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biseugen · 10 months ago
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Azur Lane Sixth Anniversary Art Collection.
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years ago
Guten Essen
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It’s been a few weeks since Confluence of Nothingness completed and i was able to sweep the new Iron Blood ships. That sh*t taxed my pockets way more than i would have liked but, i must say, just Bismarck Zwei has been worth the effort. She has been everything Ultra Rare ship should be. In terms of raw power, Zwei is a whole ass problem. Sure, stat wise, she’s slightly above average but her skills, when executed properly, are kind of f*cking amazing. Zwei is, admittedly, no Musashi but for a UR KMS, I'm here for all of it. Regensberg is a fun ship, overall, but kind of a pain to use properly. A lot of her appeal is based on how she’s deployed but i kind of don’t care about that type of stuff. I have my Feet which i run and Regensberg is, more or less, eye candy to me. Also, but that Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, though! I just really love her design. Now, Otto von Alvensleben, on the other hand, is a gem. This ship is quite the powerhouse and really made the grind to max out my new boats, a total breeze. Otto eats mobs for breakfast and when you’re about that power leveling, this sh*t is a goddamn godsend. Confluence of Nothingness paid off tremendously for me in terms of raw power and i am completely satisfied with the results.
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As far as the grind is concerned, i have finished maxing the levels of all of the Nothingness ships, their affection, as well as their skills, save U-556 META. Still debating whether to actually grind her out as i don’t use META ships at all but, you know, KMS main and all so we’ll see. It’s odd having completely maxed out the new boats in such a short time, took me about three days after they dropped from the Banner, one of which is topped out at 125. I’ll let you guess which one that is, or not. It’s Zwei. Of course it’s Zwei. She’s a UR Kraut. Of course i would break her limit first. The problem i have now is the fact i only have enough of those goddamn Cognitive Arrays to Limit Break one of my SR ships. I’m leaning toward Otto for the sheer versatility but i REALLY like Regensberg. I’ll get enough to break the other one during the next Seasonal Cruise but, i mean, right now? The Limit Break grind is the only thing i have left for these two so it kind of doesn’t matter either way but, like, doesn’t it? Decisions, decisions. It’ll probably be Otto but, you know, Musashi is also an option. She’s just sitting over there in my neglected Sakura dock, looking awesome and being the best UR available in the game right now, with a stockpile of Experience that will immediately blast her to level 125 the second i Break her. But that’s kind of the point. The short-lived KMS grind is complete and i have found myself at the same impasse i was at before Azur Lane dropped Confluence of Nothingness: What do i do next?
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Marco Polo is basically complete, i just need to grind out that last bit of Experience. I mean, U-556 META is always an option but I'll never use her for anything, especially considering the other Super Rare KMS subs in my Fleet are, technically, better and they’re all topped out at level 125 already. I could construct another PR ship or two, kind of gave up on the other Docks because that sh*t was getting expensive and i don’t care to do it in general. I still want Kronshtadt and Shimakaze, but, like, i don’t particularly care to finish the rest of those docks. And the Ruskies are actually my second favorite Fleet in the entire game! Maybe I'll focus on the Rainbow Ships for now. Not only the Ultra Rare boats but the Decisive ones, too, because, holy sh*t, some of those Decisives are a big time. Azuma dropped way back in Series Two so i imagine a Fate Simulation may be on the way and, even without one, she’s still a problem. Her Series mate, Friedrich, got one a few months back and that sh*t has made her an absolute monster, even if she was one to begin with. I dunno, man, I'll think about it while i enjoy my buffed up Iron Blood dock for a while. So far, we KMS mains aren’t eating like last year but the dish served up this time, was absolutely decadent.
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smokeybrand · 2 years ago
Guten Essen
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It’s been a few weeks since Confluence of Nothingness completed and i was able to sweep the new Iron Blood ships. That sh*t taxed my pockets way more than i would have liked but, i must say, just Bismarck Zwei has been worth the effort. She has been everything Ultra Rare ship should be. In terms of raw power, Zwei is a whole ass problem. Sure, stat wise, she’s slightly above average but her skills, when executed properly, are kind of f*cking amazing. Zwei is, admittedly, no Musashi but for a UR KMS, I'm here for all of it. Regensberg is a fun ship, overall, but kind of a pain to use properly. A lot of her appeal is based on how she’s deployed but i kind of don’t care about that type of stuff. I have my Feet which i run and Regensberg is, more or less, eye candy to me. Also, but that Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach, though! I just really love her design. Now, Otto von Alvensleben, on the other hand, is a gem. This ship is quite the powerhouse and really made the grind to max out my new boats, a total breeze. Otto eats mobs for breakfast and when you’re about that power leveling, this sh*t is a goddamn godsend. Confluence of Nothingness paid off tremendously for me in terms of raw power and i am completely satisfied with the results.
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As far as the grind is concerned, i have finished maxing the levels of all of the Nothingness ships, their affection, as well as their skills, save U-556 META. Still debating whether to actually grind her out as i don’t use META ships at all but, you know, KMS main and all so we’ll see. It’s odd having completely maxed out the new boats in such a short time, took me about three days after they dropped from the Banner, one of which is topped out at 125. I’ll let you guess which one that is, or not. It’s Zwei. Of course it’s Zwei. She’s a UR Kraut. Of course i would break her limit first. The problem i have now is the fact i only have enough of those goddamn Cognitive Arrays to Limit Break one of my SR ships. I’m leaning toward Otto for the sheer versatility but i REALLY like Regensberg. I’ll get enough to break the other one during the next Seasonal Cruise but, i mean, right now? The Limit Break grind is the only thing i have left for these two so it kind of doesn’t matter either way but, like, doesn’t it? Decisions, decisions. It’ll probably be Otto but, you know, Musashi is also an option. She’s just sitting over there in my neglected Sakura dock, looking awesome and being the best UR available in the game right now, with a stockpile of Experience that will immediately blast her to level 125 the second i Break her. But that’s kind of the point. The short-lived KMS grind is complete and i have found myself at the same impasse i was at before Azur Lane dropped Confluence of Nothingness: What do i do next?
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Marco Polo is basically complete, i just need to grind out that last bit of Experience. I mean, U-556 META is always an option but I'll never use her for anything, especially considering the other Super Rare KMS subs in my Fleet are, technically, better and they’re all topped out at level 125 already. I could construct another PR ship or two, kind of gave up on the other Docks because that sh*t was getting expensive and i don’t care to do it in general. I still want Kronshtadt and Shimakaze, but, like, i don’t particularly care to finish the rest of those docks. And the Ruskies are actually my second favorite Fleet in the entire game! Maybe I'll focus on the Rainbow Ships for now. Not only the Ultra Rare boats but the Decisive ones, too, because, holy sh*t, some of those Decisives are a big time. Azuma dropped way back in Series Two so i imagine a Fate Simulation may be on the way and, even without one, she’s still a problem. Her Series mate, Friedrich, got one a few months back and that sh*t has made her an absolute monster, even if she was one to begin with. I dunno, man, I'll think about it while i enjoy my buffed up Iron Blood dock for a while. So far, we KMS mains aren’t eating like last year but the dish served up this time, was absolutely decadent.
