#ub: tinker family
tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Stephen and Wanda had long been wanting to have another child, but they hadn't been blessed with another one after Melody yet. While the showered their daughter in love, they slowly felt, that she was growing apart from them. They never dropped the hope to expand their family despite their raising ages.
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goldiraguardian · 2 years
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bubblehorse · 3 years
👨‍👦🍼💑😠 👀🃏 for Brioche ofc ^_^
👨‍👦 What do my OC's parents think of their child? What do siblings think of them?
So for starters, Brioche is the eldest sibling of a very large family. Khora and Amaranth Kavaro, the two matriarchs, came to adopt a lot of children under various circumstances, and in fairly quick succession, for a total of 10. They both mean very well, but in truth did adopt more children than they could handle. They do love each of their children whole-heartedly, but the whole family are rather enmeshed as a result of their parents relying on their older children to help run the bakery and raise younger children. Now I'll give a brief description of each sibling. From oldest to youngest after Brioche, they are:
Castella (Stella) - eternal goth phase Pumpernickel (Nicky) - inventor / gadget tinkerer, token cis boy Banana - the lone canon Kavaro Melba - bossy, literature nerd, probably the most "normal" Ciabatta (Cici) + Taiyaki (Ty) - <1 yr apart, BEST friends Roti - quiet + shy, tends to get lost between the energetic sets of "twins," indisputably the best at decorating cakes Ginger + Ube - twins, the only biological siblings of the lot, identical but with different color schemes; the Mischief Makers Pumpkin - the BABY!!!!! (fun fact i have bequeathed direction / ownership of Pumpkin to my friend Dimitri)
Getting into everyone's thoughts on Brie would take...way too fuckin long imo. BUT! By and large, all of Brioche's younger siblings look up to them, even if they are loathe to admit it. Banana and Pumpkin are probably the closest to Brie, and Stella the least.
🍼 How was my OC as a baby?
fucking HUNGY
💑 What do my OC's parents think of their partner/friend? What do the siblings think?
Most all of the Kavaros are SUUUUPER nosy abt the fact that Brioche is bringing a boy home. Both Mothers Kavaro are overjoyed to have Kite around for dinner initially -- less so when they learn that he played a role in Brioche leaving to become a Hunter. Nevertheless, the siblings adore Kite. Nicky is fascinated by Crazy Slots. Melba talks his ear off about poetry. Cici, Ty, and Roti will spend hours braiding Kite's hair with flowers. Ginger and Ube spy on Brie and Kite kissing good night from the staircase railing, and will attempt to prank Kite on multiple occasions as a form of "hazing" him into the family.
😠 What was the worst thing that my OC did, in the opinion of their family?
Leaving the family to become a Hunter. It was not a decision Brie made at all flippantly, but was something they felt had to be done in order for them to be their best self. This decision is largely frowned upon by Khora and Amaranth more than the children. The younger kids still miss Brioche and resent them a little for leaving, but they know that Brie will regularly return to visit. Their mothers, on the other hand, view Brioche's departure as a betrayal of the entire family & their business, and are a great deal slower to accept Brie's decision.
👀 Any unofficial family members?
A very well-loved, grumpy old man of a cat named Pudding :)
🃏 Free question
Brioche is not gonna have any kids of their own, end of.
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foxcoloredcat · 7 years
Fox’s Magic OCs
Since I only have a side blog for Isolde my other children don’t come up as much outside of RPing I do on Discord so here is a very brief rundown of my multitude of other dumbass kids.
Anwyn- BGW- An ambiguously old, but perpetually youthful Lorwyn elf. She runs an herbalist shop on Ravnica called the Gilt-Leaf Emporium and has a riding wolf named Mina whom she loves more than most people. 
Ayani- RUG- A cylian elf elementalist who has lost everything twice over but still manages to keep going. She was a broken shell for a while, but she’s starting to see the beauty and wonder in the multiverse again.
