#u hug him and he holds you there until katsuki makes him let you go
sems-diarie · 3 months
pro hero deku has a fleshlight of you. it’s off brand hero merch from some shady corner of his city. it had caught him by surprise, he hadn’t been looking for it.
well, izuku hadn’t been looking for a fleshlight with.. you on it. it’s a particularly tasteful design—he blames that, of all things, when he decides to slap some hundred dollar bills on the register and scurries away without making eye contact with anyone.
(that’s how much it cost, right? he might’ve left some over in change. izuku doesn’t really check until after he’s home and his pants have barely even collapsed to his thighs. and your printed tits bounce with every fucking stroke to the hilt, to his balls. izuku can’t tear his eyes off of your stickered, cute little face as he grinds down harder over the toy. humping down into it lets him see you better when he spreads his legs and fucks the well-lubed fleshlight like it really is you, his balls smacking lewdly with the filthy wet sounds. it’s less like he checks, and more like izuku stumbles into the price tag as he’s wiping a fat glob of cum off the god forsaken thing.)
snooping around where he shouldn’t be, katsuki finds it—used, dear god!—and threatens to tell you, their beloved, angel-dearest friend, about it every time deku does something to even mildly piss him off. deku cries :(
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serxinns · 6 months
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Ok, so you know this post? Made by @lets-get-kraken-boys I wanted to make an image of another reason why readers went to the big 3 for comfort and help HEAR ME OUT
So imagine one day you weren't in a good mood and didn't wanna deal with your classmates today but their overbearing behavior towards you was just making it worse
"C'mon y/n just one more game!" Mina said while pulling your arm rather strong "Mina I said no please leave me alone I don't feel like it "But it'll be so much fun!" Hakagure said while pulling your arm you "I said NO" you yelled pulling away from hakagures grip harshly and walked away the 2 girls stood there in shock and hurt a bit are u ok? were you hurt!
"Y/n why aren't you coming to eat dinner with us is everything OK?" You groaned just wanting to be left alone and eat in your room but were interrupted by your class rep iida knocking on the door every second you didn't respond "Yes iida I'm fine I just wanted to eat alone" you said not wanting to sound annoyed to make iida leave "but all your friends are worried and want you to be there even Mina and hakagure said you were in a bad mood so-" "I'm fine iida you can go now I don't want to eat dinner with you, especially with all of you today goodbye"
Iida was shocked at your behavior and response you were usually the one who never gets angry or upset which made him more nervous than before he had to go in there and help you out! "No y/n there's Cleary something wrong! You can talk to me ill listen" Iida began banging on your door which made you more overwhelmed and pissed so without any hesitation "I DONT NEED HELP LEAVE ME ALONE YOURE MAKING IT WORSE" You threw a heavy book at the door which surprise Iida as he backed up, defeated he went slowly went back to the dinner table the class looked at him confused and ask how were you doing but he didn't answer just looked down
You just got back from the convenience store to get some snacks Lucky for you they got your favorite snack and brand all at a cheap price with a drink in hand but unfortunately for you, there were some of your classmates were in the common room and it and even worse it was bakugo and his gang watching a movie you quietly tried to sneak pass with all your might trying not to make a sound, it was all going smoothly until bakugo saw your shadow figure "Oi! Fuckface!" You mentally cursed at yourself you just had to encounter the person you didn't wanna deal with today, the infamous Bakugo Katsuki.
"what do you want im not really In the mood to deal with your Bullshit" At the moment you just keep walking ignoring him for the best but it wasn't the best option for Bakugo "Oi don't ignore me!" He was now off the couch "Bakubro that isn't very manly" Kirishima sternly said while but Bakugo scoff "Fuck off shifty hair, hey why aren't you joining us for a movie what are you scared?" He said teasingly like he was trying to taut you "Bakugo I'm not in the mood for your Bullshit today so please just leave me alone" You once again turned away and began to walk to your dorm until a strong hand grabbed you and yanked you
"Ha!? What do you mean you're not in the mood jeez are you ready to cry or something because of my comments why are you even trying to be a hero if your feelings get hurt so easily!?" Now he was pushing it, your hand was gripping the plastic bags Hard now shaking... tears threatening to swell up "Bakugo that's enough! You're making it worse! it's okay sweetie" Mina said hugging you even tho you tried to push her off but she kept insisting trying to hold on to you to the point it was suffocating was rather discomforting
"Aw, now you need an alien to hug you, wow you're really that weak I can already see the tears haha! If your gonna be a hero your gonna have to suck it u-" "SHUT UP"
You breathe heavily seeing your blonde classmate, butt on the floor, stunned holding his bloody nose but you weren't done you tackle him, pinned his arms down with your legs, and decided to punch him repeatedly "YOU THINK *thud* YOUR SO BETTER THEN ME *thud* ALWAYS TOSSING ME AROUND LIKE SOME STUPID TOY *thud* MAKING COMMENTS ABOUT HOW I LOOK *thud* ABOUT HOW I FIGHT *thud* ABOUT...ANYTHING* WHY *Thud* CANT*thud* YOU *thud* JUST *thud* LEAVE *thud* ME *thud* ALONE!! *thud* bakugo's face was already caked with blood and bruises and a black eye
Bakugo tried to pry you off telling you to stop but his face was so beaten up and his throat hurt from your punching it hurt for him to try, but you made her his arms were pinned, and all the anger, the frustration the memories the everything that happens to your life plus adrenaline was making you keep going
every single one of your classmates was screaming panicking, confused and begging to calm down, Kirishima tried to pull you off telling you thats enough but you used your quirk making him crash to the wall a bit causing a dent and him having a bloody nose, everyone watched in horror, shocked some even amused the girls mostly hakagure, Mina, and momo cried and begged desperately for you to stop they didn't want you to get more house arrest days or worse expelled, Iida managed to get out of his shocked and pry you off of him
It should've made Bakugo angry at you and PISSED even cause the great Bakugo katsuki was getting beaten by an "extra" like you but it strangely made him giddy...? Was he more determined to be the big bad wolf or Was he enjoying you berating and beating the absolute shit out of him, proving to everyone how insecure and stupid he was for underestimating you?
When Iida Finally pried you off of Bakugo you stood up ready to say even more stuff to him but you froze in shock, fear, and confusion a passed-out blonde caked with blood and bruises all over his face red and purplish spots forming on his cheeks his nose oozing out blood like a waterfall but fortunately no teeth have been knocked out you looked at your work in horror you slowly raised your hand shuddering seeing that it was full of bruises and blood and your clothes covered in blood his blood
Every classmate was looking at you it wasn't in hate nor disgust but pity, worry, and scared as much as they were worried about Bakugo they were worried about you more, Iida slowly tried to come to you to talk to you or to at least comfort you "y/n... I" before he could speak you ran pushing past your classmates not caring if they fell, Iida stood there in disbelief while Kirishima and Denki carefully grabbed bakugo by the shoulder escorting him to recovery girl
while the rest of your classmates were still in shock they wanted to go find you!! they do if they all talked about it nicely and you behave and force Bakugo to apologize then everything is ok!! They banged on your dorm room but you weren't there they searched all around the school the bathrooms, the halls everywhere but you weren't there!! where could their darling be!?
You crouched down in an empty hallway and managed to get some of your snacks you held the snack in hand still bloodied, you slowly took a bite out of it while a big glob of tears was finally released you were crying now like a fool, like you didn't just beat the shit out of your classmate, just when you were about to take another bite and just mope alone 3 familiar voices made you lift your head they ran up to you worriedly when they saw your bloody clothes and knuckles
The big 3 crouching down to your level Neijire on one side rubbing your back Tamaki giving you a handkerchief to blow your nose and dry your eyes and Mirio couching down at your level rubbing your shoulders giving you a smile
" What's wrong lovebug why all the tears," Neijire said looking sympathetic
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sinfulpanda16 · 7 months
🩷 Valentines Day 🩷
Katsuki Bakugou, Izuku Midoriya, Shoto Todoroki x you
Happy Valentines Day! How did you guys celebrate it? ^^
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He had his eyes closed shut with his teeth gritted as you guided him through the park.
"Where the hell are you taking me huh?" he asks with a rough tone.
You giggle "We're almost there Kats." you tell him and then after a few more steps you announce, "We're here! Open your eyes." Bakugou opens his eyes and immediately is in awe with the view in front of him. You brought him to a state park, where there's a waterfall, trees with pink and green leaves, and so many flowers everywhere. You didn't disappoint and right in front you two laid a picnic. A valentines themed picnic if you will, with a rose in the middle.
Katsuki's cheeks turn a bit pink, "Dumbass" he says with a quiet voice. You giggle and pull him with you to sit down and enjoy some of the food. You brought bentos for the two of you, some chocolates, and candy.
You both ate and chatted but the whole time Katsuki was a bit on edge. You didn't notice until you stopped eating that Katsuki had somehing in his mind that was clearly eating him. "Kats are you okay?" you ask with a worried tone.
Katsuki snaps out of his thoughts and turns to look at you, "I'm fine dumbass...just-" he looks away again. You can tell he's trying to open up, but its really hard for him to do so. You continue being patient with him until he finally says, "I got you something too." in a low grumpy tone.
Wait really? You didn't expect him to get you anything.
He pulls out note, "I know I'm not good at this shit or whatever but...this should tell you everything." he explains not looking at you. He hands you the note and you take it. You open and see there's a little paper rose taped to the note. You begin reading it
You are a cute and a very amazing person. Shut up, if u disagree with me i'll kill you! You make me very happy and I enjoy spending time with you when we're in class together, sparing together or when you take me to one of your stupid date ideas. I know I don't tell you enough and I'm working on it but trust me when I write in this leter that I love you. You're the only extra I want to love and put up with. You better not forget or doubt it. Signed your man, Katsuki Bakugou
You smile warmly and look up at him. He's embarrassed but you ignore his flushed face and go in for a hug. "Aww lover I love you two!" he waves off your comment but anyone can clearly see how much he loves it when you tell him you love him. You smile, "And I'm proud of you.
The rest of the date you guys chilled, walked around the park, he let you make him a flower crown (even though he put up a fight about letting you wear it) and later went home. When you got home you decided you were going to frame his note. One day he will look back at it and see just how much he's grown.
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When you arrive at school you are greeted by your boyfriend Izuku Midoriya. Upon seeing you he smiles brightly and heads towards you holding a single rose.
You smile and open your arms for him, "Hi baby! Happy Valentines Day!" you say.
He giggles, "Happy Valentines Day love." he says going into your embrace and wrapping your arms around him. You two hug for a moment and then he pulls away and gives you the rose with a blush on his cheeks. You two looked so cute and wholesome that the other students around smiled at your cute interaction.
The two spent the whole school day by each other and everyone in Class 1-A thought you two were so cute together. For lunch you two decided to spend alone in a classroom away from everyone else. You fed each other some food talked about your friends with their partners and how cute they looked. It was a chill day and then he says, "After school I want to take you somewhere." with a gummy smile.
You laugh, "Where will you take me?"
He feeds you another spoonful of your food and says, "Its a surprise."
So later afterschool you two exit UA together and he grabs you hand and starts running dragging you along with him. You're caught of guard but manage to keep up "Zuku! Where are we going?" you ask gripping onto your rose tightly to which he only replies, "Its a surprise!" with a bright smile on his face.
