#ua traitor eijirou kirishima
embracetheshipping · 4 months
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aspenforest732 · 8 months
Bello Licentiae Chapter 12: It Begins
tw: abuse, gunfire, trauma mention, gang mentions Shie Hassaiki arc begins with a bang:) 'text' JSL Text thoughts
Akira slipped into their apartment on Sunday, stepping more heavily to alert Dabi. As they slipped into the living room, Akira waved to get his attention. He gestured them over then continued reapplying cream to the edges of his grafts. The skin around the edges on his arms especially looked darker than before, and the cream glistened on the pink skin left of burns. ' Are you okay? How's Marbles holding up? '
Dabi snorted and sat up a bit on the couch. Akira leveled him with a flat look at the grimace he tried to hide. "I'm fine, Pipsqueak. Marbles got his prosthetic, so he's adjusting to that. How's your book?"
After a moment, Akira let a small grin slip on their face as they leaned against the side. ' I haven't gotten the chance to sit down with it yet. I can't believe you remembered! '
"Of course I remembered," Dabi waved a hand dismissively, flashing more pink skin on the underside. "It's the one nonessential you've been pining for since you got those epics."
Akira settled next to him and leveled a soft glare at him when he tried to wave them off again. He begrudgingly let them continue applying the cream, gently massaging as they went. Even if they were too late to really— Dabi lightly flicked the back of their hand. They startled out of their thoughts, blinking up in surprise at his cocked brow. Right.
"We're warping in half an hour," Dabi broke the silence, however brief. "Figured you'd want to see Marbles." While they occupied their hands with helping where they could, Dabi gave them updates on the League. They were lying low for the most part, recovering at a safe house from the small but heavy fight. Twice wouldn't be there, something about littles.
Maybe he collects miniatures? Not the weirdest thing he could collect for sure. Akira shook their head as they closed the cream. After a moment, they signed, ' I figured out who Kurogiri was. ' Dabi looked over curiously, readily accepting the nomu notebook they handed over. ' Eraser and Present Mic's school friend. '
"Well shit," Dabi muttered. "That would explain a lot." Akira tilted their head as his fingers ghosted over the pages. Glancing back to them, he continued, "Mic's deaf, right? I bet he learned sign language for him. He always paid a bit more attention when I talked about Eraser and U.A. Not that I gave out their secrets," Dabi put his hands up when Akira's gaze hardened. "Do whatever you need to get ready, I'll finish up here."
As they stepped through the warp gate, Akira took stock of the dim, dingy safehouse. It seemed stable enough to support the League, but there were definitely areas for drafts to whistle through and critters to live. Kurogiri led them to the basement where Magne was arguing with Spinner.
"-she's still a minor! What don't you get about her not only having a villain quirk but being a villain ? The system will tear her apart and spit her back out to die," Spinner widely gestured as he got in Magne's face.
Kurogiri cleared his throat as Shigaraki and Dabi watched the pair in annoyance. Magne quickly turned to the newcomers and huffed in exasperation. "Mori, would you be able to check on Toga? I know you have some connections, and we want to make sure she's doing okay."
Akira nodded, ' Eraser would've been the arresting hero, so she should be getting help. Can I take a look at Marbles' stump? I want to double-check my memory of the scar pattern. '
"Of course, my dear," Mr. Compress loosened the straps for his prosthetic, carefully lowering it enough to detach the sensors before removing it completely.
The stump was cleanly severed, and there was quite a bit of discoloration around the wound. Giran's primary doctor's trademark thin black ring sealed the wound, but the geometric patterns within the scar tissue drew their eye. Since it was a deconstruction in the heat of battle, the broken oval patterns indicated a cellular level instead of molecular or the more methodic structural method. No construction left the ovals broken instead of complete. After sketching the pattern and jotting down the confirmation, Akira snapped their notebook closed and backed off. ' Thanks, how far back are you with Broker? I remember even basic medical procedures have a hefty price tag. '
"Not recruiting kids," Spinner spat.
Akira's eyebrows shot up as they looked to Magne. She inclined her head with a sigh. "Not that you lot should've done that in the first place, but that was part of the payment. It's nothing for you to worry about, though. With the payment from Overhaul, we should be set."
' So you are going through with a deal, ' Akira signed slowly, taking in Shigaraki's murderous expression with the others' uncertainty. ' With who's involved in the investigations, I won't be able to provide you much from them. While unlikely that Foresight will be used on me, it's still a possibility that I can't afford right now. '
"What about Aoyama?" Shigaraki rasped, looking up from his blank controller. "He's been afk for too long."
' Sparkles left and won't sell your secrets, ' Akira signed while carefully watching their reactions. Magne and Mr. Compress looked somewhat relieved while Shigaraki and Spinner grew more agitated. The former started to scratch at his neck, but Kurogiri intercepted with a tube of moisturizing cream for dehydration quirks.
"Are you certain?" Kurogiri asked, glancing back to them.
' Yes, he would have been more of a risk to force to stay than to let go.'
The next morning, Mad Banquet reviewed their schedules for the week, their work study days mostly matching up. Akira and Kirishima would do evening patrols with Fat Gum Monday, Tuesday, Friday. Hitoshi and Midoriya would do night patrols with Eraser Thursday, Friday, Saturday. Koji would do afternoon patrols with Sir Nighteye Tuesday, Friday, Saturday. Fumikage would do evening patrols with Hawks Monday, Wednesday, Friday. Aoyama would do morning patrols with Yoroi Musha Friday, Saturday, Sunday. Hitoshi would consistently take notes for the group, and they'd have study sessions most lunches to help with areas members were struggling.
After a quick lunch, Akira walked Kirishima through the route they normally took to Fat Gum's agency and went over a couple alternate routes in case of delays or power outages. Kirishima remained quiet and grew increasingly on edge, which had Akira subtly looking around and keeping an ear out for anything unusual. They would have dismissed it as nervousness for the work study, but that didn't quite feel right with Kirishima's sunshine personality. Akira finished their explanations a few minutes into the train ride and looked expectantly towards the redhead.
' Is something wrong? ' Kirishima signed.
Akira scanned the train car again, but aside from the occasional looks for being U.A. students, there was still nothing that seemed amiss. ' Not that I can tell. What's got you on edge? '
Kirishima looked at them with confusion for a moment before clarifying, "You." Akira tensed, gut coiling as they checked the exits. Kirishima went on, seemingly unaware of their reaction, "You've been in what we call 'stealth mode' since we left U.A., and you keep looking like a villain's going to jump out of every shadow or crowd."
Realizing what happened, Akira forced themself to relax a bit and focus mostly on the redhead. ' I guess you haven't seen me much outside school. This is how I operate outside safe zones. It's not something I'd expect from another student, so while I'm with one, I watch for both of us. '
"Oh," Kirishima relaxed into his seat. "I can keep an eye out, too. That's totally manly of you to be protective, though."
Akira lightly shook their head, going back to people-watching for the rest of the trip. Kirishima talked about his love of meat and fanboyed over a documentary of Crimson Riot that came out recently. Akira knew a little of the limelight hero's quirk, and he was one of the few limelight heroes they hadn't found much dirt on. Some of his older taglines and comments were sexist or off-color, but he was one of the few they'd found who seemed to genuinely change after backlash.
"Oh! Did you listen to Present Mic's last broadcast?" Kirishima asked after a while.
Akira shook their head. ' I was on patrol. Why? '
"He had this really interesting segment on Quirkless." Akira froze as Kirishima went into some of the statistics mentioned. They carefully watched his body language as he talked about the tragedy of less than ten percent making it past sixteen. "It's just so manly how they go through so much and survive. I don't think I could do that."
Akira slowly nodded, softening their expression as Kirishima zoned back in. ' I'm surprised the Commission let that air. They usually try to downplay Quirkless statistics and representation. A number of businesses have the "no Quirkless" signs in their windows. It's legal to discriminate against Quirkless people since the law only protects people with quirks. '
"That's horrible!" Kirishima gaped. "I've never noticed them before, but I refuse to give anyone business who excludes people like that."
Fat Gum greeted them at the train station, eagerly taking them on the same tour he'd given Akira the first day of their internship. They glanced at the hero a few minutes into the tour as they picked up a tail, but a slight smirk confirmed Mouse's presence. Akira let their focus shift to Kirishima as he animatedly talked about his studies and his excitement to work with such a manly hero. Akira pointedly didn't look towards Mouse as faer movements became increasingly noticeable and Kirishima still didn't seem to catch on. A few times, the diminutive hero shifted in their periphery, but the redhead never showed a sign of noticing anything off.
As the agency came into view, Kirishima startled badly as Mouse shifted a block ahead of them as fae walked out of an alley. Akira snorted as the redhead instinctually hardened. He took stook of their amusement and Fat Gum's appraising, mildly amused look, ultimately releasing his quirk.
' I wondered if you were going to notice Mouse, ' Akira grinned. ' Fae's been following us since almost the start of the tour. '
"What? How could I have missed that," Kirishima deflated.
"Don't sweat it, kiddo, it usually takes people a while to notice faer," Fat Gum gave Kirishima an enthusiastic thump on the back. Akira blinked up at him curiously at the motion but quickly looked away as they realized why he didn't try that with them. "Mori here is one of the few exceptions, but always being hyper-vigilant comes at a cost."
Mouse gave a mock salute before heading into the agency, and soon the group was introducing Kirishima to everyone. When Akira finally let their guard drop, the redhead seemed to relax more into the introductions, letting his sunny personality shine through. They spent the afternoon reviewing paperwork with him, introducing more twilight-related paperwork, and going over call signs. Amajiki would be joining them the next day since he worked Tuesday Wednesday Friday.
As Akira watched Kirishima, they picked up on more of the redhead's insecurities and, while outwardly very positive, he at times reminded them of Amajiki, albeit more outgoing. He moved quickly to appease a few times over perceived mistakes, which left Akira confused. Taishiro was quick to reassure Kirishima and move on with gentle correction, but the redhead consistently seemed to expect a different reaction, even hardening the first time Taishiro was a little slow to respond. Maybe something happened with Fourth Kind? Akira wondered. He definitely didn't act like this in class.
After going over security clearance levels for cases, Taishiro briefed Kirishima on the trigger case, including Akira's observations. "That reminds me," Taishiro added with a glance to Akira. "There is a case that goes above top secret, which is considered compartmented. We rarely use that classification so unless it's an emergency, you won't be seeing that for the work study. Mori is involved due to bringing the case to my attention. Again, if anyone says they can't discuss a case with you, it's a matter of clearance or whether the content is suitable for your age, not personal."
"Does it have to do with their family?" Kirishima asked, expression growing tight. "Kat was angrier than I've seen him in a while when I brought up their name after the licensing exam."
"Like I said, we can't discuss the case, especially who it is or isn't pertaining to," Taishiro said sternly but not unkindly. "I would recommend staying away from the Inoue and Wrens, though."
"Oh yeah, the whole class is staying clear of them," Kirishima said derisively. "From what we know of Mori, it's pretty clear they're horrible people."