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divitarot · 5 years ago
Vidente sin gabinete
Atiendo personalmente a distancia y también me desplazo sí quieres consulta llama al numero de teléfono: 932 995 463 Atención mediante tarjeta visa TAROT VISA. Vidente sin gabinete.
Explicacion de cartas del tarot en  Asturias. ¿Pretendes una Deducción de tarot, para advertir que te articulan las cartas para esta fecha, con una apreciacion muy precisa y honrada?. No vaciles en dialogar por teléfono con nosotros. Un tarotista experto y muy visto en los medios te escuchara. Nos caracterizamos por ser una de las marcas que auspiciamos a adivinos muy insignes alrededor del mundo, con varios centenares de clientes satisfechos.
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Encuentra respuesta a tus inquietudes y descubre tu destino con ayuda del tarot. Tus predicciones de manera cómoda y rápida.
Cuando estés listo para comenzar con tu lectura de Tarot
Presione en Llamar ↑.
Si estas asentado en: Asturias. No titubees en departir por teléfono una de nuestras tarotistas y consultar sobre Vidente sin gabinete.
Consulta ahora Vidente sin gabinete
Todas tus pesadumbres vinculadas con:
QuehacerTu familiaSaludEconomía
Tienen Arreglo, solo necesitas de la observación conveniente/a.Te aconsejaremos para que sepas hacer la pregunta precisa al tarot,
y dependiendo de tu enigma te mostraremos diferentes modelos
de tiradas concretas para cada acontecimiento.
Ademas si requieres saber sobre tu predicción o los números de la suerte para:
Los juegos de azarLa diariaLa lotoLa lotería nacionalel juego de pascuas
Tienes que preguntarlo, responderemos a cada una de tus desazónes.
Te revelaremos el camino a andar y te guiaremos por tu día a día,
para que todo lo que ideas te salga bien.
Fíate de nosotros, ya que cantidades de asiduos satisfechos en el Ámbito social,
Firman y dan fe de nosotros.
Somos Tarotistas de fiar.
Son muchas las personas que Testimonian los excelentes resultados, que han recibido siguiendo los consejos de nuestras miradas de cartas del tarot.
No es por jactarnos, no obstante particularmente he conseguido distinguir las muestras de atención de esos parroquianos, que dejan de ser simples parroquianos para convertirse en amigos fieles, gracias a la empatía y sencillez que solo nuestros magos pueden dar.
Somos los mejores tarotistas.
No estas comunicándote a otro número más, si no que sin duda somos el mejor numero, que te dará: En primer lugar:
Y en segundo lugar te proveera:
El único servicio de tarot donde hallaras camaradas que pretenden que tus días se atesten de satisfacción.
Atrevete y consulta al número de teléfono:: 806 556 292. Y se testigo de la verdad de lo que aquí está escrito. Con exceso somos:
Y estaremos a tu lado en todo oportunidad.
Lo que las cartas conten eso te articularemos, no aparentaremos nada y te advertiremos que hacer,
las mejores sugerencia a seguir las adquiriras de nosotros, los copiosos años de experiencia nos respaldan.
No existe circunstancia o traba que no hayamos visto antes, no descubrirá asunto al que no le descubramos solución.
Pues que esperas llámanos y juntos tu y yo con la ayuda del tarot lo resolveremos. No esperes más el tiempo es ahora, no tengas temor los cobardes jamás tienen una vida plena y llena de felicidad. Además los precios son muy accesibles.
¿Cuál es el costo? para consultar Vidente sin gabinete
Costo por utilizar las líneas 806 para consultar al Vidente sin gabinete
El precio máximo por minuto de esta llamada es de 1 euro y 18 céntimos de euro si llama desde un teléfono fijo y de 1 euro y 53 céntimos de euro si llama desde un teléfono móvil, impuestos incluidos. Este servicio de entretenimiento reservado a mayores de 18 años está prestado por TAROT DE LAS ESTRELLAS. APARTADO DE CORREOS 57204. 28223 MADRID.
Costo por usar la consulta de Vidente sin gabinete con tarjeta visa:
10 minutos 7 euros.15 minutos 10.50 euros.20 minutos 14 euros.30 minutos 21 euros.
Horóscopo para hoy Viernes, 24 de Abril de 2020 todos los signos del zodiaco
Debilidades de Aries: Impaciencia, argumentos tontos, el permitir que el miedo limite sus opciones.
El amor.
Se presenta una tendencia negativa debido al ánimo irritable, la susceptibilidad a las ofensas, y la incapacidad para responder adecuadamente frente a ello; te sentirás predispuesto a juzgar y a cerrarte en tus pensamientos.
La economía.
La visita de personas llegadas del exterior podría generar propuestas profesionales muy interesantes; tus esfuerzos por promover o lograr una estabilidad económica comenzarán a ser premiados.
Su salud.
Buen estado físico.
A un Tauro le encanta el dineromucho más que a otro signo
El amor.
Un estado de ánimo por demás sensible obstaculiza tus relaciones sentimentales; evita roces innecesarios en la pareja, y trata de mantener la calma.
La economía.
Sería conveniente aplacar los ánimos caldeados en el círculo laboral, sé más indulgente con las críticas y acepta los comentarios con mejor predisposición, siempre se puede sacar algo positivo de la mirada de los demás.
Su salud.
Cuídate de golpes o caídas.
Los Géminis son personas que deslumbran por su manera de ser.
Son personas que tienen un gran sentido del humor, son comunicativas y suelen relacionarse bien con los que tienen cerca de ellos.El amor.
Atención con la dualidad en el amor:
los sentimientos contradictorios, los celos y los enfrentamientos pueden nublar tu horizonte amoroso.
La economía.
La falta de motivación puede perjudicarte en cuestiones laborales; es tiempo tal vez de hallar nuevas inspiraciones, o animarse a enfrentar nuevos retos.
Su salud.
Visita al dentista.
Cáncer intenta valorarse cada día un poquito más.
Y lo hace porque sabe que muchas veces tiende a hundirse y a echarse la culpa de todo.El amor.
Es momento de aprender, de escuchar y observar; una actitud receptiva favorecerá tus relaciones sentimentales y personales; nútrete de los demás y reflexiona en soledad sobre tus aprendizajes.
La economía.
Habrá también buena estrella para todo lo relacionado con las finanzas, la planificación de inversiones o proyectos será muy acertada.
Su salud.
Trata de controlar el mal carácter, tienes más dominio sobre tus emociones de lo que piensas.
en cualquier sitio eres el centro de atención.El amor.
La imaginación construye una imagen de ti mismo y de tu pareja que necesitas hacer realidad:
no permitas que las presiones le quiten el encanto al amor, con una mirada más refrescante encontrarás un ambiente propicio para la comprensión.
La economía.
Tus muchas obligaciones y la dedicación con que te desempeñas te darán la oportunidad de destacarte entre tus colegas y acceder con éxito a tus metas.
Su salud.
Practica ejercicios de relajación.
