#u lock me in a room and instead of looking for clues i bust the door open by kicking it
lunaticalis · 2 years
im the mf that doesn't do jack shit if put into an escape room. found clues bc i randomly kicks or just curiously peeking into whatever places. but i don't know what to do with the clues
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Chapters: 4/20 Fandom: IT Rating: M Warnings: No warnings at this time Relationships: Eddie Kaspbrak/Richie Tozier, Beverly Marsh/Ben Hanscom Additional Tags: PunkRocker!Eddie, Writer!Richie, Beveddie!Friendship, No Clown Written by: myself & @ahardlife​ Tag list: @richietoaster, @beproudtozier, @that-weird-girls-blog, @s-onora, @s-s-georgie, @bellarosewrites, @iamcupcakefrosting, @reddieonwheels, @ghostnebula, @madidraw @madi-main, @gazebobullshit, @thoughtfullyyoungduck​, @airbenderking
Puff piece writer Richie Tozier is given the chance of a lifetime to interview his celebrity crush: Dr. K, the lead singer of punk rock band, Trashmouth. Dr. K is about to release his first solo album and Richie wants to get all the dirty details. But all is not what it appears to be and the two realize they know each other from a different time, in a different place, when they were both very different people.
Chapters one, two, three
Angels - Robbie Williams 
I sit and wait Does an angel contemplate my fate And do they know The places where we go When we're grey and old 'Cause I have been told That salvation lets their wings unfold So when I'm lying in my bed Thoughts running through my head And I feel the love is dead I'm loving angels instead
Richie felt like he was running a mile a minute, even when he was behind the wheel of a car. His throat was tight and his head felt it had been pound against concrete. He rubbed his eyes behind his glasses, trying to collect himself as he sat in the parking lot of the hotel. He couldn’t go in there looking like a deranged lunatic.
He had his badge from Paper Boat and made sure to dress appropriately before heading to the hotel. He didn’t want them to think he was some kind of crazed fan who had a weapon on him. And yeah, maybe he was partially a crazed fan, but he wasn't carrying any weapon. When he went to the front desk, asking for the room number, he showed everything he had to. After checking with Dr. K’s assistant (Beverly, of course) he was given access and lead up to the suite.
He knocked on the door, practically holding his breath as he waited. And waited, and waited, and waited. And for a hot second, he thought maybe he wasn’t even there. He was a fucking rockstar for God's sake, who fucking knew what he was doing with his time!
And then the door opened and Dr. K was standing there, looking as gorgeous as ever. He didn’t seem all too surprised to see Richie there, but he also didn’t look like he was expecting him either. “Richie. Hi.”
“Hey.” He breathed softly.
“What’s up?” Dr. K asked with a soft smile. And there it was… a glimpse of the old Eddie he used to love. Used to? Or still loved? Did love ever truly die or was humanity just too soft?
“Oh. I was just . . . in the neighborhood.” Richie said, rolling on the balls of his feet, setting aside the rambling in his head. “Do you mind if I come in?”
Dr. K stood there for another moment before stepping aside. The moment he was allowed access, Richie rushed right in, his fingers combing through his hair slowly. “I lied,” he said as soon as the door was closed behind him. “I wasn’t in the neighborhood.”
“I sort of guessed that Rich,” the other said with a slight chuckle as he walked up to him.
“I came here because you’re . . . you.”
“I’m me.” Dr. K breathed out with a shrug.
“You’re . . . shit, man.” Richie began pacing back and forth, breathing deeply.
He had thought about it over and over again in the car. All the things he wanted to say to the other man. All the emotions that he had pent up and buried deep inside since they were just kids. And now it was his chance to spit it all out, but he just couldn’t.
He didn’t look like Eddie. Eddie was short and wore bobby socks and short-shorts with a rainbow pattern. A polo shirt and bleached white shoes and always carrying around an inhaler. The little boy with the perfectly cut hair and adorable dimples. That was the Eddie he knew. The Eddie he loved.
This man wasn’t that kid anymore. He was in jeans and a black shirt. Muscles that could be seen through the shirt and combed back hair. He had tattoos and bags under his eyes.
Though that smile. That stupid fucking smile was the same. Richie knew it from the moment he saw it in person.
That beautiful, boyish smile. After a decade and a half that still hasn’t changed.
“I thought you were dead!” Richie snapped after a moment, turning to face the other man. “I thought . . . you just fucking disappeared, man. You were there and then you weren’t and I never heard from you again.”
