselves? I've seen different takes on this and wanted to know your perspective, if you'd be willing to share.
I share my opninion on the subject quite frequently - furthermore I made sure it’s permanently pinned at the very top of my blog, for everyone to see.
But fine, let’s say it again.
In my reconstruction/revival of pre-Christian Slavic beliefs I strive to remain as faithful to their original spirit as circumstances allow (the circumstances in question being both limited amount of information and the reality of living in XXIst century Poland). In claiming that this faith is closed to outsiders I would then simultaneously be claiming that pre-Christian Slavic culture and religion were similarly closed — which is simply untrue and very easy to disprove on the basis of the information that we do in fact posess (you can take a quick look here or here). 
Of course both pre-Christian Slavic religion and culture are a thing of the past, that has not been passed down in continuous, ubroken line. Nonetheless modern Slavic paganism is heavily reliant on the living Slavic culture and language, and later Slavic folklore. To give you an example let’s look at the goddess Morana. There are no pre-Christian records of Morana. All we know about her comes from our living culture, from the centuries of ritual drowning and burning of her effigy, countless songs and superstitions that accompany it. From careful analysis of the various versions of her name and her nicknames appearing in multiple different Slavic languages. For this reason I would say diving deeper into Slavic paganism requires also diving deeper into Slavic culture, art, history and linguistics. Slavic paganism is not something you can separate from Slavic peoples, which doesn’t mean everyone who practices it has to be ethnically Slavic. (Also there are big differences between the many different Slavic peoples. It’s key to remember Slavs as an ethnolinguistic group are a construct and not one unified civilization.)
I hope this does an okay job of explaining why some Slavs feel very protective of Slavic paganism and worry about it being misrepresented and appropriated. Especially since Western media have a long record of depicting Slavs in very unfavorable light and not doing their homework where Slavic culture is concerned. I can definitely understand people worrying that their ancestral culture will be turned into a shallow aesthetic (and let’s get this straight in all likelihood they won’t even be the ones benefitting from that), while they are still treated as second class citizens by the broader Western society.
The thing is, in my opinion at least, that it would be completely erroneous to only direct your protective feelings outwards. Because there are scores of ethnic Slavs who are already misrepresenting Slavic culture and Slavic paganism as a convenient new aesthetic for their bigotry, racism and nationalism. There are countless Slavs spreading misinformation about Slavic paganism either because they were too lazy to genuinely try to learn about it or because they were never interested in learning to begin with and just wanted a space to be a nazi with their friends. You know?
So no, in my opinion closing Slavic paganism wouldn’t do much to protect it at all. It would probably just encourage the nationalists to be bolder in Slavic pagan spaces and that’s the last thing that I want. I think judging people on their individual behavior and individual treatment of Slavic paganism and culture makes much more sense. 
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cafffine · 3 years
i’ve been sending regular appeals to staff to unban me but I accidentally just sent one that was an ubroken line of keysmashing and now i’m gonna be double banned
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emptymanuscript · 3 years
The other party.
I’ve been worried about the party I am at. Because, you know, lots of people. Covid. Disease. Death.
But this is the super spreader event party next to ours. It doesn’t come across well in the video but I can hear them from my hotel room... on the 11th floor. The oontz-oontz is loud enough to give me a headache. And in case you can’t tell, it is one ubroken mass of humanity writhing up against one another. During Covid. 
Who the hell thought this was a good idea???
Well, in two weeks, we’ll see if downtown LA is responsible for a Delta super spread. Gah.
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hiveswapheadcannons · 7 years
What's your headcanons about the trolls personalities?