Virgo no habla de lo que no sabe, odia poder llegar a hacer el ridículo.El amor.
Los influjos cósmicos provocarán sentimientos intensos en el terreno sentimental, tu energía arrasará con cuanto se cruce en tu camino, sin darte tiempo a las dudas y mucho menos a las indecisiones.
La economía.
Concentra tus energías para crecer en tus actividades, hay propuestas que tienen un atractivo especial y que pueden ser fuente de grandes beneficios.
Su salud.
Las tensiones repercuten en tu salud, puedes combatirlas con técnicas de relajación.
Libra cree en las relaciones duraderas y hará todo lo posible por mantenerlas.El amor.
Un balance perfecto entre seducción e iniciativas de conquista parece dotar tu personalidad de un brillo irresistible para quienes te rodean:
aparecen excelentes oportunidades para definir lo que buscas enEl amor.
La economía.
Las acciones astrales promueven situaciones de crecimiento laboral que necesitarán de un sentido de la ubicación y diplomacia razonables.
Su salud.
Tendencia a resfríos o problemas respiratorios.
Escorpio es individualista y prefiere no hacer trabajos compartidos.El amor.
Tus cambios de humor mantienen tu relación en tensión, trata de poner paños fríos a situaciones que pueden evitarse:
piensa que la paciencia de tu pareja no durará para siempre.
La economía.
En tus ocupaciones, excelente pronóstico:
los astros se reunen para brindarte una jornada pródiga en situaciones más que favorables para tu crecimiento laboral.
Su salud.
Sal a andar en bicicleta.
Sagitario hará lo que sea, cuando sea y cómo sea para sobrevivir ante cualquier situación.El amor.
Si tratas de modificar las conductas que molestan a tu pareja, los desacuerdos pueden terminar:
trata de poner tus ideas sobre la mesa de forma tranquila y con una buena predisposición al diálogo.
La economía.
Momento de gran energía para encarar nuevos desafios profesionales o reafirmar tus propositos de crecimiento:
las actividades vinculadas con el exterior pueden tener excelentes perspectivas.
Su salud.
Practica ejercicios de relajación para terminar la jornada más distendido.
undefinedEl amor.
Tu vida sentimental se ve favorecida en una jornada de romance, reencuentros y armonía:
pasión en las relaciones; compartirás también momentos felices en familia y con tu círculo de amigos.
La economía.
Si estás dudando entre dos negocios, no te apresures a decidir, reflexiona con tranquilidad y los resultados serán óptimos.
Su salud.
Buen momento para comenzar una dieta desintoxicante.
Acuario: nunca dejes que nadie te intente llevar por un camino u otro. Tú eres un alma libre. Tú decides. Que nadie te ponga cadenas.
El amor.
En cuestiones del corazón, la influencia de la Luna en Capricornio puede provocar arranques algo belicosos; controla tus impulsos porque mañana podrías arrepentirte.
La economía.
La Luna en un signo afín genera nuevas oportunidades laborales, el progreso no tardará en materializarse si te abocas a escuchar todas las propuestas que lleguen a tus manos.
Su salud.
Tu vitalidad y energía, en armonía.
Y justo cuando se estaba aburriendo, llegó alguien y le dijo a Piscis que habían lugares nuevos y aventuras increíbles lejos de allí...El amor.
Disfruta el excelente clima sentimental, harás planes con tu pareja que te llenarán de entusiasmo; si estás solo, puedes conocer a alguien que te resulte especialmente interesante.
La economía.
Las comparaciones, además de ingratas, no llevan a ninguna parte, no te obsesiones con el éxito de los demás.
Su salud.
Comer liviano por las noches favorecerá tu descanso.
Para el número 806 El precio máximo por minuto de la llamada al número 806 es de 1 euro y 18 céntimos de euro si llama desde un teléfono fijo y de 1 euro y 53 céntimos de euro si llama desde un teléfono móvil, impuestos incluidos.
Este servicio de entretenimiento reservado a mayores de 18 años está prestado por tarot de las estrellas.
Quintanilla del Olivar, Atico 1 Apartado de correos 57204. 28223, Madrid
Teléfono 932 995 463
Preguntas frecuentes sobre Vidente sin gabinete
1. Quiero hacer una consulta de Tarot, ¿sobre qué puedo consultar?
Puede consultar sobre lo todo aquello que le preocupe, el Tarot es ideal para temas sentimentales de todo tipo, matrimonios, divorcios, parejas, infidelidad, etc, para temas laborales y de juicios, viene muy bien para preguntas sencillas, afirmativas o negativas, también para cuestiones financieras, de herencias, etc. En cuestiones de salud somos muy precavidos, porque no somos dioses y podemos equivocarnos en temas tan delicados.
2. ¿Por qué tiene tan mala fama los servicios de Tarot y a menudo se les persigue como estafadores?
No entendemos muy bien la caza de brujas a la que siempre estamos sometidos, bien es cierto que estafadores existen en este sector, pero como en cualquier otro sector ( abogados, médicos, jueces, etc ), al igual que también existen muy buenos profesionales. Pensamos que la valía de cada empresa se demuestra por sus hechos, sea del sector que sea, y siempre el miedo y el desconocimiento hace que las personas desconfíen del servicio, sea cual sea éste.
3. ¿Las consultas de Tarot por teléfono son igual de fiables que en directo?
Nosotros diríamos que son incluso más fiables, por la sencilla razón de que el tarotista es más objetivo, está en su entorno, concentrado, puede visualizar mejor porque no está pendiente de los gestos del cliente, su canal está más limpio y ve más y mejor.
4. ¿Cuántas veces se puede consultar el Tarot?
El Tarot no se debe utilizar a la ligera , primero porque es un sistema que pierde efectividad si se consulta muy a menudo con las mismas preguntas una y otra vez , y segundo, porque es un servicio que te puede salir muy caro si no controlas tus consultas. Debe ser un servicio que se consulte cuando hay necesidad, no como juego o diversión.
5. ¿Por qué cobráis el servicio que prestáis?
No entendemos porque no debemos cobrar el servicio, nuestro equipo está formado por profesionales que se han dedicado toda su vida a esto, ya sea de forma innata o estudiada, dedican su tiempo, su esfuerzo en conseguir ver aquello que los consultantes no ven y de muchas formas ayudan a personas a diario, por lo tanto, deben cobrar por su trabajo, como cualquier profesional que dedique esfuerzos y trabajo en su actividad profesional.
6. ¿Quién consulta el Tarot?
El Tarot lo consulta todo aquel que lo necesite en algún momento de su vida, tenemos clientes de todas las clases sociales, de todas las profesiones posibles, de todos los países del mundo, y con multitud de problemas de toda índole, por lo tanto, el tarot lo consulta quien quiera y quien sea, si es mayor de 18 años, claro.
7. ¿Las consultas que yo haga son privadas?
Por supuesto, todas las consultas que usted realice con cualquiera de nuestros profesionales son confidenciales y no pueden ser desveladas a nadie, ni grabadas, garantizamos su privacidad.