“I said goodbye,” Dr. K mentioned somberly.
But it wasn’t supposed to be their goodbye. Eddie had snuck out one final time before his mother moved them away. They were just thirteen but so much shit happened between them. They were kids who were forced to grow up due to the hate that society wore as a badge of honor.
Richie thought about that night often, dreaming of it until it slowly began to haunt him like a nightmare it was. Living with the knowledge that he’d never see this one person again. Eddie was the only person who made Richie feel like he was worth something and then he was gone in a flash and all he had left were the memories he wished he could forget.
“I tried to find you, but nothing came up,” Richie confessed to him. “Eddie Kaspbrak didn’t exist anymore.”
“He doesn’t. Not really. I don’t have personal social media or any of that shit. Beverly keeps all my personal information under lock and key.”
“This is . . . I feel like I’m in the Twilight Zone, man.”
“I know this isn’t ideal Rich, but I’m glad you know.” Dr. K -- Eddie, he was Eddie -- admitted. “The moment I found out that you’d be the one interviewing me. Rich, I thought I was losing my mind.”
“ You’re losing your mind?” Richie laughed aloud. “I’ve seen you over a dozen times in concert! I have shirts with your face on them. I’ve fucking jacked off to you dude, and now I’m finding out you’re my fucking childhood sweetheart or some shit.”
“Why are you mad about this?”
“I’m not mad!” Richie snapped. “I’m just . . . I’m not good with my emotions, okay?” He moved to plop down on the couch, hiding his face in his hands. “After you left, I had no one okay? It took a ridiculously long time for me to get around with being comfortable in my skin again. I tried to forget about that time, you know? I tried to move on, but it’s hard. And I thought I accomplished it, but now you’re back and all those memories and emotions are coming back.”
Richie didn’t know if he wanted to run away or vomit. Maybe a bit of both. He honestly had no clue, but what he did know was that he needed to focus on something other than the harsh reality, mostly because it wasn’t all that harsh, to begin with.
For years he had hoped and prayed that he’d see Eddie again and know that the other guy was all right. That his mother didn’t hurt him or send him somewhere that killed his beautiful spirit. Richie didn’t know how Eddie went from being the sweet little kid with the inhaler in his fanny pack to the punk rock God that was Dr. K but he was sure the transition was interesting enough.
Eddie was beside him suddenly, a hand placed on his shoulder as they sat together on the couch. “I missed you, Rich.” He admitted quietly.
“Fuck, Eddie.”
He was Eddie. He could call him that now. He could look to this guy and not only see this amazing rock star but also his childhood best friend all grown up. They were both all grown up and that scared Richie more than anything.
“I have like . . . nine hundred questions.” He admitted with a soft laugh.
Eddie smiled in response, giving his shoulder a gentle squeeze. “Well, I’m free for the rest of the night, so if you want to ask, lay them on me.”
Richie didn’t know where to start so he just started babbling out questions at lightning speed. What the fuck happened to him after he moved away? How did he survive his mother’s intolerance? How did he join Trashmouth? Fucking Trashmouth !
“I can’t believe my favorite band is named after me,” Richie mentioned quietly. “That’s like, a total mind fuck dude.”
“The label was putting it all together and needed something extremely alternative,” Eddie admitted, leaning back on the opposite side of the couch.
They were sitting together, face to face the same way they would on the old hammock in Richie’s backyard. Legs tangled, feet near the face.
“Trashmouth sounded so ridiculous and they ended up loving it.”
“I feel like I deserve some revenue or something.” Richie teased. “All right. One name down. Now I have to know the other. Dr. K?”  
“You’re the one who gave it to me,” Edde mentioned fondly. “Every time you’d wipe out on your bike or do something to get yourself hurt, I’d bust my ass to get you fixed up.”
“Dude, I was making a Kevorkian joke,” Richie admitted, laughing as he thought back to all the teasing he had done to the poor kid until their true feelings came out.
Of course, even when they were technically an item and disgustingly in love despite only being twelve and thirteen, they still teased one another. It’s just how they were. That was their thing and it worked wonderfully for them.
“Yeah well. Some people say I kill on stage, so it works.”
“I’ll drink to that,” Richie said, raising the tiny water bottle they had taken from the minibar and sipping at it. As it turned out, Eddie wasn’t a hard drinker. He had gotten over that part of his life it seemed. He confessed to Richie that he dabbled in the rock star lifestyle a little too hard in the beginning and gave it all up so he wouldn’t join the 27-Club.