He takes you inside a convenient store and the nice old lady see's you two enter, "Oh Midoriya I have your basket ready for you." she says holding out a cute basket with a red ribbon around it.
Izuku takes it and thanks the lady, "Come on, this way." he tells you and heads towards the backroom where the stairs to roof are. He brings you up to the roof and from there you can see the evening sky and all of Japan. You've never seen a view like this before, its so pretty.
"Zuku this is lovely." you say holding your rose close to your chest.
He chuckles and you turn around to look at him. He holds out the gift basket for you, "Here love. This is for you too." and hands it to you. You can see there's more flowers for you, a little teddy bear, chocolate hearts, candy hearts, your favorite snacks, candle for you, and cookies. It's so cute, your boyfriend is so cute.
You smile warmly, "Oh my love. Thank you for this." he can see the look in your eyes about feeling like this was too much and he goes to reassure you that its ok. He only wants to gift his love for you. Smiling you go in for a kiss. He blushes a bit but goes in for it and you two a savor it.
You pull away after and smile warmly, "Thank you darling. I love you."
He returns your warm smile "I love you too my love."
The two of you hung out on that rooftop until it was time to go home.
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Todoroki was thinking about today and what he can do for you. He figures he could just take you out to the mall and spoil you. So on Valentines day when you gifted him flowers and chocolates he tells you he's taking you to the mall to buy you whatever you want.
You look at him with confusion, "Shoto, are you sure? You don't have to spend so much money on me." you say.
He looks at you with a smile, "Beautiful its ok, I want to spend my Endeavors' money on you. I like spoiling you." he explains. Ever since Shoto met you all he's wanted to do was treat you like a goddess. The first time he saw you he was stars trucked, so beautiful and different. It's something he's never felt before and he asked the Deku Squad about these foreign feelings and long story short, he loves you so much.
Without another word he holds you hand and says, "Come on lets go." and starts walking towards the direction of the mall. When you two get there, he tells you to lead the way. You two walked around the mall enjoying yourselves. He bought you those anime posters you've been wanting and those shoes you thought looked cute. It was fun and then Shoto gets a call.
He stops walking and you look up at him. He answers the call and talks to the other person for a bit. He smiles and thanks the person on the other line and hangs up.
"That was my older sister Fuyumi. She invited us for a dinner." he explains.
His sister! You were not expecting to get invited to the Todoroki house for a feast all of a sudden. The only family you've met was his mother. You ask him, "Why did she invite me?" a bit confused by the sudden invite.
Shoto smiles, "I told my family about you and they've been wanting to meet you, my sister in particular. So she said she was gonna organize this dinner so she can finally meet you."
He told his family about you? That was really sweet of him but you also know that his family has been at a rough patch. You weren't sure if being there would cause more discomfort.
You're quiet for a moment and Todoroki notices, "If you don't want to go its ok love. I can just cancel."
You reply quickly, "No I want to, its just really sudden thats all." reassuring him by squeezing his hand. He smiles softly, "Let's go then." he says and walks home with you hand in hand.
When you arrive you were shocked, the dinner was Valentines Themed. Pink all around and for dessert they had heart cookies, cake, and chocolates. You were also shocked to see Endeavor there. Todoroki didn't tell him personally he found out through Fuyumi. He wanted to meet you too.
Dinner was pleasant, Shotos siblings loved you and asked you questions about yourself wanting to get to know you better. They were all so kind and Endeavor himself was liking you. He didn't show it but Shoto and his siblings could tell he approved. He liked that your quirk was strong and liked your personality overall.
Later that evening you and him go to visit his mother. When you entered you two handed your Valentines gift to her. She loved her presents but both of you were shocked when she got matching outfits for the three of you.
You celebrated Valentines Day with your lover and his family and you can tell they all already love you so much.
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thebest-medicine · 2 months
if ur still doing summer prompts, could u do #71 with lee!bakugou and ler!bakusquad? (aka kiri, sero, mina, and denki lol). those mfs looove getting on bakugou’s nerves, so i feel like it’s fitting lmao. thank you!!
Prompt 71 - “This isn't cuddling! This is an attack!”
A/N: I am indeed! thanks for asking! and it's their job to snuggle and make their grumpy friend smile ok
“….You guys look fucking stupid.” Bakugo says skeptically as he rounds the corner of the couch and sees Sero, Kaminari, Kirishima, and Mina tangled up in a cuddle pile as they watch TV for the night.
“Join us!” Mina declares.
“Yeah, it’s nice, bro! Come on in!” Kaminari waves him over
“You have got to be joking. I wouldn’t be caught dead—”
With a wink, Sero suddenly whips a line of tape out and wraps it around their explosive friend’s arm. “Come on!”
“Shove it! I shouldn’t have even come over here!”
“Don’t say that!” Ashido scoffs, then continues in a bit of a sing-song. “You know you want to!”
“Yeah, bro!” Kirishima agrees.
Katsuki rolls his eyes, only to feel the shock of a hand wrapping around his wrist. It’s firm, hard. Kirishima. Then, just as he’s about to complain, there’s another hand - this time it’s on his other wrist. His friends are grinning, shifting their place to make a little opening, and…
With a quick tug, Bakugo is on the couch, and soon finds himself at the center of all of his friend’s attention as they quickly shuffle to incorporate (trap) him into their snuggly conglomeration.
“ARGHH- NO! GET OFF!” Katsuki shouts, tensing and squirming away as his friends squish ever closer.
“Why so grumpy, Bakugo? We just wanna show you some looooooove.” Mina teases, drawing his arm toward herself and nuzzling into his shoulder.
Bakugo feels his face warm up, and everyone fusses about until they’re all tangled again. Katsuki looks annoyed, sounds annoyed, but he doesn’t blow them up.
A short while later, Bakugo speaks again but in a softer, less harsh tone. “What, so you guys just. Sit like this.? How is this even comfortable.?”
“Whaaaaat? It so is comfortable.” Kaminari protests.
“You need to relax a little — accept our love and you’ll feel better!” Mina says.
“Come on, Bakubro, she’s right, you’re too tense. You gotta relax. Just enjoy it!” Kirishima assures him.
“Yeah, isn’t it nice to just relax with your friends sometimes? Turn that frown upside down! Do you not like us or something?” Kaminari teases. He pokes a couple times at Bakugo’s side as he talks, making his friend tense up even further.
“What’s this?” Kaminari grins. “You ticklish here or something?” He pokes at the spot - somewhere around the bottom of Bakugo’s rib cage - a few more times.
“Wait, really? Are you?” Mina gasps, delighted.
“Shut up, you don’t know what you’re talking about! Let me out of this idiot sandwich already!”
“That’s not very nice of you.” Sero sticks out his tongue and then pokes into Bakugo’s other side. He flinches toward Kaminari, but there’s nowhere to go.
“S-Stop it.” Katsuki warns, his eyes scanning for an exit. It’s hopeless.
He hears Mina giggle excitedly before he feels a set of wiggling fingers in his armpit. “AHAA- WAIT!” He sucks in a breath, starting to try to fight his way out. For the first time since he started protesting, they actually have to put in a little elbow grease to hold him this time.
“Let us cuddle you!” Mina insists.
“T-This isn’t cuddling.” Bakugo argues. “This is- this is an attack!” His voice is higher than usual, flighty. It…almost sounds like he’s holding back a laugh.
This only emboldens his attackers, who - with smiles and laughs of their own - begin tickling and prodding at him even more.
“Alright.” Mina smirks as she continues. “You’re right but… I’m just practicing my new move!”
Bakugo looks at her quizzically despite his poor attempt to hide his laughter.
“It’s called the super-cuddly-tickle-attack! Hyaaaah!” She cries out, then wraps her arms around him in a hug and positions her fingers at either side of his rib cage.
“N-Nahaha DON’T! Bahaha dohohon’t- you ihihihidiots!”
“You’ll feel a lot better in a few minutes!” Sero assures him.
Once they tire him out a bit, Katsuki finds he is much more receptive to the cuddling. The tickling subsides to his friends pulling him in close, and they watch the next episode of the show together.
[more sentence starter fic prompts]
[other sentence starter fics]
[read this & further MHA drabbles on ao3]
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renon4224 · 1 year
WIP 2 Fire On Fire
Chapter One: June 18, Wednesday, Izuku Midoriya, after school
Mom was asking me to pick up Kioko from Kacchan’s house, she was babysitting Kacchan’s little sister. Great, every time I pick her up Kioko’s always talking to Kacchan, about everything that happens even if it’s little. She’s the reason he’s so cruel. He’s gotten better, but only with his agency.
-At the Bakugous’-
I took a deep breath and knocked, Mr. Bakugou answered, “Hello there young Midoriya, are you here for Kioko?”
“Yes, please.” 
Mr. Bakugou turned, looking into the rest of the house, “Kioko, your brother’s here.” He looked at me, “You can come in while you’re waiting for her.” He gestured, wanting me to come in.
-Kioko Midoriya-
I was packing my stuff when Bakugou walked in, I haven’t called him Katsuki since he was in sixth grade, four years ago.
“Hey there Kioko.” He smiled and went to check on Akemi, when he came back he had a sort of glow.
It was a glow that had followed him since his parents adopted Akemi last year, she had been in the system for a while and they thought that having a child in the house could help him calm down, and it did. 
“Hey-” I always got tongue-tied, I never knew if I should call Bakugou by his first name because we already knew each other, or his last name because we haven’t talked in four years.
He turned, a lazy grin plastered on his face, it was fake, he always had a fake grin, he didn’t like other people noticing it though, “What’s wrong?” The grin disappeared, replaced by the same concern he had whenever we talked about Akemi’s antics.
I blinked, then laughed, “Nothing,” He really did worry about her.
He clutched his heart, “You can’t scare me like that Kiko,” He joked, but…he used the nickname he used when we were younger.
“You called me Kiko…..” My eyes were dark, the last time he called me that was a game of truth or dare that….didn’t go too well.
A cloud washed over him, and his shoulders drooped slightly, “Oh….yeah.”
-Katsuki Bakugou-
I forgot all about the game, it was so stupid….I was just following through with the dare, but it changed everything.
She looked away, her eyes clouded, I forgot how much the dare affected her, “It-it’s fine, don’t worry about it.” She smiled, the same fake smile she gives Deku and her mom, and everyone else.
She finished packing her stuff up and put her new batch of cookies in the cookie jar, walking past the living room, she shoved Deku to get into the street. Deku glared at me, I just shrugged, he thought that Kiko told me everything about him when most of our conversations are centred on Akemi. I only know the things I know because he is terrible at hiding anything.
-Akemi Bakugou-
I peeked out my bedroom window, Kioko was standing there, she was waiting for someone, so I creeped out of my room and tried to walk past everyone. Katsuki spotted me, so I ran outside, giggles escaping me until I was hugging Kioko’s legs, my big brother on the other side.
“You can’t catch me, because then you’d have to catch Kioko.” I taunted, and my brother made it a rule to never touch Kioko, he always looked pained when he looked at her.
“Akemi.” Kioko wasn’t looking at me or Katsuki, she was looking at the ground, trying to hold back tears, “Please.”
“Sorry.” I let go, I didn’t want to make Kioko sad.
“Go inside Kemi.” Brother’s voice was grim, he was sad too.
