#ubi drop me some more content please
kryptonian-puppy · 1 year
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The symbolism in this concept art is next level! Wonder if Ash is going to take the helm of Six now? She’s the closest thing they’ve got left to a leader now, at least one fit to hold the title
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r6shippingdelivery · 3 years
Thank you for the fandom history post, it was very interesting to read! I was wondering now what was your biggest disappointment (canon breaking your hc? delay of Rainbow Six Parasite... idk) and your biggest satisfaction (Ubi releasing Flores as a gay character, new fan content you weren't expecting... ) during those times in the fandom? thank you for your answers :-)
Glad to hear it was interesting to read, I did feel a little like an old woman telling tales by the fire 😂 I want to preface this answer by reminding everyone this are my personal, and therefore highly subjective opinions, and that they might be controversial... but you asked for my opinion, and this is it. Now if you’re still up to it, click on the read more and bear that in mind.
Since you asked about disappointments first, let’s get into it. Canon didn’t really break any of my headcanons, but I’ll admit that when The Hammer and the Scalpel dropped, I was less than enthused about Ubi suddenly wanting to “expand” their lore, after 3 years of ignoring it. You have to understand that back then, the main draw of writing fic & HCs for R6S was how little contraints there were, and now they wanted to play at caring (even tho they often retcon their previous lore, like lmao)? I wasn’t thrilled, and it was right then and there that I decided canon was optional and I would only pay attention to the bits I liked. Tying in with this, I’ve never hidden that I think the new direction the lore has taken is... stupid as all hell, sorry  😂 Harry is a constant disappointment as Six, Nighthaven should have never been added to Rainbow, and it seems Ubi just decided to actually do something with them now, as evidenced by The Playbook. We’ll see what happens, but for now I consider them to be unnecessary and an unwelcome addition.
On a different level, I’m pretty disappointed in how it’s really difficult to avoid some things, despite me trying desperately to do so. But that’s mostly a Twitter problem, which is a disappointment in itself as a fandom hub in many ways.
My biggest satisfactions have been, without a doubt, the people I made friends with along the way. You know who you are, and if you’re doubting ask yourself: “Have I talked with Kiki via DMs more than once or twice?” if the answer is yes, congrats this was about you! 💜 About fan content, honestly, any single glazkan (and I mean glazkan, not kapglaz) or tachankan piece I’ve found -and there’s not much of it- is something I celebrate. I also find pretty satisfying to particiapte in trades and/or writing events, and the times I’ve gotten art about my fics (like this one, for example) or a gift fic - congrats on making me flail and go “ahfdsjhakLJSAjs 🥺😭💖“ On a different note, I was pretty pleased to have confirmation that Parasite was being worked on and not cancelled as I feared (honestly, after two years of complete radio silence and no news of it, it seemed highly likely). Flores being the first confirmed gay operator was awesome, but lore wise my personal high point was seeing Ash punch Kali in the face, extremely satisfying 😄 And the small Ash/Mira renaissance we had in fics after The Playbook, oh damn that was so good too!
Speaking of the game itself, while I’d have loved to have a new map and not just reworks, and I hate how much they’re pushing the damn battlepass, events have always been a highlight. There’s been very few events I disliked (like Showdown, sorry, that one was terrible imo), and seeing as this year they’re gonna bring old events back as Arcade Playlists sounds amazing!
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vanceencounter-blog · 6 years
My Faves of E3:Part 1
Favorite Game: Cyberpunk 2077- I have been excited for this game based solely on the merits of the Witcher 3. CD Project Red left a great impression on me with that release  (I have never played Witcher 1 or 2, don’t @ me). I am typically not willing to fully sign off on a game until I see actual gameplay footage. While the general public did not get footage, we did get an awesome cg trailer that did a great job building excitement for the game. 
The world seems vibrant, colorful and unique. It also seems jam packed with many different locations, types of people and activities. We see the V(your customizable protagonist) riding a train, driving in a night rider esque car and while we didn’t see them flying, it seemed to heavily imply that was possible as well. People of various augmented varieties were seen throughout, allowing them to shoot hoops better, lay a beatdown on a sparring construct and even alter their facial appearance.
