#u can rb only if youre not gonna be a fucking clown about it
knifey-shivdarks · 7 months
the whole "Transmascs have it easier" discourse is so reductive. transfemmes and transmascs both face specific hurdles that the other side will never understand and to try to quantify whose experience is "worse" is illogical, unproductive and does nothing but make us fight amongst ourselves when we should be looking at the people who actually have and use that power to oppress us
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itstheelvenjedi · 3 years
TW: ableism, bullying, violence, very ranty, some ableist slurs (they’re not written out but they’re mentioned in-context/as I talk about what I’ve experienced over the years, fuck off, don’t be a clown)
I’ve been thinking about this a lot this weekend specifically, had a convo with dad in the car that ended up being sorta a little bit triggering ig that set it off.
No one ever talks about how alienating it is to grow up disabled. I’ve always been disabled, from the moment I was old enough to have memories of anything, my legs have been messed up. And it’s never gotten better, it’s only gotten worse. And even tho I wasn’t officially diagnosed till I was 21, I’ve always been neurodivergent growing up. But I didn’t have that diagnosis, so I grew up thinking that there was something horribly wrong with me. That it was my fault that I was hyper-interested in things that were “unimportant” to other prepubescent children my age and absolutely not interested in the other things (that was also the closet queer showing but that’s not as relevant to this particular talk post so I’m not gonna dwell on it) And no one likes to talk about what it’s like to deal with that. Because the truth is it’s a lot of SHIT.
How everyone’s default, whether abled people or even other disabled people is always “someone has it worse, stop making excuses so you don’t have to do stuff”
As if we enjoy not being able to do these things and it’s not, you know....incredibly dehumanising, upsetting and FRUSTRATING to not be able to do the simplest fucking thing for yourself without help. Cause unless you have money coming out your ass and can pay for any and all adaptations you need then you’re in trouble (I’ve been having these issues with the local ppl for years and I’m sick to death of it)
I KNOW the situation for SSI/SSDI or whatever it’s called in the states is worse and at least we have the NHS here, but that should not invalidate bad experiences that disabled people here have to go through too.
Like the people doing the “disability assessments” being a bunch of able-bodied pencil pushers who will sit there and tell you that “you’re not trying hard enough” to do something that they take for granted which is literally impossible for you and that’s the fucking point of it. Or that they do not seem to understand what the phrase “from birth” fucking means. It means I was born like this and I will DIE like this, jackass. So it’s not going to “need different care in 3 years time so you’ll have to do another assessment”
You know what’s more harmful for us? Having to re-apply with the same motherfucking information every 3 years, when nothing has changed. It’s stressful as fuck, and it’s humiliating as fuck too! I’m sick and tired of being told it’s “necessary” for me to have to basically take an exam every 3 years to “prove I struggle enough with my disability” just so I can get aid to pay for the help that I need to survive.
Trust me, I’d rather be fucking working a “proper” job too, but nobody wants to make allowances for my shortcomings and I’m done with making my pain and injuries worse than they already are just to please fucking ableds. I’m done with being a “volunteer” who’s expected to do part-time hours for no pay while I get verbally abused for “not doing a good enough job” because what I did was the best I’m physically able to fucking give you, Susan, I’m fucking crippled.
And for the most part I think I’m over the early trauma from my school years, but nobody ever talked about, or prepared me for, the physical and verbal abuse I’d endure from my classmates for shit I literally couldn’t control.
I still feel weird calling anybody a “friend” tbh, and it takes me a long time trusting people, because my “friends” during my formative years were just nice to my face so they could then get “more material” to take to the rest of the school so they could mock me and call me slurs (like the r word, the s word, and “weirdo” and “fucking freak”, and “the one who runs like an s-word horse”)
Or how I had to literally be taken out of PE/Gym lessons for my own fucking protection because the team that “lost” because they got “stuck with the fucking s word/r word freak” (me) lost, and I’d get the shit beaten out of me for....not being able bodied ig?? I’m sorry it’s so problematic for you, ableds. I hate it too.
