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dk217art-blog · 8 years ago
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РАСЦВЕТАЙ #u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_02
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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Воскресный понедельник у меня случился в пятницу 🙈😄 Но зато какой! 😍 Написала на плёнке перманентным маркером 😋 И теперь ловлю солнечных зайчиков ☀️🐰 . ✔️Лайфхак: легко отмыть перманентный маркер с рук (и лица 😂) можно маслом ☝🏻 например, Johnson's baby . . #u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_04 #воскресныйпонедельник #sololettering #перманентныймаркер #русскийлеттеринг #кириллица #солнечныезайчики #солнечныйзайчик #светитень #светитени #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #леттерингназаказ #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering
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kistipero-blog · 8 years ago
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#u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_01 #calligraphy #lettering #typography #handlettering #handwriting #type #moderncalligraphy #script #ink #handwritten #calligritype #handmadefont #typographyinspired #kaligrafi #calligraphyph #thedailytype #каллиграфия #colapen #vine #legs
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calligraphypens-blog · 6 years ago
17 Calligraphy Inspiration Designs We Made
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Are you practicing calligraphy or brush lettering, and have ran out of ideas? If yes, then by reading this post, we will help you to feel more inspired for your next calligraphy project! Here is a list of 17 calligraphy inspiration designs we made and are willing to share.
17 - Inktober
Let's start with "Inktober", written in modern calligraphy. View this post on Instagram Inktober ✒️▪️▪️⬛️◾️ #u0026_inktober #inktober #brushlettering #lamyink #ink #moderncalligraphy #kaligrāfija #burti #oktobris #brushpen #monday A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Oct 9, 2017 at 4:08am PDT
16 - Codex Sinaiticus
Text fragment from a book "Codex Sinaiticus" (http://www.codexsinaiticus.org). Made in a workshop that was held by George Goece van Durtanosky. View this post on Instagram Meistarklase pie kaligrāfa George Goece van Durtanosky. Šodien kopēju teksta fragmentu no Codex Sinaiticus / Workshop curated by calligrapher George Goece van Durtanosky. Today I copied text fragment from Codex Sinaiticus ✍🏻️📜 #calligraphy #manuscript #codexsinaiticus #writing #kaligrāfija #workshop #sheafferpen A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Oct 3, 2016 at 11:23am PDT
15 - Red and Black
Let's make it stand out! Red with a little bit of black here and there. Made by Ecoline brush pen. View this post on Instagram Izmēģinu Ecoline brush pen. Dikti patīk! / Trying out Ecoline brush pen. I am in love! #ecolinebrushpen #moderncalligraphy #calligraphy #typography #ilovetypography #kaligrāfija #rakstītprieks #letteringleague #artspotted #surelysimple #kellecalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Aug 26, 2016 at 10:56pm PDT
14 - Happy Fools day!
If you have a blank wall and cannot think what kind of painting or photo should place hang there. Here is an idea - You can write some art! View this post on Instagram #foolsday #calligraphy #kaligrāfija #pate #handlettering A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Apr 1, 2016 at 9:53am PDT
13 - Keep calm and do Calligraphy!
Practice makes perfect. And patience in calligraphy is a must. View this post on Instagram Keep calm and keep practicing #calligraphy #keepcalm #ink #quote #brushlettering #artspotted #showusyourtype #ilovetypography #moderncalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Apr 24, 2016 at 1:38am PDT
12 - Coffee cup
Idea of combining photo with speech bubble with a text written in Brush lettering style. View this post on Instagram вместе с @diana_renjina участвуем в конкурсе от @thelettersmagazine @azourabova @letitprint / Kopā ar @diana_renjina piedalāmies konkursā no @thelettersmagazine ✍🏻️🍃☕️ #осеньthelettersmag #thelettersmag #каллиграфия #goodtype #illustration #lettering #type #typematters #handtype#handlettering #handwritting #graphic #typography #typebyhand #typo #moderncalligraphy #art #kaligrāfija #rudens #foto #bastejkalns A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Oct 18, 2016 at 1:32am PDT
11 - Motivation quote
You can also write your own motivation quote and place it somewhere you look in the mornings. That might help to keep you driven. View this post on Instagram Just follow your vision! #yayoikusama #quote #dots #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #vision #art #kellecalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Nov 25, 2016 at 4:47am PST