CDR did a great job with Witcher making a dark and interesting world while not making a game devoid of fun or humor. That tradition seems to carry on here, based on V’s exposition. He states that Night CIty is worst place to live in in America but everyone still wants to live there. More of a town of dreams where bad things happen, than a full on city of darkness a la Arkham City. This sets the tone of the game nicely, along with the pumping synth music, vibrant lights and even the font for the game itself.
I have learned that the game will be first person instead of third. This has caused backlash among the CDR faithful, hoping for a cyberpunk version of The Witcher. I am not at all shocked or appalled by this change. I like seeing developers be able to stretch their wings and make new types of games. If we kept devs locked into doing the same thing forever we would never get Horizon Zero Dawn or Child of Light. As an augmented human being in a futuristic setting, it makes much more sense from a gameplay perspective to be an fps. This allows you to have augmented vision and have better control over aiming your guns.
I can’t wait to hear more about this game. I fear that we won’t have a release date anytime soon but I appreciate CDR’s dedication to their craft. Witcher has bought them some well earned breathing room and freedom to take their time making a polished product. They have also promised to have continual post game free content, as is their tradition. For now I remain excited for the next glimpse they provide us.
Honorable mention: Gears of War 5- I have been a long time fan of the Gears series. I was unemployed and dropped out of school at the time of the first Gears, which meant I had a hell of a lot of time to myself. Time I spent playing a copious amount of GOW. My proudest achievement to this day is “Seriously”, which was presented to those who had 10,000 online ranked kills. It was one of the only online games I actually spent the time and energy learning the glitches to allow me to play on even footing. So you can understand how I may be interested in another entry to the series.
This Gears glimpse did not pick off right where the last game left off. Instead we see a JD with a messed up arm in some sort of incubator like device, with a shaved head and facial scar. Marcus and JD don’t seem to be getting along anymore. Even Kait and JD seem to be at odds. This leads to Kait and Del striking out on their own to find out the truth behind Kait’s newly acquired locust pendant. It was her grandmother’s which seems to lead us to believe Kait may be Queen Myrrah’s grand daughter.
I love the fact we are getting a game about Kait and Del. Marcus has had more than enough time in the spotlight and JD wasn’t terribly interesting. As a PR move, this is genius as well. The game’s main character has never been anyone but a burly white male marine.  By following Kait as the main character, it helps silence the criticism the series carries for being too much of a “bro shooter”.  This story seems personal and poised to offer many twist and turns. It seemed like there was some definite friction that was gonna happen between our two protagonists. I would be surprised if we didn’t at least play some of the campaign as JD and Marcus but would not be disappointed if that were the case.
From a gameplay perspective we didn’t get to see a tonne of new weapons yet. This is slightly disappointing given Gears’ track record of cool and unique weaponry. I do know a few people who would love to take up those bone sticks and bash people online. There were quite a few new enemies including the locust who gives up said bashing sticks, a leech like creature and some DBs, that seemingly have been taken over by a locust infection of some sort.
Cyberpunk gets the nod here for me, as it is a brand new property in the video game space.
Favorite Game: Assassin’s Creed Odyssey- I have been a long time Assassins Creed Die hard. The series has been a real roller coaster ride, with the highs of ACII and ACIV Black Flag and the lows of AC III and AC Syndicate.  I think Ubi made a smart choice putting the series on pause and reevaluating it’s direction after the general populace started to fatigue on yearly releases. AC Origins proved to be a triumphant return, albeit in a different form. A form which Odyssey seems to embrace and enhance.
Odyssey is even more of an RPG than Origins was. In addition to gear with levels and rarity distinctions, they have added dialogue trees and the the ability to choose your character at the start of the game. RPG elements have been blended into games for years now but I can not get enough of them. The ability to customize your character through their perks and your weapons of choice, lets the player fight in the manner that best suits their playstyle. Now the story can play out in a similar fashion by allowing you to direct character interactions however you please.
