#tysm for 90 followers though seriously
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starboyyoongi · 6 months ago
wait we’re like 10 followers away from hitting 100 followers on here y’all omf
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rapmonphile · 8 years ago
getting to know me
i was tagged by the incredible and sweet @chim-jiminie-cricket to do this question game! tysm chim, ily!!
your last . . .
1. drink: a s’mores frappuccino from starbucks
2. phone call: i literally never talk on the phone but it was probably with my mom (tbh ......i was probably at the grocery store and called her in a panic bc i couldn’t find smth)
3. text message: i sent my sister a screenshot of that post that’s like “i wanna run away but like in a ghibli movie .....” bc we spent all day yesterday watching ghibli films
4. song you listened to: polarize by twenty one pilots
5. time you cried: um this is embarrassing™ but it was a few days ago bc i’d been having a Bad Week and the last straw was when i went to dairy queen and when they turned over my blizzard n handed it to me (why tf do they do that) it made a goddamn mess and got all over my shirt and seatbelt and i was so mad i started crying jhhgsdghhg
have you ever . . .
6. dated someone twice:  no but i did almost date the same guy like 4 times in high school (it was so needlessly complicated.... i sometimes wonder what would have happened if we’d ever gotten it together and started dating)
7. kissed someone and regretted it: u m i have actually never kissed anyone tbh
8. been cheated on: no
9. lost someone special: yes
10. been depressed: uh yeah i think i might be depressed? but it also might just be my anxiety but idk who knows man
11. gotten drunk and thrown up: no, i don’t drink and i’m legit terrified of throwing up
list 3 favorite colors
12-14. mint green, oxblood, and hunter green
in the last year, have you . . .
15. made new friends: yes!! so many, esp on here
16. fallen out of love: nope
17. laughed until you cried: yes :’)
18. found out someone was talking about you: hmm no i don’t think so?
19. met someone who changed you: lmao i literally hate this question.......,, i mean yeah i guess? i mean nothing dramatic but i think everyone you meet changes you a little
20. found out who your friends are: ohhhh yes
21. kissed someone on your facebook list: no, ew
random questions
22. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: most of them, the ones i don’t know are friends of friends or we went to the same high school (i never use fb though so it rly doesn’t matter to me)
23. do you have any pets: yeessss i have a pit bull and she’s the single love of my life
24. do you want to change your name: no i don’t think so, mags is just a nickname but my real name is p unique and even tho i wish people could spell/pronounce it on the first try, at least idk anyone else with my name
25. what did you do for your last birthday: one of my best friends has a bday like 5 days before mine, so we just combined our birthday celebrations and us and a couple more friends went to steak n shake and saw beauty and the beast together
26. what time did you wake up: 9:20 am
27. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching the gong show, lmao
28. name something you can’t wait for: i’m going to a music festival in september and i’m soooOOo excited!! also i can’t wait to go to the beach with my family
29. when was the last time you saw your mom: i am looking at her rn
30. what is one thing you wish you could change in your life: i wish i wasn’t so afraid to do new things and i wish i didn’t have so much anxiety about things that literally everyone has to go through (i.e. change)
31. what are you listening to right now: my mom running around putting things into boxes (we’re moving soon)
32. have you ever talked to a person named tom: u mean 707′s neighborhood friend tom? ... yes i actually have met someone named tom
33. something that is getting on your nerves: it’s too hot in this room and i am dying
34. most visited website: tumblr or youtube
35-37. ok so i’ve answered these same questions like probably 10 times over the years and these 3 q’s have literally always been missing. whats the deal
38. hair color: rn it’s brown with blonde highlights
39. long or short hair: it’s getting longer
40. do you have a crush on someone: no