That night's patrol was pretty uneventful, mostly checking with informants and showing Kirishima the ropes. His internship kept him mostly in the office, and his fawning diminished somewhat once they were out of the office. Kirishima also didn't seem to mind working with the gangs, eagerly meeting the members as he would any other work associate.
By the time the pair got back to the dorms, it was almost four. Kirishima headed straight to his room, but Akira checked the living room for any of their resident insomniacs. Finding none, they were about to head up when they heard the front door open again. Only Fumikage or Aizawa would be coming in this late. Curiosity piqued, Akira slunk towards the sound of quiet, excited chittering. Fumikage left the genkan as they neared the hallway, and Akira let him pass before stepping out of the shadows.
Akira grinned at his startled squawk and Dark Shadow's warbling cackle. ' I take it your patrol went well? '
Fumikage chirped excitedly, drawing a cocked eyebrow from Akira. He had been unlearning to repress his birdlike traits, but they were still pretty limited. It was nice to see him more openly expressing himself. "Hawks is teaching us how to fly!"
"He's teaching you ," Dark Shadow preened. "I have been flying since you first summoned me."
' That's great! ' Akira smiled tiredly. ' You'll have to tell us how it went once everyone's up. '
Kirishima eagerly filled the train ride trying to learn anything about Amajiki. The older boy mostly responded with silence or one to two words, and Akira nudged Kirishima whenever he got too pushy. At one point, Amajiki looked to Akira in confusion as Kirishima admitted he was uncertain about proving himself to Fat Gum, but they just shrugged.
Fat Gum picked them up from the station like usual and started pointing out how to watch for tails, using a far more visible Mouse as an example. The rule of three was a good place to start, as seeing the same person three separate times in a short time span was enough cause to go on alert. Fat Gum also covered trusting your gut and disguising your body language, although the latter's emphasis was on public appearances over reconnaissance work since Kirishima was aiming for Limelight.
At the agency, Fat Gum led the trio to his office. "Before we go over night and morning shifts' reports, I need to talk with Kirishima for a moment about your previous internship. Would you rather Tamaki or Mori stay or leave?" he asked kindly.
"With Fourth Kind?" Kirishima looked confused but still bright. "I don't mind if they stay."
"Okay, kiddo, but you can change your mind at any time," Taishiro smiled gently, although Akira picked up on the underlying tension as Tamaki probably did. "Did Fourth Kind ever make you uncomfortable or put his hands on you?"
"No, he was just teaching me and Tetsutetsu about client-facing work," Kirishima grinned. "When we made mistakes or were late, he hit us with our quirks active, but that was just him helping us with endurance. We didn't do much physical work other than cleaning up a park."
Taishiro frowned, brow knitting as he looked over the redhead. "Kirishima, that's not training. That's abuse. Did you tell anyone what was going on?"
Kirishima chuckled awkwardly, "That can't be abuse, right? Everyone has a different teaching style, and Bakugo spent most of his internship fighting with Mirko." Akira shook their head when Kirishima looked to them for confirmation.
' Pretty sure it qualifies, Red Hot, ' Akira gently but firmly pressed. Suddenly unsure of themself, they looked to Taishiro for confirmation, who nodded firmly. ' The goal of sparring is to improve fighting skills. Just taking hits is a really inefficient way of increasing endurance even if we ignore that it was meant as a punishment. '
"Either you can tell Aizawa or I can, but Fourth Kind needs to be taken off the list of internship options," Taishiro explained. He put up a hand as Kirishima tried to protest, "Since that's given you skewed expectations for working at an agency, we'll strive to give you a more normal experience. This is not a difference of teaching styles but morals. If anyone here, including myself, makes you uncomfortable or hurts you, come to me or someone else you're comfortable with."
As they prepared for patrol about an hour later, Taishiro frowned at his phone before returning his attention to the group. "Sir Nighteye sent an interagency meeting request for tomorrow morning. Kirishima, if you're unfamiliar with him, he is a reconnaissance hero whose work is well-known among heroes. I would like all three of you to be there so you can see how teamups work, but I'll only require Tamaki's presence since you're supposed to be off that day. If you do decide to come, it would be more efficient to stay here the night."
' I'll go, ' Akira signed firmly, and Kirishima echoed the sentiment enthusiastically. Akira shot off a text to Aizawa informing him of their plan to stay the night, keeping the reason vague as a valuable opportunity the next morning. While unlikely, there was a chance the meeting was unrelated to the Shie Hassaiki investigation.
A couple hours in, Fat Gum was lightly teasing Suneater to encourage Red Riot to loosen up. The older boy still occasionally misinterpreted the hero's words, but Red Riot and Mortis were quick to reassure him. Fat Gum knew his limits, always staying within them and visually checking in as Suneater reacted.
Fat Gum surged forward at the sound of a distressed crowd. Red Riot took a moment to react as the other students were already darting behind the hero. Bursting onto another street, Fat Gum enveloped a small group as one of their Jet contacts slowed to a stop. Mortis spotted their target slip out of the group just as Red Riot rounded the corner and Suneater shot out tentacles to wrap around the villain, who reverted in surprise.
"What's with this octopus?!" the villain shouted.
"That's mean..." Suneater slumped as he incapacitated the man and kept him on the ground with a clawed foot.
"No, wait, that's not an insult! He's talking about how it looks!" Red Riot encouraged as Mortis approached, pushing up the villain's jacket sleeve to check the scar.
"Hey! What's this kid doing?" the villain squirmed against the restraining tentacles.
Mortis ran a finger over the scar tissue, noting the tiny, complete ovals and perfect circle around his arm. Turning back, they signed, ' That confirms my theory. '
"I wonder if I did okay," Suneater murmured. Mortis softly smiled and gave a thumbs up in support.
"It was amazing! You were so fast and so good at using your Quirk!" Red Riot encouraged even as he seemed a little disheartened at not doing anything.
"Our Suneater's skills have long been as good as a pro's!" Fat Gum called out with a grin as he tied up the other villains. "He still needs to work on his mental weakness, though. Right?"
The crowd erupted in cheers and encouragement as Suneater froze, deactivating his quirk now that the threat was gone. Mortis gave him an encouraging smile as they put quirk-suppressing restraints on the one he took down. They looked up just in time for Fat Gum to shout, "Oh no! Get down!"
A muzzle flashed, and they threw their weight into Suneater, taking them both to the ground as a red bullet lodged in his arm. Mortis went to teleport a shield of bodies but was a hair too slow as Red Riot was already in the way of the second bullet, Hardening causing it to reflect off his forehead.
As the crowd scattered, Red Riot called out, "I'll capture him!"
"It hurts less than I thought it would," Suneater muttered, ears slightly downturned in confusion. Red Riot took off after the villain after seeing the older was alright, and Suneater lifted his arm. "I'll catch him with my octopus!"
Mortis startled as only a little slime came out of Suneater's fingers. The teen's eyes grew wide, and Fat Gum started after Red Riot, concerned at the boy's recklessness. Knowing their quirk was still active, Mortis plucked the reflected bullet off the ground from a little ways away, carefully holding it so the broken needle wouldn't leak out any more of whatever was inside.
"I'm not hurt, but my quirk won't activate!" Suneater called after Fat Gum in a panic. The hero stopped, turning in confusion.
' It's not Eraser. I think it was the bullet, ' Mortis quickly explained. ' You go, I'll stay with Sun Eater. ' After a moment's hesitation, Fat Gum sped off. Mortis placed a grounding hand on Suneater's arm, exaggerating their breathing as his ears quivered and eyes kept going in and out of focus. After a few minutes, police cruisers rolled up with a couple other local heroes, and Suneater had calmed enough to take control of the situation again.
While Suneater gave them a rundown, Mortis gathered the villains and showed their provisional license to the officers. They bagged the bullet as evidence, and Mortis approached the detective talking with Suneater. ' The one in quirk suppressant cuffs has been in contact with a deconstruction construction quirk in the past three months based on the circular arm scar. They're pretty rare, so that might be a place to look for connections. '
"You could tell that from a scar?" the detective asked skeptically. "You're just a teenager, don't sound so confident about things like this."
Suneater frowned, ready to defend them when Mortis signed to him, ' Don't bother. I'll bring it up to Fat Gum. '
soo I might've originally forgotten to put Twice in that scene. I didn't feel like figuring out how his presence changed dynamics and writing more dialogue, so I found an easy out with a reference :) the scar patterns? Bullshit. I just wanted something to show their knowledge instead of telling. I realized when looking to compare Kiri's internship with his work study that Fourth Kind was abusive, so figured it would be good to give him some reactions based on that. It also seemed to be about optics mostly
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 months
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ao3feed-dadzawa · 1 year
Wishing on a Dead Letter
Wishing On A Dead Letter by 0ddAmountOfSleep
Izuku Midoriya is anything but average. Living his life as the #1 villains son and being forced to work with the League Of Villains has had a toll on him. He's had to adapt to their standards and build himself to stop feeling and to act…
But what if he wanted freedom. What if he didn't like being the bad guy.
Izuku is working as a spy for the league of villains but Kirishima and Aizawa are suspicious of him. If they find out, will they help him escape or send him to prison?
Words: 2197, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Shouto, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Trans Deku, Trans Midoriya Izuku, inko is an actor, DFO, dad for one, Fluff, Angst, tddk, tododeku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Genderfluid Deku, Genderfluid Midoriya Izuku, gay Todoroki, No Smut, an attempt at being serious, mha, mha au, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Angsty Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, suspicious deku, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima suspects Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya is a traitor, Traitor Midoriya Izuku, Izuku is a spy at UA, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Todoroki Shouto is a Good Significant Other
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48114238
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lovinkiri · 9 months
Not Your Wild Cat, Chapter One
Description: Sasha and the rest of her class are back for their last school year at UA. A lot has changed and there's more excitement to come. But things have to get good before they get bad, right?
OC Credit: @jix-the-dragon
Art Credit: @.jabberwockyface
Tumblr media
Name: Sasha Annelie Quinn
Quirk: Leopard. She has the characteristics and abilities of a leopard. Her most noticeable characteristics are her ears, claws, tail, and leopard-spotted skin.
An ex-agent for the commission, Sasha used to do things she would probably regret until the day she died. With her mind drowning in vengeance, she made sure to do everything the commission asked her to so that one day, she would have the opportunity to get back at the man who took everything away from her; To take down All For One.
Every mission led up to her last. The mission that made her the person she is today. She was given simple instructions; Through a few connections, get in contact with the League of Villains and offered to be their mole, their traitor, as long as she got into UA (which would be guaranteed no matter what. Pose as a student at UA High School, acting as a normal teenage girl. Her school persona didn’t matter too much though. As long as she got the information she needed from them to get in the league’s good graces, everything was fine, as long as no one got seriously hurt. All the while, she would be double-crossing the league, giving the commission information, enough to locate and corner AFO. She would contribute to his takedown and after that… Well, she didn’t know.
But to be fair, there was a lot Sasha didn’t know. She didn’t know she would enjoy being a normal teenage girl, socializing with other students she called ‘friends’, and eventually falling in love. She couldn’t even imagine that she’d end up in actual training to be an actual hero, fighting for what’s right, no longer an agent in the shadows. She definitely wasn’t ‘Agent Wild Cat’ anymore. No, now she was Namir, pouncing on injustice.
