#u don’t understand i am in agony and it’s not the period cramps
gojoest · 4 months
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………i have to fuck him in that state
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ecotone99 · 5 years
"An interloper, you say?," questioned my therapist, Dr. K, whose sudden change in tone gave away that he understood little of what I had just proclaimed. I had been visiting Dr. K for a while now, but he always seemed to find my declarations so peculiar, if not nonsensical. "Yes, Doc. An interloper in every place, an intruder in every situation. I just can't seem to find my spot in life. Even when I'm showered with praise I still see myself as being out of place..." The quadragenarian started rummaging through the papers he had placed on his desk at the beginning of the session. He didn't seem very preoccupied. I heard him murmuring. "Hmm, could be… imposter syndrome… but… that can't be all…" He looked back at me. "When did you start feeling what you just described?" I flashed back several years. I saw myself back in 2011. Sunny Monday, entering my classroom. All the other children were getting seated. The instructor had just begun taking attendance. I heard the names of everyone in the room, almost each one my friend. "Ryan Makhoul!" exclaimed our French teacher. "Present!" I shouted back, as I took my seat. "Good news today, students! Most of you did well on the writing test you sat for last week!" Her smile grew even larger before she spoke again. "And please, everyone, let's all applaud Ryan for his excellent work! The text he wrote is an absolute pleasure to read!" Everyone complied. The classroom was filled with the claps of my young colleagues. It wasn't the first time this happened. Everyone was used to praising the top students. I wasn't the only one to get praised but I did have that honor many times. I collected my paper. 19.5/20. I was baffled. This is where I felt the strangest I had ever felt. I always think fast, but the thoughts in my head were too overwhelming to consciously process. "That's not me." "That can't be me". "I must have cheated." I was so deep in thought I almost didn't hear the tutor asking me if she could keep the paper to show other students. As I accepted, and went back to my seat, came the congratulations from my classmates and friends, which as always filled me with joy. "That was in 2011, true? Yes, I saw your grades and teacher's remarks from that year. Unanimously recognized as a brilliant student and model for his co-learners." The psychologist's voice brought me back to reality. "But Ryan, a simple, treatable obsession like this can't be what pushed you to seek help in the fall of 2013, am I correct? What else did you experience during or before that period?" I was about to complain that he always asked me the same question, before coming back to reason. While it was true I always told him that most of my problems started after 2012, we had never really analyzed what could have caused this sudden change of behavior on my part. So I tried to make sense of it all. I was 19 today, much more able to understand what was done wrong by me or external parties. But the many years since those times fogged my memories. "I had a happy childhood Doc. Even before I started school. My family used to live in the North, Akkar, where my father was born, but then we moved to Naccache and I got accepted in my former school in Achrafieh. I never saw war, famine, death. My friends were amazing people. So I cannot conclude but one thing: all that happened is my fault, even if I never wanted it." "What did you do wrong, Ryan? I've seen you for less than a year, we never went this far back. Every time you come see me you blame someone old or new for insulting or cutting you out of their life. You say everyone hates you but that only happened recently!" "Low confidence and zero self esteem will do that to you Doc, and my levels of both have been really low for quite some time. Probably 8 years now, I haven't felt worthy of being loved by anyone. Not even my own family…" "Let me tell you what I felt the school year of 2013. I mostly still had many loyal friends and people who cared about me, but by the end of the year I found myself alone. I fell into a deep depression which lasts to this day. It didn't let me think clearly. All I could think of was that I was being abandoned by everyone. But it turned out to be the other way around. I developed severe social anxiety and just couldn't even dare to talk to anyone. Quickly my reputation changed from "Popular fun guy" to "Silent nerdy guy who never makes eye contact". I slowly started being avoided. People probably thought I was annoyed by social interaction and left me space, but the truth was I never liked anything more than having friends." "And that's when you sought help," stated Dr. K. matter-of-factly. "Yes, but I never truly had much hope of getting better. I visited so many psychologists before coming here. None of them helped. Most rejected me. One insulted me in front of her whole waiting