8. ¿Vosotros acertáis en las consultas que hacéis?, ¿ qué tanto por ciento acertáis?
Aquel Tarotista o equipo de Tarotistas que diga que acierta en un tanto por ciento, realmente no lo dice correctamente. No tenemos unas estadísticas o tablas fiables que nos digan nuestro porcentaje de aciertos. Lo único que confirman nuestros aciertos son los testimonios de nuestros clientes, que son los que comprueban si con el tiempo las predicciones realizadas se han cumplido, y por ahora hay muchísimas que se han cumplido, algunas esperando ser cumplidas y otras que por ahora no se han cumplido. Creemos que nuestro Gabinete es uno de los más consultados actualmente porque tenemos grandes profesionales con un índice de aciertos muy alto, recibimos a diario cientos de confirmaciones y agradecimientos por ello. No lo dude consulte ahora sobre Vidente sin gabinete
9. ¿Por qué es tan difícil que el tarotista adivine con exactitud el tiempo o las fechas en que se van a realizar las predicciones?
No somos una ciencia exacta, por lo tanto, es normal, que en cuestiones de fechas, nos aproximemos, pero no somos exactos. Si fuera así, adivinaríamos con mucha facilidad números de loterías, premios diversos, etc, y no es el caso.El Tarot es más complicado de lo que parece, no es fácil “ver“ lo que se pregunta, y muchas veces se ve lo que no se pregunta, por esto, necesitamos mucha concentración y energía.
10. ¿Por qué una tarotista me acierta a mí y otra no, y ésta le acierta todo a otra persona y la mía no?
Los tarotistas son como los médicos, lo psicólogos, los abogados, etc, el que es bueno para unos no lo es tanto para otros, por esto, siempre aconsejamos que se pruebe a varios tarotistas y con mucha paciencia, se quede con el que mejor les acierte. Somos seres con energía, conectamos con algunos, pero con otros no tanto, por eso decimos que la lectura del Tarot depende del consultante y del consultado, no hay un solo canal, se necesitan los dos canales para conectar bien.
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gtaradi · 5 years ago
Osmaši, Dani otvorenih vrata iz snova ako vas interesira grafički dizajn ili dizajn interijera
Svaki ponedjeljak Sabrie Gift Shop u Murskom Središću ima Dane otvorenih vrata za osmaše koji imaju afinitet prema dizajnu i likovnoj umjetnosti. Ponesete li sa sobom i bijelu majicu možete sami isprobati otisnuti svoj rad i provjeriti svoj talent!
Svaki ponedjeljak Sabrie Gift Shop u Murskom Središću ima Dane otvorenih vrata za osmaše koji imaju afinitet prema dizajnu i likovnoj umjetnosti. Imate želju za upis na smjerove dizajna i zainteresirani ste za upoznavanje s procesom od izrade grafičkog dizajna do tiska ili dizajna interijera? Slobodno se javite uz najavu u inbox!
Što možete vidjeti? Sabrie Gift Shop za specijalizirane dizajnerske…
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actitudsaludable · 6 years ago
Cómo saber el tamaño de copa de los pechos y comprar el sostén ideal
Cómo saber el tamaño de copa de los pechos y comprar el sostén ideal
El dato acerca de cómo saber el tamaño de copa de los pechos puede ayudarte a elegir y comprar el sostén ideal.  No es un detalle menor: el sostén adecuado no sólo mejora la postura y evita dolores de espalda u hombros, sino que además realza la silueta y te hace sentir más segura.
Conocer tus medidas te ayudara a elegir el sosten apropiado
Esto te interesará: cómo evitar el dolor de mamas
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mystlnewsonline · 6 years ago
United States | To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th Edition: U.S. Global Leadership in Landmine Clearance and Conventional Weapons Destruction
United States | To Walk the Earth in Safety 17th Edition: U.S. Global Leadership in Landmine Clearance and Conventional Weapons Destruction
United States – The United States is the world’s single largest financial supporter of efforts to address humanitarian hazards from landmines and unexploded ordnance in post-conflict countries and to reduce the availability of excess, loosely-secured, or otherwise at-risk weapons and munitions.
Today’s release of the 17th edition of To Walk the Earth in Safety, the Department of State’s annual…
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aretia · 7 years ago
How Adultery and Infidelity Relates to Divorce in Utah
As a divorce lawyer, I’m regularly asked about how adultery affects divorce. In Utah, adultery (infidelity) is one of the statutory grounds for divorce.  Incompatibility, gross neglect of duty, extreme cruelty, and habitual drunkenness are also grounds for divorce in Utah.  None of these grounds are more legally significant than any of the others – they will all suffice to allow the court to find that there are grounds to terminate the marriage.
In Utah, as in most states, adultery is not legally relevant to custody matters.  In the eyes of the law, a person can be a bad spouse and that has nothing to do with whether they are a bad parent.
In Utah, adultery has no legal relevance to the division of property.  A court will not give one spouse more property than the other in order to punish the spouse who has been unfaithful.  In Utah the primary purpose of the divorce court is to divide things and end things.
In Utah, one spouse’s commission of adultery does not automatically mean that the other spouse will be awarded the marital home in the divorce.  If the one spouse asks the other to leave as a result of adultery, the faithful spouse will not be any more entitled to have the house than he or she would have been if adultery were not an issue.
In Utah, just because the marriage is ending after adultery, that does not mean a court will fail to consider shared parenting.
Once the marriage is over, the court will rarely enter an order requiring separation between the “object of affection” and the children.  Unless a court finds a parent unfit, that parent will have the right to make their own child care arrangements.
When one spouse is leaving a marriage because of adultery, the other spouse may unnecessarily prolong divorce litigation in order to maintain a connection.  While adultery is not legally relevant, it is not unusual for divorce litigation to confuse the feelings surrounding infidelity with the legal issues surrounding the end of the marriage.
If one of the parties alienates the children by disclosing the other parent’s infidelity, or worse, by stating the infidelity as the reason for the end of the marriage, a court may find that the disclosing parent is unable to put the needs of the children before their own need for vindication.  A pattern of such behavior, with no regard to the strain it causes on the children, could result in custody of the children being awarded to the party who committed adultery, rather than the party who chose to discuss the adultery with the children.
In Utah, the court does not care if you were a good spouse to the unfaithful party, and you did not cause the end of the marriage.  The court only cares that the marriage is ending and things have to be ended and divided.  You will not be awarded any more spousal support (alimony) than you would receive otherwise, and the court is not going to order the leaving party to “find a way” to let you maintain the exact same lifestyle that you lived before the end of the marriage.  The court is going to expect you to live as if the income available to the parties is now being divided among two households.
Be honest with your lawyer about infidelity – it is never a good thing for your lawyer to find out about any relevant information by surprise.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/how-adultery-and-infidelity-relates-to-divorce-in-utah/
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advertphoto · 7 years ago
How Adultery and Infidelity Relates to Divorce in Utah
As a divorce lawyer, I’m regularly asked about how adultery affects divorce. In Utah, adultery (infidelity) is one of the statutory grounds for divorce.  Incompatibility, gross neglect of duty, extreme cruelty, and habitual drunkenness are also grounds for divorce in Utah.  None of these grounds are more legally significant than any of the others – they will all suffice to allow the court to find that there are grounds to terminate the marriage.