I hate that I spent so much of my childhood with internalised ableism where I’d either feel like I shouldn’t exist at all, or I’d wish “my disability was worse and I’d be in a wheelchair, because then at least people would take me seriously and not hurt me as much”.
And I hate how nobody, but ESPECIALLY abled people, wants to acknowledge this shit. How the first response to disabled and disabled + ND people talking about the impact their symptoms have on their life is
“well someone else has it worse” or “well it’s not ACTUALLY that bad”
tw: capslock and cussing
end of capslock
And the fact that my own dad is doing that shit, and gets arsey about it when I call him out on it, was very upsetting.
“It’s not your disability actually it’s the neurodivergence and if you just learnt to mask better you’d cope more”
as if my ND status has anything to do with my physical disability which causes me constant pain, even ON pain meds.
The pain meds don’t take the pain away,  motherfucker, they just tamp it down to a level where it’s (most of the time) “managable” and I can still attempt to do things in spite of the pain. But it still takes effort, a lot of effort, way more effort than you, an able-bodied person, have to put into doing the same thing.
The best that I can give as a disabled person is never “good enough”, because abled people will always assume that because they can do something easily/without thinking about it, that anyone else can and anyone who says they can’t is just LAZY, or STUPID or BOTH
I could probably honestly go on and on about this a lot more but I’d be talking mostly in circles at this point so I’m gonna stop myself here.
OK to RB, other disabled people feel free to add to this. Ableds CAN (and are encouraged) to reblog too but KEEP YOUR FUCKING PIEHOLES CLOSED. Thank u
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heartshpedfx · 3 years
@dumbbitcho tagged me in an ask game and i love talking about myself let’s get started 🤓
1. Why did you choose your url?
i think i’ve told this story in the tags but when i made my blog i was 12 and completely disgustingly obsessed with nirvana but heartshapedbox was taken and so was heartshpedbx so i changed the b to an f and prayed it wouldn’t matter. it didnt. and somehow i haven’t changed my url since. kinda works bc people assume it’s about the network fx that sunny airs on
2. any sideblogs?
yes one for things i don’t want to rb to my main or want to look at later and don’t have the time to right then but i won’t tell u what it’s called 👿
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since late 2014 I THINK. so. too long
4. do you have a queue tag?
i do not and it’s so sexy of me
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
funny story! i wanted to reblog fun pictures and send memes to my bff who i am still bffs with. but they just used their tumblr as a vent thing and i went absolutely fucking crazy with it. do you guys remember fan mail?
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
just look at my blog 😒
7. why did you choose your header?
because i log on here to feel like a fucking clown is why and i’m not even ashamed i love being annoying and funny and sexy
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
this guy which is. fitting
9. how many mutuals do you have?
do you guys keep track of that?????? you people are insane i have no clue of my two sided parasocial relationships
10. how many followers do you have?
486 but i feel like a lot of them are very inactive now i’d highball active followers at like 100ish
11. how many people do you follow?
that’s a secret ❤️
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
i actually. only make shitposts
13. how often do you use tumblr a day?
it rlly depends i’ll have days where i do nothing but in a row followed by days where i won’t touch the fuckint app and i don’t even know why. i think sometimes i just need breaks
14. did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
surprisingly no? i avoid confrontation at all costs though
15. how do you feel about the you need to reblog posts?
i ignore them ❤️
16. do you like tag games?
YES and i want to be tagged in every single fucking one please take note of that btw and if i ever don’t do one you tag me in i am busy OR i forgot about it bc i have chronic goldfish memory literally
17. do you like ask games?
i like talking about myself and i like when other people talk about me so yeah
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
tumblr fame doesn’t exist. followers aren’t real. nothing matters
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
yes but you have to guess who cause i’m feeling impish evil malicious devious
i’m gonna tag @rcg @dykedennis and @malewifedennis but ANYONE who sees this can do it from me <3
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