#u can tell whether its coming from a right-wing racist point of view or a left-wing racist point of view
menalez · 3 months
I honestly don’t get the niqab addition to the tif post cause yeah I guess both ideologies seek to separate women’s personhood from their bodies but one ideology is ‘I am more ~complex~ than womanhood therefore I don’t personally identify with it’ and the other is men deciding the female body is too inherently sexual to be seen in any way and so all women should cover themselves from head to toe…they’re really not that similar imo
i don’t think so either, but this person has a history of saying racist things about brown people and racists have a tendency to relate everything back to their racism so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ ofc a post with nothing related to the niqab or hijab was then made to be about it, bc these ppl can’t help but always take it back to what they deem as the largest threat to their societies
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