Okay, in the order i see them on the page, here i go:
Charun:Messy and creative. A snuggly one-Tagora:Wants to fit in. know it all and creepy flirt-Tirona:A snitchy mathy brat-Skylla:Doesnt know her own srength. Good advicegiver and cliche country gurl-Fozzer:Quiet, helpfull, empathic af. Give him a HuG BlEaSe he needs it-Bronya:Thinks shes the boss but means well. Mom sass-Diemen:Eats everything. laughs a lot, mostly at their own jokes-Folykl:Needy and grumpy-Kuprum:The future run on Psyonics. Big brother friend-Zebede:An ubroken soul. Optimistic-Amisia:Shit art. Like it or die-Daraya:ironic depression, doesnt care. Can sing but thats a secret-Barzum:Actually doesnt want to share everything, cares about their twin. The youngest-Baizli:In charge, FAYGO. The eldest-Tegiri:M'lady. Tries to act like he doesnt care, Why DoNt YOu CArE?-Elwurd:Actually doesnt have her shit together. Hot older sister of a friend-Marvus:Showbiz, calls all girls baby/pretty lady/ect. Thinks hes slick-Chahut:Comes off scary but is a lovely little baby. Also doesnt know her own strength-Polypa:Pics fights to find the truest friends. unintentional pyro-Wanshi:thos fangs fake. Wishes she was olive, flushed for Zebruh-Zebruh:Complete shit till you point out hes going about something wrong. Means well, abraisive-Cirava:WOKE. Doesnt give a shit but finds the positive in everything-Tyzias:Does it to herself. A solid friend, take her advice-Lynera:Runs the school bc nobody else cares. Great advisor, tries hard-Vikare:Mechanics while jamming to cheezy pop bands. LOVEABLE-Nihkee:dude she scares me tbh. Agressive af bc she doesnt know how to express herself-Boldir:A help, knows more than Galekh. hives a mess but her work is ORGANIZED-Chixie:Validate her, also full of herself-Mallek:Hypebeast. the cool hacker-Galekh:Says too much (it gets fuckers culled). Talks more and acts like a know it all when hes flushed-Ardata:Thinks she hot shit. A NERD-Stelsa:A saltine cracker. Woke tho
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tribuvatic · 4 years
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só queria deixar registrado que eu estava ouvindo o ubroken e lembrei de como eu fico indignado sempre que lembro que a @ddlovato NUNCA performou a minha música fav, fingindo que "mistake" nunca existiu (em Rio Grande, Rio Grande do Sul) https://www.instagram.com/p/CBT4N72gqQm/?igshid=1haxo4tncwhe2
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youtubelibro · 6 years
John Shaibu’s ‘UBROKEN’ emerges 2018 Book of the Year – Daily Post Nigeria
Daily Post Nigeria John Shaibu's 'UBROKEN' emerges 2018 Book of the YearDaily Post NigeriaShaibu, a renowned motivational speaker, writer and idealist delivers success strategies and inspires youths driven by love within and outside the shores of this great country constantly striving for positivity amongst others. He is also an author of … Crecimiento Personal Coaching ... Leer más - Read more... from Libro La Semilla un libro para recordar Pedro J. Pérez The Seed Book https://ift.tt/2HSO2Co via IFTTT
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John Shaibu’s ‘UBROKEN’ emerges 2018 Book of the Year – Daily Post Nigeria
Daily Post Nigeria John Shaibu's 'UBROKEN' emerges 2018 Book of the YearDaily Post NigeriaShaibu, a renowned motivational speaker, writer and idealist delivers success strategies and inspires youths driven by love within and outside the shores of this great country constantly striving for positivity amongst others. He is also an author of … Crecimiento Personal Coaching ... Leer más - Read more... from Libro La Semilla un libro para recordar Pedro J. Pérez The Seed Book https://ift.tt/2HSO2Co via IFTTT
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audiolibroyoutube · 6 years
John Shaibu’s ‘UBROKEN’ emerges 2018 Book of the Year – Daily Post Nigeria
Daily Post Nigeria John Shaibu's 'UBROKEN' emerges 2018 Book of the YearDaily Post NigeriaShaibu, a renowned motivational speaker, writer and idealist delivers success strategies and inspires youths driven by love within and outside the shores of this great country constantly striving for positivity amongst others. He is also an author of … Crecimiento Personal Coaching ... Leer más - Read more... source https://www.librolasemilla.com/john-shaibus-ubroken-emerges-2018-book-of-the-year-daily-post-nigeria/
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libroutoayuda · 6 years
John Shaibu’s ‘UBROKEN’ emerges 2018 Book of the Year – Daily Post Nigeria
Daily Post Nigeria John Shaibu's 'UBROKEN' emerges 2018 Book of the YearDaily Post NigeriaShaibu, a renowned motivational speaker, writer and idealist delivers success strategies and inspires youths driven by love within and outside the shores of this great country constantly striving for positivity amongst others. He is also an author of … Crecimiento Personal Coaching ... Leer más - Read more... from Libro La Semilla un libro para recordar Pedro J. Pérez The Seed Book https://ift.tt/2HSO2Co via IFTTT
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autoayudalibro · 6 years
John Shaibu’s ‘UBROKEN’ emerges 2018 Book of the Year – Daily Post Nigeria
Daily Post Nigeria John Shaibu's 'UBROKEN' emerges 2018 Book of the YearDaily Post NigeriaShaibu, a renowned motivational speaker, writer and idealist delivers success strategies and inspires youths driven by love within and outside the shores of this great country constantly striving for positivity amongst others. He is also an author of … Crecimiento Personal Coaching ... Leer más - Read more... from Libro La Semilla un libro para recordar Pedro J. Pérez The Seed Book https://ift.tt/2HSO2Co via IFTTT
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