-Izuku Midoriya-
Kacchan was standing so close to Kioko, it was just like that day in sixth grade. Kioko was swaying, she was probably dizzy. I moved forward to catch her, but she moved away, towards Kacchan. She never touched him, after sixth grade, I’m surprised she even comes over here. She was still staring at the ground, her swaying stopped and Kacchan was called inside for dinner. I grabbed Kioko’s wrist and pulled her along with me.
“Let go.” Her voice was made of ice, ever since she came back from America, she wasn’t the same, she was always cold to everyone except Akemi and Kacchan.
“No, we need to get home.” I was used to walking home alone for the past three years, last year I lived on campus so walking home wasn’t a thing. 
Now I have to pick up Kioko every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday after work, and every single day she always makes us late for dinner since Dad’s home, I’m supposed to make a good impression on him so he’ll try and postpone his next trip or take me with him.
-Kioko Midoriya-
“No, you need to get home so that you can try to make a good impression on Dad because you don’t want him to leave again.” Izu had a hurt look as if I had slapped him, “I could care less about him leaving, I am training to be a hero and that is my priority, I take care of a small child, and have a life outside of school and work. You only care about yourself, the reason you wanted to be a hero? You wanted Dad to come home, then you wanted to show the world that even a quirkless nobody could be a hero. You never cared about anyone else until you went to UA and told other people the lie you spun. You are a sickening excuse for a hero, if you ever tried to think outside of your ‘poor me’ attitude, you would’ve been a hero long before you ever started high school.” I was so done with him, I knew where we lived, and I could walk home alone.
“Why are you being so mean?” Izu looked at me, not with tears but concern.
“Because you are my big brother, you were supposed to be the person to protect me on the playground. And you left me alone, you let Mom send me to America for FOUR years. You didn’t even call, write or do anything to let me know you cared.”
-Izuku Midoriya-
I forgot she remembered what happened, I had left her on the playground so I could try to hang out with Kacchan’s friends. When Mom sent her away I didn’t want to talk to her, because if I did, I would have to tell her everything and…I couldn’t do that.
“I’m sorry, I was going to but-”
“But you never got to it, yeah, I know.” She stormed off, back towards Kacchan’s.
“Where are you going?”
“I forgot my phone, go home without me.”
-Katsuki Bakugou-
I ate dinner in my room, that was the thing I missed last year, hearing the bustle of my own house and knowing exactly what was happening. I could hear Akemi attempting to convince our parents to let her stay up late and them telling her that she had school tomorrow, it reminded me of when I was younger. 
I got up to do the dishes and someone knocked on the front door, Mom went to answer, “Oh, hello Kioko, what’s wrong?” She brought Kioko in, pulling her towards the coffee table in the living room.
“Nothing, I-I forgot my phone here, I’m sorry to bother you all.” She was never good at hiding her emotions, no matter how hard she tried.
“I have it, it’s in my room, can I get it?” Akemi asked, her eyes lit up.
“Sure, but next time, don’t hide it, okay?” Dad was gentle, as always.
“Okie.” She ran down the hall, only to come to a dead stop when she remembered that she was not allowed to run in the house, “Sorry.” She turned to us, then slowly walked to her room and came back with Kioko’s phone.
-Kioko Midoriya-
“Thank you, Akemi.” I knelt and hugged her goodbye.
“Can you have a sleepover with me tonight?” I froze, a sleepover? Here?
“No, honey, “ When I saw her eyes brim with tears, I knelt next to her, holding her hands and made eye contact, “I can’t tonight, I have to go home, but maybe you can try asking your mommy and daddy first, and then if they say yes, we can ask my parents, sound good?”
“I guess,” She spun towards Mr. and Mrs. Bakugou, “Can Kio have a sleepover tomorrow?” She had so much hope.
“Kemi,” Bakugou picked her up, she was getting tired but was trying to be stubborn, which only made her more adorable, “Kioko can’t spend the night here for a while, so maybe in a couple of weeks?”
“Why not?” She was pouting, and Mrs. Bakugou was looking more uncomfortable.
“She’s only been babysitting you for a couple of months, she probably isn’t very comfortable with the idea of spending the night with people she doesn’t know very well. So can we say good night and talk about this later?”
“No ‘buts’ Kemi, it’s time for bed, now.” Mrs. Bakugou gestured to her room.
“Fine.” She laid her head down on Bakugou’s shoulder and closed her eyes, defeated.
-Katsuki Bakugou-
I left the room carrying a half-asleep Akemi, “Why don’t you want Kioko to spend the night?”
I tensed, “I don’t not want her to spend the night.”
I laid her down and pulled the covers up to her chin, “Why are you scared of her?”
“I’m not scared of her, now close your eyes and go to sleep.”
“Okay, can you ask Mommy to tuck me in please?” She waggled her bunny-eared pyjama head at me.
“Fine, but only if you stay in bed and try to fall asleep.” She nodded and pretended to be asleep until I left the room.
-Izuku Midoriya-
I walked into the kitchen, Mom was putting everything on the table, four table settings, but the one without food was Kioko’s, she loved to sit with us, but she always felt out of place, for four years she was alone in America, so she prefers to eat alone, Mom has tried to get her to eat with us but, she never does.
“Izuku,” She smiled then frowned, “Where’s your sister?”
“She ‘forgot’ her phone at Kacchan’s.”
“And you didn’t go with her?”
“She asked me to go home and help you.” 
Mom started looking more and more worried, “So…she’s alone, at the Bakugou’s?” Mom didn’t know exactly what happened, but the gist was more than enough to make her scared of letting Kioko stay there after she was done babysitting.
“She is fine and alone or not, Mrs. Bakugou already promised that what happened in sixth grade won’t happen again.”
“What happened in sixth grade?” Dad walked in, he wasn’t home so he didn’t know.
“Nothing, just a little scare,” I said, I hid my eyes and started helping Mom with dinner.
“Oh….okay, where’s Kio?” Dad looked around, he was always wondering where Kio was.
“At Kacchan’s.”
“Is ‘Kacchan’ that friend of yours she used to have a crush on?” Dad’s voice was getting warier, he always worried about her getting into trouble with boys.
“Yes, but she’s just grabbing her phone, she’ll be home soon.” The table was set and the food was out.
“Hmm, maybe I should call her,” He was going to grab his phone when Kioko walked through the door, soaking wet.
“Where were you?” Dad was a little upset, “You were supposed to come home with your brother.”
“I was grabbing my phone.” She sat down at the table, waiting for the rest of us.
“Go change, you’re wet and probably cold.” Mom guided her to the hall that led down to her room.
“Why can’t she just stay with her brother?” Dad was holding his head in his hands, he always did this when he wanted Kioko to do something that she didn’t do.
“Because she isn’t a little girl anymore?” Mom started giving out the food, “Because she’s learning how to grow up?”
“Because she wants to prove that the past can’t control her?”
“Because my brother is a jerk who only cares about himself?” She had walked in and slumped into her chair.
“Don’t say things that aren’t true, like that, Kioko!” Mom was appalled, but this wasn’t the first time Kioko had a little outburst.
-Kioko Midoriya-
“Fine, Akemi wants me to have a sleepover with her, any way that’s possible?” I didn’t want to sleep at Bakugou’s house, but I need to get away.
“Oh…um, I guess Friday would work, but I’ll need to talk to Mitsuki as well.”
“Here’s her number.” I tossed my phone to Mom, the phone number was on my phone for emergencies with Akemi.
“Oh, okay, thank you.” She tried to kiss my head but I twisted away, her kisses weren’t going to make up for four years of abandonment.
She wrote the number down and handed my phone back, I took it and left. Eating with everyone else felt weird, like I was intruding on a perfect family. They were picture-perfect, the father worked and brought in money, the mother stayed home to take care of the kids, and the son was growing up strong and healthy. I didn’t fit into that, I was the ‘problem’ child, the one kids would see on the playground and bully, just because I didn’t fit their narrative, because I wanted to do something with my life despite where I grew up. 
Now, my high school in America sent over such stunning recommendations that UA took me in as an understudy as I’m not yet old enough for freshman year, and I’m on the way to being able to put my quirk to good use. From the best school in America to the best school in Japan, the transition was easy, 
I just miss the thrill of sparring. It was my favourite way to blow off steam, and…I always won, and I never found a good sparring partner in America, but maybe being here will be different. Maybe I’ll find someone who can spar and isn’t a dumb jock, or who can talk and concentrate on the fight at the same time, but….no one in my grade is willing to spar, and talking to Izuku’s friends would be weird. I laid down, tomorrow would be a better day and I have a meeting with All Might and I still have to talk with Mr Aizawa about my recommendations, great.
Background Info
Chapter Two
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tteokdoroki · 2 years
💜- just the thought of big muscular men holding their tiny baby. Big, scary men with battle scars littering their bodies just absolutely awestruck by their little baby, their cute chubby cheeks and funny legs, and how they giggle, and their big innocent eyes. These huge strong men making their baby look so so tiny while in their arms. And how these muscular men tell their wife to go back to bed when the baby starts crying in the middle of the night, and hugging their baby till the morning.
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hiccups how dare u we’ll go with bakugou since i miss him so much :( so bakugou as a dad!
bakugou never thought he’d settle down, much less have a baby. he wasn’t sure he’d be any good at being a parent— growing up and being told you’re too rough or too callous, too loud or too obnoxious never did him any favours in that department, and so katsuki bakugou had a lot of reservations upon finding out that he was going to father the baby of his childhood sweetheart, that you were giving him love’s greatest gift— his very own kid.
the doubts were never about you, of course. you loved him in every way possible and showed katsuki that he deserved more than what people thought of him. you showed him that he could be tender, vulnerable and soft— you appreciated those sides of him too. so yes, none of his fears about fatherhood were in regards to you— but mostly himself. throughout your pregnancy, katsuki had whispered little insecurities and worries to your baby bump and little growing ball of life (at the time, barely weeks old and had not yet developed ears), you’d catch him with his nose deep into pregnancy books and ‘how to raise a child for dummies’ manuals. katsuki would never admit it, this big burly man who’s faced villains ten times as menacing as the next— he would never say it to your face, but he was scared to be a father.
to fuck up his kid.
you knew that he was afraid— it was written behind those gorgeous brownish flecks in the red of his eyes, you could tell when his heart sin he’d and breath shortened whenever you saw your little one over the monitor during an appointment. but you also knew, with how attentive and mindful he had been throughout your pregnancy (massages to swollen ankles, dashing out to the last open convenience store at 3am to appease your peanut butter and pickles cravings, holding your hand and brushing your teeth when after morning sickness— the whole lot.), that he would be an incredible father.
everything you thought about katsuki being a father to your baby girl comes true and all his worries melt away the moment he holds her— the very second her tiny chubby finger wraps around his, calloused and dangerous one. she looks a whole lot like you, only taking slight features from her father but oh does she have his eyes, bright and bold and red just like his— that catch the light like katsuki‘s do, that mirror his own with the same curiosity and adoration when they look at each other.
there is no safer place in the world than katsuki bakugou’s arms for your daughter— even if they’re scarred and burly, even if they make her look like a tiny bundle of orange and black blankies (curtesy of your husband’s friends and the dynamight agency)— she’s safe and loved in his arms, tucked into his chest because she prefers bakugou over you in terms of warmth (when you’re not feeding her of course). katsuki grows comfortable with the idea of being responsible for such a small human being, kissing the soles of her baby soft feet, letting his nose rub against her chubby little tummy and his lips drag through her soft tufts of peach fuzz hair.
oh he loves her, katsuki does, he adores his daughter more than anything in the world— he’s infatuated even. there’s not a thing he wouldn’t do for her too— he’s the first to change her diaper when she gets fussy and is the same to tickle her until she smiles (bakugou quickly became obsessed once his baby girl learned how to do that). he’ll stop you when the baby monitor goes off and you’re fumbling around in the dark to get to your sweet baby when it’s late at night. you only sink back into the sheets because bakugou beats you to the nursery every time and you blame his years of hero training,
it’s all worth it though, because every time you get to fall back asleep to the sound of katsuki singing your baby girl a lullaby.