Djau- RG (starting to go RGW now)- A khenra who sparked during the Hours on Amonkhet. He and his twin brother Yuya were crushed under a pair of giant Bolas horns that were knocked off a monument while holding the line against some eternals so refugees could escape. He ended up on Theros briefly believing that it was some sort of heaven. (Unbeknownst to him Yuya sparked to Ravnica where he briefly thought that life among the Rakdos was some sort of hell.)
Yoshitomi Ishiro- WR- A demon hunter and glory chaser that wanders the multiverse from Kamigawa. He learned holy magics from his priestly father and how to use a blade from his badass samurai mom. 
Isolde- You guys know her.
Khaleel- BR- An aetherborn tinkerer and dragster pilot. The love to party and have a need for speed. They currently live in Mizuki’s family manor. (In a largely abandoned section because of their penchant for explosions.)
Mizuki- U (Leans UBG tho)- A soratami scholar from Kamigawa. She is currently interested in researching Phyrexians in hopes of preventing other worlds from suffering the same fate as Mirodin. She has two very adorable daughters name Hana and Nanami.
Reiner Wulfram- WRU- Midnight duelist from Innistrad with a natural talent for magic. He has a special brand of rune chanting that he weaves into his knitting. He’s fairly new to the whole planeswalker thing and is a hot mess.
Zenya- BWR- A zendikari vampire hunting vampire. The Innistradi ones pissed her off just one too many times. She’s also a huge flirt and party girl. You can’t take her anywhere honestly.
Planebound OCs
Chessa vod Koz- GB- A young devkarin elf who works at the Gilt-Leaf Emporium. She has a sickeningly sweet disposition and likes to play with plants and dead things. 
Kasmira Reznikov- WB- A punky Orzhov advokist born with only one eye. Her prosthetic eye is made of solid gold and enchanted to help her know when people are lying which she uses to her advantage in court.
Kolya Sendula- GW- A young silhana elf who works at the Gilt-Leaf Emporium. He is stuffy and cold and completely in love with Chessa.
Lisel Wulfram- RUG- Reiner’s feisty younger sister. She was an alchemist studying at an academy in Nephalia when the inquisition started and she and Reiner fled the province. While not a cathar she works on occasion with the Order of St. Traft as a medic. 
Morana Baran- UB- A dimir agent. The fact that you know this much is too much.
Risha- RG- A compleated vulshok on New Phyrexia who works under Urabrask. She is sympathetic to some degree to the Mirran resistance hiding in the Furnace Layer, often finding herself conflicted between her Red desire for freedom and her Phyrexian reprogramming.
Rorick “Rory” Kasav- WR- A wojek labmage in the Ninth Precinct. She runs on caffeine and snark and doesn’t get paid enough to deal with this shit. 
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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What does life bring for the Tinkers in the future. Melody is somewhat of a Genius, but slacks off too much. Will her parents notice? Do they even care? Will there be more Tinker-kids in the future? And what will Frank grow up to be like? Find out next season!
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Life with a baby was more difficult when you were nearing you 40s but Wanda managed just well. She even though about trying for another one, as soon as Frank would be a year.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Melody is entering something like a rebellious streak.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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A day at the arcade. Tara was exactly Melody's jam and others too.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Melody hated to admit it, but the stupid baby was really cute. Somehow she really liked that smelly little thing. That little thing was her little brother. And the more time she spend with him, the more she was sure, she would always protect him!
Wanda noticed the shift in Melody's behavior but she decided to not point it out.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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The promotion Stephen gained that night came just at the right time!
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Welcome to the family: Frank Tinker
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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And then, one evening, Wanda was checking on Melody, that had a sleepover in the garden with one of her friends:
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Wanda wasn't as quick with the register as she was before, now that she was about to give birth in mere weeks. Some customers were understanding, others... not so much.
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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tamtam-go92 · 1 year
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Melody also tried her best with the younger customers. Her parents were so proud of her.
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