room; calling me stupid, and probably autistic." "I hated my time with most of those charlatans. They addressed everything but the real problem. One told me to stop playing video games, as if that even mattered." "Even you, Dr. K, give me no hope. I am simply here today because I have nothing more productive to do." K. seemed to ignore me. He wrote something on his paper. Then he exclaimed: "That's all for today. I'll see you tomorrow in the morning. Sleep well!" He left the room. I was alone again in this tiny hospital room. White bland walls, a white bed, and a brown chair. I started remembering the year I had spent eight continuous months in this very same cramped room. Back then my social anxiety was at an extreme. I simply refused visitors. One friend from school came ro surprise me, and as he finished his visit I asked for a "No Visitors" sign to be posted on my door. Eight months. I missed so much of school. I don't know where my classmates thought I had disappeared to, and everytime I tried to think about it, the same thoughts went through my head: "Good riddance…" "I hope he doesn't come back…" So I tried to forget everyone and everything. I wasn't hospitalized on the grounds of insanity or something else. I was taking antidepressants before and they seemed to have no effect on me, which prompted a hospital stay that permitted doctors to monitor me around the clock. Unfortunately nothing worked. I spent 8 months in a tiny bed doing nothing. What should have been good for me ended up worsening both my mental health and social life. Some time before the stay was supposed to end, I was forced (forced!) to undergo about 30 sessions of ECT. For the uninitiated, ECT is basically electric shocks to the brain. You see it prominently in movies about mental asylums. As I was put to sleep beforehand, these sessions were painless. But I would have preferred to feel pain rather than ECT's major side effect: memory loss. I forgot so many people, animals and objects dear to my heart. I was reassured it would all come back, but to this day nothing did. I forgot the year I spent with the class one year younger than mine. I would feel so ashamed of myself when one of them would say "Hi" to me but I couldn't remember their name. Some had come to my birthday, and I had forgotten even that. Only the pictures seemed to help. I don't remember why I was discharged after those 8 months. The most probable thing to have happened is that the doctors noticed I was getting better, but I was probably acting. I absolutely could not stay a day longer. However, if I had truly gotten better, why did I get readmitted only a short while later? By force, too. I still remember. It traumatized me. Getting grabbed by multiple older and bulkier men. "We're doing this to save you", they said. I felt cornered like an animal in a slaughterhouse. My self-defence instinct kicked in, and my rage was insufferable. An unwinnable, one-sided brawl started. Many, including me, bleeded, but my adrenaline dulled the agony. The fight only halted when I heard a crack. The pain I felt when the security guards broke one of my ribs was insurmountable. I kneeled, then fell over. That was their opportunity to inject me with a tranquilizer which left me defenseless. I could only watch as I was transported to my room, and accepted the fact I would still be prisoner for a long while, not only in this infernal place, but also staring at my own miserable perception of life.
submitted by /u/RyanMakhoul [link] [comments] via Blogger https://ift.tt/30kYKwi
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cilverstephen-blog · 5 years
Though corticosteroids are potent anti-imflammatories, https://www.indiandth.in/User-detoclineharga they also have the potential to do great harm. They have been shown to cause brittle bones, cataracts and elevated blood sugar, particularly if they are taken in high doses or for long periods of time. If you start to notice symptoms of diabetes (e.g. increased thirst,http://www.galaxyforums.net/forum/members/25932.html frequent urination and/or blurred vision), or neurological problems (e.g. hallucinations or rapid and wide mood swings), call your doctor as soon as possible. These are some of the most common drugs used to https://dokter-bola.club/forum/member/63725-detoclineharga/about https://mc-drugs.com/members/jake-blande.17105/ ombat the pain of arthritis, but there are many others used for all forms of arthritis and its related conditions. Any drug, for any condition, carries the risk of side effects. Before beginning any medication, read the drug's package insert. Ask your doctor medication, even one you've taken for a while, and you notice http://www.droidforums.net/members/jakeblande.417583/ a problem, call your doctor. If you had these horrible headaches before, you know that everyone is https://www.couchsurfing.com/people/jake-blande offering some type of relief. There is no shortage of medications, needles, massages, and ice packs. Each one guaranteed to take away your pain. Not everyone succeed