But everyone needs a break sometimes… Right?
- Naomasa & Sasha’s Summer Cabin -
Sasha and Naomasa always came by here once a summer for about a week, their little cabin in the woods. During that time, she and Eijirou couldn’t talk much on the phone either. Though she loved spending time with Naomasa, she always missed him as much as he missed her. Noticing this, Naomasa thought it would be a good idea to invite her classmates. He could use some time to himself anyway. 
Sasha walks into the cabin with her classmates, smiling as they look around in awe. Even she couldn’t help but admire the cabin she’d been coming to for years. It was beautiful, pretty big for a cabin, and very cozy. She loved coming here, it gave her an opportunity to train and hone her skills in the wilderness, a place where she could be undisturbed. Well, until Naomasa called her to check on her.
“This is amazing, Quinnie! You get to spend every summer here?” Mina exclaimed, eyes practically sparkling in excitement as she threw herself onto the cushioned couch. Just like the rest of the class, she was dressed in summer clothes. 
Uraraka nudged Sasha a little, giving her a cheeky grin. “Bet you figured the only person you’d come here with other than your uncle was Kirishima. It's pretty romantic if you ask me. We aren’t third-wheeling, are we?” She teased, pointing at Eijirou who was talking to Bakugou at the door.
Sasha blushed, glancing at her boyfriend before looking back at Uraraka. “Ochako! I-It’s not like that,” She scolded her friend, shaking her head. Still, the thought of spending the week at a cabin with just Eijirou was tempting. Though she knew Naomasa would never be okay with that, even if she was eighteen now. 
As if summoned by her thoughts, Naomasa walked over to the girls. From the look in his eyes, Sasha could tell he overheard their conversation and wasn’t pleased with the topic of conversation. “I don’t mind Sasha spending time with her boyfriend. But if she’s going to invite one person, why not have all of her classmates join us? I want her to have fun with all of you,” He spoke loud enough for the entire class to hear, looking Eijirou in his eyes with a smile for the last part. “Especially if that means the two of them don’t get any alone time.”
Eijirou felt a shiver go down his spine at Naomsasa’s gaze. It didn’t match his smile. Rather, his eyes let him know he was going to be pissed he even found them alone once. Of course, he was still going to take that risk, but the consequences of getting caught made him nervous.
She could tell he was playing with Eijirou a bit but sensing her boyfriend’s nerves, Sasha lightly slapped Naomasa’s arm. “We aren’t going to do anything inappropriate. Still, expecting me not to spend any time with my boyfriend is absurd.” She sighed, crossing her arms.
“I never said you couldn’t spend time with him. Just not alone.” He clarified, ruffling her hair and earning a pout. As far as he was concerned, it was his job to keep her safe. From danger and teenage boys.
She rolled her eyes playfully, knowing there was no convincing him of anything else. Placing a hand on his shoulder, she gave him a small nod. “Okay, okay. No more scaring him though, okay? Eijirou is very respectful.” 
She looked at Eijirou, her features softening. As they made eye contact, she crossed the room over to him and held his hand, earning a gentle squeeze from him. They exchanged happy smiles and Naomasa sighed through his nostrils. He remembered being that young and in love. He remembered being a teenager and exactly what he did back in his day. 
He wanted to trust Sasha though. He knew in his heart they would find a way to spend time alone somehow, just not under his watch. When they did, he was sure they wouldn’t do anything too worrying for him. 
Sasha was a good kid, she hung around other good kids. In the few years he’d known Eijirou, he’d seen him grow up from a first year to a third year. He’d met his family, his two sweet mothers, and had dinners with them. They’d become an extended family, which is why he felt so comfortable joking (half-joking, more like) with Eijirou about being alone with Sasha.
“Alright, alright, lovebirds. I’m sure you kids are ready to have some fun. Your third year of school is next week, after all. Why don’t you all go swimming?” Naomasa gave them a small smile, looking over the happy faces of the students. He was happy that Sasha had found love in such a remarkable group of heroes in training. And after just this school year, his little girl would be a graduate of UA, a top hero academy. He couldn’t be prouder, so they deserved as much fun as possible before it got tough.
Sasha perked up at the suggestion. “That’s a great idea, Nao,” She said before looking at her classmates. “There’s a creek nearby, safe to swim in. The current isn’t strong at all, it’s pretty relaxing. If you guys are up for it, we should do some swimming to kick things off.”
Jirou gave them a small grin, leaning against the back of the couch. “Sounds like a plan to me. I haven’t gone swimming in a while.” She agreed, looking at Denki. “And if I remember correctly, you said you were gonna take me ages ago.” Her tone sounded pointed and accusing, but her smile and the amusement in her eyes gave away her sarcasm. 
He wrapped an arm around her shoulder, gently rubbing her arm. “I mean... I am accompanying you swimming today, aren’t I?” He said slowly as if trying to string together an excuse. Jirou scoffed playfully and the two began to bicker. 
Sasha was glad she and Eijirou weren’t the only couple in class. Denki and Jirou had gotten together last year. Hagakure had a boyfriend from another school that Sasha had met once on a double date.  Izuku and Ochako were an interesting case, as in they acted like a couple, but wanted to focus more on their careers than a relationship. 
Bakugou supposedly had a girlfriend too, but he never let them meet her. Often, they teased and said his girlfriend was imaginary, though it never phased him, as if he were expecting those comments. All he said was he preferred to keep his private life private, and he left it at that, aside from a few comments on how not everyone was so mushy and sentimental. If he did have a girlfriend, she couldn’t help but wonder if he acted differently with her. She’d love to see that from Bakugou one day. 
After deciding as a group that swimming was a great idea, everyone turned to Naomasa to thank him for having them, to which he casually waved them off. “Don’t worry about it, you guys, just have fun. I’ll be around this week, but I’ll stay out of your way for the most part. Old guys like me can’t swim like I used to.”
Sasha raised an eyebrow at the statement. “You’re not even old. You just want an excuse to stay inside and nap.” She accused, smirking at how well she knew him. She seemed to hit the nail on the head from how he sheepishly avoided her eyes.
“There might be some truth to that. Now, why don't you all bring your bags up and change? There are two rooms, but they’re pretty big. And of course, the guys go in one room, the girls go into another.” He nodded to them before hauling his duffle bag over his shoulder and going to his room. 
Eijirou leaned down, grabbing both his bag and Sasha’s, whose bag he insisted on bringing inside in the first place. She tried to tell him that she could carry her bag, but he wouldn’t have it. “I got this, babe.” He told her, grinning widely as he started walking. 
She quickly went after him, knowing he didn’t even know his way to her room. “Okay, Darling. At least let me show you where it is.” She giggled, jogging to walk ahead of him and leading the way to her room. The other girls trailed behind, aweing and cooing at them. Sasha and Eijirou let it slide, having gotten used to their teasing right now. Sasha would get them back later. 
When they reached her room, Sasha looked up at him, taking the bag from his hand. “Okay, Red Riot. My bags and I have safely been escorted to the bedroom. You are relieved of your duties… For now.” She said matter-of-factly, earning a laugh from him.
“Always happy to help, Namir. I’ll let you get changed.” He leaned down to give her a short, sweet kiss and she leaned up to meet him in the middle. But before their lips could meet, they heard Naomasa gruffly clearing his throat. Turning their heads, they saw him peeking from his room at them. Sasha groaned and put her hands up in surrender, the both of them pulling away.
Instead, as Eijirou walked away, he used his thumb and pointer finger to make a heart, and she returned the sweet gesture. She truly loved him, everything little thing he did made her heart flutter. Even small gestures like that made her smile.
The girls started to change and Sasha could feel the talk approaching already. In an attempt to escape it, she tried to redirect it before a word could be said. “So, Jirou. You and Denki are so precious! The way you guys go back and forth is so adorable.” She said, hoping this would distract them and satiate them for today. Sure, “satiated” might sound extreme, but it felt right when it came to this class. 
What Sasha didn’t anticipate was Jirou being ready to retaliate. “Hah, not as cute as Kirishima carrying your bag for you just now.” The purple-haired girl smirked at Sasha, holding back a chuckle as she watched her friend pout. It seemed Jirou was expecting this, but this hadn’t exactly been the first time Sasha had done this. 
Mina nodded, looking at Sasha with eyes that practically sparkled. The look on her face resembled the same look Mina always had after reading a romance manga. “He treats you like such a queen, Quinnie.” She gushed, changing into her swimsuit. 
Sasha giggled softly and nodded, pulling on her own swimsuit. “He does treat me really well. I’m really lucky to have him.” She admitted, sitting on the bed. Even though she avoided talking like this, she didn’t dislike it. If that were the case, she knew her classmates would have already respected that. She just knew that once she started, it was she who wouldn’t be able to stop gushing. Knowing that, the girls always pushed, like sisters would.
“There’s a lot I want to show him around these parts too. I’ve always wanted to see the sunset with him, it looks so beautiful out here.” She sighed softly, falling back onto the bed smiling. The girls watched her with a smile, finding it cute how enamored she was with Kirishima.
“Awe! That’s so romantic, Sasha!” Hagakure sat beside her, bouncing a little in her seat. They couldn’t see her expression, but they knew she had the same smile on her face as them. Aside from Mina, Hagakure was always almost the most excited to talk about romance. “We’ll try to give you guys as much space as possible, okay?”
Acknowledging her friends' support with a nod, Sasha expressed her gratitude. "Thanks, but I still think it'll be difficult with Nao around," she admitted, a hint of concern creasing her brow. Sasha was well aware of how Nao could be. As the man who had raised her, he had always been protective. Sasha anticipated that he wouldn't easily allow her and Eijirou to have some private moments if he could intervene. Nao's protective nature was a force to be reckoned with, and Sasha knew he would do everything in his power to ensure their time together was anything but alone.
Mina flashed Sasha a mischievous grin, her thumb shooting up in a gesture of assurance. "Don't you worry, Quinnie. I'll make sure to get you guys a moment! Your sunset dream will come true!" Mina's playful enthusiasm hinted at her determination to create the perfect opportunity for Sasha and her boyfriend. And knowing Mine, Sasha believed her. She had no idea how she’d do it, but she believed it. 
The girls completed the task of putting on their swimsuits, exchanging sweet compliments, and admiring themselves in the mirror. It wasn't a display of self-absorption, but rather the confident self-appreciation that radiates from girls comfortable in their own skin.
Equipped with everything necessary for a creek-side swim, they descended the stairs to join the boys. The first sound that greeted them was a low whistle from Denki, prompting a shy blush from Jirou. Naomasa, wearing his own swimsuit, shot Denki a scolding look, which was met with a laughter-filled apology. It was evident that Naomasa was standing in for the absent guardians, keeping a watchful eye on their children, even though they were all well into their late teens. Sasha didn’t expect anything less from him.
"You look good, Sasha. The one-piece was a great choice," Eijirou complimented his girlfriend, smiling at her. She could tell he didn't mean it in a perverted way; he simply wanted to compliment her, and she awed softly. 