In Utah, as in most states, adultery is not legally relevant to custody matters.  In the eyes of the law, a person can be a bad spouse and that has nothing to do with whether they are a bad parent.
In Utah, adultery has no legal relevance to the division of property.  A court will not give one spouse more property than the other in order to punish the spouse who has been unfaithful.  In Utah the primary purpose of the divorce court is to divide things and end things.
In Utah, one spouse’s commission of adultery does not automatically mean that the other spouse will be awarded the marital home in the divorce.  If the one spouse asks the other to leave as a result of adultery, the faithful spouse will not be any more entitled to have the house than he or she would have been if adultery were not an issue.
In Utah, just because the marriage is ending after adultery, that does not mean a court will fail to consider shared parenting.
Once the marriage is over, the court will rarely enter an order requiring separation between the “object of affection” and the children.  Unless a court finds a parent unfit, that parent will have the right to make their own child care arrangements.
When one spouse is leaving a marriage because of adultery, the other spouse may unnecessarily prolong divorce litigation in order to maintain a connection.  While adultery is not legally relevant, it is not unusual for divorce litigation to confuse the feelings surrounding infidelity with the legal issues surrounding the end of the marriage.
If one of the parties alienates the children by disclosing the other parent’s infidelity, or worse, by stating the infidelity as the reason for the end of the marriage, a court may find that the disclosing parent is unable to put the needs of the children before their own need for vindication.  A pattern of such behavior, with no regard to the strain it causes on the children, could result in custody of the children being awarded to the party who committed adultery, rather than the party who chose to discuss the adultery with the children.
In Utah, the court does not care if you were a good spouse to the unfaithful party, and you did not cause the end of the marriage.  The court only cares that the marriage is ending and things have to be ended and divided.  You will not be awarded any more spousal support (alimony) than you would receive otherwise, and the court is not going to order the leaving party to “find a way” to let you maintain the exact same lifestyle that you lived before the end of the marriage.  The court is going to expect you to live as if the income available to the parties is now being divided among two households.
Be honest with your lawyer about infidelity – it is never a good thing for your lawyer to find out about any relevant information by surprise.
Free Consultation with Divorce Lawyer in Utah
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Michael R. Anderson, Utah Divorce Lawyer
Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/how-adultery-and-infidelity-relates-to-divorce-in-utah/
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vodsel-prime · 7 years ago
SEC Charges Pastor with Defrauding Retirees
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced fraud charges and an emergency asset freeze obtained against a Michigan-based pastor accused of exploiting church members, retirees, and laid-off auto workers who were misled to believe they were investing in a successful real estate business.
The SEC alleges that Larry Holley, the pastor of Abundant Life Ministries in Flint, Mich., cloaked his solicitations in faith-based rhetoric, replete with references to scripture and biblical figures.  Holley allegedly told prospective investors that as a person who “prayed for your children,” he was more trustworthy than a “banker��� with their money.  According to the SEC’s complaint, Holley held financial presentations masked as “Blessed Life Conferences” at churches nationwide during which he asked congregants to fill out cards detailing their financial holdings, and he promised to pray over the cards and invited attendees to have one-on-one consultations with his team.  He allegedly called his investors “millionaires in the making.”
According to the SEC’s complaint, which also charges Holley’s company Treasure Enterprise LLC and his business associate Patricia Enright Gray, approximately $6.7 million was raised from more than 80 investors who were guaranteed high returns and told they were investing in a profitable real estate company with hundreds of residential and commercial properties.
According to the complaint, Gray advertised on a religious radio station based in Flint and singled out recently laid-off auto workers with severance packages to consult her for a “financial increase.”  Gray allegedly promised to roll over investors’ retirement funds into tax-advantaged Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and invest them in Treasure Enterprise.  The SEC alleges that no investor funds were deposited into IRAs, and Treasure Enterprise struggled to generate enough revenue from its real estate investments to support the business and make payments owed to investors.  Treasure Enterprise owes investors an estimated $1.9 million in past due payments, according to the SEC’s complaint.
“As alleged in our complaint, Holley and Gray targeted the retirement savings of churchgoers, building a bond of trust purportedly based on faith but actually based on false promises,” said David Glockner.
According to the SEC’s complaint, Holley, Gray, and Treasure Enterprise were not registered to sell investments.  The SEC encourages investors to check the background of anyone offering to sell them investments by doing a quick search on the SEC’s investor website.
The SEC has obtained a temporary restraining order in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Utah that freezes the assets of Holley, Gray, and Treasure Enterprise.  The court’s order also appoints a receiver and imposes other emergency relief.
The SEC’s complaint alleges violations of Sections 5(a), 5(c), and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5.  The complaint seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains plus interest, penalties, and permanent injunctions.
The SEC’s investigation, which is continuing, is being conducted by Ana P. Doncic, Delia L. Helpingstine, and Sruthi Koneru of the Utah office.  The case is being supervised by Steven L. Klawans, and the litigation is being led by Jonathan S. Polish.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has adopted amendments to increase the amount of money companies can raise through crowdfunding to adjust for inflation.  It also approved amendments that adjust for inflation a threshold used to determine eligibility for benefits offered to “emerging growth companies” (EGCs) under the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act.
“Regular updates to the JOBS Act, as prescribed by Congress, ensure that the entrepreneurs and investors who benefit from crowdfunding will continue to do so,” said SEC Acting Chairman Michael S. Piwowar. “Under these amendments, the JOBS Act can continue to create jobs and investment opportunities for the general public.”
The SEC is required to make inflation adjustments to certain JOBS Act rules at least once every five years after it was enacted on April 5, 2012.  In addition to the inflation adjustments, the SEC adopted technical amendments to conform several rules and forms to amendments made to the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”) and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (“Exchange Act”) by Title I of the JOBS Act.
The Commission approved the new thresholds March 31. They will become effective when they are published in the Federal Register.
Section 101 of the JOBS Act added new Securities Act Section 2(a)(19) and Exchange Act Section 3(a)(80) to define the term “emerging growth company” (“EGC”).  Pursuant to those sections, every five years the SEC is directed to index the annual gross revenue amount used to determine EGC status to inflation to reflect the change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”).  To carry out this statutory directive, the SEC has adopted amendments to Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 12b-2 to include a definition for EGC that reflects an inflation-adjusted annual gross revenue threshold.  The JOBS Act also added new Securities Act Section 4(a)(6), which provides an exemption from the registration requirements of Section 5 under the Securities Act for certain crowdfunding transactions.  In October 2015, the SEC promulgated Regulation Crowdfunding to implement that exemption.  Sections 4(a)(6) and 4A of the Securities Act set forth dollar amounts used in connection with the crowdfunding exemption, and Section 4A(h)(1) states that such dollar amounts shall be adjusted by the SEC not less frequently than once every five years to reflect the change in the CPI-U published by the BLS.  The SEC has adopted amendments to Rules 100 and 201(t) of Regulation Crowdfunding and Securities Act Form C to reflect the required inflation adjustments.