https://www.question2answer.org/qa/user/detoclineharga with this and for many sufferers they hardly ever work. For most people, when they think of yoga, they think of exercise. The https://answers.opencv.org/users/427622/jakeblande/ yoga migraine connection is really so much more than that. Sure, yoga has great physical benefits for the body, but it also heals the body in amazing ways. http://www.creetor.com/profile/detoclineharga Many people suffering from migraines have found great relieve using the Yoga Neck Rolling therapy. It is very important to know exactly how to do this special workout. For many years back it was a well know fact that you could cure https://www.digi.com/support/forum/user/detoclineharga your migraines with yoga therapy, the yoga migraine connection. But you cannot just start doing yoga workouts and expect everything to be okay. Like everything else in life, there is a certain formula, a certain way to go about things. If you don't know the right movements https://godotengine.org/qa/user/detoclineharga to target the cause of your migraines, then you will not find relief. Even worse, you could make your pain worse. The fact is that just a few short minutes of the right yoga stretches every https://www.steinberg.net/forums/memberlist.php?mode=viewprofile&u=178254 day will work wonders for your pain. Imagine waking up tomorrow knowing that you never have to worry about another https://insideflyer.co.uk/forums/members/jakeblande.2903/ migraine again? How great would it feel to know that you never again have to lay in agony while the world goes on without you? Arthritis is a degenerative joint disease that causes a breakdown https://www.gamedesire.com/player/detoclineharga of cartilage in the joints. It causes chronic joint pain, swelling, and reduced motion, and usually affects the hands, knees, hips, neck or back. Two recent landmark research studies have been done that tested natural sulfur-containing remedies for osteoarthritis joint relief, https://www.warriorforum.com/main-internet-marketing-discussion-forum/1399600-detocline-harga.html which is the most common form of arthritis. Sulfur-containing compounds such as glucosamine sulfate and https://www.quibblo.com/user/detoclineharga MSM hold great promise for people with joint-cartilage problems. They have been shown in studies to remedy arthritis and provide relief. Sulfur is particularly https://forum.gekko.wizb.it/user-4947.html concentrated in the joints, nails, skin, hair and connective tissues and deficiencies in sulfur may lead to arthritis symptoms. Cartilage is the tough, elastic connective tissue that coats https://ecastats.uneca.org/acsweb/cr/UserProfile/tabid/866/UserId/791360/language/en-GB/Default.aspx the ends of the bones inside the joints. When cartilage deteriorates, the bones can begin to grind together, causing https://ehealthforum.com/health/user_profile_extended_801228.html pain and limitations in movement and flexibility. Up until now,anti-inflammatory drugs have been the most common treatment for arthritis symptoms, but they can have major side effects. In one study of MSM, University of California School of Medicine https://www.thepetitionsite.com/573/023/149/detocline-harga/ professor Ronald Lawrence, M.D., Ph.D., followed 16 patients with degenerative arthritis - a form of joint disease. The patients who took MSM daily for six http://userclassified.vending.live/services/detocline-harga-1.html weeks reported arthritis pain relief with an 80 percent reduction in pain. Dr. Lawrence has also conducted studies showing that MSM increases hair growth and brilliance, as well as nail thickness and length. Researcher Jean Yves Reginster of Belgium and his colleagues discovered http://my.spruz.com/member/ that glucosamine sulphate not only improves the uncomfortable symptoms of arthritis, but can protect and benefit the actual structure of the joints as well. Both MSM and http://vw-club.ru/members/jake-blande.39972/ glucosamine are natural substances found in cartilage that may reduce with age. If you're anything like me you've continuously http://adipositas.selbsthilfegruppe-in.de/directory/selbsthilfe-verein/detocline-harga-1.html suffered from severe menstrual cramps and have been searching everywhere for a solution. But all you come across are tips and remedies to quell the http://www.archisinstitute.com/classifieds/business-ads/detocline-harga-1.html pain once the vicious cycle starts. Then you go about your business as usual for a few weeks then start dreading it all over again. Well, I got sick and tired of the same old routine with no results. Then it http://www.semconsultants-asia.com/osclass/index.php?page=item&id=6905 finally hit me like a ton of bricks. Why am I waiting for this to roll around again? How can I prevent it instead of waiting for it? First I wanted to know https://myapnea.org/members/detoclineharga/posts what originally causes the pain. As a woman we all just accept it as a fact of life. But did we ever really understand why? So I found out why.
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