"Eiji, you look good too. I told you yellow would look great on you," she returned the compliment, exchanging a warm glance with him. The couple shared a moment of genuine appreciation, basking in the glow of their mutual admiration.
"You look nice too, Jirou. Missed you while you were gone," Denki gave a dramatic pout, walking over to her. It seemed he was going for a hug, but Jirou was quick to put a hand on his chest. The playful banter between them showcased a comfortable camaraderie, filled with inside jokes and shared experiences.
Through her blush, she smiled at Denki. “No way, not now. We’re in public, dummy,” she said affectionately, bringing her hand up to pet his hair. Sighing, he looked up at her like a kicked puppy. “What? Not even hugs?” he asked, leaning into her palm.
She shook her head and narrowed her eyes suspiciously. “It always starts with a hug when it comes to you. Then you wanna get all kissy and cuddly,” she pointed out, making Denki laugh as if he had just been caught. “Okay, okay, you got me.” He laid his head on her shoulder, respecting her boundaries. “I can’t help it. My girlfriend is just too cool,” he said, smirking as she looked away with a flushed expression.
This time, the girls of the class turned their attention to Jirou’s relationship, collectively gushing over them. Jirou groaned from the attention, trying to hide her face behind her beans. “Let’s just go to the creek already! I wanna swim!” she said hastily, pulling Denki, who seemed pleased, out by the hand despite not knowing where she was going.
Sasha chuckled and exchanged a glance with Eijirou, clearly happy for their friends finding such happiness. Sasha would have been lying if she said she didn’t enjoy being on the other side of the situation this time. Now it was her who was admiring her friend’s relationship and not the other way around.
“We should go. Don’t want anyone getting lost,” she said, holding hands with Eijirou. If Naomasa minded, he didn’t say anything, only sparing their joint hands a quick glance. This was okay with him, she supposed.
Eijirou nodded in agreement and squeezed her hand before interlocking their fingers. “Yeah, you’re probably right about that, babe.” The pair joined their friends, each couple radiating the warmth of companionship as they made their way to the creek, ready for a day of fun and relaxation.
When they finally reached the creek, everyone was quick to get inside. “I have to admit, this is quite nice. The water feels great.” He leaned back in the water, smiling with a content expression. It was rare to see Iida, who was still the class representative, so relaxed these days.
Izuku nodded, smiling fondly at Ochako who seemed to be quietly enjoying the cool water surrounding her. “He’s right. It feels really nice, right, Ochako?” He asked, tucking a strand of her out of that girl’s face, who simply nodded.
The person who looked the happiest was Tsuyu. Like Ochako, she didn’t say anything, but it was obvious from the way she seemed to decompress. Her eyes were calm, at peace. Sasha remembered just how much she liked water, and was happy to see her enjoying herself.
The rest of their visit to the creek was filled with fun. The class played a couple of games while Naomasa watched, and sat over at a shallow area of the creek where he could still see everyone. 
The first thing they did was play around and splash at each other, not a particular goal in mind other than to not get splashed too much. Sasha exclaimed that Todoroki was cheating quite a few times, using his quirk to make the water colder and stun her from the shock of it. But Todoroki, who was cheating, denied it each time, making Sasha look like a sore loser. Because of this, Sasha targeted him in particular in this war of water.
Much to her excitement, Todoroki was disqualified when he was caught making an ice shield, trying to hide from her relentless water attack. He was sentenced to sit with Naomasa, which he seemed to enjoy just as much. The two got along with each other surprisingly well.
The remainder of the creek visit was marked by friendly competitions, with even Todoroki joining in this time. Activities ranged from chicken fights to contests to see who could hold their breath the longest. True to her expectations, Bakugou emerged as the most competitive, so Sasha decided to be his competition this time, particularly during the chicken fight
Okay, so maybe Sasha was just as competitive. She couldn’t help out though. She’d gotten rid of most of her bad habits, but the need to win was something she held onto for the sake of successful hero work. She could understand why Bakugou was the way he was sometimes. It was a good motivator.
The water splashed around them as Bakugou and Sasha engaged in a fierce battle atop their partner's shoulders. Sasha sat atop Eijirou’s and Bakugou sat on Izuku’s. Laughter echoed along with the sounds of splashing, creating an atmosphere of friendship and joy. It was hilarious to watch Bakugou and Izuku go back and forth.
The day unfolded with shared moments, playful banter, and the strengthening of bonds among the group. As the sun dipped lower in the sky, casting a warm glow over the scene, Sasha couldn't help but feel grateful for the friendships and connections she had forged during this day by the creek.
As she approached, she saw Mina and a few others playfully attacking Naomasa with water, turning the scene into a spirited water fight. Naomasa laughed and tried to shield himself while retaliating with playful splashes.
Mina, with a mischievous glint in her eyes, turned to Sasha and gave her a wink, silently conveying that this was the perfect opportunity for Sasha to sneak off with Eijirou while Naomasa was happily distracted. The romantic moment during the sunset with Eijirou that Sasha had been hoping for seemed within reach. Grinning at Mina, Sasha seized the chance, motioning for Eijirou to follow her as they slipped away from the playful chaos by the creek.
“What’s goin on, Sash? Your uncle will kill us if he finds out we snuck off,” He said, letting her pull him through the trees. He didn’t seem too worried though, he actually looked more excited than worried, happy to bond with just her.
She smiled back at him. “Mina’s buying us time. I want you to see the sunset, and the perfect spot nearby.” She told him, moving a little faster. She pulled him downstream until they came to a small clearing that the creek ran through. 
The secluded area they found was truly beautiful, and Eijirou couldn't help but marvel at the enchanting scenery. The gentle buzz of fireflies started to fill the air, casting a magical glow around them, almost like candles. Butterflies fluttered by in a hurry, adding to the picturesque setting. The scent of flowers and fresh grass wafted through the air, gently filling his senses. It was a stark contrast to the city life they were accustomed to, and Eijirou found himself captivated by the serene beauty of the natural surroundings. Life, he realized, was undeniably more breathtaking outside the bustling city.
Sasha took a seat by the creek, Eijirou following suit. They both looked at each other lovingly, happy to be in such a beautiful place in each other’s company. Just being together made everything all the more beautiful.
“I love you, Ei. Thank you for everything. I know we’ve had an interesting couple of years, to say the least,” She and Eijirou shared a laugh, as interesting was quite the word to use. “hectic” and “chaotic” probably fit better. “But, we made it through. All because you believed in me from the very start.” She finished, taking his hand in hers again.
He found himself flustered by how suddenly she was praising him. Shaking his head, he brought his hand up to kiss her knuckles. “C’mon, Sash, you’re giving me too much credit. I don’t know if you know this, but you’re easy to love.” He smiled against her hand, looking up at her affectionately. “That’s why I’m so lucky to call you mine.”
This time it was her turn to blush. Eijirou made her feel like the most loved person in the world, and he did it like it was nothing. Just a few words had her picturing the rest of their lives together and the sunsets they’d see throughout it. 
She couldn’t fight the urge to move forward, gently pulling her hand away and pressing her lips against his. He was surprised but didn’t spend too much time hesitating. It wasn’t like they were going to have much time alone on this trip, after all. So when they kissed, they hoped it would convey the love they had for each other. They hoped this would make up for a week’s worth of kisses, which they would probably make up for next week anyway.
As they lingered by the creek, they gradually pulled away from the tender kiss, settling into a warm embrace. Nestled at the water's edge, they whispered sweet nothings to each other. The gentle sounds of the creek and the rustle of leaves above provided a soothing ambiance to their intimate exchange, creating a core memory that would not soon be forgotten.
They didn’t stay for too long. As much as they wanted to, they knew Naomasa would end up getting suspicious soon if they were gone for too long. Sasha guided Eijirou back to the creek, where the entire class was attacking Naomasa, except for Todoroki who tried his best to defend the man.
Sasha smiled fondly at the sight. She was happy to see Naomasa enjoying himself as much as everyone else was. Something work-related had been bothering him lately, so the sight of his smile was welcome.
She and Eijirou had returned just in time, as Naomasa had started waving his arm. “I give up, I give up,” He told them, the class pausing their attack. Mina let out a breath she didn’t realize she was holding in as Sasha and Eijirou returned. This distraction was getting hard to keep up. Thankfully, the rest of the class realized what she was doing and decided to help out. 
“Let’s head back and dry off. Getting a bit cold, and you guys are going to get sick if we stay inside of this creek.” Naomasa said, climbing out of the creek. The others joined, chattering and laughing amongst themselves. The couple integrated with the group quickly, sharing a grin. 
The group strolled back to the cabin, the chatter of the students filling the air with excitement. Naomasa wore a subtle smile, eavesdropping on snippets of their conversations as they shared their favorite moments of the day. He must have been softening up with old age because the sound filled him with peace.
Upon their return to the cabin, the air buzzed with the anticipation of warm showers and a change into comfortable attire. The sound of water cascading in the showers mixed with the shuffling of clothes being swapped filled the building. For a moment, Naomasa even considered raising another child, but he quickly dismissed the thought.
In their cozy pajamas, the group gathered around a picnic table situated outside the cabin. A few steps away, Naomasa manned the grill, tending to their dinner. The delicious aroma wafted through the air, mingling with the laughter and chatter of the students. Despite the sizable group, Naomasa tackled the grilling task with patience, embodying the spirit of a father at a barbeque.
A mischievous smile played on Sasha's lips as she pitched an idea to the group. "How about we play a game? Just to kill time," she suggested, her eyes gleaming with excitement.
Intrigued gazes fixed upon Sasha as she delved into her proposal. "Nao and I used to play hide-and-seek in the woods when I was younger," she shared with a nostalgic glint in her eyes. "It was always fun, and it helped with my training," she added, a touch of excitement lacing her voice.
Naomasa laughed, overhearing her suggestion. “Don’t do it, kids. She’ll always find you. Sasha’s amazing at this game,” He warned them with an amused expression. This was Sasha’s favorite game to play out here. If they decided to play, he knew they’d be safe. There was a perimeter around the cabin and Sasha would be able to pick up any cry for help within it if necessary. And the chances of it coming to that were low, as this area was known for being safe for kids younger than these students. 
Bakugou, never one to back down from a challenge, met Naomasa's words with confidence. "Hah? I don’t care if she’s the hide-and-seek champion. She isn’t finding me in a game," he boasted defiantly.
Sasha, undeterred, smirked at him, raising an eyebrow challengingly. "Wanna bet?" she countered, ready to prove her skills in the upcoming game.
That was how this game of hide-and-seek started. A few of her classmates chose to stay back with Naomasa. Iida and Koda weren’t into being scared. Neither was Hagakure, who was worn out from their day at the creek anyway. The others didn’t seem to lack energy at all as they went running into the woods, using the flashlights of their phones to navigate. 
While a few, like Bakugou, were supremely confident in their ability to evade Sasha altogether. Others, like Ochako, embraced the challenge, anticipating the thrill of the pursuit. Their different attitudes set the stage for an exciting game of hide-and-seek for Sasha.
Sasha didn’t need a flashlight, not with her vision. She was going to be using her advanced senses to track down her classmates, which is why this was her favorite way to train growing up. Too bad she could only do it one week out of the summer with Naomasa.