In addition, Sections 102 and 103 of the JOBS Act amended the Securities Act and the Exchange Act to provide several exemptions from a number of disclosure, shareholder voting, and other regulatory requirements for any issuer that qualifies as an EGC. The exemptions reduce the financial disclosures an EGC is required to provide in public offering registration statements and relieve an EGC from conducting advisory votes on executive compensation, as well as from a number of accounting and disclosure requirements.  The regulatory relief provided under Sections 102 and 103 of the JOBS Act was self-executing and became effective once the JOBS Act was signed into law.  The technical amendments that the SEC is adopting conform several rules and forms to reflect these JOBS Act statutory changes.
Free Initial Consultation with a Securities Lawyer
When you need help with an SEC or Securities matter, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/sec-charges-pastor-with-defrauding-retirees/
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years ago
It Takes Zwei
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It’s been a week since the newest KMS event dropped and i am chugging my way through at a decent clip. Seriously, i did not expect to be this far along, this quickly. As i mentioned in my last Azur Lane post, Much Ado About Nothingness, i was able to limit break almost all of the banner ships immediately. Rolling Zwei taxed the f*ck out of my pockets but, in the process, i was able to fully limit break both Regensburg and Otto so, in a weird sense, all those Cubes were worth it. The last ship i needed to unlock was Jade, the Points Accumulation ship. Since then, i have, indeed, added her to my Fleet and, interestingly enough, she was the first ship i was able to get full Affection with. Zwei followed suit while Regensburg and Otto are bring up the the rear. Both of them are in the low nineties, though, so it’s only a matter of battles at this point. I imagine the next Weekly Awards grind will top them off an i can wife them up. That’s right, i was able to Oath Zwei! That’s another UR ship, completely loyal and boosted. I love that sh*t. All that’s left now is to mac out their Levels and start the climb to 125. Maybe. Them Cognitive Arrays are hard to come by.
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All that said, I'm at an impasse with U-556 META. Like i said before, i don’t particularly care for the META ships. Right now, i guess. But in my grind to get Zwei, i popped enough of U-556 to max her out as well. I had all of these META Crystals, more than enough to actually full max U-556′s Level but no goddamn desire to actually do it. Like, I've never actually invested resources into a META ship but U-556 is, technically, a KMS boat so, i mean, shouldn’t I? Well, a few days ago, i did. I’ve properly been grinding out the necessary materials and experience to max out my first META ship, based strictly on the fact that she is a Kraut. It’s kind of obnoxious but, you know, it is what it is and she is coming along nicely. I was able to fully Limit Break her, achieving Level ninety-eight in the process, and even maxed out all of her Rigging Fortifications. I had all of the necessary parts for that since they Manjuu just throws that sh*t at you and i never used any of them before. All that’s left is the Experience grind for Tactics and even that is well underway.
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All in all, Confluence of Nothingness was pretty solid for my Fleet. I added four solid ships to my KMS dock, pretty much maxed out my first META ship, and even bought some solid costumes to boot. I mean, have you seen Taihou’s Seaside Daydream? That sh*t is just obnoxious! Speaking of Taihou, there’s a new Taihou-chan to be unlocked. Obviously, I'm well on my way to achieving just that with the level grinding I've been doing for the new KMS ships. It’s only a matter of time before the newest Chan is a permanent resident of my Fleet. Pretty sure I'm sitting on something close to nine hundred affection points right now so, you know, that thousand is only stone’s throw away. For the first, real event of the year, Nothingness was solid. I love the new ships and those costumes are dope. I even completed Jade’s little Memory deal and that, alone, was worth the price of admission. Or maybe I'm just shilling for Iron Blood. I am a notorious KMS apologist so, you know, there’s that. Now, who's the horned, purple haired chick in all of the load screen artwork with the new boats? Did Manjuu cut a ship? Could I have gotten five new KMS boats instead of four? What the hell??!
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smokeybrand · 2 years ago
It Takes Zwei
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It’s been a week since the newest KMS event dropped and i am chugging my way through at a decent clip. Seriously, i did not expect to be this far along, this quickly. As i mentioned in my last Azur Lane post, Much Ado About Nothingness, i was able to limit break almost all of the banner ships immediately. Rolling Zwei taxed the f*ck out of my pockets but, in the process, i was able to fully limit break both Regensburg and Otto so, in a weird sense, all those Cubes were worth it. The last ship i needed to unlock was Jade, the Points Accumulation ship. Since then, i have, indeed, added her to my Fleet and, interestingly enough, she was the first ship i was able to get full Affection with. Zwei followed suit while Regensburg and Otto are bring up the the rear. Both of them are in the low nineties, though, so it’s only a matter of battles at this point. I imagine the next Weekly Awards grind will top them off an i can wife them up. That’s right, i was able to Oath Zwei! That’s another UR ship, completely loyal and boosted. I love that sh*t. All that’s left now is to mac out their Levels and start the climb to 125. Maybe. Them Cognitive Arrays are hard to come by.
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All that said, I'm at an impasse with U-556 META. Like i said before, i don’t particularly care for the META ships. Right now, i guess. But in my grind to get Zwei, i popped enough of U-556 to max her out as well. I had all of these META Crystals, more than enough to actually full max U-556′s Level but no goddamn desire to actually do it. Like, I've never actually invested resources into a META ship but U-556 is, technically, a KMS boat so, i mean, shouldn’t I? Well, a few days ago, i did. I’ve properly been grinding out the necessary materials and experience to max out my first META ship, based strictly on the fact that she is a Kraut. It’s kind of obnoxious but, you know, it is what it is and she is coming along nicely. I was able to fully Limit Break her, achieving Level ninety-eight in the process, and even maxed out all of her Rigging Fortifications. I had all of the necessary parts for that since they Manjuu just throws that sh*t at you and i never used any of them before. All that’s left is the Experience grind for Tactics and even that is well underway.
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All in all, Confluence of Nothingness was pretty solid for my Fleet. I added four solid ships to my KMS dock, pretty much maxed out my first META ship, and even bought some solid costumes to boot. I mean, have you seen Taihou’s Seaside Daydream? That sh*t is just obnoxious! Speaking of Taihou, there’s a new Taihou-chan to be unlocked. Obviously, I'm well on my way to achieving just that with the level grinding I've been doing for the new KMS ships. It’s only a matter of time before the newest Chan is a permanent resident of my Fleet. Pretty sure I'm sitting on something close to nine hundred affection points right now so, you know, that thousand is only stone’s throw away. For the first, real event of the year, Nothingness was solid. I love the new ships and those costumes are dope. I even completed Jade’s little Memory deal and that, alone, was worth the price of admission. Or maybe I'm just shilling for Iron Blood. I am a notorious KMS apologist so, you know, there’s that. Now, who's the horned, purple haired chick in all of the load screen artwork with the new boats? Did Manjuu cut a ship? Could I have gotten five new KMS boats instead of four? What the hell??!