10 - Envelope stamp
Handmade stamp for envelopes. A little attention to details. And everything is in the details. View this post on Instagram Vēl ir palikuši daži uzlīmju komplekti. Īpaša cena: 30 uzlīmes - 3 eiro! Ja vēlies iegādāties, raksti man pm ✉❄ #brushlettering #baltisvētki #uzlīmes #ziemassvētki #ziemassvētkulaiks #radītslatvijā A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Dec 20, 2016 at 12:38am PST
9 - Christmas card
Combining small drawings and multiple words together for a Christmas card design. View this post on Instagram Christmas greeting from Polhem PR Latvia 🎄 Letters by me ✍🏻❄ #brushlettering #christmascard #letters #christmasgreeting A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Dec 29, 2016 at 3:55am PST
8 - Creativity
Can you guess what is written here? Let's play a game - write down in the comment the first word that comes into your mind! 😊 HINT: It is not an english word, so whatever you see, might work! View this post on Instagram Viens vārds uzrakstīts ar cola pen + ātrais eksperiments photoshopā 💫 Vai vari izlasīt vārdu, kas tur rakstīts? / One word written with cola pen and quick experiment with photoshop 💫 #colapen #calligraphy #kaligrāfija #photoshop #lettering #typography #handmadefont #writing #ink #eksperimenti #u_fortype A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Feb 13, 2017 at 3:20am PST
7 - March
Try multiple variations of the same word. View this post on Instagram Sveiciens Martā! Cola pen eksperimenti - 4 varianti, nevarēju izvēlēties vienu 😄 ▪️✍🏻/ March is here! Cola pen experiments ✍🏻 #colapen #march #marts #modernakaligrafija #kaligrāfija #calligraphy #experiments #ink #writing #showusyourtype #ilovetypography #ilovefont #foldedpen #colapenlettering #u0026 #kellecalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Mar 1, 2017 at 1:39am PST
6 - Combination of two styles of letters
Two completely different styles of letters (and colors) were used here. Try to combine styles! View this post on Instagram First task of the marathon is completed. Quite happy with the result but there are letters I have to work on 🙂✍🏻/ Teksts "У хорошей истории нет ни начала, ни конца!" Uzdevums bija apvienot divus burtu stilus ✍🏻 #u_0026_марафон_март_01 #u0026 #вязь #кириллица #cyrillic #brushlettering #u_0026_марафон_март #modernakaligrafija #kaligrāfija #ruslettering A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Mar 8, 2017 at 11:36pm PST
5 - Clean Brush Lettering
Just clean strokes, keeping it minimalistic. Black on white. View this post on Instagram Vakara nodarbe - paņemt vienu vārdu vai vārdu savienojumu un uzrakstīt vienu reizi. Un tad novērtēt savu skici, atzīmējot uz tās to, kas patīk un to, kas nepatīk vai vajag uzlabot. Un tā rakstīt katru nākamo - analizējot un mainot burtu formas, distanci, slīpumu, līnīju biezumus. Tikai tā var augt un attīstīties! Ar pirmo reizi viss uzreiz nevar sanākt! Tādā veidā tu vari atrast arī interesantas un jaunas burtu formas. Eksperimentē un analizē! P.S. Kurš "ņam-ņam" variants tev visvairāk patīk? ✔️👍🏻🖌🔛 / Evening practice - take a word and write it down. And then analyze what you like in the sketch and what should be improved. Then make new sketches, each time analyzing what you got. This way you will grow and develop brush lettering skills! 👍🏻🔛🖌✔️🎨 #brushlettering #practice #moderncalligraphy #kaligrāfija #lettering #burti #ņam #ink #writing #typography #padoms #māksla #treniņš #kuretakebrushpen #lamyink A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Aug 19, 2017 at 10:46am PDT
4 - Black and Gold
Graffiti style of letters. Play around with colors! View this post on Instagram Kā daži saka "Viss bumbās" tobiš "viss čikeniekā" 😆👍🏻#rulingpen #markers #moderncalligraphy #calligraphy #kaligrāfija #lettering #burti #lamyink #typography #ilovecalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Oct 18, 2017 at 12:12am PDT
3 - Just one letter - Z
Very clean and simple this time - Choose and write only one letter, but try to make it badass. Try different variations of the same letter! View this post on Instagram ~Z~ #brushlettering #moderncalligraphy #brushpen #kaligrāfija #lettering #burti #calligraphy #ilovetypography #ink #art #māksla #typography #dailycalligraphy #writing #type #z #letter_z #handletteredabcs_2018 #handletteredabcs #letterarchive_z #letterarchive #ABCs_z #alphabet #typegang #kellecalligraphy A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Jan 24, 2018 at 12:00am PST
2 - World Calligraphy Day
More complicated lettering - Combining letters with multiple colors and particles. View this post on Instagram World Calligraphy Day 🖋 #moderncalligraphy #worldcalligraphyday #kellecalligraphy #art . . . . #typography #showusyourtype #instart #instadaily #brush #abstract #dailycalligraphy #thedailytype #tyxca #letterilngco #typism #create #calligraphy #burti #ecolinewatercolor #pilotparallelpen #kaligrāfija #lettering #ilovetypography #ink #māksla #typography #typegang #50words #satisfyingvideos #artvideos #writing A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Aug 15, 2018 at 5:13am PDT