As she made her way through the woods, she tried to pick up the scent of any of her classmates. She could faintly smell them among the scent of flowers and grass. She was able to pick up Bakugou’s scent stronger than anyone else's. The smell of Nitroglycerin was hard to miss. She smirked, amused by how he would be her first victim, despite boasting the most. 
He had beaten her in that chicken fight earlier. Now, she was going to get revenge by finding him. 
Weaving through trees, she searched hard for him. Bakugou was a fast runner, but he wasn’t faster than her. Still, he was smart, as he ran into an area filled with flowers. She could still pick up his scent, but it was getting lost. Especially since the flowers he ran through began making him blend in. She needed to be smart and strategize. That’s when she had the idea to cut him off. 
Peeking behind a tree, he jumped in surprise when he noticed Sasha already waiting for him. He let out a groan at the sight, acknowledging his defeat as she had successfully located him.
Before she could speak, he began stomping off. “Yeah, yeah, I got it.” He grunted, making his way back. It seemed he already knew how to return. Sasha was right to get him out first. If she had completely lost his scent, he could have easily mapped out an escape route. That meant she had to find the others quickly too. 
Smiling excitedly, she set off again. She’d never played this game in these woods with more than one person. This had become more challenging, and more interesting.
Sasha reveled in the thrill of the game as she darted through the dense woods. The moonlight cast eerie shadows on the trees, adding an extra layer of mystery to the night. Her classmates, scattered and concealed, became her prey in this nocturnal hide-and-seek adventure. 
The excitement pulsed through her veins as she employed a mix of strategy and agility to pick off her unsuspecting targets. The rustling leaves beneath her feet masked her movements, and the night air carried the hushed whispers of the forest. 
In the distance, a flicker of movement caught her keen eye. Ochako, with a mischievous grin, decided to play along for the thrill of the chase. Sasha approached stealthily, using the trees as cover. Just as she closed in, Ochako surrendered with a playful laugh, revealing her hiding spot.
Izuku, on the other hand, held a defiant stance, confident that he could outwit Sasha. Their eyes locked in a silent challenge. Determined, Sasha maneuvered through the woods, tracking his movements with precision. Behind a tree, Izuku attempted to conceal himself, but Sasha, anticipating his every move, cornered him effortlessly.
The game continued, each capture adding to the collective enjoyment of the night. Sasha's agile pursuit and the students' spirited attempts to evade her painted the scene with a lively energy. The rustling leaves, the moonlit shadows, and the laughter and playful screams of her classmates faded into the night.
The last person she found was Eijirou. She was saving the best for last. 
Having heard his classmates getting caught throughout the night, he was proud of himself for evading Sasha. Though in the same breath, he was cheering for Sasha to catch everyone. He was always going to support Sasha, even if that meant him getting caught by her. Her determination, agility, and competitive spirit were some of the very qualities that drew him to her, after all.
Suddenly, Sasha was in front of him. She had suddenly hung upside down in front of him, like Spider. Her knees bent around a branch, keeping her up. Her sudden appearance had him yelping in surprise, clutching his chest. Then he began laughing, grinning with her.
"You got me," he admitted with a nod, his eyes reflecting a mix of surprise and amusement. Sasha's unconventional approach to catching him had certainly succeeded in breaking through his defenses. The unexpected encounter had felt just like Sasha though. He knew how much she liked to travel through trees, after all.
She took a moment to admire how handsome he looked smiling like that in the moonlight. Leaning in, she kissed him for the second time that day. This was quicker, barely giving him enough time to kiss back. 
Breaking the kiss, Sasha giggled softly, her eyes sparkling with affection. "Sorry. You just look really cute," she confessed, her smile infectious. She could tell he didn’t mind by how his gaze softened. “Also, I’ve always wanted to kiss you upside down like this.”
Eijirou responded in kind, initiating the next kiss. Sasha welcomed it, savoring the moment as they shared a sweet connection amidst the moonlit ambiance. "You're not a spider though, babe," he teased, grinning against her lips before pulling away. She laughed at his words before sitting up on the branch again and dropping down. 
Taking his hand in her, they made their way back to the cabin where their food was ready. Naomasa gave them a look, making them smile nervously. Sighing, he shook his head. “I’ll let it slide tonight. Come eat.” He said, patting their shoulders. 
As the students gathered around the picnic table in their cozy pajamas, the aroma of the grilled dinner filled the air. Naomasa, having tended to the barbecue, served up the meal, and the students eagerly dug in. The shared experience of Sasha's pursuit through the woods became a lively topic of conversation, each classmate recounting their encounters with a mix of laughter and excitement.
The prospect of the upcoming school year added an extra layer of excitement to the already vibrant atmosphere. As the students enjoyed their evening under the starlit sky, Sasha couldn't help but think about the adventures and challenges that awaited them when classes officially began.
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os3npaio · 2 years
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⚠️CW: Manga spoilers, blood, violence, Age age (40 & 21), Sugar Daddy / Baby⚠️
Artwork by oS3NPAIo | DO NOT REPOST
Part One: Blood Riot
Time and money were nothing to Eijirou. He has been alive enough to know that money was materialistic, and power was everything. When he was younger and more foolish, Eijirou wanted to be a hero. He strived to be great along with his "friends."
Which was a complete and utter joke.
Eijirou Kirishima.
Red fucking Riot.
To class 1-A he was the cheerful friend but, in the background, he was the traitor of UA. He gave the league the needed information in exchange for being promised a spot in their organization. When he went through the League of Villains it was bizarre how some of them were down to earth. There was a healer named Dante, his quirk specialized in healing wounds from one body to his. He was the right-hand man along with the hothead Dabi. Both Eijirou and Dabi never saw eye to eye with things he did for the league. Eijirou believed in keeping a lot of profile when Dabi was eccentric. He didn't want to reveal himself until it was the right time. Dabi wanted Eijirou to reveal himself before kidnapping Katsuki from camp, but Eijirou thought it was too soon.
As the years carried on it was becoming increasingly obvious how his tendencies changed. No longer did he care for others' well-being. Eijirou was growing tired of the constant back and forth.
That was until the war.
Once that happened, it was his grand entrance and he revealed himself as the traitor. It felt like an enormous weight lifted from his shoulders. The one person that took it the hardest was Bakugo Katsuki. Deep down, Eijirou saw Katsuki as a friend. He even gave him the offer to join the League.
To stand by his side.
However, Katsuki had the heart of a Hero. He refused Eijirou's offer and vowed to turn him back to behind a hero. That he refused to accept that Eijirou was a villain. It took a long time for the League to settle into a new place after the war. It wasn't easy for them to find a new goal, but they didn't stop their plans to take down hero society. It wasn't until years later that Eijirou had another run-in with the heroes and Katsuki happened to be a part of the patrol. It was supposed to be a simple heist, in and out but of course, it didn't happen the way it was supposed to.
The fight was long and brutal.
Eijirou kept up Unbreakable longer than he wanted to, but Katsuki was persistent. Blast after blast only pissed Eijirou off as the fight continued to drag on. The banter was continuous, the blows were getting harder to block and his body was tired. Katsuki had slipped up before charging an AP shot, he wasn't watching his positioning and Eijirou stepped forward. He reached forward with his large hand to grab Katsuki's arm and the AP shot went past his head. It only missed him by a few inches before Eijirou used the force of his body to slam Katsuki into the wall. The impact alone cracked the brick underneath Katsuki's body.
All Eijirou could see was red.
This battle happened time and time again.
It never failed.
They were both in their mid-20s now. So much time has passed since the war and Katsuki was still trying to change Eijirou. He was still using that stupid hero persona. Everything inside of his body boiled in anger because he wanted to be left alone.
He was tired of fighting.
He was tired of Katsuki's annoying heroics.
He was tired of Katsuki.
Eijirou repeatedly slammed Katsuki's body from wall to wall like a rag doll. Everything around Eijirou fell silent as he repeated his brutal actions until he heard a snap. A blood-curdling scream followed, and he looked down to see Katsuki's body on the ground. He was clenching his arm or what was left of it. Eijirou realized he was holding what remained of it in his arm from its elbow. Katsuki pushed himself until his back was up against the brick. His breathing hitched as he clenched onto his wound.
"Fucking hell.." he hissed under his breath.
"Take this as a lesson, Dynamite. I am tired of playing this game with you." Eijirou's words were cold and direct.
Katsuki snapped back. "Fuck that! I'm not going to give up on you, Ei!"
"You are a fucking moron." He threw the remainder of Katsuki's arm at him, "If you are fast enough the old broad can reattach it."
The arm landed in Katsuki's lap as he glared up at him. "Am I supposed to thank you? Fuck off."
"The next time we meet I will not hesitate to kill you. I'll finish you off like Tomura should have a long time ago."
"You don't mean that.." Katsuki whispered as he looked down.
"I don't? I just ripped off your arm." Eijirou knelt to look at Katsuki with a smirk on his face. "Take the fucking hint. I'm done with you Bakugo Katsuki. The next time we meet I will rip your fucking head off and mantle it on my wall."
Katsuki's eyes went wide as Eijirou pointed teeth turned into a wide smile. Eijirou scoffed at the broken her before him before wiping the blood on his costume. He left Katsuki in the alleyway to find himself. By the time he got back to the hideout his final villain's name was solidified as Blood Riot because of the blood dripping from his body. That began his reign as one of the most fearsome members of the new league. Eijirou was ruthless towards heroes and villains alike. He didn't care if they lived or died at that point. If he benefited from deals, he was fine. All he cared about was that his name was feared on both sides, and he wouldn't have it any other way.
As the years trickled on, Villain's work went further underground. Some heroes were even turning a blind eye to what was going on. Eijirou's blood lust calmed down when he reached his 30s. A lot of people he worked with in the League had either died or gone into hiding. Only a few members were left Dabi, Toga, Dante, Libbi, and himself. The others had died either in the war or along the way.
Twice was killed by Hawks, Compress sacrificed himself and Shigaraki was killed in battle by the heroes. No one knew what to do when Shigaraki fell. Dabi took the mantle to lead but as time went on it was harder to maintain a falling empire. Eijirou watched what was once his safe place crumble down in front of him. That childish persona and villains that he held close just faded.
Dabi ended up leaving without a trace soon after. After his revealing to the world who his parents were, it was hard for him to find that drive. When he went against Todoroki and Enji it didn't end well for him. It wounded Dabi's pride before he retired into underground work. He did what he needed to do but he wasn't successful in taking down Endeavor the way he wanted to.
Toga was different.
She clung to the past and stuck around. After losing Twice, Toga was never the same. Her mental state was in shambles for a long time because she was the last person to see him before he died. It fucked her up a lot more than she let on.
Dante had slowly started to distance himself along with his soon-to-be wife Libbi at the time. The war had taken a toll on his health and needed recovery. He was their main healer with a transfer quirk but he overused it near the end of the war. His wife Libbi was the one who pushed for them to leave and Eijirou didn't blame her. She did not want them to be caught up in the fall. Dante said that he did not want another member of their group to be a target of the heroes. His concern was his wife and wanted to find a place to live safely. Eijirou didn't fight for him to stay but offered his help if anything were to happen to his family. They kept in contact with Eijirou as much as he possibly could.