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winniegist · 7 years ago
SEC Charges Pastor with Defrauding Retirees
The Securities and Exchange Commission announced fraud charges and an emergency asset freeze obtained against a Michigan-based pastor accused of exploiting church members, retirees, and laid-off auto workers who were misled to believe they were investing in a successful real estate business.
The SEC alleges that Larry Holley, the pastor of Abundant Life Ministries in Flint, Mich., cloaked his solicitations in faith-based rhetoric, replete with references to scripture and biblical figures.  Holley allegedly told prospective investors that as a person who “prayed for your children,” he was more trustworthy than a “banker” with their money.  According to the SEC’s complaint, Holley held financial presentations masked as “Blessed Life Conferences” at churches nationwide during which he asked congregants to fill out cards detailing their financial holdings, and he promised to pray over the cards and invited attendees to have one-on-one consultations with his team.  He allegedly called his investors “millionaires in the making.”
According to the SEC’s complaint, which also charges Holley’s company Treasure Enterprise LLC and his business associate Patricia Enright Gray, approximately $6.7 million was raised from more than 80 investors who were guaranteed high returns and told they were investing in a profitable real estate company with hundreds of residential and commercial properties.
According to the complaint, Gray advertised on a religious radio station based in Flint and singled out recently laid-off auto workers with severance packages to consult her for a “financial increase.”  Gray allegedly promised to roll over investors’ retirement funds into tax-advantaged Individual Retirement Accounts (IRA) and invest them in Treasure Enterprise.  The SEC alleges that no investor funds were deposited into IRAs, and Treasure Enterprise struggled to generate enough revenue from its real estate investments to support the business and make payments owed to investors.  Treasure Enterprise owes investors an estimated $1.9 million in past due payments, according to the SEC’s complaint.
“As alleged in our complaint, Holley and Gray targeted the retirement savings of churchgoers, building a bond of trust purportedly based on faith but actually based on false promises,” said David Glockner.
According to the SEC’s complaint, Holley, Gray, and Treasure Enterprise were not registered to sell investments.  The SEC encourages investors to check the background of anyone offering to sell them investments by doing a quick search on the SEC’s investor website.
The SEC has obtained a temporary restraining order in U.S. District Court for the Eastern District of Utah that freezes the assets of Holley, Gray, and Treasure Enterprise.  The court’s order also appoints a receiver and imposes other emergency relief.
The SEC’s complaint alleges violations of Sections 5(a), 5(c), and 17(a) of the Securities Act of 1933 and Sections 10(b) and 20(a) of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 and Rule 10b-5.  The complaint seeks disgorgement of ill-gotten gains plus interest, penalties, and permanent injunctions.
The SEC’s investigation, which is continuing, is being conducted by Ana P. Doncic, Delia L. Helpingstine, and Sruthi Koneru of the Utah office.  The case is being supervised by Steven L. Klawans, and the litigation is being led by Jonathan S. Polish.
The Securities and Exchange Commission today announced that it has adopted amendments to increase the amount of money companies can raise through crowdfunding to adjust for inflation.  It also approved amendments that adjust for inflation a threshold used to determine eligibility for benefits offered to “emerging growth companies” (EGCs) under the Jumpstart Our Business Startups (JOBS) Act.
“Regular updates to the JOBS Act, as prescribed by Congress, ensure that the entrepreneurs and investors who benefit from crowdfunding will continue to do so,” said SEC Acting Chairman Michael S. Piwowar. “Under these amendments, the JOBS Act can continue to create jobs and investment opportunities for the general public.”
The SEC is required to make inflation adjustments to certain JOBS Act rules at least once every five years after it was enacted on April 5, 2012.  In addition to the inflation adjustments, the SEC adopted technical amendments to conform several rules and forms to amendments made to the Securities Act of 1933 (“Securities Act”) and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934 (���Exchange Act”) by Title I of the JOBS Act.
The Commission approved the new thresholds March 31. They will become effective when they are published in the Federal Register.
Section 101 of the JOBS Act added new Securities Act Section 2(a)(19) and Exchange Act Section 3(a)(80) to define the term “emerging growth company” (“EGC”).  Pursuant to those sections, every five years the SEC is directed to index the annual gross revenue amount used to determine EGC status to inflation to reflect the change in the Consumer Price Index for All Urban Consumers (“CPI-U”) published by the Bureau of Labor Statistics (“BLS”).  To carry out this statutory directive, the SEC has adopted amendments to Securities Act Rule 405 and Exchange Act Rule 12b-2 to include a definition for EGC that reflects an inflation-adjusted annual gross revenue threshold.  The JOBS Act also added new Securities Act Section 4(a)(6), which provides an exemption from the registration requirements of Section 5 under the Securities Act for certain crowdfunding transactions.  In October 2015, the SEC promulgated Regulation Crowdfunding to implement that exemption.  Sections 4(a)(6) and 4A of the Securities Act set forth dollar amounts used in connection with the crowdfunding exemption, and Section 4A(h)(1) states that such dollar amounts shall be adjusted by the SEC not less frequently than once every five years to reflect the change in the CPI-U published by the BLS.  The SEC has adopted amendments to Rules 100 and 201(t) of Regulation Crowdfunding and Securities Act Form C to reflect the required inflation adjustments.
In addition, Sections 102 and 103 of the JOBS Act amended the Securities Act and the Exchange Act to provide several exemptions from a number of disclosure, shareholder voting, and other regulatory requirements for any issuer that qualifies as an EGC. The exemptions reduce the financial disclosures an EGC is required to provide in public offering registration statements and relieve an EGC from conducting advisory votes on executive compensation, as well as from a number of accounting and disclosure requirements.  The regulatory relief provided under Sections 102 and 103 of the JOBS Act was self-executing and became effective once the JOBS Act was signed into law.  The technical amendments that the SEC is adopting conform several rules and forms to reflect these JOBS Act statutory changes.
Free Initial Consultation with a Securities Lawyer
When you need help with an SEC or Securities matter, call Ascent Law for your free consultation (801) 676-5506. We want to help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/sec-charges-pastor-with-defrauding-retirees/
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loreneweiner · 7 years ago
Dealing with Divorce
If divorce has become necessary, you may be wondering how your life will change and the possible financial and emotional impact of breaking up with your spouse. Because I am a divorce lawyer, I see families struggle every day and even though it is easy to focus on yourself, you should also remember the potential effects of divorce on children in Salt Lake City, Utah, and across the U.S. Fortunately, there are a number of ways that you might be able to help your children work through your divorce and minimize the emotional toll.
The Workforce Management Office has outlined different pointers that you may want to keep in mind if you are going to split up with your marital partner and are worried about your kids. For example, you should try to help them understand how the divorce will change their lives, but you should do your best to remind them that they will continue to be loved. If they have questions, you should try to provide them with solid answers and, depending on the details surrounding your divorce, ease some of their worries. If you can, you should try to inform them of some of the changes they can expect, which may include living with only one parent or moving to a new city, among others.