41. what do you like about yourself: hfgdhs idk ,,, i think i’m a fun person and i won’t judge people for liking “weird” things bc i have a lot of ... eclectic interests and i hate how it feels to be teased for that
42. piercings: i just have one in each ear.... i want a cartilage piercing but i’m scared of pain and also it bugs me that you can’t remove it for like 6 months
43. blood type: that’s a good question, i should know that but i don’t
44. nickname: mags, except ppl in real life don’t actually call me that lmao
45. relationship status: single and tbh i’m comfortable with it, i tried dating recently and tbh it is so fucking exhausting
46. zodiac: i am literally a textbook aries
47. pronouns: she/her
48. favorite tv show: the office, bbc sherlock, gravity falls, or anything on the food network/hgtv
49. tattoos: none, i’m scared of pain and commitment
50. right or left handed: right
51. surgery: never had one, thank god
52. piercing: um,,,.,, repeat question
53. favorite sport: tbh i hate sports but i am completely obsessed with the olympics, particularly swimming, diving, figure skating, and women’s gymnastics (seriously.... idk if any of you followed my main during the olympics last year but it was p much all i blogged about)
55. favorite vacation: disney world (i go every year and i went this january but i’m missing it so bad rn)
56. favorite pair of trainers: i have a pair of light gray and light blue nikes that i looooove but i’ve had them for like 3 years and they’re getting worn out
57. eating: nothing, but i did have an eggo waffle this morning
58. drinking: ice water
59. i’m about to: finish packing up my bedroom :(
61. waiting for: my mom to take a shower so we can go grab lunch (there’s literally no food in our house since we’re abt to move)
62. want: the ac to kick on so i can stop dying (it’s already so hot today)
63. get married: hhdgsd idk, ,,, probably (i always say how much i hate romantic shit but tbh i can’t wait to find someone who makes me rethink all the cynical stuff i’ve ever said about love)
64. career: don’t even ask i’m gonna have an anxiety attack (i’m in college and haven’t declared a major yet can u tell)
which is better
65. hugs or kisses: hugs, kissing grosses me out a bit tbh
66. lips or eyes: both (but if i had to pick i’d say eyes i think)
67. shorter or taller: don’t rly care but i guess i’d pick taller
68. older or younger: older
70. nice arms or nice stomach: both (or either)
71. sensitive or loud: these aren’t mutually exclusive but i’d say sensitive
72. hook up or relationship: relationship
73. troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
have you ever . . .
74. kissed a stranger: no
75. drank hard liquor: no
76. lost glasses/contact lenses: no, my glasses are 100% always on my face
77. turned someone down: yes
78. sex on the first date: mm no
79. broken someone’s heart: yes :/
80. had your heart broken: yes ://
81. been arrested: lmao NO
82. cried when someone died: yes
83. fallen for a friend: yes lmao
do you believe in . . .
84. yourself: i try to !!!!!!
85. miracles: yes
86. love at first sight: no dude... that’s honestly such a dumb notion in my eyes
87. santa claus: um tbh i wish?? like every time i watch rise of the guardians i’m like “that is 1000% what santa would look like” and then i wish he was real
88. kiss on the first date: i wouldn’t want to, just bc i’ve never kissed anyone and i want to get to really know someone first bc i’m so nervous when it comes to things like that
89. angels: no, like i believe that loved ones who’ve passed on can watch over you but i think that’s different from angels
90. best friend’s name:  eva and kendall
91. eye color: hazel
92. favorite movie: i have millions....,,,,, the secret world of arrietty, monsters university, tangled, big hero 6, how to train your dragon, power rangers, ghostbusters (2016), the incredibles, teenage mutant ninja turtles 2, ratatouille, jersey boys, zootopia .... i’m forgetting a million but yeah. i love animated films, esp. disney/pixar
i’m literally not tagging 20 people but if i didn’t tag u and you wanna do this, pls pls go ahead and tag me in it!! also i’m soooo sry if i tag you and you’ve already done it/been tagged. anyway i tag: @bbysucculents, @yxonkook, @yoobin-nie, @missmarymoo, @escapaertist, and literally anyone else who wants to do this!! tag me in your answers <3
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