For a while, everything was quiet, but it wasn't peaceful.
Eventually, it was time for Eijirou to slow down with his dirty work. The older Eijirou had gotten, the harder it was to get his hands dirty and walk away unscathed. When his missions started to dwindle he started to itch for any type of company he could find. In his youth, he probably would have found ways to fuck back then. He was a rascal back in the day and he would fuck anyone he could get his hands on.
Man or woman, he didn't care.
It was the thrill that hooked him.
It was harmless at first because it was a fling here and there. That was until it had become an addiction and a huge problem. Eijirou depended on all those sexual encounters to get through the day because he was bored. He would be angry until he was able to release that tension with someone else. His mind was constantly thinking about it until he was driving himself mad. That's when he started to feel guilty after sex. He felt dirty and alone once he was alone.
Eijirou never understand why until he met a woman that had a quirk that saw into his mind and his future. It was a low-crime villain that had a quirk that relaxed his feral behavior. He could see he was destroying himself from the inside out.
Like he was missing something.
She told him that if he continued like that, he would end up dead. Eijirou never feared death, so he shrugged it off. That was until she mentioned someone would make an appearance in his life in the future.
When he asked her who that may be the only response with: "Look out for a pair of blue doe eyes."
From that day on, any person he saw with blue eyes made his skin crawl. Eijirou had to watch his back more than ever because of it.
Was it an enemy?
A hero?
Eijirou on the other hand was in a state of limbo.
He didn't know what he wanted to do and had a lot of money to blow on useless shit. He already owned a penthouse with a nice car but that didn't bring him much joy. Whenever he needed company, he would use a Sugar daddy baby app when he got older. There were plenty of women and men that wanted company. He wanted a night with someone, and they wanted money.
It was a perfect match.
Eijirou matured over the last decade from being angry and destroying himself to relaxing. He valued human company over simple pleasures. His hair was no longer full of a bright red as he grew out of his roots with the ends in a red tone. His face and full body had battle scars that he fondly liked to show off. It was a reminder to those who knew his name.
Not a lot of Sugar Babies took him up on his offers because of how rough he looked. They got scared off easily when they saw him in person. Eijirou never truly let it get to him and would still pay them the allowance before excusing himself. He didn't want the girls to go home empty-handed.
He was still a man with honor after all.
Eijirou looked down at his phone, looked at the calendar with a grunt, and rolled his eyes. It was his 40th birthday and here he was at home by himself smoking a cigarette on his balcony. He slipped it between his lips as he opened an app for a sugar date. Eijirou figured that since it was his birthday he should go out with some company. He posted a request for a Sugar Baby with no requirements besides dinner. Once he posted it, he took another drag of his cigarette before flicking some of the ends off in an ashtray. A lot of requests were in his inbox after a few minutes, but no one stood out to him.
He took a drag of his cigarette and scrolled through his messages.
It was the same old same old shit.
Women asking for more money and expensive brands to meet up. He clicked his tongue as he exhaled smoke through his nose before scrolling further down. There was a message that stood out from the rest of them. They weren't asking for expensive brands or money right away. He hummed as he tapped his cigarette again and he read the message again.
oSweetCupcakeo sent a message:
Hello sir! I would love to meet up for dinner if you will have me!
I am free for the whole night. I hope to hear back from you!
He leaned back in his seat, scrolling back to look at her profile picture with a smile. She was a woman with a bright smile, thick plump curves, and pastel-pink hair. He took another drag of the cigarette before smashing it into the ashtray. From the photo, the woman looked like she was laughing, and her eyes were closed.
Worth a shot.
Eijirou hummed to himself as he sent her a message to ask to meet up for dinner. To his surprise, she immediately responded and agreed to meet up at a local restaurant in a few hours. Eijirou quickly messaged her his number and went to his closet to pick out clothes. He pulled out a black love-sleeve dress shirt, black pants, and shoes to compliment. He placed a leather jacket down next to the clothes on the bed.
He quickly set his phone down on the dresser and walked into bed to the bathroom. He turned on the shower with a hum before undressing. He washed his hair and his body with a smile. Once he was done, he stepped out with a towel wrapped around his waist. Eijirou turned his head toward the phone and dried off his hair with another towel.
(555) 555-0986
Hello, sir!
Texting you so
you'll have my number.
Looking forward to tonight!
Do you like chocolate, vanilla, or strawberry?
('。• ᵕ •。') ♡
Eijirou blinked at the message. It's been a long time since he's gotten a message that wasn't formal.
How do I respond?
Hello, kitten.
Looking forward to tonight as well.
Weird question but I like strawberries.
Eijirou slipped on a pair of boxers before his pants. He let out a sigh before unbuttoning his shirt to slip his arms into. He buttoned up the shirt but not all the way to the top. He rolled up the sleeves before slipping a watch on his right wrist. He walked over to the bathroom to look at himself in the mirror. He spiked up the usual parts in his hair and combed out the back of his head. His large hand pulled it back into a high ponytail. He grabbed his cologne to spray on his body with a hum.
Tonight was going to be interesting.
It had been a while since he had been out on a Sugar date. His hand slipped up to click off the light after he brushed his sharp teeth. He let out a sigh before scooping his phone, wallet, cigarettes, and keys off the dresser.
Hopefully, this one doesn't walk out.
It didn't take Eijirou long to find the restaurant that the woman suggested. He parked his car in the parking lot. He turned off the engine before pulling his keys out of the ignition. The place looked decently packed, but he didn't mind. He stepped out of the driver's side and shut the door before locking it. He adjusted his leather jacket before heading toward the front of the building.
Eijirou grabbed onto the door and opened it up. He walked over to the hostess and told her he was waiting on someone.
"Is that person a woman?" the hostess asked.
Eijirou paused. "Yes, ma'am."
"She came and reserved a table. I'll take you to her." The older hostess giggled. "Cute girl too."
Eijirou followed the hostess as he shoved his hands into his pockets. This was the first time someone arrived before him, and it made him feel weird. The hostess took him to the furthest table in the back and he saw the woman sitting in the booth with her back to him.
"I found him for ya, sweetie." The hostess tapped her hand on the table with a smile.
"Oh! Thank you." his heart skipped a beat.
The woman stood up from the booth and readjusted her dress. It was a cute white cocktail dress that was littered with a Rose pattern. She was wearing a pair of small vintage gloves and white heels. Her long pink hair was in curls and her makeup was Smokey with soft pink lips. When she looked up at him, Eijirou's heart skipped a beat as a sparkling pair of light blue eyes looked back at him.
"Hello! I'm sorry I got here early. I guess I was way too excited." she apologized with a giggle.
She moved forward to wrap her arms around him for a hug. His body tensed for a moment, and she pulled away with a smile.
"Shoot! Do you not like hugs? I'm sorry." she bowed her head with an apology and perked back up. "Oh, before I forget."
She turned back to the table and reached for something. She handed him a small bag with a bright smile.
"I made this for you. Since you said it was your birthday."
Eijirou opened the bag to see a small cake inside of it protected by plastic. It was a white frosting cake with strawberries on top of it. He looked back at her, dumbfounded at her generosity.
"It's a strawberry cake with filling inside and a buttercream frosting. I topped it with a few strawberries on top."
So that's why she asked what I liked.
"Woah, thank you," he whispered under his breath. "You didn't have to do that."
"Oh, I wanted to! It's your birthday and it should be celebrated with a cake." she clapped her hands with a big smile.
His heart fluttered.
Eijirou moved his hand so she could sit back down in the booth. She smiled at him before taking her seat inside the booth. He took the seat across from her and set down the bag at the other end of the table.
"I'm Evangeline by the way. I never got to introduce myself."
"Eijirou Kirishima," he answered as looked back at her gloved hands. "You are very friendly. You took me off guard then you hugged me."
"I'm sorry about that. I got ahead of myself, and I forget that not everyone is used to that." she tilted her head.
"It's okay. Not a lot of people do that to me." he crossed his arms with a chuckle.
"Should I ask next time? I'm sorry if I offended you, sir."
His mouth twitched.
"No, it's all right." he held up a hand and used his other hand to pull out an envelope. He handed it to Evangeline.
"Your allowance for the date." Eijirou nodded his head.
"Thank you, sir." she slipped it into her purse.
Eijirou raised an eyebrow at her. "Aren't you going to count it to make sure it's enough?"
Evangeline looked back at him. "No sir."
"Why not?"
She smiled at him. "Because it's rude. I'm not going to do that in front of you, in the restaurant, and on your birthday. Today is about you."
Eijirou's heart fluttered again.
"I see. So, what do you do for a living?" he asked.
"I bake! I have a small business that I do cupcakes and cakes for." Evangeline giggled softly. "It's a little slow right now. So, I took up being a Sugar Baby. It pays the bills for the most part."
"How many sugar daddies or mommies have you had?" he raised an eyebrow.
Evangeline put a finger on her chin with a hum. "I've had a few here and there. Some were temporary but I did have a long-term Daddy but not any longer."
"What happened to him?"
She shrugged her shoulders. "No clue because I got ghosted."
"Well, that's a shame. Evangeline, you look young. How old are you?" he hummed.
"I turned 21 a few months ago, sir."
She seems so calm around him and it was making him feel anxious. There was no uncomfortable behavior or excuses to leave.
Eijirou was out of his element.
He watched her talk.
It was like the room lit up with that bright smile. He found himself smiling at her.
She doesn't know who I am?
Beauty & the Beast Index | { Next Part } Loading |
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Are you here to get me out?
Are you here to get me out? by Verbis auditis lacrimo
“Oh,” he said quietly, sinking deeper into the cage. “It's you. You were the traitors.”
In a cage in a vault, there lived Izuku Midoriya, where his father left him, and where the UA traitors came for a visit.
Words: 3983, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 13 of Verbis's Whumptober 2022, Part 2 of The vaulting of two budding heroes
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Yoichi | First One For All User, Sensei | All For One, Kirishima Eijirou, Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Parent Sensei | All For One Keeps Midoriya Izuku Isolated | Vault Time, Uncle Yoichi | First One For All User, Midoriya Izuku Has One for All Quirk, Sensei | All For One is Midoriya Hisashi, Sensei | All For One Being an Asshole, Non-Consensual Body Modification, mentioned its not in the fic, Poor Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, Parental Sensei | All For One, But in a really bad way, Manipulative Sensei | All For One, U.A. Has a Traitor
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42649884
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edeniansys · 2 years
BNHA WIP that I'll probably never actually finish. This was chapter 1.
Bad Girl Online
Word Count: 2,344
Summary: The students of class 1-A are nearing the end of their first year at UA, and the traitor still hasn't been identified. The teachers have gone over it countless times, and even the students themselves are attempting to figure out who the traitor is. But sometimes, the answer is either A. The most obvious solution, B. The least obvious solution, or C. All of the Above.
Story below!
"Aizawa, please! Young Midoriya could never betray his classmates! I trusted him with One For All, I practically put my career into his hands, how could he possibly be the traitor?" All Might shouted.