Another issue the franchise has had is the division between the life of the Assassins which is grounded in reality and history and the science fiction elements of their present/future story line. They seem to be leaning more into the scifi elements of the future in this entry. Rarely do we see any of the artifacts of the god like alien race. When we do, it tends to just be the apple and every now and then we catch snippets about the number or details of the remaining artifacts. Based on the abilities the spear of Leonidas grants you, it would appear that it is one such item.
I’m torn between the inclusion of this weapon. In terms of the modern day story it makes sense that the Assassin’s and Templars would come into contact with these items and use them to their benefit. The problem is the game is based in the real world so if these items were used frequently and openly in the past, surely we would know about their true power today. At this point I think it would behoove Ubi to either turn up the sci-fi in the past and finish out the story of the gods or drop the god storyline and make these period pieces solely. From a gameplay standpoint I like the idea of getting more interesting weapons. This would allow each Assassin to feel even more unique from game to game and the devs would have more game mechanics available to them.
Regardless of these concerns, I am excited by the freedom the gameplay and story provide. Being able to choose your gender and character without the loss of a defined character is great. Not saying Brodie was the best protagonist in Far Cry 3 but I prefer that over the silence of the Far Cry 5 hero. Any game where I can collect sweet loot and level up always has my attention and as such I remain hyped for AC.
Honorable Mention: The Division 2- The Division is back! Enough time has passed to be excited, especially because I never played any of the DLC. They are doing quite a few things that makes this look more than a rehash of the first game.
First off, the setting is summer time in D.C.. This gave us more variety in scenery, with a jungle environment shown off as well as the typical urban environments. The devs also had more freedom in the clothing options they provided to the player, as they now no longer have to worry about getting frost bitten.
Enemies look a little different this time out. There are now heavily armored enemies that signify they are going to be bullet sponges. This is a welcome change from the first game where a random high level enemy would be taking a hundred bullets to the toque before they would drop. Non-armored enemies do appear but are much easier to dispatch than in the first Division. The time to kill dropping I fully endorse and I appreciate them attempting to ground the game further in realism. Enemies had some new tricks up their sleeves, such as gooping a player to the ground causing them to need their team mate to release them. I hope this is indicative of an effort to have more unique challenges to face along the way.
The enemies aren’t the only ones with a few new tools in their belt though. There were some new gadgets like a device that split into little bee-like things and heat sought an enemy before exploding.  The biggest and baddest additions to your armory come in the form of high level special weapons. Once you hit the end game you will be presented the option to wield a grenade launcher, a 50 cal sniper or a torque bowesque cross bow. I am always up for more differentiation between party members and players, so I think this is a great change.
The raids will be launching soon after the release of the game in order to give players a chance to gear up and get high enough level to participate. The raids are 8 players and will require good gear and high level play to conquer. Personally I find this sort of end game content much more interesting than grinding endlessly in the dark zone. We didn’t get much about the dark zone but this first look at the game was more than enough to sate me for now.
 In this instance Assassin’s Creed wins based on the hooks it has had in me for years. Division I enjoyed but has a lot to prove. I am hoping they have heard the player’s feedback and are able to turn that into a game with a deep end game, diverse enemies and characters that feel like your own.
Favorite Game: The Last of Us 2- This is one of those games I think you could release nothing about and still have people lined up outside of their local game store on day one. I think they have done a good job so far giving us just enough information to tantalize without overloading though.
We started on a scene where Ellie is at a dance and life seems to be going a lot better for her these days. Joel isn’t seen but is eluded to by a fellow community member. This seemed like a very deliberate decision to leave him out of the spotlight and make Ellie the focus. In fact in the whole trailer he never showed up once. The developers have stated that this is her story but I would not be surprised if we had the inverse of The Last of Us and have one or two Joel levels. The trailer continues with Ellie dancing with another woman and ends up kissing her. People who never played the The Last of Us dlc may not know Ellie was a lesbian but the devs have stressed this is a part of who she is, making it important to display this. I am all for getting more diverse characters in games over having the 100th old grizzled army vet character. Unfortunately for her life isn’t all kissing girls and dances though.