Too many nights snorting things he shouldn’t be snorting and waking up in a bed with someone whose name he never learned left Eddie slightly scarred and he wanted nothing more to do than to grow from those experiences and be better.
There were still so many things that he wanted to ask him, so many answers that he wanted, but he knew they couldn’t go over it all at this moment. He tried to keep it slow, not wanting to bombard Eddie the first time they got to do this.
Eddie was moving then, suddenly sitting up so he was in the middle of the couch, resting in the entanglement of their limbs. “Did you see me sixteen times?” He inquired.
“On the third time I had the chance to go backstage, but I dipped last minute due to my nerves,” Richie admitted, quietly wishing he had something harder to drink.
“Seriously? God, if we had . . . Rich, we could have reconnected so much earlier.”
“Trust me, you did not want to know college-Richie, okay? My hair was greasy, and my face was all sorts of fucked up. I was in the closet and I desperately needed to be held.”
“Rich. I think you’re forgetting that I used to swap spit with eighth-grade-Richie, who sounds identical to college-Richie.”
“I can’t believe you said swap-spit without cringing. Where did my little hypochondriac go?”
“I think he died of a cocaine overdose a few years back,” Eddie joked dryly, going to lay back on the couch.
“So that’s really what rock and rollers do? Do drugs, sleep around, and drink until you can’t remember your name?”
“Something like that,” Eddie drawled out. “When they put the band together I wasn’t in a good place. I was good and I knew that. People told me that constantly. People said I was talented and put little white lines in front of me and offered me girls and when I said I didn’t want girls they offered me, guys. Some people were put off with the idea of a gay rockstar but others thought it would be a new wave or inventive. Woke or whatever.”
“Will you tell me about it? How it all began?”
“What are you doing tomorrow?”
Richie raised a brow, taken aback by the question. “Wait you wanna see me again?” He asked dumbly.
“Hell yeah, I wanna see you! We have seventeen years to catch up on, asshole. I wanna know what else you’ve been doing up to this point.”
Richie snorted, really, really wishing he was drinking something stronger. “I can assure you, it won’t be half as interesting as everything you’ve been doing.”
“Let me be the judge of that.”
Eddie had something to do the following morning but he’d be free the afternoon. Richie had already told Bill that he wanted to work in the article so he’d use that excuse to not show up to the office.
It was strange, making plans like these. With a friend. With Eddie. Eddie was his friend. Not a best friend like he had been years ago, but it was still something.
Richie left the suite wondering what in the hell just happened. After years of wondering and searching, he finally found that long lost best friend and there was barely an ounce of awkwardness to it.
Okay, maybe an ounce only because it was still so hard to see him as Eddie and not Dr. K. Richie was eager to know how he got from point A to B but he’d wait for that.
If Eddie stayed in his life then he’d wait forever.
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abstracttheworld · 5 years
so i had a wild ass dream and im blabbing about it here. under the cut cause it long
So heres the wild ass super long dream
it started out with, i think, me having some friends over and expressing concern over having the screen door to my house locked, citing bad dreams about a man coming to the door and demanding entry, and then having to fight him. I'd always win tho.
Then it jumepd to me being asleep? And having other bad dreams, and trying to wake ...a sibling? Cousin? up so he could take me to class on time. He did not wake in time and i panicked with only like 25 minutes to shower, get ready, and get there.
Then it jumped to there being very strange people hanging out in the space between my house and the neighbors, also the neighbor being like, part of the mob? Or something? Something to do with metal hoarding? Anyway it was weird af.
Two of the weird people got in the car with me and my dad, dad disappeared and i was at a store with the weird people, getting roped into shoplifting with a very complicated act and story.
It involves me pretending one of them is my father? Even tho im still an adult, clearly so? And the other idk- note: it was a lady and a dude before but now its two dudes. for some reason I was trying to steal ds styluses? and one big one for...something else?
anyway we get caught because i Can't Do ItTM , and me and one of the dudes laughingly explain to a clerk about the tale we lied about, but the other dude walks in and the clerk, who is a lady, waves and is like "sir i have your daughter!" and the dude is like awkwardly smiling and coming over to kiss my forehead or w/e and i promptly explain yeah that was a lie plz just arrest me
and we do and while were in the police car one of the dudes becomes some guy in a youtube channel? weird but aight hes cool
and i actually dream i have a panic attack. in the police car. but im like "its cool my meds are in my backpack" which for some reason hasnt be confiscated. and i chew them up and swallow.