The teachers were having a meeting over possible traitors. At this point, they were desperate. It was the end of Class 1-A's first year, and everyone wanted answers. Even the students had their own speculations about a traitor. They had to get this over with quickly.
Aizawa sighed. "Yagi, we have to consider every possibility-"
"Every possibility?! Okay then, what if it was your personal student, Shinsou?"
Now Aizawa was getting annoyed. "I'm not saying it isn't possible that it isn't Hitoshi! I'm just saying that it very well could be Midoriya! He's a better actor than he seems, okay? I've seen him looking dead tired then when he realized I was there he immediately became his happy self again. Despite knowing him for two years, you barely know anything about him. You don't know what he's been through, and you clearly don't understand how people become villains."
Midnight tried to break the tension. "Okay, look. We obviously aren't going to reach an agreement here, so let's just mark him as an unlikely suspect and move on. Maybe Bakugou or Ashido should be next?"
Meanwhile, the students of class 1-A in question had met up to talk about the traitor theory as well. They all had their fair share of evidence for who it could be, and they all came prepared with an argument against themselves.
"Okay," Iida began, "we have narrowed down the students in class 1-A to the following status:
Midoriya Izuku: safe
Kirishima Eijirou: likely safe
Yaoyorozu Momo: likely safe
Hagakure Toru: suspect
Mineta Minoru: very likely suspect
Ojiro Mashirao: safe
Shoji Mezou: on the fence
Kouda Koji: safe
Uraraka Ochako: safe
Asui Tsuyu: suspect
Sato Rikido: on the fence, leaning safe
Jirou Kyoka: possible suspect
Ashido Mina: possible suspect
Tokoyami Fumikage: possible suspect
Bakugou Katsuki: likely safe
Iida Tenya: safe
Todoroki Shouto: suspect
Kaminari Denki: on the fence
Sero Hanta: safe
Aoyama Yuga: possible suspect
Does that sound okay?"
Everyone in the room nodded. No one got offended if they were deemed a suspect, even Mineta wasn't that upset. They knew that this was serious. Even the bakusquad, most of which didn't believe the traitor theory at first, were paying close attention, and they had stopped joking about people being the traitor.
"But," Jirou said, "we also need to think about people we usually wouldn't assume it could be, like Kouda, or even Uraraka." Everyone seemed a little conflicted; they didn't even think of that.
"She's right," Kaminari agreed. "Usually what makes a good actor is their ability to convince people that they aren't acting-their ability to make people truly believe what they say." Everyone else nodded in agreement.
"Alright then," Iida declared, "let's go over the list once more, shall we?" At everyone's agreement, he continued. "Midoriya Izuku."
Kirishima gave an argument for Midoriya. "No offense bro, but you're an awful liar. Iida, Yaoyorozu, and Todoroki saw how bad it was when he tried to convince Aizawa-sensei that we weren't planning to try to save Bakugou."
Midoriya looked embarrassed. "That's... actually really fair." The other three nodded in agreement.
Iida nodded. "Okay, so Midoriya is still safe. How about Kirishima?"
Bakugou scoffed. "As if. Dumb hair doesn't have a bad cell in his body. He's also horrible at pretending that he doesn't dye his hair. He'd make an awful spy."
"However," Yaoyorozu added, "unless he is feeling a lot of either excitement or anger, Kirishima is usually fairly good at strategy, and he didn't think about Cementoss's quirk not having a time limit like his and Sato's, so he may have failed the exam on purpose so he wouldn't go to the training camp. Actually, now that I think about it, you could add that into Sato as well, they could have been working together on that."
Iida looked at the two in question. "Do either of you have any arguments?" When they shook their heads, he continued. "Alright, so change Kirishima and Sato to possible suspects then?" At everyone's affirmations, Iida altered the chart to put those two under possible suspects. "Okay, what about Yaoyorozu?"
"She can lie if she has to, but she doesn't like doing it. Plus, if it's something big, she almost always breaks from guilt and ends up telling the truth," Todoroki shared.
"She was also the one with the idea of putting the GPS tracker on the villains at the training camp," Tokoyami added. Everyone mumbled in agreement.
Shouji interjected. "On the other hand, her family has a lot of money, which means information, which could mean possible indirect contacts to the League of Villains, such as brokers or maybe even Yakuza."
"Well," she replied, "I don't have much of an argument against that. Where will that put me?"
Iida furrowed his eyebrows. "I'd say it would put you on the fence. Does that sound good?" At (almost) everyone's nods and sounds of approval, he put Yaoyorozu under 'on the fence'.
"Guys, don't you think this is, like, morally... I mean, we're basically asking ourselves which of our friends are most likely to betray us and lie about wanting to be a hero. Do none of you think that's kind of messed up?" Uraraka looked conflicted and almost angry at everyone.
"I... I know what you mean," Kouda agreed. "You guys are my best friends, but at this point, what choice do we have? We've had so many really sensitive trips and training exercises this year, I can't even imagine what it would be like if the traitor wasn't revealed by second year, and it would be even worse in third..."
"You know, Uraraka," Mineta interrupted, "maybe you're just saying that because you want us to stop investigating this because you're the traitor."
"He kind of has a point, Uraraka..." Kirishima said. "Why are you trying to stop the investigation?"
Uraraka looked shocked, and worried. "What?! I'm not! I just... You guys know me. I'm worried about what'll happen if we get this wrong. Our class will get divided. We're going to end up fighting each other trying to defend our friends, and then we'll all hate each other! Like, what if I accused Mina of giving the League the training camp location? I would be accusing her of being the reason Deku might not be able to use his arms if he breaks them again! Do you guys get how serious this is?"
"We know, Uraraka!" Midoriya yelled. "I don't want to do this either, but we have to! It's better that one of us is arrested than some of us dead. Besides, no one besides Mineta got offended when they were deemed a suspect, and even he didn't complain too much. You're the only one that wants to stop the investigation, and now even I'm getting suspicious of you."
Uraraka felt betrayed. "Wh... Deku, you... we've known each other all year, we've even been living together! How could you guys think it was me?! If I were to pick anyone in this class, I would say Bakugou! I mean, just look at how he acts. He's one step from being a villain already."
Bakugou got angry. "You were just talking about how you wanted us to stop doing this, then you go and accuse me?! Besides, trying to convince us it wasn't you based on what we know about you isn't even a mediocre strategy."
"Besides," Midoriya added, "Kacchan may be rough around the edges, but he's no villain. I've known him since we were practically babies. I can read him like an open book. I know all of his tells, and he's almost as bad a liar as I am. Plus he hates getting in trouble more than anything. He's not a traitor." Bakugou looked grateful that Midoriya stood up for him, but he didn't say anything.
"Fine. Do what you want, but I'm leaving. Unlike you guys, I'm not going to accuse my friends of being a villain." Uraraka slammed the door as she left, and you could hear her stomping to the elevator to go to her room.
Iida cleared his throat. "Okay... well, she's going on the suspect list then, and hands up if you want to put Bakugou on safe?" 15 hands went up. "Okay, Bakugou is getting moved up then. Next is... Hagakure. We've already addressed that, even though you can't get out at night because of the thermal sensors, you very well could during the day, especially if no one can see the door. It's also fairly easy for you to listen in on the teachers' conversations, which would make it easier for you to get information. I hate to be basing most of this solely on your quirk, but do you have anything to say in your defense?"
"No, I don't have anything. I'm sorry," Hagakure replied.
"It's fine," Iida said. "Mineta?"
"As much as I would like to say it's him," Jirou said,"reasonably speaking, other than the history of his... actions towards the girls, he really doesn't have any evidence going for him. As much as I... loathe to say it, he's likely safe."
"Fair enough. Ojiro?"
"Now that I think about it," Kouda quietly stated, "there isn't really any evidence going either way for Ojiro, so maybe put him in neutral?"
Ojiro sighed. "As usual. That sounds fine."
"Okay. Shouji?"
Midoriya looked determined to prove a point. "Guys, he literally lost one of his hands so he could help protect everyone because of Dark Shadow going out of control. There's no way Shoji is the traitor. He's definitely safe. I don't care what his quirk can do. He's proven that he's 100% loyal to us."
Everyone immediately agreed, and Shoji looked a little embarrassed. "Alright then," Iida smiled, "Kouda?"
"Well, his quirk is really useful for spying," Sero said, "but at the same time, it would be really hard to believe that Kouda is the traitor. I mean, no offense, but he's scared of bugs."
Kouda smiled. "None taken. I appreciate the positive argument."
Iida nodded. "Alright, does anyone have any more information for Kouda?" When no one answered, he continued. "Asui, then?"
"Well, she is brutally honest pretty much all the time, but there's not much emotion that comes with it," Midoriya said. "There's also the fact that she likes to go in the forest to find damp places, but we never see her, so, for all we know, she could be in the middle of town."
"Well, I can't prove you wrong," Asui replied, "so I guess that's evidence for me."
"Alright, so I'll say likely suspect then." Iida marked her on the list. "What about Jirou?"
Sato decided to say something. "She does have her punk aesthetic, but I don't think that's really evidence. Her quirk does make it easier for her to spy, though."
"But," Jirou countered, "I can't hear actual voices with my quirk. It's just vibrations and stuff like that, so, while my quirk is good for stuff like detecting footsteps, it would be useless trying to understand a conversation."
"Fair enough," Iida said. "So neutral then. Ashido's next."
"Well, Ashido has a really bubbly personality," Kirishima said, "and I feel like she would be the type of person to try to prove the people that said she would be a villain because of her quirk wrong, y'know?"
"Does anyone have anything else to say to that?" Iida asked. No one said anything. "Okay, Tokoyami then."
"I, um, I hate to say it," Yaoyorozu began, "but what with his personality as well as his quirk, he does make a likely suspect. There's also the thing with him, and Shouji, for that matter, have this tendency of... well, just kind of... watching people from the shadows. They could definitely use this for spying, but we've already addressed that the likelyhood of Shouji being the traitor is almost none."
"He's also fairly closed off from everyone," Sero added, "but when he does talk to us, he's really nice, so I'd say maybe in the middle, leaning suspect?" He looked to Tokoyami. "Is that okay?" Tokoyami silently nodded.
"Alright then. My turn."
"It's not actual evidence," Shouji said, "but I honestly think everyone here agrees that you could never do anything like that."
"Yeah, you totally listen to the rules too much!" Mina agreed.
"Alright. Todoroki's turn."
"It's kind of like, really obvious that you absolutely hate your dad, plus you don't show much emotion, so I think you're still a suspect," Kaminari gave, with several people, including Todoroki himself, nodding along.
"So still a suspect then. Kaminari?"
"If I may, Iida," Tokoyami said, "I believe that Kaminari is in the same boat as Kirishima and Sato. Sometimes he goes a bit out of character and acts very intelligent, even though he gets bad grades very often, so the failing could be a cover-up."
"But I- um, actually that's pretty fair..." said boy replied.
"Possible suspect then. Sero?"
"I would say the same for Sero," Midoriya said, "but, unless Midnight is a traitor, which, despite her... unique personality, is extremely unlikely considering she is a hero, he couldn't have easily planned the final exams, so I would say safe."
Iida nodded. "Last but not least is Aoyama."