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i-cant-sing · 3 years
If kitkat's princess baked him a birthday cake ( with Rei and Fuyumi's help ofc) and took it to school to celebeate it there, he would get all possevive about the sweet? Bcs i cant see him sharing that at all 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 (Preschooler bakugou is so wholesome to me 💖 )
Birthday: Yandere toddler Bakugou x Todoroki toddler reader
Katsuki loved his birthday. It was the one day he could have all the attention on him and not be made feel bad about it. His parents didn't have to wake him up on his birthday, he was already up and dressed, ready to go to school. Mitsuki and Masaru wished him a very happy birthday and made him his special birthday breakfast. The adults smiled to themselves at how excited Katsuki was to go to school that day. And Katsuki was excited, he was eager to go to school and invite you to his birthday party.
Once he got to school, he was being greeted and wished by his classmates, but Katsuki was looking for you. Finally, you arrived to class, holding hands with Rei. You let go of her hand and ran to Katsuki, hugging him and smiling.
"Happy birthday, best friend!"
Katsuki grinned and thanked you, but before he could say anything else, you took his hand and dragged him to Rei, Katsuki quickly bowing down to greet her. "Mom! Mom! Show him!"
Rei smiled at your eagerness, before bending down and opening up the box she was holding. "Happy birthday, Katsuki."Rei said as she watched the two kids peek inside the box.
It was a cake. A round cake with orange and green frosting, little booms made of fondant decorated the cake, as did little chunks of KitKats. And the best part? The cake said "HAPPY BIRTHDAY KITKAT!" with little hearts on the letter "I".
It was a beautiful cake.
"Mom and I made this for you!" You exclaimed. Rei chuckled, brushing your over your ear. "Well, it was mostly Y/n's work, I only helped." She said, remembering how you had been planning all week to make him a cake, how you were practically covered in flour while baking, how you restrained yourself from licking the frosting of the cake. You were such a sweet girl.
Katsuki was in disbelief. You... made the cake for him?
"Do you like it?"Your voice suddenly small, seeing how Katsuki just stared at the cake, not saying anything.
"I can take it back-"
"No. I- its beautiful. Thank you, Y/n" Katsuki said before hugging you again, this time much tighter than before. Katsuki then bowed to Rei, thanking her as well.
Rei handed the cake to a teacher so that she could keep it in the fridge until recess.
"I can't wait for us to eat the cake during recess. We will share it with everyone!" You said, holding hands with Katsuki as you skipped to class.
As if! Katsuki thought. He's never going to share the cake you made for him with some damn extras. Only you and he will eat that cake.
By the time recess came, the teacher had placed the cake in the center and everyone sang happy birthday while Katsuki cut the cake. While the teacher cut the cake into slices, Katsuki told you to stay put while he came back.
He had a plan to make sure no body ate the cake. He went to his classmates and told them one by one, that your cake had raisins, and worms , and chilli's and all sorts of things a cake should not have. Needless to say, none of your class fellows came forward to get their slice.
But when Katsuki turned around to go back to you, his blood boiled when he saw you feeding cake to Izuku from your plate.
That's it. Everyone except for you just got uninvited from his birthday party. Besides, that's how he always wanted it to be anyways.
Just KitKat and Princess, forever and ever.
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I'm wondering if I should open up requests soon. What do u guys say?
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ofmermaidstories · 3 years
U think bakugo ever gets so angry his mouth misses surrender reader’s when he’s trying to have a passionate heated make out session because I do
Katsuki’s home for once, sleeping off the last few days in the darkness of his room, cocooned.
It’s early evening before he remerges. You’re peeling the potatoes for dinner when you hear him shuffling from the room to the bath, keeping track of him by the running of the taps before he closes the door, the sound cutting off — leaving you alone in the quiet of his large apartment, trying to amuse yourself by carving the perfect spiral of a potato peel; petty, silly.
When he wakes up after a marathon sleep it always takes him a while to come back, to return to the here and now; his mind catching up with the rest of his body as it realises it can finally relax, can take these next few hours to pause and breathe. He can be reticent even on good days: after big missions, after a series of demanding patrols, he’s even more silent, staying that way until something annoys him enough that he comes back into himself — or makes him laugh in his startling way.
The city outside is falling into dusk: the windows opened wide to the pink-twilight city glimmer. You hum along to a song on the television, jiggling the rice you’re rinsing and hear the traceable movement of your Pro Hero as he shuffles back into the living room.
“Hi!” You call out behind you cheerily, rinsing your hands and darting between the sink and the fridge. The door rattles as you open it, looking for the cold water bottle you set aside for him, earlier — but then big arms are slipping around you, enveloping you, and there’s the touch of lips against your neck, the feel of Katsuki’s fine hair against your face. The soapy, minty freshness of him, clean from washing up.
You lean back into the weight of him, the warmth, and he pulls you in tighter; breathing in deeply, like he’s still half-asleep. He very well might be — for a moment you stand together in front of the open refrigerator as you trace the veins of his hands, his arms, nosing into the side of his head where its against you.
“Hi,” You say again: softer, against the fine down of hair by his ear. Everything within you is vibrating that he’s here, that you’re together — your very cells rioting, hyperaware of his closeness. The invasion of space that only belongs to him.
The fridge beeps. You try and tug away from his arms to get his drink, to close the door — he pulls you back and kicks the door shut with a grunt. “No,” He says, and it’s ridiculous enough that you laugh. It’s the jiggling of the rice you were rinsing, the weight against the sieve; your body moves against his and he buries his face in your neck, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
You breathe in and settle and eventually he lets you turn in his arms, your hands snaking up between you, his bare chest and going to his face, cupping his cheeks. The lines under his eyes are deeper, now, than they have been since you’ve known him — he looks at you, ruby eyes dark and tired, and your heart tightens.
You thumb the shadows of his face, gently. The feather-light touch of handling something so irredeemably precious. In answer he dips into you, a headbutt with no real force; you’re breathing one another in now, and you let your hands slip from the panes of his face to his shoulders, your fingertips mapping the familiar feel of him.
“You need more sleep,” You whisper to him; the tiny space between you gaining all the sanctity of a Library’s quiet.
Katsuki huffs. It’s light against you. “D’wanna.” He says, annoyed, childish. His hands - hands that have destroyed, that have saved, that are now on you - tighten. You wait, tracing the edges of the scar on his shoulder.
“Missed you ‘n shit.” He says at last, even more annoyed, now.
You droop into him, wilting like a flower; you’ve missed him too. He hasn’t been home in almost a week — it’s not the longest of his stints, not lately, and you knew what you were signing up for, when you fell for him — but it doesn’t make it any easier. When he is home the two of you sleep in shifts, almost: only able to be together, both awake and coherent, for a few stolen hours. It means the need to be near him has gotten so persuasive, lately, that sometimes when you’re here and he’s in bed, sleeping off a battle, you crawl in next to him; carefully and lightly, curling into his warmth and forcing yourself into a midday nap, just to be near him, to share his space. You always awake entangled and overheated, afterwards — Katsuki finding you in his sleep and dragging you close, missing you just as much as you do him, even in his dreams. It’s never comfortable — he runs hot, constantly, and it’s like sleeping with a heater but —
It doesn’t matter. It’s just more proof that he’s there. That he’s with you, alive and home safe.
There’s a light touch of lips at your neck once more; leading, ghost-like tracing, kisses, from the dip of your collarbone to just under your jaw bone as you tilt, giving him more access. Everything within you pulses, tightens — he nips at the soft skin just below your ear and you finally turn your face to his, enough to feel the sharp intake of his breath before his lips meet yours, deepening the kiss almost instantly.
His mouth is cool and tastes of mint and aniseed from his toothpaste and mouthwash, respectively — you let him spin you, pressing you into the counter. He pulls away, grunting something, leaving you momentarily bemused — before he presses in close again, mouth on yours, his hands hot even through the fabric of your shirt.
You want to claw your way into this man. He tilts you back — like he’s trying to claw into you, too and you break apart only long enough for the both of you to draw in what breath you need, gasping before you are kissing again, sloppily. Hungry for the need to be close.
Behind you, something begins to vibrate — and then Katsuki’s phone is bursting into life with that ridiculous old All Might cartoon theme, sharp and loud in the apartment. You pull away from your hero with a sharp breath, your disappointment tangible — Katsuki rips himself away from you with a hiss, grabbing for his phone angrily, as he answers, “What the fuck do you want?”
You can hear Kaminari clearly. “Yo! Kacchan! Love hearing from you too, dude. A few of us are meeting up tonight — ”
That’s all poor Kaminari gets a chance to say. Katsuki pulls away from his phone, looking at the screen incredulously — and then hangs up, letting it clatter against the counter.
Despite yourself, you laugh. “Did you have to be such an asshole?”
Katsuki grunts, one hand pushing back his hair, irritated. “They all fucking knew I don’t wanna hear shit unless it’s about the case.” His eyes cut to you — in the kitchen lights, they glimmer, and his mouth softens. “They know I don’t get much… free time, or whatever.” To spend with you, he means.
You’re close enough that you can reach out and touch him, easily, so you do; pressing your fingers into his chest before letting your palm slide against him. Underneath it, you can feel the steady comfort of his heartbeat. He’s here. He’s alive and he’s home safe.
Maybe Katsuki is thinking the same thing. In a lot of ways, he remains a constant mystery to you; he covers your hand with his, pressing it further against him. His hand is warm; he’s warm. You trace the outline of your fingers together and then follow the soft lines of him, his collar bone, his adam’s apple — the motion of his neck as he swallows. And then your eyes are meeting his.
This man, you think. It’s awe and it’s love and it’s disbelief that he’s here. That you’re here, with him.
You lean into him; he catches you in a hug, tight and warm, his arms thick around you. Nosing against him, you breathe in his scent, the salty sweetness, and then say, “I’ve missed you.”
“Yeah,” He grunts. You feel his lips in your hair, and then against the shell of your ear, his breath. “Missed you, too.” He headbutts you again, the heavy thunk of his forehead against the top of yours. You snuffle against him, annoyed.
“I have to make dinner,” You say, like you weren’t the one to bury yourself against him.
“Don’t care,” He says, a large hand slipping to the back of your neck — forcing you to look up at him, to meet his gaze, heated and soft. “Don’t want it,” He adds, his thumb stroking the soft skin behind your ear. “M’ — just wanna crawl back into bed with you and get some fuckin’ rest for once.”
“What rest,” You tease, but his hands tighten against you and you know what he means. It’s the same thing that drives you to nap, just to be close to him. To wait while he sleeps off a hard day, just so you’re there to welcome him back to the living. It’s just — it’s just the need to be together, in whatever way you can.
“I love you,” You say out-loud.
Katsuki headbutts you again, harder this time and you make a small squawk of protest — but he’s keeping his forehead against yours, trying to rub his nose against you, affectionate in the fickle way of a cat.