We quickly cut from her at the dance to being out in the dark, shanking an enemy from behind. The cut scene looked great but in true Naughty Dog fashion the in-game graphics were just as impressive. The first thing that struck me was the visuals but as the trailer progressed it was the movement that stuck with me. Everything Ellie does seems realistic and once she engaged with a group of enemies it became clear the level of immersion we will be experiencing.
The melee combat seems much more refined and interesting in this game. Any weapon an enemy holds Ellie can pick up. Even if it’s a heavy one handed weapon it will just become a slow two handed weapon for her. The melee kills were so detailed and unique they seemed like pre-scripted quick time events. When she killed an enemy their arrows clattered to the ground and Ellie would physically pick them up rather than having them just pop into your inventory when stepping on them. This was a lot to take in before even factoring in the exploration.
There is a jump button now included in the game. This sounds like a game changer when it comes to traversal and the ability to sneak up on enemies. Speaking of sneaking they have significantly increased the nuance of hiding in tall grass. It is no longer a simple “I’m in the grass so I’m invisible” situation. Enemies can now spot you if they are close enough which makes things much more harrowing. You can now duck under cars as well but the enemies will search under them for you. In a section of a supermarket they also showed her squeeze in between shelves to flank her enemies. This breadth of options makes simple scenarios have many different ways to tackle them. In that super market section you will notice enemies tell one another to spread out and search for you. This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to their AI.
Each enemy knows that you are in a given space once alerted. This leads to them searching for you until they find you and not giving up like in other stealth games. They also have individual names, which their compatriots will call out. Changes like this make every grunt seem like a real person rather than a nameless thug. They also do not have patrol routes but move with a sense of purpose based on contextual clues they have. All in all it seems like Naughty Dog is poised to raise the bar for gaming yet again.
Honorable Mention: Ghost of Tsushima- This is a game we knew next to nothing about but it blew me away with its impressive showing. From the get go it was visually striking and unlike anything else we have seen. The use of color was striking with very muted tones at the start which easily drew the eye to the red tree matching the leaf that the main character, Jin, picked up.  Apparently this is very much an open world game and the focus of the demo was a side quest. The fact that there was this level of detail in an open world game is impressive to say the least.
Once the titular ghost arrived on the scene of the crime he runs into three mongols terrorizing the locals. In typical Samurai fashion they square off before he one shots the opposition. The combat seems more involved than something like Arkham Asylum. It reminded me of For Honor where blocks and parries will be vital to survival.
Once Jin got closer to the temple it became a stealth section or so I thought. The devs confirmed he could have went in the front door swords blazing but he probably chose the smarter option. By using his grappling hook he was able to sneak in through the temple roof and dispatch of the enemies silently. The grappling hook is only one of many weapons that our protagonist will unlock throughout the game. It shows the necessary transformation he goes through from samurai to something more, in order to overcome the tremendous threat the mongol hordes pose. There was a section where he stabbed an enemy through a sliding screen door which was very cinematic but was not scripted. The end result would have been the same with backup being called but it would have come to fruition differently based on how you tackled the enemies. As I have mentioned time and time again, I value this level of player agency very much and can’t wait to see all the options available to the player.
In the end he had to confront his ally as she was threatening to kill the proprietor of the temple. Jin states that we should be fighting the mongols rather than out own country men. She chooses to rebutt with steel. Once again the swordplay seems very intense with slow mo dodges and sword clashes. Flaming arrows rained down around your battle and started a blaze as your duel waged on. The fact that this was not a main mission but had such a memorable set piece bodes very well and earned it my honorable mention.
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ryanmeft · 6 years
Five Absolutely, Completely Serious Things We Want to See Return in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey
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After Origins proved a real evolution of the Assassin’s Creed formula, everyone was expecting Ubi Soft to go big with the follow up. Most seem to think they did, with a setting of Ancient Greece reigniting a lot of lost passion for the series. The prospect of debating history’s most famous philosophers, visiting the Ancient Wonders of the World, battling in the Peloponnesian War, and maybe, just maybe having some Animus-powered battles with Zeus and Ares are all things that ought to get people pumped up.