and somewhere along the way as we get to the station my friend is inthe car with me and i ask her to lock my phone for me cause idk how so like, privacy. she disappears after that???
at the police thing we're walked in and like, briefly read papers or something? and then taken to the cafeteria and i grab like, chili and fries. im briefly made fun of by the food lady for getting so much food but i brush it off.
i sit down to eat and someone? a officer lady? comes by and is like "would u guys like different bowls, they seem pretty dirty" and i and the dude have to explain nah we just like, dipped them in sauce and stuff be accident.
briefly im like “huh this isnt as bad as i thought, its like, more like a normal cafeteria”
then the cops who arrested us come in. Suddenly its like, two older dudes with me? and one younger person? and they basically release the younger one, i think, all chill, and the older ones get off easier. And im called like "young lady, come with me, this has been a big misunderstanding, and we need to fix this"
and the cop is like, weirdly friendly and jovial and takes me to some room WITH A BED and im like. nah. w/e you were thinking of doing in a room with a bed with me is a nope. put me in jail.
and he like. BRINGS OUT SOME SAPIENT ANGRY GOOSE LADY? its just a goose with eyelashes- and is like YOU CAN BARE THE NEW SPECIES LET HER LAY EGGS IN YOU and im like LMAO NO
and he tries to stop me from leaving only i bust ass back to the food area and slam the doors shut and suddenly like...do magic? to lock the doors? and then suddenly everyone realizes they have powers too and its somehow connected to some other realm?
so now we gotta like. go on a journey, me and this one dude now- who was one of the weird people, and he was like "aren't you worried about your family missing you?" and im like "its cool i guess"
so we jump to some weird old mansion to look for clues and theres this shadow trying to come at us in the dark and we have to like, yoga sit pose and clasp our hands together to then shoot a ball of light? but it ends up getting me and as im dragged down im trying to reassure the dude that "its okay i think this is a scripted event"
and i get dumped into a weird room with a ton of kettles, cauldrons, and iron and stone statues, and a TALKING CARROT that i decide is deku explains to me that there is a force corrupted here that i need to stop or itll take over the top world.
the dude shows up and is like UR OKAY and im like yeah and fill him in
and as we leave the weird room i grab carrot deku and take him with me, and he turns into a teddybear as i leave.
i think for a time we were still in the weird world and its like...currently mimicing my stuff? who i find attractive? so its a bunch of the same people walking around waving at me n shit while dekubear is in my arms.
i think somewhere toward the end of this part, i encounter like...vaguely fantasy themed kiri on the road? and imiediately run up to smooch? and the guy im with teases me about how im macking one some other dude, the dekubear, and now this guy.
Then...i think it jumps to a different scene of me and him walking? the rando dude? its kinda jumbled there in sequence so i cant remember for sure
we start walking and for a while its my mother instead of the dude, and im trying to explain to her whats going on, i think? for a second were in the car, but then walking again
and im like "its not just the people in our yard. theres like. huge fucking deer all over the city just wandering and going into peoples yards. i think i prefer the deer over the guy who tries to break in..."
and then we're walking again and suddenly a huge tv thats...mounted on a tree? across the street? shows some older lady who i know as "bertha" and im like ..."BERTHA CAN U HEAR ME. BERTHA IM HERE" and some random eprson is like "bruh its a tv that doesnt-"
but then bertha responds and wigs out the rando lmao
i forget the conversation but i end up walking mroe and now i have a friend with me too? and some dude like...grabs the friend? but not? maybe its someone else? but obvi hes trying to kidnap her or something and me and the friend basically go ape on his ass and its great. knock him out and put items from the mysteriously present store shelf in the middle of a road.
i then walk into a store but apprently all the people in it are this duo whose trying to stop me from ending the corrupt force in the other world?
but then i do some spell and dissolve their illusion and its normal people. but some are like...people i met in the other world?
like some blonde dude who has to do with "scanning" as im getting items sanned (its like a cvs or some shit) and i look startled as he makes a joke about scanning me like YOU RMEEMBER but nah he doesnt its one of those "people from the dream world are real but dont know wtf ur on about"
and then the other is some girl in a wheelchair who was a princess? but is now just a rich girl whose kinda vapid but im like. its cool.
also i think by that point dekubear has disspeared and that is Sad.
the end, i think? i got woken up.
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