1 - The Calliverse
Open your mind and explore the beauty of handwriting. Letters do not always have to be understandable, yet they can be understandable to creator - the author. View this post on Instagram Sneak peak from today’s photoshoot ⭐️ 〰️ #kellecalligraphy #art #instart #typegang #50words #typism #abstract #abstractart #lettering #calligraphy #moderncalligraphy #kaligrāfija #poisonous #handlettering #ink #gold #goldfoil #pilotparallelpen #typegang A post shared by KARINA KELLE (@karina.kelle) on Oct 11, 2018 at 5:53am PDT Now, by scrolling through our list of 17 Calligraphy ideas, you might feel more inspired to start working on a new Calligraphy project! Go and explore the beauty of Calligraphy, and leave a comment below how it goes!😉 Read the full article
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dk217art-blog · 8 years ago
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#u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_01
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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Моя первая работа для мартовского леттеринг марафона @u_0026 😁 Несколько запоздала, но я пишу! ☝🏻Надо только не забывать выкладывать 🙈😜 . Столько всего происходит, а времени так катастрофически не хватает 😬⏰ . . . #u_0026_марафон_март #solocalligraphy #sololettering #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #хорошаяистория #каллиграфияпером #остроконечноеперо #современнаякаллиграфия #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering #ниначаланиконца #ухорошейисториинетначалаинетконца
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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#u_0026_марафон_март_11 #u_0026_марафон_март #звучи #moderncalligraphy #каллиграфияпером #solocalligraphy #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #современнаякаллиграфия #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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Сделала открытку для мамы 🤗: и мама улыбается, и задание для марафона сдано 😁 Пока что это моё любимое задание 😋 ⠀ ❕Бумажка для открытки ручной работы от @dikiy_veresk с невероятно приятной текстурой и спец. пропиткой для каллиграфии ✨ Писать на такой — одно удовольствие! ⠀ #u_0026_марафон_март_06 #u_0026_марафон_март #улыбайтесь #открыткасвоимируками #открыткаручнойработы #бумагаручноголитья #бумагаручнойработы #moderncalligraphy #каллиграфияпером #solocalligraphy #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #современнаякаллиграфия #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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Какого цвета твоё небо? Задание для #u_0026_марафон_март 👌🏻 ⠀ #какогоцветатвоенебо #цветнеба #твоёнебо #моёнебо #u_0026_марафон_март_07 #solocalligraphy #ecolinewatercolor #brushcalligraphy #brushpencalligraphy #пишукистью #брашпен #каллиграфиякистями #каллиграфиякистью #sololettering #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #современнаякаллиграфия #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering
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maria-solomakhina · 8 years ago
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И побыстрей давай! 😁🌷 Чтоб трава скорей и почки-листики 🌿 . Поторопись, Весна! 🤗☀️ . #solocalligraphy #веснапришла #ecolinewatercolor #brushcalligraphy #brushpencalligraphy #пишукистью #брашпен #каллиграфиякистями #каллиграфиякистью #u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_02 #sololettering #леттерингмарафон #letteringmarathon #u_0026_ученики #кириллица #кириллическийшрифт #современнаякаллиграфия #moderncalligraphy #handlettering #scriptlettering #расцветай
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kistipero-blog · 8 years ago
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#u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_01 #calligraphy #lettering #typography #handlettering #handwriting #type #moderncalligraphy #script #ink #handwritten #calligritype #handmadefont #typographyinspired #kaligrafi #calligraphyph #thedailytype #каллиграфия #colapen #vine
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kistipero-blog · 8 years ago
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Я могу приехать к вам в гости и устроить такое же на полу кухни #u_0026_марафон_март #u_0026_марафон_март_01 #calligraphy #lettering #typography #handlettering #handwriting #type #moderncalligraphy #script #ink #handwritten #calligritype #handmadefont #typographyinspired #kaligrafi #calligraphyph #thedailytype #каллиграфия #colapen #vine
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