That said, as the series moves forward, a lot of great ideas from the past are being left behind. You don’t need to dig very far to find people who are torn over the loss of more traditional AC elements like the Hidden Blades, but there’s quite a few excellent features no one seems to be mourning. What follows are five totally, absolutely sincere wishes for old features that need to return in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.
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Tower Defense
Ubi Soft has never been content to rest on their laurels when it comes to packing AC with side content. Odyssey will have you managing foreign relations, freeing territory, and exploring entire areas of the world that aren’t even necessary to visit, but Ubi can go further. Revelations brought us one major gameplay innovation that everyone I know in the local brain damage shelter really misses: tower defense. In order to maintain the Brotherhood’s presence in Constantinople, you sometimes had to interrupt your game in order to commit Assassins to repelling attacks by the Templars on your bases. I know I speak for every player when I say that nothing will make Odyssey more memorable than if I am perched high on top the Temple of Artemis, surveying the lush-yet-dangerous lands of Greece, and I have to drop everything and run back to some goddamn hut in the middle of Athens to make my trained monkeys shoot at some guys.
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I know a guy who found every single flag in the original Assassin’s Creed. His life was changed, his name was etched forever in the annals of history’s greatest heroes, and he married Mila Kunis, Halle Berry and George Clooney…at the same time. Clearly, the flags you could pluck from high atop the walls of ancient cities in the first few AC games were stuffed with Legendary Amazing Juice that transformed you from an ordinary mortal into the living embodiment of a Greek god. Fuck The Truth: everyone playing ACII just wanted those flags. That’s why they need to come back in Odyssey, and they need to be everywhere, like the Donald Trump presidential memorabilia you think you’re going to use to fund your kid’s college education. We want flags on the streets. We want flags on the roofs. We want flags sticking out of the bodily cavities of NPCs. We want the Ancient Wonders of the World covered in flags. And if you find all 3 billion of them, you get the ultimate reward: a really big scarf that makes the game harder.
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We already know the game will have mercenaries that can be sicced on you if you’re naughty. I have a feeling, however, that this will be a lot like the Phylakes in Origins: they wander the world looking for you, you know where they are, and you can avoid them if you need to. That’s the way wimps do things. There’s a much better way, and the 27 people who played Rogue know exactly what it is: have guys hiding in the bushes waiting to run out and stab you when you least expect it. It’s like a High School prank, but you might get shivved. In Rogue, though, you could use Eagle Sense to always see where these guys were hiding, which was, incidentally, always in the same spots. That just ain’t hardcore enough: they should be 100% invisible. You’re doin’ your thing, picking a lock or flirting with some hunka hunka ancient Greek piece of ass (you know Socrates gets you hot), when all of a sudden, SHANK! You get a hidden blade to the genital region. Also, please: if that turned you on, seek help.
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Bomb Missions
I bet you didn’t even remember these. You bastards.
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Loot Boxes
Origins still had its detractors, but there’s one thing both fans and non-fans can agree on: we all wish it had more loot boxes. When Ubi Soft announced that the game’s loot box system would be essentially neutered by allowing you to acquire them in-game, the disappointment of the AC fanbase and the larger gaming world alike was palpable. AC fans were upset because nothing screams “accurate historical representation” like someone encouraging you to pay real money for a virtual weapon. Everyone else was upset because loot boxes are the greatest advancement in the history of video games (just ask EA). If Ubi Soft really wants to bring lapsed players back into the fold, they’ll make a pushy NPC follow you around literally everywhere you go, enhancing your tour of ancient Greece and jerk-bombing your stealth attempts by constantly reminding you that you can buy mystery weapons for 20 US dollars.
That’s all I have. Do you have any suggestions for other features from past games that ought to return in Origins? Leave a comment, or bother me on Twitter at https://twitter.com/RyanmEft or on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/ryanmeftmovies/?ref=bookmarks. Please, though, don’t kid me by bringing up the ability to summon Assassins down in a storm of stabby fury. No one actually liked that bit.
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