“Love you, too.” He says. You try and bite his cheek in retaliation — he swears, and tries to bite back and you are laughing, shaking like your sieve of rice — Katsuki holding you close, like he’s trying to osmosis your laughter through your skin.
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skywalkerstyles · 4 years
Poly Relationship with Bakugou, Todoroki and Deku
Imagine 11: bad day for Shoto
Warnings: angst, depression, fluff, comfort
Request: Hiii just found ur poly relationship series and loving them!! Can u do one where Shouto has a bad day because of Endeavor and comes home really frustrated and starts feeling a lot of old insecurities and the three of them all plow in and shower him with compliments and cuddles and love? Bonus points if Bakugo stops making whatever he's making for dinner and makes comfort soba for Shouto while the other two give him a pamper session!~
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Shoto didn’t have to say anything for you to know he had a bad day.
You and Katsuki were in the kitchen, laughing and teasing each other when he came in. He didn’t say a word, didn’t take his shoes off, just came in the door and went straight to his room.
You and Katsuki shared a look. You both knew that days like this were usually the fault of his father, Pro Hero Endeavor. The man was too hard on Shoto and usually left him drained and depressed. Katsuki only nodded at you, turning the stove off and clearing away what he’d been planning to make. He would make Shoto’s favorite meal instead, something to lift his spirits.
You went to Izuku’s room. Izuku was lying on his bed in just a pair of gym shorts. When he saw the look on your face he got up immediately.
“Dove? What’s wrong?”
“Shoto. He had a bad day.” Izuku brings you in for a hug. Whenever one of them had a bad day he knew it hurt you, you wanted them to be happy and blissful all the time and seeing them hurt broke your heart.
“I’ll start a bath for him. You go see him okay?” You nod, wiping the stray tears from your eyes as you head to his room.
You go in quietly, not bothering to knock. The lights are off and he’s curled up in bed.
You lie down beside him, wiggling until he throws an arm around you, pulling you close and hooking his leg over your hip. You sigh, breathing him in and holding him tightly.
“I love you so much Shoto. You’re perfect. You know that?” He ‘humphs’ and just pulls you closer.
“I.....I don’t.....” he struggles. You shush him, leaning up to kiss him softly.
“It’s okay. I love you. Katsuki, Izuku. We all love you. You’re amazing baby. You really are.” You feel him smile against your neck and relax a bit against you. He nuzzled you, kissing up your neck and biting on your ear as his hand travels down your waist to your ass. He pulls you on top of him and you gaze down at him in awe, stroking his cheek gently. He closes his eyes, leaning into your touch.
“Baby girl I-“
“Take a bath with me?” You interrupt. There’s be time for love making later. Right now he needed to relax. He needed to feel loved.
He turns his head, kissing the palm of your hand and sighing.
“Yeah....” he sniffs. “Something smells good.”
“Katsu is making your favorite meal. It’ll be ready after our bath. Come on.” He groans, gently tugging you back down onto him. He cradled your face in his hands and kisses you tenderly for a moment, before letting you pull him up off the bed.
Izuku is standing in the bathroom, towel wrapped around his waist when you come in. He smiled shyly, leaning forward to kiss Shoto, who welcomes it gratefully.
“Love you.” He whispers. Shoto cracks a smile, it’s small, but it’s there.
“And I love you Midoriya.” Izuku blushes as he helps Shoto undress, tugging his shirt over his head and undoing his jeans. Shoto slips out of his shoes and the three of you get into the jacuzzi tub together.
You sigh when the warm water hits you, the smell of lavender and rose oil filling your nose. Shoto leans his head back against the edge of the tub, welcoming you and Izuku on either side of him.
Izuku washes his hair while you whisper sweet nothings to him. He clings to you both, leaning against you slightly while Izuku rinses his hair. It’s intimate and warm and the love on both you and Izuku’s faces is clearly seen. You relax together, kissing and nuzzling. You don’t see the tears in Shoto’s eyes as he watches you and Izuku splash and play together, the adoration on his face.
After your bath you both dress him and the three of you head to the living room. Katsuki has everything set out, but before Shoto can sit down he grabs him, pulling him roughly into his arms.
“I love you...you damn IcyHot.....you drive me crazy but....but we wouldn’t be us without you....” Katsuki sputters, his face bright red.
Shoto breaks.
He sobs, palming at his eyes as he cries. Katsuki is surprised, sputtering even more and frantic.
“Hey-hey it’s okay. What the hell. IcyHot-“ Shoto just grabs him, then pulls Midoriya by the collar of his shirt. He looks at you through tears eyes and you go to him, falling into the group hug seamlessly.
“I don’t deserve any of you. I....thank you....you make me feel....I feel wanted. Needed. Loved....for who I am. Not what I’m to become.”
You hold each other. Standing in the living room, grouped together. Fuck the food. Fuck everything else. This moment is all that matters.
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adoringmha · 3 years
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B A K U G O  M A S T E R L I S T
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navigation / masterlists / thoughts / thirsts
(arranged from oldest to newest in each category) + (some posts are from other blog)
smut indicated by *
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B L U R B S :
sleep, idiot
you have a habit of staying up late, bakugo’s not a fan.
you can’t help but tempt bakugo * (mentions)
you convince him to stay home instead of going out with the boys.
needles stress you out but bakugo’s there to comfort you
you need to get blood work done but before you can freak out too much, bakugo’s there for you. 
bakugo on wash day *
sometimes bakugo can be the biggest help, but sometimes he’s just horny.
he only likes real kisses
don’t even think about trying to give bakugo a peck on the lips, it just won’t do.
he misses date night again
he records a little video for you *
he strokes his cock for you on camera.
he sometimes just needs you to take care of him *
he gets comfort from sucking on your tits.
unexpected introductions
dad!bakugo comes home to find your daughter on the couch with a boy.
he hasn’t told his friends about you
he likes to watch you play with yourself *
the first time you 69 with him *
as much as bakugo doesn’t like to admit it, he loves when you kiss his neck * (suggestive)
when you’re being a brat *
he takes pleasing you very seriously *
he’s obsessed with making you cum *
his love language is spoiling you
napping on bakugo's tits
he wants you to tell him about your day while he eats you out *
he kisses you to stop you from biting your lips
he gets mad when you don’t kiss him back while you’re fucking *
he can’t listen to your moans or else he’ll cum too quick *
bakugo just wants to kiss you, he doesn't care if you've just eaten
pre-lipgloss kisses
he likes to eat you out *
he comforts you after you get cheated on
he only lets his playful side show with you
he gets cocky when he fingers you *
he eats you out until he cums, then he keeps going *
he likes to do his best, especially in bed *
mornings with him
fwb!bakugo is oblivious sometimes
you and katsuki's mom are besties
he becomes a menace when you show skin *
another reaction to you showing skin *
he sees you in lingerie *
you call him your girlfriend (like a bff)
you have cold hands, he warms you up, you cool him down
he has a mommy kink *
he likes to spoil you
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H E A D C A N O N S :
you tell bakugo (who secretly has baby fever) you’re pregnant
you jokingly ask if he’s using you for your body * ish
being best friends with him
how he reacts to you being v flirty + flirting with him * (ish)
when you have a bad day * (ish)
aggressively cute things he does
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M I N I - H E A D C A N O N S :
his s/o is pretty and gets confessions often
how + when he hugs you
realistic (disappointing) headcanons: sex edition * (mentions)
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O N E S H O T S :
a christmas surprise *
you decide to surprise bakugo with some new lingerie.
clean up *
bakugo comes home from work to find you doing the dishes and gets needy.
needy *
virgin!bakugo’s been holding back, but after you catch him jerking off, he needs you more than ever.
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S M A U S :
he is sassy af
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shit-head!bakugou hcs
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*the following is a varied but not in any way exhaustive list of all the shit bakugou pulls on the daily when ur his s/o
-okay, so to start, let’s get one thing straight: bakugou likes when you yell at him. he does. he thinks it’s funny when you’re annoyed and pretty damn hot when you’re pissed at him, so he spends all day, every day, trying to needle a reaction out of you. bc he’s a hot-head with a mischevious streak n absolutely no impulse control when it comes to you. obviously.
-alright so, he probably pulls your hair to get your attention. not, like, hard or anything, it doesn’t hurt, but you’d still 100% prefer if he maybe just didn’t
-bakugou moves your things when you’re not looking,, not very far or in difficult to find places, but he’ll still do it just to be annoying. laughs under his breath every single time you yell at him for it
-will occasionally come up and hug you from behind. it’s very unusual for him so ur ‘???’ about it at first. then he’s nuzzling and kissing ur neck softly so you just kinda accept it and melt into being 🥰 about it. then he bites. not a cute bite, not a sexy bite, literally just chomps down and bites. u squeal/squirm bc obviously. he just laughs at the reaction he wanted and then leaves the room entirely. without apologizing or saying anything bc he’s an asshole
-ruffles your hair after you’ve just done it
-will pluck your phone out of your hands. not for any reason, he’ll just walk by and snatch it,,, probably does so for the entire reason of wanting you to yell at him
-intentionally mispronounces your name when he introduces you to people he finds unimportant. bakugou just thinks the look on your face is funny,,, n he doesn’t give a shit bc the person is beneath him and that means they don’t deserve to know your real name anyways
-if y’all are at a social gathering and he doesn’t want to be there anymore, he’ll start saying his goodbyes almost immeadiately. then he’ll go around and say your goodbyes for you, so when he’s pulling you out the door nobody says anything about your sudden exit
-will chug your entire drink while your turned around. probably says some “wow. should probably fill this up, idiot.” while holding up the glass with a shit-eating grin
-picks you up. just sweeps your feet out from under you just to place you back down. idk he likes chaos n there’s nothing more chaotic then ur flailing limbs and squawking when he does so
-if you’re in your bedroom reading when bakugou wants to go to bed, he’ll turn the lights off regardless of what you’re doing. if you complain and get up to turn them on again, he’ll leave them on and won’t do anything else or even complain,,, but most times you don’t want to get up, don’t want to make the effort so you just leave them off. bakugou knows this. it’s why he turns them off in the first place.
-if you’re laying on the couch, taking up all the room, and bakugou wants to sit, he won’t lift your feet into his lap. no, he’ll just sit on them. will just sit on them until you give up your yelling and move to make room for him
-when he’s bored he likes to bicker for entertainment. so whatever you’re doing at the time he’ll just attack sayin sum like “jesus, don’t you know how fucking stupid that is? i’d never do that.” n ur just like, watching tv pls kill him he’s so annoying
-will fling hairbands/scrunchies at you while you’re doing your nightly routine. does this bc, in his eyes, you’re taking too long and bakugou just wants to go to sleep
-complains when u wear clothes he doesn’t like the feel of. like, if it feels itchy/scratchy against his skin when he hugs u, bakugou will let you know how much he dislikes it. loudly
-offers you food just to pull his plate away when you reach for it ,, then sits there saying “god, i really am the best fuckin chef. this shit’s delicious. woulda shared too, but it didn’t seem like you wanted it enough.” ,, all said while smirking ofc
-when you hug he’ll intentionally breathe against the shell of your ear. does this so he can make fun of you when you shiver/squirm
-says shit like “hey, i had the best fuckin’ dream last night.” n u go ‘??? what was it?’ n bakugou will look you dead in the eyes, straight-faced n just go “you went mute. shit was paradise.” ,,, 🙄 give him the silent treatment after babes, he’ll be whining and bitching and taking it back by hour 2
-will lay directly on top of you if he doesn’t want you to leave the bed in the morning. will just flop, dead-weight onto you until you stop struggling. then he’ll make fun of you if you fall asleep again. bc he’s a dick.