By turning to a mediator, children may benefit on a number of levels. For starters, if their parents have less stress and a more amicable divorce, this can make it easier for children to spend time with each of their parents and they may be exposed to less arguing, thereby lessening the emotional burdens a child has when his or her parents split up.
While it’s typically in the best interest of the child for custody arrangements to be settled as quickly and harmoniously as possible, sometimes the process is long and contentious. Some Utah child custody cases can last for years, and place great stress on the children and parents involved. That’s why it’s so important that such family law issues are handled with compassion to minimize anxiety and achieve the appropriate outcome. One incredibly complicated and controversial child custody case has come to an end.
The Oklahoma Supreme Court just recently rescinded orders specifying that a four-year-old girl should remain in the custody of her biological father until further notice. In so doing, the court essentially enforced another custody ruling, which granted custody rights to the child’s adoptive parents. This final decision was four years in the making, and even involved the country’s highest court.
The young girl is now in the custody of her adoptive parents since her biological father was ordered to hand her over. The case, which has made national and international headlines, involves a child that was placed into adoption at birth. She lived with her adoptive parents until the age of two, when custody rights were granted to her biological father because of his Native American heritage. The lengthy and complex custody dispute was heard by the U. S. Supreme Court, and the child’s adoptive parents were once again granted custody. However, the disagreement continued when the biological father asked that Oklahoma make a ruling.
Now that the dispute is settled, the adoptive parents have the right to live with the child as they please. It’s not stated whether or not the little girl’s biological father will have visitation rights or whether the adoptive family will raise her according to Cherokee tradition.
Free Consultation with a Utah Divorce Lawyer
If you have a question about divorce law or if you need to start or defend against a divorce case in Utah call Ascent Law at (801) 676-5506. We will help you.
Ascent Law LLC8833 S. Redwood Road, Suite CWest Jordan, Utah 84088 United StatesTelephone: (801) 676-5506
Ascent Law LLC
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Source: http://www.ascentlawfirm.com/dealing-with-divorce/
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automaticpatrolperson · 7 years ago
27ª rodada do Brasileirão pode dar lucro de quase 600% em casas de apostas
Flu Notícias - https://flunoticias.com.br/10/2017/27a-rodada-do-brasileirao-pode-dar-lucro-de-quase-600-em-casas-de-apostas/
27ª rodada do Brasileirão pode dar lucro de quase 600% em casas de apostas
Corinthians é o grande favorito da rodada (Foto: Divulgação/Corinthians)
Após dez dias de paralisação, em razão dos jogos das Eliminatórias para a Copa do Mundo, finalmente a bola voltará a rolar pelo Campeonato Brasileiro. Nesta quarta-feira, seis jogos abrirão a rodada. Na quinta, outro quatro a encerrarão.
O grande destaque fica por conta do Fla-Flu. Tentando se estabilizar no G7, o Rubro-Negro carioca entra no clássico como favorito nas casas de apostas. De acordo com o site OddsShark.com/br, uma vitória do Tricolor, tido como azarão, pagará R$ 4,80 para cada R$ 1,00 investido pelo acertador, enquanto que um triunfo do time comandado por Rueda renderá R$ 1,70/R$ 1,00.
O duelo com o maior retorno possível, porém, será disputado em São Paulo. Há três jogos sem vencer – dois pelo Brasileiro e um pela Sul-Americana -, o Corinthians receberá o Coritiba em seu estádio. E uma derrota do líder em casa dará um lucro de 580% aos apostadores que confiarem na zebra paranaense. Já um êxito corintiano renderá um ganho de 52%.
O Coxa, entretanto, não vence o Timão fora de casa desde o Brasileiro de 2003, quando ganhou por 1 a 0, gol do centroavante Marcel.
Veja todas as cotações do Brasileirão em OddsShark.com/br.
Link da notícia original: 27ª rodada do Brasileirão pode dar lucro de quase 600% em casas de apostas
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smokeybrandreviews · 2 years ago
Much Ado About Nothingness
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We are almost halfway through the year and Manjuu finally blessed us with new Event! Iron Blood Event content, at that! Iron Blood event content that has a brilliant new Ultra Rare Ship in the banner! You absolutely know I'm making a run today! I’ve stacked Cubes and Finishers for months. I have hundreds of these things, literally stockpiling for this, specifically. Sure, I've burned a few here or there for a couple of Reruns but all of my everything in Azur Lane, is primarily for my darling Kraut dock. it’e wild because the drought has been long and arduous. I’ve literally just been doing side quest since the turn of the year but now, i can get back to the main campaign. Sh*t’s dope, sure, but it’s at the cost of Marco Polo. I’m still in the middle of constructing her and now she gets to be put on the back burner because Bismarck Zwei needs just SO much love! Off the top, this was the most expensive Banner at which I've ever made a run. It took all two hundred rolls, man. so many of my Cubes, sacrificed to the cruel, cruel, Gacha gods. I’ve played this game for years and, up to this point, never had to take the Pity.
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The most cubes I've used on Banner ships was eighty. Actual years of luck. I guess it finally ran out because, goddamn, two hundred f*cking cubes, yo! My pockets are bare but it was worth it. I unlocked all of the ships available and, in the grueling process of burning all of my hard earned Cubes, was able to Limit Break every ship on that Banner, save U-556 META. Generally speaking, i don’t care about META ships so she’s just bonus. No, my prize is all of those UR Bismark Zweis. It took one hundred and seventy rolls but, on that last one, i popped three Zweis and my third U-556 META. Bro, i had already fully Limit Broken both Otto von Alvensleben and Regensburg. That’s five goddamn copies for each of those boats! By the fiftieth goddamn roll! I literally have two extra copies of Regensburg right now because i had to run that banner another one hundred and twenty goddamn times! By then, i just said “F*ck it” and kept going to gt the Pity. Why not? I had the Cubes and figured better that than buying one of those UR Bulin from the shop.
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It’s wild that i pulled every ship available in this Event. It took a great deal but now I'm not even sure if i want to play the goddamn game! I mean, of course i will, i need to grind out that Affection so i can wife my new ships, but what would be more efficient: Grinding the Event or just grinding on of the Stage Eleven maps? Sure, there’s more Experience to be had on Stage Eleven but, i mean, there is Shop stuff i can buy. Cats can never have enough Rainbow Blueprints and there’s ten of those b*tches in there. I might just go that route, mostly because i still need to unlock Jade. She’s the Point Accumulation Reward for this event so unlocking her is only a matter of time. Ten thousand is a lot but i think i have a pretty healthy start. Maxing out those three Banner ships and getting them to level one hundred almost immediately, has to count for something, right? The other stuff added during his update is pretty dope, too. I love the new costumes, specifically Regensberg’s Dark Dragon, Brilliant Beach. That there is some quality Live 2D, i tell you hwat! The Wishing Well is back but i already have everything i want so it’s more a mute point for me. Still, i might use it to pick up a random boat, who knows? What i do know is I’m going to miss out on that Nelson Retrofit because i, apparently, don’t have Nelson in my Fleet. How is that even a thing? Whatever, it’s fine. I got another UR KMS boat in Zwei. That, alone, made this entire Event worth it for me.
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