#u can alwaysssss rant about dmbj i am Alwayssss down
mejomonster · 4 years
ok but i am LIVING for all of this dmbj content. its making me want to rewatch and cry all over again (and learn to read faster so i can read the books w/o relying on the terrible official eng translations). tlt1 is def romance trope galore, they 100% WENT for it lol. have you gotten to shahai/tomb of the sea yet?
ok i WANT to hear your thoughts on TLT1 PLEASEEEE 
whatever those thoughts are i am Curious
ok me too about the books. I’m reading the english translations right now cause its all I have, so I’ll probs finish them even tho their english translation is mm questionable. Also, merebear translates did the books after in english, and I like their translations! (I have been um... slowly reading dmbj 1 in chinese but. i read so slow i gotta read/finish the english first for more context. i have read chapter 1 of dmbj 1 in chinese so much i have like half of it memorized. hit me up if you want the unofficial audiobooks i’ve found to try n listen along... also on mtlnovel dmbj is on there and you can turn on ‘raw text’ and read the chinese next to a mtl english, which i think makes reading it easier in chinese a bit - tho i think mtlnovel cuts some passages out :/ ) I am DESPERATE to get some time to catchup on the books and have a better idea of book them versus dramas them lol. And i hear the book mystery/supernatural plots get GOOD
(heck if you wanted... i would be a reading partner... if u wanted 2 also try to chug thru the chinese novels. but like i think i Have to read the iffy eng translations first because i Know i cant follow the plot as well without that prior context. also i need some time... i’m working thru 2 other novels rn. my reading level is still T-T bad enough that it takes me 20-40 minutes with a dictionary to get thru a chapter of dmbj in chinese)
i am still desperate to know precisely WHY tf they went with romance trope city for TLT1??? my theory is they were trying to speedrun the xiaoge/wu xie bond (and iron triangle in general), and the fastest way is romance tropes right lol? but also. idk it has no business being as gay as it turns out i am still left wondering why and if the books will eventually give me an Answer as to why pingxie just gets. more n more like this every time mmn.
i have not gotten to tomb of the sea yet. Should I watch it eventually? What am i headed into with minimal spoilers lol? Although my Favorite dmbj theme song/mv is from tomb of the sea
I’ve watched tlt1, to episode 32 of tlt2, to episode 16 of The Lost Tomb Reboot (YES i need to finish i just... i need some free time cause i want to binge it). And then like... mystic nine is on the list after that, and shahai...
u are ALWAYS free to come at me with hot takes or random things about dmbj i am always up for itttttt <3 <3 <3 !!!
(also yes i am gonna again drop the fanfic  寒舍 (supernatural au) 夏灬安兰 because i’ve read like 12 chapters of that which is more than i’ve actually read of any of the real novels oops, even tho this fanfic author writes Difficult and it takes me 40+ minutes to get thru a chapter, god they have captured my attention and stolen my heart >o> )
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