#u guys might not get the vision with eulalie but let me cook..
childeproof · 6 months
me realizing the only way for u guys to know of my selfships is to talk abt them.. SIGH. anyways here are is the mortal kombat Selfship + self insert line up rn
jules janssen — she / her + some sick neos i’m pondering,, edenian
survived an assassination attempt, became part cyborg as a result, guards the royal line, belongs in a female rage compilation but also kins freminet genpact.. main character
shipped w: johnny cage, janet cage, + scarlet. AND erron black on occasion but it’s not permanent ( rip )
i think she’s the most known of my s/is but that’s bc I have an actual obsession with johnny cage and need mental help.. but also she’s rlly badass n fun
izana — she/they/it,, human turned goddess / spirit, she’s the embodiment of peace ( specifically peace after war or fighting )
“blessed” by the elder gods at a young age, she embodies peace in all of its forms. she spends her free time just adventuring, as she has nothing better to do. her job or role is to grant peace to people or places willing enough to fight for it. the whole “willing enough” thing is vague and she’s rather fickle so mercy ultimately depends on her mood
^^ she’s not morally bad or good, I think she’d be in a grey area. she can’t teleport, she can only be in one place at a time, but she can shapeshift
shipped w: havik and only havik.. I was gonna have her be shipped with a few other characters but she’s literally the divine peace to his human chaos what else needs to be said.. they need each other
eulalie — she/it
she used to be a gentle healer but she turned into an evil sorceress at the loss of her children ( two young girls and a boy ). she steals souls to gain power and control. sometimes uses young women as hosts ( like takes control of their bodies n whatnot )
more of an oc than a s/i but idc. she’s just a hurt mother okay..
btw all this happened like. thousands of years ago so now she just lurks the earth as a mythological figure. like it’s technically real her mythology but ppl view her as a story in modern times
very kind and protective of young kids, mothers, the elderly, and gingers of all kinds
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