-he won’t eat your food, but he’ll act like he did. so you’ll get home from work, and u’ve been thinking about your leftover take out all day, right, n bakugou will sneak up behind you while you’re searching for the food in the fridge. he’ll push the fridge closed with a hand near your head n lean in to say some “don’t bother. ate it already, dumbass. wasn’t great.” against ur ear. pls when you turn around pissed at him he’ll just laugh, push you away from the fridge and take out the food and hand it to you. he never ate it. he never does. he just likes when you think he did and yell at him for it
-keeps a running list, in his phone, of words you’ve misused/mispronounced. will recite all of them at you just because he can
-kicks at the back of your knees. he’ll never let you fall, will always, always catch you, but he likes to do it anyways. bc katsuki is a child
-changes the tv channel right when your show comes back on for commerical. somehow keeps a perfectly straight face the entire time you’re screaming at him
-unties your shoes/unzips your jacket/takes your glasses off your face damn near constantly. he thinks he’s funny. he isn’t.
-if bakugou decides that you’re not paying enough attention to him, he won’t say anything. won’t say anything at all but will just sit there and clear his throat obnoxiously. then you’re like “can i help you with something?” n he’ll just turn his head and “no. i don’t need shit from you.” (he does, pls talk to him or hug him or something bc he won’t stop until u catch on)
-if he’s tired he will tell you. loudly. constantly. opens his mouth to say the same “i’m fuckin’ tired.” shit every 30 seconds until you finish up whatever you’re doing and go to bed with him
-if his hands/feet are cold, he’ll put them on you. bc he thinks it’s funny when you squirm
-if there’s an opening for a joke he’ll say it. every single time. never lets you breathe for a second without roasting you. ofc then he’ll try and gather u into a hug n say some “no, don’t get mad, dummy. i had to fuckin’ say it! you walked into it!” ,,, don’t hug him. shrug him off bc he deserves it
-is a backseat driver. now bakugou cannot drive for shit without evolving into a vibrating mess of poor judgment and road rage, but he doesn’t let that stop him from opening his mouth when you’re driving
-smacks your ass every chance he gets. mans never lets an opportunity pass him by
-don’t ask him to get you anything. ever. bc he won’t hand it to you politely. he will kick it to you, chuck it at you, or drop it directly on you from a ridiculous height,,, ofc he warns you so you can catch it and not get hurt, but still
-will unironically comment and critique your teeth brushing habits,, all while his gums are literally bleeding from constant abuse
-pretends he’s deaf when you tell him to do things. that’s it. that’s the concept.
-steals the blanket right off your lap. wraps its around himself with a “oh. didn’t look like you were fuckin’ using it.” ,,, ofc u know this is just a ploy. a terrible ploy to get you to cuddle with him for warmth, bc god forbid he just ask, but it’s still annoying. doesn’t stop him from doing it again though
so, in conclusion, no one will ever believe you when you try to tell them what a little shit he is. especially not since he’s only ever an outright asshole or entirely aloof around others
pls idk what this is but i absolutely couldnt stop thinking about it
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tryingmyves · 3 years
’Grats on 200 followers, you deserve it so much!! I'd love to join your event, please! My name is Jordan, but my friends get to call me Jay {funny part is I also let them call me unique nicknames, and one of them was like ‘Ur Chomper, 4 sure}. As for characters, could you do Izuku, Bakugou, and Shinso(u? how do you spell his name again??) Please, thank you, and I hope you have a wonderful day/night ( ˘ ³˘)♥
ahhh, thank you!! can we be friends because i used Jay for your hcs! 😅✨
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Izuku Midoriya:
- Jealousy: Izuku isn’t the type to get jealous. He trusts you completely, and he can’t really blame others for noticing how incredible you are. If anything, he may get a bit self conscious if he sees someone being particularly forward with you. It shows when he overextends himself in training, trying to catch your attention. He’s unaware that it never left him to begin with.
- Affection: Izuku loves hugging you and never addresses you by your name, opting to call you baby or sweetheart instead. He shows his affection for you openly, showering you in compliments and praise. He also loves holding hands with you. The way your thumb absentmindedly traces his scars makes his heart flutter.
- Yearning: Izuku isn’t the type to need to be with you 24/7. He understand you’re both busy people. He doesn’t expect to spend every waking moment with you just because your dating.
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Katsuki Bakugo:
- Jealousy: Pray for the poor soul that makes Katsuki feel jealous. The fact that these extras would even trying to make a move on you enraged him. The two of you had been at the mall on weekend when he ran to the food court to get you a pretzel. When he came back some guy had cornered you in the dress section of your favorite store. He walked up and planted a kiss on your lips while the stranger was mid-pickup line. He threw an arm around your waist and growled a, “she’s taken,” before leading you to a different part of the store.
- Affection: Katsuki is a bit awkward at first when it comes to showing affection. He’s not great with words and he’s nervous about even holding your hand. His quirks make his hands sweat and despite his confident demeanor, Katsuki’s never been in a relationship before. Eventually he get more comfortable around you. He shows his love by cooking for you and even if his words are harsh or clunky at times, you know they’re coming from a place of love. He affectionately calls you dumbass on occasion.
- Yearning: Katsuki would never admit to missing you, even when he is. Without you, he feels more anxious and on edge. He’s quicker to snap at others, getting frustrated more easily. The rest of the Bakusquad agree that they like him better when your around. Seeing you again after a few days feels like a deep breath to him.
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Hitoshi Shinso:
- Jealousy: On the rare occasion Hitoshi gets jealous, he becomes totally introspective. Would you be happier with someone else? Did you even want to be with him? He’d also get mad at himself for feeling that way in the first place. You were with him, of course you wanted to be, of course you were happy. Right? He’ll stay lost in his own thoughts until you notice he’s acting weird. You snap him out of it with a quick kiss. “You know I love you, right Toshi?”
- Affection: Physical touch and body worship. Hitoshi just loves to hold you close, snuggling under a nest of blankets. He likes to trace the outline of your skin with his finger tips and kiss each and every beauty mark and scar that grace it. If he’s feeling particularly need he will ask you to lay directly on top of him. He’ll hum contently and play with your hair while you are pressed against him.
- Yearning: Hitoshi can go without seeing you for a few days before he starts sleeping worse than usual. He tosses and turns at night, struggling to get comfortable as his mind is filled with thoughts of missing you. He’ll FaceTime you around 1AM, hoping you’ll pick up. He apologizes for waking you but you tell him you don’t mind. The two of you stay on the phone until you both fall asleep.
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makeste · 3 years
i don't get it tbh. the apology shouldn't have been here. it was in the middle of everything and it had basically no impact on deku whatsoever? this was sooooo no what i was expecting and tbh i'm kinda mad about it ngl lol also ngl times twice but if whatever ochaco says does reach him instead of the kacchan apology that's been built up as the emotional climax for the entire series i'm just flat out gonna drop this manga lmao. but this was barely an emotional climax at all, i really don't get it
2/2 like we get just a few pages? shoved in there like "okay everyone talked now kacchan disappears from the chapter, that's over and done with, moving on" the apology itself was great, but the placement and brevity undermined its emotional resonance. deku remains the exact same after hearing it, doesn't think about katsuki at all. just about his earlier "can't keep up" words? then we go on to ochaco whose "saving heroes even though that's what everyone has been doing" i guess is more important?
3/3 (last one promise) like i'm sorry but there was time for several chaps of endeavor ugly crying, for mineta's anal beads and pervy romantic trope non-confession, for overhaul to pop up being his usual piece of shit self for no plot-relevant reason, for adult top heroes to stand around for chapters like "huh everything we're doing is awful. let's keep on trusting this smelly kid" and. a few panels for kacchan apology. no reaction. shoved among "idk u well mido but stay!" + ochaco making faces
4/4 (i lied) and all this after katsuki's distress and emotions were once more made into jokes at the hospital, emotional consequences of the war ignored, w all might probably dying and the last thing he did to this kid was ditch him leaving us to guess he maybe gives a shit abt him and maybe he bothered to visit in the hospital cuz they sure didn't show shit. i honestly feel like all katsuki stuff was shoved into the background: krbk friendship for mina, dkbk for ofa, name reveal for jokes...
okay, so I have talked in the past about fandom reacting like Miette whenever this stuff happens, and tbh this is basically what I mean by that anon. there is no reason whatsoever to assume that this is the one and only reaction we'll ever get from Deku regarding the apology and that it will never come up again. this is 100% going to be revisited. and tbh I think it's a smart move on Horikoshi's part, because if he gave us everything in this one chapter then what further development would there be to look forward to? he's gotta hold something back so that we have that one last milestone to anticipate in the rebuilding of their relationship. I've often said that for me me, Deku and Kacchan's story is the most important part of BnHA. and so it makes sense to me for Horikoshi to not completely resolve it until close to the end of the series, if not the very end.
I think this is a pretty good compromise honestly, because I wasn't even sure if we were going to get the apology itself before the finale. but this way we can head into the final battle with Kacchan having put all of his character development out there and not holding anything back, and it's nice to have that, and to have that reinforcement of just how far he's come, and how serious he is about his atonement. and so his feelings are finally all on the table now, and now it's all Deku.
and he deserves to have some time to work out how he feels about this and not be put on the spot to deliver a reaction, honestly. but to say it had "no impact whatsoever" is a huge overreaction imo. first of all, we saw the shock on his face -- he was absolutely floored. this was something he clearly never expected from Kacchan (which is why it was so important for Kacchan to actually say the words, in addition to taking action as he's already done -- because Deku needed to hear them, because he genuinely had no idea that Kacchan actually cared. and he deserves to know that, because Kacchan is one of the most important people in the world to him). not to mention that Deku kind of has a million other things on his mind right now. like we just had a whole entire arc about that lol. the apology isn't supposed to be for Kacchan's benefit; it's supposed to be for Deku's. so let him have the time to absorb it before he settles on what to say. Kacchan had all the time in the world to figure out his part of it, after all.
to me this is like a promise that there will be at least one last great, emotional, and deeply personal moment between the two of them. because when Deku finally does forgives him -- not that he hasn't already, imo, but once they finally have that conversation -- that shit is going to be so fucking cathartic, and tbh I'm glad Horikoshi didn't try to cram that into this chapter along with everything else that's currently going on. besides, I'd rather see that part of their reconciliation happen once Deku is more back to his normal self again; I feel like it would be more meaningful that way. right now he's too exhausted to be able to come up with any words. but he already has shown the best possible reaction I could have ever hoped for -- complete and utter relief and trust. Kacchan is the person he trusted enough that he could finally let go of his fears and anxieties -- if only for a moment -- and give into his exhaustion at long last, and that moment where he collapses and Kacchan runs to catch him has instantly become one of my favorites in the whole series.
so yeah, my apologies anon, but absolutely nothing is gonna spoil that for me, and I can't join you here in being even remotely disappointed with this chapter. well aside from the lack of hug lol (but I can be patient for that as well).