"I think I will go ahead and say this myself, mes amies," Aoyama began. "Though my personality is very sparkly and non-threatening for the most part, there are a few people here that could attest that I am a little... creepy at times."
Several people nodded along and made general gestures of agreement.
"Yeah, that cheese thing was... intense. On the other hand, though, you are generally very friendly and easy to get along with, so I think you'd be more in the middle than anything." Midoroya looked fairly confident in his answer.
Iida cleared his throat. "Alright then, let's go over the new suspect list."
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pikahlua · 2 years
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(character and shipping tags under cut)
Class 1-A #izuku midoriya #katsuki bakugou #shouto todoroki #ochako uraraka #tenya iida #yuuga aoyama #eijirou kirishima #tsuyu asui #tooru hagakure #minoru mineta #kouda kouji
Other Students #neito monoma #mirio togata #camie utsushimi #you shindou #tatami nakagame
Pro Heroes #all might #shouta aizawa #endeavor #hawks #best jeanist #sir nighteye #star and stripe
Past OFA Users (spoilers for some names) #yoichi shigaraki #OFA second #kudou #OFA third #hikage shinomori #daigorou banjou #en tayutai #nana shimura
Villains #all for one #tomura shigaraki #dabi #himiko toga #jin bubaigawara #gigantomachia #sludge villain #hero killer stain #overhaul #lady nagant #la brava
Civilians #inko midoriya #mitsuki bakugou #rei todoroki #fuyumi todoroki #natsuo todoroki
Shipping Tags
#bakudeku #todobaku #todobakudeku #izuocha #bakudekuocha #OFA1x2
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ladysunamireads · 1 year
Wishing on a Dead Letter
Wishing On A Dead Letter by 0ddAmountOfSleep
Izuku Midoriya is anything but average. Living his life as the #1 villains son and being forced to work with the League Of Villains has had a toll on him. He's had to adapt to their standards and build himself to stop feeling and to act…
But what if he wanted freedom. What if he didn't like being the bad guy.
Izuku is working as a spy for the league of villains but Kirishima and Aizawa are suspicious of him. If they find out, will they help him escape or send him to prison?
Words: 2197, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Shouto, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Trans Deku, Trans Midoriya Izuku, inko is an actor, DFO, dad for one, Fluff, Angst, tddk, tododeku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Genderfluid Deku, Genderfluid Midoriya Izuku, gay Todoroki, No Smut, an attempt at being serious, mha, mha au, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Angsty Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, suspicious deku, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima suspects Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya is a traitor, Traitor Midoriya Izuku, Izuku is a spy at UA, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Todoroki Shouto is a Good Significant Other
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48114238
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ao3feed-tododeku · 1 year
Wishing on a Dead Letter
Wishing On A Dead Letter by 0ddAmountOfSleep
Izuku Midoriya is anything but average. Living his life as the #1 villains son and being forced to work with the League Of Villains has had a toll on him. He's had to adapt to their standards and build himself to stop feeling and to act…
But what if he wanted freedom. What if he didn't like being the bad guy.
Izuku is working as a spy for the league of villains but Kirishima and Aizawa are suspicious of him. If they find out, will they help him escape or send him to prison?
Words: 2197, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga)
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Inko, Sensei | All For One, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Todoroki Shouto, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Class 1-A, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku/Todoroki Shouto, Midoriya Izuku & Sensei | All For One, Midoriya Inko & Midoriya Izuku, Class 1-A & Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou & Midoriya Izuku, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead & Kirishima Eijirou
Additional Tags: Villain Midoriya Izuku, Trans Deku, Trans Midoriya Izuku, inko is an actor, DFO, dad for one, Fluff, Angst, tddk, tododeku, Todoroki Shouto is Bad at Feelings, Midoriya Izuku & Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko Are Siblings, Genderfluid Deku, Genderfluid Midoriya Izuku, gay Todoroki, No Smut, an attempt at being serious, mha, mha au, Midoriya Izuku Has a Quirk, Angsty Midoriya Izuku, Midoriya Izuku Needs A Hug, suspicious deku, Kirishima Eijirou is a Ray of Sunshine, Kirishima suspects Midoriya, Izuku Midoriya is a traitor, Traitor Midoriya Izuku, Izuku is a spy at UA, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Todoroki Shouto is a Good Significant Other
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/48114238
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Helpless to Loving You
Helpless To Loving You by 1Charr1
Kaminari Denki, a hero in training at UA- the top hero school in the country, has found himself in love with Shinsou Hitoshi, a newly debuted villain. Kaminari's friends find out and try to stop him from seeing Shinsou, but they don't know just how far Kaminari will go for the villain. Will Kaminari's love shackle him to Shinsou, or will he be able to get out before it's too late?
Words: 1216, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, League of Villains, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Class 1-A, Pro Heroes, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki & Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina & Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Out of Character, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Music, Inspired by Music, Hurt No Comfort, Traitor Shinsou Hitoshi, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Emotional Dependency (sort of), stockholm syndrome but not really, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44225248
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ao3feed-bakusquad · 2 years
Helpless to Loving You
Helpless To Loving You by 1Charr1
Kaminari Denki, a hero in training at UA- the top hero school in the country, has found himself in love with Shinsou Hitoshi, a newly debuted villain. Kaminari's friends find out and try to stop him from seeing Shinsou, but they don't know just how far Kaminari will go for the villain. Will Kaminari's love shackle him to Shinsou, or will he be able to get out before it's too late?
Words: 1216, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Kaminari Denki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Bakugou Katsuki, Sero Hanta, Kirishima Eijirou, Ashido Mina, Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, League of Villains, Midoriya Izuku, Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Class 1-A, Pro Heroes, Yagi Toshinori | All Might, Sensei | All For One
Relationships: Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki & Shinsou Hitoshi, Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou, Kaminari Denki & Sero Hanta, Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina & Kaminari Denki, Ashido Mina & Bakugou Katsuki & Kaminari Denki & Kirishima Eijirou & Sero Hanta, Asui Tsuyu & Iida Tenya & Midoriya Izuku & Todoroki Shouto & Uraraka Ochako
Additional Tags: Out of Character, It's Not Paranoia If They're Really Out To Get You, Fluff and Angst, Angst, Manipulation, Emotional Manipulation, Music, Inspired by Music, Hurt No Comfort, Traitor Shinsou Hitoshi, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Emotional Dependency (sort of), stockholm syndrome but not really, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Tags May Change, Tags Are Hard
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/44225248
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sero-pairo · 2 years
Trashed relationships
by ender872634
After the police officer named Naomasa Tsukauchi questioned Izuku Midoriya. Izuku returned to the UA dorms, where shit hits the fan in a big way. Izuku felt betrayed by his classmates, friends, and the heroes he looked up to, But now, Izuku wants answers from everyone.
Words: 5520, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/F, F/M, M/M
Characters: Class 1-A (My Hero Academia), old friends/bullies, Mentioned Class 1B
Relationships: Bakugou Katsuki/Midoriya Izuku, Kirishima Eijirou/Todoroki Shouto, Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta, Kaminari Denki/Shinsou Hitoshi, Asui Tsuyu/Uraraka Ochako, Jirou Kyouka/Yaoyorozu Momo, Hagakure Tooru/Ojiro Mashirao, Aoyama Yuuga/Monoma Neito
Additional Tags: suspected ua traitor, Death, untrustworthy friends, slave bakugo katsuki, bakugo's nightmare, Murder, ex-bestfriends/classmates, Angst, becomes a villain, Villain Deku, shigdeku brother, Son of afo, Shinso replaces Mineta, homophobic mineta, mineta transfers to class 1b, dead bullies, Dead Inko Midoriya, betrayed, after the war arc, Mentioned Villains, mention middle school, plot twists😈, Police
from AO3 works tagged 'Iida Tenya/Sero Hanta' https://ift.tt/LbMnRax
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ao3feed-bnha-girls · 2 years
Project Apocalypse
Project Apocalypse by ChaosHellLaser
What if they didn't meet at the UA through normal means? What if they weren't able to become heroes because of their own demons? Four teens kidnapped four years before canon? Gone were normal teenagers and in were incarnates of Death, War, Famine and Pestilence. Can they become heroes or will they be casted aside and be seen as nothing but evil?
More tags will be added on as story progress
Words: 3015, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: F/M, Gen
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Bakugou Katsuki, Uraraka Ochako, Asui Tsuyu, Eri, Nezu, Class 1-A, Class 1-B, Yaoyorozu Momo, Todoroki Shouto, Kendou Itsuka, Monoma Neito, Tsutsumi Kaina | Lady Nagant
Relationships: Asui Tsuyu & Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku & Uraraka Ochako, Eri & Midoriya Izuku, Eri & Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Eri, Asui Tsuyu & Eri, Todoroki Shouto/Yaoyorozu Momo, Midoriya Izuku/Uraraka Ochako, Bakugou Katsuki & Kirishima Eijirou, Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Hatsume Mei & Midoriya Izuku, Jirou Kyouka/Kaminari Denki, Class 1-A & Class 1-B
Additional Tags: BAMF Midoriya Izuku, BAMF Uraraka Ochako, Protective Midoriya Izuku, Protective Uraraka Ochako, Parental Nedzu, Parental Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, UA traitor, Shie Hassaikai, Seven Heavenly Virtues, Seven Deadly Sins
Read Here: https://archiveofourown.org/works/42035340
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ao3feed-kiribaku · 28 days
Our Corrupted Weapon
read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4JidPY3 by Dumb_blonde_alert Takeo Kamiya lived. The war was over and he was graduating UA and his mentor would be retiring. But something changed. He back became the things he swore to destroy. But in that twisted path, he found something more valuable than money and fame. Words: 608, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia (Anime & Manga), Original Work Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Categories: Multi Characters: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead, Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki, Shinsou Hitoshi, Eri (My Hero Academia), Kirishima Eijirou, Original Characters, Sero Hanta, Todoroki Shouto, Hatsume Mei, Iida Tenya, Takami Keigo | Hawks, Dabi | Todoroki Touya, Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko, Bubaigawara Jin | Twice, Toga Himiko, Sako Atsuhiro | Mr. Compress, Kurogiri (My Hero Academia), Usagiyama Rumi | Miruko, Todoroki Enji | Endeavor, Todoroki Rei, Todoroki Natsuo, Todoroki Fuyumi, Kayama Nemuri | Midnight Relationships: Aizawa Shouta | Eraserhead/Yamada Hizashi | Present Mic, Bakugou Katsuki/Kirishima Eijirou, Original Male Character/Original Male Character, Sero Hanta/Todoroki Shouto, Hatsume Mei/Iida Tenya Additional Tags: Insanity, Tartarus High-Security Prison (My Hero Academia), Post-War, Aromantic, Takami Keigo | Hawks Acts Like a Bird, Corrupt Hero Public Safety Commission (My Hero Academia), Mentor Takami Keigo | Hawks, Other Additional Tags to Be Added, Trauma, Adopted Shinsou Hitoshi, Adopted Eri (My Hero Academia), Blood and Injury, U.A. Has a Traitor (My Hero Academia), How Do I Tag read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/4JidPY3
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