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zukkoxx · 3 years
love touches <3
w/ deku, bakugo, shoto
deku 🥦
as soon as you guys got far enough into the relationship where you were comfortable being clingy and touchy with each other, it seemed like izuku couldn’t keep his hands off you
he was completely different from how he was in the beginning of your relationship, where a slight touch of your hand had him blushing profusely and stammering over his words.
now though, he touched you any chance he could get.
walking down the hallways to your next class? his hand was in yours.
chilling in the common area? you bet you were snug on his lap.
hugs? every five minutes.
he just could not get enough of you!
often times while you were cuddling, his hand would be drawn over your waist, rubbing his thumb along it as he ranted about his day.
and when he hugged you close while you sat on his lap, his hands would travel up your shirt, rubbing your back soothingly
whenever you came back from patrol or a mission, his first instinct was to hold your face and look at you intently, searching for cuts or bruises
if he found some, he immediately became doctor deku! putting whatever ointment he could find on you and cleaning anything that needed so.
if you were fine though, he’d just rub your cheeks softly before placing delicate kisses on your forehead, nose and lips, thanking you for coming back to him safely
one super specific thing izuku does is massage your legs whenever they happen to be near him, like...
he’d be sitting up on the wall beside his bed and you’d be laying perpendicular to him, your legs over his.
he’d absentmindedly rub his hands lightly over your legs
feeling some tension in them, he decided to give you a little massage to get out any nics that had been bothering you
it was only supposed to be for about five minutes, but seeing the way your face screwed in pleasure and how you sighed contently at the feeling, he couldn’t help but continue the deed until you fell asleep.
point is, touch was definitely one of deku’s love languages, and he made sure to smother you with it any chance he got.
bakugo 💥
we all know bakugo has trouble touching people in a way that didn’t stem from violence.
and that definitely didn’t stop after he got an s/o.
i hope you’ve got thick skin, cause you’ll need it dealing with this heavy handed mf.
after a few months into the relationship, he finally was okay with showing you physical attention.
that would consist of keeping his hand around your waist protectively when you guys were standing around,
and squeezing your shoulders every so often, just to let you know he’s right beside you.
he would hug to way too tight, so tight that you’d have to slap his arms to get him off of you, resulting in him growling irritably saying “i thought you liked that.”
yeah katsuki, it’s nice when it doesn’t feel like your organs are about to be squeezed right out of your body
he was hesitant about holding your hand for a while, knowing his blasts were easy to go off if there was enough sweat covering
but when he did, he held yours tight against his own, squeezing every few minutes because he didn’t want you to let go.
on the rare occasion when you got to his bed early enough to cuddle with him, he’d hold you so tight throughout the night.
he’d never admit it, but he slept better with you next to him.
bakugo felt the most cuddly in the mornings, when the day hadn’t settled in yet and he was still drowsy.
when you’d wander around the kitchen making breakfast for you and him, he’d be constantly holding you from behind.
and god forbid any of his friends catch him in that state, he’d send a fiery blast as red as his flustered cheeks at them.
bakugo liked to kiss a very specific spot on the nape of your neck.
he did it when he greeting you in the morning, or saying goodnight, or just checking up on you.
gets a little confused if you pull away when it tickles.
plz let him know you love his little touches and return them for good measure!
shoto always had trouble letting people into his life and treating them like more than a peer.
he especially was never good with physical touch
but with you, it was different. he knew he could trust you and that you loved him almost as much as he loved you.
with that, he didn’t dare shy away from getting the physical love from you he had been longing for his whole life.
you noticed very early in the relationship that shoto would always be touching you in some sort of way.
it didn’t always have to be cuddly or super affectionate, but physical contact was never sparse.
he always sat next to you, so close that your thighs were touching, or so that he could lay a hand on your thigh
he liked it when you clung onto his arm. when your smaller hands held onto his bigger bicep when you walked through crowded spaces.
when you cuddled, he always tangled his legs with yours, and made his body a little cooler so you could feel comfortable under the hot blankets.
anytime he walked next you, he always had a hand on lower back, guiding you to your destination
tender soft kisses in the morning. they were so loving and just perfect.
he’s a lot taller than you, so when you sit on the counter table, finally eye level with him while he’s in between your thighs and your stroking his hair.
UGH the highlight of his day.
please please please kiss his scar!
the first time you did it, he literally shed a tear.
he loves when you two are in bed, just staring at each other in so much adoration and genuine love,
and if you just lean in and place a kiss next to his scarred eye, god he’ll be on top of you in no time.
anyways...shoto brain rot 24/7 :)
hope u liked this my loves! please please leave a request or comment in my reply box so i know what other content or head cannons u guys want! -> 🥀
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catzula · 4 years
Omg I’ve read some of ur fics and ur SUCH AN AMAZING WRITER! Can I pls request a Bakugou x fem!reader where he comes home angry and when u try to comfort him he just says something that hurts u. End it with fluff plzz THANK YOU
Genre: angst with a good ending
Warnings: language, bakugou being somewhat a shitty boyfriend, the reader is very forgetful if you haven’t noticed and it's me since I can’t remember anyone’s birthday or any important date to save my life
Synopsis: it’s Bakugou’s birthday, so why isn’t he still home?
So, maybe you weren’t good at remembering birthdays.
And it was true you forgot your boyfriends’ birthday once- it took a long time for you to get him to talk to you again. As if he wasn't grumpy enough already.
And even though he insisted he hated birthday parties and celebrations, you knew how much he liked to see his friends coming together to celebrate.
Well, you always thought he liked it when you were there, too.
Or maybe not.
Remembering the last time, how much he scolded and silent treated you, you wanted to make up for forgetting his birthday, and your anniversary and- yeah, you did forget quite a lot, you wanted to make up for it all.
Since you usually celebrated his birthday not precisely on his birthday but always the day after, you thought it was actually going to be a surprise for him this time. You had also planned a party for the next day to celebrate with his friends, but you wanted to celebrate this one with him and only him.
You gave it your everything to celebrate his birthday in the best way possible, you knew he didn’t like going out to eat, so you decided to make it in your apartment.
You baked a cake, cookies, and those gluten-free shit that he liked, a meal you never thought you would be able to handle, roses and candles… and it was evident how much time and thought you gave to it, making you smile proudly at yourself.
So as you waited for him to come back from work- you took the day off to get everything ready, you were all jittery with excitement.
What would his reaction be? That was all you could think of as you waited for the familiar sound of key jingles.
And waited.
And… waited.
You had been leaving texts and calls to his phone almost every hour, but you knew he never was the type to check his texts anyway, he probably would be home before he even saw your texts.
The night felt longer and longer as you looked at the clock, moving.
A familiar lump was forming in your throat, a feeling of stinging in your eyes making you furious with how easily you felt down. He was probably just… late because of work.
At least 5 hours late, though.
You tried to swallow the lump in your throat that was hurting at this point, to look up so the make-up that you spent hours on wouldn’t smudge, to plaster a smile on your face so that you could smile brightly when he entered the room.
It was his birthday, after all, and you wanted to make him happy.
You bit your quivering lip as you finally stood up, taking the untouched food from the table that was now ice-cold, and even though it looked mouth-watering, you didn’t feel like taking a bite.
It just… it just hurt to see the food you spent so much time on, the one you tried a few times beforehand so it would be perfect go to waste, without him even getting to taste it.
It would have been bearable if you just knew he would come really late, or that he wouldn’t come at all, but the feeling of suspense, to jump in your place and get ready to surprise him whenever you heard footsteps, that was the most tiring of it all.
You didn’t lose your composure, though. Not until you had decided to blow out your favorite 'special ocasion' candles so that they wouldn't go to waste.
No, you didn't let yourself cry until you had noticed they had melted, the now frozen wax puddling beneath the candle holders and staining the table.
You sniffed, trying to hold back the tears that stung your eyes.
You weren't crying at the candles, of course, but more at the fact that you had been waiting for him for that long, but Bakugou still wasn't home.
Your boyfriend wasn’t home on his birthday.
You bit your lip, trying to turn a deaf ear to your dark thoughts that kept repeating you the same thing, that Bakuogou wasn't here, was it because he didn't love you anymore? Because he was bored of you, that he hated you and that-
As you furiously wiped the tears that felt like they were burning your skin, angry at yourself for pitying yourself like this, new ones filled their place instead, and it soon was near impossible to stop crying.
He wasn’t home as you were crying either, though.
He came home long, long after that, after you had finally stopped crying, the sobs that were shaking you now just soft sniffs and sighs.
You heard the keys jiggling for a minute, unable to open the door on the first try, he opened the door a bit too roughly.
He probably wasn't drunk, Bakugou was never the type to like losing himself, his control, and his logic, but it was evident he wasn't exactly sober, either.
You didn’t have it in you to jump from your seat as you did a million more times that day, neither did you have the energy to go running into his arms, drown him in kisses-
You just lay there on the couch, your make up smudged as you stared at the ceiling, probably causing you to look like the dead corpse bride.
“At least come greet me, will ya?” He mumbled, the words causing your blood to boil in your veins. You didn’t answer back.
“Oi, Y/N!” You heard him call out, his eyes roaming around the room, trying to understand why there were so many roses and balloons around the shitty room until his gaze found you.
You who laid on the couch, looking at the ceiling, your mascara, and eyeliner or whatever the fuck it was called running down your face in tear stains. But it was the look on your eyes that caused a lump to form in his stomach.
“What are you-”
“H-hey, Katsu.” You said weakly, almost a whisper. You bit your lip, trying to gather the courage to say the words to him. “Happy birthday.”
Your voice cracked with emotions, Bakugou felt a wave of goosebumps tingling on his skin, well aware something was very wrong.
It took him a while to understand what was going on, and his only reaction was, “Well, shit.”
You stood quiet.
“We were out with shitty hair and- I didn’t notice it was this late.” He told you as he checked the hour on his phone, noticing the missed calls and texts, grimacing internally.
You were still quiet, though.
“I didn’t think you were gonna do something for me, damn it!” He snapped, expecting a reaction, any reaction, but he got none. You just stared at him, and it felt him feel so guilty.
“H-how could I have known? I thought you had forgot!” He continued, and that got a reaction from you, a grimace that looked like he just slapped you, and a single tear trickling down your cheek. He noticed your widening eyes, realizing how the words came out, trying to correct himself as he walked towards you.
“I’m not blaming you, for fucks sake, I’m just saying that- that you aren’t very good with dates and you usually forget these shitty things.” Now that he tried to explain it, it sounded even worse, so he decided to shut up, instead.
A few minutes of silence passed, your eyes never once meeting his crimson ones, and he noticed you rising to your legs. “I hope you had fun.” You shrugged with a faint smile. The way your lips trembled despite the smile just made him want to pull you in a hug, apologize until he couldn’t even talk.
But he didn’t, of course.
He watched you walk into the bedroom, not missing how you secretly tried to wipe your tears away.
Bakugou stood up, going to the kitchen to drink some water to get rid of this ridiculous lump in his throat and this tightness in his chest, his eyes falling on the two plates that stood on the counter, the untouched food that stood in them, apparent that there was too much time that was spent on it.
You hadn’t touched your food, either, he noticed. You had to be hungry. Bakugou bit his lip that started to quiver for some stupid reason, took the metal fork that felt cold between his fingers, taking a bite out of the food that would have been the best thing he ate if it was warm. Only if he had come sooner, maybe he could’ve enjoyed it with you, laughing at some stupid shit you said.
He thought you forgot.
Bakugou was afraid you were thinking that he was punishing you for the last time. He was so afraid you would think that since it was exactly the type of thing that he would do.
Not to you, though.
Never to you.
He thought you forgot.
He thought you… forgot.
“Y/N?”Bakugou muttered when he went back to the bedroom, noticing your figure that stilled instantly in the bad in a pitiful attempt of acting asleep.
“I know you’re awake, dumbass.” He mumbled, sitting on the bed, his hand reaching to your face and pushing back the hair that was touching your frame. Your face was wet with tears, skin warm with emotions.
“I’m sorry.” He finally whispered, aware of how you flinched at his words, under his touch.
“I’m really sorry.” He repeated, voice hoarse and sincere, that it caused you to open your eyes and look at him for the first time that night.
Did he have to look that handsome as he broke your heart?
“Katsuki?” You whispered, his thumb caressing your cheek with a softness he only showed to you. “Did you rather be with them than me?” You finally asked, the question that was eating you alive the moment you noticed that he wasn't coming home.
“No.” He answered plainly, but that was all you needed to have a soft smile settle on your lips. 
It took you a while to break your silence. “I didn’t burn the kitchen today.” You told him nonchalantly, as if nothing had happened, but Bakugou knew you too well, aware of how hurt you still were, and how you were trying to avoid it instead of confronting.
“I noticed.” He answered with a slight tilt of his lips.
“Are you hungry? I think there are some cookies in the counter-” 
“Y/N," He stopped you. "I’m sorry.” Bakugou repeated, his words causing your eyes to water. He settled down next to you as you tried to hide the tears sliding down your cheek, pulling your face to his chest so you could hide your face from him. His arms wrapped around you, he settled his chin on top of your head, cooing soft words at you.
You were content with his caramel scented hands caressing your hair, and you face as if trying to etch it into his brain, with the soft gaze in those crimson eyes that looked at you with love and guilt, but it was oddly relieving to have him apologize.
“I’m sorry, love. I’m so sorry.” He whispered, and you sobbed and sobbed.
It was odd that whatever happened, it was always between his arms you found peace, felt safe.
“I love you.” He whispered into your hair after a while, after you had stopped crying, on the verge of sleep. “The food was good.” He smiled, his voice being the last thing you heard before you fell asleep, and he finally felt the tightness in his chest dissolve when he saw the shadows of your sadness on your face disappear, causing him to pull you even more towards him.
Whatever happened, even when you broke each other's hearts, having you between his arms was all you needed to mend a broken heart.
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tteokdoroki · 4 years
hello! if you’re still doing these could i please request 7 with Bakugou?
if you’re not taking them pls delete !! 💕
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katsuki bakugou x gn!reader.
tteokdoroki teaparty event masterpost!!
♡ prompt #7  —  reader has a secret admirer, character of choice doesn’t know how to confess.
♡ genre: everyone, fluff + slight angst.
♡ word count: 1.8K
♡ warnings: cursiing!
♡ author’s notes: thank you for requestiing my lovely !!
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yet again, warmth spreads underneath your skin and across your chest at the sight of the chocolates displayed cutely across your desk. for the last week or so, you’d received a flurry of gifts from an unknown admirer— each attached to a sweet note, written with such deep feelings that every time you read one your heart thumped loudly in your chest.  
“let me guess, another one?” mina swoons from your right, joining you in the empty classroom for the day ahead. pink hair tickles at the junction between your head and your shoulder as she reaches for the box of sweets in your grip— you don’t bother putting up a fight, knowing she’d take it from you anyway. “that’s like the third time this week, yn.”
bowing your head shyly, you run your fingers over the small note that lays unfolded on your desk. ‘for you, i’d do anything.’ it reads and you wonder for the umpteenth time; you out of all of classmates is capable of writing such a thing. “i know, i really wish i knew who’s sending them— no ones ever quite done something like this for me before.” you voice is quiet and hopeful, a contrast to the bustling energetic babbles that come from your third year classmates as they filter in for the day ahead. you scan them all to look for a possible source, knowing that your heart could belong to anyone of them.
“it’s gotta be deku!” kaminari cuts through your train of thought like a knife through butter— throwing his arm around your shoulders as he plucks the box of chocolates from mina’s grip, much to her annoyance. “he’s like the sweetest dude in the class, there’s no way it could be anyone else. we’re not capable of cute shit like that.” you roll your eyes and allow your friend to tear open the box for a morning treat but let your gaze slip over to where izuku chats animatedly with ochako. not him.
jirou is next to speak, ripping the box from the blonde to take it to her desk beside yours. kaminari whines as the girl divides up the sweet snacks for, taking one for both herself and mina. chaos is ensuing and yet again, your friends are the centre of it. “nah, my bet’s on sato...how else would yn be getting so many sweet treats every day?”
the group falls silent, mulling over the choice as you finally take a seat and swipe one of the chocolates for yourself. popping it into your mouth, you huff in frustration.
“doesn’t make sense, everything gifted to me so far has been insanely exclusive or expensive...some are even my favourites from abroad and— i don’t speak to sato enough for him to know them...“ you admit, pawing your cheeks with embarrassment.
“maybe it’s kirishima then! you guys are always together and he kinda seems like the romantic type..?” your pink haired friend suggests and the more you think about it, the more it makes sense. it was true, you were both always together— even if it was in the presence of others like bakugou and kaminari— and had more than enough in common, from music tastes to gaming. you could see the hardening hero as someone you’d go for as well, eijirou was an obvious choice. “what do you think, bakugou?”
you peek up from the note ( neatly folded ) and box of chocolates ( now returned ) that sit on your desk, catching the arrival of your final three friends. bakugou, sero and kirishima himself. you feel body flush with warmth as you catch the latter’s ruby eyed gaze and give him a small wave accompanied by a smile; that kirishima quickly returns.  
the blonde however, tsks at mina’s question before making his way to his seat. you considered yourself and katsuki to be good friends; it was usually quiet whenever you too were around one another which was a nice change of pace from his usual rowdy personality— but the majority of your time with each other was spent with him teasing you for your quirk.
“‘m callin’ bullshit. whoever this is should hurry up and face how they feel. the candy shit is stupid.” bakugou growls out, throwing his backpack onto the desk; ready to begin class. in all three years of knowing him, he’d never showed any signs of romantic interest towards anyone in your class, especially you. meaning that your admirer, definitely bakugou.
you turn away from him and your group of friends to face the board, ignoring how they scold him for his harsh words. “right, stupid...” you sigh quietly, just as aizawa enters the room.
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ever since your brief conversation with the explosive boy himself, bakugou had been increasingly rude to you throughout the day and it was starting to get on your last nerves. at first, it had been subtle— bumping you in the corridors between classes, pretending he didn’t have an extra pen for you when you knew that he carried spares for your friends who often forgot and then he’d straight up ignored your invitation to study during lunch like you usually did.
you figured that the blonde was having a bad day, bakugou was never usually this harsh to you and you could talk it out with him later. this behaviour was something you hadn’t seen from your friend since first year, and you almost believed that something else had been bothering him— until he almost blew you high into the sky during hero training that afternoon. of course you called him out on it, yelling at him in front of the entire class as your frustrations finally bubbled over but bakugou remained straight faced— leading to your current predicament.
aizawa thought it was best for the two of you to work things out over cleaning duties after school— something you thought you’d been well past seeing as you were third years now. mature, grown up third years who knew how to talk about their problems. apparently, katsuki bakugou was not one of them. even while you rearranged chairs and swept under desks, he still managed to crawl under your skin with petty remarks and hums of disapproval.
it’s only when you realised that katsuki had been actively trying to avoid your gaze or rather, your entire presence— that you snapped, dropping the broom you held in your hands and letting it clatter to the floor beside him, ultimately grabbing his attention.
“are you fucking insane—?”
“what the hell is your problem, bakugou?” you slice right through his words, a quiet rage flooding your bloodstream as you glare down at him. the boy himself looks dumbfounded, having never heard you talk to him in such away, before and stops shelving the books he had been holding. “did i do something to you?”
“like I’d let you do anythin’ to piss me off.”
god, he infuriates you. you step closer to the blonde, who stands at least half a head taller than you and shove at his chest as best you can— needing an outlet for your frustrations. “then why have you been acting like an asshole all day? first you blow me off and then you quite literally blow me up, and now? you’re avoiding me?” your fists curl in his untucked shirt, tugging at it as all of your emotions spill out into the space between you. “i don’t know what i did, but it doesn’t mean you get to treat your friend like shit, katsuki. you’ve been so mean to me today!”
bakugou looks away, avoiding your eyes that cloud with a sadness he can’t bare to face. you tell yourself not to cry, hating the way your bottom lip wobbles at his change in attitude. “’m mean to everyone, there’s nothin’ special about you.” he excuses himself, trying to step away from you.
“but not to me, you know that,” your voice shakes, everything you’d held back finally slipping through opened cracks. why was he treating you this way? what had you done to deserve this? you glance up, trying to find his vermillion eyes and the answers that may lie behind them. “you’ve been acting so...so off, since this morning, when mina asked about my admirer. you called it stupid. is it so hard to believe that someone, that kirishima might even like me?” the grip you had on bakugou’s shirt loosens but you remain leaning against him, neither of you daring to breathe. “why should i even care what you think? you’ve never been one for romance...u-unless you count the manga that you read but i don’t know how that would...”
and then your babbling stops, realisation washing over you in heavy waves. bakugou appears visibly tense before you, fist clenching and unclenching by his aides as you process your own train of thought. he hadn’t been mean to you for the sake of it, he had been because he didn’t know how else to express his feelings of jealously. it wasn’t kirishima that had been sending you notes, no— it had been bakugou all along. “how that would relate to me...” you think out loud, feeling him flinch beneath your grip. “k-katsuki...do you have a crush on me?”
“...don’t...” the blonde warns, heat rushing to his cheeks at your very accusation. a smile comes rushing to your cheeks, the familiar warmth finding its way back into your chest. “don’t look at me like that, fucker. i-i’m not good at this emotion shit, you know that and this was easier than talking— yn, stop fucking lookin’ at me like that.”
the almost whine that slips from between katsuki’s lips makes your tummy fill with affectionate butterflies, causing you to finally let go of his poor shirt and throw your arms around him in a tight hug. bakugou hesitates for a moment, trying to decode the situation and decide for himself if this was real— but you decide to do the talking and tell him foot yourself. “can’t help it, not when i feel the same way about you, katsuki.” you knew that no matter who was behind your little gifts and love notes, your heart would belong to your admirer and your admirer alone. with a rush of adrenaline after feeling katsuki return your embrace, you lean up to press a soft lingering kiss to his chapped lips.
he tastes like honey and smoke, feels warm like a soft summer breeze but as your lips love together and speak a thousand unspoken confessions, the pair of you realise that you never want the moment to end. “i meant what i said in that last note,” bakugou hums softly, pressing his forehead to yours and holding you close as if you’re going to disappear or suddenly realise your feelings for him aren’t true. “i’d do anything for you...”
“anything?” for the second time that day, you swoon at the blonde’s words and peck his nose gently.
he nods once, lost in thought before speaking again. “except for buy you those fucking chocolates again. they’re fucking expensive, cost a shitload.”
you snort at that, leaning up to lock lips him again— who needed chocolate when you could kiss katsuki bakugou instead.
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